1. m l':t u.. j i.. . ... .ii,Ai;.io (..i.-uiin -u i i I'rvntii liwii lying pills euro ctiUimTln IPRENT1SS RECTIFYING PILL CURf n u Almost all pills and medlc-lno produce constipation, hero Is a x .'.l t.jiit cures torpid liver, biliousness, rlic ura.it ism, laCijcs.Ion. tick headache ana kidney ami liver troubles witbout grlr-Ins or leaving a:iy trace of CONSTIPATION, which la tho prime rauso of c:i clcknnsr, 'jcwaro of It goltlug habitual and chronic with you, soo to it l- ''.tr.r; tirf.o pllis will euro yea. COMPLEXION clrar tlm .--lila and remove nil blotches from the faro. Try a box and see Tor your self. 3 Cents a box. C3LD DY ALL DRUGGIGTS, Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STRECT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Prrjiitls rectify. lit,' pills curu eoufUtpii'tioii' I'rcuilas'htViiryiiig plTis euro count., MUion PrentlHs Iter-tlfytng pills c irw constipation Pnntl V.rrxi Tying pills cure constipation 111 in REAT SPEAR AND SAVE THE TAGS. 3ie Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, IO In valuable Presents to be Civen Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN OOLD WATCHES 11,850 6.775 I'' IN E IMPORTED FHRVCII OI'EHA fl LASSES. MOROCCO ,IODV, ' 11LACIC KNAMliL TUIMMINUrt, CiUAKANTEKL ACHROMATIC... 13,875 Of 23,100 ' u'ri'r 'NivEs' AN IU,CK1I0UN 11ANDI'E 1,01,11 liLADliU ioo oc 115 GOO HOI.LKI) GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELLSLW15 iUOlll 1 I'iCKS 115 COO LARKB riCTUHES (14x28 iuches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, ' uu advertising ou them 231,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO Tim ntnv articles will be distributed, ly HEAD l'lujj Tobacco, end return to us tbo 1 IS Ve will distribute aid of theso prizes in l'o THIO PARTY sen din1? uh the p-rentcst number of STL Alt IiLAD TAOS from UqI coiiflity we will give To Die VtVK PAUTIKS fndlnsr tw tho next KrenteKt number of Hl'EAR HEAD TAIM, wu will (,'lvo to each, I OPERA (JLAH.S. To Uie TWEN TY PMITIEH sending us the next greatest number of SI' 10 All IlliADTAUrf, wo WU; give, to cucll 1 POCKET ,.,.. KNIKE ". -0 TOCKET KNIVES. To the ONE IUJNDrt"D PMITIES semllng us tho next greatest nUHlli'O iM't'lt lll'.Al.. liii we will love to euen x lldLLEIJ HOLD WATCH CIIAKM TOOTH I'ICK To the ONE lIUXnUF.D PARTIES sendlnc us the next grentest niiinl" v of Sl'HAIl HEAD TACiH. we will g'vo to eucll 1 LARUE t IV. IV HE IN ELEVEN COLORS Total Jiurnber of I'rlrcs for (Ills County, ZZO. CAPTION. No Thus will be received before Jnminry 1st, 1S01, nor nfter February 1st, 1K0I. t ir.'i p.iekutio eontiilniliif tecs must be miil'ked plainly with Name oi' Sender, Town, Countv. rtt.ile, and Number of Tugs lu each pueliage. All churges ou pa(!kuges must be '' ltKAD. SPEATl HEAD possesses moro qualities of Intrinsic value then nnv other pte" tolim-eii protluet.'d. It is tin- sweetest, the loneliest, the richest. MI'KAK IIE4Ik Is iilisnlulelv, poitivelv and dUtliirtlvoly dillerent lu flavor from nny iMlier jtlutr tobacco. A trial will con vineb tho most skeptical of tills fact. It Is the largest seller of any similar snape and stvle on earth, which proves that It has ennght the popular (fiste and pleases the people. Try'tt, and participate in the eontout for prizes. See that a TIN TAG is on every ID cent piece of HPEAR HEAD vou buy. Send tn the tags, uo matter how small the uuantlty. Very sincerely, ' ' THE P. J. SOItQ COMPANY, Middletown, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will bo published In thU paper Immediately after February 1st, 1MM. DON'T SENO ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. BUFFALO BONES. llUDdrcd of Tons of 'i'hem shipped tc EnHtcrn Mauulaet u;-crs. Not Ktilislioit u'itli l;illiti;r tho Imlfale for his fur, t;a.vn tliodraml t'orlc:. (X. D.) l'laindealcM', l!n; nviirijlims now picks up t'.ie cli-y b.iiicn. an tlicy are foutul uvor tlio tilat:1, ti:id i.-il:t t'.ioiu to Eastern m:uiiif;irtuivr:i. Only a tew yetir.s a:?o tluv.o tiniitiala miuilicoil mil lions. ,oiv thi-fo itiay la' lii'ty wit'.iin tlii.s Stute. A iVw li rurea ro;;vr,liji;;- the bonenof t'ul iiniiualii si '.uiIit-'roil durin;; thu hist f.'v years will ti'.mw iu v. liut numbei'H they exii.til. Where I'.io buf falo llourisln-d tln-re liis cous'ki, tho ilomestiruted cow, will t'.irivo, and slieep and horses will do cs;xs udly vell on the tmti'itiou:; herli.t've t!i;:t entieed the bison irotu t!ie sunlit uikI cntrai plains. l'i'ot:i tho i,in;;le station ol Miiurt, thoro were shipped of bu.ialc bones in 1SS.1. (wo hnndrod ;Mid twenty live tons; l isi. i.i.t hundred tons: in 18Se throo hundred and seventy-live tons; in lss:, two thousand seven hun dred and seventy-live tons; and there have boon shipped this year mid are ready for shipia.'iit at (!i;:t one .station, two thousand lour hundred tons. Col. Loun, berry t;.tita;:tei these, bones rep resent two hundred and liity-nine thou sand two hundred animals, and thai those shipment . d ) not represent ovot ono-thuieth of the. entire amount ol buli'.ilo hones that have boon bleuohoc on the simny s.urCaeo of North Onkot:' - bunes t'n'.t oneo were tho framo worb of seven million buii'aloes. A CHAPTER FOR BOYS. - What ilohnnv Sli nt I ' ..ii'i If lie Wnnlr .tl.4,. it.aisel. t To run. To swim. To ;ir o. To bo neat. To bo honest.. To tnaUo a tire. To ho puneiual. To do