Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 05, 1893, Image 3

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'I'.'I'irfK ,ttring tbi lnT!lon of iHtpliy ,!
I or (imiik't oi Niiiif, niut net lln-ir ropv in
i')t Inter than ion.1av evetilnv fur Tuab.Uv.
tiiuoii, or iniiriiny evening; lor PTtnavs ell
1. The .inn o( Ave rents per line will be
ehrgii lor "caMa o! thanks," "rtwulutlotm of
Kwuwt," lists ot wodiliuc prrwnu and donors,
fill llhitltArV nntlt'tW fnlliAr llian thn.n
or mail litinaelf give aa a matter of news,) and
i.oik'"I special uiuettngii tor w batever purpose.
U. Notloos of church and society and aM other
ntertalninenta from which revenue la to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
wiita a line. These nilaa will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
vt hold eiiih and ever eorresnemltnt
sponsible for hit or bsr oommunlostlon,
MirratOOnderiee Will ha nnhllakait nnlua
wriur'i ireal name n ilgnri it in evidence
good faith.
JLa lng Agent, 21 Merchants lixchanie,
Ban Francisco, la onr amhorlaed agent. This
paper la kept on tile in his oulce.
f-tawti for Hurdman, Monument, Long Creek,
Juiin Uay and Canyon Cily, leaves an follows :
Kvery day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every duyat6 p. m.,oxcept Monday.
'1 lie clieapKkt, quickest and bust line to or
trout the luu-riur country.
J. a. DELEVAN, Prop.
V. A. Johi.bttm.Aguut.
(Jive your business to ilepimerpeojile.
ami wereore assisi w ouita up Hew
w.r. I'lUnmise those who patronize
Here and There.
If everymau wax but as big
Ah heapaumcs to be,
The half would loon be crowded oft
And drop Into the sea.
After the ball was over
lie gloomily aat by the fire,
Thinking how he would pay
For the flowers next day,
And Bettlo the carriage hire.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills.
The weutherie clearing up ooce more.
The roads are iimprovugovor the
Will Patberg whs up from Lexington
Send your washing to Mrs. NelBon, at
the Mouutuin House.
Theron Fell is recovering from an
lit tnok of i lionmutif-m.
Mrs. Will Spencer has about reocvercd
from ber recent illiieeB.
The new time-table works Brio, don't
it, except when yon get left.
J. 0 Wtletibnrgtr wbb up from the
Sand Hollow country yesterday.
Tom Matthews and M. Carrigall, of
Butter oreek, were in town todity.
Lee Kilboume, of Gooseberry, was
seen on our streets yesterday.
Rev. Bramblet of this oity held
services last Sunday at Lote Bock.
Mrs. Allen Crabtree visited her daugh
ters in Heppner during the past week.
The Heppner-Oanyon stage liue is the
best, cheapest nnd quickest to the in
terior. Oregonian: Miss Effie Fields, of
Heppner, is in the oity on a visit with
Mrs. Geo. Noble returned on Tuesday
' of last week from Colorado, muoh im
proved in health.
Ed Oopner and wife arrived fron Lone
Rock last evening and departed for
Portland this morning.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
ti rid tobnoco habit. See ad.
Rev. Potwine. of Pendleton, will hold
eervices at the Baptist oil u roll tomor
row evening. All are invited.
Every man who takes any interest in
fe.st stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette ehop, agents.
Jt is rt ported that two photographers
have looa'ed galleries in our oity
Where are they loouted? one seems
to kuow,
The Gzetto w ill take county scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
name in cash at highest market price.
Mrs. Jns. MoHaley is very ill nt her
home in Heppner. and at present grave
fears are entertained that she will not re
cover. Nels Jones returned from Portland
Tuesday of last week, having been ex
cused from further Bervice on the U. 8.
grand jnry.
Born Nijar Middleton, Washington
oonnty, Oregon, Nov 20th, 1893. to the
wife of Charles E. Yanderpool, a ten
pound son.
Joe Wnolery, of lone, oame np on
yesterday's noon train to look after
business matters here. He returned
this morning.
