Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 24, 1893, Image 2

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--One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.-
7p o acres ncfSr01-18
yl fence. Situated two miles wfit Pf TrolL!!? Bdj0,I,IIle. of which deeded laud there are 140 acres go. d farminc land, and the balance A 1 tmsture. The deeded laud Ln8 a irood si.niic of water on it. all n.,,1.,..
Tnce for the whole, 31100 ; or withont the timber culture claim, SS00.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Mor
row county, cheap and on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat laud. Will eeli on easy terms. A good rustler can pav
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it
For further information call at our office.
that B Hi KCul ta.a mmm . I I - T"
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
..Jfn8.(5?2d(ftckhi.,'n1 1?ver'r correspondent re.
sponsible lor hlor her communication. No
wrirK f"" wu ,ba P"bllhed unlaw the
rSd fitr gned " an Tlden ol
Did you ever
Read about the
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That ii like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
Id tbe country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
From the Oregonlan.
rresmenl Cleveland doesn't say in
his proclamation of Thanksgiving that
we have prosperity to be thankful for
Unfortunately he couldn't say that
though President Harrison could and
U1U HRY If nn th L.
., luc lllk uuoasion one year
ago. Times are too hard now for as to
return thanks for any good things of
material sort in this worll, but then we
can fall back on the old orthodox hymn
will ;
o Ointments fop Catarrh
Contains Mercury,
merotiry will sureIy de8lm
And are we wretchei yet alive?
And do we yet rebel?
'Tli wonderous, 'tlsamaalng grace,
That we are out of hell.
Bn. ,
ui our reauers warn ut fW i
u.inea to tnink that the Gazette's pencil
r "as lue aatnorof that corre
spondence in Tuesday's issue which
oreated so much turmoil in our little
again we beg to suggest to our
many friends and readers that we are
not of that make-up. If we feel the
"easily or making any onmm.nl.
any subject, it would be
above-board," and not under a nom de
plume. In fact we have always opposed
this kind of agitation, f0, without a
personal signature no great good is
going to be aooomplished. So in the
future when any article arrears nv, .
signature, do us the justice to say that
... um oi our authorship. We always
io any reliable nersnn. r-,.
P.aueaoie purpose, other than a
po.auuai ngnt, with the diatlnnf
lon,t .. . .7
. ueeztenued to anv one .
thron-h 7 "'.?" W"en . e"erltlg it
,. , mucous surfaces Sn.-h
articles should neve, JS'."
ton fold to the go7dVu lan py"
derive from them. Hall', Catarrh Cure
?o?edo8Coref T P- J- CbA Co!
th. w "j" VUK oireotly Upon
-"w uiuvu huu mnnnti. a.,.., ... .,
..votom t I" . "": or me
hi .r 7. ""J"ng uaii s Catarrh Cure
be sure you get tbe genuine. It ia
,fh-eDin,er.BBlljr' BUJ in Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Chenev & a. ' i!.. ?'
uiouials free. "
bUm!11 by drail,t8 Prie 75o. per
IJ,- 1.1 . ....
ine unconditional repeal of the
onerman aot liberty hag reoeived
"ay uiuw ana tne tiande of tbe pluto-
...... u. UWI1 strengthened. The most
Wb abb often comnpllcl f i.i. t
. '"""-""tenoy of some, esDeciallv
where it is brought so plainly hfo,.
tin f r,1.. '
terrible and far-reachino- ,t . ,..L.' . Be tbe wele South
legislation ever imposed unon I Z LZT' landed that
people supposed to be free hae h -Th "f.B f ,raud
, j -,''"" iarin protection, be
1 Vnnrlji. ranunln.) mi ...... I UIJ
ni.cuanew lease of life. No wonder
the vote after the long debate was re.
