fflE fflip TO SELL YOU BPHJ i' 7; I I 1 i I 3l Q One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.: lGOACRBS DBBDBDd60 ......... TI.a AAed laud Lbs a got depiiugof whteron it, all wider CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there aie HO acrei gor d (arming land, and the baiauce a 1 j l fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. AND STILL .VXOnilvl. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, beat stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on eauy tanas. Dee.led ranch, 160 rores. boss wheat land. " "Jj 1' tof il for it with firbt crop raised on it Reason for selling, ouer mm i ' 1 dive your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner, Patronize those who patroniz- We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for Ills or her communication. N correspondence will be published unless tht writer a real name Is signed as au evideuce ol good faith. DiJ ion ever Read Hbout tbe Man who Hid bia Light nnilcr A bushel? Ye? well 'T 1 1 nt ia like Doing business Without advertising All tbe Sni le schemes In the country Will not Hcoiimplinb Half Hf mncb Ah h (food ad. In a worn, live. Legitimate newspaper, One tbut la read Br the people, And that owns Ita own Buul; that Uhi'S its apace Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. JS2 How do yon like Caesarism, anyhow 1 Tub ways and menus committee favoi tji on all incomes over 84,000. Tan banks of New York have ft largei surplus than ever before in their history. Gov. Waitb, of "Colorado, will Call t apeoiul session of the legislature before Cbriatinaa. The murderer of Grong Fa, the Portland Chinawoman has not been apprehended. Ghkhn Akkoi.d, one of the beat known men in Eastern Oregon, died in Dnioi. county a few days ego. Tun initiative referendum and propor tional rciiteaentatbn is sorely ueeded in tiie United States. JIhli.o baa diulared Pi inoe Pedro Empeior t.f Biezil. The Mellow ad- niimstriilioii now looks as though 11 would fail. Tumikhay is Oregon's Thauksiiivinii Day. Are you thankful that you yet have Oregon left Willi ils varied le sources, or do )ou want more of tbi model 11 Cneeai? Tub big tafl down at Main-field, which was built of logs to be timed 10 'tru-co. went almre before it could be gotten to sen, and ia reported to be fait breaking np. A sokt of a revolution ia in piogreee in Cuba. About all the small fr countries and despenoiea do over there is to revolnte. Iliinlly one now ia over till anolher ia iu progress. They seem to be. iucapable of self-government. News from Hawaii states tbut the provisional government is still on top, and lhat Embassador Willis bus done nothing towards the restoration of tbe queen. However, the provisional g-v eminent is prepared to defend its rights. As hilvkr goes dowu so may we find wheat, collou and other etaple. And yet gold never varies iu purchasing power, compared wi'h the world's pro ducts, aays the gold bug. According to bis story it always remains tbe same. But experience, a dear teacher, makes tbe millious know differently. K dmo II has it that Cleveland went to New York recently to consult a phy sician. Olheia say that it was to ar range htisinena affairs, some speculations in gas railroad atooks liHVing gone down on him recently leaving Cleve $100,000 abort. Poor Cleveland has a baid time of it, for between the devil au I the deep sea be is in hot water all the time. It now transpires that the provisional government of Hawaii bus been gather ing up a quaolity of guns and aran nllion, including some Oatlingn, and if it becomes necessary will tight. In the event that that government ia interfered with, it is tbe hope of every loyal American that they will. And then with the new government fairly on ita feet, tbia nation will feel the rebuke thnnld they proffer annexation to England, which they probably will now that the administration baa w ithdraw n the proposed treaty. Caeaarism ia bold in i7 the fort at Washington, but the people draw some oousolation from tbe Tux purchasing olause of the Hberman not has b eu repedid, and yet tbe oountry'a oonliti'in grows 10 better Even the surplus in the U. 8. treasury