F. J. Andrews and J. C. Bennett
eame over from the Lone Rock oountry
yesterday and left for the valley on this
morning's train.
Geo. Cnnser, cashier of the First
National Bank, is indisposed this week
from an attack of rheumatism. How
ever, he hopes to be about soon.
The second evening's entertainment
of the Heppner Social olub will oocur
Thursday evening at the Palace hotel.
No member should fail to attend.
Sheriff Geo. Noble attended the Reitor
neoktie party down at Astoria, and then
tarried in Portland long enough to take
in the Sheriff's convention. As yet he
has not returned.
The arrival of the tram at noon yester
day bearing the Saturday and Snndav
papprs was heralded with delight by onr
citizens. The dose will be repeated for
some time to come.
The Stutlz New York Theater Co.,
through some misunderstanding, failed
to reaoh here yesterday. However, they
will appear at Herpner on the eve of
the 11th inRt ,m "Tne ueieorateo. jase .
Bear this in mind.
Exchange: There is a delicate case
namlino in the London courts. A
Torino- woman who fell and broke ber
lee while danoing at a ball has sued
her partner for damngee. She alleges
that his excessive awkwardness was th
cause of the accident.
Groen Mathews shaves ng before, 25
cents per shot; haircuts, four-bits. In
fho meantime his numerous "standoffs"
lire crowing bigger, while he, himself, is
cramped for the necessaries of life. A
hint tn Inmfl nponle is Dlenty: others
have to be hit with a fonr year old
Wmmott flnnhrnn and two other gentle
inert frnm the North Fork pnlled out
Saturday with what is usually known as
six-horse load, but owing to tne incle
ment weather we ehonld judge that it
would take a double force of teams to
get the load through in the uanal length
of time. The freighter has A rough
time of it now, and it's no piooia even
in good weather.
The Heppner branch train arrived in
Hepnner yesterday shortly after 12 a. m.
Though the time table on this branch
bas been greatly changed, yet we be
lieve all will like it better when thev
ODoe become need to it. It is also well
to bear in mind the fact, that if yon
deaire mail to leave on either the fol
lowing day's stageor trnin it mnst be
in the poatofflce by 7 o'olock p. m.
! J. II. Leiier, brother of W. J. and
""" J' f r" ow rrom JBOtr
"" HiiiiaHjr. J. H. in ID the shw
nnnine- ovr there. II bhb tliHt the
. frHiikliu bill on ilie Hepuer-Peodletnn
rcmd need work on it. Tbe super
! visor should bear this in mind.
' ,,A,DT!-V ,kU1 ideut occumdat the
i "OC home rnnch 8 few (Ihjb sgo, ao
, we Bre informed by J. J. Roberto. Xuans
n . . .... ..... .
Cytus Aiken Dearly dislooated his jaw by
iryiugioeay "momma -.
Attorneys Rob and Dawson weut out
to Hardman I ait Saturday morning to
assist in disposing ot a oaaa befor
Justice Hogne, They returner) late
Saturday evening.
Dsatb or A Hippksbiti. John Gen
try, egad forty ysarg, died at Milton
Thursday night from quick congnmption.
Mr. Gentry, who was a Heppner farm
er, was in the Milton neighborhood
buying fruit trees when seized with the
sickness that goon ended n death. He
leaves a wife and family. The remains
will be shipped to Heppner for Inter
meut. E. O. The remains were brought
in from Eouo SatU'day, the funeral and
interment occurring Sunday ,Rev. Adkina
preaching the funeral sermon at the
ct-mctery. John Gentery has resided
In this vicinity for many years, and wag
universally ectecmed by all. We are
informed that he was temporitirly absent
from his home on Black Horse when
taken with his last and fatal illness.
He was a member of the Seven Day
Adventiats, and a consistent Christian.
Wants His Doa.-Eli ICeeney has lost
his dog, Lawyer. No visitation of God
Almighty, is responsible for this oatas
trophe. Iu short, an ordinary man took
hiui, aud may be he bad on navy blue
overalls just like the Gazette editor
wears during busirees hours, which
these times are from 6 a, m. to 6 a. in.