ominious silence by the
galleries. It was also reoeived
snenoe Dy tne nation, a silence which
precedes the gathering ot the ooming
storm. The anti-silver organs, whirh
for mouths have been clamoring for re
peal, hardly dare to rejoioe or claim a
victory, the consequences of which, to
the farmers at least are terrible to con-
it mpiate. No cheer was heard from
the ranks of those who had done the
ueeci, nor even a smile of satisfaction
seen. No murderer smiles in the
preseuoe or his victim or in contempla-
" OI U19 In vain with eloquence
uegoiien or earnestness and sincerity
had the senators from the silver states
pieaueu mat the chief industry of their
stiites might not be ruined for the
Dentin ot a olaes already wealthy. In
am did others with the earnestness
begotten of oonviction plead with the
majority that the great agricultural and
other producing industries miaht not be
further depressed for the benefit of
English shylooks and our own seourity
holders. Their entreaties fell only on
deaf ears. It i, a triumph of selfish
greed over equal rights, and that upon
which rests the very oorn, t ...
in ... ... :
,,u"" equality, justioe and
privileges for all classes.
In Olliftlr tvmn.il.. . .
cime or three oents a bushel on the
Chicago market, selling down as low as
Mxiy-iwo and one eighth oents on
luesuay, uctober 81. All other com
....... I, uiao som lower. This is the
answer or oommeroe to the repeal aot.
quesuou is what next? Shall we
iy uown our arms and quitely submit
while Shylook gathers in bia pound of
uesuf inose who' think tbe farmer,
will do this have greatly mistaken their
temper. Unce awakened to a know
ledge of the true situation, with an
understanding of why farm products
are depressed below living prices, and
their voice will be heard in congress in
u U1UU ouunot he mistaken. We
ourselves have only reoeutly awaka,,,t
to the gravity of tbe present state of
uaira. wo knew somehow a great
no uemg luriioted on the pro.
ducing claeses, but the principal source
of that wrong we did not see clearly
Now that our eyes are opened we feel
bound as a matter of nnl.lin .1
I.-;.... . . . r uu.j 10
u 10 me Ktiowiedge of those wli
""'' oont-erus, and if possible
mem to aotion in self-dcfetise.-Farm
Field and Fireside.
that DOlaonnna nln.i.
protection," as they term it. mn. v..
out down at once. Today they say that
wa8only.politics,a campaign cry. Today
tbey are the leaders in clamoring for the
maintenance of tbe pohov whinh .
on , . . "
.uC utu,areu robbery, When asked
"j mey ,004 the former position they
"ay it was only a Cdmpaiim nrv. m:
I. . . . " f".".o
away wiih Himh ..u.i.
CLKVKLaND's Uicger ai,Mn ..li.... :.
l.: . . . " ti.tjr ,n
"""uottned by almost the entire
press of the country regardless of politi
cal faith or iffilialion. The
The literary Bocietiea'will give a i,.it
programme at the close of the first term,
Nov. 24th.
The Christian church U hir,
from the college grounds to the lot which
they have reoently purchased.
Miss Alice Priest. nrnfa,,r ,n p....
lish and history, wag called to h,r
home in 8benandouh. Tnw i.t ..... 1.
by the serious illness of ' her sit,r.
frofessor Campbell, broil
Campbell is fiinl? l,er ,..,.,
a very editing game of foot-ball was
Played on the Normal grounds
Friday afternoon between the Normal
00 l ege team and the Agricultural
college team. The score was 3fi to 22 ia
iuvur or tne Agricultural college team
President Charles H. nhm!.i ...
the State University at Enmn. Hui,v'.,i
the third series of lectures to l, !....
in tbe Normal obapel last Sunday afrer
njon. Thesubieot nfhi.
iennyson'8 Ideal of Woman."
, Jdnioh.
Monmouth, Oregon, Nov. 19, 1893.
I . r, VV KB. It XT
k.,r95 A "EWOKB CO.,
r.r Schenectady, K.Y.
nj Brockvillc. Oni.
Wheat, bu 35
Flour.bbl 2 50 fci I0
Beeves, cows A two-year-olds, owt. 1 60
" three ' 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 50 1 75
Hogs, on foot, owt 4 60
Hogs, dressed 6 60 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Chickens, doz S nn
Wheat, cwt ui ns ft 1 UK
Flour.bbl 8 00 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 60 (d 6 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 800
Hogs, owt 4 nn a, r. r.
