Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 24, 1893, Image 3

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    Nol'ICH T.' AIIVEltTIBKilS.
JiH WIC diwifiiiK hpm" Hin of display ads
!n",rch,t"'; UllllKt thufr copy in
ii'if later than Mum! iy et.i,ii,K tor Tuosiiv'.
fjlltlon.or TlfuiKlay fveu.ug S,r Friday. Si"
T5.,uln 'UJ ce''" i' iiuc win i
chargod lor "our.u rf tlmiiUs," "resolutions ol
S .fwii'-.'i'ilSS.11.'."." ";'-l:er 01 n.)
V iu.i r , , Ir """ lor naiever purpose.
: . . " iiii;u rcvttuut! in In 1.0 OP'
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
VVe .!,?ld. ecn "d every correspondent re
llllllflllllM Tnr lita 1.... I .. . . . . .
, y vuuiiuuiiiuauon. rio
corrwiuoiideuce will be published unless the
nVT fMih s'Kuea & an evidence of
JJ. lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
ban t raucisco, is onr authorised agent. This
uu me in nis omce.
, Wtuge for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
....... j unllJUU wvj, leaves as follows :
livery day at t a. m., except Sunday.
... uujn.hu p. ui.,ejLceptoionuay.
fr , ,e.h rTI'' tuietKat M "est line u or
w a 1 . . J- s- DELEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston.Agent. H
Clue wour hultinettn in PTa, i
unci therefore assist to build up Uepp-
wu-(ni.e iiuae icfto patronize
Here and There.
When the autumn winds grow chilly,
And when vegetation dies,
There Is one great satisfaction
We get even with the Hies.
It's quite ajob to set np stoves,
Aud Join the pipe together;
But what most harrows up one's soul
Is how to get enough of coal
To last him through cold weather.
Geo. Ooueer returned from Portland
jam evening.
Mies Effie Fields left for Portland
vveuuesaay moraine.
8e"d yur washing to Mrs. Nelson, at
uo juuuuium iiouse.
Grandma Mitohell is confined to her
room witn erysipelas.
lienry Bluckmsn returned on last
tmjuuig irom rurtland.
James MoOarty, of the Alpine section
was in the city today.
K. C. Sperry formerly of lone ooULtry,
uuir luumeu up on muton tireek
J. 1'. Hayden. a trnvnlino mnn intr
viewed his Heppuer oustomers Tuesday
last. '
The lieppnerCanyon stage Hue is the
""1 unenpesi aim quicseet to the iu
Id IUI .
Harrison Oliapin has sold bis Hardman
niiun iou, a. rarnsworin. (JoDBidera
lion iouu.
The ladies of the W.O. T. U. will give
uo uiuok tea tms evening, at the read
leg room.
A dose of Simmons Liver Regulator.
taken daily, will relieve and prevent
luiiejceobiuu .
The thanks of the Gazette shop is due
y. a. xvuea ior some very tine pork
uib uiuiiiiuir.
G. B. Tedrowe made a quick trip to
Portland the first of the week returning
last evening.
Belching at any time is due to indi
gestion both ate cured bTMsaxions
u'ver iteKQiator. )
. W. H. Bheppard of Hamilton, Ills.,
u mo sjueHt 01 nis son-in-law, tl. W.
iurner.ol Hand rlollow.
' PrAHAhino at fha Pnnllol U..
B v Liu an'liou I.UUIUU uy
the pastor, next Sunday Nov. 26. Theme:
11' 11L T . I t. ... ,
iiie xvainDow." All are invited.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
nures liquor, opium, morpume, cocaine
nd tobacco habit. See ad.
Miss May Hunsaker, who had beeD
visiting friends in the city, departed for
in uuine at wajjner weaneeaay.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subsoribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agentB
I. N. Hughes, Wagner'g prosperous
iiimi-uuui, nrriveu irom tnai section of
Grant oounty on Tuesday evening's
Those desiring washing and ironing
neatly and quickly done should leave
wim iu.10. j.iemuu as tue luouutain
J'on t forget that the assignee's
mirtiim Qnlu al HawliYion ;.u
... . . u.'iutuau uiuaCB WltU
next Saturday's sales. Bargains . for
Menihrn nf thn Ci X T? am ha.an
notihed that the Post will hold its next
mommy meeting in this city Saturday
On Huturdav. Nov. Mr.h h rt X P
Pnflfc Will ItlCAt in (ilia a1
..... . . " uid vu, uvoiy
member should make an effort to be
oated next door to the furniture store on
mam street, onaves, snampoos, hair
cuib ana me line aways on tap.
