Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 17, 1893, Image 2

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:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
CTT ND 1 60 ACHES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded laud there are 140 acre good farming laud, end the balance A 1 i astnre. The deeded laud l a t' Tn"S 0
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Deeded ranch, 160 acrel boss wheat lSTwUI seW ?n .5 aSlm'no'use'for
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, ownor lives in tue i.bm
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Monwv county, cheap and on enev terms.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
Patronize those who patronxz.
A'a hnlH ftnrh and Avflrv enrresnondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer a real name Uiigned M au evidence of
good laitn.
Did you ever
Rend about the
Man who
Hid hia
Libt under
A bushel f
Yea? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
Abb jjood ud.
In n food, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
ALToKr.D, the governor of Illinois,
says there are no anarohists in his state.
J. Soott Hahhihun, b brother of eic
President Harrison, has been appointed
surveyor ot - customs for the port of
Kansas City, Mo. The surveyor is a
Patriots of the Hawaiian revolution,
hearken. There are 1(00 able-bodied
men in Oregon who are willing to go to
your asmstiiuce in overthrowing the
nigger dynasty. Give the tip and we
are with you. Telegram.
Eastern Oiieuon bankers should
train their double-barreled shot-guns
o as to rake the bow of anv Dresummu
stranger who demands lucre without the
formality of making deposits previous
to uoiuy so. This htiuk robbery busi
ness should be rq.ielol.ed.
The Uuwaiiiui provisional government
line blood in his eye. Our news from
Honolulu tod'iy indicates that the tiro
visional government does not propose to
surrender without a fight. The first
ttung that Cleveland knows ha w
have a big-fl'zed wur on his hands.
liiit Portland Telegram has a frank,
quaint way of saying everything, and il
doesu't tiiko the reader a minute to
find out that it is a live nnner linvinu a
few opinions of its own. The Telernm
now giveB the news to Ueppner twenty
four hours in advance of any other
paper published in the metropolis.
A UANKHit of St. Louis. J. Carl Kim
sell, took occasion at a convention of
bankers at Decauter Ills., on the Hth
lust., to oriticize the government's stand
on the coinage of silver aud gold, and
was forthwith forced out of the mnetina
This plan may work for a time with the
gold-bugs, but the truth will out in
Bpite of everything.
Home of those who want wool placed
on the free list say it is but s minor
industry of not enough importance to be
protected. This statement has caused
the Gazette to look the matter tip and
it finds wool growing our seventh large-
est agricultural industry representing
au investment of $100,000,000 ia sheep
alone. Not so small after all.
Thk San FrBuoisco Examiner and
Chronicle have called for the impeach
ment of President Cleveland, giving as a
reason that his action in regard to the
provisional government of Hawaii is
really a declaration of war, and this
duty devolves on oongresa and cougress
only. Every liberty-loving journal in
the land will doubtless endorse the
suggestion of our great Western jour
nals, and immediately iusist that dic
tator Oevelaud Bhould be removed from
Kouk of the Hawaii revolutionists
have the blood of the men of Lexington
and Concord in their veins. Tbey have
power to fire another shot heard round
tba world in defense of the right of
elf-government against alien aggression
in support of tyranny. They should
mee1 Amerionn troops employi d in the
shameful business of setting up the
corrupt monarchy they have thrown off
as their New Eugland ancestors met
British troops. American publio opin
ion will be first to sustain them. Oregon
Tbat this government had anything
ti do with setting np the provisional
government in Hawaii ia vigoronsly
denied by the leaders of affairs in
Hawaii. It looks as though Gresbam
used the opportunity to oast a slur upon
bis former opt onent, Harrison. If
uigger dynasties are wbat.the administra
tion wants, it can keep busy for the
remainder of the term. Not a patriotic
paper of any party supports the Gresh-am-Cleveland
policy in Hawaii, and it
may be the cause of thousands oi
Amerioans going to Hawaii to assist in
the continuation of the provisional
government. Our people are built that
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
CoutaiuH Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering il
through the mucona surfaces. Sucb
articles should never be nsed except
en prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the dauinge they will do it
ten fold to the good you can posihl
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cur
manufactured bv F. J. Cheney A- Co..
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and ic
taken internally, acting directly npon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
he aure you get the genuine. It ir
taken internally, and made in Toledo.
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi.
monialfl free.
tSTSold by druggists, price 75o. per
THK till AN I) 1.(1 1)1 IK.
