Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 01, 1893, Image 2

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W.i mT TO SELL YOU 3 EP11! ! 9
;One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.;
CTJND 160 ACRES Hmber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres gcxd farming lend, and tlie balance A 1 pasture. The deeded laud hae a good epin.go vwieroni,
JX fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Deeded ranch, 160 acresTboTwudTwill selJ on easy terms A good l rjjr ca pj
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and Has no use tor
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms-
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Uepp-
ntr. Patronite those who patronizt
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be publUhed unlaw the
writer1! real name la signed at an evidence of
good faith.
Did you ever
Bead about the
Man who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel?
Yen? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
SoiJe BChemea
lu the country
Will not Bcoomplisb
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
Bv the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
O-ies its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Thb McKinley bounty on sugar will
not be repealed, only modified. This is
somewhat of a surprise.
Knoi.jsu say that under tbe proposed
tariff changes if tbey do not prosper it
is their own fault.
Mahtf.ii Workman Powderly, of tbe
Knights of Labor, bas resigned and Jag
R. Sovereign has beon chosen to take bis
Wiieub is tbe prosperity that the
repenl advoodes promised lis? Guess
we buuougrassoro will have to go down
to the metro olis to hour the gold b.igs
px pluiu it all.
Dan VooKimiiH is preparing his Bilver
bill. Dun evidently thinks that he
cnniiot puss it, or else he would have
taken a dilTerent stiiud ou the repeal
measure which came beare Ilia special
session o! congress.
Captain Edmund L. Zamnhki, in
ventor of the pueumatio guu, will only
aocompaiiy tbeBruzilinn fleet far enough
to make uraotioal experiments ou water.
The i ftioiioy uf the new guu ou haud bus
long be 'ii established, but no tests have
ever been made at sea. The Gaptaiu
H)S hewill nut engage iu flgbting, but
will leave the ship Nietheroy, before
reaoliing hostile waters, tlowever,
many Americans are volunteering in the
servioe of tbe Brazilian government.
The Adve itUlun
Of Hood's yiirsaparilla is always within
the bounds of reasou because it ie true;
it sIwhjh appeals to tbe sober, common
sense of thiukiug people beoause it is
Hue; "nil it is a'ways fully subatanti
ated I iy endorsements; wbiuh in the
uniincial world would be accepted with
out a moment's hesitation.
Tub promised tariff bill, fresh from
the hands of ways and means committee,
bas at lust been given out for public
oouiiideratioii. It pluoeg wool upou the
free list. Many othir things that are
now on the protected basis are also
made free from duty, though woolen
goods is one notable noepliou. Draft
ing a hill and passing it are two differ
ent propositions, yet with both bouses
of congress democratic, backed by a
president of the same faith, it aeeme
likely that the country will be oalled
upou to realize the promises made by
the siu'cessful party at tbe polls last
A Herald uf the lufaut Year.
Clip the last thirty years or more
from the century, and the segment will
represent the teim of tbe unbounded
popularity of Hosteller's titoinaon bit
ters. The opening of tbe year 1SIM will
besitikalized bv the appearance of a
fresh Aluianao of tbe Bitters, iu which
the uses, derivation and action of this
world-famous medicine will be lucidly
eel forth. Everybody should read il.
The oalendar and astronomical calcula
tions to be found in this brochure are
always astonishingly accurate, and the
statistic, illustrations, humor and
other reading matter neb in interest
and full of profit. The Ilostetters Uoui
pany, of l'lllelnirg, Pa., publish it tbtni
elvea. They employ more thau sixty
hands iu the mechanical work, and more
than elevtn months iu the year are con
sumed in ilB preparation. It can be
obtaiued, without cost, of all druggists
and country dealets, and is printed in
English; (iermau, French, Welsh, Nor
weigan, Hwedisb; Hollaiid, Bohemian
and Hpauisb.
pine city 1tkj1b.
This pleasant evenirg as I sit in my
humble mansion with all of tbe com
forts of life bestowed upon me, exoept s
cheerful wife and a prattling youngster
and gaze on the beautiful valley o
Butter creek, with its green alfalfa field
spreading to the hills, I feel that th
people of Morrow oounty should knov
tbat we are not dead but sleeping. 8
I will attempt to give you a few briei
items from this seotion.
