7; a , l'rcuLi.-d lucUiy 2 Prentiss Kertify 5 uj 1 cc,1 lug ptlU euro c-.nslipatU-n ntiES RpcmyU'S rUr.uwcon n;,.-itl..n u Vi( n:!ss lux: u tying .;UHCUrect.u3tipa.ttuu PRPMT r n . a I u inn nrnT n . n i SS h hY UP I JA iff 5E' cc 33 H oia Almost all nils ami mnrtiriue produce constipation, tiere is a i-i.i uu cures iunu liver, blllouuoss, rheumatism, Indigestion, sick headache ami kidney awl liver troubles without rripinir or leaving any trr-ce of CONSTIPATION, which Is the prime cam., of all sb-k nrsi. '.r.r of It getting habltuul and chronic -with you, Bee to It in V.w, those pllla-willc-.iroy'.u. JS. t p" iS5' aPNTISS BECTIFYINQ PILL. 4 U I 7 l ... I, l Bufu l,r,lnMM Saiv 3 tisRoa Kromody that will surely CEAUTiFY fan. . i I Isxa lam mmmn m S1BI THE EMPEROR OF ETHIPOIT. An Enlightened Prlnee Who Cn Worn nnd Who Fnri Two Honrs Dully. Count Pietro Antonelli, a member of IV.B Italian rmrliament. who has spent sukVAnl veara in Ethiooia and has been ,...Bn imcTITUTE sent many times as Italian ambassador ( U. WOn, Hlnth St.. ST. LOUIS. H urmaluLl e,rr.l, .n pid-y eared b, "'' d SW C.11M-1 (ecu. kwwivb Clear tlio skin and r;ni- self. 25 Cents a box. o n II blotches from the toco. Try a box au! soo for youi S-LO BY ALU DRUGGISTS. Or stmt by mail upon iwHpl of prii-o hy Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Prentiss licctHyJiitf pllla euro couslip.-ilUm jVivntlas Kuril fyinrf pillH ui'ufjm.ist!pat.on PrentlsB ltoctlfylntf j.Ula curw constipation. l'rontlBB J:iifyiii pilUourfjonatlpotlfm to Emperor Menelik, has given an in teresting account of that monarch in a recent issue of the Riformaof Eome, savs the New York Tribune. THEY LIVE IN BOATS. Bondredl of Famine Flont fp and Down the Great Klven. A Memphis writer introduces to ths public a strange population who ar counted as residents of that city, al though most of them were born on the Mississippi or one of the streams empty ing into it, and have never lived on dry land. The people occupy a floating set tlement of house boats. The boats are sometimes named, and many oi mem Menelik, says the count, who was no,ier the control "na B"";'U' are neatly painted and show signs oi ied tothe 'princess Taitu in 1883, is of Xhe McFarland Meroanti e Com pan v r.mfnriaY nrniahincrs. iudirinz from . . .. , t ,,, ii !. o man 1 i.;i, e.,tiiinpa business at the oiu buum " , now lorty-eijfot , , , lace curtains at the windows and pic- o medium he5frht an(j powerful body, tures to be seen hanging on the wall ol dark.brown 8kin and coarse al- the interior. though not irregular features. He is The colony is made up of representa- not naturally cruei and the signing of tives from twenty odd states drained by ,,0th.,..nta nftn makes him sor- the Mississippi and its tributaries. rowful and renective. He understands Moored side Dy siue one nuuuicu his plu and is Me to gain tneir tove fifty boats were counted by the writer. rule them wisely. who learned that some of the families Althou., ne now bears the title of began their navigation of the river as emperor 0 Ethipoit, commands an far north as Montana. It is not a fixed a q Qne hundred and thirty thou population, for, although most of the gand meQ wjth sixty thousana ?uns and tREAT SPE CONTEST. boats have been anchored at Memphis a long time, the absence of one of the families is noted now and then, and the inquirer is told that the head of the house has changed his habitat to New Orleans or some other river city. The house-boat owner, of course, pays displays at times oriental spieuaor, ne is not ashamed to subject himself to physical labor. He saws wood, makes house models and superintends the con struction of buildings. A short time ago a terrible disease carried away many of the oxen, ana aieneiiu Alt nBhD THE no rent. To escape it he took to the courtiers used rakes and spades in order water, nis food consists chiefly of fish, . oreoare tne fields for the reception knows better than anybody else where . , j three months to find the cat, the buffalo, the perch stone mason on a church which he or- SAVE 3 18 Hundred and Sevanty-Thre TAGS. Ttosand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, tn valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for SPEAR flOf.D WATCHES W50 OPERA OI.AKKES, MOIWUI'O HU1JY, 1 1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN fIC E.775 FINE IMPOKTKO '. 'VV.. !., .,. V.VSiVCT. .r. iSnT i" lil.AJMf V.N A 1 h I i I K.I Al Mo. UllrttVJV. 1 I'jIm nvm.v".'.. BUUKHOKN HANDLE, FOUR 11LADLI) TELESCOPE TOOTH and innumerable other fish. Driftwood . , . He under- Berves him for fuel, and clothes, tobac- stan(Js tnc main facts about railroads co, spirits and a lew necessaries aic and steamsnips and the principles oi cured by an occasional day's labor as a tejeffrapj,y. He would gladly acquaint 'longshoreman.roustabout or farm hand. , n;s peopie w;th the technical advances in science and the arts, Dui nis auvici JaheVchadhan o.i,ieli continues businca with a larger stock than ever. I'l l Jmi I in r n V Where? At Ahrahamaiok's. In sddi'inn to his tailoring business, he hM i ad line of underwear of all kind shirts, hosierv. etc. Also ha some elegant patterns lor ibrahamsiok. Msy street. He d n ft e eirl'r e ..i' I lid MtH A. . ' Or. HORSES. OUAHANTEtO. m 7r o & unt i)o..k. w 'el. cot.tInl 0" .Uto !' vft Spin. M. IN THE AZORES. there I Romance to He Found Hidden In Bloody History. In 1580 the Azores came under the power of Spain, and in the history of the next twenty years meir name to ne will nnt, consent to it. Since the early '80's, adds