ST, RHEUMATISM, CURES Mfl FJ "euralcia, LUMBAGO, PAIN, SPRAINS, BRUISES, 8WELLINCS, BURNS. ." O." A Lr.AF!N''3 PI 3. Kurcuialtr il j S I-ii-una u;tlIyiug,ll.curo:..u.stlpatl..u f .VbU-x ttacu(-lu pills cureconstloauou J3; l-rentls ttoctlfylng pills,,n irentles KnrtirriLS pills euro eonatlDaMnn PENIBS RECTIFYING PILL nr '4 Pi! 3 e u JA 5" ' "" "'""cio produca cr astlr-atlon, her Is j.lll mat cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, skit headache and kidney and liver troubles without griping or leaving- any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which t the prlmocnUM,0 Oil SlrkneSS. ViWrO Ot It Milne habliual and rhranl l.h aee to It In Mm.-; these pills will euro yx Ufu 9 SET Cr"' RFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. htiSL I B oecau.10 ,t Is the only safe and harmlesa I Bsssssi m& roniody that will surely DEAUTIFY the COMPLEXION Try a box aad see for your clear the skin and remove ell blotches from the face. Self. 23 Onta n K.. V R"ll Pi CV all i or sont by mall upon receipt of price l,y Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturintr Co.. !32'l0i-CAUPORN,A STWEET' SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ill the M w I, Tcuiu:a.l i.i. Aluut eleven years ao a famous hog i t almost supcrp ircine intelligence was attached to the Imperial circus at .St. i IVtorsburjf, a here it basked in the sun i nine of f.ihhionnble favor throughout - two (ray winter seasons, remarks the London ually ielegrapa. ibis saga cious creature, at once a ready reckoner, fortune teller and deft executioner of card tricks, a the. property of ono '1 ..... I t ... 1 - 1 1 iniiii, a taumub ciown, wao natl CAPTURING The 1.1;- II.U A CULL MOOSE. by i lent ArcomplUhed I! enter. ' n t n (".'. 1J.) Transcript tells r ' si. ry of how a New ; I: L oiter i.iu'cocdod in captur j 11 moose after years of search. ; S.lli.1; has f..r several yean Th 11 i: . Ilrttnv. inff a 1 been the pjiscss-jr of two fine cow mKv, nnd his prreut ambition lias bees to p-o Into the moose-raisinjr business. Year after rear ho has endeavored tc capture a male moose, but np to thii Ilifcnt SeadfcU sviT i.c-.i.e tUt are r.i-. m- ' r - " . nr .11... .... I' - ..i , . I. rcauii from a dlMUrUort-U liver, wax Vertigo, I.udac.-.e, Dyspepsia, Fevers. uns::v?n:;ss, eiiious fit us 11..,..- J ,.i, ncl.l I iU! i. lUi,,., .1.. . . m '"'. Hid". Si n i l. VVKBtier. Or-T ,,, ' t'ouhli UiDiin rmlit -thouiilerun In, rw. s. u ' " on n.:M hip ami on left le. i.mlli,w f,, ' rmlit ehrand nlil in left- Kaiixn h, lls-sla'k I UkUiti.vU) e to. winter failed. Some timo njo he left Por the'O thry are not irrrantHn HM. ftiiT are an nee ny -o p."- SEX IX rOITLATION. Tho Womoa of tiio United States Outnumber tho Men. Official statlntles Showing the Various Changes 1 i Numbers, .Natirjiiality and Location of the People In This Country, The population in this country Is pretty well divided between the two sexes, although according to a bulletin Just issued from the census oiliee there arc about J .500,000 mora males than fe males in the CV00,000 of population. In the New England and middle btates states there are 4",, 000 mure females than males. In the south middle sec- CHESTNUT GROWING.. Caormooa Quantities Cousumed la This Country. The supply of chestnuts never equals .he demand in this country, and many listricts in which the trees are abun dant derive a very respectable income !rom the sale of the nuts. This indus ,ry might be made far more productive nd profitable than it now is by some ittle ell'ort toward cultivation. The ;hestnut cannot be (rrown successfully n heavy eiays, wet soils or limestone and. It prefers loose, sandy soils, or rach as has been derived from the de .omposition of slates and shales. It is frown readily from the seed, but the greatest care must be taken not to let ;he nuts become dry. They should be tion, including the distric t, tho females ?Iant(,- ns soon as (fathered or kept in outnumber the males bv some 20,000. moat 6an(l until Tea1y t0 plant. The While in the northern central section nut "ld be planted where the tree is of the country us far west as .Nebraska to stnJ. s t"e lonif tap root makes the males are in the -majority by over I trausplantinrf diflicult. The European 800,000, in the south central portion this I -hestnut is not only much larprcr and excess reaches only about iiOO.OOl). In hner than the American, but has pro- thc western section of the country the predominaniM! of the males is shown by a majority of over .1110,0011. In this i!i:.ti-i' 1 1 ho males number only 109,..), while the females number 10, H08; M.ui percent, of the total popula tion returned in I '-00 are males and percent are females. In nso the males represented 60.MJ per cent, and tho fo- males 40.1:; per ei. nl. 'I he percentaffes of males and females in IH70 were about the same as those just stated for 1S80, or .10.10 per cent, for males and 40.44 per cent, for females, while in 1800 they were very nearly similar to those (riven for 18110, or .11. Hi per cent, for males and 48.84 per cent, for females. The excess of males over females in ls'jo is 1,513, 510, as against tin excess in 1 ssci of 881, 857. In 1870 the males only exceeded the females by -I'ls, 7,7.1, whereas in 1800 there were T27,MHT more males than fe males. In 18.10 the males exceeded the females by -ISIS, 4 II. The very large ex cess of males in IS00 is readily accounted for by the greatly increased number of Immigrants who have come to this coun try since is mi, over three-fifths of the entire number of immigrants being males. Analyzing the results of the distribu tion of population a-'i'lMilie- to native .1. and foreign l rent, of the- p. ,ii ; eigu born, as avai lSbO and O.i. t per native born in I ' per cent, of the r ! in 1800 lie y r pr : According t 1 tt ( arc in the I'nlted : persons and ;;, meaning by 1! r African d- v civilized Inili increase in t '.. of ll,.1a.!i.M, increase in 1 1 cade of ,. the d.e .. 