Wool Eastern Oregon in 1 v
guer, lb 25 tli &
liggs, doz ona or.
Chiokens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, lb 15 j8
heat: ow' $ 85 95
f'oui-.ow 2 90 315
Beeves, owt..-. 175(8 2 75
dressed 3 50 (ii 6 00
Muttons, live sheared. . . 2 50 tit 3 00
d ressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on font 4 5o 5 5u
dressed 7 (xi
Wool-Eastern Oregon... (i u 14
ut,et-1 2U(t 3ii
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 60
Jurltell 15 it 17
mmlf $
Wltut it ,'; condition of yourof
t-ritH, t Zes it ,plU at tl ,d.f Jf, , , "
io.'4 it fall out toiro combed or bruthtdt I, Uf" PPi
your .oa,p ucn r i, it dry or in a hoated
tome of your tymptomt bt learned in . ' K
bald. ""'(r
to irint thorn. "Skookum " oontil" i neKhar mlSa "'lp lwl 'e0l!l
dWlnhtlullx cooling and r.rrwin? Te m'o bS ?m n'ir oll- "t fti"
"",V".:.... . . . -"""! m.
ir your dnialst cannot supply yon. lend dl. .
V? South Fifth Ave.. New York, N. V.
011 'OUOBDIOOT ',!., ." '
World'a Fair Jury Decided
in His
..11.. .
.. yo.oes the sentiment of the people.
exception ofhis right hand
iur. uresham. Clev. land seems
u iiuout the neoD b. r,,u0 ,
in this instance. Another
. wuve
"uu ,,UB PeP'e will begin to talk im
peachment and right well they might.
The Multnomah oouutv Drii ;
have found true bills against Clerk
Powell, Sheriff Kelly and Treasurer
Malarkey charging them nn f..
in office, i D0t furniahina n, i
imhli ii,,.: . ... . " -
.ruiLBonuai statements of
the oounty's fiuanoial oonditi,,,,
quired by law. It created
Chioaqo, Nov. 22, on the analvaia
recommendation f Dr. Wiley, Chief
Umted States Governtrent Chemist at
Washington, and greatest living author,!
food products, the WnrM' p,'.
Ur.Pnces Cream Baking Powder for
strength, purity and excellence. This
conclusively settles the question of
Bupenonty. I)r. Wiley reie.t.,1 ,h.
r". Pwaers, stating to the World',
Fair jury that he oon.i.i. . ...
There was never a time in the history
of our country when the. deLnd tor
inventions and imprnVemeu.Mj' f 4he Btt9
and scienoes generally wasV , "ut
uun. xae OOnvnnmnnui .,f .KNU.I .
, .unua.x 1
Notice of Intention.
the folloVi'ue.nim.T " f, ".fven that
his Intention to nT.V- ",e1 "o 0(
or.,onNov.l,l89i),viz:: "pner,
. John W. Lewis, Keirtster.
Sheriff's Sale.
h. . . . . " ,u
I..' .8na WW"OR household VOTIOK 18 HEREBVn'EN TH AT
! H y eofau execute, iV....j'"r:S
It sbems to be the determination of
the present administration to take the
duty off of lead, iron, ore, coal, rice wool
aud other raw mairi.,i. .
mg the many protests against such ,
Move. Wa mini. - . .
'7 uuuu,s tor more than a name 01
th.t .1 oe"'tested to know
ha there ,, o longer any question as
to the relative merit, of the different
sheep dips upon the market. Christy &
Wise take pleasure in announcing that
Hayward'. Dips (paste art ii..;V,
Which lh.v ... "1. " U'U; 'Ur
" .w ouie r. U. Airanlo 1
o.,r,J !...: . . -.-"'", lime
----""" award at the World's
air, and last year these din.
the 8,lver medal at California Hute
Fair and gold medal at Mechanic Fair
San Franoisco..Every practicals heepmen'
Mfillllrta.l tl. at ' 1""
luoul ,oe very beat dips for the
cure of scab, the general health of sheep
nd conditions of wool, mm 8W
CI' it 810 and 49A . .
