Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 08, 1893, Image 3

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Fortlant Librarj
r !
iMl'MK ilualrlnif tbe li.ntirt.on of diipUy adi.,
or I'lmiiwo ( Hiima, must nut their eoi.y In
h,.i later ttinu M'milay eveiilnir (or TufMilay'i
prtltion or ThurmUy rvuuliiK lr Frl.Uy tli-
tion TllK I'ATTKRHUH J'llHMtfH.NtiCO.
I The mini of five cent ppr Hue will be
chftnred fur "ourdB of tliauki," "resolution! of
rmitect " lints ot w(k1Uuk preiteiitH and donon,
mid obituary milieu, (olhwr Utaii Ilium; the edit
ur htiall liluntuH Rive a a liialLei' of newnj and
uotict-Buf special iiiOLtiiiK lor whatever mi rnMn,
I Nutlci'H of ehureh and society and all other
eiitortalnmentB fnun which revenue in to he de
rived, shall be churned for at the rate of five
tents a line. These rules will lie Htrletly tulher
ed to in every instance.
Ad vertiHliiK rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every torrespoiHleiit re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published tudctm the
writer snwl nuioe Is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
JJ lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
bau Francisco, is our authorized agent. This
paper is kept ou file in his office.
Mage lor Hardman, Monument, Loni Creek,
Juhu liny and Canyon City, leaves as follows ;
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrlve every day at a p. m except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
(mm the interior country.
J. 8. DELEVAN, l'rop.
W. A. Johnston.AKeut.
(Sire your butinem to Heppner people,
mid. therefore unsiitt to build up llepp
ner. Patronize tlwxe who patronize
Here and There.
Ami tlie sun shown yesterday lifter
iiuiiii. Sheriff Noble got buck (rum below
J. M. Humphreys wan iu from Eight
Mile Monday.
15en Mathews was iu from Uia much
the first of the week.
Send yuur washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
the Mou n tin u House.
Miss Grace Akers has been appointed
postmuster at Gooseberry.
Kev. W. E. Potwine held services in
the Baptist church Wednesday evening.
The Heppner-Cunyon stage line is the
beat, cheapest and quickest to the in
Peter Brenner, ex-commissioner of
this county, was in our city the first of
tbe week.
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but aot promptly, easily and
efficiently. 2."c.
Mrb. J. N. Deunison, wife of Hev.
Denuison, left for Portland Wednesday
for medical treatment.
Every man who takes any iuterest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
J. L. Greenwood, formerly of Heppner
but of later years a resident of Wallowa
county has located at Mobcow Idaho.
The Gazette will takeoounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
same in cush at highest market price.
The protracted inaeting, which has
been in progress for some time at tbe
M. E. churoh, South, olosed Wednesday
J. W. Vaughan, manager of Wm. Pen
land's Lexington store, and Dr. (.i. W.
Carlisle, the new arriyal there, were up
K. H. Gabbert returned from the
Long Creek country yesterday. He walk
ed most of the way o'er, the rig which
be started in being unable to prooeed
further than a part of distance.
Married At the court house, Wednes
day, Mr. L. W. Fuuk, of Spokane, and
Mrs. H. Evans, of this county, Judge
Keithly doing the aot which made two
healthy folks one, in a figurative sense.
J. H. Piper, of the Juniper neighbor
hood, was in town Monday, calling at
this office. He is Bowing some Fife
wheat this fall, and thinks that it will
prove just the thing -for this country.
His seed was bought at Milton, costing
iu the neighborhood of $1 per bushel.
Green Mathews shaves as before, 25
cents per shot; hairoute, four-bits. In
the meantime bis numerous "standoffs"
re growiug bigger, while he, himself, is
cramped fur the necessaries of life. A
hint to some people is plenty; others
have to be hit with a four-year-old
The Pendleton municipal eleotion o.n
tbe 4th inst. resulted as follows: Mayor,
T. i. Taylor; oouncilman, Mitchell and
Keith: marshal. T. J. Menus; reoonler,
Geo. R. Lash; treasurer. Clark Wood.
The total vote was 657. The mayor,
Mr. Tavlor, was formerly a resident of
Waitsb'urg, Wash., and is highly esteemed.
Moor brought la word Wednesday
from Burns of the auioide of Willard
Caiu, two weeks ago last Monday, at the
above pluoe. Cain was a sporting man,
and before locating in Bui ns stopped in
Heppner a few months. When tbe
races ocourred over there lust fall Cain
uud others went over, and siuoe that
time has not been iu Heppner. Mr.
