" hie wm io mh Ymmi . - . T A in MnPTAW riOimtVJ .,: . ,,.,. rz j)ne or the best Pieces 01 w "A ' " 1 10CJAltlV .th.fc.l.nceAlPMtw. ThedeediUndb.goodSpriDgo!wt.ronlt,.nOBder CTTXD 1 00 ACRES HmUr Culture el.im djobJDg, of wbicb deockd W '-Uxo 10 mtn g d fmmrg bod, wd tb Wce A i Fw JX Ins. Situited two mlli wnit ri Htrdato, !- I - J - jtjm tor tn wnoi, tuuu ; or wiinoai int ximpr ouunre c.suni, cow. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow coiuty, ch"ny. txui on oany termn. De.led ranch, ICO acresaWill ,A .JS for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selliDg, oner uvea m For further information call at our office. Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for nil or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name Is signed as au evidence ol good faith Dill you ever Read about the Man who Hid bia Light tinder A bushel? Yee? well That is like Doing business Without advertising All the BuiJe schemes In the country Will notncoomplinb Half as much As a good ad. In a good, live, Legitimate newspnper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Use Its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. .3 J3 That splendid family journal, The Detroit Free Press, is offering to send its famous twelve-page weekly tour months oo trial for twenty oenie olnb of eight one dollar. Mo paper in Amer ica eojoys a greater reputation for genuine humor and literary excellenoe. Our readers cannot invest twenty cents to better advantage. The address is Detroit, Mich. The Eastern Oregon soouring mill may be looated at Pendleton instead ol at Heppner. This should not be. Are we going to let loose entirely? Tariff talk has for the time forced financial matters to the rear, but it is only temporarily. The silver discussion will out in spite of everything. Ws need more Amerioan money and American notions on trade. Donbr, the Portland smugglers, has been found guilty. Soothebn sngar men will fljiht Wilson tariff bill. the FIHST AWAHD At' CHICAGO. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The session of the 63rd congresi was oonvened yesterday at noon, and after roll call a ioint oommittee was at ouoe sent to inform the president that every thinir was in readiness to receive ble uiossHge. It was at once forwarded to the president of the Benate. He io turn laid it before Hecretary Cox, who read it to the vast assembly. The raessiign had been looked forward to by nil with great interest, and in many respects it is disappointing, to say the leant. The Hawaiian trouble, In which per haps most interest centered, was but very lightly treated, and in such lan guage that one is led to believe he favors re-enthroning the nigger queen. At any rate he deolnres the trumped-up report of Blount to be true and impartial in every respect. Ou the tariff question be lauds the WilBon bill as being in aocord with the party's platform. It is exactly his idta of tariff reform, and he proposes to acoept no oompromiie or BiiuBtitnte. All will remombertbis as the same stand the president took on the repeal bill, ami if he cau maintain thesame strength now as then, the future for the tariff is settled. Howover, many will hope, regardless of political iaith or affiliations, that that strength has been weakened. This of oourse remuius to be seen. The president indirectly expressed some disappointment beoause of the fact that the good times he bad promised to follow the repeal of the purchasing clauso bad not appeared, yet he attempts to koep up hope by the assurance that they will be here by and by. Now since Qrover tolls us this is the ease, the question that at once confronts us is whether or not we oan hold out until they arrive. The silver men may get some little oousolatioo from bis sugges tion that some supplemental financial legislation may be necessary, though not a single suggestion was given as to the beet manuer of disposing of the silver bullion now ou band. In all the message is obaraateristio of Cleveland, but if it could have been dished np in about half the length it would have afforded the Amerioan people muoh relief. Sheepmen will be interested to know that there is no longer any question as to the relative merits of the different sheep dips upon the market. Christy & Wise take pleasure in announcing that Hayward'a Dips (paste and liquid) tor which they are sole P. 0. agents, have secured the first sward at the World's Fair, and last year these dips received the silver medal at Oalifornia State Fair and gold medal at Mechanio Fair, San Franoi8co..Every praoticals heepmen that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro- notinoed them the very best dips for the cure of soab, the general health of sheep and conditions of woo1,181188-rw. HARD TIMK8. TnB committee on ways and means is till struggling with the problem of bow to replace the revenue of from 840,000,- 000 to 800,000,000 saorifioed by removal of protective