ThA frftKAftA Will tAlrAnminfv cvt'n .1
1 owiji at
face on subscription, Bnd pay balanoe of
Buuie in cusii bi uiguesc marEet price.
Tlie Gazette office aoknowledgi-H a
pleasant oall yesterday fternoQ Trom
lev. Adkiiis, aocompanied by Bev
Gibbs, of Pendleton, who has been nbly
assisting him in con.lucliug revival
terv . lit the M. E. ohuroh. tiuntb. t..r
moiu I ban a week Dast.
JaillHH ami nhaplaa 17nBaA J 1
" wuw..i uufno Mirm
1 ueBday afternoon from Dayton, Wash,
having made the trip overland ia four
lays lime. Thev nroneaHa,) ti..
Uooaeberry section where they exptet to
reniBin several days to louk after inter
Our people "eresurpriesod tofiud that
a heavy fall of snow, considering the
time of year, had covered the mother
neunesaay. But it was no mat oh
wiiu last nignt's Chinook, oonstquently
bus almost disappeared.
We have been requested to anuuunoe
me . rv. v. win nolo, tueir monthly
meetiug in this city next Saturday after-
noon. Members are requested to bear
this in mind and ba
meetings. 2
wuwuu atut JUOpcUliUl 1U1
mo uuuuiv. HlLHr ntivirtr nhniit n.mnlatiirl
flia full rnnnrl nn iiniuin tl,a A , tf,,..
- " f "'""B n uiuoiDUi
bands, reports 214.000 head iu healthy
UUUUllKIIl anil trAA rrnm unuh X ..nnH
Harry Jones was in this afternoon to
inform us that he had Inst RiimA VhlnnhlA
cattle. See reward offered in another
Put Killkenny was in town this
Hood's i'ill ATA AABV nnil OAntln In
Heppnkb SooiaiiOlub. List Toesdav
evening a number of our young gentle
men met and organized a whist and annino-
olub to be known as the Heppner So
oial Club. The following offiuers were
eleoted: Geo. Conscr. Pres.. (n. FaIL
Sec, aud J. D. Hamilton, Treas. Tne
nr3t eveniog's entertainment of the series
planned for the winter was niven laat
evening at the dining room of the Palace
hotel. There were not as many members
present, as was expected, owing to the
raot that several were eitherout of the oity
or det aitied a way. However. allnrpBBnt
seemed to have a oleasant time. Dano.
ing and whist was the program for the
evening. The next entertainment of th
series will occur Tuesday evening. Den
7tb, when it is hoped that all who have
signified a willinguess to associate them
selves with tha olub will present them
selves for initiation inlo the mysteries
of sooial life aa nrumn Irr.itorl h tin.
i n - - j wuw
Heppner Social Ulub.
RiciTRed Blood firflT nil inn rmmi
I W PVl M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Mr. Chan. Wane ' ' l i
"For several rears I havn hrAn trnnhioii with
blotches and uiuiDles tm mv faA nA hiv
which were very annovinff. 1 tried several pre-
inrinrinnn onH alD.. tl. ii .i i . .r
.-.bvih, nuu Biiu uuici liiHuiuniea, out iuey
Hood's : Cures
dirt not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friend
UllVfaiKI Ilia In t.w Unn.11. .'.i- .
determined to give it
A Thorough Trial.
After usine two bottles, mv sltln ntnnwii ua
natural state. I still use it, as it gives me
strength and vigor. I never had better health
In my life, and towe It to taking Hood's Sarsa,
Co., 48 Eighth Street, San Francisco.