Thirteenth A annul Convention tit Henniier
The Big Little City of Heppner Doe
The Ornnd-
From the Orefon Knight.
Ou Oot. 10, 11 and 12. the Grand
Lodge of Oregon convened at Heppnet
All Grand Lodge officers were present.
and the chnraoteristio of the convention
was the grant amount of aotnal business
transacted; in other words, it was striot
ly a business raeeline. The citizens anil
Knights of Heppner under the leadership
of tirou. Henry Blaokman and Otis
Patterson lft nothing undone to enter
tain the visiting brethern, and there was
"music in the air" from the moment
the delegates arrived until the last
minute of theirjdepnrture. Balls, sur
prise parties, banquets and serenades
galore, were the order of the day, and
the Ueppuer convention iu one that will
he long remembered by all those who
attended. Orogon Knights will always
uave n warm spot il their hearts f r
the people ot Heppner.
The parade of the Uniform R;ink,
Uraud Lodge officers, representatives
and Doric Lodge No. 20 was the feature
of the second day; the whole was nuder
oomrannd of Lieut. Col. Hoohstedler
marshal; about 250 Kuights and Sir
Kuights participated and filed into the
opera house.
Here tho following wer invited to
seats ou the stage; Mayor Simons. Hon.
II. Blaokman, Supreme Bepresentntives
Uuehannn aud Hume, P. Q. C'e, Cleve
land, Jett and Col. Uoohstodler, Q. 0
Sharon, (1. V. O Waddle, G. P. Hill
G. K R. H. McCounell, O. M. of Ex
Sargent, G. M. at A . Geary. G. I. G.
W atts, U. U. G. Fellows, P. O. Otis
Patterson, Colonels Cook, Povev, Ken
nedy and Major Matuies.
In all about 500 people were assembled
iu the theater building to be welcomed
by Mayor Bio. J. B. Simons, in a few
hut hearty words; Grand Chancello
E. E. Sharon respouded. Grand Prelate
J. L. Hill delivered an oration on the
beauties of Tythianism which (although
au impromptu production) was vooif
erouely applauded. Knight A. W. Pat
terson also addressed the audience, and
with bis grave and eloqnent rhetoric wo
many hearts. The above members on
the program were interspersed by songs
Irom Mrs. McFarland and Bros. A. W
Patterson and W. L Saling.
The next thing was a balloon asceusiou
and parachute jump, although not on
the programme it was appreciated.
The ball on Tuesday eveniuir in the
opera house was a decided success and
much credit is due the committee of
r'ar And Wide.
Vnt mi ilia lir.iu,! rtr.n.....n i
.... . ... v.v. vu'.nurui niiiuu,
hut in malarial breediug tropical regions
hi viuaieniaiH, niexico, noutii America,
the Isthmus of Panama, aud elsewhere,
Uostetter's Stomach Bitters affords to
inhabitants and sojourners protection
ULTiiiiiut multiria Tl.u ............ . u
-."" ... - . tiv uiiunin, nip ilceil
ly arrived immigrate, the tiller nf the
virgin ami newly robbed of its forests by
the Hie of tbe pioneer, find in tho superb
antifebrile specific a preserver against
the poisonous miasma which iu vast
districts rich ia natural resources, is yet
fertile in diBeaae. It annihilates dis
order of the stomach, liver and bowels,
fortifies those who nae it against rheu
matic allniMtita lic.,1 Bn.l l..
outdoor exposure; infuses genial warmth
wiu a irnine coined oy n rigorous
temnernttire. and an,l r.,Um it...;. ,
... iiiu luoruum aim evening mists and
vapors laueo wuu Uurttulluesa : strenoih.
ens tho weak aud conquers incipient
kidney trouble.
Simmons Liver lteimlatnr lia
failed to relieve eoktivanaaa. u,l l.hn.l
or bleedlDg piles.
