NOTICE TO ADVKHTIHKKS. IMlOHK rtcHirtiiR tlie insertion of display ad., n-t-tmiiKf f Maine, must gut their copy in .tot later than M outlay evening for Tuemiay'i tslllion, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi tion. THB FA.TTKKHON PUBLISHING (JO. 1. The ium of five cents per line will be chatted for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol roHpuct," UbU of weddiiiR prwents and donors, nd obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as matter of news,) and notices of special meetiiiRs for whatever pxirpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, sha'l be charged for at the rate of five tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to lu every lntauce. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No corn i km id e nee will be published unless the writer s real name is signed asau evidence ot good faith. P. F18HKK, NEWSPAPER ADVKHTld I J- lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Han b rauciBCO, is our authorized agent. This papelUK kept ou tile In his ofliue. TIME TABLE. Mhku for Uardmun, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. in., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or tiom the Interior country. J. B. DKLEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. On e your business to Heppner people, anil therefore attaint to build up Hepp iter. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. When w inter comes, as soon It must We see e'en now the signs "Twill give the bicyclist a chance To straighten out their spines." Chris. Niebuhr left Tuesday for Tillamook, his future home. Send your washing to Mrs. Nelson, at the Mouulutu House. Born To the wife of John Wilmartb, of Hepuner, this morning, a boy. Mrs. MoSwordB aud daughter are xpicted home the first of next week. Those who fittteu bogs at tbe present price of grain are wise. There's money in it. The Huppuer-CuDyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent, of Tbe Dalles, are visiting their son, Chas. Uargeut and family. Tom liayward, Etnmett and Bam Cochran arrived Wednesday from Uraut .oouuty for supplies. Hood Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jiuudice, sick headache, indigestion. D. A. Meinke, the former blacksmith ot Long Creek, has departed for his old home in Michigan. Viola Oohoon arrived last Wednesday evening from Pendleton, aud is now the guest of Mrs. W. B. Potter. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine Snd tobaoco habit. See ad. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Ouzette shop, agents. The Gazette will takeoounty sorip at face ou Birflftcriptioii, and pay balance of same in cash at highest market pnoe. i . 7-60 Tbe Oriental fcrder of Humility will meet Tuesday eveuiug next in tbe E. of P. hall for work, All members should be present. ' Benny Patterson arrijtd last night from Forest Grove, wberto be is attend ing school, to spend Thanksgiving with bis parents. Gus Nyman, ardriver on the Monu-ment-Oauyon City stage liue, is "laying tiff" a few d "'-"fn attend to business in Morrow orrLVy. The W. C. T. U. rending room gave a "5 o'clock tea" at their quarters in Hepu ner, last Friday and Saturday afternoon, .at ID cents a head. Perry Snyder got in Wednesday from Grant county with 65 head of hog iwhioh he had oolleoted for the Mc Pari an d Mercantile Co. Today beiug Dec. 1st, the business meu made a tour of the metropolis foi what was due them, none of them re turning overloaded. Cleveland's Thanksgiving was prett) generally observed in Heppner, though it is pretty bard to understand what one oould be thankful for. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture store ou Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair outs and tbe like awnys ou tap. The ball given by Tiger Hose Co., No. 2, of tbe Heppner fire department, at the opera house last evening was a very pleasaut affair, though not a fiuaucial success. Condon Globe: Com. R. Kalston bas lenaed his sulendid ranch near Lone Rook for ihree years to Ryohard, who moved ou the place trout ileppuei recently . Fall showers still continue to fall in this section, renderiug the roads almost umpiesible. If a smaJI lot of this were reserved till next summer, it would be more acceptable. Geo. Thornton bas aooepted a positiou as brakesman down on the main line, rnnniiiB out of The Dalles. Mr. Thorn- ion' fumiU will remain at Heppuer until he gets permaueutly boated else where. Changes in tbe time-table for the branch Bna main line