an errand. To cut kindiitijr.i To sinif it he can. To sow on a button. To hati' up his hat. To hold his head erect. To r -spoet his teacher. To help Ins mot her or si- tor. To hutto.i his mother's ooots. To wipe h s boon on the mat. To read aloud when rouuosti .1. To help tho boy smaller than himself. To sp'uk pi 'mainly to n old woman To put every yariuout iu ita propbr placo. To remove his hat upon entoring t house. To koop his fingernails from wearing nournlng. To lift tho baby out of the cradle and hold it for half an hour. To treat tho (jtrls so well that the will wi-th ho was their brother. Tool, so tho doOr quietly, cspeclall) 'hen there i a sick porsou la Ui bow. 1 M inims I.t -claying pill; ouroooustlpftlloa I'rrmiB RrvttfYlt'g pi.i3Cumciilliat.on PAT Civ ORFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL, because it is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely CZAUTIFY the HEAD CONTEST. 57,700 00 18.875 00 $173,250 00 rnnnrlm, amonrr pnrtlea who chew KPEAII I AUS lukeu thcnfiow. (his county ns follows: ...1 GOLD WATCH. 0 OPERA G LASSES. .100 TOOTH PICKS. ,.100 PICTURES. LIVED BY HER WITS. now a Shrewd Sliopllitcr utilized m Taua Rut. "There have been many extraordinary stories told of the ingenuity of thieves in the pursuit of their nefarious calling, but a ease which occurred while I was at Chatham recently boats anything I ever heard," remarked a newly-arrived Englishman to a Philadelphia Inquirer maii. "A pirl was brought before the police court on the charge of robbing milll-.iers' shops. She was only fourteen years of nge and of very innocent ap pearance. What puzzled the magistrate was that none of the witnesses oversaw her take anything, or at least they would not swear to it, although after she had left a shop whore' she had been making a purchase articles of value were missed. When arrested nothing was found upon her. Tho magistrate said ho could not convict the girl upon moro suspicion, und then began to cross examine her himself in a kind, fatherly way which touched her heart and she broke down and confessed that she was guilty and explained her methods to the astonishment and amusement of the pourt and spectators. It seems that sho had a tame white rat which she carried about w ith her in a mult. She would enter a shop full of girls and women and ask tho price of some article, and while looking at it contrive to drop the roilont on the lloor. Any one can im agine tho result. Those near the door ilashod int.) the street, while the cm ployes jumped on the counters and jhairs. wnv ping their petticoats tight round t'jei:" ankles und 'screamed like mad,' as tlte prisoner expressed it, amid the laughter of the court, in spite of the assurances that the rat was quite tame. In the scrimmage site would quietly nolp herself to what she wanted, catch the rat. put It in her mulT, apologize itul walk oil". The magistrate said that m aeoouut of her youth, and us she had 7olunlarily confessed to the thefts, ho would give her one more chance, and bound her over In the sura of fifty pounds sterling two hundred and lifty dollars of your money to come up for judgment when called uon. Of course her friends soon entered the required bonds, and Mary Hartou will have to find some other place to practice on the weakness of her sex. The tamo-rat lodge won't work in Chatham an note." A Leader. Sinee its first in I rod nation , Electric Hitlers lias Ruined rapidly in popular fa vor, until now it is clesrly iu the lead hmotiu pnre medicinal Ionics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use ss a beverage or intoxicant, it in teeoKiiiz,1 us ibe best nnd purest medicine for all ailments of stoniueh. liver or kidneys. It will curesiek bead ache, indiueHlioti, constipation, nnd drive tiinbiriH from the evateni. MntiKfuetinti j e ns ran teed with each bottle or the money ' will be refunded. Sold by Slucuui Johnson Drug Co. ,250.00 WILL) j A llvrd of More Ta:v.t sixty Uoamtllf the Arlzo.ia :o,ort. The camels that wcr j broujhl to t ois country before the war. ts be used by our army as draft animals in the de serts of the southwest, ars still o be seen or rather their dj5oenlant3 roaming tho sanJj of Arizona, bjt'.veja Yuma and Ehrjabjr,7 on tho n jrth and south and WbUjuburj and tha Cjlora Jo rircron tho ca:t r.nJ west. The herd has inerca.';ed to raire t!m sixty, al though many of th-j animals h ive boon taken away by circus men and others have beem killed by prospect ira. As "shipi of the desert" they were a fail- nrc, the pebbles and rocks of tho foot- hills proving too hard on their feet, Important part in the odornment of which bosamo sS)rj that they were reat CJ5posjtion. While in almost finally turned 1 oso t) shift f r them- part of the exposition grounds selves. In tho.e dayi there were no may sec gratifying evidences of the wluto men fj r.p-'ak of in the region of efficient work of the horticultural the Arizona djsrt. and tho wanderers department) thc central point of Inter had nothing t fear from Indians, who will naturauy be In the exhibit In superstitiously gave tho:a a wide berth. the horticultural building. This struc Not so the prospe.