1 ;. inerea:.( 1 ' orcd, a' 1 ,nv has aire bullet in 1870 to is. titious, pari i ored populaliou 1 A CURE iy 1 .1 li.i 0 : f 1 ems that 1 1.77 per m in s;ii) iUi' for L per cent, in enl. in is.10. The represented UO.aa le pc pulation, whiln .led k,.":i per cent, en' iis in lsuo there U's1i.'.is::.s;i(iv.hile 1 eoli. red persons, '" I" m-oiis, those of . -lapanese and has k'cn an in. 111 P-sl 1,, l;my I "r cent., and an o for Ihe same de ' 1 ' r cent. I-'ur ' I ' 1 the w bite ' :l. and Ihe col- 1 'aim l!ie iui rea.e from ' iTtain extent fic regards the col- e solltll. luccd, under cultivation, a number of varieties, some of which are highly esteemed for the superior quality of their fruit. The trees do not grow so inrjfe as the American, but come into bearing more quickly; the latter does not generally fruit until ten or twelve years old. A Japanese variety has been introduced into the states, which, though not very hardy, is quite dwarf in habit, and, while beginning to fruit it four or five years, produces nuts argereven than the European. These '.wo characters small size and early 'ruitfulncss give them special value, tnd if they can be worked upon stocks )f the American species trees can be secured which will bear earlier and produce larger nuts than our native ipeeies. BROUGHT TO TIME. 1 11 cent. Ab I 1 previous 1 Oil MAY PEVCR. Tine Nee, lie, Miv,., u 1 le Hill Ih ,1.1 in: A Freehold (. who is an inwt. :m mini Mitf r i- IV heretofore . , . auke home. IV! a: hie himself I ihe lie began (o n:iee.:e he claims 1. a s..iv adelphia Ke enl. aiuiple remedy." In of Us dis .mvery most ho given North Carolina mountaineers cut It i. aid. moUliiit 'rolmc ' Meinl. 1, niiined Allen, ':,t and an nn .' lever, which I him to for I business and aiiis as soon as i- overed what says the l'hil . 1111 extremely "and the credit to tho '1 ivo years ago w:e: cfieetsof the r for Asheville, ; luent w ilh an , the luouulaiii het in my stij p mv couiu not 0,1 u nil ..t wns obliged to fall 1 is '. , and long green' t lu i host. 1 not iced that v.-le he always mixed pine 11 e tobacco, and whi n 1 ash, he answered that it was I head.' My head needed and 1 tried the old fellow'; worked like a charm. 1 I lir .t began to feel the : e dd, 1 took a train o 1'., mid found lodge-1 Id 1 raeker away back in s Ilef.'i-K cold weather 1 'v 1 f 1 i; a rs ran out. I 4 Scene Tloit V,is us Inlenaely Uramatle us It W'liri KiOoyuble. Never did the heroine of a play receive mch aymputhy from her spectulors as was accorded the leading huly of a little scene enacted ut a hotel one recent evcuiug, says iho UetroitCoinmcreiiil Advertiser. Dur ing the afternoon an attruetive couple en tered the hotel. The youni! man was about twenty-five years of age. Ho appeared out Jf place In the hostelry. The most showy feature of his attire was a huito white neek- tlo. The young lady was taller and more portly than her companion and possessed very ruddy complexion. To a casual observer It was evident that both wore from the country and that they weroabout to lake part in an event of great importance to thein. The young man ap prouched tho clerk and said he wanted to register "Kred Hastings and friend." Mr. Clerk dipped his pen in Ink when his if nest exclaimed: '-Hold on, you needn't write that. You wait an hour and I'll write that different." Ho ordered a cab and drove to the houso ot a preacher, ro urning In about an hour. "Now I'll register," he Bind, ns he smiled irondly, and wrote "Krod Hustings and VVifo" with a big V. I Tito newly murri d gentleman then joined mrs. nnsunga in mo reception room. Ho was not seen iigiiiu until 0 o'clock, when ae skated across the rotunda lilto a man on oilers. Ho was brimful of happiness com bined with other good things. It scorns that .16 had surreptitiously crooked his elbow jiany times during tho afternoon and tho asfgnosor" was telling. Blnudiiig In tho center of the rotunda he pulled a largo wad of money from his I11 .ldo pocket and declared ho Intended to blow" it all in. This was Mrs. Uasilng's :ue, and sho emerged from the reception room and walked straight to her hubby. In Hence she gazed fiercely at lmu for a fow leconds. The spectators, and there wore many, ookedonand wondered. Tho suspenso was .rokeu by tho loading lady, who, with a .woop, grabbed her bud acting husband by .ho arm. "Como on," sho ordered. "You are mar .'led now and you can't cut up any monkey ihlnes with me." Meekly he followed tho "ainn of the louse" to tho elevator, and I hey were soon .ost to BiKht. Toe scene was intensely dra siatiu uud hugely enjoyed. tirrr.t a and hi pig were bijj. t- a itacxiaj of young' otuccrs of the (iussian g-jard, supping together after the performance, and were called upon to repeat the programme of the evening of course, on payment of a handsome fee. At the conclusion of the show one of the orhcers offered Tanti one 1,1 u sand rubies for his pig. The eiowa de clined to sell, pointing out that the do cile and clever animal constituted his chief source of income, aud that, more over, he was far too fond of it to part fr .m it. I'jKm this thcoliieers pr.iceed i'd to tempt him by outbidding one an other until they