ro luuimcu Just what it will be is not known, but the GMZ-.ttfl learns that the Draucti train will leave Rt 6 o'olouk, a. m., returning at 1:30 p. m. The Gnzette's editor returned from f!nlt last Wednesday morning about oue o'clock, a. m. The trip from M, . nutrient over was pretty tougo, buu ye quill driver is not yet thoroughly "on bis taps '. A Union Thanksgiving service was held at the M E. ohiirch. bourn, yester day morning, Rev, Dennisnn delivering the Bermon, afier which a collection was made for the benefit of the Portland, M. E. ohnrcb, boRpital. ine service was largely attended. When impaneling the jury at Port land for the trial of Dunbar, charged with smuggling opium, Atty. oears, .annnrrlino to the Telegram, asked K, G.Sperry. of this city, if he was a demo- . a. t. ....II.J Iknl l.a rat. mr operry it-pucu iu..i to be." lie was at ouoe exctiBea. COPPER . V-S M 1 SsSaT M B Fossil Journal : Blind Johnny Keen er itavo h dance in the Maennio hall I'buraday evening. Not having been iuuouuoed, and being on l'eouoyer's day, it win a Hnaooiul failure, only eleven ooupln being present. W hen the receipts ot the evening were counted tutu Jobuny's band he exoleiined, "I never went a d o on Pennoyer, any way !" Wusco Sun: The board of asylum pbysioians who are to visit Eastern Oregon and inquire into tbe menu as regards health! ulnesi of tbe rivals for the branoh asylum, will start on their trio next Tuesday. The board consists of Urs. Williamson Griffith. Riobardeon tud Supeiinteudenl Riwlmid. A Pleasant Party. An Eight Mile friend informs ns that a very pleasant party was giveu at he borne of Els'e Farmer, of Eiiht Mile, on the evening of Nov. 5th. The varied program of entertainment seemed to please both old and yonag. A bountiful luncb was also one of tbe features ot the evening. The following is a list ct those present: Misses Normie and Mary Beckett,. Elsie Smith, Ethel KinsmaB, Hsraband Mabel Moukere, Lena Bejmer, Cora Allison, Nellie Vaughn, and Miss Conlee, Mr, and Mrs, E. P. Vornz and Messrs. Edwin Rinehart, Theodore Anderson, I. Kuighten, Charley Beymer, Bert Courier, Guy, Claud and Archie Huston, Mr, Richardson and Mr, Hame. Change of R. R. Timb. Commeto ing next Sunday, the Union Paciflo will make a slight change in its schedule with the view of shortening tbe freight time ou this en 1 of tbe line, Tbey will make a local passenger out ot tbe train which leaves here at 8 in tbe morning and arrives tit 7 in the evening. The same day, a local train will be put on betweeu Dayton "and Pendleton. Ore gonian. The Heppner train leaving i.t 6 u'olook, a. m will make connection with the mixed train at Arlington for Portland, arriving at 7 o'clock, p. m. Ou the return trip, passengers will arrive at Heppner five hours in advance of the present ecbedule. K. of P. Election. For the ensuing term of Dorio Lodge, K. of P. , tbe fol lowing officers were elected last Tuesday eveuiug: J. N. Brown, 0. C; W. B. Potter, V. 0.; E. G. Slocum, Prelate; Walt Thompson. M. of W.; H. McFat land, M, of A.; Vawter Crawford, K. ot R. & S.; W. L. Baling, M. of F., J. R. Simons, M. of E.; Chris Borohers, I. G.; lorn Quaid, 0. G. ; F. J. Hnllock, A. W Patterson and C. S. Van Duyn, trustees. Bad Roads. Fall rains and melting snow have made tlie roads between Heppner and Canyon City about as bad as can be imagined. In oonsequenoe stages are making very s'ow time, and heavy vebioles are well nigb shut out. Road supervisors have done exoelleut work on tbe part of tbe road between Heppner and Monument, and were it not for the very inolement weather, would be in good repair. At The Dalles The following officers were elected for the ensuing term at Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. ot P, at the regular meeting last evening: Ernest Janobsen, 0. C. ; R. G. Daven port, V. C; J. Winzler, 1 relate; W. L. Bradshaw, 51. of W.; J. Herlz, M. at A. D. W. Vanse, K. .f K. & S ; F. 8. Gun ning, M. of F. ; H. Walther, M. of E. rimes Mountaineer. Bull For Sale. A Hue Holstein bull, seven years old, weighs 2,000 pounds. This animal is a thoroughbred; pedigree shown on application. Origi nal cost, $400. Reason for selling, too many thoroughbreds of the same sex Cull at t lie Gazette office for information, r on the owners, Morgan Bros., address Heppner; borne ranch, Sand Hollow Mjrrow county. Pleaded Guilty. Nat Blum, one of the Portland smugglers, pleaded guilty as obarged in tbe indiotment. Sweeney, Jookliug, Gartljorne, Patterson and Berg f.illowed his example. The trial of Wm. Dunbar is now in progress, and from ucoounts things look smoky for bim. Rip's Wood Yakd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Kip Van winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 ets. per oord; three times, $100 Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just loOAted in tbe Abraham sic' building, on May street, where be is preimred to do eveiy thing in his line. l Birbeck is strictly a farst-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. 