'fl'imn i 7' "cuu,ue confederate
ioo Si. w r oenta ob! aud
1U0 bills 10 cents each? 9r, .
.l.inr.i... ,n . ' uu ooc
"-""" scents eaoh; 81 d s
bills ok .... . ' 8,1 "D
...u. oent securely seol-
n R f Pri8- A,i8a, Chas
J. Barker, , 8. Forsyth
The fourth coming mmmu. .r t....:
dent Cleveland ia now l..ni,,i ,
In !........ ,. '"'""
..w luieran. it w ill a va na n.. V .
r. trom Mr. nui..j..
t.,...l..I..l ... .. . ""
u on iue future tariff and
T lfltion; also the Hawaiian
Tuk Kuights
.'llniv ... ... .
ulr OK, Ulwaw8
oimply apply "Swavn'. n;... ,.
meoiome rmninj
... . .. i ures
:;: L:;r:,"un:a,lerDt,,iou9''' .
Z.: -T7: UOBe'. 'ving the skin
healing and "IVl" its reat
ant .,n U
uu as well as in offieial
life, require oontinual accessions to the
appurtenanoes and implements of each
... uraer to save labor, time and expense,
rhe political change in the adminiatra-
tlOn unva.n.n. 3-
s-..M..,om uoes not affect tbe
M.ugreasor the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per-
. Miaung aenoienoies, does not
permit the affairs of government to do
ter him from quicklv n,.nni. .u
m,i . "ia
r-, uveroome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care . k '
j . " w Pier-
meed in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and m.,..
m application for patent. Valuable in
terea's have been lost and destrv.i .
IllllllltlMPl.Kln . . "
luMiunces bv t i
ment f iuoompetent cimi .j '
Pi"y is this advice .J;u ' T
41 . "t'f"4UOUlH 1(1
those who adopt the "No patent,
Pv sjstem. Inventors who entrust
heir business to this class of attorne?
do so at imminent rssk. ,u. u. ?
and strength of the na,'7i; Ure,,UtU
deredinviewof8'qu o" C'l " T
net nn .,11 : "O
" """luioe ana o hloin
I'll T ..r.... . "
' tuuciuiirn. I ;uiw,. i .
OlSFstree, V ' manager,
. ' ' """snington, D C
epresen.ingalarge number o ,,'..7
eral periodicals of the ' U
aritntH,! t,. 1 was iu.
fe method, bere'tofor JZol
-th,8lie,bllneS, Thesai7c
n..l', au. V !!""' ChRr6 of
r "us",c" entrusted to it fIlr
of the Circuit f&?W?f irei 'u"
the County of Morrow and i. ' Oregon for
delivered upon Judgment ?e. SCP'frtdirted a"d
n said Court on thTaoth S. edJ"ld e,ltered
favor of If lil.1,11 of MRy in
Kai,18tJ.D nHllCT'"S,h.a".,e', Pontiff, knd
Seven Hundred and Ten Ti,,iL lnS ,um ot
further .n.,fV. ..r,.e,?. llr. and lor th
wmcn Judgment wai enrniun J j h"a cosl.
the clerk'aofflce of aS f'. -dia'ld ,docl"-'"id in
. '"'u.et -"th, mm. .aid i. ;it: .t..""1. c
"fered from th. LvJ"",.?11;
mMT.h.ninS 1
'JUau . ' " -VI "H4 OUMUJMUU 'Knioo,.'' '
.rf ""M1U-.41V '1111... u .1
mwx ;o area
oojo9jv viaraw
eon jopwieno?
uo wno 'oqoDpK.5 -Jiio .L' H .'eH8 JIuiaouioS "TSiPO d
tAll new suoiicribers aud prompt renewalH.lnr, n , vl
Mnn. ,;.i. r - . .. '"".p renewals during thn mnnih nt 1
preeensed with a free oopyof this as
a premium.