K.iua President Badly Wnnlidrd and One
Thousand Dollars Taken by Hold
Fenoleton, Or., Nov. 13. The biok
at Milton, 30 miles north ot here, was
robbed by desperadoes at 3 o'clock this
afternoon. Three men well mounted,
rode into Milt m during a dense fog and
dismounted near tbe First National
book. Oue held the horses while tbe
ither two entered tbe bank. President
A. Hopson, Cashier N. A. Davis and
Assistant Cashier Charles Hopson were
iu tbe bank and were covered by pistols
in tbe hands ot two robbers, who de
manded money. Tbe bank officials
hesitated, and President Hopson at
tempted to reach a pistol. Tbe robberB
immediately fired three shots. One
struck Hopson in the arm and another
in tbe side. One wound is serious and
painful, Cashier Davis wna missed, but
has his face badly powder-burnt. Hop
son and Davis then kept quiet while
Charley Hopson, tho assist nut oashier,
banded out $9012 iu gold coin from the
till. The robbers quickly bucked out i f
the bank, mounted their horses and
were out of eight eve-i before an alarm
was given. Scott Riouie, the deputy
sheriff, with a posse of five men, started
in pursuit soon after the alarm wan
given. Posses left Athena and Weston
to take tbe trait and tbe alarm is gener
al, Tbe posse sent out by Sheriff
Furnish are ordered to take 'he robbers
dead or alive. No attempt was made
by the robbers at mnsking their faces
and one of the men wns identified bs A.
MoCarty. The other two were young
men, one tall and the other of medium
height. They had good horses one
black, one gray, and the other a bay.
The robbers were tracked southwest to
Dry creek. It is supposed they turned
there and went towarl Wallula, but all
traces were lost a short diBtanoe beyond
Dry oreek. The weather was very
foggy and it was impossible to see more
than 200 yards. Officers from this city
started for Wallula to guard the ferry .
The robbers were seen around Athena,
Milton and Weston tbe past week, and
they are now supposed to have been
investigating to see the most promising
point for raid Saturday they purchased
pateut barb-wire cutters at Weston,
whioli are supposed lo be for assisting
them through fences. It is believed
that they will be oaptured, though had
not been at latest accounts. Later
advices say that Hopson proved not to
be badly hurt.
Cutnri'li iu the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood,
ana as such only a reliable blood puri
fier oan effeot a perfeot and permanent
cure. Hood's Sarsnparilla is the best
blood purifier, and it has cured many
very severe cases ot oatarrh. Catarrh
oftentimes leads to cousumptiou. Take
Hood B Sarsaparilia before it is too
From our Look Creek Paper.
lom and Walter Keeney left for
Ueppner Tuesday after freight.
Win. Carter and Andrew Wilson left
Monday for Heppner afier freight.
Vane Hinton aud Newt Smith, ar
rived Saturday from Heppner with
freight for our merohants.
Joe Keouey, a brother to E. C. Keeuey,
proprietor of the Mouumeutal hotel, is
handling the ribbons on the Loug Creek
Canyon City Btage line.
Ed. O. Allen was over from the mines
Saturday. While in the city be pnr
chnsed the interest of his pnrtner,
Walter Brown, iu the famous Black
Butte mine.
Herbert Johnsou, a Fairview, Coos
county boy, was fined $10 for striking
his schoolteacher. This establishes the
fact that a teucher has resoursea at law
as well as the pareula of a ohild.
The Oregouinn's Heppner reporter
was grei tly in error w hen he elated
that John Criamau bad been arrested (or
hiring parties to deliver tools to Wm.
Maore In the county juil. Such is not
the case, nor wns Him tfnula uu.,.pu t...
such was ever thought of.
"How to Care All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swavne's Oint merit.
No internal medioiue required. Cores
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe
face, hands, nose, ia., leaving the skin
clear, white and hunllMu li. .......
healing aud onrative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist fur Swayne's Oiutmeut. sw 1 r.
Through the kindness cf Hon. V It
Ellis, our High School library has
received from the department of H.
interior, the following valuable books:
l opulation and Resources of Alaska,
Wealth, Debts and Tajratinn. lf,'..rr
Industrie of the United States and
lie Eleventh Ceiuiu or the r,,.r..,y
Sfnfrs. The Hlgb School pupil, have
Clubbed together, and subscribed for ih.
Cosmopolitan; and our librarv. nmL,
the care of our librarian, Miss Lucy
Farnsworth, ia a great source of benefit
and pleasure to us all. Wj would ulso
thank the various parties who are loan,
ing us books and papers for our library.
We need an encyclopedia very much.
FRor. A. W. Wikb.
For furtUi-r information call at our office.
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug
Co. ond T. W. Ayers, Jr.
fivr A tot
Schenectady, N.y,
nJ Brockviiic, Cnl.
There was never a time in the history
of our country when tbe demand tor
inventions and improvements in tbe arts
and eoienoes generally was bo great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on tbe farm, bs well as in official
life, require oontiuual accessions to the
appurtenances and implements of eaoh
in order to save labor, time and expeuse.