duties. They are afraid to adopt the inoome tax or to increase iotori al revenue impositions; afraid to tax bier, which would raise the whole mount needed with little trouble, and fraid to fulfill the pledges of a Chioago platform by laying revenue taxes on ngar, tea, Co Hue aud other noncom petitive importations. It would be the easiest thing in the world to raise all the revenue tariff if the democratic party bad the courage. Oregonian. AuKiiKiN silver is belug exported while at home a niouey famine exists. Having discarded the white metal, foreigners are takiug it and are glad to get it. We want a flood of something here, and silver would suit the average person. The Melloiuaurgengsbip, Aquidaban, Las passed the forts at the mouth of llio harbor to meet the coming loyal qutdrou from New York. Ed. Gazette: In a recent Issue of your valuable paper I see Jim Neville's been out on a oaper; Interviewing your people, up and down the street, Now how are you fixed for cash, and what do you eat. It makes us feel bad to hear of such times And know that so many are lacking the dimes; For the people of Heppner are a noble band And have the kind wishes of those "down In the sand". How are we fixed down here? I'll tell you about It, We're all out of money and don't you never doubt it; We trade old lumber for barley and barley for wood Barbed wire for potatoes, or any kind of tood. I naked Barney Dougherty. "How are you ofl' for cash"; "Be jnbers Its all I can do to get hnsh; I cook my own grub, live as cheap as I can, ' T1h the only way to do under the free trade plan." Are you happy Mr. Andrews?" "No I'm In a rage. I get a little cash by running the Echo stage; But sheep are worth nothing, you cau't sell wool If I'd voted for Cleveland, I'd feel like a fool." We found Will Hansell repairing his harrow; There's an awful sight of bone and very little marrow; I didn't vote for Cleveland, I'm republican all through And my father, by the way. voted for old Tippecanoe." Evans & Thompson are solid sheep men They live ou Juniper in a "bachelor's den", "We're not to blame for this (Oh hand me a fan) We voted for Weaver, the populist man," Tom Mathews was seen at his ranch on the creek; A tear stole slowly down over his check; "As sure as you live If these times ain't over By the lovely times past, I'll go back old Orover." Uncle Itcnry Thompson promptly answered our ring And seemed as contented as a frog in a spring "My cellar, tullof apples, a store house full of honey, I have nogs and hay and cattle, but very little money." We met neighbor Carrigall upon a load of w heat, He was in such a hurry he could hardly keep bis scat; "I tell you It is tough, money's worth twenty percent.. "Tw ill be better in two years," what do you suppose he meant? "Money and a Cleveland mau are the things we haven't got In this nesk of the woods," said Uncle Tom my Scott; "1 feel sorry for the democrats, it is a bitter pill But the directions say take it whenever you feel 111," "My wind mill la no good," said Flnley, W. B. "How I'm to get another one is more than 1 can see; "Like Cleveland's administration," I noticed he grinned. " 'Twill run a little longer with a mighty big wind." So I passed along the line and saw them one and all What makes the times so hard? Too many democrats last (all. Bo I came to the conclusion and I'll bet a silver dime That all the democrats will be republicans next time. Yours Republioanly, Solemn Sam. Alpine, Oregon. PRACTICAL INSt FRANCE. Mm Novel Scheme of Co Operation In' vented by a ltoeton Genius. A form of practical insurance against want is under advisement In this city, in which a large portion of the laboring people ahould be deeply interested, says the Boston Herald. A working-man is often thrown out of employment and re duced to great distress beoause he has little or no money laid by, and is un able to provide for'his board and lodg ing while out of employment. It has been suggested that a people's mercan tile company might bo formed among themsolvos which would undertake to orovido board and lodging with land lords at the rate of $4, 85 or $0 a week, on such terms that, aftor one month ol rocular rjavmcnts, one week's board at half pay might be placed to the credit of the Interested party, so mat u nf were out of work or sick, or otherwisf disabled, he might not be brought tr discomfort because he could not pay hlf board. At this rate in six month9 a man would be entitled to one and a hall months' credit for board, and in one year to three months' credit for board, which, at half rates, would only cost him thf price of one and a half months' board anywhere. This plan, if it could be carried out. would be a great relief to hundreds oi working people who are suddenly disa bled or compelled to be idle. It would be Impossible for anybody to fall rapidly In debt to such a company, and only in cases of extreme misfortune would persons he willing to sur render