Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 28, 1893, Image 3

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    N..i. I. Id .'.nVKIU'lHKItS.
I'lMHKilnahoii: tlie limertlon of dlnplny a, la
r limine "I i ii ta, 1.1:1.1 r-t their my in
ml Inter than Mui.it .v c"'" um fur TuesiJuy'i
edition, or IhiirwU! f.fiB( fur Fridays edi
tion. Tua l'iriiu.W PUHUKHiNU Co.
I. Tim emu of n.e pw.Ih t I! v Hi I
ehargod for ' -iin nf thuiiki.'' rtaoiutiona of
renpoct," Hats of wed. Una prmenu anil donors,
ud obituary notlcee, (other t';an thono f he edit
or ehall himself give an a mnrer of uwe,) a id
tiotloea of special meeUi.gs mr Khatuverpuriinse
A Nolicua of church and nooiety and UI other
entcrtalnmeuu from which revenue Is to I c de
rived, ahall be charged for at the. rate of five
tentaallne. Thine rules will be atriciif aJI.er
d to iu every luauuce.
Advertising ratea reaaouable aud nuvtokoown
upon application.
We hold each and everv corrmnnniiant rm.
epoindule for his or her communication. ju
correspondence will be published uuleaa the
..wMunii aiKueu aa au evidence of
good faith.
JJm lug Agent, 21 Merchants fcxcliange,
bun r ranclauo, la our authorized agent, lula
paper ia kept ou Ule iu hla oilice.
Stago for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon city, leavea aa follows :
Every day at 6 a. m,, except buuday.
A rrivea every day at 6 p. ui., except Monday,
1 tie cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
,,,.. J. 0. UKLEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and theiejore usstst to build up Uepp
iter, talroiuze those who patronize
Here and There.
Ihu gobbler fat alta on hla poit
Auu "Hohble, gobble," auye he;
Knows be that aoou there'll be a roult,
And Hobbled, gobbled he'll be?
Uuuil'tj PiIIh cure biliousness.
Wat HidViTHun returned lust evening
from l'urtinud.
Ferry Huleol tbo Hnystuck Oiutitry
in in I bo oily.
1). A. lJorler wns up from Lexington
count i ytsterdiiy.
T A. linen lumle h business trip t(i
rortlin.it Infit week.
8111 your washing to Urn. Nelson, at
the Mountain House.
K I Ashb.Hiigh was iu from the Eight
Mil country Sat unlay.
E l'. V.iruz returned h"me from 11
trip luinugb Ibe country last Frnlny.
Uorn lu HiiniT, t'linrtiluv, Nov.
23, to tiie. wife ol U. A Spivev, ii boy.
C. 8. Emery 111. il brollier, of Hiinl
Ulan, w. re in town bnlunlny uileruoim.
TIjh Hepi'iier Cm.jnti utmie line IB the
Le4, cheapest mill quickest to the iu
Mike Roberts nuil Arthur Minor Hpeut
Sin, tiny iu the niuuutuiue iu quest of
Andrew Llano, Liberty's popular
schoolmaster wus in Ueppuer over
Born In this oity to the wife of J. T
Knk, of Rhea oreek, this nioruinu a
Born To the wife of Dan Stnller,
Haiuidiiy last, a 1 ponud boy. All
doing well.
C. Q. Fuqns,, of Eight MiIp, wbb
among those in ntteudauce at the G. A
K. meeting Saturday.
loth t . O. A. B nnd W. R. C. held
meetings in Heppner Saturday, which
Were quile well intended.
I Sieunheimer, representing a New
York clothing bniist, was iu Heppner
the Int er part i.l h.el etk.
The Kieley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, ooctiine
Sod tobnooo habit. See ad.
Oeo. Thoruton held ilou Ban Alley'a
plaoe at the power house during the
latter's absence in the mnuutuius.