The political ohauge in the administra
tion government does not affeot tbe
progress of the American inventor, who
beiug on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affaire of government to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiviog the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care oannot be exer
oised in ouoosiug a competent aud skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is tbis advice applionhlo to
thone who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent rssk, us the breadth
and strength of the pateut is never con
sidered in view of a qniok endeavor to
get un allowance and obtain the fee
John Wedderburn, General Manager,
018 F street, N. W.,Washington, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the couutry, was iu
Btituted to protect its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
iu this line of business. Tbe said Cun
pany is pmpared to lake charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare Bnd proaeojto
applications generally, inoluding me
ouauioal inventions, design patents
trade-marks, labels, convrichts. ii,trfrJ
euces. infringements, validity rAnn.fo.
ana gives especial attenion to rejected
casea. It is also prepared to enter into
competition with any flVin in scouring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wedderburn.
618 F Street.
P. O. Box 385. Washington n n
From the Telegram.
The Clevelaud man to riito ik
monarohy in Hawaii is nothing short of
proposition to surrender oar Ameri
can Civilization, and ia a l.. i
, , H m.ioa uciiaai '
of tbe fundamental prinoiple of Ameri- I
oan lusiuntions. llie provisional gov
ernment in Hawaii is tbe representa
tive of an American nivilinutinn r.
embodiei tbe healthful inBuence wbioh
radiates from the plrit of American
liberty and American progress now
abroad on tbe South seas. The Ha
waiian revolution wag but tbe echo
of our great American revolutiot, a pro
test against monarchy aud a struggle
(or freer and higher conditions than
were possible under the old regime. It
appealed to all the sympathies of the
Aiuericaa heart when news reajhed us
that a republio had been erected ou the
ruins of the Hawaiian monarohy, and
there was universal rejoicing when we
per box f?3
V lor y'4.ao.
Wheat, bu 35
Flour.bbl 2 50 300
Beeves, oows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 50
" three " 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 50 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 0
Hogs, dressed 6 50 (3 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz 3 00
Wheat, cwt jfl 03 ti 1 08
Flour.bbl 3 000400
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 W 6 00
Muttons, owt 6 00(3 8 00
Hogs, cwt 4 50 g) 6 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (d 12
Butter, lb 25 3u
Eggs, doz. 20 '15
Chickens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, tti 15 u 18
Wheat, cwt if 85 (if
Flour, bbl 2 90
Beeves, owt 1 75 (d;
3 15
2 75
0 (10
3 00
6 00
.i 5(1
Hi I
dressed 3 50
Muttons, live sheared .. 2 50 (iii
" dressed A 7o tt,
Hogs, on foot -t on
' dressed 7 "ll
Wool EuHteru l):ei;ou... ii tut
Butter ; 20(J
fe,ggn, doz 2i !3
Chickens, doz 2 00 (e
Turkeis lb 15 l
at 30
4 50
Notice of Intention.
J Oct. 4, 1HJ3. Notice in hcrebv given that
the following-named settler haa filed notice of
hia intention to make final proof In support of
inn viann, ann mat saia proor win ne made oe
fore. I. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner.
Or., on Nov. 18, M93, viz. :
Hd. 32 for the Ktf NIVJ4 NE'i HK Sec. S
and NWKEtSec. 32Tp. 6. 8. R ft E. W. M.
He named the following witneHfleR toprovhia
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
(ieorge Perry, of Lone Rock. Herman Meisner,
of Oooseberry Paul Hchlller, of (iooseterry,
and iHaac Smith, of Lone Hock Oregon.
169-na ' John W. Lewis, Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
1TAT1."P TQ 11 t?DCDr H'OVT n.m..vnn.
v.ivs .onunuDi uuui, inA 1 L.UCf
i'l and by virtueof an execution Issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of' Oregon for
the County of Morrow, and to me directed and
delivered upon Judgment rendered and entered
In said Court ou the 20th day of May lssii, In
favor of W. B. Cunnlnghame, Plaintiff, and
BKBinst J..D. Hall, Defendant, for the sura of
Seven Hundred and Ten Dollars, and lor the
further sum of Two Dollars damages and coals,
which judgment was enrolled and docketed iu
the clerk's office of said Court iu said County on
the 20th day ot May 1X6. And therealter on
November 27th, inns, said Judgment was duly
assigned and transferal from the Bald W B
Cunniughame to Wm. Hughes for a valuable
consideration, and there being now due on
said Judgment the sum of Two Hundred and
Ten Dollars, together with interest at the rate
of St cent, per annum on the full sum ot Seven
Hundred and Ten Dollars from thaSJth day of
May lHKii to the 2.1th day of December, Wan, to-
" ' " wi e cent, per
annum on the sum of Two Hundred and Ten
Dollars from 2Mb day of December, lSKti, until
paid, and for the further sum of Tw o Dollars
i ,,, ,, . ' "S, "' nave levied upon
am will sell at public auction, on Saturday the
. .C v. V v w nui'i p. ni.
