Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 28, 1893, Image 2

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raElS io S YOU J PPJ j
One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded laud tl etc are 140 sous gwd faimiDg IbdJ, and the balance A i p
I fenca Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
i. i
I !
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture ciHira, $800.
VOTIIISKL bakgaix,
. TTTTWill seW on easy teimt A good rustler can pay
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss et Und. W ill JJ 0 he EflBt Bod UB8 no use for it.
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, beat stock ranch in Morrow connty, cheap and on ensy terms.
Give your business to Ueppner people
and therefore assist to build up Uepp
ner. Patronize those who patroniz
We hold each nd every correspondent re
sponsible lor till or her communication, no
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name la ilgued ai an evidence ol
good faith.
Did yon ever
Rend about the
Man who
Hid bis
Light nmler
A bushel?
Ye? well
That is like
Duiug bueineBS
Without advertisiuK.
All the
HuiJe achemea
In the country
Will not accomplish
Hiilf bb much
As a Rood id.
Iii a nood, live,
Legitimme LfWBpauer,
One that
la read
By the people,
And that owna
Its own
Soul; that
O-iei Its apace
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Cukh Ivans, tie noted Californian
outlaw, is now on trial at Fresno.
H. 0. Calwell has been appointed
postmaster at Hubb rd, Marion county,
Hinci it seems to be the determination
of the present admis' ration to plaoe
wool on the free list, why not have free
woolens also?
Senatob Teller has gone to Mexico
on a tour for the purpose of making a
study ol the eilvtr question from the
standpoint of that country whore free
coiusge prevails.
Cleveland may think he has the
upper hand on the provisional govern
ment of Hawaii, but the j ke might
assume a very serious nature should the
provisional government turn the islands
over to Oreut llritaiu
A movement is ou oot at St. Louis
to raise a purse of $20,000 to $25,000 to
have the MitohellCoibett fight come
iff on Colonel K C. Tate's racetrack ul
the Citj of Mil ion, iu cm-o the Florida
LllionU foibid it at Jacksouvilie. Col.
I'ate ib Ihvo able to tue iirojeot.
Tub Bohedules ol the proposed demo
crats land' bill were given out yester
day. Ibe followiug articles are re
ported o have been placed ou the free
list: Wool, iron ore, coal, tin, hemp.
Hi X, jute, silver, lead ore, oopper, salt,
crude borai. binding twines, cotton,
ties and lumber, not advanced in prepa
ration beyoud sawing.
Tub wool aud irou ore men have been
defeated. Those who fought so yulieut
i in retain the duty on these twn
articles have been notified by members
of the wajB and meatB oummittee that
they have decided to place them ou tut
i, I i.i It is tiossible however, that
the fight will not eud here, but will be
carried onto the floor of the house.
In an nd.'.rena'lu a gathering of demo-
unit in l,.iulrn at ludiauauolis, on lut-
reiuru from Washiugtou City, Dun
VoiheeB dtclared he was a bimetaliisl.
He spoke of his oonucotiou with the
lonn flirut in the seuute, which resulted
in the ruieal of the Sherman ai t pur
niiuBiti ,-iunao. uml aaid he took pride
in wi at he did. The repeal of the act
was a utoessity. 'ihe next step, he
said, would be the adoption of a hi
nietalho staudard. This sounds well
k.o.iu.Ii. hut it wuu't oatuh the peopli
of HnoBierdom. They are used to hit
mouth talk. What they waut to see ie
some aolive woik iu this direction.
A SKOiU'r meeiu.g ul the Kausas popu.
lists was recebtly hJd iu Kaunas City
Ilhasbeeu learned from au authentic
aouice that action whiuh will probabl)
result in s split iu the parly iu Kama
was decided upou. It is said that
among those present were Jerry Bimpson
aud 00 others, all high iu the populist
droits. From authentio sources it is
stated the meeting denounced in most
nuquahtii d ti ifiis the Kansas admiuistr.
tion of the poiuluds as "rott. u, entirely
iucompeleut aud silly." They theu re.
nouLCtd till principles as put forth by
fjbo populists up to dale, aud declared
for a Lew party, and from now ou they
will put forth every tff.irt to obtain tLe
free and unlimited uoiuage of silver,
UiVing other planks of the former parly
to be taken oare of u might be.