J . B. Keeuey aud wife drove ovr from
Pendleton Inst wek. Thev expect to
liioate iu Heppner for the winter.
Every iiihd who takes any iutereat in
fiint stoek should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Geo. McKay, a prominent stockman nf
GrMiit ouiintv, arrived ou Saturday eveu
inga's stage from the interior seotion.
Those desiring wnshing and ironiug
neatly anil quickly done should leave
it with Mrs. Nelson at the Mountiu
W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton, who
was o ie of the Oregou World's Fair
CommiBsioiiers, has beeti'aeleoted t.i fill a
simihir plaoe lor the Midwinter F.iir.
Green Mathews' the bather. is now o
osteil next door 10 the furniture store ou
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair
cuts aud the like awaya 011 tap.
The wife of Rev. Jetniison, who bR
beeu ill for B m time, whs taken to the
host mil lit Portland for treatment. It
is hoped that Bbe may sunn returned
home fully rtio vered.
Lishn Wot hind was a OaUer at ibe
Gszette oflltiH wiiile in the oity Hatnr
dn. Fr.iua him we lemn that omi
idernble snow ba" f.illeu during the
pust week iu the maniaiiis.
Harry Warren and Beu Alley retti'ned
HhuiIh) evening from a week's huut. in
the mnuutuius. They succeeded in kill
ing two deer while out, an) report to
bave seen aa many as 15 in one day.
Rev. Otbbs, who hits been HB'istir.g in
the revival eervices at this pace for
pome time past, depiirtid for his home at
Pendleton, Sa'iirilny morniug, win re h
eip-ets to begin a revival meeting a
The asylum party for soma reason
buve cancHllid their airaimementB to
Btnit to Eastern Oiegon. as mentioned
in Ihe lust issue, and it i now nnnoiinred
that they will mske the trip about the
1st of Ueeera'ier.
Charles Uuuiiinglriras on re'tirning
(mm a 11 cent trip to the Bn ter Creek
Of iiiniy reported to Pi ndletntiites that
h.'ep were all fnl Hid grnss shnrdant
in 'hut f l ion. This is about the only
encouragement offered lo sheep growers
just at present.
W negteoteil to mention in nnr lt
issue the death of the seven year old
ton of .1, P Brown, of Bleek Horse bioh
oscured Tuesday lust. The little ohild
died ot seailet fever. The lerositts wete
interred at the Heppner cemetery
Wednesday afternoon.
80 fur at we hnv hsirl th Gazette
was alone in the obprvano" of Pemoy
er'a Thank-giving lat Thursilny. Now
if that tnike) is foul 01 nil s wieht
be trmpted to j iin the 0 eveland crowd
Also. That would be pqnl to the Irish
mini's "two suppers in oue night."
John Z 'lMnger was down from the
mountains yesterday. Although it has
been more than two years since John
reoeivedjthe gunshot wound, be is still
nnsble to walk without the assiBtance
of crutches. However, hs has spent the
iast summer in berding for Wm. Pen-land.
llr.W, M Terry u bn has hupn in Hi
ding hniinm at. E'kli n, Ky.. for the
pani twelve years, shvs: Ch'-mherlain'e
Contb U ineHy iives better satisfaotb"'
than HON other cough medieine I pver
old " There IR good reason for this.
No other will cure a fluid so qniokl;
no other is so Oerleiu a preventive and
Cure for croup; no other affords o mnnb
relief in oa of whooping eongb. For
ale by Slocum-Joboson Ding Co.
viotivt .
Areyuur ul.llilreu nm.j ol lo cioi.p.
If a.., voil should neer Iw wilboii
hotile of Cbamberlaiu'a Cough Remedy
It is a oertain oure for oronp, and ba
never been known to fail. If givei
ireely as soon as the cmupy congh ap
peb.aitwiil pieveut the attack. It is
the sole reliance with thousands ol
uioi hers who bave oronpy ohildien, and
never disappoints th ra. '1 here is ac
danger in uiving tbia Remedy in latgi
and frequent doses, aa it coutaius noth
ing injurious. 60 oent bottles for sale b
ilocuui-JiihuRoii Diug Co.