-t ori when they came, ture h g98 cet lon? nnd has aa extreme Their high spirited little mustangs were width of 250 feet- pan is a central so often stampwled at tho sight of the pavilion with tw0 Cnd pavilions, each long-necked and uuwieldly boasts that connected with it by front and rear cur tho nders found it convenient t: take a tainS) formin? two interior courts, each shot at them whenever opportunity of- g8 by 270 feet Surmounting the central ferc.l. A prj .neetor, writing of his first pavilion is a beautifully proportioned experience with the expatriated camel, dome, 187 feet in diameter and 113 feet says: 'W e wore eoming through a vast jjj expanse of grease wood, almost as high In the south paviiion of the building as my head, when suddenly the burro wiii be installed tho viticultural ex stopped, raised his head, nnd gave a hibiti embracing all varieties of wine snort that could have been heard half a and CTerythinfr pertaining to its manu aiile, I thought it must have been In- factur0. An idea of how complete this dians, and, thr.iwiag a cartridge into part of the exhibit will be can be gained my Winchester, tiok cover in the brush. frnm ,h ,.., nniieationsfor SDace Peering over tho t ip of the wheels I nave aireaciy been receivel from thirty soon saw th o camels coming with their nnntries. From abroad peculiar, swinging trot, showing only their heads and humps above the brush. That burro evinced more life than I had ever seen him show before, and I do not think any horso in the country could have outrun lnra. My pack broke in Bpiendid display, all of thc great firms the first one hundred yards, and meat, exhibitors and having applied for beans, coir'eo and tools were scattered rauch more spacc than can possibly be for five nules. 1'he camels went on their anowed them. jf permission, which way, and it was several years until I has b,,, askedi be givcu Senator Stan saw them again, when one of them was ford wm cxllibit a wmo fountain. This, captured and brought into Phoenix, as planned, will throw, for two hours where it finally died." He thinks the each mornill? and aft0rnoon, graceful government ought to take some steps streams of wine to the height of twenty to protect the camels against malicious jwo fcc Injury by trappers and prospectors. , jn the curtains of the building FUTURE SPEED OF STEAMERS, win Ho ito-mPito,! b the Material Oat of waicti !!; Aro Built. lt must be remembered that increased speed is not simply a question of more natural fruit will be shown. Other power relatively to displacement, but Wls0 wax models, so perfect in appear- that each shape of vessel has a speed to which it is especially adaoted. and that any attempt to drive it beyond that speed would lead to a great expendi ture of power with little useful result, as the energy would ba cnielly ex pended in raising waves. It is found by experiment that f jr ordinary speeds the resistanee of the water to tho pas- sage of the ship through it is propor- nP 'rult can be sent long distances tioned'to t'.vj siuar3 of the speed, and, without injury, and after reaching the as the work t" be dano is equal to the 'air cod storage facilities will be avail resistance multiplied by tho velocity. It able to kP it in perfect condition, follows that the power needed to propel Th" exhibit in thc important line of a ship varies a-s the cubo of tho speed, floriculture will be exceptionally exten- For higher speod3 it varies at a higher sive, r.nu ine preparation oi it is lar ad power than tho cubs, whijh can only vanccd. Unless this were the case the be ascertained by experiments with exhibit could not well be a success, for actual ship) or with carefully-prepared time is required for the plants to over- models. It can also bo shown that the. power required for propulsion varies planted. Moro than 500,000 trans approximatcly as tho cube root of the planted shrubs and plants, of many spe square of the displacement. . cies- are nw growing in the exposition These points must be carefully re- ffrotrnds, and the number is rapidly in mcmbcred in considering the possibili- creasing. Thc department sent out cir ties of still further increased speeds, eulars to prominent horticulturists and und they show the necessity for inereas- horticultural societies in all parts of the nig the size along with tho speed. If world, requesting donations of plants, anything like the present speed had atl agreeing to permit thc name and been attempted with vessels of the size address of the donors to appear in con which were common on the Atlantic , ncetion with such specimens as they thirty or forty years ago, the Scottish ' might send. The result is that thou Keview says, the size of engines re-jsands of plants excellent specimens, quired, and the extra expenses involved, I too have been forwarded. Among would have reduee;! the earning power them are more than 50,000 rare rose of the ships very much, and possibly is plants, which havo been donated by many cases made it disappear, but re-1 Urms all the way from California to meinbcring the second of the abov Hungary. mentioned points, namely, that the The florieultural exhibit will not be power required varies as the cubo root concentrated in one place. In the front of the displacement squared, it is cvi-, curtains of the building will appear the dent that the proportion of power to tonnage will decrease considerably as the sizes of the ships increase, and con sequently that it will bo more eco nomical to propel a large ship at higher speed than a small one. The future