All business attended to in a nrnmnf j . .
manner. Notaries Pub.raudPSc,oSrst.'9fa0t0ry
And thereafter
eoniideSTon and the?.UFh,e8 ,or valuable
of Scent, peranum' 'Mi'.' rate
siier WUD interest f thn m to-
f nm.m on the "um 0f Two H fnS'i ce,lt- Per
IJol lira from ath dav orruSJr84.. Ten
f-.u, ana tor the furfh., ...Z.; ",
the fee
',"..V.d MrulnV ct . t!; i Tw? Pollan
J,,,".1:"' "e'l at public auction ,? u.Tle? "I'on
at th.'rX r.r.-S00"! atoneo'ciJ'"' ",e
CouiUyandStaTerego'n1 afff,Pn,!r,' M"w
J cl lutereat which tS mld'j 'nUlJ.W, title
m Morrow i ni.h .
(3) Kftfit; fifW u
i .""".iiH wnriviui v "
red. nDn,i
ember, waa41" "ePP"
Sheriff of Morrow eS"-
Sheriff's Sale.
UlhX Ttlim
Rlla..n...i. '..rtl
tor t.,T..y.".,;ull.VOurt of the St.,.""."':.
l and
for the
frii.j.t.. 11,1 U1 1
rty-thre.' Doliafs and ivVe and
for the further amSev.nt&?ve cent,
fo!.r.ee o'em. SS.W.w. bo1l.U'
ed h " "",K"u.r""ve.powe" are p98e8..
of labor who oreferreit gist for H??' ?k M "ff"
. ..I . vriuiIUBPt. 8W 1 VF.
arges ol fraud against f!lilf p...ii
have nn:.i...... .. '""'""'"Vi
onuurawn ail stHtem.nl.
" .
ana the MnK;i....
Ml ll. .i '""v
:i. w iuo uaxupaign ory of ilii.
-u cmitu, or Portland, i. being .na.
o.i us n iooi nan wonder.
Far And Wide.
iuis oroail snni ii.ni
u I.." ' ,,,8l 1 "ma, and elsewhere
utiBiciiier 9 rsinmonh Hit .
inhHhit...ft. -.r r"1"" "noros to I
..w.o nUU H( nn nrn Aril
(.uatemala, Mexico, 8,h Am Forwo(1' wiln fees, $1
e latbmna of Panama, and l... h '.? Patterson. ,.. r... ' .
COtlNCit, PBOtitiUDiMQa,
Council met in reirulRr.A0i
day evening, November 20, 189:! with
..ounenmen present except Patterson.
Minutes of last reirnlr
and approved.
Tim following bills wnn.il,. . .
referred to finaiH. 7 " "na
-- - v . ci.
00; Afr. .1 i
SO- .'
'ill.. . " "
Finneas iee. 41 nn. u
on, witness fees.
ig me.
design patents.
-"Pyrights, iuterfer-
HO tilth li P., i
IBDC MINI tlFdn... ,
aDDliORtinn. " fUSBOttte
. ' . uBrauy, inolud
..ie-marks, label,
eucea. iufrinut.mont.
aUdgive.eSp;claa ;enZl,,
..- j. i rejecter!
a, ,s aiso prepared to entr lf
competition with anv fv : r inl
'oreign patents. " 'e0ar,n
" ,ur """ructions and advice.
John Weddebburn.
618 F Street,
Washington, D. 0.
juqgment It wa ordered T. j wn,ereai, by ,. j
loilowini h.!..T .erea d art nrtuH .S..'"ia
Th K3t. s;re. real .FoV.-JJi" fte
"old to '",?,rr:w ouuty 0'"- "?!
cn; njcoata. I ui Jog?fnt', ind' ae
dayt7hb.V'18i'S"on. oY th a daC;
Auction to the hiSbidl v u'fiS
BUTlivm. nim COHtS. r.H "u" 01
. l. , fUBTS that
1 'r? -- the govem-I
and of seeing that inffi."' fl;o worthless or careles, attoJ
inea counsel expert protected by valid patents, wehato.
Obtain Patents in th l t.u 7 ' aDd therefore "re prepared to I
United States and all Fnr)w- r..-.l ...if
..vut.es, make Sneclii p-.i vuiium.nr.
