-hp! o wiE to sell you ' -- ; - :One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.--------r - lGOACRBS DBBDBDriGO .,,,.,,,,, , C7TND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which uVrdul luiul Here are 140 acres gor-d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. Tbe deeded land basagow baling o yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. Good, deeded Give your business to Heppner eole and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent sponsible for hia or her communication, correspondence will be published unless i writer s real name is signed as au evidence good faith. Did yon ever Read about the Man wbu Hid bis Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like DoiDg business Without advertising. All the .Snide schemes Id the country Will not accomplish Halt as much As a good ad. In a (rood, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By tbe people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Uaei its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. -a What do you think ol the message? Wubkk is the prosperity that uncon ditional repeal was supposed to bring? Eastern Oregon raips this full are unprecedented. The ground is thoroughly soaked. A plan is proposed by which the Union Paoiflc is to become a govern mcnt road. English papers speak very highly of the President's message. Why not? It is to their liking. Who wouldn't likejut now to have a few more "dollars of our daddies." That idle bullion should be ooiued into money. Thk president recommends no silver legislation, but congress will attempt it even if Clove's back is stiff in that di rection. Ouuanization in New York City is under way with the view of overthrow ing Tammany. At best it will only be a machine. Mason and WatBOn, tbe Mercury pub1 inhere, have been sentenced to one year each in the county jail of Mult nomah oouuty. Little Gladys Millrb, who was stolen from Union Co. by Gypsies, is reported in possession of a band of the rovers iu Ohio. William H. Claciuktt, of Idaho, who contested Dubois seat in the U. 8. senate, has left the republican party and joined the populists. Tin latest josh on Peuaoyer is that he proposes to have a little Christmas, just for Oregon, lie will probubly select China New Year's for theoocasion. Sknatok Talmkh, ',of Illinois, thinks that tbe president is wide of the mark on the pension business. Palmer says the per cent, of fraudulent pensions is mute small. Thk president has renominated Judge Hornblower for associate justice of the supreme court of the United Slates. It will be remembered that he was rejected by the senate at the special HesBion. MiNisriut Willis reported that hi8 instructions were not of the kind to apply to the oondition ot affairs in Hawaii, and so has taken no action. Tbe supporters of the new government rejoice. Deafness i'atmot be Cured by locnl applications, as they cannot reach tbe diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure doBfness, and thai is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an mutinied condition of the in neons lining of the Eustachian tube. When this tube gets lu limned you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafness in the result, aud unleHS the iutlamatiou'can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; niue cases out of ten are oaused by cutarrb, which is nothing but an iiirlamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Ope Hundred Dollars for any oase of Deafness (oaused by catarrh) that oanuot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. tiTSold by druggists, 7,'o. YIVOTIIII ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch HHST AWAKI) AT CHICAUO Sheepmen will be interested to know that there is no longer any question as to the relative merits of the different sheep dips upon tbe market. Christy & Wise take pleasure in announcing that Hayward's Dips (paste and liquid) for which they are sole P. C. agents, have secured the first sward at tbe World's Fair, and last year these dips received the silver medal at California State Fair and gold medal at Mechanic Fair, San Francisco.. Every praoticals beepmen that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro nouuoed them the very best dips for tbe cure of scab, the general health of sheep and conditions of wool,181-l88-sw. Mrs. C. Cochran is back from Sulem. We are having our daily rains this week. Mr. A. T. Wood and family have been on tbe sick list. Messrs. Thornton and Mattcson