the count, Menelik has kept up his connection with Europe. In mercantile affairs he is the equal of experienced tradesmen. In diplomatic matters ne wen uuuci- quent as the favorite battleground of stands the art of prolonging the discus- the English and Spanish fleets. The gion untu j,e has reached a decision, partiality was, indeed, according to Gne who nas to carry 0n business with Macmillan's Magazine, mainly on the must be 0t,servant and attentive, side of the former, and for a good Tne emperor takes great interest in reason. These islands lay rigm m mo European newspapers, lie is iouu ui track of all vessels sailing to and from toi!.;.. w;th Europeans, also, in order that enchanted region known then to all men as the Spanish Main. On the highest peak of Terceira, whence in clear weather the sea could be scanned for leatrues around, were raised two to increase his knowledge of Europe, He always receives Europeans in a friendly and flattering manner. As a rule the emperor breaks his ;-v,f rest, lit three o'clock in tne The Old Reliable furnished when desired. Quesuuu jjwuia and Book free. Call or write. Kansas City, ST.iAui., St. JvOiii ANII ALb l'l'INTS EST. PITl BP SfW Troin leaves Heppuer, b B. m. 12:35 p. m , daily excepi pu, Colonic 1 Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to San Francisco every five days. . . . . ii :!.. Iw I 'ut i In. two liAra imr" r,"'. in r.Ul. W and .llt in li ft. Hor J in right thigl.. ""K '" "ilU!" '"" hZ. w-ss. WUHlH UKllor ...- ",. trk ; K'wiS .lit in left- Ung in ll,...ck -t ," "V,l I wUhJ!,! U..I-I on l.f. .I.nl,i,r (unLwiue on Mtlnu eleo large oin-le on lft "'lien Kdwin. John Pay.Or.-Cattle K Hon riht hip; hon. aaine on nglit .houlder. haugein UrantoounlJ. ll want J Ii. i.allowny. Or. Horane, (orose with Iwr alK.va It) on right .houlder; mtUe Tail 9 on left.nle. Hang, in Morrow and Uuia. Ulla connui"- Hllghw, Mat, HK'lnr, i.r.-iio.. .naum heart on Mt l"'W"r. ( tnge Morrow t o. Tl,maaHr, B , Wagner Or. -Horee.,. on left ghnnlileruiallle. Hon left hi;.. )lai.llII. AllH'rt, Nye. Oregn-Horae.,A H ...... , . noiinectod. on w oiiu.. erul'ri h 'uardman. Or.-Hor.ee. H on liuuii""t w l,n!?.kJ M.. Ileppner. Or. Horae., wineglau left .lionldei eal' , nieoii nM ffiSlou" ler and Urt on.'the left .tiU. Ct. I L Traeonleflhip. Itaiwe in Mnnow younty. "ivT Alfn-l. Loig (Veolt, Or-tWtle I Don 2S,"i bniid on loft nhouiiler llaOKe n Urmifc Hoppner, Or. HoreM, horse. Hltuuuior. I BlUBi "1W etUIlB. Tickets TO AND FHOM buropc. aSTenra Bxperlenee In treating all varl ties of Rupture enables us to BUar.tee J positive cure. Question Blank and Boo free. Call or write. TOITA-MEDICO APPUANCE CO., pa Pine Street. BT. LOUIS. MO 0 1ILACK ENAMEL S,875 W 23,100 00 columns, and by them a man watched jje DrayS then for two hours. night and day. When he saw any sails Vrom five o'clock till seven he dictates approaching from the west he set a flag letter8 to his secretaries. At seven upon the western column, one for each Oclock ie receives his ministers and sail; if they came from the east a simi- , visitors 0f importance and listens to lar sign was set up on the eastern col- j tieir reports 0f the state of the empire, umn. . ' lie gives his orders for the day after Hither in those days came up outot .j mx,pst his aoDoimV the mysterious western seas the great ts rju,.inff the day he also finds 23 1 00 IMI'OIITED GKHMAN J. " 11 lOKET KN1VEH .r.m..,T .T.AT.V. If.TAHV T 1." I .VKf 'Ol K TOOTH iig,ooo i uulj" waiL.il 57,75000 1 1 5,500 . 28,875 00 arKosie8 ladcn with gold ami silver and ' " ZltZL draw architi- 2S1 030 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 jewels, with silks and spices and rare tecturai pians, give medicine to the sick win. ftRi SPEAR SSZTan! -d take care of his army ' We will distribute 2S0 of these prizes in Mils county ft. follows: ! able from the fair lands which lie be- - Tii w T'AtiTVaeniiins us the Ercatost number of SPEARHEAD ; tween the waters of the Caribbean sea ......... - ,,,,.... ii ,i ,i , vv n i i ,n. , . . . . ,,... A . , and the giant wau oi tne .ii.no.es. jiuu OPERA ti LASSES, hither, when England, too, began to turn her eyes to El Dorado, came tne TAILS from tills county we will give.. fip FIVE PAKTIE Rpnctins nn the next greatest number of ..20 POCKET KNIVES. Ul'KAU HEAD TAliM, we will give to ouch, 1 Ol'EUA GLASS To Ihe TWENTY PARTIES senillng us the next greatest number of SI'EAlt HEAD TAOS, wo will give to euch 1 1'OCll.Ll KNiKE Tn the ONE IIIINDTtEI) PARTIES sending lis the next greatest umnher.nr Hl'KAR HEAD TAOS we will give to each 1 n,nnTTt pU,KS. KllLLl'O HOLD V ATI ill fllAUM TOOTH TICK 100 TOOTH PIUK8. To (lie ONE HUNDRED PART I KM sending us me mu gren.usi, .100 PICTURE AN ARCHDUKE'S COLONY.V Hll Effort, to lend the Gypiles to the Ways or Civilization. Archduke Joseph of Austria is little less eccentric in his tastes than the number of Sl'I'.A it lll'iAJi taom, we win givo iu uuuu i LA11UE i RTUUE IN ELEVEN COLORS ifremi. wn.T o-allpons nf Snain and Portu- o-iil tn meet these rjreeious cargoes and Archduke Johann, who married a cho- convey them safe into Lisbon or Cadiz rus girl and became a sea captain, or before those terrible English sea wolves the Archduke Heiurich, who sacrificed could get scent of the prize. 