Although the editors of the Portland
Sunday Meronry have been indicted
and the property attached and planed
in the receiver's banda, yet tbii recorder
of sensational aud scandalous pappening'
appeared as nsual last (Saturday. How
ever it has been greatly changed. The
size of the paper has been reduced one
halt and the sensational features abul
ixhed. 1'be famous column, "Over tli.
Teacup," had disappeared, and the usual
resume of eoandalous happenings ha
given away to other items, some origins
and some takeu from local papers. He
oeiver Rosenthal briefly announced bit
appointment and his intention to make
a readable paper ont of the Mercury.
It is reported that Cleveland intend'
to take a hand in the selection of con
greSHUien to succeed those who ha v.
not followed his will during the extn
session. If he keeps on with bis bull,
headeduess he will have to make i
general selection in order to have an
followers. ' And while be may dicta!,
nominations, vet he will be badly fooled
if be thinks bo can dictate elections.
Hood's and Duly Hood's.
Hood's SarBiipnrillu is carefully pre
pared from 8arsapHrilla, D-tmleliou.
.Mandrake, Duck, fipsissewa, Juniuei
berries and other well known remedies,
ny a peon liar combination, proportion
and orooeBs, giving to Hood's Saras.
parilla curative powers not possessed bj
other medicines. It effects remarkable
o tires when other preparations fail.
Editor Gazette :
In the Gazette of Nov. 10th Juetioi
Hoguo, of this plaoe, made n etatemen1
wbich he calls the facts concerning i
meeting held here, and the actions of i
committee appointed by same.
The undersigned having attended a.
meeting held in this vicinity on Uot. 30th
and being parties whose names Justice
Hogue took the liberty to use in the
artiole referred to, would ask space in youi
paper to state what was done iu this
matter, why it was done, and to say that
JustueHogue did uot state the faots in
every particular, but instead madi
Multmeuts whioh were not true.
At this meetsng there was a oommittet
I'ppi iuled to draft resolutions to bi
unutid for adoption at another meet
ing to he Leld Nov. let. These reao
liitiotiB were sdopttd at the aubetqueiii
meeting and by the favor of the publish.
era were printed iu both the Ga
zette sud ltecord. There was auothei
committee appointed to see the officer
of the preoiuct and ask them to ns'
their it-fluence to stop the instigation ol
units or to resign, or to not issue nur
seive more papers. This committei
oiw Mr. Hogue on the morning of Oo
31st and told him their business, and
informed In in that property attnohed
nd sold at this time would bring bo
little if any more than enough to pa
He said that he knew that it would
not, but he could nut help it and that he
was under oath to do bis duty. The)
told liiui he could resign. He said that
lie did not "fear God or man, and if any
one wanted papers issued be would issue
them." As to the committee makii g
threats, snob as have been reported, or
warning him, as the justice say), they
deny doing bo. He further says thai
part of the committee denied going to
ice him, and that several of those who
ittended the meeting on the 30th ol
Oct. denied any knowledge of such i
met ting. These statements which the
justice makes are false. The committei
and those who attended the meeting
deny attending such a meeting as ha
been reported, or snob a meeting as Mr
Qogiie seems to want to make bulievi
wus held. This committee did not Bee
Constable Meadows as he was away fron
homo at the tune.
The reason for this committee beini
appointed and for the action being taken
was the fact that it was known that at
leant one and perhaps botb of thoollloers
of the precinct bad express- d the i eelvee
is being in favor and anxious for s
certain bankrupt concern here to sue
the people so they could make eumuh
out of the costs to pay their bills. Tbest
were thought to be very strange state
ments to be nrnde at such time and
under such cirnn instances as the present
Signed: n. H. Miller, L. J. Shnner.
J. A. Hnrdtuau, Edwin L. Wood, J. J
MeOee, J. H. Rojse, and Johu Miller.
Hardman, Or., Nov. 2', 1S03.
Piles! riles I HoLliig Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; Intense and
stinging, most at night; worse bv
soratohing. If allowed to continue tu
more form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, brooming very tore. Switnk's
Ointment stops the itching and bleeding
heats ulceration, am) iu m ut canes rr
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for BO oents. Dr. Swsyne A Son,
Philadelphia. aw 1 yr.