Grass is better here tbie fall than it
has been for yers, and it looks as
though we will have fat stock to go in
to the winter with. Yesterday morn
ing when we ventured to look out on
tbe landsoape and saw her olotbed in
her winter garment it made us feel sad,
but this morning when we found thai
tbe snow was all gone, we put on a
suiile such tbat if every young lady
who is looking fo' her future happiness.
ooulJ have Been she would hive gladly
aocepted us for life.
Butter creek was bleat with good
orops this year and everything looks
promising but money matters, and tbey
look very discouraging.
We would like to inquire of a friend
of ours iu Sand Hollow as to bow tbe
big fish are getting along.
Mr. John Shaw, of Heppner, bette
know here as John, tbe horse trader,
was over last week on business, but did
not favor us with his presenoe.
The new press tbat I. L. Howard and
Alex Lyndsa introduced last wioter,
exploded last spring disabling some of
the parties most interested in the new
Ciicfpeh's Friend.
Tine City, Or., Nov. 24, 1893.
Sheepmen will be interested to know
tbat there is no longer any question as
to tbe relative merits of tbe different
sheep dips upon the market. Christy &
Wise tuke pleasure in announcing that
Hayward's Dips (paste aud liquid) for
whiob they are sole P. O. agents, have
secured the first award at the World's
Fair, and last year these dips received
the silver medal at California State
Fuir and gold medal at Mechanic Fair.
San Frauoisco-.Every praoticals heepmen
that ever used Hayward's Dips, pro.
nounoed them the very best dips for the ,
cure of soab, the general health of sheep
and conditions of wool, 181 IG3 sw.
Messrs. MoElroy and Applenbite
visited the oollege last week, and each
made a short address during the morn
ing exeioiBes.
School was dismissed on Thursday,
Nov. 23 iu reBpeot to tbe governor's
A union meeting of the Wehsteriau
and Ciceronian Booieties was held ou
Monday Nov. 20th. A larga number of
visitors were present.
There will be no recitations at the
oollegu on the Friday following Thanks,
giving. This gives inauy of the students
who do not live far offau opportunity of
spending a few days with their relatives
and friends.
Iu the physiology class laat week
sheep hearts were passed aronud for
disection, thus affording each student
ample means to become familiar with
this important part of auatomy. Tbe
remainder of the week was spent in
studying tbe various tissues of the body
from misoropic slides.
Prof. Horner made tbe O. A. O. band a
pleasant call last Tuesday afternoon
while tbe boyg were rehearsing. He
ei pressed bis appreciation of tbe marked
improvement whiob is being made and
the iUerest taken iu the work. Be
also presented the band with five dollars
for the purpose of buying new music
The baud boys take this means of thank
ing him for his kindness. Heretofore
the bovs have bad to buy their own
music, aud this aloug with other
necessary expenses, has made it ditllonlt
to muiutaiu a band. At present the
boys are very muoh iu need of two or
three instruments and if a few others
would follow the example set by Prof.
Horner this want would soon be re
alized. Contributor.
Corvallls, Or., Nov. 27, 18113.
Heartless Canuot be Cared
by local aoplioations, aa tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to oure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is oansed by an iutismed
condition of the mucous liniug of the
Eustachian tube, When this tuba gels
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed deafness is the result, and
unless tbe iuilamstion can be takeu out
anil this tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but all
inflamed condition of the mucous
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafuess (caused by catarrh)
that cannot tie cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send fur circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
UTSold by druggists, 7,So.
The Dotchtnan TJoean't Look Handsome.
But He Goes m Lively Gait.
The average Dutchman of the south,
though he can skate very well, looks
rather foolish on the ice. His short legs
and wide breeches are admirable ad
juncts to his nose, his thin, cocked
beard and the lumpishness of his ex
pression, says Chambers' Journal. To
be sure, this breadth makes him look
important, but if he were less muscu
lar it would be a sad hindrance to him
In battling with the wind, which in win
ter is apt to make skating in one di
rection something of a trial. The Fries
lander, however, is taller, better pro
portioned and in all respects a hand
some fellow. The yellow beard he some
times wears seems to put him at once
on a footing of affinity with the other
members of that respectable Anglo
Saxon family to which we ourselves be
long quite as much as his provincial
speech and his blue eyes. He is a most
masterful creature when once he has
put on those quaint, okl-fashloned
skates of his, and thinks uothing of
making a score of miles from one vil
lage to another before you and I are
out of bed. As for the cold, what cares
he for it? Be knows he must rely on
that lusty circulation of his to keep
him from being benumbed, though he
clothe ever so lightly, and seems more
regardful for his head which a seal
skin cap takes care of than of his
well-shaped body. A Frioslund canal
in winter is as lively as anything can
be. The ice may not be very good or
of unquestionable strength, but no
sooner are the boats penned in and the
broken pieces of ice sufficiently welded
to allow him to skate between them
than the sport begins. It is a
feat of honor to be the first
In the district to cross the canal
when the wintry season is in Its youth.