E. 0.: N. W. Potwine arrived in th
oity Aiouuay evening vis the Uuioii
Pacitto. Mr. Potwine ia the father of
Rev. W. E. Potwine, rector of the
Protestant Episcopal cburob of thia
city. He comes with a view to locating
pcrmaner tly in Pendleton. Mr. Potwine
is recently from New Haven, oun., v
hiou oity he has ica'ded for mai..
j am.
Dr. E T. Gagen, Jobo Hughes, Frai k
Gilliam aud Vim. McAtua went down
to the (.oiumbia last week with the
intention of bagging some wild geese.
Duo. returned Thursday evening, while
the reniaiuder of the crowd stayed nutil
Fridav. They report Urge numbers ot
geese on tbe river, but impossible to
get within gunshot ot tueui.
TheU-zeite will takeoounly sorip at
fin e on subscription, and pa balance ot
sumo 111 cash at highest inaiket piice.
7 60
Death At Black Hohsb. Mrs. Frank
(joble, wile of Frank Gi ble, of Black
Horse, died lust Thursday, after a pru
trauied illliens of many years. The re
mains were laid to rest at Lexiugtoo,
Friday, where funeral set vices were con
ducted by Rev. Iin niblet of this city.
About three inoiilhs ago Mrs. Goble was
sent to the hospital ut Portland, but
was ii, formed by Dr. Jones that nothing
could he done for her, bo she returned
tn her borne. Mrs. Goble was welt likd
by all who knew her. Iu thin the boar ol
Burrow the sympathy of all is intended
lo the bereaved family.
Li a Badi.i BhCiSED. Billy Hale
who has been herding sheep fur Johnny
Ayers tne past summer, met with a paiu
ful aooideut while coming down ftom
the mountains 011 his way to Heppner
hist Friday night. He was riding very
mpidly when his horse fell with him,
badly bruising bis left leg from the knee
down, also pprain'ng bis ankle. He
was Iheu q lite a distance fmm Heppntr
aud alone But 1m snoceeded in getting
011 his horse again and oune on to town.
Dr. McSwords dressed the injured limb,
and Billy is now able to get around with
the aid of crutches.
Quite A Feat. Frank Poindexter
who returned last Sunday from Silver
Lake reports quite an interesting feat
being performed by a buccaroo mar Bly
recently. While riding on tbe range he
found a cougar and gave it chase. Being
mounted on a fleet footed boree he foroed
the conger up a tree, and as he ascended
the bucoaroo threw his rope around the
Btiimal'aconpling. He then started bis
bnrBe at full speed and Boon diagged
the conger to deatb. It was a full
grown auimal and weighed several
hundred pouuds Prineville News.
Tub Best Pustsrs. -Dampen a
piece of flannel with Chauiber'ain's
Pain Bnl 111 and bind it over tbe seat of
pain. It is better than any plaster
VV'heu the lungs are sore such an appli
cation on tbe chest and another on the
back, between the shoulder blades, will
often prevent pneumonia. There is
nothiiir bo good for a lame back or pain
iu the side. A sore throat can nearly
always be cured in onn night applying
a flannel bandage dampened with Pain
B Im. 50 cents a bottle, for sale by
Shoum-Johnson Druw C".
Heppnbbitss at Portland. Several
prominent cit z ds of Hepuner are at
present making H eir beariquartirs in
this oily, Rome on pleasure aud tbe re
mainder on business. They are George
Conser, cashier of the First National
oank; George B. Tedrowe, a prominent
merchant; N Ison Jones, a well-known
sheepman; and E. G. Sperry, an ex
tensive cattle-iaiser. The last named
gentlemen jure serving 00 the United
8tah s trial j iry . Thursday 's Oregonian .