Lawyer is just an ordinary briudle cur,
but considerable for smart and faithful
ness. He has a kind eye and can knook
a fly off his right ear with bis off hind
foot nt every whack and never miss a
note. He is a decent dog aud flens do
not meander oyer his person. The pur
loiner will reoeive the thanks of Eli by
bringing Lawyer buck; or should anyone
see him, they will confer a favor by
starting bim h meward.
Pri'Orastinatioh. This morning a
"hull" 'bus load of gentry from the
ralt.ee hotel got left by the down train,
the rig not arriving iu time to make
connection, though they were just mak
ing the urper end of the M. L. & T.
warehouse when the con's "all aboard"
admonished them that they were not
handy enongh to comply with the re
quest. One letter pouch was also left
iu the scramble. We do not know who
is to blame, but we have learned that
the tri.iu left on time and that the 'bug
was late. The mail was probably over
looked. A madder lot ot passengers
than those left this morning, we have
not beheld lately, but they should
remember that "procrastination is the
thief ot time", if this is any oonsolation.
Reqclab Counuil Meeting. Council
met in regular session last' evening,
Mayor Simons presiding, and all oounoil-
men present, llecorder tliillock and
Marshal Rasmus was also present in
their official capacities Minutes
of last regular session read and approv
ed Bills allowed Heppner
Light & Water Co., $100; H.E. Warren,
$2; F. J. Hallock, $16 66; Cantwell Bros ,
$650 laid over Ordinance No.
51 and 56 read firBt time by seotion.
Rules suspended and both ordinances
read by title Ordinanoe No. 55
read third time by title and passed
unanimously Council adjourned
That Stock Shipment. In conver
sation with Nels Jones yesterday, the
Gazette tnau learned that as yet he bad
heard nothing from the shipment ot
sheep sent East. However, they have
been sold, and we hope at good prices.
Frank Rogers, who had charge of the
shipment, is expected home soon, and
the other parties who acoompamed bim
will follow shortly. If this venture
proves profitable others will do like
wise, putting in circulation considerable
of the "root of all evil".
A Bad Mistake. An exchange says
that a lady went to a grocery a few
days ago for a peck of apples, and tak
ing as she supposed a fresh lanndned
Hour sack. She held the sack while the
clerk poured in the apples. A singular
thing then happened. On examination
it was found that there were two boles
in the bottom of the sack, both trimmed
with embroidery, The young man
fainted and the lady sent a small boy
after the apples with a basket.
Surprise Party. On last Saturday a
number of the young friends of Esther
Ford surprised her. A pleasant oc
casion was had. The tmrty consisted of
Bessie Vinson, Alma Von Uadow, Cora
Shipley, Annie Phillips, Edna Van Duyn,
Winnie Gilliam, Martha Van Winkle,
Willetta Leezer, Dottie Bramblet, Loyd
Ford, Teressa Liohtentbal, Mary Lazer,
Zoe Patterson and Oua Gilliam. The
little folks made Miss Esther a nice
Death of Mrs. A J. Breeding. Last
Sunday Mrs. A. J. Breeding died at her
home belo Heppner on Willow creek.
She bad been ill or some time aod was
quite aged, being over 70 years old.
She and ber husband were old settlers
in this vicinity, the latter surviving her
though he is at present in a ciitical
condition. The remains were interred
in the Lexington oemetery yesterday.
Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
37.00 per cord. Wood sawed twice In
two, 75 cte. per oord; three times, 8100.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, baa just located in the Abraham
sio building, on May street, where he
is prenttred to do eveiytbing in his line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-clasa work
man and warrants all work. . Give bim a
call. 'wtf
... . .
Mr A. it. AlUn
Ferry. 'Wash.
20 Miles from a Doctor
But Hood's Sarsaparllla was
Equal to the Emergency
Flturlsy, Chills and Fever MiCk
Leg Perfect Cure,
"After trty baby was born I got into very sari,
eus condition, haTlhg pleurisy, chills and fever,
gradually developing Into milk leg. TTe lire 20
miles from a physician and did sot know whit
to do. Finally after a great deal afted
lag I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla and
when I wag using the third bottle I could lee
It Was Doing Me Cood.