ran the price of tne learned pig up to six thousand rubles. This sum, theequivaleuiof over seven hundred pounds, and the rcfji-ctiou thai he could probably train another pig replace the one thus exorbitantly val ued, finally induced Tanti to accept the offer, little thinking to what a dis mal fat he thereby consigned his pet. Next day the luckless animal wn daughtered by order of its purchase! and sent to the clown's lodging with a message to the effect that ''no doubt Signor lanti would like to taste a porker which had been so profitable U him in life and death alike." The whole grim story, equally dis creditable to all concerned in it. trot wind in St. Petersburg and made a painful impression upon Uussinr society. A severe reprimand was ad ministered to the officer whose cruel freak had caused the death of a public favorite, and Tanti's popularity sensi bly declined. Oddly enough, a few weeks later he was fired at while cut ting capers in the ring by an eccentric Polish nobleman, whoso bullet just missed the clown, burying itself in the sawdust at his feet, and causing him such affright that he fled from the cir cus like one demented. When, interrogated as to the motive of his extraordinary conduct, the Sar matian magnate a well-known sports man and patron of the circus calmly replied that, "having been much di verted by the clown's feats, he had felt himself bound to fire a sa lute in Xauti's honor." Shortly after ward i!ie,recipient of this strange com. pliment quitted Kussia for "other climes. DANCE OF BIRDS IN FLORIDA. t-oetie licscrlptlon of a lleautiful Scene vtltiit'HHed on a Tropical Lake. The sky was an unbroken sea of pale pinn sueii a pink, says a writer in Katt field's Washington, as is found only iD climes that are fanned by a breath from the tropics. The tall, grim, south ern lines surrounded the lake somt long since dead, but time had turnec them to a silvery whiteness, while tht gray moss hung in long festoons from their grotesque limbs, making the scenes weird in spite of the roseate sky. As we stood for a moment to drink in the soft, silent beauty, a flock of thir teen curlew flew over our heads, light ing here and there among the pines. Some were blue and some pure white. After sitting for awhile as if tc smooth each rallied feather one flew to the center of the lake, and after slowly living hither and thither as if keeping time to some stately melody another joined the dancer. Hack and forth they flew round and round the lake, Hying side by side, then in dreamy movements parting to meet again and float, wing to wing, above the bosom of the water. Soon others joined them, but the soft, sweeping movements were never broken. No fluttering haste of motion, just a dipping, swaying em bodiment of grace, and now and then a wild cry from the treetops as if some voice was urging them on or sending forth a shout of exultation. At last from all sides they gathered and formed a circle, two by two, like happy lovers, save the one curlew who, like a white winged chief, led all the rest. Round and round the lake they flew, then mounting higher, soaring above the tallest pines, southward they hastened on their joyous flight, and the forest soon hid them from our gaze. rice, Uucub t.LH k'tYillC. search was unavailing until olc day, about thirty miles away from any set tlement and in the heart of the forest, he sighted the object of his search. It was a magnificent specimen, fully six feet high. At this season its antlers h"!l been ?V-d. the new ones were airendy jetting forth. '1 he dogs were set to nipping tee i.i in the rear, driving it toward a tree. Selli -k. creep ing around, su'liienly t.hrew his lasso over the animal's head, twisted the rope around a tree, and had the moose prisoner. It is comparatively easy for a success ful hunter to bring home a dead moose., but it is not so easy with a live one. It took five weeks, climbing over the hills, wading tho morasses, or fording the rivers which marked the thirty miles' distance iK-tween the seenc of the cap ture and the first settlement. The hunter at times had to employ a cata maran to cross the streams, the moose swimming behind. Finally he reached the Intercolonial, took a toxear, which v.-as just high enough for the moose, and brought his prize to Jloncton. Iroufht it up from infancy and taught 1 I ?J 1 , , 1 , to "aii! M '"-- - 1 - t r r v e I tween the h.dwatcra of the iobigae c4-wi ci rki. ti ;i .-v ', , 1 v v -1 fcO'J Jiirarrucrj rivcri for days VUlgOlELE ffl Wilti all bud contequaneei.l bad cociequancM.itMnsuiry, ! of tcij. vrvtr.1 ex item t, iroui muiihi BDLa' j.-V. dUcaiTKM kit manhood, dtpoBdtncj, un D su. m-rry, wjitingwy of th orgitm cerft.oW nd rar-i-i y cured by ufo and ay metli"d . Carai potitlt ilf gu-traned. Qut.t.on B.ackaad liookfre. Call or writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 H. Ninth St.. IT. LOUIS. HO, OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul. JSt . I AMI A I J. POINTS V Olll! tliHtucl.Xoi, w c.iuily. ' "' Pule. Mdtou, VViikiihi. (Ir.-llr , . t - e irele wuli i.Hiiiliel ta.lH) ,,n ,.fi h(, , '. ." (VtiU-auuw on U fthiu Uiiku circle ou f; Hull. Kdwin, John bu',(lr.-attloK Henri 1 liip, heriH minis on niilil houljor. 1 n,,""" (.rant oouut). in llownrd, J U ' Slloway, Or. Homes 1.. with bur above it) ou nul.t shouluer- c,i,T fume on lell side. Ituuite in Morrow aud II ei.lliitlen. IIukIi.s. Mbi, lleppner. Or.-llorwH, heml on the l-U elii.lllllel. UaUKH illiriow l ,. HinihHker. 11 . Ol.