Leo B110KK.N. W bile playing in the
ha. ft last Sunday, (lien, the eight
yiar old sou of John R isli, fell to the
floor below br akiug tbe fmiir bone nf
rtulit leu in the vtcuii y of tbe hip
j nut. Dr. Gagen was called at ouoe
to dress and bandage the broken member.
While this is a painful accident, yet tbe
little fellow is doing as Well as could be
expected, and will doubtless reoover in
due lime.
The Stndelmker wairoti heads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yon sayT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & (Jo. 'a stuud, aud tbe
place for bargains. a
The i'alace ia ibe leading holel in tin
Oity, Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light ate provided for everjoue. a
Thompson & liiunsonii the buss which
goes lo and from I t-e Pah.ce hotel, bnl
w ill call Im parties desiring togoto tram
iu any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
If j I'll w not to bny groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to Ibe Enterprise
Groceiy. Kuk & Ruhl, proprietors, a
Borg. the jei.veler, is tl' 1. an to fix ii
your watch or clock, '.ie keeps a full
stock ol evety thing pertaining to bis
business' a '
M. Licliteiitbal & Co.'s new slock of
splendid, summer tioltoti and tie special
ties iu 'he shoe line are attracting mark
ed at euti.ni. a
Rip's Wood Yahd. The Heppner
Winid yard, under the management of
Kip Van Winkle, is prepared to dehv r
wood at your residence, sawpd or nn
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.011 ner cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 76 cts. per cord; three times, 81 00.
Yurd near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and rppairer of many years' experi
ence, his just located in the Ahraham.
si nli .-eliding. 011 M11V street, where I e
is ..iv'srcd to do eveij thing in bis Mm.
M Birheek is strictly n first-class work
mnr. snd warrants nil work. Give htm
call U"tf
Land Fob Sjh.r 480 sores over in
Wilson nrairie. A no-id stock ranch nnd
niil be mid cheap. Cnll At Qszette
offics for partioalari and terms. tf.
Hood's Cures
Mr: C. JJ. Cwrii
Oakland, CaL
Made Over Anew
Chronic Hoadacho Curod-Wcak
Lungs Made Strong and Well.
" For years I bad sick headaches every day, ant
I also had very weak laa;a. Since I har
been taking IIckkI'j Barsaparllla, I hava
been tirclj- enred of headaches, and mj
lungs are strong and well Friends often say
How Well You'ro Looking.
I ten them It b due to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
am small in Uluro -never weighed over
100 pounds beforo ta'.:I:ig Hood's Bartapa-
rllli, and at the time I began taking It I had
run down to 86 pounds, but now I wcljh
111 '.4- My friends thought I would be dcaal
Iowa ; but I am perfectly well, I am
unable to express my thanks for the good
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has dona me." Mrts. C. D. Cabd, 1215 Adeline
Street, Oakland, California.
Hood'3 P1II3 euro all Liver Ills, Ellloua.
neu, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache,
1 Hair Death S
W ivntantlu r moves and forever dcntrom ob-
y jcctionable hair, whether upon hands, face.
S arms or nick, without discoloration or 1v-
f jury to the most drlirate akin. It was for
Wlty yttats the secret formula of EraBirniH f
tcj iirhii. RCKiiowit'titeii Dv imvBH'imia a
jyj the highest authority ai.rt the" niOHt eini
neni uerniHtoiuKiBt Kim nair apeclalis
that ever lived. During his practice o
a life-titp amonir the tohlKv i-ri ar
, tocracy of Europe he precribed this rec
ipe. rini 91 oy man. securely uackert.
Correspondence confidential. Bole Agent i
iur America, auii icon.
The fkookiim R;,ot Hair Grower fo.