The name of the bold lad is remem
bered for a week or twfo, and I have nc
doubt bis pluck standB him In good
stead in the esteem of the cherry
cheeked damsels of his province, whose
eyes dance past one so brightly when
the ice festival is In full swing and
Journeying is all done on skates.
The Applicants Attracted Notice by Dolus
l-;ccentrlc Tilings.
"People sometimes obtain work from
Cncle Sain in peculiar ways," says tin
San Francisco Argonaut. "Not so very
long ago a poetess of fashion in a fai
western stute became an office-seeker,
adopting a novel method of pursuing
her object. She appealed to a Unitec
States senator, bombarding him with
poetry by mail. Once a week regularly
he received from her a long letter in th(
shape of a poem. Sometimes he gol
two a week. The poetry was probably
the worst that any poetess of passioi
has ever produced.
"At first ho paid no attention to it
but at length It began to prey upon hii
mind. When this sort of thing hue
gone on for five or bix months he be
came desperate. So finally he wrote U
her, saying: 'Your poems have proved
to me that you are unfit for any publk
office. Nevertheless, if you will ceast
writing and sending them to me I wil
get you a job.' And he did. It is re
corded that a man, appointed sixth
auditor of the treasury, subject to ex
amination, was asked to state the dis
tancc of the moon from the earth. II ii
written answer was simply: 'Not neai
enough to affect the functions of i
sixth auditor.' Be passed.
it Can De Kasilr Seen Through a SuiaU
Telescope by Amateur Astrouoiuers.
All owners of telescopes, and their
uumber has become very large withiu
the past few years, will be glad to hear
that the strange red spot on Jupiter,
which was so much obscured last sum
mer as, at times, to be invisible even
with the huge Lick telescope, is slowly
brightening again. The appearance,
says the Youth's Companion, is as if a
veil nf elnuls wlii Ii he, I been ilrnu n
iver it. being (.fadu.i.ly ri-invei!.
'1 his ;.. It i,., meal; ihe only tir.u
that I his si -gul.ir sp; t en the eiiiut
planet has behaved in a similar nay
since it. first made its nppeiiranee in
1878. Just what the spot K and vliat
the changes iu its Aspect mean, ustromv
niers do in.t y.-t l;no. lint that it is i
tremendous phenomenon upon the sur
face of the great world of Jupiter is ev
ident when a few figures eom-eruing its
dimensions are recalled.
The spot is not loss than thirty thou
sand miles long and at least seven thou
sand miles wide. In other words, it cov
ers an urea more than equal to the
whole surface of the earth.
The fiery hue which it sometime?
presents for months together seems
very suggestive in view of the proba
bility that Jupiter is a planet jet in an
Intensely heated condition, whose con
tinents and oceans, if it is ever to pos
sess any, have not yet been formed.
When at its brightest the red spot can
be Well KCCn With flL tal.to.rrA nf Mi
te or four inches' aperture, so that it
men xorms a suitable object for obser
vation by amateurs.
This year Jupiter is particularly in
teresting on account of the distinctness
of Its great svstem of belts, lvimr r,,.-
slid with its equator. Small tele
scopes snow the principal belts easily,
aud it is verv Interestimr t, i--t..l, ,),.
changes that take place iu them from
nine to time, particularly when it is re
membered that what one is looking at is
probably vast masses of swirling clouds
in the heated atmitsnlu-t-M l"if U tViifl.l
that may be said to be in the process of
For further information call at our office.
Rr-nri for
defei'.i i.vt
Dr. un-LlAilS'
WEDlCiiil- CO.,
per box
Schenectady, N.Y.
,i .. !;'1:u..t)u.
(J fur 8'..3fl.
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug
Kio. ana r. w. Ayers, Jr.