Jbave removed to their sheep ranch. Mr. Joe Woolery, our popular mer chant, has employed a olerk from Hard mar:. Tbe Douglas Lyooum was organized last Tuesday at the school house of our neighboring village. Koy Glasscook returned to Heppner Friday evening, having closed his school on Cleveland's Thanksgiving. The Filkins sohool near Uouglas started today. A. W. Balsiger, who taught the fall term of Saddle sohool, is the teacher. We notice by the Gazette that tbe lone and Saddle schools were by no meann th nnlv nnaa (Lot Pennoyer'sThsnksgining. TheCorvallis Agricultural College has fullen in line. On Bcoount of inclement weather the Wiimnth Hchnnl Hiil nnt fnba nop ln tt.a dosing exercises of the Saddle school wiiu me eicepuon or me teaoner, Mr. Glasscock. The sohool oloaed with a pleasaut little entertainment last Friday afternoon. Tbe room was appropriately decorated and had it not been for the bad weather and sioknesa among tbe pupils no one aeed be disappointed. The dosing exercises of Saddle sohool were as follows: Opening address, A. W. Balsiger; reoitatiou, Kenny League; "Writinc with Ink." Mnn.1 Wnml Charade of the word "Rainbow", Franky Coohran, Maud Wood and Frank Wood; Thanksgiving song, by the sohool: recitation. Anna Ijenuun! unlnr.t reading, Kennie League; recitation. Frank Wood; "Playing Sohool," a dia logue, Kennie League, Frank Cochran and Maud wnnil: anno hv Mi&BAB Millu Eli, Edna Wilmotb, aud Mr. Koy Glass oook; recitation, Kennie League; "Little Miss Mischief," Fraukie Cochran; reci tation, Frank Wood; Thanksgiving song, by school; dosing address, Koy Glass cock. Jake loue, December 4, 1S!W. Catarrh In the Head Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood. and us such only a reliable blood puri fier can effect a perfect and peimaneut oure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier, and it has cured many very severe cases of oatarrb. Catarrh oftentimes leads to consumption. Take Hood s HnrRapanlla before it is too lute. AN OPEN El.l.IH. I.KTTKK. W. H House of Kepresentatives, Washington, V. C , My Dear Sir: You are dowu there iu Washington where the business is done, so may be able to advise us on what hypothesis the Ways and Means Com, deny protection against foreign com petition to the growers of wool, but impose it to the extent of thirty or forty per cent "ad valorum" for those who continue the work on it, and make it into cloth. Can you also advise ns why wool in bales in au Eastern card-room is oalled "raw material", while yarn ou the oon in kuittiug mills is uot. This county produces one aud three quarters million pounds of wool in the grease, at a labor oust of 8125,000. This exceeds its present looal market value. Accurate calculations indioate expendi ture for labor, up to the time it reaches local warehouses, to exceed seven cents per pound. It is however, "raw ma terial". The warehouseman aud wool scourers in plants quite as expensive as required for spinning, and with ma chinery fully as valuable, employing labor equally as experienced, grade, sort, scour aud bale this wool for shipment to Eastern mills where it is delivered at a lalwr cost of 82 cents per pound, freight not included. But it is still "raw ma terial"? Now I take some maohiuery down EaBt, oosting less thau my Western scouring plant aud add labor costing about three oeuts per pound, spinning this wool into yarn, and it suddeuly be oomes a oommodity entitle to protection. It is a "manufactured artiole". Can you tell us why at this particular roint it abruptly ceases to become "raw ma terial"? Why not wait until the pro oess of metamorphosis is the result of a little more labor, Bay when it leaves the weave room, It is oertaiuly "raw" enough iu the form of greasv, unfinished oloth. Why not advauoe the "raw material" BARGAIN. in Morrow county, uheHp ami on peg to this point? Suppose you suggest it. I assure you tnere can be no valid objection. I have rn i sheep and raied wool. I have run a mill ami made goods, btl' I must coi.tVas 1 cannot tell what "raw materia!" ieexoept ma re'a tive sense. Wool in bags is the finished product of tbe ranch, bat raw material for tbe scouring mill . Wool in bales, sonnrcd and ready for the picker, is the finished product of tbe scouring mill, but raw material for spinners. Yam is raw material for weavers and knitting mills, as finished oloth is for outters and manufacturing clothiers. Why should the labor of one be protected and that of others uot? Is it nut a