Dent. R.. 67 South Fifth Avenue. New
Otw a Thousand Itunnlea Killed la Ou
Many of have en?ao;ed In coon
hunts, fox hunts and wolf hunts; others
have hunted bear, deer, chickens, quail,
etc., and every one of us have, when
there was a good heavy snow on the
(fround, bundled tip warm, taken the
family puns from tho corner, and with
old "Spot" or old "Tige" sallied forth
some cold winter morning to take ad
vantage of any and every rabbit which
might sally forth from its burrow in
quest of food. But very few persons,
says the Chicago Inter Ocean, have ever
engaged in such a hunt for rabbits a a
party of young men living near Ilomer,
111., participated in one day lately. In
the absence of ali lar-j-o game and the
prohibition as to shooting chickens and
quails, the young farmers pass away
the monotony of the winter days by or
ganizing hunting parties, which enter
into competition as to which party will
bring in the mnst gamo by a given time.
Usually these competition hunts are be
tween the young men of different neigh
borhoods, and neighborhood "honor" is
a big thing in this country. One day a
very exciting hunt was made by two
parties of farmers living near Homer,
which on account of the number of men
engaged and the amount of game
bagged will be household lore in the
neighborhood for many winters. There
was one company of twenty-five men,
and another of twonty-four men. AU
had to have their game in by seven
o'clock-in the evening-and most of the
men started in quest of "Brer Rabbit"
before daylight. "And they gathered
them in from highways aud hedges,"
for when the count was made in the
evening one party had secured 633 rab
bits, while the other had slain 5iH, mak
ing a total of 1,158. A sumptuous sup
per was spread that uig.it, for which
the defeated party had to pay. Then
the rabbits were sold and the money di
vided into three purses which were pre
sented to tho men who killed the most
rabbits. Probably so large a number
of rabbits were never before killed by
one party in Illinois in one day.
The Queer Hport Judulituil iu by a Dnwa
Kant Ciuiine.
I have seen mention in the Forest
and Stream, says a correspondent of
that paper, of one Uo that caught suck
ers and another with a preference for
catfish. I do not for a moment doubt
either of these dog-fishing stories, for I
once knew a dog that took great de
light in catching crabs; not soft crabs,
but lusty, hard ones, capable of making 1
a good fight. When ulxjut twelve years !
of age I used to spend my vacation at a
large farm on a tributary of the Chesa
peake bay. UesiilcK myself there was
another small boy aud two dogs at his
house.- One of the clogs was a large
Newfoundland nnd the other was one of
those medium-sized, puzzling combina
tions of short-hair and 1 1 particular
color probably an all-around dog, as
concern! d his breeding. One dny I no
ticed the large dog wading about in tl.e
shallow water at the foot of the yard
and evidently searching for something.
I found that he was looking for crabs.
When a crab was discovered lie would
prance around it and, ufter making sev
eral attempts, seize it iu his mouth and
bring it up on the beach and then play
with it, much as a cat does with a
mouse, until the. poor rr;.b was either
dead or lielpleirdy exhaui-.ted. He
seemed to do tiii:s for the more sport of
the thing, larl:i;:f all the lira,- in a tone
that denoted excitement rather than
anger. He never ate tho crabs after
killing them. The crabs fought back
to the best of their ability, and it wa
often difdcult to Ray which had the
tightest grip, dog or crab, for the crab
would fasten on to some portion of tho
dog's mouth with both ot his powerful
pinchers, and it would require much
aha king before he would drop olf.
No one ever tried riimmnns Liver
rWnlstor without being aiitisfled witb
it effect.
Why nff.r from indirection 11 no"
d)spepBiaT Simmons Liver Regulator
is pleasant and cares. -
- 1 11 AT lit-
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner. Oregon.
Now ia tbe time to make vour money eount. Our whole itook of Prv Ot ods, Cloth
ing, Boot, Shoes, Hats, fancy Goods, Olovea, etc, etc., will bo sold at
wnolaeala prices for oash.