their oertain insurance o' food and lodging, which would grow larger as the years rolled by. A com pany of this kind would need tr have a responsible baoking in order tr secure public confidence, but though i' has never boen attempted, it could easily be conducted on the basis which is common to similar undertakings. Payments would be made to landlords the same as now, and the company, after collecting a twenty por oent. dis count every week for a month, could af ford to give one week's oredit and d' business on that basis. The credit would not be transferable except by consent of the company of director and would be dealt with by them in the same manner as if they were a life in suranoo policy. When such a oompany was established its rango of restaurants or lodging and boarding-houses would be such as to meet the wants of all classes of people. This is a system ot co-operative effort, but it would be company that could aocumulato capital and increase Its resources In propor tion to its membership. It would thu be a safe investment for individual' without involving them in any persona' responsibility boyond what their regular payments would demand. This organization is not yet in exis ence, but it is one of the first practice' suggestions for self-help whioh has sprung out of the movement for Chris tian socialism in Boston, and when tt 1 properly devoloped and brought intf shape it looks as if it might meet a pre ent and pressing need among peopr who are not forehanded and are not ao customed to making investments tr themselves. ,! LOCAL MARKET RETORT. ,3,1,,' ' ' I PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the hifttuty of our country when the demnud for inventions and improvement in the urts and eoietioee generally was bo groat as now. Theonnvenien'-es of nvitkini io the faotory aod workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in offleial life, require continual hccepsious to tbe appurtenance and implimerts of earn io nrder to save labor, timeaul expense. The political ohauae in the admioistra- nn iriivernrnent does not affeot fie progress of the American inventor, who being on the nlirt, and ready to per ceive tbe existing deficiencies, does not permit the nff lira of government to de er birn from quickly conceiving me remedy to overoome existing diecrepan ies. Too great care cannot be exer cised in ohoosiug n competent and Bkiil- fnl Attorney to prepare nnd prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in ereu'B have been lust aua destroeJ in unnmeriible instances bv the employ inent of incompetent oouusel, and es pecially is Uis advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" Rjstem. Inventors who (iitruet their business to this elass of attorneys do n at imminent risk, as the breadth and btrength of the patent is never eon siilpred in view of it quick endonvor to art an allowance aod obtain the fee. IHE PHESS CLAIMS COMPANY John Weilderhnrn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C. representing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly p'tperx, and gen eral periodicals of the eotiutiy, wax lu stituted to protect its patrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed n this Hue ni business. The saM Cor oiinv is prepared to take charge of ull patent business entrusted to it f ir tea- Ronable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, iuoluding me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, iufryiguenta, validity rtpoite, aud gives eepecitil attenion tn n jctcd capes. It is also prepared to enur lino oom petition with any ffi m iu gacourin foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice, John Wepdebbukn. (118 F Street, p. O. Box 385. Washington, D. O. Wheat, bu ? Flour.bbl 2 60 800 Beeves, cows & two-year-oldB.owt. 1 oU three " 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 60 2 25 Stook iw 1 Hogs, on foot, owt Hogs, dressed o uv us i w Wool. 8 10 Horses, Blow sale. Butter, roll 60 Ebks, do z" Chickens, doz S 00 Turkeys (Ml.rFORNIA market. Wheat, cwt 8103 01 08 Flour, bbl 3 00 ti 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 0 5- 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 60 o to Wool Eastern Oreeon.. 10 trf l& Butter, lb 25 $ 30 Eggs, doz turn " Chiokens, doz o UU W O"" Turkeys, tt 15 O 18 Prejudice and ignnranoe have given way to Simmons Liver Kegulator. It has stood the test. It never failed to cure dyspepsia aod liver complaint. Take Simmons Liver Kegulator. "How to Cure All Bkln Disenses.