Moore informs us that he broke his arm
a few weeks ago by falling out of a
buggy while buating. The limb was
properly set and was doing well till be
fell out of bed and broke it over. Short
ly afterwards he wsb at the house of an
acquaiutauoe iu Bums and iu some
manner fell out of a rooking chair,
breaking the injured arm iu a new plaoe
above tbe old fraoture. He waa again
looked after by a physician and made as
oomfortable as possible. Some opium
was put up in capsules for hitn to take
to allay pain during the night. In tbe
room there was also some powdered
opium in a saok. Late at night, or
early iu tbe morning, Hon. J. B. Hunt
ington, of tbe Burns land office, beard
labored breathing iu Cain's rcom. Call
ing he received no response, and finally
the door was broken open. CBi'n was
found unconscious, and upon examina
tion it was found that he had taken all
the capsules and considerable of tbe
louse opium. Everything possible was
done for him, but of no avail and he
died the next morning. While this
might huve been a case of an overdose
of the drug, our informunt states that in
the opinion of the Burns people, Cain
took same with suicidal intent. He
left nothing, however, to indicate tbe
reason of his sudden takiug off. He is
reported to have a wife and family in
Portlaud with whom he has not lived
(or some time. He was a pleasant
mannered man, rather dignified, which
gamed for him in Heppner tbe cogno
men of "Vanderbilt".
O! the Agony
Of Those who Suffer from
Hood's SartaparlUa Purltea,
Soothes, Ileal, CVRES.
Mr, T. V, Johnson
San Jose, Cal.
Wood all-Hall Marhiagh. Last
Saturday evening the marriage of Mr.
E. O. Woodall and Mrs. Nellie Hall
was solemnized in tbe presence of near
relatives at the residence of the bride in
this city, Bev. S. Thurlow, officiating.
After the ceremony, all were oonduoted
to tbe dining room where a table loaded
with al! the delioaoies of the season
awaited them. Both of tbe contracting
parties have been residents of this city
for years and are well liked and highly
respeoted by all. Tbe Eagle joins their
host of friends in wishing them a long
and happy life. Eagle.
Hates Bros. Closed. On Tuesday
Hays Bros., harness makers and saddlers,
were attaohed by Henry Heppner for
8460. This will probably be followed by
like action on the part of tbeir creditors
below, and, of course, will result in an
assignment. Hayes Bros, are well liked
by all, being men of strict integrity and
worth of oharaoter. They have resided
for years in this section, and this com
munity deeply sympathizes with them,
hoping that some settlement may be ef
fected that will prevent them much loss
of hard-earned money.
"t have for many years been a great sufferer
from SCROFiLA breaking out on my arms
and legs ; they were covered with eruption and
tores, discharging mil the time. I tried very
many medicines and consulted physicians tar
and near, but ccmatantlr grew irorae. I
have taken but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa-
Hood's x Cures
rllla for rheumatism, and has derived so much
benefit from It that alio declares there Is na
other medicine on earth. We would not be
without it in the house It it costs $20 a bottle."
T. Yarley Johnson, San Jose, Cal.
N. B. lie sure to get Mood's Sarsaparllla.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 26a.
Brighrs Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der. Yellow Water. Brick ,
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burnino Sensation, fain
in the Back, and all Dis-
V .rih. 1 : .1
cases ui tliv imuiigjfo.
O.W.R. Mannfactnring Co,, PID-
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drag Co.,
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Indicted in Ckook Oountt. Sheriff
Booth, of Prineville oame over in Orant
county last week and arrested two of
our best known stockmen on indiotmeuts
returned by the grand jury in session at
Prineville at present. Each of these
two gentlemen will be able to olear them
selves, and when the faots are fully
known, nothing of a criminal nature
will be found against either of them.
Eagle. The parties referred to are Bob
Oilmore and Enimett Cochran. Both
gave bonds, and are guilty of nothing.
another term of sohool after New Year.
The quilting at Mrs. J. C. Thompsons
was enjoyed very muoh. The quilt was
one pieoed by Lizzie previous to ber
death. It was Bet together with her
last new dress.
Sheepherders are enjoying the rain.
In faot every one seems to be, although
one occasionally hears tbe - remark.
"There's no need of going to tbe valley
"This is Webfoot enough for me."
Miss Anna Armstrong is teaching in
ber borne district. Tbe following are
enrolled: Edith Andrews, George Tow.
er, Lillie Andrews, Harry Williams,
Peroy Williams and Arthur Williams.
The Stndebaker wagnn heads them all.
For sale at GilliBm & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson & On.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
aity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Thompson & BinnsownthebiiBS which
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. 8
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff obeap, go to tbe Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up
your watch or clook. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business1 "
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of
Bplendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
Bin's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
flawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
S7.00 per eord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 1.00.
lard near the depot. Leave er8 Bt
Sloan s Howard's. 4-tf.