fact, Mr. Kill, that tbe forthcoming "tariff reform" bill has been framed regardless of economic principles, but wholly determined by geographical and political reasons? If wool must go on the free list, vote to place wooleus there also, A blanket represents a greater amount of labor on the ranch than it does io a mill. If the labor of oue must be sacrificed to make tilings "cheap" why not the other? there is oo question but that tree wool and woolens would clear the range of sheep, ruin raucbere, and close every mi. I iu America, until labor became us cheap iu this country us abroad. The threat has nearly accomplished that now. PosBibly we might afford to pay the heavy cost if the lesson was sufli oieutly severe to forever eradicate the free trade idea in America which demor alizes business every time it appears possible that its exponents mav be elected to positions in power. no far I have considered the mutter from a position of a wool-grower in your district. From Brownsville or Taooma. speaking us a mill, operator, I should sBy tbe proV ctlon ostensibly given to manufacturers is inadequate to justify opening these mills even with free wool until labor is beat down from one-half to a third. Take for instance tbe Brownsv.lle. Their all-wool cassimere, weighing one pouud per yard, in 1S!)2 cist 1 20 per yard. Now with free wool it may be manufactured fur 81. 0"). In '92 under the McKinley law over tweuty five million yards of goods which come in completion w ith their products were imported. At that time the tariff pro vides for a specific duty of 45 oeuts per pound and bu a dvalorum tax of Ifl per cent., making the total tariff protection for the American manufacturer over 55 cents per yard. Sinoe importers could meet 81.2U goods and pay 55 cents duly, it is fair to assume that their cost in Euglaud was below 65 cents per yard. Under the proposed ad valorum tax of 40 per cent the duty will be 2(5 cents. British cas simere would be landed iu Portland in competition with Brownsville 81.05 goods for 94 cents, and handled with money oosting one-half that of the Brownsville working funds. This would not be so bad it any ad valorum tax ever had been or ever would, or oould be oollected. It does not take a very slick broker to beBt it by under valuation, ft is a premium on fraud. Somewhere I have recently read "Henry Clay stated he cared not who made an ad valorum tax if he oould inaks the invoice". Under the McKinley law in '!I3 the value of wool imported into this country was $lti,2t3,S43. Ot mauufactuicd woolens $30,218,5o8. With this large amoiiLt under a hieh tariff, what may we anticipate with an average reduction of 50 per oeut? It is gratifying to note that tbe free trade members of the Ways and Means Com, have had the courage to confess that they did not know much about the busiuess, by abruptly terminatiug their two months' discussion and adopting the Springer schedule and policy of the last sessiou . Isuppiee when qiestiiued oa the iloor, they will answer attacks by oull ing ou tbe great Bill to prove his theories. Seriously. I think the bill bo iuequi table that it will ultimately beat itself. Iu the meanwhile sheepmen and mill owners will go broke, and thousands of idle bauds be w anting a job very badly. Yours truly, T. E. Fell Heppner, Or., Nov. 28, lWi. Pllen! PriesTltchiniTilva. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whioh often blead and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. 8waynk's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Sou, Philadelphia. gw 1 yr. Prejudice aud iguorauoe have giveu way to Simmons Liver Kegulator. It has stood the teak It never failed to cure dyspepsia aud liver complaint. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. easy terms. For further information call at ova office. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time iu the history of our country when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts and seienoes generally was bo great ns now. The conveniences of mankind in tbe fuotory and workshop, the household aud on tbe farm, as well as in official life, require continual accessions to tbe appurtenance and impliments of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political change in the adminiatra on government does uot ufi'eot tbe progress of the American inventor, who being on tbe ulert, and ready to por ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiviug the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare oanuot be exer cised in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare aud prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ mcnt of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" ajsteui. Inventors who entrust tbtir business to this class of attorneys do 90 at imminent risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain tbe fee. THE PKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W.,Washiugton, D. C, representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to proteot its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. Tbe said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonnble fees, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, including me. obauioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives eepeeial attenion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any ffrm in seouring foreign patents. Write for instructions rind advice. John Weddeiibirn. 618 F Street, P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. C. Stockholders Meeting. VOTK.'K IS HEREBY lilVEN THAT THE li annual meeting of tha Stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner will be held at its oantanx House ou tne secona i uesatty oi Jan 1H94. between the time of 10 a. in., and 4 d. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing directors ann aiienuiuR to sucn otuer business as niity eonie before the meeting. En. K. Bishop. Cashier. Heppner, Or., Bee. 2, lsii:l. M-tf. Notice. VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 annual meeting of Stockholders of the Heppner Building it Loan Association will be held at its office in Heppner ou the second Tuesday of January, ism. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. of said day for the purpose of electing directors, and attend to such other business as may come before tne meeting. Ed. R. Bishop, Secretary. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 1893. so tf. stockholders Meeting. NOTirE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a meating of the stockholders of the First National Bank, of Heppner, at their office on the second Tuesday of Jan. 1S94, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of sai'd day for the purpose of electing directors and the trauBactioa of such other business as may appear. Geo. Conseb, sti-tf. Cashier, Nerve Blood Tonic .Builder Bend far deat-rtptlva pamphlet. '. WILLIAMS' SOe. MEDICINE CO.. Schenectady, N.Y. fur S'J.JO, nd Brockvliie. Onl. HATTEES O.W.R. MFKiCS PORTLAND. ORE. For lain hv SI Co. and T. W. Ayers, Jr. ' BOX 'aW'thaT' M Deeded ranch, 160 acres. boss wbeTLTTill sel J on easy terns A g for it with first crop raised on it. Keason for selling, owner lives in tbe East and has PATTERSON FUB. OCJ. LOCAL MARKET RKI'OHT. Wheat, bu 35 Flour.bbl '2 50 f 300 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 60 " tbree ' 1 75 ft 2 00 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 2 25 " stook 1 50 1 76 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 ( 50 Eggs, doz -0 Chickens, doz !5 00 TurkeyB CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 03 ft 1 ON Flour, bbl 3 00 ft 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (tl 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 ft 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 ( 12 Butter, lb 25 v 3 Eggs, doz 20ft 25 Chickens, doz 5 00 ft 6 00 Turkeys, tt) 15 (tt 1H PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt if 85 i 05 Flour.bbl 2 00 ft 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 (fl; 2 75 " dressed 3 50 (ifi 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 " dressed 5 75 ft 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6ft 14 Butter 20ft 30 Eggs, doz 27 U' Ifl 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 & 4 50 Turkeys lb 15 17 Notice Of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON 1 J Oct. 4, 18!tt. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- lore j. n. Morrow, uounty laerx, at ueppner, or., on iov. is, in'.w. viz.: RINEHART SCHILLER, Hd. 3243 for the Etf KWy NEW SE'-I Sec. 31 and N SEm Sec. 32 Td. li. S. R '25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation ol, said land. viz. : George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Meissner, of Gooseberry, Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry, ami Isaac omiin, Ol Lrfine HOCK Oregon. 