There was never a time in the history
or. onr country wnen trie demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and scienoes generally was Sicrbk 'at as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, 'as well as in official
life, require oontinual accessions to the
uppuitenauce and implimeuta of each
in order to save labor, time aud expense.
The political change iu the admiuistra
on government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
rermit the uffairs of government to de
ter him from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overoome existing disorepsn
eies. Too great oare oaunot be exer
oiaed in choosing & competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and proseoute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this tidvioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" 8) stem. Inventors who entrust
tb(ir busiuess to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
and streugth of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain tbe fee.
John Wedderburn, Qeneral Manager,
018 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C,
representing a large uumber of impor
tant daily and weekly pipers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eonntry, was in
stituted to protect its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Cuc
pany is prepared to take charge of all
pateut business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute
applications generally, including me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, cupy rights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives espeoial atteuion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any ffrm in Jseonring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
Jons Weddkrbi'Hn.
618 F Street,
P. 0. Box 383. Washington, D. 0.
Strayed from my pasture about Oct.
let, 1893, one five-year oiu Oow and one
three-year old hciffer, both are dark red.
marked with anderbit in left ear, brand
ed J on richt hip, I will pay $5 a oead
if delivered at my plaoe.
Hahrt Jonkh.
Lena, Or. lH-i-tf
"How to Cur All Skin OiaeasM.'
Himply apply "8wayne'a Ointment."
No internal medicine reuuired. Cnrea
tetter, eezema, itoh, all emotions on the
face, bands, nose, tc. leaviue- the akin
clear, white and healthly. Its great
urrmuK nun oiiruuve powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 jr.
1 nlALi ."ii4
itctj, nrvoai dbUl
and bt vitally -
IK WARD wJlufuTE, UOI.MIt.JT.Mrtl,0l
Wheat, bu 35
Flour.bbl 2 50 (8 300
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 60
" " three ' 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 ou K I to
Hogs, ou font, cwt 4 50
Hogs, dressed b 00 CS I uu
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs.doz 20
Chickens, doz 3 00
Wheat, cwt 81 03 & 1 08
J?'lour, bbl 8 00 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 60 (16 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt i 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (tf 12
Butter, lb 25 30
Eggs, doz 206) 25
Chiokens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, tt 15 18
Wheat, owt $ 85 (3 95
Flour.bbl 2 90 3 15
Beeves, ot 1 75 (3 2 75
dressed 3 50 (3 6 00
MuttoDB, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00
" dressed 6 7G 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter 20 30
Eggs, doz 27J (3 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 (A 4 50
Turkeys lb 15 17
Notice of Intention.
X J Oct. 4. 189H. Notice Is herebv elven that
the following-named settler has Died notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis ciann, ana mat saia proot wm oe made De
fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner,
or., on uov. in, iny.j, viz. :
HJ 3243 for tfoe E NWU NE1 8E 8ec. 31
and M W!a MfM Sec. 32 To. 6. 8. K 25 E. W. M.
He names' the lollowiug witnesses to prove his
euiiuuuouB. resilience upon ana cultivation or,
said land, viz. :
George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Meissuer,
of Gooseberry. Paul Schiller, of GooBeberry,
auu iwufc niimn, oi lxnie hock Oregon.
MO. John W. Litwis, Register,
Sheriff's Sale.
Zs the l', ifirtueof an execution Issued out
l tieju l opoitourt ol the State of Oregon for
y. ,,i,',,rei Morrow, and to me directed and
ae.il'.1""""" -n Judgment rendered and entered
in said Court on the 20th day of May lhi, In
favor of W. B. Cunnlnghame, Plaintiff, and
against J. D. Ball, Defendant, for the sum of
Seven Hundred and Ten Dollais, and for the
further sum of Two Dollars damages and costs,
which judgment was enrolled and docketed i
the clerk's oltice of said Court In said County on
the 20th day of May 1W6. And thereafter on
November 27th, 16, said judgment was duly
assigned and transfered from the said W. B.