Ci.un Dance. Last evening the Hepp
ner Social Club gave tbe second of tbeir
series of dances at the Palaoe hotel
dining room. The invited throng tripped
tbe light fautastio till , Deo. oth was
ushered into existanoe. These dances
are a grand suooesB, and now that tbe
list of amusements have been rednoed to
the minimum, form an interesting part
of Heppner's social feartures. These
dances will be continued every Thursday
night for some time to come.
Election of Tcqer"s Officers. On
Wednesday evening Tiger Hose Co,, of
this city, made the following eleotion of
officers for the ensuing year : F.J. Hal
look, Pres.; Harry Warren, Seo'y; Elmer
Slocum, Treas.; J. J. Koberts, Foreman;
Or. F. Mathews, 1st Assistant; Horace
Matlock, 2d Assistant.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years expen-
v..- ;.,at inflated in the Abraham-
siol' building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do everything in his line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work-
marmntn all work. Give llim B
uinu M..J
A. W. Patterson went
Wednesday morning.
to Portland
& I3isbees
We want it for a moment to inform you that
the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri-
i i i l- i :
ces. I ne slock is eieau unu ncbii, navm"
been largely increased with new goods the ear
ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
Geo. Conser,
Yes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad drugs are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
Tbe purest drugs made.
To oompound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions quiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than this?
Hii ' - i
U ttUfl
1. Only First-Class bote! in Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
3. Best accommodations for tbe traveling
4. Courteous treatment assured the oonn-
try people.
MBS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Not only onoe, but again and again. Thev know that from us they always set
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends,
and so establishes onr trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
HatB, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
Heppner, Oregona
Why Buy of Peddlers?
When yon can get the choioest
Etc., at the Liberty Market.
And at a lower prioe than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build
ing up your city. LooK to your interests and assist those who assist you.
1 ' SHAW & M'CARTY, Props.
The Keoley Institute
For the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It it located at Forest Grove, Or.,
Tlie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particulars.
Strictly coutidential. Treatment private and sura
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
A Herald of the Infant Year.
Clip the last thirty years or more
from the century, and tbe segment will
represent the term of tbe unbounded
popularity of Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters. Tbe opening of tbe year 1894 will
be singalized bv the appearance of a
fresh Almanac of tbe Bitters, in which
the uses, derivation and aotion of this
world-famous medicine will be lucidly
set forth. Everybody should read it.
The oalendar and astronomical calcula
tions to be found in this brochure are
always astonishingly aocurate, and the
statistics, illustrations, humor and
other reading matter nob in interest
and full of profit. The flostetters Com
pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., publish it them
selves. They employ more than sixty
hands in tbe meobanioal work, aud more
than elevtn months in tbe year are con
sumed in its preparation. It can be
obtained, without cost, of all druggists
and country dealers, and is printed in
English; German, Frenah, Welsh, Nor
weigan, Swedish; Holland, Bohemian
and Spanish.
Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of
Qrocerics and Provisions.
A full line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Thsy will sell obeap foi cash. Oall ani
try them. ow
of the old firm of M. Ijiohtenthal
Oot for Cash-
it. Co., at
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
The young folks spent the evening
at Mrs. Hansell's last Friday.
Miss Minnie Andrews returned home
Monday from Mr. O. F. Thompson's.
Mrs. Williams, Edna and Mabel, spent
the afternoon, Sunday at Mrs. Doster's.
Mr. A. B. Williams has gone up above
for winter supplies. Think be is liable
to have a wet time.
Mr. AuBtin Yooum brought a house
keeper not long since. All are glad to
have new neighbors.
Snow can be seen on old Rattlesnake
this morning. That is a sign there will
be some here soon, so they say.
The last day programme in Dist. No.
13 was very interesting, oonsidering the
scarcity of pupils, there being only six
all boys.
Mr. Foster's sheep arein the care fo
Rolin this winter. Though tbe range is
somewhat orowded the sneep are ooing
well. Grass is good.
Miss Edith Sapp returned to ber
borne at College Plaoe, Wash., this
week. She will return and teach
Attempt at Suicide.
H Might Hav Bern Preirintid.
From the Boston Post.
While the walks in the Public Garden
Were crowded yesterday afternoon about
4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates
at the corner of Beacon and Charles streets
were horrified to see a man suddenly plunge
a knife repeatedly into his throat and fall to
the ground.