Register Trade-M.. .STM'm u.?5' wosecte Rejected Casei,
Scope and .pynxnu' Render Opinions as to
- . x- nil 111 VtllTintv 1 l
8ner with, a brief de5r.,r "uu .send Sketch or ohotoeranh thereof.
othTr. "9-t0 the best course ;(t,lmportantfeatures. and you will be to
others nr. ;;.., fc .vur&e to TjurRn ut .. .. .
.,!, ".innginp; on vour rioi.. .; .'.uucis are seiaom necessary, if
others, submit the matter to uo A- lf Z? are ch"ged with infringement
matter. a"er to u8 for a reliable OPINfON before acting on1
,.O.Bx63 mu,' RK WASHINGTON, D,t
JOHN VVEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. I
Cut thlB But .- ... ... I
" ny DDI IT IAIt ....... I l K
-- v., jrUur inquiry, v
O. Box 385.
Prevention la flf Mr
Til ft n nilTA i
keeping the l.ln,i r ""aok hv
the acid which canr iu free m
Oftn rl., . 7. " U
tl w.
Memin.lL.frTh? .3 8ter Co' for
,ir, n ,.n of tb.
Unulb Jebbt Rdsk, ex-seoretary of
the agriculture, who ha. h--
dangerously ill t,t a short time, died at
uia nome lu Wisconsin last Tuesday
".".uK. jj,. ueatn wnj be mourned by
every true American, fur in every
section of our oountry, and among every
class of peoplo there is the beat of feel
ingforUnole Jerry. As a democratic
exchange remarks, it will be a long time
nerorehuj memory will be Buy thing but vspors lstl with burtf mine,'
t . . n! ii, (."nnlrvw., wea and
rs. Id,
irgiu sou ni v ,i,k..i -i ,.
. - " 'j .uuwu ill ir. mm. . , . .. i vi. iirmtHr m.. .
" P'eneer, find in the.n an nr,l., k. a "I . uruereJ "'at
"iiieonie specific a DreaervAF I r : T . I .X n ,n lavor of
against O.
Dntanrr.F Ir , .. ., ... -..ur ot tlennn.F
lioisonni.. .II,. -'"" i.igntoi Water ( . t., .
district, mod ii . 7.. " ? ' T89t rent for , T.. . . f'-w- lor "lt
fertile iu di... "TV 'Z'""rc. 18 Xet ,on. in uT" " V," "U ,8I'.J-
order of the an ' k j : """""'"T8 d,s- p A " coiiection a,
fort.Ue, those who .r.. !". "" ',,?'B'". retu ea 1 r ;.7..W89. having
motto ailmeuta " llrd.n., v "ck,,,,pre,0.r-..
.. i , . " iiKurtiUB .: l... .... ""nun anil an.n.l
tonncil adjournetl
u :r. u
remedy f, r rul;! Z. V"BPlla 08 i
: """w
and CBtarrb,
tones and viui;.,
rheum, boil, and hL "i.ei'roful. Ml
by impure blood. It ' . 8?9 .ca"d
he who e system.
teuineratiir. .,,.1 f'ltorous
to irm M - J Wr Power
..i.- .IV "".'""'og mists and
Strayed from mv n. .
1st isoi a -"." aoont Oct.
ist, l93, one five-year . . .
le-veap nl.l k . .. "uu
'en ear. branH.
marked with nnderbit
ou j on richt hin r
if delivered at my " oeBd
Lena, Or.
I kldnv fFonMn,
Affeotiong of thlTA-ir
in nkiM.. .
--. ,iira, ourea Dy
o nr.L-.l.r,f
Simmons Liver
Harht Jon eh.
llkl. aoa to- '""'
or ItmI.
"km. a.4
r, . j ., Sheriff of Jforrnu n G' "OBI.R
Dated Nov. 21. lm. ""m County, Onrfn
In the nameof the J.df,end,n-
afore.aidon the 6thd.y,f(Te for D at rf,'i
o'clock In th. . ."' JanuarF
of .aid Ju.tice in"-.,u?h d .frS.V "
bovenainedDlaintl.dJ,'t,r.lct 'o ani.,7kc!
ihe Defendant will ui.""'.