Hood's Pillfi are tlin hunt: afiorHnn
PUls, assist digestion, cure headache. 26a
Coming, A called meetintr of the nt
tending physicians and consulting board
of thestate insane asylum was reoentlv
held. The objeot was to consult with
Superintendent Howlaud aud deoide
upon a plan of aclioo iu reeard to the
trip to be made to Eastern Oregon for
the purpose of looking over the sites
offered for the establishment of the
branoh .asylum. The rival cities are
Pendleton, The Dalles, Heponer. La
Grande, Bake Oity aud Union. Theaa
places will be visited by the committee
and the various disadvantages of each
will be oareiully examined and consider.
ed. It was deoided by Superiutednent
Kowiand that the committee start Tues
day. However, as we have Been no
aooount of their arrival at anv rjoint
along the main line, we are inclined to
believe they did not start at that time,
Ebtubn Eiipir Handed. JamAA
Stamper, James P. Lieuallen and
n r-r. . .
vieuige nuney, who nave been on a
long and weary ohase after the bank
robbers, came in Sunday, looking
great deal like outlaws themselvAa.
Since last Wednesday they have been
in Morrow county, whither it was bod.
posed the rtbbers had gone after tha
trail was lost at Gold Sorinir. The
discovery of the horses near Pendleton,
However, exploded that theory, and they
were notified to return. The bovs Hid
the best they oould, but feel dlsaoooint.
ed that they oould not ride home with a
dead robber or two slung across the
pommel of their saddles. E. 0.
V7 w 1 O
O Diabetes,
Briahri fjisA;isi
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and nil Fli-i.
eases of the Kidneys,
2- Bnb?ourd ,of
8. ileet scocmmcdatioEs for the trsyelirg
a n .
uurieouB ireaiment assured the ooun
try people.
SAI Gilliam & Bisbee,
l'Klil'AUKD BV
O.W.P. Mnnnfantnrincr f!n p5?TtAND,
...fa vvi untuun,
For sale bvRlnnnm..T.ihnafii n..
and T. W. Aysrs, Jr. '
MiBS Maggie Perry, of Salem, arrived
on last evenings, train on ner way to
visit with relatives at Lone Bock. She
will leave for the latter place on tomor
row a stage.
The assignee's auction sale at the
. -I Tl Tl . .1 . ,
store oi vox xiros., raaruman nas Deen
avfunilAil nnA TnnrA nTOAlr Niovf flol,,.
day, Nov. 25th, is the last day for
IU-., W T Tltiflonlnritia r. ;nn.
inn. ii. ... n uiuiioi y f fj-
terday to a few of Mr. Button's friends
in honor of bis birthday, whioh by chance
happened on the day Pennoyer bad pro-
na 'ThanlraryiiMtiiv
Oregonian : Set ator Henry Blackman,
of Heppner, is in the city. He is look-
. u lii.. iu.h u. i . . .
lug muuu uetei iuhu ud utu last, winter,
ViAAAnse. he savs he has auit disannainn
politics. The senator remarked, too,
that it has been very chilly in Eastern
n 1L. 1,1 1IU-II
Irregon Biuce toe lauueuue.
Arlington Keoord: Geo. Coneer of
Heppner, cashier of the Heppoer bank
J . tl,V,lrl. i'n Iho lilinrrfnn Vn.
UU O Him.ttUkl.un, Iu nuo U.I.JKIVIU .IO"
i: t n,na tlia nllo aii hn-Ina-- .HJ
lluiiai, won iu .nt, 1,11 uuDtuno auu
went below from here. He has worked
uimseu up irom a poor ooy oo tue - oan-
II am to oneotourieauiug ousiness men
An Assault. Last Wednesdav even
ing while going home from his plaoe of
business, h. W. Briggs was assaulted by
a crowd of boys because, of an artinle
that appeared in Tuesday's Gazette, of
bis authorship signed "Experience." in
whioh be severely reprimanded some of
the young people for their reoent con
dnot at the M. E. church. South, durinu
the revival services. Now while the
boys may have felt that tbia article cast
undue reflection on them and that thev
hBd been wronged by the same, yet
their manner of procedure to ritrhl thin
wrong might be questioned. Them RrA
other ways of settling such differences
without resorting to such a method.
K. ofP. Officers. We glean from lh
East Oregonian : "At the regular meet
ing or Harmony Lodge. K. of P.. Tn.
day evening, the following officers were
nominated for the ensuing term. A. F
Eddy, O. C; A. R. Draper, V. C ; Olark
Wood, frelate; Martin Ferguson, M. of
W.; A.J. Morrs.M. at A.: E. E.Hhrnn
K. of R. & S.j H, L. Hexter, M. of F.;
K. Sargent. M. of Ex. Thev will hA
elected at the next meeting. Damon
Lodge Dominates its officers this even
ing and a full attendance of members ia
The StndehnkAr n ncmn haiJ- l.w, nil
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
H&rdwArA" (lid vnn Banf TOl .
at P. O. Thompson it Oo.'s stand, and the
ijiuuc iut uargains. a
The Palace ia the ltwi;-t-o hniai in n.-
Oitv. Well fnrnishAri
- - mo it auu yLVU I. J
of light are provided (ot everyone, a
Thompson & Binnaown the buss whioh
goes to and from tLA Plnna k.