development of the steamship, how ever, depends on conditions about which it is impossible to say anything very definite. Tho materials of con struction have been changed from wood to iron, an 1 f:'.un that again to steel. We cannot foretell the possibil ities of bronze, manganese, aluminum and other metals. JUCILEE pc; ITACu GTAMPS. They Mill Illustrate t '.: Discovery of .itms. aster General nvommonda post oiiiee de- America by ( -:l Third Assistant Posit Ilazon, pursuant to tie. tion of the chief., id' the partment, has eao.se. 1 t eular to nil countries bo issued a oir eoiuposing the postal union, Inviting thota to make an exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. It is expected that the p- stal exhibit of this, as well as that of foreign coun tries, will be very complete. Mr. llazen is preparing designs f ir a sot of stamps to be issued by the p ist oi.i -o depart- ment in honor of the four hundreth an- uivors.ivy of the ili.sooviM'y bv Columbus. One of tlu America illustrated undoubtedly ,s tho landing of Columbus. 1 he convent of r a Ra uda where Co- lumbuswas housed just before his do- parture from Spam on h.s voyage o discovery, may be the chief figure o another. The head of Columbus will decorate one of the stamps, probably j me iwo-cont siamp. it is not the in I tention of the department to retire per I uianently the eurrunt issue of stamps, , but it is likely that the issue will be suspended for a year, and that at thc I end of that time the dies and plates for j tho jubilee stamps will be destroyed, ! and the old dies and plates will be de ' livered to the eontraotor again. The intention now is to have only one por trait on any of t'.ie stamps, that of Co lumbus, tien. llazen expects to have them on sale January 1. rnttra r.ljt Mnalr-ltox. One of the curiosities of that sumpttv ous palace in the Welsh mountains where Mine. Adelina I'atti retires from time to time to rest after her triumphs, is a gigantic orchestrion, says a London paper. This wonderful piece of mech anism comprises in itself all the instru ments of n grand orchestra, nnd with its aid the queen of song can rehears.- nnw one of her roles. The orchestrion is j the invention of a German. Just liefore j Christmas something went wrong with i me uuge musical liox. but the n.i, lining in no a i.ii giaiui, soon right again. It was the lirst ever con- wucttKi in tins country. FKUITS AXD FLOWERS. Tho Horticultural Display at tba Columbian Exposition. rihrmt at Natore-s Riches Sou- Host Bnd Beautiful Beyond Dewrlp Moo A Flowing- Foootala of Wine from Celifornim. The horticultural display at th world' fair will be bewilderinf In cu tout and marvelous In bounty. The es alVJt. will noBseas irreat scientific and cationa! Tamc, but to the ordinary u, OI.namental features will be ,K t -.r;i,j Indeed. It will play three foreign countries. From abroad the exhibits of France, Germany, Spain and Italy will be especially notable. A fine exhibit of Chilian wines and rais ins, famed for their superior quality, will be made. California will make a will be shown the fruit exhibit, which will include all varieties grown in any part of the world. As far as it is possi- u'e to do so, probably in a great ma jrity of cases, fine specimens of the ue us lo inuistinguisnauie iromina 'eal 'ruit. will be substituted. For this exhibit about forty-four thousand square feet, or more than an entire acre of space, is reserved. A very complete and splendid exhibit of citrons and other fruits will be sent from California, Florida, Mexico and South Amcricon countries. By means of refrigerators come uic cnecii receivou in being trans- greenhouse and hothouse plants a very largo variety and many rare and ucautilul specimens. There, too, will bo the finest display of orchids ever seen in this country, if not in the world. One firm alone will spend ?,000 on its orchid exhibit. At the opening of the fair. Chief Samuels says there will be a display of 'J.9J3 different varieties of arehids, embracing fully 1.",0DD speci mens, lleneatli the great dome will be the largest tropiealplants obtainable, in cluding Japanese and Chinese bamboos !5 to W foot high, palm 33 to 40 feet high, and tree ferns 13 foot or more In height. There will also be a miniature mountain covered witli tropical plants, and in a cavo within will bo tried the experiments of growing plants by elec tric light and of growing them by the aid of electric currents, passed through the soil, both of which, it is claimed, have been accomplished with remarka ble results. KitBsian Exhibit of Sugar. With a view to acquainting the Amer icans with the Russian sugar industry, the department of trade and manufac tures, through thc intermediary of the ' nrM,t,i.,nt of tl, Kinil l, J u . i, .,.n ,u . ot southwestern Russia toexhibit in the RnsKinn Ktttnn nf ihn ttTr.1,f0 4 -- --. we "- """U O LliU Ol, ucts of this industry Independent of the exhibits made by Individual refiners. At the same time it is suggested that a brief review of the sugar Industry In wuthwestern Russia should be compiled , as to give a clear idea of the gradual levelopment of this Industry ind ito 3reSent condition. Poverty Breeding- Cruelty. The rise in the price of meat in Oer many has not only increased the gener al consumption of horse-flesh, but in western Germany has led many of the peasants, who