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointmeut." No internal medioiue required. Cures tetter, eczema, ituh, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, io., leaving the skin clear, white and healthly. Its great healing aud onratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist tor Swayne's Ointment. ew 1 jr. THE MONK-FISH. A riirlous CrtMl.ui-e Tlittt Disappeared lU-:iitii nf n l'lattrue. One of the nightmares of John Ash- ton's "Curious I'mitures of Zoology" It the mpQk-tish or sen monk, he beiuif In debted to both Aldrovuodus and Stow for his account. If the old writers an reliable, thoR monsters were quitf common in the North sea, the liritisr chaniH'l and iilonif the Irish const up tx the year 1414, when they are said tc have become extinct through the rav ages of a plague simihir to that which was affecting men at about the sauit time. The superstitions of those dayi believed that tliey were priests monks who nun hen cursed lor some crime and coniU-nun d by God to an end less life beneath the waves. Stow 8 account of mio caught in llti' is as follows: ' lie had tlu shape of man in all poynis and waa Uej.t :n the castle at Oxford by the keeivr thereof. All milliner of raw Meats he did g'a.l eate, but more givcdilic of rue ti:.!ie after that he had i-ro-.lu'il out nil i: lure, otien lie v. as l.ior. 'lit t me church, but showed no aigrs of rever ence, nnd at length, iieu not wo looucd to, lie siole away to the sea line was never seen again after." A .'alt I sici-. The French govcrnm nl has just sol to M. Chcfncux the ri-fht to rellne niv export salt from Lake Assal, one of thi most remarkable sheets of water in t world. The lake is in the district Obock, cast Africa, only a few milei from the head of the lluy of Tadjournh All along the edge of this little lake wnicn comprise! only sixteen squar mues, ir a bed ot nearly pure salt ahou foot thick. The lake bottom is appar entiy a ood ot solid salt, A long briu brook or creek drains water from th- acean into this body of water. Ijaxd ton calk. oti sores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and will be aold cheap. Call at Gazette office for partioalarf and terms. tt. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TH T THE annual meeting of the Stockholders of tbe National Bank of Heppner will be held at l hanging nulise on tne secona luesuHy ui jh 1KQ4. between the time of 1Q a. m.. and 4 d. r of said day, for the purpose ofelectingdirectors and attending to such other business us may come belorc tne meeting. Ep. R. Bishop, Cashier. Heppner, Or., Dec. 2, 1893. 16 tf. Notice. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of Stockholders of the Heppner Building & Loan Association will be held at its office in HeDDner on the second Tuesday of January, 1894, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. of said day for the purpose of electing directors, and attend to such other business as may come before the meeting. Ed. R. Bishop, Secretary. M tf. Heppner, Or., Dec, 2, 1893. year WHERE'S THK TARIFF. How they talked about the tariff, just or so ago! It was "tariff, tariff, tariff," clean from Jtnklni Joe! It was tariff on the hilltop, and tarift on the plain, And tariff in the sunshine and tariff in the rain! An' we rise to know Seein' such was so ft hat's gone with all the tariff Of a year or so ago? How the candidates for congress, and the candidates for all The good things In the country, made the tariff bawl and squall! It was taritfon the housetop and tariff on the atump, it set the woods afire, and made the rabbits Jump! An' we rise to know tieeiu' such was so What's gone with all the tariff That made the bellows blow ? funny 'bout this tariff how they've lost it or forgot; They were rushin' it to congress once, their collars were so hot; They could hardly wait to fix it 'till w har vested a crop; Was It such a burning question that they had to let it drop? O, we'd like to know Beein' such was so Where's the tariff, tariff, tariff, Of a year or so ago? And It's TOBTLAND MARKET. Wheat, owt 85 95 Flour.bbl 2 90 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 8 2 75 " dressed 3 60 600 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 60 (8 3 00 dressed 6 76 b UU Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 60 dreBsed 7 UU Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 200 dO Eggs, doz 27 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (8 4 60 Turkeys lb 15 17 i! ;.t out! to lmirry jflSTWo 1 I . I T 1 r . COUnSK)TliR HiamtHi-hoW to Do M'"rnge I'AKS YOU )T1ir fond piuent-hov to lmvti pme babies; ( ON'E WANT )Tlie mother now nave iiu-iii eHmiuiimu, tuMr To' The childless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they ''giwed" and came to be;( 43 WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life aud keep well ; (AND HE EVERY The invalid how to get well again speedily ; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE TO )Find it in Dr. Poote's'7 Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR, KNOW. 11,000 pages, 201) cuts, L'4 0,11. piiues; uii reeipes; i,0UU,UU(J READ )Kedue.!dfrtmi.25to.1il.rH.'i circulars free. ( COPIES P H T )Mnrrav Hill l-V.-': , . ; 1'. l'!'i St., Nwji ork.( SOLD. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Oct. 4, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on Nov. 18, 1893, viz. ; RINKHART SCHILLER, Hd. 3243 for the NWU NE'.i SS'i Sec. 31 and NW!, 8E4 Sec. 32 Tp. 6, 8, R '25 E. W. 11. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis. : George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Meiasner, of Gooseberry, Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry, and Isaac smith, of Lone Kock Oregon, ittt-ivu josh rt. 1.KW1S, negisier. DR FOOTE'S nAND-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, Is the UUe of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmoit Importanoe to Everybody, conueruing their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc, IX TELLS ABOUT Influence of Hants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Batbing-Best Wny, After-Dinner Naps, Alcohol as a Food uuU a Lungs and Lung Illseasos, Effects of Tobacco, liedlrlne, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Superfluous nnlr, Clotlilng, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Curt, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of Lice, u..,n.invihal)pnwnwl. Cnntflirious Diseased. Malarial AfTeotlnna OvXathig Houses, Preventing New-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyos, Bolls, Burns, Chillblalns, Cold Feet, Oorni, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earaohe, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inaamed Breasts, Ivy Polsoulnj, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Monti, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, SweaUng Feet, Toothache, Clow Wartt, Whooping Cough, Worms la Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' BILLS. AH new snhRcribers and prompt renewals during the month of Nov. will be preeensed with a free copy of this aa a premium, What to Eat, Dow to Eat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe. Dangers of Klsstng, J3lli Dawson $s Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AU business attended to in a prompt nntl satisfactory manner. Notaries Publiu and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON. Sheriff's tcae. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER iN and bv virtue of an execution inued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered upon Judgment rendered aud entered in Bald (jourt on tne win a ay oi May m favor of W. B. Cunninghame, Plaintiff, and against J. D. Ball, Defendant, for tbe turn of Seven Hundred aud Ten Dollars, and for the further mm of Two Dollars damuReB and coats, which iudtrment was enrolled and docketed lu the clerk's oliice of said Court in said County ou the '20th day of May 18Htj, And thereafter ou November 27th, lbM6, taid judgment was duly assigned and transfered from the iaid W. B. Cunnlnghame to Wm. Hughes for a valuable consideration, and there being noW due on said judgment the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars, together with interest at the rate of 8 cent, per annum on the full sum of Seven Hundred and Ten Dollars from tht 3uth day of May 18JHC to the 2th day of December, li&y, to gether with interest at the rate of cent, per annum on the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars from Wth day of December, 1889, until paid, and for the further mm of Two Dollars costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon aud will sell at public auction, on Saturday the 9th day of December, l&M, at one o'clock p. m. at the Court house door in Heppner, Morrow County and State of Oregon, all the right, title and interest which the said J. D. Ball, Defend ant had on or after the 20th day of May 1866, in or to the following described premises, to-wit: The Houth East quarter of tiec. Eleven (11) in Township Three South of Range Twtuty-three (23) East of W. M,, iu Morrow County, State of Oregon, and contains 1 10 acres. Dated at Hepp ner thiauth day of November, 1893, Quo, Noble, 178-187 Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon Sheriff's Sale. NOflCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 7th day of Sept 1X9H, in favor of The Oregon Mortgage Company Plaintiff, and against Francis M. Shurt. De fendant, for the sum of Five Hundred and Thirty-three Dollars and Seventy-five cents and for the further sum of Fifty Dollars attorneys fees and Twenty-two Dollars and Fourteen cents costs, and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to-wlf The North East quarter of Section Twenty-six In Township two North of Range Twenty-three East of W. M, In Morrow County Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and ac cruing costs. I will, on Saturday the 23 day of December, 189S at one o'clock p. m., of said day. at the front door of the court house, In Heppner Morrow, Co. Oregon, sell theright, title and interest ol the said Francis M. ahurie In and to the above described property at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. Gao, Noble, . .. Sherifrof Morrow Couuty, Oregon. Dated Nov. 21, 1893. " i89o Life la Misery to