200. I'ofal Number of Prizes for this Comity -No Tags will be received before .Tunimry 1st, 1R0I, nor nfter Fchrunrv 1st, rum containing tags mum lie lnarlti-d pluinly with Name of Sender, lown, THB OLD DOCTOR'S 1& LADIES FAVORITE. ALWAYS HELIABLE and porfeotly SAFE. TM iome as used by thou lanis ot woman all o J"? UaltwJ St,t.8,n th. JLD popTORS yrtvjt. , m. 1 Money returned It not as represented. Sena jonls (stamps) tor sealed particulars. JS. WiED IHSTITUTE, 120 H. Hintli St.. St. losll. U S. H. H. Olark, 1 Oliver W. Mink, VKeceive.e. E. Ellery Anderson, ; Kor rates and general information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART Heppner, Oregon. . HURUU1RT, Asst. (Jem. I'ass. Agt. 2M Waslilngtou St , I'or.Tl, Nfi, OllKOON, CANCERS iVDiBtatetCUHEU without tt 'knife Quertton Blank nd Booli f AND OTHEB theme ol Question Blank nd Book free. Lli or write IB. H. B. BUTTS. tasFlnen. toulfi, MO. Dp. Rush's Belts &fippliances ffiSB boUieifinlom.dk.Ud. 3-i . nat aim'1'" ' , i inal Supporters, Vests, 'tFJ lrawer, Office taps. Insoles, etc. rs , Cures Rheumatism, Liver ana y Complaints, Dyspepsia, Ki ror. ' tost Manhood, Nervousns, Sexual WeaK ess, BiidnUTronWM inMale or 1 Question Blank and Book tree. Call or "" a-.i:...P. Volta-weuica b.h" ""-' M0 m Pine Street, WDB, - WANTED. IC 1 (irCCIr ANY LADY, employed or onemployad , dlDAWl.Lli cm mkethwforfew houri wort each d. BalaryorcommlBBion. $10 samplei fret. Addrnil H. BENJAMIN & CO., 822 PlneSt.,SI.LouiI,Mo. Reduced 15 to 25 pnundl per month. No . no inc Troatmc Uuciti( lih. ii. tarTlne, no inconvenience, no bad rciulti, no nau.eoui dniu. Treatment perfectly harmless and ttrictly cona dsntial. QucitiouBl nk and Book lr. Callorwnte. ttvx 10, ozr ih rami Hi.iwiM, Foot-Pi ints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice ohnnld read one of Dr. Footea dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Uronp, Rupture," 'Thiniosis, "Varicocele, Disease of men, Disease of Women, nnd learn the best menim of sen-cure, iu Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New York. HEADS ARE BIGGER NOW. Cranium, of All Nations, Thongh Differ ent, Are Enlarging Together, CAVTION, Ooim!v;!Xiu,'ud Number of Tugs tncacb pnekago. All elmrgos on packages must be Z'lS tohisnationality-tl,atis,if you know the checkered Austro-Hungarian iieonle. 10 cent, piueo ( ipiaulity. shape of a man's head acts as an index to his nationality that is, if you know absolutely, P"Mvr.iy ... ... v V; r;,- ' V. ,h. ir.f.lh f v .miliar " . . . v. . ' tn t,J..l..- m.T.1WMm ,-1, rCfir? S of hU fo;e '"gypsies is 1 ry it, an !""," 7 ,' ' ' .., ,, u,.,f i ,,. ,,,ll.er bow Kmall the . . , i 4f nmnotiontp. t.lifim. saVS 1 wmiv " . in HJno-land will not nt sucn a neau at. u i'! 0 ... T tr 1. L, ITn rm na.miGQinil 11C Ku .i.k.. his roval honors to wed an opera singer, The Archduke Joseph's inclination, however, turns him to gypsies rather than to actresses, and his writings on o-vTiRv traditions, gypsy music and high place i It is interesting to observe how the gypsy customs have secured for him a m. nf n man's head acts as an index high place in the folk-lore literature of em- A list of the people obtaining these prizes in (his county will bo published In this paper luiuiedlately ufler February 1st, IHIH. DON'T SEND AN" TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1804 PHILOSOPHY OF THE GIZZARD. V ery slneereiy, ,.,,..,,. ,.,, ,,.,., nm. .n 4h i,! t.ir,n. .o lono- "fnrn and the Kew York Sun. ...u....i.. ..., vui. i.u ... s aft" as to make the hat too wide at the trom riinperur nam uii.i. o,ii ic fha ,-i- crvnsv colonies, and to try to teach ,.0 i iiitTnonr.,. Tbp head nf a them the arts of agriculture and Indus- r)t.ioior,,i 1 rui.lo o t. thB tem- trv. and then built sixty little cottages pies: if the hat is the exact length, in for as many families on his Alesuth es- ' o f 5t b. tn hn tate in Hungary. A bout two weens ago ntrntMiBri aidnwn vs in order to make it he corralled a gypsy caravanand led it fit. English heads are wide, but not so to his uninhabited village. He chose a pronounced as those of the Germans, strapping fellow of twenty-five for There is more of a "sliding scale" with chief, or mayor, and had married to him them as to the relative length and by the pastor of Alesuth the prettiest hr,lth. Th Olt.ic. head is almost in- girl in the caravan. The archduke himseit cave me iriri away, nm a They ltrlng High Price, at Auction, Es pecially Napuleon'. Wooden Horse. Old toys so very seldom survive the rough work their youthful possessors jfive them that if any do weather the storm they become extremely valuable variably round or oval, and without TflVS nc DDIMi-tFQ Rfll ft How It .Alils tne i.sirieii n i.ispiKj traordlnary Dlgeatlvo Ability. A fowl's gizzard, whore so many lost articles turn up, is a curious trap us well as a necessary vital ...-gim of the fowl. Diamonds, pearls, coin, buttons, tacks, orange peel nnduubout everything else, anvo ilviuun'ite. have been found in the gizzards of fowls. A study of the organ t wuicii ueiongeu to royai ciiiiurcn, was is interesting. Experiments have dem- ditely sold at the Hotel Drouot. oustratod that what may bo called the I Some of them brought high prices, gastric juice in fowls has not sufficient For instance, a little doll, rather less power to dissolve their food without the umn a root. u.ug, ..ui. ciau ... a paiiop y the T-Urkish 8kuU is nlmost identical aid of the grinding notion of the giz- Ji steei mm iu . cnp-n-piu, la-.inj, . . te with that of the zard. Ucfore the food is prepared for modeled , and made at he period when P nineteenth century inhab- digestion, therefore, the grains must he Lotus XI 1. sat on the throne of 1 ranee, the United stotes. Hat deal- sul.jttc.ted to a triturating process, and sold for 01 j francs. makers, furnishers, etc., such as arc not sulnciently bruised in Lven tins price was exceeded by that 'thaUhe heads c'f all nations are this manner, before passing into the ?aidforatiny set of carriages carved eraduallv rowin? larfrer. In 1860 the gizzard, are there reduced to the proper iu woou auu uccon.piiu.cii uy uu cum ; "hat used was 6; to-day it state bv its natural action. The action .if littlo wooden soldiers, made, when ,;,." ANY LADY can get a valuable Bewt 1ft at, tmeSroSand a rubber shield for 80 Mnts. Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I 839 pisna strff.t, t. i.oris, MO. SYPHILIS., ucceiifulpractice. Treatnn The wowl formi poifc Itlrely cared 38 year ii practice. Treatment conaanmiai. uuret h. null nr ! ftfflre. Term. low. UueitlOD Ufa HE ai Book lr. Call or write. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. 9th St.,St.Louls,M0 stonn i they become extremely valuable. uneed phrenoloical "bmn ps. A collection of old play lungs many o Pq smootlmes of the cranial protuberance, the Italian comes next to the Celts, either of the two besting the classic Greeks in that respect. Odd as it may seem, anatomists declare that is 7. CAT AND WEASEL. of the gizzard is, in this respect, me- INapoieon 1. was urst consul, wincn chituical, this organ serving as a mill to brought 1,000 francs. A miuiature grind the feed to pieces, and then, by kitchen was interesting as being an cx mcans of its powerful muscles, pressing ct model of those in use in the time of it gradually into the intestines in the Louis XVI. A little jointed doll, six form of aoiili). The rawer of this organ teen inches in length, and dressed in a is said to be sufficient to pulverize hoi- broehe silk Watteau costume, brought low I'loliulea of irliiss in a very shi , ... . . nl.,.l nt O.U1 ..n.,i.c A .1,,.. dill time, una sou-t masses oi tnc .,. . .....- - - "..-- " By and by the weasel, in the pursuit s unco in a few weeks. 1 he rapidity of , hosse. " 0f a rat, popped out of a hole under the this process seems to be proportionate silk, w Inch had belonged to Marie An- ' tnstn,ntlv nounced urjon J..ii.. ... .!. ..i t i.i,.,i a toiiietto as a ch id, was so d for 1.800 stack, and puss instantly pounced upon chicken, for example, breaks up such fruncs. A roughly made wooden horse, Ki.bstnuces ns are received into its stem- wan a nroiten nose auu one leg miss. Puny Began the Fight, Hut Gave It Up u a Ilsil Job. russ had been watching a wheat stack which yields her toll of a rat per .ort 110 francs, while the kitchen was only nigbt, and one evening a weasel made ach less rapidly than the etipon, wliilc a injr, authenticated as having belonged goose pei-ronns the siiine operation to me great iapoieon wnen no was a sooner than either. Needles and even baby, went for 2,000 francs. lancets given to turkeys have given to turkeys have been broken in pieces and voided without any apparent injury to the stomach. The reason undoubtedly is that the larger species of birds have thicker aud more powerful organs of digestion. It has long been the general opinion that from some deficiency in the diges tive upparnttiH fowls lire obliged to re sort to the use of stones nnd gravel iu order to enable them to dispose of the food which they consume. Some, have supposed that the use of stones is to sheathe the gizzard in order lo til it to break into smaller fragments the hard, angular substances whii h might be swallowed. They have also been con sidered to have a medicinal effect. Others have imagined that they acted as absorbents for undue quantities of acid in the stomach, or us stimulants to digestion, while it has ever been grave ly asserted that they contribute direct ly to nutrition. The Hurt ford Times claims that repented experiments, how ever, have established that pebbles are not lit all necessary to the trituration of the hardest kinds of substances which can be introduced into their stomachs; and. of course, the usual food of fowls can be brtti-od without their uid. They do, ho ever, serve a useful auxiliary purpose. When i ut ill motion by the muscles lin y tu'e capable of pro ducing some effect upon the contents of the stomach, thus assisting to grind down the grain unit separating its parts, so that the digestive tlnid or gastric iJ-nce comes n...rc roiii!y l,t contact Willi it. it, and caught it, happily enough for her, round the neck. Somewhat dubious, it would appear, as to what manner of rat she had in her mouth, she brought it into the house, half throttled, and began mewing loud ly. Presently tho weasel revived, and KxchanKC" In Kugllsh Jmunal.r A peculiar feature of the English began to move away, puss instantly lol- friend was the best man. In the subse quent festivities the archduke appeared in the full attire of a gypsy chieftain, and, according to custom, as the man who gave the bride away, led the wed ding procession with a wreath of flow ers on his head and a bamboo stick wrapped with gray cloth in his hand. Each family in the new village has a cow and a pony and a quarter of an acre of ground. The archduke is about to erect a factory near the village, at which all who are not thrifty enough to support themselves without day labor may find employment, onouio ine coi- onv nrove a success other caravans are to be captured by the archduke and lo cated in similar surroundings, nis pur pose is to lead into ways of comfort and civilization the great horde of wander- inir folk who pass all their time in mi grating in picturesque caravans from one end of the Austro- Hungarian