still goeB the downward grade, nl1 promises to the contrary notwithstand ing. Tbe people will learn iu time tba' we needed no legislation to make mone; .oarcer; rnlbing was demnuded tba' would further debase our money meia to enhance the purobaeing power of tb ither. If silver bad received fu1 recognition and tariff tinkering bee' laid on the fhelf, these United Stall would now be full of business activit instead of what we are now getting i dig doses and repeat. It transpire' that England has no money to sen I, ere, and if she did have what per mi nent good would it do us? With tin Bank of England on tbe verge of rui it doesn't look much like even tie English idea of flounce was goii.g to d us muoh good now. America need American ide b on D mnce and tariff. Tim aunnuuoemeut that the way i clear for gold nsceudency, and conse quent prosperity, reminds the Gizetti ihat the plan is not working like 1 charm, according to the newspaper re ports concerning tbe president's fiuan ciiil difficulties. It is much like tin boy who reached into a hollow log foi a 'conn, and to a companion eiclamed 'I've got him." "Well," said the other, if you've got him why don't you pnl him out." "Yes but he's got me too," tearfully rejoined the 'ooon hunter. BomuKRN maiiulaoturers who art protesting against the aboliotion of tbe duty on iron ore and coal have issued 1 public statement to the democrat parly, appealing tor consideration in view of their well-known fidelity to that party, and sayiug, among other things: The Southern iron men have resolved to resist repeal, forgetting for a moiueui all differences of political beliefs, and mindful only of the stable and bettei ihiugs, to-wit : domestic) prosperity." Auk Vuur Friends Who have taken Hood's J-arsaparillii what they think of it, and the replies will be pnsitiye iu its favor. Si i.plj tihiit Hood's Sdraiipurilla does, that telle the story of its merit. One has been cured ol indegestion or dyspepsia, an other finds ita indispensable for sick headache or biliouai.ess, while other report remarkable cures for soioftiln, caturrb, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc. L.IKKKTY KntJOLUTIONS. HitiiHAH, It has been brought to the limine of citizens, of Liberty, Morrow Co., Or gou, iu miiBS meeting assembled, that the citizens of Hardman in like manlier assembled have passed certain resolutions asking that He ir crxlitoia be km lenient us possible with them through the present, crisia, to the end of an extension of the time of payment of Iheir debts to at leant ten moulds. Therefore be it Hetolved, That we, tbe citizens of Liberty aud vicinity approve of said resolutinrs as being in I ho interest of our crediturh as well as ourselves. And b ' il further Ittsolced, That we ask bis exoollency, Govemoi Sylvester Pennoyer, to con vene the legislature iu extra etsiou at the earliest possible date to pass laws that will tide the debtor eni of Ilia state of Oregon oyer the present finan cial stringency. lie it further Itesolved, That oopy of theae reso lutions be given to tbe Heppner Ga zette, Heppner Kecord aud Alliance Uera'.d, of Pendleton, for publication and also one sent to his tioelleno), Ooveruor Sylvester Feunoyer. Signed: M. C. Kiiqun, R. W. Itobisou, A. D ml it tie. J O. Ymng, W. K Mini kera, V. L. Coffey, V. O. Allison, E C. Ashbungh, R. S. Montgomery, F. P. Vaughiin, 8. Wright, O. Pearson, J. W. Beckett, U. 0. Gav, O. 1). Allison, Osoar Montgomery, 1). 8. liurlow, Theo. Anderson. Liberty, Nov. 18, 18M. IlitsT AWAHIl A I' CUICAGO. Sheepmen will be interested to kuow that there is no longer any question as to the relative merits of the different sheep dips upon the market. Christy it Wise take pleasure in antiouuring that Uayward'a Dipa (paste and liquid) for which they are sole P. O. iigenta, have secured the first Bwunl at the Woild'a Fair, and la t year these dips received ihe silver medal at California Slate Fair and gold medal at Mechanic Fair, Sin Francisco.. Kvery practioals heepmen tl'at ever used H-ty ward's Ihpa, pro nounced them the very beet dips for the cure of scab, the general health of sheep and conditions of wool, 181 810 aud $20, Genuine Confederate ' I Bills oulj five oents each; l0 aud SKH) bills 10 cents eacb; 2oo aud iiOo ahinplasters 10 ceuts each; Jl aud f'2 bills 'i-l ceuta each. Sent aecurely seal ed on receipt of price. Address, Chaa. D. Darker, 90 8. Forsyth St., Atlanta, G. HAND TIMES. Contributed by Jas. Neville. First I went to the "lower bank" I met a man lean, who's no crank; "Business is good, we fear no crash, Kor we have just now plauty of cah. What should I see but Vulcan's son, tud he is known as A. M. Ounn: With face long as you might expect, 'I've money out and can't colleci." Whom did I seebut Hick Neville, le's trying to keep things level; Times are harder Ihau people think, F ir bums don't get a single drink. I met the barber, Oid Matt, vnd he was reading Don Piatt; Times are hard we cannot deny But tuey will mend some.by and by. Next I saw was Ayers and Cohn fhelr drugs and pills they keep a goiu'; The doctors yet visit the sick Vnd take their pay mostly "in tick". 1 walked into Minor's store, They're doing business as before; E. Minor's there with his long face, lard times respect no time nor place. (Jeo. Conser 1. a man most frank aid 1 toGeorge. "How Is your bank?" "Business," he said, "is ery iair," lut then we have no cash to spare. 1 then came up to John Natter, lie's been sick and Is no fatter; 1 said 10 John, it Is very queer ' hat you drink no more lager beer. I saw big Pat of the Gazette v better "boy" you have not met; With long face, in need of a shave, "Times are hard," Jim, "and I must stive". Met Hamilton & Frcelaud too, tight now they haven't much to do; 't hough they are men of intellect vlouey Is scarce and they can't collwt. I saw Kolman at the corner n the lookout for the farmer; He rubbed his hands and said 'tis strange, ''Friend.when do you think times will eham;c All know Borg and Abrahamslck; Though Peter hus hay In the rick And watches many, Abe the clothes, rhey can't sell, so the country goes. At the Palace was Mrs. Von Cadow, tht lowered her rates, she had lo, Her house haB very few drummers Though she can get lota ol bummers. Tne P. II. here la Sdallory And a pleasant old gent is ho; Yes he Is a jolly old man For bis pay comes from Uncle 3am. Geo Swaggart the same Bong he slugs, He had Just come up from Well Hpriugs, "1 tell you Jim that times are like h 1, Not a pound ol wool can we sell." 1 couldn't miss the shop of Green Customers were not to be seen; llaymau remarked, "Jim take a chair And Green will play, the golden stair. Dear neighbors, I walked up and down. That way 1 took in tiie wh-de town; All gave me theirversion and cause, Agreeing it 'twas mostly bad laws. Are your obildreu subject to orcup? lia.i, you Buoulu never be witbou. t bottle of Chauiberlaiu's Cough Itemed It is a Oertain cure tor croup, nud ba uever been kuowu to fail. If givei freely as suou as tbe oroupy cough hp pears it will pieveut the attack. It i' the soIh r nance with thousands mothers who have oroupy ohildien, am never disappoints til m. 'J here is u danger in uiving Ibis Kcuiedy in laig' and frequent dunes, hh it contains unib tug injurious. 50 cent bottle for sale b; .iUiouui-Joliiiscin Dnig Co. ION K 1 1'hMB. Nioeweaiber l. news after the frit-t and fog. S-'eding has continued but innuv have tiuisbed. Some claim that the people are de hatred from a Thanksgiving Uay b mistake of our president aud governor Churohierviees we eheldlast Sundiv, b ih at UoiiglHS aud lone. Rev. Pjw ell, of Pine City wum the preacher. Our able blacksmith can now real after a long summer's hard work. Rusi ns's has slackened. Come, all ye laborers and toilers hearken uuto the chief exeoutivea ai d let us have two Thaukagiviug holiday,, these hard times. Miss Ada Red font will have a grand entertainment on the last, day ex-roise of her school. She taught agood scho . aud undoubtedly will five yon a intc eMing program, Friday evu.iug.Nov. '24, Mr. Roy (Hnsscook, who ia giving good aati.