- UurHeH w ., 1 hi'Uloer; oa- tie. U on 1,-ft Ills oil left A WONDERFUL CREATURE. The Chameleon nnd Some of Its Striking l'eeuliariticl. The chameleon has for ages been an object of curiosity, not only on account of its ability to change its color at will, a-s one might suppose who had read ac counts which mentioned only that one characteristic, but also on a"cnunt of a remarkable power whi;.h admits of the creature instantly changing its form. At times it takes upjon itself almost the exact form of a mouse; again, with back curved and tail erect, it is the exact counterpart of a miniature crouching lion, which no doubt gave origin to its name, chamol-loon, which clearly means "ground lion." I5y in flating its sides and flattening back and belly it takes upon itself the form of an ovate leaf, the tale acting as the peti ole, the white line over the belly becom ing the midrib. When thus expanded it also has the extraordinary power to sway itself over so as to present an edge to the observer, thus greatly adding to its means of concealment. As is well known, the least excitement iu hand ling will cause a change in the color. In its normal state it is of a light pea green. When excited the groundwork remains the same, but transverse stripes about thirty in number appear on the body. These stripes, which are of a very dark green to begin with, soon change to inky blackness. The prevail ing idea that the chameleon takes upon himself the peculiar hues of whatever he is placed upon is as curious and wide spread as it is erroneous. Placed in boxes lined with red or blue silk, they retain their pea-green color with no leaning toward the brighter hues of the surroundings. The k-neral n o In, no,.-. lish n 'lit fom erly ow ed !) ' Hi" & SI Far la id, has ately c n tnl I m.ds. 1 be m f niiiii r the 0 m.iioI and nmi'St: men! of I'ne .ViFarla el Mercnl d- O 1, t tmv. w .irh is 1 tinues lin-inn.8 id ll-e "le i-fnnd with a laiger sto I-" o ever. 1 here? At Abrahauisick's. Iu aduMti tailoring business, be has add line of underwear of all kind . shirts, hosiery, etc. Also ha .i fo tip d a til f I PgllRI ( tin hand woie elegant lirhnniRick. pntterns for pints. Mnv drppt. He; i-ee. DR.DODDS Cure fo OUC IN HORSES. GUARANTEED. tnr? awDir ot a horn. ilmiTd ken it on hand. It ma ave lite iif. 01 valuable animal. One packet vrl euns eigm 'o ten nana, rnce Seut tjy mail o expreie. Our Ao couDtiiook, w icii contain hjutiirj table keepen, niH d frea U. ijiwvJiitLN tV Co- bl Pine St, Sr. irocis, no The Old Reliable Established its years. Treats malo or fem He, married or slnitle, In cases of exposure-, abuses, excesses or Improprieties, skill GUARANTEED. Board and apartments fumishod when di-slred. Questtou Illaoli and liooic free. Call or write. 85 Tears Experience In treating all vnrl ties of Uupturo e.iubles us to guarantee a positive cure. Question Blank: aud Ilooi free. Call or write. VOLTA-JTEDICO APPLIANCE CO., in Pine Street, - St. LOUIS, MO THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE, ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectlv 8APE. Tt fiaD?.B ?usod bV thot lands of woman all over tt United Otates in the ?LD DOCTOHS firlvate ma! PMctloe, for 88 yeara, and not a sinerlj bad result flioney rcturnrd if not aia reprenented. Bead eents stamps) lop aealcd particulars. ). r-TSTITDTE. 120 Hlath St., Et. L:!i. . kllf CANCER AND OTBX1 HALIONAKI hnnl fha naa . knife Uucition Blank nnrl llnnr f..a .1f or writs IB, H. II. BUTTS. 12 Pine St. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED. IUH !fLL cini-lketLwf'ralew hour, wurk e i "''.."i1"1 e'eommlMlon. 10 i.mpl. frn Uilre.. H. BtNlAMIN A CO.. 822 PineM..SLLouii, rJo! A It Was TWO-TWENTY GAIT. moke and 1 a 'cob pipe 'i -'d by my 1 he smoked lies with his 1 the reason Vl'ar out his 'elarin' nut,' s remedy. It Wlien 1 came home 1 recommended it to my friends, and several who were suffering from catarrh declared that it helped them greatly. An enterprising tobacconist to whom I spoke about the 'euro' got a supply of pine needles ami began tho maiiiifacture of cigars, cigarettes and sinoUing toliaeeo thus medicated. The flavor of toliav, pleasant, an 1 the dclkio: ; v in- . I;. tin stave . . the , cigar I is d ised is very of the smoke is l.a t summer I ieiy fever didn't '. the complaint ; :.v certain that of tobacco and W will tskn wheat ou subscription at bo oeuta per bjsbel. lreut ltecord Onre. but Wonlil '.- lie Slow Now. It is now more than thirty-one years since a trotting horse made a rceoVd of 8:20 or better in harness, sn.vs the Oma ha World-IIcrald. The distinguished animal which performed the feat wn the marc Flora Temple, nndshe trotted Her mile October l.i, ls.V.i. That event made Flora Temple the talk of the country, and most persons predicted that her record would never Ik- beaten Yet since then three hundred and seven ty-Ilve other trotters have beat tlie 'Ji'.'O record, and each year the number greatly increases. In IS'.io it was in creased over M per cent., the number for the yenr being ninety-one. This wonderful increase in speed of our rac ing horses is one of the evidences of the marvelous perfection of modern meth ods. It is impossible to read a history of the turf even for n single year with out being struck by the great' advance, here as elscw -here. What seemed an iiiiiossiinnty tlnrtv years AN IMPUDENT FRENCHMAN. Clever Trick by Which lie Fooled Some Kldcrly females. A wily Frenchman, whose rogueries gave him an unsavory reputution throughout the town in which he lived, at one time claimed to have discovered a spccillc for tho rejuvenescence of women, and, by means of sensational advertising, ho succeeded in gathering a clientele of forty or fifty old dames, who were assembled, on a certain day, in a room tricked out with astrological symbols, crucibles, alembics, anil all the paraphernalia of charlatanry. The conjuror presented himself be fore the ladies and addressed them in flamboyant language, ending as fol lows: "And now, senonis of my soul, it is needful that the mystic ceremonies be fore us bo opened by the eldest one among yon." Then addressing her whose appearance seemed to incicate priority, he asked her age. "Thirty-seven years, scnor." Kimrjored the beldame, who was, at least, in the iokv seventh decade. "And you, senora!" "Thirty-six." And so on, until he had them down to a declared age of twenty years, with a maximum of thirty-seven. 