14wtf ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndehakpr wagon heads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes at P. 0. Thompson & Cn.'s stand, and tbe plaoe for bargains. a Tbe Palace is tbe leading hotel id tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Thompson & Binnsown tbe buss which goes to and from the Palace hotel, bnt will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a If ynu want to bny groceries, and bread Btnff cheap, go to tbe Enterprise Grocery. Kirk Rubl, proprietors, a Burg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix np your watch or clock, lit keeps a roll stock of everything pertaining to bif business' a RIVETED UttM"PAnT EkV.IF$ GUARANTIED. ADDRESS! SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Hood'Cures Saved My Wife's Life. Weakness, Nervousneas, 8alt Rheum. John W. Jonet Kalama, Wash. " Of my own free will and accord, unbiased ty anyone, and wishing only to do good to the afflicted, I wish to tell of the good qualities ct Hood's SarsaparlUa and flood's Fills. I think there are no medicines! to them, and have firoved their merit by experience In my own uniily. My wile, Rachel, hits been afflicted with weakness, nervousness, and salt rheum. I spent nearly all I had ot this world's Roods for doctor's bills and medicine until we decided to try Hood's Sarsaparillu. It undoubtedly Saved My Wife From the Crave. The salt rheum has entirely healed and she Is rtored to good henlth. I have many friends and relatives hi the east who will be glad to kuow that Hood's Sarsaparilla Has cured my wife." John Vf. Jones, Kalama, Wash. Get HOOD'S. HOOD'S PlLLS rethe boat after-dinner PMU, enlt digestion, cur headache. Try a box. Ue. HA VB YOU BACKACHE T DR., GRANTS Hs CURES Diabetes. Brlahfa Disease. Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment In Urine, Burning Sensation, P&in in the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. fKKPAKKD BY . MannfactTiring Co., ''SrIcqn?1 For sale by Sloonm-Johnston Drag Co., and T. W. Ayers, Jr. M. Liohtentbal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Land For Sale. 480 aoreg over in Wilson Drairie. A good stock ranch and will be sold cheap. Oall at Onzette office for particulars and terms, f tf- GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Brown mourn the loss of their son, who had aty attack of scarlet fever. He died November 21st, 1893, aged 6 years, 11 months and 3 days Eddy was a bright and intelligent little fellow, beloved by all who knew him. We shall meet, but we shall miss him, There will be one vacant chair; We shall linger to caress him, While we breathe our evening prayer. True, they tell us, wreathes of glory Evermore will deck his brow, But this soothes the anguish only Sweeping o'er our heart strings now. Bleep today, oh early fallen In thy green and natrow bed ; Dirges from the pine and cypress, Mlnglo with the tears we shed. Mother, EARLESS EZ-KIEL EADS. Freak of nature, I!nrn Earless Ilia Hair Wns I'ielialil. Ezekie! K j , vbo died lu Greene county, N. in the spring of 1885, was surely a fit subject for a dime museum, even though ho never descended to that level, says a writer in the Wheeling: (W. Va.) Register. Strictly speaking;, Eads was in several respects a most remark able creature, lie was born without ears, not even having apertures where hisears should have been. Ilia deform ity, sad ns it wan, may be said to have THE OPEN SWITCH. .V ESTABLISHED gA.FEGVJ.RB. Anybody who tiavels by cars knows what is meant by ' an open switch." It is the terror of railroad meu, and tne areaa ot in traveler. Its victims killed, horribly man gled or maimed for life are numbered by the score each year. Yet even the dreaded "open switch " Is not so widely fatal as is a certain disease, which, without ceasing its activity lor an instant, is daily filling hundreds of graves. What is that terrible ailment. r you sbk. It is Heart Diuatet " But," you reply, con fidently, "i haven't any heart disease my heart fa all rivllt." Are VOll SURE ? Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Ind., the distinguished specialist in diseases of the heart and nervous system, states that disor ders of the heart are as common as those of the lungs, liver, stomach, bowels or kidneys, though often unsuspected. The reason peo ple are not aware of this Important fact is because svmntoins of heart disease are not usually recognized as proceeding from this orcan, I . it are attributed to some other source, it' y"U have shortness of breath, fluttering or p dpitation, pain or tenderness in left breast, shoulder or side, oppressed or choking sensation, fainting or smothering antla firMM Iwjirt IS affected. "1 bad been troubled with heart disease for years. My left pulse was very weak, could t timui acarcelv feel it. excitement would weaken my nerves and heart, and fear of impending death stared me in the (ace for hours. Dr. Mil' Merrint and New Heart m.XlZ Curt are the only medicines that nave provea of any benefit and cured me." L. M. DYEB, Cloverdale, Md. My wife has been taking Dr. Mdef New Oure for the Heart. She thinks it wonderful. She has not been troubled with pain or smothering spells since using it. We have also used Dr. MdeJ Pitlt, and we find them all thev ar, claimed to be.' GEO. L. FLN K, Philadelphia, Pa, These and hundreds of similar testimo nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful ro er of Dr. Miiti New Cure fur tke Heart. t is epelive, ameeahU, and above all, SAFE. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, of Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, led. For sale by T. W. Ayers Jr. VJlllltllll YOUR ATTENTION! XJe want it for a moment to inform you that ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri- rv-1 .' I ' 1 till'- ces. l ne stock is been largely increased with new goods the ear ly part of the year. For spot cash, we will give you bargains. S. S. Hornor, Salesman. "A DRUG IN THE MARKET." Yes, there are many of them. Some very good, some bad. Bad druus are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pure drugs are great helps, And these alone should be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drags made. To compound them skillfully, To prepare prescriptions quiokly, To charge for them reasonably. , Who oan do better thun this? PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. E DISCOUNT Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liichtenthal & Co.. at Cost for Cash. Call and Secure a Grood Bargain. T. QUID, Assignee. LEGAL BLANKS Otis rattan NOTARY PUBLIC V CONVEYANCER OF " l'lio vousiit lio lo COURSE )Tlie inn l'icu- how to li.-i in iimiTiHe; ( DA i S )Tlie fond paret.t how to huvo prize babies; ( ONE )Tho mother how t have them without pain; (AGENT )Tho childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD )The curious how they "gTowed" and came to be j( 42 JThe healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE )The invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR. )1,000 pages, 200 nuts, 24 f.d. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000 YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. H. T. Utedu.-ed from $:!.-'; t: f )Murray Hill IV oen pamy alleviated oy inc curious construction of the inner portion of his head, which enabled him to hear com mon conversation through his mouth. When addressed he . would instantly open his mouth nnd readily pivo an swers to interrogations put to him in an ordinary tone of voice. Dut Kzekiel's lack of ears was not his only distinction. He had a heavy crop of black hair spotted with white, the spots them selves being- in the exact shape of hu man ears, feet, hands, eta When he was quite, a small baby it was noticed that his black hair was interspersed with oddly-shaped spots of white, which, however, did not take on their dis tinctive shapes until after he bud passed his fifteenth year. When Mr. tads died he li ft one son, affed forty-five, whose hair was as black as coal, not a sirrrlc; p ay l""r being discernable, ntid unntlu-r son, thirteen years of agis, wIj .s j iiair was as gray as that of a man of seventy. KSU XJl&UCCj IIEPPKTEn, OR clean ana treh, navine Geo. Conser, Assignee. sw ON ALL STOCK. Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office. UAL.Iv AT OPPICU ill.- t.ii't oiin to iiiuitv ;( 1 N TWO l ..)'!; circulars tree. ( LWJUS :!) fi. 2Hth St., New York.