-f iclion at a teacher at the Wilruoth school, Sundyed at Ioue and aasieted us with our S ihbuth school. The tide has turned. The people have come to our help. The recent elections in tbe Eiet have given ns something to be thankful for. That is the reason we bv the grace of Cleveland and Pennoyer. are to devour the fatted turkeys this fall. Take notice, that beginning with the second Smulat of the New Year, wo will have regular pleaching st line. The Methodist minister. Rev Pun ell, it an elderly man of great ability and a hf long expeeience, c p hie of interesting both young and ohl to the fullest ex tent. Services will Im held the secoud Sunday of each month. ,'akk. Nov. 17. 1M I'itnples, hioieuos, sorea, and their causes, removed by Simmons Liver Regulator. riles! 1'ilesl lifUlug Piles. Svmitoms Moisture; iutenae and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swatxi's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, aud in most ci-sea re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 ceuts. Dr. Swayue A Son, 1'biladelphia. sw 1 yr. Affections of the bowels, so prevalent in ohildrtn, onred by Simmons Liver Regulator. For farther information call at oni office. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history f our country when the demand f " inventions aud improvements in the art. aud eoienoes generally was so great- ai now. The conveniences of mankind it the faotory and workshop, the household ar.il on the farm, as well as iu ollieial lite, require oontional Accessions to tin Bppurtenanoee and implements of eici in order to save labor, time and expense Tbe political obange iu the aduiinislru tion government does not affect tin progress of tbe American inventor, w!i being on the alert, and reudy to per eeive the existing deficiencies, d ies ov neimit tbe affairs of government to de ter him from quickly Conceiving t!i remedy to overooine existing diacrapiui ies. Too great care caunot be ixer lised iu choosing a competent nod skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecut' au application for patent. Valuable in lens s have been loet Bud destroyed u innumerable instances bv the employ meut of incompetent oouusel, and es pceially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, ni pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this class of attorney do so at imminent rssk, as tbe breadth and strength of tbe patent is never con sidered iu view of a quiok endeavor ti get an allowance and obtain the fee THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. John Wedderbtirn, General Manager. 018 F street, N. W.,Washington, X. C. represemiog a large number of irupor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, whs iu stitutcd to proteot its patrons from tin unsafiv methods heretofore employed iu this ine of bnsiness. The said Con patiy is prepared to take charge of al patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute tpptications generally, including me ibnnical inventions, design patents trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences. infringements, validity report. and gives especial at'-eniou to rejected cases. It Is also prepared to enter iut competition witb any turn in securing foreign patents. Write for instructionrRnd advice. John Weddbbburn. K18 F Street, P. O. Box 38"i. Washington, D. C GIRLS AND COMPLIMENTS. Thejr Belong Togethor, But Are Seldom Properly Harmonious. Not to value honest praise, not to en joy the appreciation of one's fellows, to be indifferent to their good as to their 111 nnininn la li.ca lllrnli. Via n moi-ll ft loity superiority man oi intense sen satisfaction. Kindly people, friendly people, mod est people like to be praised. They find a compliment agreeable which is sincere and not excessive, and in one way or the other arc pretty sure to man nest their pleasure in it. Often, however, they do so against their will, says the Youth's Companion, making all the time a poor pretense of Indifference which they suppose to be demanded by modesty and politeness. Sometimes they go further, and insis tently disclaim praise which they can not but know is fairly merited. Again they giggle foolishly, or try to waive the matter aside with an airy gesture and a laugh that docs not ring true. Girls especially, who arc moat likely to receive compliments, are least likely to receive them well. Often a pretty