have to forego the meat market altogether, to draw blood for blood sausages every S; turdav from the living swine. The b'o,,d is l, t mt0 sausage skins, i -, y ; wjt), f.,ti nd alter in.vitig t.:; sauerki',.t io- toe Li I is eaten witli -lay dinner. nnarnnteeit Care. We authorize onr sdvertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery fni cnnRiimptinn, oonghs and colds, npnt, this eoodition. II yon are afflioted with a congh. cold nr any lnm. cheat tmnlile. and will nan this rrmed, aa directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, yon may return the bottle and uve your mooev refunded maker V, ... " "eT ""' Wfl "ol . sot iikn0nK'H,, nr- K,D,, NVw I'iwwr) ZTll ! .r'"1',1 r",l",i on- 11 ""verdissnpoints. .nm ooiups iree at Slocnm Johuson "'"if kJrg sue oue, and il.00. mm ino SI 'BN. H..M.OB Jl.nkaa OooklTM. C.llwwrlie. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. K0.H.ntliSt.,5T.t0UlS.l(. Ti p (fiiera! rm rclnou'it"- Mdnllwdi-m-nt formerly ofd by (' fli" M' K' isnd hue lately chsnged Undo, now bp inu iimirr the Control mid nm'.siiMiion' if lh- Mcl''nrli.nd Meroenlile ('on.pHiiv vrhich continues hnnim'SB lit the old stano with a Isi-Rer "'"""k "IBn "Vl'r- W hrn-r At Abrii'iBmsicli'H. In sddition Iti Idf iiilorinir btisineps. he hss nth'ni B Itio neof nndcrwear of "II kinds, t'lgliire. hirts. hosierv. etc. Aloo has on l am ..me rleoant pnttirns for Hints. A hri.hmiek. Msv ft.eet. Bripner. o- DR.DODD'S Cjjreoi OLIC IN HORSES. QUARANTEID. I.. KA.b. krei. ,.1U.B1. uioitl. 0e Pf ', il eaulbrmilio ep""l- Our Ac. .Ublo kctlc", m.il l The Old Reliable Establl'hed severs. Treats mnloor fem lie. marrlod or single, In i-asos of exposure, Sinsos excesses or improprieties. skILL 7?TriA,K'eti.'i Hoard aid apartments and boot fre. Call or write. BUPTDEES, 88 Venrs' Experience In treitlnir all rnrl Hesof Runturoe.uinies ts to guarantee a psuivi cure. Question Blank aud Bool free. Call or write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., a Pine Btreet, BT. LOUIS, MO TH3 OLD POCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE, ALWAYS RELIABLE and pAfocHy SAFE. TV same aa used bv thot mndB 0f woman all ovr u United Stuta. in tho .LU D0CT0U3 (.rlato ma) prmtloe, for 38 vea'-, &nd not a slngl ) bad refiUi Money returned It not aa represented. Bond -jent (Htttmpu) lor toalod particulara. WAED IHSTITSTT!, 120 U W'.ntb t.. t.trai. V nANCERil VbDI'muci CURED w hout t AND OTREC LION AK1 uie o( knife Queitlon Blank and Hook rrte. Lai, or write Ili, U. U. 11 'TI S. 513 Pint SL ol. LOUIS, DIO, WANTED. tlC lUUCClf ANY LADY, employed or unemployto. )3AlYCr.hi can i-akdll.iaf'rafew houn wurk eacl lay. Sfiarro-rominlnlon. HO iampl trtt Addrni H. BtNiAMIN & CO.. 822 Pine it., St Uui, Mo. Koduoed 151o2'i piund r m-nth. No itarrlng, no Incon en raw, to l).iil remlta, nomuwui 'tik'. 'Irratnientp-rlcclly hnrmlrm aud riclv cimfl lentiaL UueMionul ' k nn l Hook tre. Cull or write. 1JU. 11. B. liU'll'S, 81 1'.Dfl tlrfet, 61. Louii, Mo. AW Y LAP Yean (retftvaluable secret that! I cost j Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent buBlneBB conducted fcr MODERATE FEES. Information and advica irlven to Inventors vltbont tsherr. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., . JOHN WEOOERBURN, Maunglne Attorney, n. O. Box 463. Washimoton, D. a rt&rTiiici Coinpanj' is innnafred by a comMnatlon of rtic ifirunL und most imlucntiul newspnpffru in the "r.:t s.- it", for Thi- tnv'HH puipofle of protect ijr lhlr mibm-iDtTrf i:i,'iiiust uuscimmlom MiO. nnu.:ti-::t ra.t'iit Amenta, and tiiich pupct Tli!:ii lliiM ad vt:rTiM-i;i."i' vonriica f(,r :hv ri'HponaU act jui.'tih'. imlint'M CvtrwC'iaimsCdmuunv. $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct ' A man once rntrmt prinon where a conJneS V Mmi. oiuKutj; a reipieKt , ix ndm-tcil into the ,reaence of the doonieil man, th HHitor was informed that none Inn relatives were ,erniit d to aee the prisoner. The liu.r Raid : " Brotlien in.lamtera have I n ne, but thalniau'a (ne niuunera atner i. my father's Bon." He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now. what re atlOn WSA th. 1ia,.nr In 0 Ti ABripulturlRt Pnlilisliinul 'nmpany will jhe ?",0 a V w "eFwn wnoinir tne nrst correct an iwer; to the Beoond ; 3rd, J50; 4ih. JltllJ: 5Ui fixl. anil .. lnnnn :.' . ' "sans, ladies and tents pild anil lilier watches, Toihe personaendini the last correct nnwer will h, flven a luitli-lonett piano, to the next to the last a heautl if Hi V;. i v,vw 'lvo 'ua'1e lozei Rn,KS.-(l) All answers must, he tent hymtiil, anr oearposrmarknotlaterlhunUre.31.181'3 (21 Th rewll oeniieharm whatever to enterlhie con. ., tion lUl ,1 aho .onipete are eipected In tend one dollar tor si, Jtonths, anhatrintton to either Tilt i.ai.ikb ll,)M, Maiuzink or The Cami.iak Aiont i:i.TiiixT.-tu the choices' illu trated erioilicals of tm ,llv U p,II. winners will he ejpec ,.( t ,Pif, , , . " nil onr circitlattrn. 141 The lir.1 ct.rre, t anpaer lendera poelmark taken in all csies . lini,. ,.f !. waste Kiveevriy one an fqna clmnie, ,.o nutter wli, i. M or the may les-det will secure ihc liit i.ri " tl, teoond, theneupme, soil so on ' ' The Aoiiici nerosT is an old eslalillfhol K mi iKwa. ses ample means to enaWe it to, annuo 't promiaea. ISei.d lor printed lint of toini'r in". Jl ioThe followInK well-lnowo pntloot, , nt.