You dnu't nerd to cmtinue dosing
wiih HimmoDi Liver Regulator, A dose
and CnnimlMiioners
Ki'K Appointed.
Chairmtu Oe.irgj T. Myers has in
nounoed the following Ciwnuiit'fln nd
oommixsicus to aot iu con uei turn with
the Oregon exliihit ut the in'iliut r
Ou Corporation -Qeurg) T. Mjtjra,
Charles H. D.idd, K L. Durham, C. P.
Patterson and L. D. f'ole.
Buil.iing-C H. Dodd. C. F. F.itter
jou, William K ipns. Oi-ore S. Bi.tty
ind S. H. I'riidlander.
Agriculture, forestry Mod forestry ex
hibits W. . ilatlock, of Fenilleto'i.
Hoiticiillurp, including flincultoie
tud viticulture J. Guj Lewis, of Sparta.
Mines sod mining J . A. Wright, of
D;ii. hi.
Fishing upparatus K. L. McK-e, t
.M mufao.'urers and ehctiioai m.i u.e
ihanical iu vent inns C. E. Patieraun.
Womuti's work Mrs. M. J. Tiaiu, of
Educational exhibit Hun.
UoKlrov, state superintendent
K. B.
..t ii-
Civil department state aud cninti
tlon. George W. Moliride, secretary of
Fiom our Long Creek Paper.
Wm. Hughes, of Heppuor, who oer
ibis week on business.
Otis Patterson, of the Ueppuei Ga
zette, is visiting the Eagle rnnob this
The first sleigh of the seahon "twlured
through the streets of Loog Creek T it s-
lay morning.
Frank Metschan and John Clement
came over from Canyon City Wedoenl-ij
on a few days sojourn in this ony.
Walt Canaday leaves this week lor
Lewellyn, Oregon. He is Bcoonipnnied
by Newt Williams, jn old time miner ol
i3 rant county.
Long Creek's public school has 1 13
pupils in attendance. Thus far, us the
tingle has learned, this is the banner
school of the country.
Gus Allen, Jamet and Emmitt Cochran
oarae up from Monument Saturday,
each loaded with wheat for the Arcade
mill. They returned borne Tae:l vy
lUorniug with a fine lot of flour as ever
muutifaotured by any mill in Eastern
Ed C. Allen was over from the Black
Butte mine Sunday. He informs the
Eagle that be has ordered iron piping to
convey water to bis mill, and he hopes
to soou be able to ruu agaiu. A bulld
og is being constructed over the mill
it present.
Tbe eeaond mouth's examiuatiou nill
be held next week. This is to ehow
now the students are progressing in the
There has bJeu s jnie improvements ul
the oullege iu the way of continuing the
walk to tbe uew meohanicnl ball.
The athletio association have the
gymnasium in running order. It was
moved from Cantbom ball to the new
uiechanical ball.
The O. A. C. foot ball team have
proved quite a success in tbe game be
iwreu Albaoy and tbe College. Thi
.onto was 48 to 0 in favor of tbe O. A. C.
Iu the game with Monmouth tbe ecoit
was 22 to 36 in favor of O. A. C. Next
Saturday they wi I play with the team
from Pacific University.
Prof. Loty, of Cuhthom hull, is on ih.
sick list. Some of tbe boys are als
thing with the professor. Tbe Iu grippi
uas been paying them a visit.
The Y. M. O. A. is doing good work,
rhey meet every Sunday afterooou it
Cuutbom hall when they hold ineetmge
The college band is doing very we!
with W. W. Loony as leader and Prof,
tloseubrooks ts instructor.
Tbo literary s oieties of the collegt
ire doiug rxielleut work this school
tear, i'ho ooutest for tbe gold rueJa
will be sometime next term.
Nov. 20. 1893.
Sheepmen will be interest I to knew
that there is no longer any question o
to the relative merits of the different
sheep dips upon the market. Christy A
Wise take pleasure in announcing that
Hayward'i Dips (paste and liquid) fo
which ttiry are sole P. O. agents, hsvi
secured the first award at the World'r
Fair, and last year thesa dips received
the silver medal at California State
Fair and gold modal at Mecbanio Fair
San Ersuoisco.. Every practices heepmeo
that iv r nsl U iy ward's Dips, pro-
nouuoeJ them tbe very beet dips for tbe
cure of scab, the general health of el, rep
aud conditions of wool, 181 188 sw,
If you feel an Druse up and out of
sorts agitate your liver with Simmons
For further information call at our office.