girl will destroy a delightful impression by her silly embarrassment at a few natural words of admiration for her youth and freshness. Or a clever girl, who thinks it due to her reputation for cleverness to despise compliments, will repel where she has just attracted by airs of poofly-acted disdain. There Is no real difficulty In accept Ing a compliment. It is neither vain nor undignified, but rather gracious and becoming, to take pleasure in giv ing pleasure. Therefore, if a girl has given pleasure, either by her appear ance or by her actions, and if some one tells her of it there is always something honest, simple and suitable that she can say in reply: "I am glad that you were pleased,' "l am glad you think I did well," or ' am glad you approve my work." There is no need either to disclaim or to assent to the praise uttered, there fore there is no reason why one should be embarrassed in its acceptance. Let everyone admire honestly, but let one also honestly receive admiration that is courteously and properly expressed. It is lovely to be loved, delightful to be admired, agreeable to be praised. That Is what every girl feels, and what no girl need be ashamed frankly to ac knowledge. She need be ashamed only If she magnifies a compliment, which is to all a trifle, into something suffi ciently important to disconcert her, or rewards honest appreciation with In sincerity and pretense. Oid Halt baa purchased Hick Math ews' interest in tbe City Hotel bartw shop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-oute, etc., dished up in the best ot style. Baths for tba millions. PATTERSON u LOCAL MARKET BEFOKT. Wheat, bu Flotir.bhl 2 50 3d0 deevea.cowg & two-year-olds. owt. 1 6U " three " 1 W ' ' iheep, muttons, bead . . . . 1 w & 2 f stock ' Hogs, ou foot, cwt d" Hogs, dressed 6 50 (3 7 00 Wool ,u Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz Ubickeua. doz o 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 1 03 1 u b lour, bbl 8 U0 4 uu Ueeves, stall fed 4 50 W 5 OU Muttons, owt bU0arOli rlo)ja, cwt 4 60 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oreaou.. 10 (g 12 Butter, & 25 (si ) Eggs, doz W0 biokens, doz a uu outi Turkeys, lb 16 ft 1 PORTLAND MARKKT. Vheat. cwt 85 (a 95 Flour, bbl 2 00 $3 15 lieeves, owt 1 vn r z (n " dressed 3 50 6 0U Muttons, live sheared... i 60 t; 3 UO " dressed n b 0u Hogs, on font 4 50 5 50 dressed 7 00 Wool -Eastern Oregon... 6 u U Butter 200 Eggs, doz 27K30 Chickens, doz 2OV4d0 Turkeys lb 15 (? 17 Notice Of Irtention. T AND OFFICE AT 7XE DALLES, OKKUON, I J Oct. 4. IS'.U. .Votice is herebv riven thai the following-rained settler has tiled notice ol his intention to make final proof in Bupport ol his claim, and that said proof will be made be ioreJ. W. Mcrrow. County Clerk, at Heppner, or., on Nov. 1. hwt.viz.: RlNKHAKT SCHILLER, Hd. 3213 for the NW'4 NE'-i 8ec. 31 and NWI4 SK"i Sec. Si Tp. S. 8, K 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hie contiuuouit residence upon and cultivation o., aaia lanuf George oi Lone Rock. Herman Melssner. of Goo's' yiA Is Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry, , oi Lone uock t iregou, Joua W. Lewis, Kexlstei Sheriff' s I'ae. VOTICE: 19 HEREBY UIVES THAT UNDEH ii and by virtueof au execution Issued out ot the Circuit Court oi the state of OreKon for ihe County uf Morrow, and to me directed and delivered upon judgment rendered unit entered tn said court on tne ma day of May im, i favor of W, B. Cunnlnghame, FluluUir, ami HgriiiiBt J. D. Ball, Defendant, for the nun ol Mjven Hundred and len Do 11a is, and for tin further sum of vwo Dollars dainuecn aud cob m which Judgment watt enrolled and docketed in ihe clerk'itoihce of said Court in said County oil the 20th day of May im. And thereafter on November 27th, lt6, said judgment watt duly unsigned and t ran ft red from the Raid W. B iiuiiniughaine to Win. Hughes for a valuable consideration, and there being noW due ou 4 ilil judgment the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars, together with interest ar the ra't of Seniit. per annum on the full sum of t-evei, Hundred aud Ten Dollarn from tht 3oih day o May lSHrj to the