-d lo ax l as ji .lps, and will ,ee ,) i ,. , . , fe lairly awarded: t't.iiiino.h.tp t Hloat I ... bIciiii s Line of Sieiini.nl I'.i.ri., .... .. . llnoii IVst.lent T i Prnteit 1 , inu.in ' : ,. Ihormich H.-ttpler nil imoo. j- , , A ''.' .' wmaw 1't . tv ii.aii. i'i, ri.u,u,ni,. , ' llri.-ili i i A "glob,, trotter" ree.a-.y' ,,rn(H, IIOIIII ' I I'l ,,-1 MM t ... I , . foivign countries ..ays: "In all mv trav els there was nothing that interested me more than a peculiar custom prev alent mlirazil. In that tropical com,, try rats are very troublesome, and to rid their houses of the pests the inhab itants resort to a peculiar method. The gibo.a, a small species of boa, is reared expressly for the purpose, and the ser pents many of them fifteen feet in length and about five inches thick, are old m the markets of the principal towns. I he snake is harmless and slow of movement during the day, but at ntght, when thc household is deep in slumber, the exterminator gets in his work. His method of killing a rat is to catch ,t by the nape of the neck and crush the cervical vertebra. The ser pent, like a dog in this country, soon becomes accustomed to its master's if ";ed away to a diatanco will bnd its way back." fNaA r, 1 . -f " U I CD, Paveals, Trade-marks, " I Hi IMF twmi TMfiiu I OMAHA, Kansas Ci iv, S r. Paul. CIiIoojjco, St. Ioitl, AM AM. lt'lN'l" EBST. P! I'min I'ttves MepifH. 10 m- m. 6 'JO p. m , daily fxcept SumliO- lvill meeier. CoioiiKt ei?r"' Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Sttamers Portb " Francise. every four days. l lckcts r Huropc. for ratea and neacral liilorination call on Depot Ticket Attelit, j. c. i-iAJrr Ht'pl'tttT. tir-Km. W. H. m'Kl.IU'K'l, Ah(. .t-tt.. '. AKt 2;VI VVHfliliii"ii Hi., I'tiKTi M OHK-JON eYPHIL.S,iv?, The wont formi poll. cared 38 jmt er,eliil)mu. rrtnlcntcOlllWratis,. t'ure, l,4iJ-K'Jr!Mfnr" BOOK. irte. va ui num. yn nun , . 120 N. 9th St..St.Louii.Mo Dp. Rush's Belts Sflpplianees bo .led into medkuled. lual bupporttirs, Vesta. IM-awei-H, Oliico Caps, jnros itnemiiftiisin, x-ivi-r l,M" V a. rati Vevvniiann.!. Sfllllll WenK- jifHS aiiclaHTronllr4liiIl.i r i einalw. JlM'BtlOU JJltlUtt nilU iiOOK. ireuf .vrite ... - Vofta-WQdica Appliance to.f Pino Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Knot-Prints on the Path ti llenlili. Everyone needing a doetoi's advice hould read one of Dr. Foolc's dime ismphleta on "Old Eyes," "Croup," Rupture," 'Tliiiiioin," Viiiiencele," Disease of men, Dieesse of Women, bikI earn Hi beet means . f sol .cine. M Hill Pnh. Co.. 12!) Eat-t 2Hlh rit., Ne Yotk. STOt K HHAMIN. While you keep your aubucriiitinli ,nid up yet. tan keep your bran J in freeof ohivKe. A111). T. J.. lone, Or. Horace on luft tiuulder; citttle aine on left hip, under bit on iKlit ear, anil uppur bit ou the lell; ruiiKe, Mor--ow county. AimatroDR, J. ('.. Alpine, Or. T with bar on ler it on left alioolder ot lioraeB;. cuttle name in left hip. Allieon, O. D., Einlit Jlile. Or.-rattle brand, ODon left hit liml tioraea anuie lirurjd on nidil ihoulder. itunite, titjlit Wile. Ailknm, J. J., Ileppner, Or. Iinnra, J oon ueeled on lett tilink; cuttle. aHllieon left hip. Hartholniifw, A. (i., Alpine, Or.--Homes ornncled 7 E n either Bl.oulder. lians-e iu Mo -row county. Illeakmun. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Hna ,i left shoulder', ramie wiuie on riuht shoulder haniilster, J. W., HunliiiHli. Or. Cattle brand d H on left hip and lluuli: split in each ear Hreiuier Peter, inn seherry OreKon-Horse, oranded PB on left shoulder, (uttlu Btmis on tfht sine. Htirke, M Bt 0, LottR Creek, Or-On ctlle, llAJ connected on left lop, eiopoll left Br aii er half crop oil rajht. Horses, snnie lirnud on etft shoulder. ItaaBe iu Grant and Morrow ,-onnty. linisitian, Jerry, Lena, Or.-llorses brHiided 7 u rutin shoulder; entile B on the left (e eft em half crop Ml right enr upper slop.. I nrton, di II i imer, Or. -Horses, J It ,, Kin tliihu. cnttli . saate on ruin lap, pi, :,, iieh ear. Hrown, Isa, LexinBli.ii, Or. Horse- 111 on the icl.t Mine: cuttle smile on right hip: ruuue ilor "W c.uuly. Hrown, J. C, Ileppner. Or.-HrRen, circle ' Si ta V'T .""'" :'" '"Pi rattle, eione. Krow u, W. J., Lena, Oregon, Horses v hue yer It, on the left shoulder. Cattle suiae oa led lloyer. W. 0. Heppner. Or.-I'orsos, l,x odt'enr. " ''.p OHltle.. kh., Wllil ', llorsi, P.O., Ileppner, Or.-llorses. P H ,, ,,f, nonlilers tie. siune on lefl hip bomnlee. W. J., roi.Or ule. ,11) eoi.iiee.eil l left side: crop uu left ear laid Ivo, splitsB1i .ocltl e piece eat out ,, riKhl ear: on ht.rLes eM , t aisi.fr Warren. tVngi ei. Or.- HerseH I . H ' 'ifhl si i fie ; caiile (t ree I , r') .a stlit ribs crop ,,d spin in each ear. II . Ke .unit io, d Morrow coiiinies e Uiti.K., ( uleb.lir - , hrtl.N , , , ( "ft sl,,, der only on ah horses over 5 1 en 1 a anue in Urunt countv. "jeais. All t C on riKhl shuulth-r; iati'fe , ,e , n'r J Z .ane ,o,-r..w H1 U,a,,in counties " "' ' n;;hirwfd,w,,b,,i,r,vx1:ii!;;,r-"1'' " "K'd r. ejdil in le 1 ear t, ?1 Tr '", toinuy. On Bhcep, ii verted a .Vii.1 I ',r'"', Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses uo,, a . , i Cattle, a,e on r gl" nTe'Ir nierl'" "'"'Ul opotl left and split fi. r igl t k 8'"'"r' Cnrnn. It. i., t urru.sviliH fi. ti ett sune. ""u.svuie, Or. -Horses. X ,, C'"i Ed. 8.. Himlmsn, Or.