Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 14, 1893, Image 2

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    im mjip TO SELL YOU EPIIJ !
TJXD 160 ACRES riiaber Culture claim adj. .iniiig, of wLich deeded land thr-re
j JL fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
! Trice for the whole, 1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, -fSOO.
Good, deeded
Give your business to Beppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for Mi or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence ol
good faith.
Did you ever
Read about the
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
SuiJe schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
Ab a good ad.
lu a Kood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Tub Gazette is under obligations to
Congressman Ellis for some valuable
reports aDd speeches of representatives
and senators.
Nebraska and Kansas, like cows in
in the evening, have come home. Yet
thft1 past should be a warning for future
operations, and that no un-American
ideas on finance or tariff will be toler
Btod. Tub youngest railroad conductor is
John C. Barnum, thirteen years old.
He has charge of the Jacksonville-Mod-ford
branch, in this state, and fills the
place satisfactorily to the management
as well as the public
Hon. W. H. Ellis has the bill for
extending the time of payment un rail
roads favorably reported on by the com
mittee on publio lands, aud has little
doubt of its passage by both houses, sod
at an early date after the assembling of
Tim prioe of Bilver is advancing as
oompared with gold. As the English
price is one adopted by the world, there
is no particular reason now to depress
it, having accomplished all they desire
at present in the United States. It may
go up much higher.
Tim people of Multnomah county are
alter the ooutity oflluials for not making
on I their reports and giving them the
publicity the law requires. It seems
that these worthies have been slack
about these very important matters, aud
the people are WBking up to find out
how matters stand.
David 13. Hill bartered away princi
ple to pass the unconditional repeal hill,
hoping thereby to help his tight iu
New York to perpetuate the Hill ma
chine. Heboid the people rose up and
smashed the whole thing, leaving David
bereft of the respeot that he had gained
by hia heretofore consistent stand on
finance, and likewiso bereft of control
in New York.
DiM'ViiiiKH state that the old Itandall
type of deinooraoy iB coining to the front
again in congress, and that no one-sided
tarilT bill will he passed. This is an
outcome of recent eleotious in which
the temper of the people was shown.
The overwhelming democratic mBjonty
( "1 had about convinced this valuable
contingency that a near approach to free
Iradn was what the people wanted.
Now it is plain that the people got just
what they did not want, and the pro
tective element of democracy is again in
the saddle.
Tub time for which payment ou rail
road lauds oan be made will bejextended
through the efforts of Congressman
Ellis. It is but just and right. Other
wise the business men would Had that
many a dollar would be diverted from
the channels of trade to the government,
and now in these times of depression
(very dollar is needed here, The
government can better afford to wait
than anyone else. The measure ad
vocated by Mr. Ellis and so badly
Deeded by a large seoliou of Ortgou and
Washington, will help the people, and
they iu turu can reciprocate iu a man
ner that will bo felt from every hamlet
and city of Oregon to l'ortlaud, aud
thence back to the busy marts of trade
jr. T '
ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch
Tub recent elections in the East, with
only a few exceptions in the Sontb,
went republican by larger msjinties
than were at first reported. Pennsyl
vania gave more republican vohs thau
at any time since the national election
of 172. It will be remembered, too.
that this state has more friends for
silver in the republican ranks than
any other Eastern state. The decision
seems to be a sweeping denunciation
of any a'ttmpt to change our tariff policy
in favor cf foreigners. But the victori
ous republicans must not forget that
bimetallism in its most practical form is
fixed in the minds of a majority of the
American people. It baa been niis
anderBtood, misrepresented. Let us
have equitable protection and an
American money system.
Fob once the Oregouian talks hard
sense on the money question. It is in
favor of the coinage of the silver seign
orage, using for argument that it can't
do any more harm, if harm it ever did,
in the form of money than in bars, and
it is much handier in the former con
dition and badly needed now by our
government. The Oregonian admits
that the depression in business out
down receipts while the expenses kept
up at the old rate, the currency set
aside failed to meet all demands and
the gold hsd to go. The Oregonian
ought to have talked this way at the
right time, but as three-fourths of our
delegation disagreed with its polioy, it
was little matfer how it talked.