Having Quit the Credit System,
We are offering enods lower tbsn ever before known in Oregon. This is SO BAtT
on a few lines. Our WHOLE 8TOCK goes at snob rednoed figures that the per
son needing supplies for c-ieh cau be uitide bappy. If yon wisb to s-ive yonr money
send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving discounts 00
per cent. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 83
Men's and Boys' Hats 80
Women's and Children's bboe,25 to 80
Men's Shoes 20 to 30
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
and Domestics 20
All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orden solioited, cash with
orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash.
Very Bespeelfnlly,
McFarland mercantile co.
"HTe want it for a moment to inform you that
' ' the stock of C. S. Van Duyn is being dis
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri
ces. The stock is clean and freh, having
been largely increa- ed with new goods the ear
ly pnrt of the year. For spot cash, we will
give you bargains.
Geo. Conser,
S. S. Hornor, Assignee.
H. A. Thorn prion
Tie Heppner livery,
Below Colli n Hi McFnrland'a, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to bay per day, 75 otg. Hay nnd grain per day, $1.25. Meals 26 cts.
at O. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Urain and
baled hay always on band.
Closing out the entire stock
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. JLiiohtenthal & Co.. at
Cost for Cash.
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
' England's Method or l.'lvlllrli.ir
The fact thnt two gunboats arc being
built with all the speed possible to be
placed on Lake Nyassa is an indication
that Lord Salisbury means to lend her
majesty's commissioner at Nyassaland
effective support. The presence of these
symbols of British power in the hike
will do more to suppress the slave trade
than a whole fleet cruising up and down
the coast, and will render the work of
establishing an administration compar
atively easy. N. Y. Sun.
ijimi rropie 1 tnoinea.
Sometimes families who desire to
bury their dead in the clothing worn In
life in evening or wedding dress, for
Instance substitute less costly imita
tions for the jewelry worn In life, part
ly from motives ot thrift and partly
from a superstitious fear that anything
taken off a body when it Is ready for
the tomb will bring 111 luck to future
The Rattler's Fatal charm.
A few days ago, out near Americus,
ays the Atlanta Constitution, a good
lady who doesn't like notoriety heard a
guinea making a terrible fuss and she
proceeded to Investigate. She found a
big rattlesnake coiled up near the fowl.
Eve herself could not kill a snake and
the good woman called for help. Help
came and the snake was killed. The
moment this wag done the guinea
dropped dead. It certainly was not
struck by the snake. It didn't get Bick
and it didn't awell up. The explana
tion la that the fowl was charmed. Any
how, it died aa soon as the snake wai
killed and it certainly wasn't poisoner
bv the snake.
Matching Ttwth.
Perhaps the greatest difficulty that
dentists meet with la the matching of
false teeth with the natural teeth of
their customers. The tooth factories
aupply dentista with rings upon which
are strung thin short metal bars, eacb
carrying a tooth at its extremity. There
are twenty-live of these sample teeth,
that run all tho way from nearly whitt
to a shade that is almost olive. Some
one of the twenty-five usually almost
matches the patient's natural teeth,
and, at any rate, enables the dentist tc
match the teeth by application at Um
factory. ....
per cent. off.
Hosiery 30
Men's Overshirts and Fnrnieb-
ing Goods 80
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
A. E. Blnul
Feed and Sale Stable.
Oil ALL imi
Plenty of them at the
) Gazette Office. . . . .
Hegulatlons for Them That Do Not Ap
ply to Ordinary Mortals.
A resident of the suburbs, a man of
discernment, contributes the following
to the Boston Journal:
It Is better to let the heels of your
shoes go unblackencd than to miss a
It does not pay to invest in accident
insurance policies. The accident al
ways happens to some other train than
the one in which you arc traveling.
Late to ted and early to rise will
shorten the road to your home In the
Always try to eat at least one meal
each week with your family. It keeps
up the acquaintance and conduces to
Late trains are not unmixed evils.