1139-179 John W. Lewis, Register. Sheriff's Sale. V"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER li and by virtueof an execution ismied out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered upon judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the A)th day of May INi, in favor o( W. B. Cunninghame, Plaintiff, and against J. I), Ball, Defendant, for the sum of Seven Hundred and Ten Dollars, and for the lurtner gum ot two Dollars damages and costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in tne ciern b omce oi saia uourt in etna county on the 20th day of May lhfcti. And thereafter on November 27th, 1HS6, said judgment was duly assigned and tramfered from the said W, B. Cunninghame to Wm. Hughes for a valuable consideration, and there being noW due ou said judgment the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars, together with interest at the rate of cent, per annum on the full sum of Seven Hundred and Ten Dollars from th )th day of May ltiH6 to the 28th day of December, lSsSy, to gether with interest at the rate of 8 cent, per annum on the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars from 2th day of December, lf-wsi, until paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollars coBts and teeming costB, 1 have levied upon and will sell at public auction, on Saturday the u uity ui iJcremutsr, ina.t, ai oue o ClOCK p. m. at the Court house door in Heppner, Morrow County and State of Oregon, all the right, title and Interest which the said J. I. Ball, Defend ant had on or after the 20th day of May 186, in or to the following d cue ri bed nroinlina t,.tH. The 8onth East quarter of Sec. Eleven (11) in (unnBuii mree Duum oi nange Twtnty-three (23) EaBt of W. M., in Morrow County, state of Oregon, and contains 1 60 acres. Dated at Benp uer thisSth day of November. 1893. Gko.Noblb, 18-187 Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon Sheriff's Sale. T-OriCF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i umier auu oy virtue oi an execution issued nilt M tho ("ll-nnf Pnii.l nf u..n . r ; .r. 1 oi uregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed ...-w. b,tl Uu. juusiueiii renuereo. and entered in said court on the 7th day of SeDt m i j i vtiBttSuiiiyany Plaiiititl, and againBt Francis M. Shurta, De- jcnuiiuv, iui me sum ot rive Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Seventy-five cents and for the further sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys fees and Twenty-two Dollars and fourteen cents costs, and, whereas, by said Judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wtf The North East quarter of Section Twenty-six' in Township two North of Range Twenty-three East of vt . M. in Morrow County Oregon, be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac cruing costs. I will, on Saturday the 23 dav of December, 189S at one o'clock p. m of said day, at the front door of the court house, in Heppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, tall therlght, titla and interest of the said Francis M. Shurte in and to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. . . . Gg. Noblr, Shennof Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Nov. 21, 1893. 182-QO Summons. T! Jl'STICE COURT FOR SECOND DISTRICT i. State of Oregon, County of Morrow. E. C. Ashbaugh.Plaintiff,) ti u , m . SUMMONS. H. E. Hooker, Defendant,) TO H. E. HOOKER, defendant. hereby required to appear before the under signed a Justice of the peace for the District aforesaid on the 6th day of January 1894, at ten o clock in the forenoon of said day at the office of said Justice in such district to answer the above named plaintiff in civil action (.Ti . C1" WKe "once that if he Plaintiff w'm'k complaint h.rein, the juvigmciii aaaiust mm lor One hundred and six and -loo Dollars and for Z. ,7 m ro,lrln and 4-luo Dollars together with cost and excuses of this action. A. D.1S93 ay OI NoT- . C. E. Jonks, Justice of the Peace. Summons. Bruce Haines, PlaimlffY ' ""ov- H,E.HookerTD'e.endan.(8rMMON'S- i a- "u"tK. Defendant. hereby required to appear before th.?,n i4re slgne.1 a JuVe of the pi for district .fori' said on the 6th da of Januarr A ? 