empire to the other An Accidental Reunion, For some time a young woman from Sweden had been looking for her sis ter, of whose whereabouts she knew nothing except thatshe was somewhere in the United States. Finally, the other day, she drifted to Portland, Me., and inquiring for this sister mentioned a name that sounded a little like Swift. So she was taken to the store Caveats, Tiatia-inarks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent hiiBinesa conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to inventors without ihartic. Address PRESS CLAJMS CO., JOHN WEDOZRQURM, Managing Attorney, . O. Box 403. Washixqton, D. C itF-Tliis Company is nvmatred hy a comVnation of die lurirnt nnd l-.est inlUienttal neWBninorfl in the t'uiiol Slates, for t:-1" ; purpose ol protect Intr tlu'-lr HiiSis..Wi..r aatust uuficrirpulou. and In- olv-p.Mi iit F iioat ApmU, and each paper printiu:; thi.i ;i'.tvcrtls.moit vouclit-a for the responil. MHty and iiih 2Vmi!r.ir of th. Press Claims Company. STOCK BRANDS. While yon keop your subscription paid up you can keep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. .1.. lone. Or. Horse. G(l on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on nglit ear, ana upper ua on me imil; rane, mui row county. Armstrong, J. C. Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horBPs; cattle eaine on left hip. Allison. O. D.. Eierht Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O on left hip and horseB same brand on right shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con nected on left hank; cattle. Bame on left hip. Rnrthnlmnew. A. G.. AlDine. Or. Horses branded 7 K uh either slioulder. Range in Mot- row countv Bleakman, Geo., Hsrdman, Or. Horses, a Hag llett shoulder; eauie same on right sliouuiei-, Hannister. J. W.. Harllman. Or. Cattle brand. ed B on left hip and tliigh; split in each ear. nrenner, feter, iiocsenerry Oregon Horses branded P B ou left shoulder. Cattle sauie on right side. liurKo, l Ht i;, ijimg t;reen, ur uu cattle, MAY connected on lett un. cum on lett. ear. nn. der half crop off right. Horses, same brand oi: letft shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morruu county. Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, or. Horses branded 7 right shoulder; cattle B ou the left side. woman's journals is the "exchange" lowing in pursuit; but she had caught a 0f Mr. Swift in that town, who, how- vilumn. wherein the wnmim who hns r tartar. "silver fox muff, boa and Medici col- The little creature, with wide-open lar," and on account of going intc mouth, and uttering a sharp, repeated mourning desires to exchange it for a sound, like "kek, kek, kek," sprang Persian lamb collar and muff, makes it straight at pussy's nose, just missing it, manifest. One lady offers iu this col- and this she did again and again. Its umn a "lovely Persian kitten; exchange fury was unbounded, and it was totally to the value of one pound; honey want- fearless. ed." Another offers to exchange a pair Sometimes pussy only saved herself of exquisite Dresden china candelabra by bigh jump and had to retreat, the for "anything useful." Magazines and weasel viciously following, once corner reviews are also proffered in exchange ing pussy and forcing her to Uke ahigU for other magazines and books. Th arched spring. woman who is tired of her parrot will For several minutes the fight went give it in exchange for the pug that cm til pussy was fairly frightened some other woman is equally tired ol Into retreat. The weasel was ap- petting. Plants are offered to obtain pareutly about one-twentieth of tho poultry iu return, aud everything bul cat's sire, but its vieiousuess and oour- husbunds and deformities are advep nee were beyond comparison. Used. Awful and Lawful. A Windsor Locks (Conn.) little girl, just old cnou;,-h to enier tho infantclass at tho Sur.duy-iehool, was ambitious to repeat a text of Scripture as the older ones did at the concert, exorcises. To humor her ambition and make reasona bly certain that slut would succeed, the mother selected the brief text: "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day," and tauifhl her until she rehearsed it several tnnea correctly. When the su premo moment arrived, however, the little orator eli etri f"d her audience and niortiiled her motiiev with the propoai. ever, proved to be entirely ignorant of the girl's whereabouts, nut wnue sne was telling her story a man happened to be in the store who said he had a Swedish servant girl who might possi bly be able to help the inquirer. The denouement was quite dramatic, for the servant girl proved to be the long-looked-for sister. . $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A man once entered . prison where was confined l condemned criminal. On making a request to b. sonducted into the presence of the doomed man, the Mflitor was informed that none but relatives were permit d to see the prisoner. The visitor said : " Brother, aid sisters have I none, but that man's (the prisoner's) ather is my father's son." He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what ation waa the prisoner to the visitor? The Agriculturist Publishing Company will give $50 8 war for life to the person sending the first correct Bu rner: 500 to the second; 3rd. 250; 4th, $100: 5th, (50, and over 10,000 other rewards, consisting of pianos, irgans, ladies and genU gold and silver watches, silvei ierviees, diamond rings, etc. To the person sending the last correct answer will bt pven a high-toned piano, to the next