What neit? Gresham, Cleveland's
secretary of state, advises the president
by Bn oflicial report to take away the
the republican form of government in
Hawaii aud restore the monaroby.
While Cleveland is in that business he
can find excellent material to work on
in the old oountry. The eiample of
a republic taking a band in the restor
at ion of a monarchy is galling to any
American of patriotic impulses. Cleve
land's unpatriotic aotion will he opposed
from every part of our land. Already
h ading democratic papers are taking up
th , action of the president which is
little less than treasonable and the
riticisms are most uncomplimentary.
Wiikkb has unconditional repeal
helped us? The less English capital
borrowed by our people the better, aud
remember that nothing bit American
ideas put into practice will help us out
of the ditch. The only difference now
nnd iu the past is thut foimerly we had
84,G(X),(00 monthly added to oar cirau
luting medium, and now we are just
short that Bmount. And if gold is due
foreigners our treasury suffers just us
much as before. The Sherman law was
not hurting (his oountry; that is not the
trouble now aud never bus been. We
neeil mure of American ideas
aud no tariff tinkering.
Oun legislature has set apartaTlianks
giviug Day, and has given the executive
the right to select the day. This year it
is Nov. 23. Loyal Oregoniaus will
doubtless observe this day aud use
Cleveland's selection iu which to give
him a good going over iu the language
peculiar to the seoti iu and to the case
under consideration. There is nothing
to thank Cleveland for, uuless it is gold
bug legislation, suspension of the origi
nal Geary law aud general Jisregnrd of
the duties of his ollioe. Any oelebratiou
ontho Cleveland plan is bound to be
unpopular with the masses in Oregon.
Tub whole amouut of cash, gold and
ourreucy, iu the government vaults is
below the 8 ltHI.OOO.OOO mark. Aud yet
tons of the money metal, silver bullion
iu the form of seiguorage, remains tin
ooiued and of no more use than a lot of
old junk. We suppose thut the adminis
tration will make a bond issueand buy
some gold, though at present no action
has been taken in that direction.
Are your children subieot to cronoV
If so, vou should never be without a
bottle of Cbauiherlaiu's Cough Hetnedy.
It is a oertain cure for croup, and has
never been known to fail. If given
ireeiy as soon as tne oroupy cough ap
pears it will pievont the attack. It it
the sole reliBiice with thousands of
mothers who have oroupy ohildieu, aud
never disappoints th'-m. There is no
danger iu uiving this Itemed)- iu large
huh irequelil Hoses, as it contains noth
ing injurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by
Hlocmu-Johuson Drug Co.
John kos, the cyclist, has reduced the
mile record from 2 :00 1 to 1:581-5.
Piles! 1'llent lulling Piles.
Symptoms Moisture; intense and
stinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to contiune tu.
mors form, which ofteu bleed aud ulcer
ate, beooming very sore. Swavxk's
OiNrriiKNT stops the itching aud bleeding
heals tilceratiou, aud iu most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oouts. Dr. Swsvue 4 Sou,
Philadelphia. gw 1 jr.
Simmons Liver Regulator has never
failed to relievo cottiveness, and blind
3 0ne of the Best Heces of Land in Morrow County.
in Morrow county, cheap and on
rol.MY (OIKT riiutrEDIViS
Full I'rweediugs of the Two-day Setwmn
V bith Convened Last Wednesday.
Couity court convened iu regnUr
sssion on Wednesday the 8'h day nf
November, HK3, with I ha following
oflbers present: Judg- Julio. K-iiui-y.
Commissioners J. M. Baker, and G. W.
Vincent, Clerk Morrow nnd Sheriff
Noble. After due proolamation of open
ing court the following proceedings
were had to-wit:
Iu the matter of the list of jurors ami
witnesses for the September term of
oircult court. After due consideration
of the certificate of he olerk, the court
ordered the several claims paid, amount
ing in total to $808.40.