- vVV UUWS uut
wiii unu lur parnes aesinnj? logo to train
in any part of the oity. ljeave orderB
at Oity hotel. a
If TOD WATlt ffl KtlV OFniMnina A
Drfifia Rtnfr nhoon em tn. kA T7n..n:
uuvurit ju iv buo JVJUVUl 1)1 IBV
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix ud
your watch or clonk, r. a ti-m o rii
stock of everything pertaining to his
M. Ll'chtflntllAl A fin 'a ncm atnnlr
opieoaia, summer botton and tie special
ties in the ShoA lirtA Bra nlfi-onfini me-k
aA .llnnli .
aiicilbiuu, . a
Erp's Wood Yahti ThA Hannnor
WOOd Tflrd. nnrr tha rnanar.nnf A
, r 1 wv mv iuuuaLCUJDlJI Ul
Kip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
your resiuenoe, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 Der onrd. Vn-J i.:..
- ...... .... . . i l n ii; o in
two, 75 cte. per cord; three timeB, $1.00
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
oioan a noward s. 4.ff
Shoemaker. Ed. Rirtmnu- a ui,nn,ni,
er and repairer of many years' expert
enoe. has iust located in Hm Ahrni,o
siol' building, on May street, where be
ia prepnreu toao everyining in bis line,
Mt Birbeck is Htnct.lv a firot.i.ln01,
man and warrants all work. Give him a
sail. - Utptf
We want it for a moment to inform you that
me stock ot u Van Duvn is lipmo- H e.
posed of at Assignee's Sale, at way-down pri
ces, lhe stock is c pan nnn frch In
ii V.VJH, iictviiii;
I 1 1 i . , . .
Deen largely increased with new goods the ear-
1 r .i
iy pan oi tne year, tor spot cash, we will
give you oargains.
Geo. Conser.
S. S. HoRNOR, Assitrnee
Disease commonly comes on with sliirhr Rvmninma T. v,ini, .i, i...i.j
" - -J Jt uiuu n in. ii IICKICULCU JU-
orease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
U4!SU scj fROM headache, TAlcc. DIDAMO TAili M l
Land Fob Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold oheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf
AnVDOdr Who tlAVels hv Mrs Irnnwa h.t
unuiv uv na uueu swiinn." it ia tha
terror of railroad men. nH th AoA .t
traveler- Tta vitima
gled or maimed for lifeare numbered by
vuc Kurs euca year.
Yateven the dreaded "nnon inr! )? (.
j-vHBnvu UUUI
o widely fatal as is a certain diaeaae, which.
wimuui uwoiiig its aunvity ior an instant, u
umi v uniuK iiuuureuB oi irravea. -
What is that terrible ailment? Tf.ii aalr.
Heart Dtieaie " Bul" vmi ruiil ir .win.
fidently. "1 haven't anv heart disease m
Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Ind, the
A Pleasant Time. The voudb folk
bad a very pleasant time last Wednea-
day afternoon at a little party given for
Bessie unsan, the oooasion being her
8th birthday. The following little folki
were present: Edna Van Dnyn, Zoe
Patterson, Murl Jones, Lutie Rasmus,
Willetta Leezer, Essie Leezer, Lnella
Nelson, Mabel Ayers, Willa Minor,
Nellie Forwood and Gertrude Walbridge.
It is Heart Dueatef " But." you reply, con
SLJt .1 11 1 I i. l . . . v '
uuvuuT, iusven i any neart aise
heart is all right." Are vou bore ?
distinguished specialist in diseases of the
heart and nervous system, states that disor
ders of the heart are as common as those of
the lungs, liver, stomach, bowels or kidneys,
though often unsuspected. The reason peo
ple are not aware of this important fact is
because symptoms of heart disease are nnt
usually recognized as proceeding from this
organ, I it ni-e attributed to some other
flmirrft. it'' Vnll ImVA rinrrnnaa nt ItM.ik
J - ....... ...UW1 u, ui 111,
puttering or palpitation, pain or tenderness
in tuft Vlrfmit!. uliniilrlnf. tr ai,lA nnnMAanAJ A.