Cunninghaine to Wm. Hughes for a valuable
consideration, and there being now due on
said judgment the sum of Two Hundred and
Ten Dollars, together with interest at the rate
of a cent, per annum on the full sura of heveti
Hundred and Ten Dollars from the )th day of
May lsi6 to the Attn day of December, 18ns, to
gether with interest at the rate of 8 cent, per
annum ou the sum of Two Hundred and 'len
Dollars from 28th day of December, lssu, until
paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollars
costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon
and will sell at public auction, on Saturday the
3th day of December, lftai, at one o'clock p. m.
at the Court house door in Heppner, Morrow
County and State of Oregon, all the right, title
and interest which the said J. D. Ball, Defend
ant had on or after the 20th day of May $w, in
or to the following described premises, to-wit:
'1 he bouth East quarter of Sec. Eleven (11) in
Township Throe South of Range Twenty-three
(23) East of W. M., iu Morrow County, State of
Oregon, and centaliislOU acreB. Dated at hepp
ner this sth day of November, 18'J3.
178-187 Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon
Sheriff's Sale.
u nder and by virtue of an execution issued
umviHwiituiivwiiiwujH mate oi uregon
for the County of Morrow, aud to me directed
and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and
entered iu said court on the 7th day of Sept
8'J3, lu favor of TheOregou Mortgage Company
a nnu )i,ii ubl r mill-is in. onurn, ut-
fpllflHIlt fnr Hit 011m nt Ifitra. U .. ,4 .1
- . - -. -. , - -. uu va imiiui cu ttiiu
Thirty-three Dollars and Seventy-live cents.
and fnr the fnrthop a,,m nl X-i.... r,..n
attorneys fees and Twenty-two Dollars and
fourteen cents costs, and, whereas, by said
Judgment it was ordered and anjudged that the
following described real property, to-wif
The Nortn East quarter of Section Twenty-six
In Township two North of Range Twenty-three
East of W. M. in Morrow county Oregon, be
-w.u ,v Baiioiv mm jitugmeui, costs and ac
cruine pnatR I will m uu,,,pu,. un ......
of December, 1893 at one o'clock p. m., of said
day. at the front door of the court house, in
j....... ...u..v , V115U11, bvii merigiu, line
and interest of the said Francis M. shurte in and
.u uie auuve uescrioea property at Public
Auction to the hlehet hln.W Inr ,;..k i 1....,.,
the proceeds to be anDlied to the Ktimu,.ii,. J
said executlou and all costs, aud costs that
may accrue.
.. . . 0r-0' Nobi-b,
. Sherlffof Morrow County. Oreiron
uaica NOV 21. 1893. 182-90
BM,,eui.,vBuiilvuiiiii)riH aiorrow.
t. C. Ashbangh.Plalntltr,)
., , v"' t SUMMONS.
H. E. Hooker, Defendant,)
TO H. E. HOOKER, defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear before the under
signed a Justice of the peace for the District
aforesaid on the Sth day of January 1894, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the otlice
of said Justice In such district to answer the
above named plaint! It in civil action
The Defendant will take notice that if he
ui'f .,,ln,!r,tb? complaint herein, the
Plaintiff will take Judgment against him for
One hundred and six and 21M0U Dollars and for
lh til ehar .xn. nf r...-... .. j . , r. . ..
. w.. capjur, ui mis action.
I Given under my baud this 21 day of Nov.
ui . . c- E- J".
,M-W Justice of the Peace.
u r- t VJ; , , i SUMMONS.
H. E. Hooker Defendant)
TO U.K. HOOKER. Defendant.
lu the name of the Stateof Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear before the under
nlgned a justice of the peace for district afore
said on the Sth day or January " lw a t wo
o clock .In the afternoon of aaf. day at the
ottlceoiaald Justice in such district ti ,,
the above named plain tl IT In a civil action
The Defendant will take no e" t hat f he
fail to answer the complaint herein the Pl.in
tilt will tate judgment. ,i( Mm for KlJh v'
seven and w-liu Dollar, together wi h co.U and"
expenaesof this action. """lostsand
iHa'i" mJ h,ind thl' "'J "t Nov.
, , C. E. Joms.
Justice of the Peace.
WJiat it tht eonrflflon of youvt Xt your hair drg, hartk,
brittle? Doet it tpllt at tht endtf Hat it a Uftlttt appearance ?
Does it fait out trlien eowioetf or hruthti T It it full of dandruff t
Vots your tealp itch f It it dry or in a heated condition ? Ifthett
are some of your tymptomt be warned in Mm or you wilt became
Is what you need. It production Is not an aocldent, but the reatilt of nclnitf.f! n
acarch Knowledge of llie diaeanesof the balrand scalp led to the .llncovfiry rf ti'
to treat them. "8ltoolcum"coutains neither minerals nor oil n. It Is not-lf-, (it
a (li'liKhtfully cooling and refreshing Tonic. By stimulating the follloli.ie, it
falling hair, cures dandruff and grows hair on bald heads.