ZHh day of December, Hwy, to gether with interest at the rale of H cent, pel tununion the sum of Two Hundred aud 'leu Dollars from mh day of December, until paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollar costs and accruing cots, I have levied unoi and will sell at public auction, on Hatuiday the Ith day of Deeembar, lajt, at one o'clock p. m tt the Court house door iu Heppner, Morrow County and State of Oregon, ail the right, title and interest which the said J. D. Ball, Defend tut hud on or after the anh day of May isnO, ii, or to the following described premiHCB, to-wii; l he south East quarter of bee. Eleven (11) ii, Township Three south of Rnnge Twtuty-three ia!3) East of W. M., iu Morrow County, Stute oi Oregon, atul contains lO) acres. Datedat Hepp ner chisHth day of November, lwn. tiKn. NoitLK, 178-1S7 SherllTof Morrow county, Oregon Mr. W. M. Terry, ho has been iu tLe drug husiuess at Jilktou, Ky., for lh. pist twelve years, says: CuBmherlain't Oough Ki'inedy gives better satisfaetioi 'ban anv other cough medicine 1 evel 'old " There is good reason for this. No other will euro a oold so qnioklj 10 oilier is so eerlaiu a preveulive auo Mire for croup; to other affords so mnoh eiter 111 oase ot whooping cough. Foi lale by Slooum Johnson Drug Co. TUl'Ab DhPRAVll'Y. We are again led to observe how low in the scale of life humanity can get, When we are forced to see tlmse Things calling themselves young meu andyouiig women wao are making it a point to nee how muoh disturbance they can oreate at the meetings now being oon dueled at the M. E. ohurob, South. luese uisfrracttul offspring 0f tU(. saloon and red curtain element are to be pitied, but caunot be tolerated unles tbey endeavor to conduct themselves ar ladies and gentleman even though the) are not worthy of the title. we see these oigarette besotted rowdies (lining with girls whose cuu duct marks them as being in the lowest ord.-r of society, changing s-als, whisper i"g. laughing aud making themselves eonsnicuouB by their lack of manners and evident il! breeding. We all know ti)t these Things have no refined feel- I toga to appeal to, and a term in jail or a nesvy tine seems to be the only sy to reach their conoienoes, as iu thiir self cnoeited ignorant) they tbiuk thi-ir actions are sm rt. Keep jour ees on I. -.I. ..t .1... -1 , me uaca ui me ounrcn ana you can see tor yourselves. Exi-SBIENCB. lien V.ttt ion wn cm.!,-?u sores over in w ilson Diairie. A good Block ranoh and 'in ne sola cheap. Call at Gazette omee for particulars and terms. tf. CDCC TRIAL4, Pkls el ear but. owittjr VMknsiiaDil in. wao wlrufuTE, aiwamions.i)L ; ! le- '::;; nit. -m I" '" iTitii fund pim t.t--lh'W ' vol" WANT ..IH . . . 1 - llll .'O I ' III: IllOl 111 I 11"" -' - ;il. i.:i ,ii.t... J,.,.r to lm TO I III? l.'llUlllcno . - - , , )Thecurious--uw they "growed" and came to be; KNOW WHAT I AT The healthy-how to enjoy lite and keep wen ; ERY The invalid-how to get well again speedily; DY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy -.rrm (til ...I... ,.., L-nmcloiW that IS lit IllOSt WOI'tll EVJ BODY OUGHT ) Find it in Dr. Footo's " Flam TO )V KNO"W REA! Mi. T. 10IK)i 'iL'."J. L'OOcnt 21 eol. rll'etill.M'll tl'i'l'l I.V'.tffUV Itili ii" M $ '., Tn FOOTE'S HAND-BOOK OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPES, U is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of tbe Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eatlmj, Drinking. Dressing, eta, IT TELLS ABOUT What tn Bt Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Bni .5, R it Occupation for Invalids, Bathing-Best Way, After-Dinner Napa, VhbJSuDo EbC Pood aud a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Meets of Tobacw, rh3 tn Avoid Jiedicine. How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Peril! of Summer. Su Hair. Clothliig W'hat to Wear, Headache Cause Cur.. How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Uet Kid of Uce, rianiers of Klssina' Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Disease. Malarial Affections, oJXSthw THousei, Preventlilg Nearsighted- How to Avoid Theia, Croup-to PrevenU