'W ell, ladies, all, you perceive that, without further proceeding, the miracle is accomplished," said Otavito, "for the least gallant of men could not call her INEXPENSIVE BENEVOLENCE. The Method 11 Wise Man Ised with Clrou lators of Sulmei-lption 1'apers. I was in the oflice of a Chicago real- estate and loan agent the other day, says a writer in the New York Sun, and had scarcely got seated when a woman was admitted, and asked him for a sub scription to some charity. "With the greatest of pleasure, ma'am," he replied, and producing a cheek-book he filled out a check for 810. She thanked him very sweetly as she withdrew, and it was only five minutes after when a man entered and asked for a contribution to some poor chil dren's fund. "Certainly only too glad," replied the agent, and he wrote out another check for S10. After we had been interrupted four times, nnd he had cheerfully written four checks I said to him: "You certainly deserve the title of a philanthropist." "Well, perhaps." - "But I notice that you ask no ques tions and take every thing for granted. Have you no fear of being swindled?" , "None whatever." "Well, the people of Chicago must be m hone;.t t-row-l." "Ob, it i.-n't that, my dear sir. Let :ne " Here a lady entered nnd nslrod for a -ontril.ut -o-i t, r-.f! - In ;. iviu-r a free ixeun-io-,: t 1 a m-'i! -,- ; '...,. ami he wrote ..ft a check lor .'-I., and waved her JUt. and c; .i-tinned: "Let, 1110 eplnin. All tlmse checks re worthless, ns thov eve drawn one 1 funds. 1 do it to JVT folks Reduced 15 to 25 piundirerm'-nfri. No w tarvlng. no incon.en ence, i o remit., tiorinnenui dru,f.. Ircatment perfectly harmlen aud a'ricMv coufl ilenual. OiieBtion Bl vk an-l Hook iree. Call or write. X)H. 11. ii. UU'il'S.Sl'.neblreel, bt.Loun.Mo. can petavalrmbleMOTtthftt cost mo ij.oo,an(i a rubber shield for 80 cmt i Wire. V. M.APP. CO. ! 899 PTWK STRFFT, ST. LOUIS, MO, Twin ivt-H JITl'M'r. U Arriv' C 1!0 p. ru , daily except Aibwrl. Nvu. UnttonH . .. cubiiecttni, uu left ahouMor; t,tHltjou UlJ J hil'.crup ut. ltft twtr, w" iiiiUTphreytt, J Hi. liartlamii, Or. Hnr. u IhI HrU.k ".H, llitytw, J. M., Hf ppner. Or.-Hnrw, wiWiV. on lell nhonltlei unit Id. mum on right Inn llliMtili. Luilicr. hltfltl Alllt). I'. H,,, ir tin iiM (sliouuicrttuiJ heart ou the left Htitle ri llf KM MM !. IhII ll!. liRflKM in Alltrrow I VI. AlffMi. Loiik ('rHk. Ilr.-ta.lll ,11'' lorani n (iraat Reclining Chair Ors and Diners. 1'nrtlnii.l to Shu every four duvs. Frsimisci lickct s TO AND FKOM I mi rope. For rates and general llilorlimllon rsll on ivpot Tii'kcl nful ei. c;. 1 1 a irr , ., ,- i Hi HO" iit'iti.f'.ru'i. ti '.i -.'',1 Uh-iuiiy;i I' SYPHILIS, uceMful Treat mi The wont fortsi poil. llrelj cared 31 jcartt eMful Trfatmcnt confldt-nlia'. Turp by mall or a- oliiL-e. icriuiiow. yni'iinni imii am Book free, tall or write. IR WAR INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St..St.LoulS,M0 Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances SSSfeSaJS be -WlaW medicaleJ. UMi-t:ij Belts, Suspensories. Rpl. ZifcfV- rtiTS "'li HPimaiiei's, aiiooiii, &4&MAi hi"! bnpiiorlers, Vests, mm.WZ '"'. Caps, Curos niieninnlisin, Liver and ntrtnfly CoiMplaittts, I-Hpepriia, Krrors of Youth, Lost Jilftnho'l, rVirv,iiHrmH, sexuiil Wenk- n"HRt antl nllTrouM.-s iu Pia'o or oinale, QiientiuzT liluulr. aad liouk free Cull or Volta-Medica Appliance Co., J33 Fine Street, - bT. LOUIS, BIO. null' ''!' cropotl It'ftbtti aud bit in riKlit , nntilitv Juuktu, 8. M., Ht).pnor, Or -HtirHHs, hora. h(w J u Jell shoulder. fui, n,d lu.i.tfH t.n KKvhi Milu. wulie' joliimou, l-eln LeiiH, r. Honmn, cireis'f,, loll Mine; rwllitt, hJiiiiMou riglit tnji, unUor i'.ii'V in riuhl Hint Hidit in IhK Hnr 1 J'i.kiiiB, L) ...,.u. Vernoii.or. J on norma in, lett Bhi.uitlor; on cuitie, J ou left hipHiiUiwo miiooih orupt oo boih HtiiB, lUuiKMin roiiuT.1 bear vhIIah 'u heiiii, Alike, lluiinnr. Or. iUtnm bmndnH KM u letl iiip uailtu ttume ttiul urup ot Uft (u.r: utaler tloe oil Ih rllit 1 Kirk J. T., Hornier, Or. Muraw HH dliuultlt'r; caillw, fW mi Ml hip. " him. J l , lU'ppiitM, ur. UoruB. 17 i llHuk: tiuiiiw 1 1 mi rmai aide. Knk, JeHMe, lieppuur. Or,; hone fMiuiiiei ; can it Ntuie ou i iKht blue, i mill etr. Ktnuborlaail.W.ti.. Mount Vernon, Or. 1 L0 ihiiif tilt iikIiI and lot I BitleH, (wmiow fork in lift btti antl unuer uiwb Mi iimM Mr, titiht)tj1n,llJB inuiitt in. toil Hliouluei. Uui.Ke iu (Irani t oiiutv L.-tU-a, ttlepheu, lox,ui.-o Lou i,it ,u' or. fan it, flop tvji.I up, a ou right ear. ilonM hauiti hi and ou lfi Hii.uMr, Uhuo iirmit &u-ualliii, Joliti W., L Or.-HorMi iiiitnu-u intii-uiiciu J L connected tl ieIl , . uei. t a.uu. muh on h i hip. UauKb, awar Lhi' IliKloti. U-iilit'y, J. VV llfppner Or.