8" o'clock in the afternoon ol L7d lav' V. office of said Justice in such dfstrl,,, ? " the the above n.mi n T.i ., if . ..a.,,.t," 10 answer seven and 4.S.100 Do hi 7"'" " or, expenses ol this actio,, h costs aud A. D. lMti. my thi' 21 "ay of Nov. 182-94 , . C.E.Jon is. Justice ot the Peace. ALD What it tin condition of yours? Is your hair dry, harsh, brittle? Dots it split at the ends? Has it a lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your sealp itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of your symptoms be warned in tints or you will become bald. SKOOKUM Is what yon need. Its production Is not an accident, but the result of scientific re search Knowledire of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to tho discovery of liuw to treat them. " Skookum " contains nolther minerals nor oils. It Is not a Dv, hut a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonlo. By stimulating tbe follicles, it ,.. uHmn oir. cures dandruff and jroioi hair on bald h'adi. t- Keep the sealpolean. healthy and free from Irritating eruptions. Iiy the nn of Miiofcun Sinn Soap. It destroys parasuie truccta, which ftcU on. and autre, tieit'yiiuT druggist cannot supply yon, send direct to us, and we will fowi,1(i nrepalit. on receipt ot price. Orowor, ll.lu per Uoltle: afor Soap, sue. i c. jar ; i for IPM. TRADE MANX lim SKOOKUM ROOT r? South Fifth Ave., DR. FOOTE'S IIAM1-1IOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Vtluost Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally uabita of Dating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TliLLS AUOfJT What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, How to Eat it. Occupation for Invalids, Bathing-Best Way, Aftcr-Dlnner Naps, Things to Do, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Meets of Tobacco, Things to Avoid, niediclna, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance Perils of Summer, Suporlluous nalr, Clothing, H hat to Wear, Headache, Cause 4 Cure How to Breathe, Removing Name, How Much to Wear, To Unt Kid of Lice, ' Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagion Diseases, Malarial Affections, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Thoui, Croup to Prevent. Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Folons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Broasts, Ivy Poisoning, Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Kyes, Sore Mouth' Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcem! Wartl, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE IOCTOKS HILLS. 15 11 is-, Dawson V Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All busiuess attended to in a prompt and sntisfnetory manner. Notaries Public and Collectom. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who oftea lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. res With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terfcrences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If VOU linvp iin inwpnfi'rttf t.-j - a . ... - trew wiiiT. r j "ouu scnu a sKetcn or pnotograpn tnereoi, to gether with a brief description of the important features nrl vo,i will be at once ... ? -the. best course. t" Pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others subm Tl .gnJUI riRhVS or matter us for a eiaFSTREENrTRTMf? CL'MS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST. WASHINGTON, D.C. ' 80X 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. JU It is a wonderful remedy wu w 11 and yen-child; -n. ot Fure Noru-;.-:.-yi r, r; r t- 1 ancl Hypophos- of L,me and Soda. It checks .astin" ii the an j.odu,:,, so,.l, ht-akhv flesh, ft keeps them fromtakmfr ,.,,., :iul , do the same fo Colds, Consumption, S.V.u -rl us palatable r.. ; the Genuine. rr,..,llr.., ' Bowne, Chemist -, y,.ri all Dnic'ist. "" Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. TOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE- SS'ffl? coun,- P 1 m'ofsaid" ,W d."f; " lhe !,0,,r ' 3 o'clock 173-fsi Mary rimsroij.. Administratrix. no HEADS ROOT HAIR GROWER J HAIR GROWER CO., New York. N. V. OREGON. if 'ou are charsed with infringement by reliable OPINION before acting on the which is alike benefi- Such is Scotfs Emulsion i : ... Administrator's Sale. VLZ?JlJTVE 0F AN ORDER for Morrow ( om?v t ',,u'"!' l;llrt ' OreKon, lH'i 1 The uS 2 h 'i'h ,day of Nov- ostat.o Jai l H fen, "'"'"trator of the Friday Dec iinh.ri ?w.d,lMt'decea8ed. w' " sfternoon of 8', " "e o'clock In the house door fn u,y' ln 'ro"t o( the court Oregon scM t' !h ,!pne''- Morrow county ha ,d rii8',h .ter IZ hlKhest .idder for cash In James bm. ii ' . " BnQ interest of said '"TMorfrrwCco8un,2st8Rt06SreiVnM-' '"" h'r a.V erld l'""e' iorty acre. i'Siu s ""'r" ,, the dniinistrator may no. a. D. xm, at Heppner Oregon. V 1T7-S.', A. W. KHERniKn Adiutuistrator SPILES ss on PA.ntrr.MB t . bu.:: "if." " " ' foj .r . Oil or writs. 1