I continued with another bottle, and recovered
ao rapidly that now I ana la gaed healtk. I
Hood's x Cures
cordially recommend It as a good medicine.''
Mas. A. M. Allen, Ferry, Washington.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, Bilious
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
.( ...
Hair Death
tmtantly removes and forever dextrav ob
jectionable hair, whether vpon hands, face,
(3 arms or necic, without awoloration or iv-1
is jury to the most delicate skin. It was for s
ntty years the secret formula of Erasmus 5
Wilson, acknowledged by physicians ass
the biRhest authority ai.d the mostemi-
nent dermatologist and hair specialist?
that ever lived, During his practice of g
a uie-uine amonsf menooi ntv ana aris
tocracy of Europe he precrlbed this rec
ipe, rnce ?i oy man. securely packed.
Correspondence confidential. Sole Agents 3
iur Auiurica. Auureos.
The Mcookum Ruot Hair Grower Co,
Dent R.. 57 South Fifth Aventm. New t
I v4 ' i
The Studebaker wBgon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Biebee's. a
"Hardware" did yoo sayT Why, yea
at P. O. Thompson & Co.'e stand, and the
place (or bargains. a
The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished roomB with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Thompson & Binnsown the buss wbiob
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will oall for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at Oity hotel. . a
If yon want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & liuhl, proprietors, a
Dorg, the jeweler, is the man to fix op
your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' . a
M. Liohtentbal & Co.'s new stook of
splemlid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
At Salem. The pastors of the FirBt
Methodist and South Methodist oburohes
have decided to hold union services at
the churoh bouse of the former at 10:30 a.
m. Rev. J. M. Shulse will preach the
Thanksgiving sermon. Every one who
expeots to attend will please take an
apple or potatoe to be offered for the
benefit of the Portland Methodist hos
pital. The railroad company has agreed
to transport all material free of charge.
Mr. J P. Blahw, an extensive real
i state dealer iu Des Moines, Iowa,
narrowly escaped one of the severest
attaoks of pneumonia while in the
northern part of that state during a
recent blizzard, says the Saturday
Review. Mr. Blaize had occasion to
drive geveral miles during the storm and
was so thoroughly chilled that be was
unable to gel warm, and inside of an
hour after his return be was threatened
with a severe oas- of pneumonia or lung
fever. Mr. Blaize sent to the nearest
drug store and got a bottle of Chamber
lain's Oougb Remedy, of which he had
often beard, and to.ik a number of large
doses. He says the effect was wonder
ful and in a short time he was breathing
easily. He kept on taking the medicine
and the next day was able to come to
Des Moines. Mr. rilaize regards hiti
cure as simply wonderful. For sale by
Sloo'im Johnson Drug Co.
The young folks spent the
at Mrs. Ha.'sell's last Friday,
Miss Minnie Andrews returned home
Monday from Mr. O. F. Thompson's.
Mrs. Williams, Edna and Mabel, spent
the afternoon, Sunday at Mrs. Foster's.
Mr. A. B. Wibiams bas gone np above
for winter supplies, Think be is liable
to have a wet time.
Mr. Austin Yocnm brought n house
keeper not long since. All are glad to
have new neighbors.
Snow cao be seen on old Rattlesnake
this morning. That is a sign there will
be some here soon, so tbey say.
The last day programme in Diet. No.
13 was very iutorestiiic, considering the
scaicity of pupils, there being only six
all boyg.
Mr. Foster's sheep arein the care fo
Rolin this winter. Though tbe range is
somewhat orowded the sheep are d'dng
well. Grass is good.
Miss Edith Happ returned to her
home at College I'laoe, Wash., this
wiek. She will return and teach
another term of school Bfter New Year.
The quilting at Mrs. J. C. Thompsons
was enjoyed very muoh. The qniit was
one pieoed by Lizzie previous to her
death. It was set together with her
last new dress.
Sheepherders are etj iying the rain.
In fBCt every one seems to be, although
one occasionally hears the remark.
"There's no need of going to the valley."
"This is Webfoot enough for ine."
Miss Anna Armstrong is teaching m
her home district. The following are
enrolled: Edith Andrews, George Tow.
er, Lillie Andrews, Harry William,
Percy-Williams and Arthur Williams.
im .A.T iii
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner, Oregon.