Sometimes you start to tho station with
a few minutes to spare, intending to
travel on the nine o'clock train, anil are
just in time to catch the eight o'clock
train, which has come along lifty-five
minutes late.
lie not deceived bv ecstatic visions of
rapid transit. It will not come in your
When you give up your seat In a
crowded car to a youii;r woman and she
thanks you for it, conl rol your surprise.
It is impolite to ;,t:trc in astonish
ment at a young woman who is unused
to the wavs of bubi.rbau travel.
Productive Power of Weeds,
' To ascertain the productive power of
weeds, the seeds upon a single plant of
different species have been counted
with the following results: Wild car
rot, 1,200; dandelion, 1,500; chlckweed,
8,000; cockle, 3,200; campsion. 8,425;
ohess, 8,000. dock, 3,700; ragweed, 4,373;
groundsel, 6,!WX; ox-eye daisy, 0,600;
mallow, 10,500; motherwort, 18,000-,
foxtail, 19,500; sow thistle, fl9,00f"
muitard, 31,0??; CassJa thistle, ii.ooo-,
red poppy, 50,000; burdock, 8400,3i!IJ;
purslane, 500,000; lambs' quarters,
TQ I II I A Pckip ol tut tnat
a aimai dKilit.
Dd lort Tltalitf Mat Ira Mr U wn
kit. WARD mTU?0TE, JUT. 10,10.
P. g. wsoi? go,
Uaving put their business upon a tern
'porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known in
We most get oar stook into money, and proflu are no object when the tuonsf
ootnes in sight. Shake yonr oash at ns snd see ui tumble.
Not only onoe, but again and again. They know that from ns tbey slwsys get
full weight snd good measure for tbe last money. Why we sell tbe best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes na friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to bave soma of oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Glotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept to a well-regulated, geueral
merchandise store. Come in and eee ds, ever) body.
jyj INOR
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
The Keeley Institule
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
Oo May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full line of
Groceries and Previsions.
A full linn of choice Pies, Cskrs and Bread j in fact everything that Is
nanally kept in a flrst-class bakery store. Tbey will sell cheap foi caab. Call anp
try tbem. iW
Disease commonly comes on with Blight symptoms, wbioh when neglected in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
you surmit uibiiiiss alter eutln
Ripans THbules aot gently, but promptly, upno the liver, stomnch and intes.
t.nep; clean. tbe sjaiern effects II v ; oure dpep.ia. hahituHl oonBtipation, ofTens
ve breath and headache. One Tabulb tuken at the Bret ndication of indication
, "
remove the wbole difficulty.
Rinnnn T. Vi n 1 , a urn nn,iaJ f.n,y
. j " ' ,K .
physicians, aud are presented in the form
T a:i i): m
Ai K.c" i"r irmi iujjhub xtiouiPH ore
iMtirinnn nnii nra an rnnnmiial ramnilu
One gives relief.
arter-gross box will bn sent, post age paid, on receipt of 75 cents
a and retail ageuts,
Ucal drrggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, QiTck to M mi Sure many a DGctor's Bill
3a.BQ.pla Praa on appllce.tlon. to tlia Rlpama CKajiaieal Co T
TTorle City. "
Will Drink the Best
No "Jim Crow" Liquor and Cigars down at Bob Kriok's Arcade saloon ifote it
The beat is desirable every time. Cbrley Jones, day mixologist. Call. '
ROBKRT KricK, Prop.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
fc OO.
Heppner, Oregon.
Rto., Eto.
Trust Busts
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It 18 located at Forcat Grove, Or.,
The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazkttk office tor particular,
Strictly coull JentUl. Treatment private and lure
"i niJiriiB win surely aud qmok y
' 4''y
... - . , .....
" i""unpiioD wiaeiy nseo: by t ie best
most appn ved bv modern scienoe
an lurmiible cure; tbey contain Qotbim?