There was never a time in the his'ory
if our country when Ihe demi.nd for
inventions and improvements iu the arts
aud scienoeB generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind iu
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well ns in oftieial
lite; require oontinual accessions to the
appurtenance and impliments of each
o order to save labor, time aud expense.
The political ohange iu the adininiiitra
on government does not affect t!.e
progress of the American invoutor, uo
being on the ulert, aud ready to pcr
ceive the existiug deficiencies, doeo uit
i eiunt the affairs of goveruuieut t dd
ter hiui from quickly oouoeivmg tin
re'medy to overcome existing riiciepu
eie. Too great oare cannot bo ex r-ois-j'l
iu choosing u competent an I eki l
ful attorney to prepare and prrtui
an application for patent. Valuable iu
leies s have been lost aud destroyed ii
inuumeruble instances by the en:phi
ment of incompetent oounsel, anil es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" svstem. Inventors who entrust
tbeir business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as tbe breadth
and strength of the patent is never ei n
sidered iu view of a quiok endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain tbe fee.
Johu VYcdderburn, General Manager.
(il8 F street, N. W.,Wasbiugton, D. C,
represen ing a lurge number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was iu
atitnted to proteat its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
iu this line of business. The said Con
puny is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, aud prepare and prosecute
applications generally, inoludiug me
chanical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and giveB especial atteuion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to euter into
competition with any ffrm iu securing
foreign pateuts.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkddebbubn.
618 F Street,
P. O. Box 385. Washington, D. 0.
Tradition Tells of Wonderful Men Who
Lived In the cjrand Canary.
After the Spanish occupation of the
Grand Canary a certain enormous stone
was for long pointed out as one of the
Instruments of the Gaunche athletic
courses. The natives had been able to
lift it, set it on their shoulders, and
even throw it over their heads. Their
degenerate posterity, and the Spaniards,
could not raise it from the ground.
Tradition has immortalized one Adar
gona, of Grand Canary, who could
wrestle for two successive hours, and
having been thrown undermost In a
certain contest, got his antagonist be
tween his legs and arms, and squeezed
him so that his bones began to crack.
The native was subsequently sent as
a prisoner to Spain, where he astound
ed the people by his performances, ac
cording to the National Review. One
day, in Seville, he was visited by a
brawny youth of La Mancha, who was
anxious to try a bout with him. "My
good friend," said Adargoma, "as we
are going to wrestle together, It is only
reasonable that we should begin by
drinking something." A large bowl of
wine having been brought, he took this
in one hand and continued to address
his challenger: "If with both your
arms you can overpower one of mine,
so as to hinder me from drinking every
drop of this wine, we will try our
strength together. If not, you may re
turn to your own home." The struggle
took place, and Adargoma by degrees
drained the bowl in the coolest manner
without spilling a drop of the wine.
Uis ono hand was more than a match
for the other two.
It was reckoned nothing out of the
common for a man to take an un
tethered ox by the horn with one hand
and slay it with the other. A certain
native born priest of Grand Canary In
the seventeenth century showed that
be inherited some of his ancestors'
vigor. He could uot only kill an ox in
this way, but one day, hearing that an
enraged bull had broken loose and was
in the street, he ran out, and, grasping
it by the leg, threw it down aud so
held it until its owner was able to se
cure It. This doughty son of th
church before his death chanced to
nave one of his legs amputated for
cancer. It was then found that his
thigh bone was solid, with un trace rf
marrow. It must be confused, how
ever, that the relics .f the t auiirians
now found In their burying places, do
not bear out the Inference that this
was a national characteristic, though
their dimensions are certainly a testi
mony of the strength aud izn of their
law proprietors.