-('H1,1(, , i comer: tiorses. CK on left Sif, C "'" C oehnui, I . E Monument Grant C. lorses bianded c rele with I,, , i," . , " ' 0r" houider: caitlesanio brand ' b T ' '"' nder slope both o-LnudeWlp',ll l""''' U,"rk . hapui, H., Uaidu.an. Or.-Horses l.r. , Ot.UKlsBS, W. M , i,, a,Va ' or 1 " "tu ouAle8fV':i,,K"ci:',''r;' """"I op. hole irnahi ear ' "Ule ""me .glll'shouldeT''-' lif,,"0Br' 0r' Bin.ond on bBaZLSSp--S on left feISL Foe. a .on left atiile ( v , u "aouuier: ,ent ear marks, crop off ,Ln Mm.e "n both hips Kne i"' CJ 'mail Cm' f '-' oountles "'umm' ,inil". Crook and Morrow ' wi.h,'.hl7r;erhl!,,":lV' bremle,. I . with qnartweir" la u, iTu"1' , ''"'"l-top A ,,,,, A Jenk..Hn.ilt;r.or'.' on either l.,.;eroV;. ' l(i. il..Mt. J od rm,. , 4. a i-l. Wanner. Or - . ,;,;,-lV.I).... rht.l.oi.l.leM...-.;,,,..-,, r.Kbl I'll' "'. " i'V, "',. nahl ear aim e" '- disliiet.Jlore. w oillity. ,..,.. ai.it, i. V,tM-i,et, (, iVele with parallel 'J'1"- lulu .-fuiitu. IUnii-ii.Aii.Hri. l.5rii(rV7l"r-HifnM,A H o.mi..ui.Hi. . yueon U ift HhMn, J. M., iiepPi'. grHunHNi, winBulM. ,,i,-ll nliuuliiHi (eHHlt'-liwuu riKiil hip, lllirlou. Lulh.-i. Kujfii Milt, lil. lioitm H (in ihi ictt .sht.iiu.w tayri li.mrti.u thu Utft Htitlv Cu il,. wtiiit"" lli Inp. Itmiii-H in n.rr.im , Ivj, Alfr.il. Iau i nwk, ir -i;(Ue J' riKl.l liip.cropoll left mi uud bit in rinht, UltTjL rwniH buuiil uu luft MliuuUlHr lUuiKtt n UraM ocuntv Junkiu, 8. M., HtHPiir, Or -HorHen, hum. ,tmt J im loll Hhoukier. I'mue, Ub uuT UitiittH on Kiulu MiIb. JuiiiiHou. tein UtiiH, Dr. IlurtwH, cirrlflT itli uii; ihtilt'.wtiuBoii rinlil nip, midr iu.ii iirup in ritthi Hint huIiI in lfi Hitr 1 J. nkitiM, l V.,.u. Vwniou.ur. J oil tmrtH im lull bliuuluei; outtltt, J ou Mi hip wiii two ftiui'oili crop ou Ixilh tni. Haiitflu oiaiiil HwirvHll.OH hmiui, iVlike, Iluppuur, Or. JiorHtm bnind.wl hN. uu toll hip cittia tuium huU crup fJ : niiiit-r e.loi on ihn riuht 1 hirk. J.T., Uppiir, Or. llurntw ri on u. slndiititT; i HitiH, itW uu lM hip. hirk. J I , iit ppum. Ur. liurHtw. n uu oitlmr ntti.k.i;ttiiit- J on rMhi unit. Kuk, Jowsf, lleppiiitr. Or,; linrao i nn itLcuuU'i ; cuiilu hHiuv uu light uit, uuUttrbiiuu li;hl Mtr. KutubHrltiiitl.W. (1.. Mount Vuniou. Or. 1 cittiie tin right imU lull Hiiliw.HWuiluw fork in Ufi wti mhI unuer cnp in right wir. ilHbiWul,l niitjiil on itt nhtHinttM. l.uiiKu iu (irunt cnuuiv LofiMii, BiBpuuii, lok, ui.-o Lou left liVb un uniiio. crop kiiU tipal uu right eitr. ilori Biiuiti biuuu uu luft imoulilttr. luuigu iirujr CKUllU. i.it imJmu, Johu V., 1.'- " Or.-HnrftM uiHiiui'ii luni- iicle Jl, fonuoctod on left htinuJ. tlul. V iiiUtJ. KMlo un loli hip. IUiuku, amir htji' UlltU-ll. hftiln-y. J. W Hi'ppnor Or.-IIorsHu bonded LuiiwA" J'-it Bliou.der; uetll i mUUo ua iu(. Inlt, waalM ov r r.bht o, tnnnj 8la9 iu r nut Wlf. leonl. UutirKM. iloppuw, Or.-llurHtw bmided oouhlt. li lul.nttun AouiMliinuii uuliml tn.K 'I. cu ivll elioulder. Aliiikliuiii. A- JN., Huppnur, Or. ('uttle krits M on H-lt knlo tioih wild crtpptHl, und fplit m uo h. jioiku 1.1 on lutt In... liautre, tiurk'i i:iuioli. Aiiiior, UBcur, iroppner. cir.-r-altle, a! D ya riylii hip; hoi'iw. A I on lotirihouluor. AloiKttii, 0. N., lioppuer, Or. llorww. M) on leti fliouhi! cittilu wtuiH ou lft uip. Alct'uiiiliHr, Jhh A, Luhu, Or. llorrmB. M with lihi ovui on righL Hhouiaui, Muryttn. IhoB., iiuppuor, Or. Jtonxw, cireli 1 ou lull biioiuUer tnu lull thitfli; chiUu. c ux, right Hugh, Mitchvil. OMCRr.loiiB, Or. llorueu, 77 ou riffht ittia.nnoii, U, ii., lnowuBville, Or, llorbHu Finunt ;i on uitch miounlor, cuuIh, on hio 1 MU uns. tuvid tl. tuho or. liuratw hrandod U.l cod. nee ted, on the inft tthoulder; cattle aunt m tup nnd Htdtt. AiL-iuiT, I? ran k, Fox Vally, Or.-Mulento-with lof-cork ou entile on riLw uud audur iu uitli ear; hoi nun muiuu bruud ou lot t HtiHy, iHcliuif. U. V., liuualtou.Oi. On iioraw 8 with hull cilule Uhtiuf ou IhII Bhoulur;ou Cauie lour tutrH conuwcieU uu top ou Uie right mtl liungu iu 1 1 nui 1 1 uuiuy. iVtiti, Andrew. i.ou Uock.Or. HurMMi A H cufl. um?Utl ou ImU bhouluer; uulllu wtme ou hottiliiui ol ke, L Oiivuriou. Or.-Hon,t, uirme i uu Udt (high; utollb. Hiinie uh left hip, uli.ei , Jobuph, i uuion t.nj, Or. A i on witUB on lolt liipiou noibtib, Huuiti on lei L thigh, lituita IU tll'Hhl COlitllJ Oner, lerri, Leilngioii, Or. P O on letl ohtJLi.aei. oip, lieiumn, I'lHtriu Uity, Or. Uu euttle, 0 LL' uouuuclou ou lelL hip; uoruou ou letl nl'ilJe uud wuruti ou uoee, Uuugu iu iiiuut ouuuty, l eitihon, Oiuvti, higui iUiltt, Or. Hui-bBo, utmr ler uircie bhiejo on lell BhouiUer huU J4 uu luft nip. CuiLie, luik iu hu Hur, rigut uruppwU. on letl tup. littog- oii tight ilue. 1 uikei di Oietuaon, Uuiuuittli.Or. liuintMlPon ! 1 1 iHtiouuier. I'.pt-i, li.ri.tj t, Lexington, Or.- llur en brand, e b t. uoiiueu.uuj u, iell (.houiUer ; utlLlft U.eOU llghlitip. iwtiige, Aiuriuw UUUUU', 1 n-ei, J. xi, , IjeXlngiou, Ul'. UolMM, da, ouu. iibciuu o. lell oliouiuer; utiLUe, wtiuu uu lull Ulp, Uhuer bn iu iHtun r, I tUjb, a, o., louu, or,; tiorutw diuiuofid iw BiiOliiUf I , tmtluy il 11 d UUUUHUlU, ou tfall ' luft hip, ui-fer bioi'o iu lelt euraud nun m Uu Uglil. 