How is tbe time to make your money count. Oar whole stoak of Drv (keds, Cloth
log, Boot, Shoeg, HsU, Ksnoy Goods, Oloveg, tto., etc., will be gait it
waolesalg pncii for egb.
Having Quit the Credit System,
We Bf offering tootls lower tbsn ew before knnwn (n DruBtm. Trti U HAfT
on a (ew lines. Our WHOLE STOCK
eon needing BuppueB ior casn cau tie made nappy, it you wish to save your money
aend in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving disootints on
per cent. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, etc 25 to 33
Men'a and Boys' Hats 80
Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30
Men's 8boeg 20 to 30
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestics 20
All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solicited, cash with
orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash.
Very Eespeotfnlly,
"UTe want it for a moment to inform you that
' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri
ces. The stock is clean and fresh, having
been largely inc reased with new goods the ear
ly pnrt of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
Geo. Conser,
S. S. Hornor,
Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. JLiohtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash.
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
; T.QU7HD,
Hew They Amnse Joseph Jefferson, TkaL
Beloved Oraud father.
E. Xj. Farjeon, the novelist, Is Joseph
Jefferson's son-in-law: he lives in Lon
ion, has a lovely homo, a charming fam
ily, and ho entertains delightfully.
From all I hear, writes Eugcno Field in
the Chicago News, I judge that his three
littlo children must be prodigies. The
youngest Is named after his grandpa and
he seems to have inherited his grand-
pa s fondness and facility for art. Curl
j ously enough he is the picture of Joffor
i son having the same bright blue eyes,
i delicate features and characteristic
I smile. The oldest boy I think his
1 name is Frank is always saying and
doing bright things, A year ago Mrs.
Madge Kendall spent tbe day with Mrs.
Farjeon, and the two ladios enjoyed a
good old-fashionod gossip all tho after
noon; the way they discussed and criti-
oised all their acquaintances was simply
a caution. Next day Master Frank re
marked at dinner: "Papa, I have writ
ten out with the typo-wrltor all that
mamma and Mrs. Kendall said yester
day." And so the wrctchod child had;
all the soandal and gossip was reported
with shocking fidelity, and may be Mr.
Farjeon didn't have a lovely time read
ing it aloud to his astounded spouse.
This experience taught Mrs. Farjeon a
serious lesson.
Not long ago tho Farjeon children
went with their mother to servioe in one
of the neighboring churches whore tho
, rector was an extreme ritualist. Wearied
I by all the ceremony, littlo Joe Farjeon
; finally whisperod hoarsoly to his mothor,
when tho sormon was about half through:
"Come on, mamma, le's go; don't le'a
wait for the last act!"
Tho children write plays for their
grandpa. Very thrilling plays they are,
too, Grandpa Jofferson enjoys thoiu
hugely, but ono day, whilo reading one
one of those productions, ho stopped and
asked: "Frank, what do all these blanks
mean? There doesn't seem to bo any
gense at all."
"That's where you are to swear, grand
pa," explained the child. "We left 11
blank on purpose, because we know you
could do it better than wo could." ,
Itinerant Dresa Cleaners.
A new female device for earning a
livlhood is that of going around to the
bouses of society people and cleaning
and repairing fine dresses that have
been accidentally soiled or otherwise
injured. The scheme was developed in
Buffalo. There are some women who
have ail they can attend to in this line,
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dal
ton, of Lurn, Russell County, Kansas,
called at the laboratory ol Chamberlain
A Co., Des Moines, to show bim bis six
year old boy, whose life had been saved by
Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy, it having
cured him of a very severe attack of
croup. Mr. Dalton is certain that it
saved big boy's life and is enthusiaalio in
big praise of this remedy. For gala by
blooum-Johoton Drug Co.
goes at anob reduced dgnres that the per
per cunt. off.
Hosiery , 30
Men's Oversbirts and Furnish
ing Goods 30
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . . .
When cooking onions set a tin of
vinegar on the stove, let it boil, and
you will have no disafrrppublo smell,
Crystal globes in colored or out
glass filled with long-aietmnod roses are
a lovely decoration for the lunch or tea
table. The globes oomo in ruby,
sapphire and emerald tints, and usually
rest on a mirror plaque.
Codfish croquettes Take equal
parts of picked-up codfish (freshoned In
water) and fresh mashed potatoes; sea
son with pepper, dip in egg, and roll in
fine oracker meal and fry liko oysters,
making them in any shape preferred.
In oyster stow or any thing whore
ono wishes to use the liquor let it come
to a boil so as to tako off tho scum.
I Never boil oysters, as it toughens them,
simply let them come to a boiling point
It should simply boil around tho edges.
Sweetbread Sauce. Remove the
tough skin from the sweetbreads and
lot stand in cold water twenty minutes.
Cut in halves, then in quarters and sea
son with salt and popper, boil till ten
der and put a tablospoonful each of but
ter and flour in a frying pan and when
hot put In the sweetbreads; stir until a
light brown, which will take about ten
minutes. Yankee Blade.
An experienced housokeeper sayg
the best water tank is a stone jar one
of five or six gallons. This will not
rust, and is not atteotod by change of
temperature. Ice will dissolve in It
without hurting it, and water will stand
in it, as it is changed, for years without
rusting it. Besides, clear, fresh water
will keep cool, in a closet or other shady
place, in a stone Jar better than in aaj
other position.
Crackling Pone. This is a Southern
recipe-: For a small pone take one quart
of corn moal scalded with as much boil
ing water as it will absorb, and allow It
to cool until the hand can bo used to
mix into it one cupful of woll-salted
"cracklings" or scraps left from trying
out lard. Wet the hands In cold water
and pat the pone into a cake an inch
thick on a pan. Bake in the oven. New
England Farmer. -
Jellied Chicken. Boll tho chickori
till tbe moat falls from tho bono, in aa
littlo water as possible; take it out and
let It cool; chop and season with salt
and pepper, then put it in a mold with a
laycrof hard, boiled eggs, either chopped
or sliced; boil the water in which the
meat was cooked until it is ha'f boiled
away, add a tablospoonful of gelatine,
and when it is dissolved pour over the
meat; this will be ready to use the next
day after it is prepared; tbe eggs may b
omitted If desired.-Detroit Free Press
For a gore throat there is nothing
better than a flannel bandage dirmpened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will
nearly always effect a cure in one night's
time. This remedy is also a favorite
fur rheumatism and has cured many
very severe eases. 60 cent bottles for
gale by Hlooum-Jobnson Drug Co.
P. g, POUIPSOI go,
Ljaving put their business upon a tem
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known in
We mast gt onr gtook ioto mongy, and
ecwai la slgbl. 8bikg jnr
Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that from aa they always set
av11 -: I- i. J 1 ... "
.uu wtigu ana gooa measure ior the least money. Why we aell the bestigex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes na friendg,
and so establishes onr trade. We want you to have some of onr
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
The Keeley Institute
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a fall Una of
Groceries and Previsions.
A full line of ohoioe Pies, Cnkes end Bread ; in faot everything that la
nsnally kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp
try them. ,
Disease oommonly comes on with slight symptoms, wbiob when negleoted in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
eating, -
RipaiiB Tabules not gently, bin promptly, upon tbe liver, stomaob and intes
tines; oleanse the system eileclually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual onnstipation, ofTena
ive breath and headache. One Tabulb taken at the first ndioation of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quickly
remove the whole difficulty. 1
Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely need by the best
physioians, and are presented in the form moat approved by modern scienoe.
If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-groes box will be gent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 oantg by the
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabnlea if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill
SsuaaplM X"r oj application to tlm SJlpavrue ClunalesU. Co, ajsrvar
York City.
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin 4 McKarlaiul's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teamg to hay per day, 75ots. Hay and grain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 otg.
at C. O. Sergeant's, neit door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled bay always on band.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
prefltg gra do objeot wba let monty
sagh at ni tni g ng tumble.
Heppner, Oreson.
: Watches,
Etc, Etc.
Trust Busts
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium ui Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazxtt office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure
A. I. Binot