many people who have the taint o scrofula in their blood. l'b agonies caneed bv the dreadful running tore and other manifestations of this disease are beyond description. There is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for sorofnla. salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It is reasonably sure to beneflt all who giee it a fair trial. FREE TRIAL aod IM Tkalli s. ward wrfyfuTE, iiwaituna,ia A pecksp sf .g, tntt. BMOtfor tNkCM .Bd IM rtalltj sul ene ti, 11 watt Summons. T! JU9TICECOURT FOR SECOND DISTRICT X state of Oregon, County of Morrow. E. C. Ashbailgh.Plaintifl',) H.E.Hooke'r;-Defendant 8CMMN8- TO H. E. HOOKER, defendant. In the nameof the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear before the under signed a Justice of the peace for the District aforesaid on the 6th day ol January 1894, at ten o clock In the forenoon of said day at the oflice of said Justice in such district to answer the above named plaintiff in civil action The Defendant win take notice that If he pai.f,V!r fne.r kthe ,comPllll"t h.rein, the Plaintiff wl l take judgment against hira for !lne,h".1dled 4nd Vx ud 2-100 Dollars and for the further sum of Fourteen and 4-100 Dollara together with costs and expenses of this action. a Dim mT thl' 21 dsy 01 Nov- 182-94 C. E. Jones, Justice of the Peace. . Summons. TSTP? tt'sTICE COURT FOR SECOND H..H,kVendan.f8CMM0;S- TO H. E. HOOKER. Defendant. In the name of the stateof Oregon. Yon am h"ebJ required to appear before the Tumie? X on'tRh th" P"T ,or district afoS: sam on the th day of Januarv, i.94 at two V",'."? "''"'oon of said dav at the ortloe of taid Justice in such district to answer the above named plaintiff iu a civil action The Defendant will take notice that If he A.! lS.nd" m' b"d th" n d7 of Nov. , , C. E. JOKM, Justice of th. Peace. FOR INVENTIONS. Eqnal with the interest of those having claims against the gorernment li that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, If not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. with the view ot protecting inventors irom wortniess or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. Ii others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement iy others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 818 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. p. o, box 43. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 49-Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. Otis Pa It NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT It is a wonderful remedv. which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Scotts Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Od Liver Oil and Hypophos- pmces oi ume and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produces murd K them from takinr. COi alihv flesh. It keeps will do the same for you Scott's Emulsion cui-cs c Colds, Consumptierii S:.?ef. all Anaemic and Waath-t-; -Prevanta wasting in eh ";v most as palatable i:m:i:u. the genuirie( l'rciar.'i bv i Bowne, Chemist, N.-w l-.ri; all Druggists. 9 . en Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE tii;i ... iVl ; ueeeasea. will on Tuewlay the 12th (lav nf Bwitrnh., p. m. of said uay at the West hull 'of th Nr7h eastquirter, and the East at 1 o'clock f the Nnrfh. half of the North- west quarter of section thirtv-one (31) town" Ea.Pt of n ' R,nf, ntyinln. T) tast of the Willamette Mpri.iu,; .n described premises at public sale to the h chest 3 'dn;,.'d C0U'"y MU" f Morrows I will also on said dav at the hour of 3 o'clock P;- ""''I. day, sell an undivided one half interest in the saw mill property beloiiiliic In urlscoll mill. Ntirtsale wi 1 he made to thp hifhest bidder with cash In ha, d upon the premises. The order for said sale ha v:Va bv n 1MJ, by the honorable County court of V or row c&TAetoa- Died thii l73"w Mary Driscoli., Administratrix. Administrator's Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER Issued out of the County Court of Oregon, for Morrow County, on the 6th day of Nov. A. p. 1K93. The undersigned administrator of the estate of .lamea 8 Breeding, deceased, will on Friday, Decembers, 189a, atone o'clock in the afternoon of said day, in front of the court house door, in Heppner, Morrow county Oreeon, sell to the highest bidder lor cash ; hand all the right, title and interest of said James 8. Breeding, deceased, in and to tnt to lowing described real property, to-wit: !: V H of seo. w. Tp. 2 ii K. k e! W. M., situated In Morrow county, state of Oregon. The same to be sold In parcels of forty teres each, or as a whole as to the administrator mar seem best on day of sale. Dated this 6th day of Nov. A. D. 18113, at Heppner Oregon. A. W. Brsruiso, I"-85 Administrator. eiired In on. PAIN LBBS rrtatofl without knife. loss ol from bmln.n. Fistula, Ulesri, .1- ,iu - .a m .1. 0. viMKloa Blank sod Book tfoo. Cell o.' writs. , DK. H. B. tLTTS, Pine street. ht. lodu. Ho