-llurmta b-andori Lain A ' l' lt Bhou.der; urtit., Mimil i I.. I. U,.,lliii.tri ru 111 ... . . , . "M ') " in.t.w ijb, iiiiiiu Bill m 11 tn Ufr undarbu ou l,Ul'(i, llWII'liB. rtit lleppnei. Or. Ilorbeh .louhit- ll toji.txii Auiueiiuieb caliwl a wii'H II, on it-n bhuulder. .iniikliau., A. ii. in-ppoer, Or.-dmlo Ur IU ill, It'll r-ltlO Ltl-lll Haiti CroUPtHl. .Hill .1,1., ? ion tup. liuuKe, imrk'i M 1)IQ H) -tioiwib. M with bo tl llOlbHB tU Oti CULiHHl. Minor, Obt'Hr, Jteppner, t)r. ('at tie ri,M'i ni; limine, diiiii luHHtitiuluor. ittjiKhu, a. IN., lleppuer. Or. llnmuu -on n'ti'': uaiite bituiu on lolt hip. I .iitv imiutti, diib rt, iLCliu, ur.- I'll. wVlH Oil llKllL iiomuw. jloiKiiJw iiiut.., liuppntji, Or. horbtm, tircia 1 .ii mil hi.t.i.iuel aim IfIL lhih: cauie l im Aliiclu-ii., Or. liurbt'o. 1 on ruht hip, calUt, ii on iiKltl Hide. .net miu, 1. u., liiowurtviljy. Or, Jtorbeti ruunt wtcl. hi,ui,.ut)i. uallie. Ma nit ton ' .Ui l ar., bi.vid U., hui.u.oi. llomyB nnunii. UM l uni.t-'cU'u, on the let L blioiiltiul'i cattle wtmfl li lii auu nide. ituijui, liai,k, hu Vuliuj, Or.-jliul,, With tor-coik on L-allle on riht, and undor in .hu. t-ai'i huiboh Maiiiu hiaud on Iwilaunnt. incliaitj, u. V., liauiiuon, or On liumie K witli Ituii cui:i unuei on lell nhouidur;on t mile loin biirb ciiimeuii'd ou Kip on lite n,(ht wum' l.tkilU III tiUuit t.ouiiiy, iai.Anuiuw. Loue Uouk.Ur. Hoibeb A N auu. nucuti uu lell aii.iuidul i uatlle Millie on UoUUiiub Noi'tlke, 1., iMivuiiou. Or. lioiHen, ctruie i wu it'll Uii.. cailie. matue on left hip. UiiVfi, J , ttuiion Hi. Or. A a on m.Mla on wit hip; un liuibbb, naiue ouielttiiigh, Ibuim Uilei, ieiT, LexuiKluu. Or. 1' O .. ift Btlltu.ilii. uip, huruian, I'mnie l.'ity, Or. Ou catlle, 0 1.1 t;unnei;ltHi on lell lilp; Uoioetl on IhII HihU ani wai iio uu uobu. Uanue in Oiaul oouulv aibun, oiuvu,iLiKiit Mile, Or.-Uorbub, quar uncie bliiLiu on iell btiuuidur aud on left . 1 auie, luik m loli, yat. nnUL iiinniaai -ja on lell nip. iutnui on ihiainL iWiih. 1 at km a Oiuabon, liaiuiuan.Or, lloibebll'ou I1 ll tiliouiuei. 4 pti, I'.n.e t, Lexinyiou, Or.- ilor en brand, o b VL fc. cui.neoltouy u. iell nhouidei ; uutun Wiine you keep join BiibbcnpUoii tani m, v i I i iv-ei, a. UiLim. m. can keep your brailJ in f re of chartn . 1 nwteu ibii .inuui ; caiue, ouuiu uu iell inu Alhn, T. J l.Tle, Or. Hor-e. tm ., ,r, "T"'.. : cattle hum. on left l,i ; i, ....... "' V- v. noise. Uluuionu if on uuner bit on the lfo r . i,.;' ..... u.,'."lt'"' u!ia. uu Iu USUI. Fliot-Pl-hils mi tlie Putli to Heidlll. Evetj'oiie iHedii'g 11 uWiiu'n nil vice slinuld rend ore of l)r Finile's dime pHniplilets on "Old EyeH," "Criuip," ,'Rilptufe," "I'hinio-in." "Vin icoctde." Uiseiife of nu li, Discime of V, men. and leanidi- best means of sil-eioe. M Hill Pub. Co, 129 EiiH 2Hib ht., Ne Yo.t. STtlt h nilAMIS. -him row count-. ! 1 : and th, bank w 1: avc tiiii". pnred to tend, at d reeh n i (or half mi ln,r hecks 1 secure iii'omid the U'vk mil a well-heeled uothing. When Here lie paused to fill out a check for sai tor tne c-ta'di.-hment of bethel, nnd then line lu-d: "When the cheeks eve presoi.-d they itc found to be worthless. tilose holding them either cet mud , ,,.iu In either case tivv never retmn "icy give ill" away. Try it, mv boy. Saves time, money and gnii; and it won't be a month U toiv you'll lM- satis lied that you ale doing einirity n be'tWr orvice than if you were handing out the cold cash." rs pre in and con i i w on, sit 'iuiur tliese a i.-reat reputation as a plii'iuithropist man, mid it e,.,Nt-, nie sailors' $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A nijn onoj! etitererl a prlnon where was eonflneil l cin,U.-iiiK..I criminal. On making a renucut to 1 -nndiieteil mm Uie iireltnce nf thf dimmed man. Ih. 'iKilnr w. informed lhat none hilt aere Krmit en t.- at e the pri.oner. The .IslUir .aid : " Brotlien injaiaters have I ni ne, but that aiau'i (lb prisoner's; inner I , my father s son. lie was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what re atinn was ihe pnsiiner Uy the .isilorf Ti e AericuluirlstPuhlishingrnmpiiiiy will irlve SiO 1 5-j!,wU.S.hepen",, "f,lin "" iik'ans, ladies nd cents gold and silver watches.' nil! criici-s, diamond rinB, etc To Ihe t,erson sendina the last correct an.wer will hi nien a high-iorn-d piano, to the nni to ihe last a heanll f ?he"rwa"re r"X" ,'th,Me tbH III I.l-:s.-(t All answers must, heeent hj-mail. am ai pos'mnrk not later limn Uec. 31. 1893 ( 2) Th re w I no , harge whalrverto i-nierlhis roiiijietilion, l ut al ill" . oiiipeie are eipectnl to .end one dollar ,r , la 11., auto-rn.iion in either Tils J.amv,, Homi Ml.j.imt or AHlcn.Trii bt-i r the cnoiresi illu Haled leriodicala of the ,v li All pils. winners Hill he espee ed asalat iw in eiin ,1 W "iircinulati-n (4) The tirst cem-, t , i 11,1', 1-o.imaik takpn in nil , s,e. h. .i . loasto Rive every one an ecmal chiinee, en rentier uii. i. , .Z . Z n"iy lea ne), will secure U,e In p,iW: ih. ii-i-nnd, the neit pne, and so on Inr A.inicri.n-iosT is an old establish, d cinreru ml pnra. sues ample means to enable it toianyimi , t l.ri.n,ies. Send for nrinle.1 Ih. J ," ' "' '" i.imerH ) I , ,V i 7 . - B r'..nown ii. ml. i, , hin. i.'i'ed to hi t ns in, L't .. n,i . in LJ T, i . i ,1,,,, ire la-ilj- swanled: t'innmiii,,ie l ali-uit n ,,,', . ; , ' " -ie,n . mi, s IT nt !,; t or-nii-l, l;,.f,.r s n,0n. v let eis 1'l.Tl lT I'm. Co. tl.'til). reurUei,ti., ( iu' Aimetrong. J. t'.. Alnine. Dr. T ,n, k.. ... uei ii oiiien suoniuer ol liiuaeB; cuttle Hume .it leu nip. Allison. O. T).. Kiebt Mile ll, iv. ,i.. i j i .. .. , ' 7 , - llltlllll o u on 101 1 ll MIHl Oilmen ,iiim ,r,.,..l ..n .h.,;.l..e 1.I..I.. .,; " " " " "H"' Ailkine, J. J llet imer. Or. llor.e .11 nuclei! on lo t ttiu.k: i-itltle. naineon l,.o ourinoia mi w. a. u a , ri- ., e.....l..,l " f . , -- "i. rioiHeB ' " "" '" 1 "i.ouiucr. iiiuiKe in Mo - Hleskman. (ieo., Ilardnmn, Or.