E if Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from Irritating eruptions, by th. (i
of .tiofe-uw. Skin Soup. It destroys parasitio insects, whivh ft ed on a,.d tU , ,
ir your draws cannoi aoppiy you, nnn umm wm, o .,. w-wi :
prepaid, on tocoiyt ol p--.ee. Grower, $1.0U por bottle: 6 for (AlW. tto.-p, ji,. : ,
jar ; ti for .ftu.
7 South Fifth Ave.,
la tne title ot a very valuable book that gives a irrest amount of Information of tbe Utmost
Importance to Everybody, ci.m erUnj? their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
IIow to Eat it.
Things to Do,
Things to Avoir!,
Perils of Summer,
Influence of Plants, Parasites nf the Rkln,
Ak'iiholasa Food and a Luiiffs and Lung Diseases, Effect of Tobacoo,
Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Superfluous nalr, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
Tipinovinir Same. How Much to Wear. To (Jet. lflri nf l.lro.
How to Breathe,
I)nprn nf KiNMinir. Restoring the Drowned. Contagious Diseases. Malarial Affection.
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
Ventilation, ness, Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Elack Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblains, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, neadachc, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snorlns, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutb,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stinp;s and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms is Children. IT WILL SA VIS lOCTOHS BILLS
t"All new Bntiscribers and prompt renewuls during tbe month of Nov. will be
preseosed with a free onpyof this as n premium.
r&llis.. Dawson Ss Iyons,
All bnsiness attended to in a prompt and sntisfaotory
manner. Notaries fabliu and Collectors. :J
; - .- f-v .
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government Is
that of INVENTORS, w ho often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions aa to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
,Jf y" hav ? invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course t- pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigHs, or if you are charged with infringement by
matter. ma"er t0 " fora reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box sa JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
4S- Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. -t
That dreariprl
What shall stav
say Scott s Emulsion of pure Norwegian
cod liver oil nnH V,,,., , ,.
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to consumpuon ? Make no delay but take
8COtt's Emillslnn - .
.. u.oo vougns,
.t'.Pf n8ump,ion' Scrofula,
and all Anaemio and Wastlna
Diseases. Prevents wastine In
children. Almost iu palatable a
milk. Get only the genuine. Pre
pared by Scott 4 Eowne, Chemists, New
lork. Bold by all Druggists.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
east quarter, snd the East ha o the V
vntKivrt in ...i ... lwr IS!U- wsrle and
oniHld dHte. 1 C0"rt0( Morrow county
ra of "s'liT "i"11' daf, at ,1,e hl"ir ' o'clock
rnVi.;.. T'..., 1 111 1 rlit known as the u h.
hi. . r.7 .'' "'- ""le will i,e ,,,,, , '
tnade. as aforesaid , " th J e My:'
October, A. D. isj, u"UHl "' -'t day ol
New York, N. Y.
Care of Teeth,
After. Dinner num.
"" uicduiui disease j
its rnvn-rpc? T7,,. .i.
Administrator's Sale.
lor Morrow Co, S!, b.tt1ll (lontt 0re80n.
18!W Th t!5??' " he 6th dy Ol Nov. A. D.
Mt.t.0 Hn sKrTi a'"""'trator of the
Friday" December 8 d,ln dei, will on
afternoon of ,HW dv it,one.oViock in tne
house door ? d' ii ,ro" of the court
Oretron sell m lh. 1,1 ePpnet- Morrow county
hand ?11 th. r X 'Sh"' l" ,or ea"h ln
James 8 Breeding i"6 nd. 1,."ere,t of "ld
'"llowlni descried' r..! 6"'"'1' 10 th
'S oimw ik .,leau ,Ern,Pe"y. o-wlt: N.
n .:rTSVwholeld 1" Rf '
eem est on d v Jl thf 'ninl-trator may
of Nov A h is'it ot 11 1)a,LMl thl" Wn dy
A. u. 1M3, at Heppner Oreson.
177. jiS A. W. B HRKiitNn,
tti ut ki f.' N . in.. n
(rom boiio,,,. ril,ul. trio,..
JUay Daiscou,
DR. H. W RriT-ro