While waiting for a conveyance an officer
questioned the would-be suicide, who waa
about 50 years of age, as to his name, address,
and reason for wishing to end Mb life, but
the man steadfastly refused to give any infor
mation regarding himself. He was taken to
th Massachusetts General Hospital and
furglcal attendance given him. Although
weak from loss oi niooa h is prouaoie u
will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a
hospital attendant got a little information
from him. He said his name was Samuel
D , and that he came some weeks ago
from New Brunswick. The last few days
til head hat felt queer, and he has been wan
dering about the city, not knowing which way
to turn. What impelled him to commit hii
nub ant he waa unable to say.
The above is the familiar but terrible
story of the results of mental derangement
caused by overstrain oi me nervuui bjbibiu.
PnnlA wlin have disxinett. headache or baek-
ache, or who are troubled with melancholy or
despondent feelings, are already well on th
in insanity and suicide.
"Dr. Miles Medical Co.: I cannot rind
language in which to express my apprecia
tion of the great benefit I have derived
from the use of your Restorative JNervine.
When life became a burden I would nse the
Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and
to calm my exhausted and irritable brain."
Mrs. H. Brown, Rochester, N. Y.
Br. MUd Reiterative Nervine has no equal
in ccriho Nervous Diseases. It contain
no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a
positive guarantee by all drnggiits and
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
For sale by T. W. Ayeri jr.
Oi' " ) I'll" VlllllL' IlKW till'. in. I.- I .: iM'Xt- (HU! to miir
(X)U1.'SK)TIim inn' riot.--liow to lie i.ni in inaiTinge .
YOl' )Tlie 1'otul jmrwit-liow lo have jirize bailies;
WANT )The mother how t - hnvu ihem without, pain ;
TO IThft childless how to be fruitful and multiply
KNOW IThfi mirious how thev "en-owed and i-ame to be: 42
WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to pet well again speedily ;
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's "Plain Home Talk,"
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 21 col. plates; 200 recipes
READ (Reduced from n.2." ! fl-'jO; circulars free.
( $1,100
P. H. T. )Murray Hill P.o
21.) 10. 2sih St.. New York.( SOLD.
tAll new snDscribers and prompt renewnls during the month of Deo- will be
presensed with a tree oopy oi n an a premium.
Otis Pat
I lllalsl and loit Tlttl
A packigt at aur treat.
mntlor weakntM and
decay, aervoue debility
Tltallty tent free tor 12 cent!
tR. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 Oil St. ST. 10118, KO.
Strayed from my pasture about Oct.
1st, 1893, one five-year ola oow and one
three-year old buffer, both are dark red,
marked with nnderbit in left ear, brand
ed J on right bip. I will pay 83 a nead
if delivered at my plaoe.
Harry Jonkn.
Lena, Or. lft! tf
Hon. W. R. Ellis has succeeded in
passing tbe bill extending tbe time of
payment on forfeited railroad lands to
807. This shows good and faithful
work on the part of our representative,
and he can be assured that is appreci
jji.Li ii lias arraigned the president on
tbe Hawaiian question. If Dolph and
the whole world were against Cleveland,
be would be just as implacable and Blub
born as he has been in the past. Very
few indeed support bis Hawaiian policy
Van Alen has declined the Italian
embassadorship. This Is what the
people wanted him to do. His appoint
ment was never popular in the least, it
being charged that be bought tbe
place by a 850,000 donation to the Cleve
land campaign fund lust year,
Word has came from linker City that
Mr. Thomas Nelson has been very ill
with lagripi.
Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, whioh when neglected in
crease in extent Bnd gradually grow dangerous.
If you are WUOl'H, CONSTIPATED or - A
iiuiiii a munifUii'i-i 1 nrii'n - 1 A"a
If your COMPLEXION TB SALLOW or - . x,-
im.i vlUVVt'l) ItlCTUk'UU ft. ....tin. ' AMI
Bipans Tabnles aot gently, but promptly, upon the liver, stomach and int.
tines; oleanse tbe system effectually ; cure dyspepsia, habitual oonatipation, offens
ive breath Bnd headache. One Tabulb taken at the first rndication of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of Bpirits will surely and quiokly
remove the whole difficulty.
Ripens Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely nsed by the best
pbysioians, and are presented in tbe form most approved by modern scienoe.
If given a fair trial Ripens Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A qnarter-gross box will be sent. postBge paid, on recelnt of 75 cents hv thn
wholesale. Bnd retail agents,
Local druggistB everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
Tliey arc Easy to Take, Quick to Ad and Save many a Doctor's liilL
Samplat E"ra on application to th.a XSS.pa.aa Gita.ejm.lcal
Toxic OiXy.
Co., l-To-w
1 r r t 1 --.. .
e stock 01 narawarc. linware. li .-wRwnre.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to the West wareroom of the Mc
Farland Mercantile Co.'s establishment. He still has a complete line whioh
will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT o tlie Heait lii tlie World
-i , If
1 .
'i '