, w. n.uv, wjviicriai ui
chnkinor senHAtinn. fnint.lna. ni mni)M;.A
spells, your Aeari is affected.
m v.i i i...ii i Li . .
i aau oeen irouoiea witn neart disease
fnpTean. Mrlpftniihn wiitpvwm1.
J j - " . . j n&, wiUU
at times scarcely feel it, excitement would
weaken my nerves and heart, and fear of
impending death stared me in the face for
linllM Dp Mitm' Mapvinm nnrf limn Umt.mt
Curt are the only medicines that have proved
r i. c i i i, r r t. .
oi maj uvunm aim curou me. Xi. JU. V X Jt,
Cloverdale, Md,
" Mv wife has been taking Dr. WXti Seu
ftr fnr Ik . ftUm, thinbi it wtnila..l
8h nas not been troubled with pain or
mnlt!lnt arlla ilniu n.im. I. Tl'- 1..-..
wunwmi. i)nii..iiiv. uv.iiK ... ' I tl uYV
alio used Dr. MUaT Pillt, and we And them
ail in.y are claimed to oe." UJ. u. t lsi n
Philadelphia. Pa.
These and hundreds of similar toitlma.
nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful
powers of Dr. MUaf New Cure for the Heart.
It lm fMerJii. njrenh1. anil Kuva 11 HAW
Bold by druggists on s positive guarantee, oi
Ar. juiiw jneoicai a- xaKuart, ma.
" 0L9JpH"n w sallow or T is m DIDAMO tadiii i-o
m avrrcn uiDiiiiBB alter eatliif, MIMvJ I nDULLO,
tr'ait!:.b '?" "ver, stomach and into..
mnen a! tne nrsc 'naioation of indieestinn
Ripans Tabules are prepared from a presoription widely need bv the beat
Physicians, and are presented in the form most approved by f science
ini-nJi''' f8,r '"al Rip81?8 Tabule9 are Bn inWl'ble cure; they oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy. uuiumg
One gives relief.
who.ir.ndS lLZm be 8ent' p08tBKe pnid-on recelp' of 76 t by the
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill.
Not only once, but again and again. The know that t
full weight and good measureT;Kii ,.!!.:lhaLffom u' V
plained. The "best" hriniT , V I 7' VIDJ we ,el1 the bestisex
and so enlist: o! "
t: ?PVUi every,hiD P' well-regala ed, generaT
merchandise store. Come in and see ns. everyoX
Heppner, Oregon.
Why Buy of Peddlers?
When vnn oan nnl i, .i. .
Eta, at the Liberty Market.
! 8W " eresis ana assist those who assist yon.
SHAW & M'CARTT, Props.
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
The Keeley Institute
Saxxs.pl. r-ro oa .pplloa.tlon. to the SM.pi OU.axa.lcBa Co., Wsnw
Closing out the entire stocjk of
Boots and Shoes
of the old Arm of M. Liohtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash.
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
tr . . .
xes, mere are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
, , , Bad druus are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
, ., , Pure drnK8 are Kreat helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
j.o conipouna mem skillmlly,
TojireDare prescriptions quiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than this?
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
OnMayStreet.oppositePalaoeHotel. Theywill keep on hand a full line of
' Groceries ani himi
Qf goods in stock of Cox Bros., Hardman,
will dose on afternoon of .Satnrrlo.r M
25. Goods will be sold in quantity
to suit purchsser, for cash only.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Otis Patte
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
ivxn U 1 AiVD
I W. PArfERSON, AGENT ?? .9'.,!he.Hosit In the Worlil
Will Drink the Best
Ko7.K2:i Not. it.
, vuariey jones, day mixologist. Oall.
Robert Krick, Prop.
The stock of Hardware, TinvvareTGlassware.
btoves, Etc., carried by
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows building to the West warrm ?u
Farland Mercantile Oo.'s establishment. He still ha, . I v 'm
wiU be disposed of st very re.sonab.e prices for olsT'SV'.'ron'nd
For sale by T. W. Ayers jr., i