1 umuii, John X., Ib)vuie, Or hurueu, JP ott tivc uuuu ibii bliuuloel. i.utue Oiv uuuutKiUjd iiD mil nip, ito uuaur dull uiopB, uue uu euuh mt, wattle miuej UtroHi. i.m goiu uruiituuuuty, Ivouu, AliUlttW, liuiuuiuu, Or. Uulseft, mjUHn urobt Huh quuilr-umjiuuvur itou iell mmu, l.eiiiiigbi, ciirib, lieppuer, Or. tiuibeu, Cliuii lell Biiuuiue, . nice, Lou, Hurduiau, Or.; tiumuti, tliree pauel Moiui leuce ou lell btiouiuer; uu.ue, UAh uu rifciii biiouiaer. Imuge neur UuiUiuuu. ltObe, Ahiou, lluppuel, Ol1 lloioeo, plain V OH ell biiomuul'; cuiu, biiuio bi'kuu levuiueU uB i iRtil hip una crop oil rigui eur. liuugu iu iklur low COUUlJ. ikunh Liiob., lleppuer, Ur. Home bruudttd 2 uu Lhe 1 iglu bUouiuei'i CrtlUe, Ix ou lUe WU Ul). uiop oil ili uui uuu ueviui ou ueuk. Iuuujb U. tUorioM una uu joining oounUeo, I, Lib l, Wiuiuai, lnuge, Ol llorben II 01 ieu ohouiuel uulllu, 1. oU iett lltt, CHp oA iigl.L eui, uiiuuioil on lell ui. Oneep, li Itu Mbitlliuie, luuiitl Clop oil 1111 oar. nunBt buut Una ttnu Jioiiow c luuLiuB. iitiau-i , rti,oiew , i-rfjxiugloii, Or. Hitraei ouuiut-u A Ik uu 1'iglil biiouiuel, Veil l quarwi t-nuu uel orauUi uaille nuuio uu rigiil iP. Uitl.gU JlOllO COUlili. liujef, wm, 11, uuu j vilitt. Or lilt tiouuucled Hiii. i.c.uiU i ciii-iu u.uji Lupuu ekiuo ou I hjul WJi ..1.1. ciop tJll libiilLUi buu cpm in iull. iicJlow blUliU UUti.U Ol. iUll BllUUiUul, lotuge IU JltJIiV Uliii.i ni.u UllilUUl t-oUlillUb, iieco.i.d. '., liLuiAt'i', Or. llorbUb, JO iell nutmiOtil. I biUi', j uh IJgUt hip. i piuknull, J. W., uuouutturi, Or. llunw biat.ueti l on lull bUuUiilui ; lange iu Jlul'iuirf CULlitlJ. bttii.iig, K, K. liepouei, Or iloraei. braudeu BA uh iell oi.uunitji , ijutliw auiite on lull hiu. .'jwuhgiiii, it. t., LujiiUgLou, Oi.-Huint ttnii utuii uuuui a umai BtiUe. caUir 11 with tmbhLi.uui .ion iigiii nip, crop uli 1 igul ear uud Huuuit-u uu uglil iniiu iu(i. ikuuge in Jluii'uA, , Uiioaiu uuu u uituna couuuub. tov..j,f4"-. i-.,Aluuuu. ul Hoibob brandc'' 1 1.1 lull aimiiioci , uuibieatiUJO Uu lull lilp. l'lul ui. eui, HuiUe on iull inuu ing. on ui tin . K, liepuuui, ur. llorBua nhuded tl t3 UU BLIUe, CUIUU tf O Oil iUtl lltU, BWUiluW 101 a m i.fcii tun, uiiueiuiL iu ien, Oauf, i-itUB,, lieijpuel, Or. iiuibee, fl AfuU iell tnui CuLla ouuio uu iuLI lny. Ohl'lui.JoiiU. I? OA, Or,-tNl liOllllOClw ul UuiBUbun i.giii hio, caLLiu, bume uu ngal hip, uiup uli iigiiL rai anu ui.uui oil iu iell ear. IUuikh in uiai.l uuuui, bnniii JLiiob., oubniiviilc, Or, Hot oft., brtuidwl li . li. on Biiuuiuei i uaii.v. auiu uu iell ouuuid'jr bqunuB, duuieb, tiiiiutilun, or,; Uuibwb mundtxi Jbuii ten bnoUiout uaiilo uie baine, ubu Ui nuuuie. lun.ge iu JluiiuW UUU uiniuui UuuUM. OLepnciiB, V. ii., ItaiUUiaii, Ul-i noiseb asulh ribin bliUu; t'ULUu u. IXdUhUU L. ou Uie uglil tdUtf ailOuiieuL, Jim A. U., lleppm-l', Ol. l.aLUB, di on light in i DUiiuvn-loia in lull mil'. SHUitguil. U. M ., lirppuel, Ol. UulbOB, H iVi lell Biiuu.uv ; uuLue, uu iell uip. Opel 11, 1. O., iieppnei, Or. I uttle t' U lei I nip, uroo uli tignl anU UiiUui bit in letl oar, uuVtiap; noibOB vi l. oii Jell Buuuiuui. liiompbui., J . A., lioppuet. Or. ilorie, I " lei I bituniu 1; untile, u uu iull BUUUlUor. iip,'ei.a.l.,kUieipiiBt:.Ol. lioibe. C-uli le'l ohouiuui. luiuui U. V Ileppner, Or,-iJittll capiUd I lull biiuuiuui, UuIbub, uaiUe baaie ou lelt tup Willi eplil iu boll. eaiB. , laniiLon, 11. Ai., luue, Or. Hureo brainina ll l couueciuu on iell suliu; Bliuup rmiuu uiaud. Vai.uuipool, 11. A.. Lrtjna, ori HuineB JlV null ; hoc leu ou nghi iiuuiuer;caiiie, buuiu iu ngut ' WKibridge, W m.. lltppner. Or. llorui'fl, 0.1 uu Lhe leu aiiouiuei ; uaLlie baine ou li.lu fc'P-uioi- ull leli.oai Hud nt: nt tar iu. 1 ed. Wiihun, Johu Q,, Oalem or Hoppm llorsob biunueu Jy uu Uie Iett biiwuidkri. I"" fliurrow uouiili. IrtHiTou.w h. t uleb, ur CkiiIb V wlUlgullrt, circle over 11, ou mti bide, piit m rigni liurteer. tuuuti bru.d ou lu auouide. JtbtJueiB uniui oouuti'. V right, bum A. Ueppiiw, Or. Cattle braudtd o W uu tho right hip, miuuiti orop oU ruihie" auanphtm leU, Waue, lieury, Hepputir, Or. llortiee bini"l aue ol bpauet, ou ie,i bhouldur and loll liii li11?! u,,tUUW oauieuu tell blUB and left hip- WelJ, A. p., Ileppner, Ur, llorbee, 0"t 011 w" chouiUer u.., , uu.- Woiuugei, John, Juim imj Ciiy.Or Ou horww three pKiuiiel om, on left xliouldur; . on bHWO,. bit in bulb enr. lUuge 111 Oraul aud Mallkiei oouuneb. WiMHtward, John Heppuer, Or. ilorbb. OP oounectiHl uu lef t Bhuuldwr. ; VVatkinb, Libhe. ileppuer, Or. HonenLnu Vb. coimectei. 011 loft htiuV. I Vyallaco.Charloi,, Furtland, Or. C'fttf6 W . righi thigh, hui iu left oar; hornet, W V i0 Bhoulaor, noun nauioou loft nhoulder. w lnttiM toioK, nui.tu ijiwu, t.akakreB..Or. tliirbos branded W b vomiHCteti uu ibfl .houldtir WiUiHDiR, Vhhco, ITaiuiitoij, Or. Quarter cir cle ovor thrt hartt on left tip, both iiattlB alia horn. Iiaiiir.(iriiut county. Wiiiiauib. J o. u.ngt reek. Or Horj. tiv wr on-iH over ihrw bare uu left hip; cuttle ban W Hmnf. if I ; mill rmintv " 'en, A. A., i.eppner, Or. Horeee ruimir K A A tv'.""H1,,: ' "' ' wnif -i !, o. Walker Eliznbi'th & Hons, Hnrilnifln Or. RWo brauued (K W cowheeted.) KWon left side, horb-b hiiuio on right nhoiihler. J. W' Walker s ci.til ', nameon Inlt hip, horfei fame on on nhoQjdi-r. Ail raugo In Aiuirow i-uum- xouug, J. e., Ooo)urr,Or. Uow bnvtoad IB 00 tha right bouldar. ,1 "til Kdwln.Jo,,,,l.-y.Ori-C;t;; I ,,1,,; ,rs,- iii ' f'1 "".nell I l, I, mill county. f o .1 llnur-.id J U allowny, l'r.-Ho'i tT , witaUr '-ab..v'e it), ou ratld o" f Ii. i a. S A V! 1.