-Horw.B tin. o, 1,-fl Blioulder: caltle ,e rigi ",oi", r .. u M Jj .iriiiiei, reier, uoi Heherri brniiili d P 11 on left shoulder. neui wue eHr. Oreuon lloraea t attle siime on iiuike. ill at c. Ij.iik I reek, Or-On entile 1A1 ceniiccler I on left l,c,o, el ", : tonat). ' '"' '"' i.i,.e,nan, Jem-, Lena, Or.-Hoi-bi.k hi-m,.( ; i . ... .. ''"' . ear ut, per one. n m. , ll ppner, Or. -Urwa. J H ,. i-aine. winie on r uin ,ii; splii ii Hurt lelil tliiKI ai-lt ear. iM Min.'-.tei?.?.-.' . ".!' IR "D the . .., ...i .nni ill i: ruiiue. i Colllitv. UroMii, J. Iln, ...... O. ,, will line. ,...:,, .',. ': ' '.",""' "ircli Rrowi, w I .'...",' " '""' '.""le ,.,i, V. (.:(.,"',' y "son. nit- iell KIlOllllllT. nip. Hllmo. Ilorsea W l,.,r I'nlllcnaineoii Icil llojer, iiami ii. in-li ear. bom, 1' W. ti Hrjilnier, (, ... r v, hi,,,,,.. ,UI lib I; Hi priiiM. Or. II,.,- Oe .,nen , f, J., rol.dr i ;,nl. ,t, , ,, i-lll on) Hi' Ulilet I. lell M,!,. lililule Ii, , r 11,1 ll on o 1 111. I coin ti I uianei Warren. W en o in, ,K,t tngp l.-f. "Iilil . I' Mm, ,.f, Hi eo l l. e, ,-. 'Ill 'llili IUi, e.l,li,w ... . - . ii, ,1.0, ion,) Vr '"'liny, It-or Some of ll;tli. Medical scientists can not agree as to whether the man who commits suicide aufc'ht but younp; whoso years are but M msaIU or iai ;'U:'' says the Detroit Free thirty-seven and you see for yourselves ' u" l '' 1 ' " P'P 'ct of reach- that is the you afje of the oldest among ilorng Praia. e desire to say to onr oitisens. that for years we have been wiling Dr. Kinit's nw duoovery for consumption br King's nsw life pills, Bucklen's arnica snlve and electric bitters, and lisve nev er handled remedies that sell ns well, or that have siven snob nnivuraul eii..,. ULTO Wns ne- li,-.,, Vl' "'v 'ouiplishe,llvi,ei,i-lv- ,,,..1 ,.. "" '" '"" i" guarantee ,,.' , . , oiouiiK inem everv time, anil we stand rendv to horses last year. In view of this ,,., , refund the purchase price. i( fflL Inei ease m averajri. speed f our racers, l results do not follow their use These w ho shall say that the record of a mil remedies have won their great populari- ... .vw. oj. ...uiiii o. iu lor'' rcmajji ') wumy un nieir merits. Slocum the best? j 1 Johnson Drug Co. mg a verdict whir', will end with "some f both." It is a fact thut out of every Sfty suicides only two or three can be ecountcd for by any reasonable ex yuses on the part of the living-. A Million rnad an Ift1 iD.?ed " '"ond indeed, and not less than one million peoMe hsve fotind jn.t snrh a friend jn ijr Kmg s New Disooverv for consumption: . """- yon have never used this great eongh medicine, one trial "ill convinc yon tlmt it has womlerfii ourative powers in -11 diseases of throat chest . anrl Inngs. Each bottle is B, t todoallthatli claimed nr will be refindeH Trial t..i. . ' inm-Johneor, Drug to. Uwlot. uei uuo ana i.tJ. Of.ras!s, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent business conducted fcr MODERATE FEES. Icfennatlon and advice (riven to Inventors wltboot Obr.rp". Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEODERBURM, Managing Attorney, " 0. Hox 403. WAsnnmios.D.a O-T .;. Company Is nwnamd by a combination of "ii- ti'rp,- , r,,i mo.! Innuentlnl newapaper, in the . .. ; !,.,.!,; i -,. en-ree purpose of proieet "K torfr i..u..,-i:.r, n(rrunoul ,:i c am paper ....i..i,-,.l-II.,,..,tvmi-.lifrt,eri.,n,n,u ... .-.a. ei-.-h .t.tto. of tli 1-reMaslnwCoiiiaMiT f in I'i.j iU H(!l e, (It.- l(.,fe, l,ra,.u. ',!;;,! -'l. ear. lttt.e iu ll 1' on horses onleftatiHe and on left Btirlr, on ,,n , ' , 11 ahouliler left shoulder oal .1. 1 ,?.U" n ,ier Jr; ,. ranee it, Urant county ' "riWB 5 Jers. All 'in-. "HigeJlorn-,,, ' '"' "Bin t'ate,( l,H8. U vTnson of " "i1"1'" H (! on rii.1,1 ai! ,.u . . 1 Le". Or. Hr.u. houldiT: . T ' . f'.VrV '"'.rea J I acli jaw uud iw u , i' ;..,'l'u' laddies uo, i. ll., John bm. i " i..." ' on lef uch hipuucuitle, swallow, f.'.ri, , "',""' hi rn-htear, b.lih I " ' "' and under l,n i- inii i. ue... .. -'. ..ii -i.. .li. " i" Diiouiuer. Han l.iniclieil upper bit in riebl h ' 1? " ' e"r 'i',",.' n""" l'l crop jy,n,lS"'P tie, samcour Kin hZZ T eft ,l ...a. P"'!",'1- Br nia.-k . , ,.- ...., i in ni't.t left'siihe'"- l- "'fiiOr. toi td. 8. t'uuk.A.J..Ii.n.fh.-U... .. Hi Caltle. sin,., Z v. ." '", 'n rieht shorn "!'!. oft left and "u tr mark soaan Htirnes. x 0(J b,a,,ded cirXwhl,,a,tir"',t V"' , ? eoT;""1 low-'"- iu each .. "'." V rieels. '' r:imily er 'Hiatus, in grandson. Tho Queen's rm,,i At t ),! ii , , cr .Mtlj ;; , e o numbers fifty livi,,, (1 , cliuiinr; sons and daiAlurr and craml, In,,.. !... and preatefrra-nddahfeM' whom she has f.,e . 1!sides uat1S.,tcrs.i!i:; fou, and one m,, , , L,..e r'lml,ns-in la 'y1 n d;v:gh- '''-"Idifi-jhtor, II these v.e ii,.'.-'", ''; Sl,'i-i.'i-!atv - r tamilw .;..i fo ii r. n . . -f. ii'. lias loir no son ter, five frandson,, one oneprr..a.-Lera:i..n wmija nunilier seveuly 1 Cheapest. left hip. lu wau" wr; hurtieB. U riftht shoulder. xleppner, Or. Diamond tniny, ( . m. ii... ZTVSL . s ; M,r: .4 on left. -- K'i in .llt ud irii r lornriKi. I i n K riKht h,p- uoe;MF";itrrba0-r(ltl. LF oa boulder. wlln " auder ou right ."cat.orH0 f on . with tar over it, on leftairhT. ,ttls b""ded sr. Horae. i.: wu,,BIt aide cron ff i... Uay, H.u ' -S aon left hip, ' " .houliier Or.