Ventilation, ness, tiercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalfls, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, 8ore Eyea, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE lOCTOHS BILLS. fg-AII new annicribers and prompt renewals during tue uionib ot Nov. will be presensed with a free oopy of this as a premium. Kills, Dawson & IVyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a tiromnt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HEPPNER, The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP M AXC ti, .. i mnt,miit ,nm-'n ''4V Mi iriniiiii Limlil nuin i in . so, i t. im n .11 1 urm 1 I FOR INVENTIONS. Eaual with the interest of those bavin? rlnims nirainsf tiie. crnTrertiment is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent aud reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In. lert erences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If VOU have au invention on hitnd end a cVntoh i nlintnnranl. tliaranf tn. gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once ..w iu 1 11c oesi course it, pursue. Models are seldom necessary. 11 others are infringing on your rigl ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. .ec-BeJHE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. S- Cut this out and send Ate you all run down? Scotfs Emul sion nf pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil an.- slypophosphites of Lime and Soda win Duild you up and give you a good Scott's Emulsion cures Coug-hs, CoWs, Consumption, Scrofula aud all .naemic and Wasting Eiscascs. Freyents wasting ia eUrea. AN mo as paioinble as iniik. Oct only Hie genuine. I'repared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. V-OTICE 13 HERKBY IVF.S THAT THE 1 ' ' '-"lunyiii ueceiulier. at 1 oVl,.t- i. m ui .am uay at the Went hull of the Norm cast quarter, and the East half of the Z h west quarter of section thirtv-one ("11 to v., ship two (J) 8011th ol Ha,, twenty iiina mi ?'l.!li the VttAm"e MeVhi a , Tn , .iescribed premises at public sale to the h ehest bldjier tor canh in hand. Such sale belna made under and pursuant to an order of the Countv court o date Kep,ember 20, mt, made .nn' on'Sh? lS C0U"'!' court0' l"-" conmrty I will also on said day at ihe hour of 3 o'clock . ."" 'oi'iivmi'11 nue-ha II county, Htateof orepon. wiooer, a. u. nsici, 173-lyi Maby Driscoli., Admiulstratrix. ain csiate. snlil mill be ina known ns Ihe Mi. ' ' DrlMH.il mill, said sale will l,e ', 'ee 1 ... K hlahest bidder with cash in hand upon t e premises. 1 he order for said sale ll av;nL be n 1MW, by the honorable Countv onuri i, ... ... 4&Tas ,-i"i'vii ih 'ni' 1 1 1 (. in 1 ... Dated this 2M day ol (l Two i HAYS ( ONE (AGENT tliotii witliout iiain; . , , S . fruithil and multiply : ( SOLD 42 (AND 1 HE SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 i miMES t Sf.l.D. Home lalk, plates; -00 reeipes ,"it); circiiltitN free. i i. i ii N'''W HANK BUILDING. OREGON. 10 .- (.Ill' til HltllTV in iniirriiiL,'!': iii '.zc babies ; 7riW ENGLAND tl-ie Ttomt in the World benefit of vnhmhlfi inventions because It with your Inquiry. - and put flesh put on vou appetite. Administrator's Sale. I TNhEK AND BY VI KTl'E OF AN ORDER ' Issued ontnf the Countv Court of Oregon, "OS"" (;oil'y. or. the Mh dnv of Nov. A. D. is M. The underslirned adinlnistrntor of the estats of lames 8 Breeding, deceased, will on Friday, December s. Ih'Ji. at one o'clock in the afternoon of suld dnv, in front of the court noose door, in Heppner, Morrow county L eon;,"'" t0 th highest bidder for cash in hand all th rieht, title and Interest of said i"me Breedind, deceased, in and to the ""lowing described real property, to-wit: N i,,?r ,!e.l-Tp 2 8 K. 26 E. W. M., situate in Morrow county, state of (iregon. !,e ""ne 10 he sold In parcels of forty acres each, or ns a whole hs to the administrator may seem hest on Hnv nf -nia .... ,l.l- .:!, . u. iH3, at Heppner (iregoii. A. W. BlIRKDINO, Administrator. on. painmss trarment knit.. N , loll of IBM I IUI.O from bin buiinn. Flftuls. Ulc a. f, W1WII10D Blank sad Book tm. Call or writs. .in.. SIM floiwd. 41 vMn- as. . H. B. BUTTS. - 1 Plus strut. gi. txioia, Uo. Emilsloi