( SOLD. Kalt does not enter into the food ot the poor Veiietia is. They never taste it, and the lei'''nl fir the scrofulous I children at Liun is filled by those who have not had t'.iis necessary article In their food. Wi "y eveiiintr, says a Ven j ice letter to the Omaha lice, 1 have no i ticed a poui-ly-iV .-sed woman, accom j panied by two snrill children, a boy I and a girl, i;o to a pwinl on the river and lean over the cdfe of the wall and fill a bottle witli salt water. Becoming curi ous as to the use made of it, I ap proached her, with an apology for the question, and asked what she did with the sea water. Turning upon me a sweet, s;ul face, in which tracs of beauty were still visible, she replied that this was the only way she had of giving her children the taste of salt which they required. The tax levied upon this article by the government placed it entirely beyond reach of the poor. Is it right, 1 nsk, that a govern ment should t:iK"j from its people an article necessary to health? IPS THEPEOPLEAEE COMING OUR WAY! Not only onoe, but again and again. Tbey know that from ns tbey always get fall weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes as friendB, and so establishes onr trade. We want you to baye some ot oar friendly bargains io Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody. y IKTOR Why Buy When yoa can MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc.. at the And at a lower price than sold on tbe streets. By so doing yon will assist in baild ug up year oity. Look to voar interests and assist those who sssist yoa. 1 w SHAW & M'CAETT, Props. Ik Kcelcy Institute -OF- KIRK & RTJHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Groeerj Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a tall Hue of STAPLE AJSTL FANCY Groceries anil Provisions. A full line of choice Pies, Cokes and Bread ; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tby will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp try tbem. sw RIPANS TABULES! Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, whioh when negleoted in' orease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. 5,ffiBffUE'TKa RIPANS TABULES. 'WaraET." TAK- RIPANS TABULES. If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW orTAK DIDAMC TAPIII CO you SUFFER DlBTUKaS alter eiitinf, nilMIO I ADULCO. For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL T. Kp DIDAMC TADIII CC DISORDERS OF THK STOMACH, - TAKE RlrAIND I ADULlO. Bipans Tabales sot gently, buc promptly, upon f be liver, stomnoh and intea tines; oleanse the sstem effectually ; cure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens ive breath and headache. Oue Tabu lb taken at the first ndicatinu of indigestion, biliousnens, distress after eatiug or depression of spirits will surely and quickly remove tbe whole diflioulty. Ripens Tabulrs are prepared from a prescription widely used by the bent pbysioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science. If given a fair trial Bipans Tabules are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing injurious aud are an eeonomical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 79 oents by tbe wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. LXXd SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., POKTLANIJ, OREGON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubalea if requested to do so. Tliey are Easy to Take, Quick lo Act anil Save many a Doctor's Bill ampl FrH on application, to tlia XSlpana Chamlcal Co., ITrw Torlc City. REMOVAL NOTICE! The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware. StoveSv-Titc.1, curried by Has been moved from the Odd FoIIowb' building to tbe West wareroom of tbe Mo Farland Mercantile Co.'s establishment. He still has a oomplete line whioh will be disposed of at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around. 1 aw The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANC1I lCCi'lJCW, BNOL,ANI) A. W. rATTERSON, AGENT .3.ojLitaoioj.'o worm PiLlllL 1. Only First-Claw hotel in Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Eleotric Light throughout. 8. Beet acocmaodatlont for the traveling public. 4. Courteous treatment assured the coun try people. MBS. M. VON C1DOW. Proprietress. 5fe CO. Heppner, Oregon of Peddlers? get the ehoioest Liberty Market. For the Oure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Drove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call st the Gazrttk office lor particular. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura euro.