at the Court house door In Heppner, Morrow
County and State of Oregon, all the right, title
Miinni n imil llie SHK1 J. U. Ball. Dfftnii
Rinnan on or a tcr the 20th day of May 16, in
or to the following described premises, to-wlt-The
South East quarter of Sec. Eleven (11) in
....... ..,,,. MHttouum ui nauge I Wfclitv-threp
(23) East of W. M., iu Morrow County? state "of
heffiA? lC,"'f Ma"c' fitedat hepp.
!-siT !. , i0. NonLK,
1.X-1K7 ohcrlft of Morrow county, Oregon
icurneu inst tue new government de
sired to place itself under nrntontinn
oi tne Amencau Hag.
Mr nlavulonB I.
.,,,Uuo ciiun iu overthrow
'"r-uwic in nawaii and restore the
monarchy will not be successful. It
mny as well be nuderstood firllf DO Inn'
that tue American people will not sub
mo uuinige. in ere is nn no
talking about the old black queen being
"'"" "'""i sue was deprived of her
rotten throne. Monarchy has no rights
uicn Amerioans are bound to respect.
air. uieveianu has raised an issue whinh
8way above party. Even his
servient congress will ni a...
outrage Amerioan sentiment by voting
i'i-M'"ttiions 10 restore the Hawaiian
The Hawaiian revolutionists are going
fc h.ilil ii.n;. i o
- .. .imi grouua. They may
.u.ueu to tempirairly surrender to
r"'"' ,ue um,e1 States gnnboate
hill Ilia l ,L.
. ""uiruv me marines are
uiuvco rrom the island that moment
7' lurone in totter and
au. ineoniy wav that Mr. m..i . ,
can put the queen un her ih,no
use our warships for that purpose, and
.u, u way he oan uphold her is by
American bayonets. Aud so sure a, he
tempts a policy of that kind . ,Ure
"HI the American nnnnl. a , ..
- r uruiaim nis
impeaohment aud removal iron offioe
ibe Hawaiian revolutioni.t. h... .u.
-ympathy and will hays the support of
he American people in ,heir
for independence.
,5 M0 and $20. Genuine Coufederate
81(10 h i, ,o 7 08n" e80h; W Bd
hi, 1 r'10CeD" e80h' 81 od $2
bills 25 oents each. Rt T
ed on receipt of price. Address.
U .rk.r. 90 8. Forsyth St.. Atlanta
and bus u.iiT"'' " drtilitv
K ward !NrnJrun.m wit 0.,4
ilhat It t enndKIon of yours? Is your hair dry, Bri,
IriitU ? Voes tt apfll at endsT Mas it a lifeless appearance
j)ues il fall out Khen combed or brushedt Is it full of dandruff)
Docs yonr scalp itch t Is it dry or in a heated condition T Ifthtu
ere some of your symptoms is warned in Mm or you uHll 4W0m,
ij. ' J srjm
Is w'iat you need. Hi production in not an accident, but the result of Brri i,. ,
neiir--!. Kuowlertk'a of the dLaeatrft of the bftir aud icalp led to tbe (llmovery o' tW
ij treat them. "Skookum" contains neither minerals ur oils. It lit imtaTK-fl w
a (l-lltfhtfully cooling and refraining Tonic. By tlmuiatlntf the rollicleidV.;
jtil'-vri )mr cwr ci dandruff and grow hair on bald htads. '
itr Keep the aeaip clean, healthy and free from Irritating eruptions, ly t'r-n
of kooh-um Skin Soap, It destroy paratitio insects, whiuuitd o. and d'-l
Hiehnir. . j. . .