Tlalntiir will tak. ,,,HCOm,,1,i'"' hareln ,h
A.D.ism ' na tbia 21
;id such
Of the Pear.
. Plaintlifr,
mill! nameof the stJ. ,r:ulnt.
hereby required ,o . , eo 0ron v
sinned a li!..!.. -A0. PPar b-i5 Tn.; oi
aidontfie h " tiflW 0' diitHM
o'clock in the art!?. ' Js"uary ,iS ' fore-
. ,ve named Dlainiiir, UI""ct
.Moan.wer the com,, if". ilotl
ou are
ne reason why
wfan Cod Liver J;
a soda has h
"Al .
u as palatal ,1c
that its
the COIlrrK ...
and builds llp
cot('s Emulsion
c'd8, Consu"nCtUro Coushe,
2nd a" An,CmP'on' Scrofula
Dl8ea8e8.prce aid Wasting
children. A,.rIf0Vna,s3 s'ing in
mk. iet only , " I,a!'able a.
Pared bv iw. Bc"ulne. Prfi.
lork. Sold h...,,Tne' Chemists. No.
- " " JJruggisu,
Scott s Emulsion of Pure Nor-
'ind I I V'nonrincnlilrAo nf I imp
a larrre sale is because it is
milk;" but thf KpcI- reaenn is
proportios are unequalled. It cures
I-"- waste of tissues, produces
1,le etire system.
' Estate.
at the
Th. r,... .7."".' Fiaint r ,, . .. .V anaw.r
tail "!! will tak. ..." tion.
tmuitr:,. 3?..coipiainth.;:T! ." j he
v, .nd . oo'iSlTa .T'"" h'n for FJJi"-
v i). lsua. "ua mi! 21 dy
. C. K In
of Nov.
Notice is 7nnr
mm.,.i. ".""mi oivvv ,.
eiUt.o. the '"ATTHR
iaat ,r;.:?l? t the W..f "S??. ' o'clock
"t QiTarS',"? .tne. Eaat h.T ' '?e North-
''nderandpnT,,,"?''1!. SuchaaK hlS hl8,let
Administrator's Sale,
J, u1""ed,?1,t of 'he County Court of Oregon,
mr,M County, on the 6t
Hav nf NOV. A. 11.
administrator of tha
FrilVte" ?. breeding, deceased, will on
5on 5 of "aid dy. ' 'ront of the court
fWnn d0,?r' ln Heppner, J.'or.-wr county
hS .Vil1 10 th8 hiKbeat aidder for cash ;
tnillalL the rlaht,, iitle and Interest of laid
foiwin ' "reediirg, deceased, ln and to we
W'x ""'"fr desc.jbed real property, to-wit: N.
In Mi,, 'P tv. fi. W. Al., BHU.iw
eniered in saw n 'moer 20 l;;, " younty
on said ST Cou "urft, KrCt,,""!
D. m .0.1 ald dv . ' "10"-Ar'eountv. state of llreimn.
interest in .i11, dy. sell . L" of 3 o'clon, ' ' ir.-e o be sold in parcels of forty acres
aald et, o!;, V. mill orn,'V.' " ) on, TaTTT whole as to the administrator may
nn.coii',,,';,, j w.i k,v(; Jf sm ii novTa1 n' ?s f. si;- J?; thi Mh ",?
' Pte.
premiie. Th. V f '" In hm, i 1 law.ne
oount):,etateof ,aoleCouiitv cn,.r 'l; of ept.
Mv DKIScou,
A. D. 1893, at HeDnner Oregon.
A. W. Breeding,
rgpnil fTO enreillaonePAurtssslwlwfat
1 r 1 1 l" wilhuut kiilft. Ut lonol ilM
f J J a I A.I.W from bu.lne.i. FilluU. Dm
CDaKMttlaaBIaaka.dB..kf.. p.ll.r writs.