to the last a beaiitl 'ul organ, and the next 5,000 will receive valuable pruet if silverware. So. Kl'I.KS. (1) All answers must be sent by mail, anc near post mark not later than Dec. 31, 18tt3. (2f Th, re wil M no charge whatever to enter this competition, but al s-ho compete are expected to send one dollar tor sii nonths, subscriptiOB to either THE Ladiks, Hohi Maoazine or Thk Canadian Aokicultiuust twi tt the choicest illustrated periodicals of the day. (3 All prize winners will be expected to assist us in extend ng our circulation. (4) The first correct answer receiver Bender fl postmark taken in all cases as dale of receipt 10 as to give every one an eniia. chance, no matter when ie or she may reaide), will secure the first prize; thi leranrl. the next nrize. and BO on. Til. Agricvltcribt is an old established crncern ind possesses ample means to enable it to carry out al te promises. Itiend for printed list of former prizt dinners.) Jl-noES. The following well-known gentloven hat, onBPnted to act as Judges, aud will see ilia, heirizo re fairly awarded : Commodore Oaleutt (i ieprietoi 'alcult s Line of Steam, thj. Pncrboroiiph, una Mr YV ohertson. Pr, sident Times Printing C'ompBiiy, Pet.T liorouiih Register all nioni y- tet'ers. Ar.dn ss. Aultl ulti riht Pi a. Co. (b'ul), Peterborough, Canada Cloud Look.. Good look, are mare tbau skin deep denending upon s balthy condition of all th. vital organ.. If the liver be in active, yon liav. a bilious look, If your tomach be disordered, yon have a dys peptic look snd if your kidueyi be affeot d. you hav. a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Elertrifj bitter. the great alter ative and touie and ante directly on these vital organ.. Cares pimples, blotches, boils, nnd give, a good complexion. Sold st Slocuui-Johnsou Drug Co,, 60o per Bottl.. tion that "it is aivfulto do good on the uothine. For by 81ooom-J.hno Antiquity of the llediiuu. One of the earliest and most annoy ng of insects is that mi.lri.ibt ma rauder, the bedbug. An l-'.e-lish nat uralist has discovered pi-oofs that this .loiucstic pest was quit- common in the armies of the world at least one linn Ired and twenty years before the Chris ;ian era, and that hi' was ever a sei ?over, as the fleets of that day had theii imbers stocked with this breed of noc '.urnal prowlers. All tn. Tboie wbo have med Dr. King'. N.w discovery know it. vslue, nd tho.. who have not, now h.v. th opportunity to try it free. Call D th. advertised drug jiist, and e a tri.l bottle, free. Send yonr nsme and addr.s to H. K. Bucklen A Co., Chieago, ami gat a sampla box of Dr. King'. New Lif. Pill, fre., a. wall a cniiv of Quid, to Health and Home- hold instructor, free. All of whi.h it guaranteed te do you good aid .o.t yoa Sabbath day." I Crag Co. A C'urluiis Mine. There is a silver mine near Sarhad, in Afghan territory, whk-h has a curi ous history. Three men were sent from that country to Cabul, the resi dence of the ameer, to be executed for an offense against the state. They told the ameer that if he would let them off they would tell him where he could find abundant supplies t f silver. The ameer deferred the execution and sent them under guard to Ikanshara, where they went to work digging. They and the men who were put to work with them dug for twenty days, finding nothing. The ameer's officer told them at length that they could dig for seven days more aud if they did not liud silver within that time the sentence of death would be carried out. The next day thev Left ear half crop end right ear miner alone. Barton, Win., H- ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thign, cattle. Bfuno on right hip; Bplit in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stine; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. urown, J. ij., iieppner, or. Horses, circle ' withilor in oei ter on lett hip; cattle, same. Brown, w. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses V bar oyer it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on left nip. Koyer, W. (., Heppner, Or. Horses, box onmu or r-tfli hip cuttle, same, with split in each ear. Borg. P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on loft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-CattlB, JH connected on left side: emu un left ear anil twn alitu u.l middle piece cut out on right ear; on horseB same Dranu on trie lett mign; nange in J!ox valley Grant county, C'arBnei- Warren, Wagner. Or. Horses brand. ed O on right stifle; cattle EE (three bars) on right ribs, crop andsplit in each ear. ltange in vjiniiL tiiiu muiiow cuuuiieS. Caiu.L., Caleb.Or.-V D on horses on left stifie U will, quarter circle over it, on left shoulder ,ind on left stifle on all colts under B years; on lelt enouiuer only on all horses over f years. All iniiau in uihui county, i-i. w ... u i vjiniiv, uj. ii., uei a, or. -norses will.' con nected, on lett shoulder: cattle same on right ui,,. i'- ui.iouw mm uuiauiia counties. ( ate, t haB. It,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip ltange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, W m., Douglas, Or,; horses JC on let shoulder; cattle same on left hip, wuddleB on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on nach Inp on cattle, swallow fork and uniler bit in right ear, split in left ear. liange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Lar niarkod ewes, crop on left ear pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All range in Grant countv. B Cook, A. J., Lena, Or. Horses. flnnn rlDi,.i...i der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square oioli ou ieiL auu sunt in right. Cnrrin. B. Y., CurriiiBville, Or. left stifle. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Caltle in center: horaes. CK nn lf, ,;. Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant Co . Or -Horses branded circle with ha, haD,i. ' T houlder: cattle .same brand on both hips mark under slope both ears aud dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or.-Horees branded I ,:-. B , r - i'B uiauueu tne Bame. Kio.ru., too nurses braided with three tinea fork on left stifle. Cattle eaaie on left side! Douglas., W. M Galloway. Or.-t attle, B D on ng lit side, swadow-fork in each ear; horses, 11 D Douglas O. T., Douglas, Or-Horees TD the right stifle; cattle same on right hin J"t.Jv "l , .VnB; ""hs-las, Or.-HoraeB brand. hin hole in ii' l '"u8r' oame left riRht shoulder. It in H. M.. .1 ..ft lft "TSllffi 0,-Hor.e., circleT on left .title; cattle, same on right hip, under half iron in right and split in left ear lenkine. D W.,Mt. Venion,Or.-J on horwson left slioulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two enioolh crop, on both ear., ltangein toxand "Kei.uy.'ffike, Heppner, Or.-IIon.ee branded KNY on left hip cattle name and orop off left ear; under slope on the right Kirk J. T Heppner, Or.rHoreee 89 en left ahonld'or; cattle, m on left hip. kirk J O, Heppner. Or.-Hor.oe. 17 on elthor flank; oattle 11 on right side. K rk, Jesse, nuppuei, ...... .. .. ... Bhoulder; cattle same on right side, underbit on "lumberlnnd.W. G.. Mount Vornon. Or.-I L on caltle oil right aud left sides, .wallow fork us it ft ear and under oiop iu right ear. Horse. same bnuid on left .houlder. ltange in Grant countv. lioften, Blopnen, tox, Or. b L on left hip on cuttle, orop and split on right ear. Horse, same brand on left .houlder. liange Grant ""Lieuiillon, John W., Leji -if- Or. -Horse, branded half-ciiole JL oonneoted on left shoul der. Cuttle, saiui ou left hiu. ltange. near Lex- 'nLi.ahcy, J. W. Heppner Or. Horse, branded Lanti A oa h'lt Bhonlder; nettle same on loft hip, win tie over right eyu, throe elite iu right MULord, Goorge, Heppner. Or. Horses branded iluiible' U connect. Soinotimua called a swing H, on left .houlder. Markhaiii, A. M Heppner. Or. Cattle large M ou lelt sido both ears cropped, and split ill both. lloi-BeB M ou left hip. Kauiio, Clark', canyon. Minor, Oscar, neppner. or. Cattle, Ii Din right hip; horse. M on lettaliouiuur. on lett shouldei cattle same on loft hip. Mcl'umber, Jas A, Kcho, Or. Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. Thos., Heppuor. Or. Horsoa, cirolu T on loft shoulder and left thigh; cattle. & ou ''fl'achetl.'Oscur.loiiB, Or. Home., 77 on rieht hip; cattle, 77 on right Bide. McClaren, D. G., Krownsville, Or, Horse., b'laure 5 on each shoulder; cattlo, M2on hip McCarty. David 11. Itcho Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left .boulder; cuttle eaine on hip and side. Mi-Giir, Frank, Fox Vidloy, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattlo on ribs awl nmier in each ear; horses same brand on left .tide. Mcllalay, . , .. nauiuton. Or. On Horses. M with half circle under on loft shoulder; ou cattle, four bar. connected on top on the right eide liange in Grant County. Neal, Andrew. Lone Hock.Or. Horse. A N oon uected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hipe, Nordyke, E., Milvorton, Or. HorseB, oircle 7 on left thigh; oattle. same on left hip. Oliver. Joseph, t,anyon iity, ur. ix on came on left hip; on burses, same ou left thigh, Hang, in Grant county. Oiler, I'erry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.iiet. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. Ou oattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Hange in Grant county. Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle Bhield on left .houlder nnd 'iA on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. VS4 on left hip. liange on Eight Mile. Parker A G loason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. l'lper, filruet, liexlnglon. ur, nor.ee urnnu WL (L E connected) uu loft shoulder ; uattle me ou right hip. Hange, Morrow county. Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. Horsee, JE oon- octed onleft Bhoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. fettys, A. C, lone, Or.; borees diamond r on shoulder: cattle. J 11 J connected, on the loft hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the right. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, J P oon ueciedoii left .houlder. Cattlo OK oouuected ou left hip, two under half crops, one on each oar, wattle under throat. Rai.ge in Grant oouuty. Kood, Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, square cros. with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Keiuuger. Chris, iieppner. or. ltor.es, o it on left shouldei-. nice. Uun. Hardman. ur.; horses, throe panel worm fence ou loft shoulder; cattle, DAN on right shoulder, ltange near Hardman. Ilovse. Aaron, lleuuner. or Horses, plain V on left slioulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. liange in Mor row county. Kusn tiros., neppnor, or. llorse. oranaea a on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip. ion oft left ear and dewlap on neck, liange in Morrow and adjoining couuties. liiist. William. Kidge. Or. iiolBDB it on left shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop oil right ear, underbit on left ear. tilieep, H on wenthora, round crop oil rigb ear. liange Uuia tillaand Morrow ounlios. Iteeiiev. Andrew. Lexington. Or. HorHel branded A H on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over braud; uattle same on right hip. liftngo Morrow county. lloyee, win. ii, uairyvilie, ur Hit connected mark square -HorBea, OQ on C with Heppner, Or. Diamond on Emery, C B., Hardman, Or.