If your dntjTfflrlt Cannot inppT you, nena uiroct w un, ami wo win forw-Lti
pri'imlii, on receipt of p-Jce. Grower, $MX par buttle; aforftj. tn,,
ta ; ( fur V-Su,
T7 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
la the title of a very valnalile book that gives a great amount of Information of the I'tnusl
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily nublts of Eating, Drluklng, Dressing, etc,
What to Eat,
Bow to Eat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Arold,
Perils of Snmmer,
Inflnenc of rinntu, Parasites of the Rkln, Care of Teeth
Oeeupatlon for Invalids, Bathing Beat Way, After-Dinner Nana.
Alcohol as s. Food and a Lungs and Lnng Dlaeasos, KfTeoU of Tobaeoo.
Medieine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemnerann
Superfluous rialr, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause 4 Cure
Kamnvlnir Hamn. How Much to Wear. Trlii UMn, n '
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections!
Overhftntlnir HnniiM. Preventini? Mear-yurhted- How to Avoid Them. rrniinn u
How to Breathe,
Ventilation, ness, Eiorclse,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Conn,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dyiontery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itohing, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning
Moles, Pimples, Pile, Rheumatism, Klngworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Month!
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcers,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVB DOCTORS' HILLS
tT"AII new snrHcribera ami prompt renowula ilnnnp; the month ot Nov. will bo
pre'PDHed with ft free oopyof this as n premium.
Illis, Dawson Xs Tvyons,
All buninpea attended to in a prompt find Hiitiafnetoty
mnuner. Notaries Pnbliu and Collectors.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, uoon the care nnd still nf the nttnrM, r r "
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In.
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions its to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
.tt,If have ? invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
li.J J" ? b"ef descr'Pt10n of the important features, and you will be at once
aaviseo. as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
.T B u your ngcts, or
others subnut the matter to u? for a
p.o. box 4.3 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send
Are you all
Hi aw can na su m wm ua a m j
1 ure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
lypophosphites of Lime and Soda
build you up and put flesh on you
give you a good appetite.
CoJ."n EmU'8l0n eure Cirh,
VOTICE 19 HKRrnTi-.v,
Tuear the WthrlviLi'-"6'''. 'tl I oil
i m. or said uav at the w... , ;' 1 c wk
' quarter, and the V'" v-- '0 ''8 Nor,h-
of uih """ember, at 1 nVlni
' quarter, and the " Ea.'t'h.il' ! thue Nor"'
west aiianer i i;,". .la'f of the Sa.ii,.
Bi quarter ol sorin .V, ul lne c
described prem'S, sell
iin.t. ;nau 1,1 nana.
Dinner fnr .., ,.r'r-.uu"v
on airt date lcourto( borrow coui tv
In erest n the ,Hw mi ,11 "n'"vl'l'."l onc-half
tate. id mill b . mH?''"5, 'l"l,"i"s ' o
Driwoll nun. s , XJ ' the'whl i
nlchest hi,i,i.,r ,...P, ill We mails t ,u.
pre.jd.es. Thenrd r;!, IT' "P""
""Ml M llllll. flT Wnnt 11 j . I
Miry Driscou,
it you are charged with infringement by
reliable OPINION before acting on the
It with your Inquiry. J
Administiator'a Sale.
r. ', l8,l,e,l "ut of the County Court of Oregon,
iii ow Couny. on the tith day of Nov. A. D.
,? "'"ItrsUned administrator of the
eatati of lames 8 Breeding, deceasod, will on
"day, December 8, 1mm, at one o'elock In the
hnMIJ00? 01 "Rld ""v. I" front of the court
do,0 1,1 Heppner. Morrow county
hI?,5on.'i,Ll 10 the hiahest ldder for cash In
,h," rl(tnt' ""e "d Interest of mid
f?,ii!. 8' Breeciiii(r, deceased, in and to the
w l0,1" ""crtbed real property, to-wit: t.
" 4 of sec. 1. Tp 2 8 K.26E. W. M situated
in Morrow county, state of Oreiron.
lL";"lrne 'o he sold In parcels of forty acres
o, inr V tt "nolo to the administrator may
f,7i . 1n d' 0( "'e. Dated this tith day
"I Nov. A. D. at Ueppner (.reRon.
v. A. W. Bhkkd.no,
I I llW trim bu
ete.. sis.
e"wd In one PalNLCSS trtstawnl
with.ut knit.. N In" of
from baiia.M. Flftula, UIm
SAWHtlonBUnk sad Bo
n-...t etc-' lw cured. X y
WlMtlon Blank tnd Boek frt.. CillorwrlM. .
n. nrtTTa.
ST. Loins