Wheat, bu 0
Flonr.bbl 2 oov
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. ot. 1 ou
" tbree " 1 "oft ,KI
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 "" fc) -j '
" etocK ' "o . '
Hogs, ou foot, cwt , ; ,T
Hogs, dressed 6 60 (3f 71)0
Wool e e w
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 60
IT.tnfH itor . 0
Chickens, doi 3 00
Wheat, cwt $1 03 1 08
Flour, bhl 3 00 ft 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a. 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 W
Hogs, cwt 4 f.0 0 5 2o
Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 10 hi 12
Butter, fb 25 3u
Eggs, doz 200 'to
Chiokens, doz 5 00 Cim
Turkeys, tt) 15 Cf 18
Wheat, cwt $ 85 (? 55
Flour, bbl 2 90 ft 3 15
Beeves, Otft 1 75 lit 2 75
" dressed 3 60 (S 6 00
Muttons, live sheared . . 2 60 i(t 3 10
" dressed 5 7 Hi e w
logs, on font 4 50 5 6u
" dressi'd 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... B (t 14
Butter. 20 o0
Eggs, doz 27;.s'(a;io
Chickens, doz 2 00 ( 4 50
Turkeys lb 16 C 17
Notice of Intention.
J Oct. 4, 181. Notice is hereby iven that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or., on Nov. Is, Was, vii. :
fid. am for the E NW!4 NE'.i SEIi Sec. .11
and NWij SE Sec. 32 Tp. ff. S. K 25 E. W. M.
tie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of,
said land, viz. : ,
George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Melssner.
of Gooseberry. Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry,
ana xsaue niaiin, oi L.one nocic uregou.
xm-ITi John W. Lswis, Register.
Sheriff's tale.
anct by virtue of aii execution issued out
of the Circuit Court ol the SUte of Oregon fur
the County of Morrow, aud to me directed and
delivered upon judgment rendered and entered
iu aaid Court on the ;AHh day of May lMj, in
favor of W. B. Cuinitnghame, Wainttrt; and
MKHinatJ. D. Ball, Defendant, for the mm ol
seven Hundred and Ten Dollais, aud for the
further sum of Two Dollar damages aud cobih,
which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in
the clerk 'h oitice of aaid Court in Huid County on
theiwthday of MHy lUfti. And thereafter on
iNovember 21th, ln8, laid Judgment was duly
aligned and tranafered from the ttaid W, H.
CuiiniiiKhaiue to Wm. H tubes lor a valuable
consideration, aud there helug uoW due un
snld judgment the sum of Two Hundred and
leu Dollars, together with interest at the rate
of Scent, per annum on the full sum of beven
Hundred and Ten Dollars from the ith day ol
May lanii to the &lth day of December, Isoy, to
gether with interest at the rate of V cent, per
annum ou the sum of Two Hundred aud 'leu
Dollars from ath day of December, lwj, until
paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollar
costs and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon
and will sell at public auction, ou Saturday the
nlh day oi December, layt, at one o'clock p. m
at the Court house door iu neppner, Morrow
County and state of uregun, all the right, title
and Interest which the aaid J. D. Hall, Defend
ant had on or after the aith day of May Iwi, In
or to the following described premises, to-wit:
I he couth East quarter of eec. Eleven (11) ii,
I ownslllp Three south of Kange Twtuty-three
l&H) East of W. M., In Morrow County, State oi
urugou, and c.ntklus 1 IW acres. Dated at liepu
uor thls&tu day of iNovember, lMiKt,
18-1M Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon
Sheriff's bale.
under and by virtue of an execution issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of (iregui.
for the County of Morrow, and to me directed
and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered auS
entered in said court ou the 7th day of Sent
iwia, In favor of TheOregou Mortgage Company
Plaintiff, aud against i'raucis M. uhurla, De
fendant, for the sum of Elve Hundred anu
Ihlrty-three Dollars and Seventy-five cents
and for the further sum of Fifty Dollar
attorneys fee. and Twenty-two Dollars anu
fourteen cents costs, and. whereas, by sail,
judgment it was ordered and adjudged that tin
lollowing described real property, to-wit
I'lie Norm East quarter of Section Twenty-six'
Iu Township two North of Kange 1 weuty-thre.
Eastof . H. tu Morrow county Oregon bi
old to satisfy said Judgment, costs and' ae
eruliig costs I will, on Saturday the ai dav
of December, 18U5 at one o'clock p. m. ol saiii
day. at the front door of the court house li
Heppner Morrow. Co. Oregon, soil theright, title
and interest ol the said Francis M. Bhurtc in and
to the above described property at Public
Auction to the highest bidder lor cash in hand
the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction oi
said execution and all costs, aud costs thai
may accrue.