-Horees branded ; ireverfed.c with tail) on lelt shoulder ; cat fS" OIjH!.t1P-HKK"gB ""trow coun oonnected ou right shonldor'. ?1 lv o1nfWthlP' Jarmk'1"'' right and crop F lorence L. A., Hepptier Or.-Cattle, LF on rhoulde?.1 bm" ' Wlth ,mdr ri Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or -Hi.w v right .houlder; cattlemen right hip high.0'1 2 ". Heppner Or.-Cattl. branded WF, with bar over it. on left side; crop o left ear. Horses, same brand on left hip .ho,aderUeU HePPDM' 0r'-(iAif left Gibjian.French, Land and Live Stock Co.. Pi il, Or.-Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent am. on , lef t .tine. Cattle, nms on both hip. ear marks, orop off right ear and underbit in left SZtie.10 Sm' UnU"' trouk aud Mo Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horees branded H B. with a quarter circle over it nn ift iu.. witli quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip aud crop off right ear and split in left. Horsei sauie brand on lett shoulder, itiuige in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. iieclor. J. W., Heppner. Or. Horse.. JO ot left shoulder, Cattlo, oon right hip. 1 SpickiiH.ll, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horse, branded ;li ou left shoulder; range in Morrow county. bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horees branded S A on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hwuggarl, H. F.. Lexington, Or. Horeo. with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H with duBh under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. liange in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Kwaggart, A. L.,Athena. Or. Horses branded 2 on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses .hailed J B on let. Btitle; cuttle J b on left hip, swallow fork in right ear. underbit in left. hupp, TIiob., Heppner, Or. Horse., b A P on left hip; cattb sauie on left hip. Slirier.John, Fox, Or. NC! connected on horeee on right hip; cattie, same on right hip, crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange m tiraut county. Bmith BroB.. Busanville. Or. Hnr... hpnuHud II . Z. on slioulder; cattle, ame on left shoulder. rxjliires. James. Arhnutnn. Or knraai hrunitud Jb on left shoulder; cattle the nuns, also nose ouuiM. ivmigu m aiurrow anu linnam ooanties. btephens, . A., Hardman, Or-; horses BSon right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, mr. A. J.. Henonor. Or Cuit.lo H on right hu ; swallow-fork m left ear. Bwaggart. G. W.. smmsr Or Hi,.... linn left eliouldei t eatUe, 4$ on left hin. Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cuttle W C on Left hiU. CruU off riarlit nnrl nniturbi. In luff vao dewlap; borBes W 0 on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 5 on iw i Biiumu,-r; caltle, a on lett Bhoulder. iippets,b.T.,Enlerprise,Or. llurses. C-on left shoulder. Turner B W., Heppner, Or:-SmaH capital T left shonlder, horseB; oattle same on left hip with Bpht in both ears. Thornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded H I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vamierpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horse. H V oon. nected on right shonlder;cattle, same on right Walbridge Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop on left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,, Balem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder, liange Morrow oonnty. Warren, W B, Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horses same braud on left shonlder, ltaugein Grant couuty, Wright, bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded B VV on the right hip. aquare orop oft right ear and split in left. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horses branded ace of spades on left Bhoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, a", on left shoulder- catt e aama Wolflnger, John, John Day City,Or-On horse. j.,. uoiaiiei oars on lett shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit m both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhner counties. Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Burses, DP oonnected un left shoulder. W atkuiB, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded TJE connected on left stifle. -,Jv,?ilacl' ;harle''. PortuMui, Or.-Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horaes, W on right shoulaer. some same on left shoulder. n n"t!er i?rS"a, nuntingion. Baker Co.. Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder nUlf'lu Vas0' B'unmon.Or.-Qaarter oir- uoU:ektTGbrtTnntrhiP' wilhamB. J o iiwi. o Srf P;fb1nTrtthrBe ba on .left "'Pi oWe same came to a verv rich vein of silver, ami Banna in Morrow and Umaulla conn ti m now about a hundred mon are employed ,aye8, 'Jeo".ijeiia. Or, Brand JH connected summer by an English traveler. , III in fuU'h nor W : n on shonhi..:',-?,pipn8r' "'-Horaes running A A on shoulder; I attle. same on right lp. Cau?i hmnE l'?hJ 8o""' Hardman Or. .ini v, bmniled IE W connected) KW on left lift',.";"8 on right .houlder. J. W- Hiatt. A. B.. Kid. ii,iVil u""'uJr:. . I ""!'? "W sameon left hip, horse, un withqnarter ciro)7 under It on th. narht hin VoutJ J N oiiiiianB9.tn Mo"ow eow BK. in Morrow and Util.nJht hl- ii iatS'6l'-11"