-bli n left tMi i.t..... - .... v.,. norses, anchor h i . . CK t o,, Fos. (Wry, Klmpr, Frho Or u with a missia . :v,r--Horea hn.n,iri ear ana aiip ui tii i oweli, jonn I., Ouyville, Or HoiaeB. J P iu.u. nut;. u ui ieU Biiuuiuei. t,aiUe Ott. uouomjieu uU iell nip, io uuuer nail oi-upb, ou on euuii ear wauie uutier iniuai. Iwui go in uranluoumy. Ituuu. Auuiew, iiaitiinau.Ol.-iioiiHib, bqU(tr uiub. vsitti yuailoi-ciicie over Hon lull blllie. i.eiunt,ui, Ciuitt, Ueppner, Or. rioibuu, L, It on leli bliuuiutii . nitb. lan, Haiduian, Or.; Iiurbea, Uiroe pauol wonnlence ou iu bnouiuer; uaaie, LlArt no iislti biiuuiuei. i,auj(e near Hamiuan., Aniuu, lioupnoj, Oi licibeb, plain V oil iell bl.uu.uor; cattle, aiuu brauu iHVHrKMi ,.n iiKliLI.ip and uiop oil riyUlear. Ifcauno m Mur lowuounlj. uuon uiob., lH'ppuer, Or. Horse brauilwl uu Uie iikIiI blioiAiuer; ualUe, 1a ou LUu iell inn, lop i.a ion l.,1 auuuovtuoon i.uiiu ir lUijiiinv uiiu uujuininu uuuiiiieti. i.ubt, .Vnuaiu, l.iuuu. ur. IIiuhkh It ituonuuiuui, uuLiie, u ou lett lap, crop oil Ubitl tiui , uiiuel oi i un lull ear. fti.M.11.. it n Wtitli.LlO, lOUliti UlUL. ull llAill Hill'. la,iti..f,' lima im am Jiuiiow m mullet, i.u.Uiij, flLtmitt, iwexiuiilon. Or. Hmswi uiauutju a it ou i-iniii Bi.oumer, venl tiuailel ciicie uui ijtaiiti; catLio aarno ou ritiii ani, Jiuiiuw couul. ijbe, iiii. u, uautvilie. Ol 111. connected Wiin muuiui m-na ovui Lup ou uallleou llytiliup ouinuljiai.aon iell nnuuiuer. iwautje in Jloiiuw Uiuni aiiu iJiiiiaiut-oniiiiuij. i.euun.j, w., iiupuuer. Or. lluibuo. JC ut iMUfi.uu.uti. Caiuo, own uaniliip. X pica nail, J. W., UuoBetiun, Or.- Hume niiuiUtu .il on IeU bli..uiuei J muuu iu JlonuW t.obnli. o.tumK, I, i; ilttppnei, Or lloraeb biandetl 8 A tin ilh eiuiUluoi ; cutue nauie on leit nip. j a(,t,ui . , i. ji iAUifcion, Of. Horaed nll Uliau III.UUI U OU ieU BllUO. Cattlf It With ..iil-u uiiuu 1(. i,, iiiu ai4Ji Cu,p uu Hnnl ear anil OU IIBOl Uiilli iuaj, isuliu 111 xOlltlA', inmUt uuu GiiJUUiia couuuub. a..w..,,st.ii, lV. ..Auiuua. lloibub briuKlt"' 'i l. U i i aiit.utut.-l , tBitii; auuiO UU lull (tip. V. iUJ 1.1. nui, Mtttiie on ion iiiuu ieH. oua.fciu rt. lii,( iiuppuei, Or. liorbeb bhadoq j 0 on lei. ouue, culuo d i on loll nip, nwaiiuw tout, in riBii. ear, unuei un iu iell. oapp. inob,, Ueppuoi , Or. iioraeb, A iJ un iell nip; oatu. buiuo ou lell nip. oniiei.jonu, j-oji, or, io coiiueotwd ou nuibubon iibui iup; cuiuM) ou riglll ciop uii iikul ear ana uuuer bii in iell eat. Linux in uranl cuuni, toiuiin liiob., oubHnviile, Or. Horhe, bianded U. L. uubuouiuet; ctttliw, aine ou lull oiiouidor. oquueb, jaiueb, AinuKion, or,; nuioea uiauded Jb on iwii buomuer, canie liio naiue, aibo nota auuie. liantse in Jioriuw uud uiiiiuw cuaulitM. OlepiieiiB, V . d.( llutdiUttu, Or-; uutbWH aauu iikiii btiUo; caLUe u.aizouuu L ou tne itulil Blda otevenoon, iuib a. ., lioppnei, or. caiUu, ti on i mat m, ; bwatiow-ioia tu fell ear, .abBaii, lj. aeppuer, ui. lioinwa, 44 ou tell biiouaui.. ; caiue, 4 ou lell Uip.,. UM neppuer, Or. i.atUe W (J oo IBH nip, crop od ri(tlU HU(J uuayj -j,,, 1U wl t)lU.( laiima t v, ou ion ttnouiuer. AnouipBun, . A., iibppuur. Or. iloibuu, J oD iwit aiiouio. r; caLUe, . ou iell auouiuer. Aippwu.o. I., tii. iiwihob, O-on ieU biiumuut. luiuurH. W.,aeppner, Or.-iuail capital X iell btiouiuui, Uoibbb; catlle aaiuu ou lell htu witk aplniu boll. eurb. lnoruLuu, U. ai ione, Or.-lloraeH braudeil 111 connecLed ou leu auue; ttheep bauie brand. ! Ran, . t.ii, ra. train Mi:rr..,.'..,"TW It. on left .n. i.e.,.. ,:, : iuaTOi- ver it, on C, ,1 ..."""eted ,r,v. -""U'Uer' Helkr" a.i.1. cena, "h quarter oircl. ' H att A M p-j -uiett in MorW,- ..S".;"' vunuelpool, 11. T.. UiL Or: lloraea II V ,;,, n. uecleu ou rmlil liouiuor;cnlUe, ouuie oa rlsut Ul. VValbridae, Wm.. Hcppuer.Or. Horses, 0. L. leu. auouiutti'i oullli) same ou ilk-lil In p. cmp ult lett oar uuu rigat ear looped. VViison, John y baleni or Heuouer, 0r. Uorsosorauueiljoouuie loft slioluuer. Haute lUOl'lllW UOUl,t. ttaiieu, n b.t.'aleb.Or-Cattlo W with quarter urcie over it, uu ,otl slUe, eollt iu ciiiul ear. nor,,, same lirauc! on lell shoulder. Itaiiaein liraut oouutj. Vt riuau .muu A H.nnn.. n. - , i.j "1 tao rmht lup, .quare orop on right ear Viuue, Hur, Heopnor, Or. Horse bianded ace, oi .pauee on ibu shoulder aud lett lap ill ""J"""' '"'"" "U lell iub and lett uip. n ens, a. a., Iteiipuer, or.-ttorsos, on left abuuiuer; oati e nuuio. Woltinser, John, John ilay Citr.Or On horsa lliree paranol ours ou left shoulder! 7 on sueep, -,Ho. lh w ra' ad ilalhuer efV,!!!w.rd' , oha- Heppner, Or.-Horsa, DP oouuectM ou lett.hoiiluer. VV atkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horse brandedi couuecteu on left etitle. r.J, ?l ,' V0"1"". feftland, Or.-Oattl. W on r Slit tuish, hoi. in left earj borne, W on right auouluer, sora. sauiaou left shoulder. n iilttier luo.., uuniu gtou, llakerCo.. Or. -Uors branded VV B. ooiiueuteu ou ion .aoulder Williams Vasco, Uauiilton, Or.-Quarter cir lTr.. V u"1'" t"ir" ou "ill- hip, both callle and u. ,1' laiiire tiruut county, tr i J ,' Lmu l;r. Or-Horees, qasr ",,,''1 over three bar uo Ml hip; cuttle aaui W.S .lu ?HLh BKr ui Uranl county "'en, A. A... ui, .,.,.. o u .... i l b shoulderi . hii.h. same on riihTT.iT "uuer tlnabeth 4 Sons, Hardioan Or. i tie i branu"l IK VV counected) jW on left siuuo on riebt shoulder. J. W' u. ., " . seme on rieht slioulder. J. w hjmH.1.,.. . '"'"ei a cm,ie, eau.. on leit bio. horses aam i Morrow ind Umatill ,he "snt h,r , ' T " iu liollow county.. lJtulacol,ti "P. loung, J. b .. Ooonerjo rrv.O r.-H or-ah T.iiileO