. . .. G,' Noble,
. , Bherlff l Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated Nov -a. 18SU. lai-ix.
I State of Oregon, County of Morrow.
E. c. Ashbangh, Plaintiff.)
.,",,, SUMMONS.
II. E. Hooker, Defendant.)
T O 11. K. HOOKEK, dclendailt.
In the nameof the stale of Oregon. You are
herebjr required to appear before the under
lgued a Justice ol the peace fur the Dlftriei
aforesaid on the 0th day of January im at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the olllue
o( said Justice In such district to answer th,
above named plaintiff In civil action.
Ihe Deieuua.it will talte nutice that if he
fails to ans,ver the complaint herein the
Plslntitl' will take Judgment against him for
ue handled aud six and Jo-100 Dollars and for
the further sum of Fourteen and i.iim a.
. tojetucr ltu costs aud cx.eiuwe of this arii.m
I tiiveu uuder iny baud this 11 day of Nov
Justice of the Peace.
I V!7,dF!TISE7T 1,011 xecond
district State ol Oregon, County of Morrow
Bruce Haines, Plalntlfr.i "'
II. E. Hoolter Defendant)
TO H. E. HOOKER. Defendant.
In the name of the Stateof Oregon. You are
hereby required to ap-ar hefore the under
signed a Justice of the peace for district afore--aid
oil fie h day of January, lhs.1, at two
-.clock In the Iteriionn of said dav at the
.thee of said Justice In such dfstrlct to answer
the abnye named plalutllt in a civil action
Ihe Defendant will take notice that If he
,i!.i'!i?';T; "! """Plaint herein, the Plain
-lit will take Judgment against hlin for Eigh v-
a.' am11'1"' BT b"ai thi' 21 d'r of Nov-
ls- uUee ei the Peace.
P. H. T.
Vrh(7v;-.nuj;-!. ' ' -!" "m" w imn y
;)Tlic iiiiu l i.'i'.- liw l 1" "'4'KV '". '"n'-nngej
Tim fond imivt.t-lK.w to have i.n.e babies;
The mother-how t- have them without nam:
The childless-how to bo fruitful and multiply.
The curious-how they "g-rowed" and came to be
(The health how to enjoy life and keep well;
The invalid-how to get well again speedily;
The imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
All who want knowledge that w of most worth
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Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate
hip two (2) South of Kang tw" ntv ulU ml
t-sst jt the W'tiumeth. Slcririlan ,J ? . ?J
W Coi"'-'iSug
n ' m'"1 .!liT ,.l1 d"r, he hour or .1 o'clock
:f AO
SI. inn
( (.'UP1E8
( sold.
It with your Inquiry.-
Tint- AmA i .i ic.i j:.ncol
of consumption in its first
h or co!l acute or leading
delay but take
AdmiwsUator's Sale.
Issued out of the County Court of Oregon,
for Morrow County, on the 6th dny of Nov. A. w-
l):l. Th nil.1ra0M..H arlmlltUtrHtor Of tHS
etat of lames 8 BreediuR, deceased, wtl1,??
'nday, Decembers. 1H9.I, mtone o'clock 1 ,n"
afternoon oi said day, In front of the coun
house door, in Heppner, Morrow couniy
OreBon, sell to the hlxhest bidder for cash J
hand all th riirht, title and interest of ssia
James 8. Brcedinir, deceased, in oi y iRJ
to lowliis; described real i.roperty, to-wit: ,
ofseo. 1. Tp -2 a K.'JISE W. M., situated
in Morrow cnuiitv. slate of tlreiron.
I'lie same lo he' sold In parci Is of forty srw
etch, or as a whole as to the administrator may
si-em best on dav oi sale. Dated Ihis lith 0J
"I yov. a. D. i.suat Heppner on
eppner oreiron.
A. W. HHKKOino.
rV I U with ut kuifr. N ls ol I"
I ILL.O Iron btnineu. FI'lol. Llc
M ,unri. vsr
Uver ivegulator.
" Mary Dbiscoli,
. Cjussllon BUDk ind Book lf. Csllorwriss.,
BaPlnaStrmt. T.Ucu.KO