Kesignation of Isa Brown, surveyor of
M irrowcounty.oonsidered and accepted
Cost bill in case of State of Oregon
vs. Tib Mills, paid us follows: Justice
fees, F. J. Hallock, 81090; witness feet,:
J. t. Willis; 83 oO; Scott Stone, S2 70;
Mrs. ScUt Stone, 82. 7U; Jos. Esklesm,
81; Lon Markham, 83.10; Bill Campbell,
; NatSbaw, 82; Tom Driskeil, 83 30;
Newt Jones, 82 50; See Driskeil, 81 M.
Case State of Oregon vs. Jasper Grif
fith, costs paid as follows: F. J. Hal
lock, justice fees, 88.00.
Iu the matter of the bond of L D.
Boyed given to secure faithful per
formance of the construction of a bridge
on Rhea creek. Contract baviug been
carried out as per contraot, bond was
released and bondsman exonerated
Coat hill in case State of Oregon vs.
A. W. Farr and U. W, Hak, paid in
full amounting to 848.
Cost hill State of Oregon vs. A. W.
Farr and H. W. Hawk, paid in full
amounting to 82250.
Affidavit of C. S. Kirk of oompletiou
of work as per contract accepted, and
order on Judge Keithley on clerk for
payment of same confirmed.
Application of R. Allen for appropri
ation of 8100 to be expended on the
public road in that district considered
and rejected.
Application of U. P. Ii. H Co., for
reduction iu taies fully considered Mud
1'etition for appoiutineut of John
W. Rasmus us constable in the C h
district to fill vacancy caused by the
moving of 0. W. Rychard, pres. nted aud
appointment made.
The report of road viewers nnd sur
veyors on road application No. 130 cam
before the court and was considered.
The surveyors report having beeu oor
reoted, his claim was ordered paid as
coitiuued from last term as follows:
lea Brown, surveyor, $20,110; allowid
In the matter of road application No.
131, the oourt finding that petition and
notice of posting did not correspond,
ordered same set aside for want of
Miscellaneous bill (aid iu full amount
ing to 821W33.
The leport of viewers anil surveyors
on road application No. 12!) was present
ed. Report being favorable aud tio
remonstrance or bill of damages being
filed, same was accepted aud ordered
opered. Bill continued from last term
ordered paid as follows: a Brown,
surveyor, 82.
Iu the matter of road application No.
12K, the court findiug same favorab'e
and uo remoustrauoe or bill of damag- s
being filed, ordered that same be ac
cepted. Isa Brown, surveyor, 812 10;
allowed $11. 80.
Certificates of F. J. Hallock, justice
ol the ueace, Tor issue of script as Diet.
Atty. fees, considered and the issue of
script ooullrmed, total $50.
Court met iu regular session, pur
suant lo adjournment. All members
Cost bill, State of Oregou v
t. Jim
p'lid ;
Chiuaman allowed and ordered
total 818 45.
Cost bill, State of Oreson vs.
paid ;
Doonau considered and ordered
total 8'.U0.
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs
Chiuamau, considered anil ordered paid;
total 819.30.
Iu the matter of damage claim of
Peott Stone, continued from last term
court again ordered same oontinued
owing to lack of information.
In the matter of affidavit as mode by
The Patterson Pub. Co., of publication
of the official list as required by law, same
being found correct was accepted.
Sale or property advertised by Sheriff
Noble (or payment of taxes approved by
the oourt.
In the matter of road application No.
127, which was continued from last
term, L. P. Jones, no damage allowed;
Peter Brenner, 825 damages allowed.
Viewers claims allowed, total $0.60.
Miscellaneous bills, other thau tb le
thal appear iu oltioial list, allowed.
Total 870S.
Iu the matter of orders drawn ou the
5 per cent fnud for biidiie and mad
gcd farming lHLd,
me 140 aciee
easy terms.
For further information call at oui office.
There was uever a tiai-; in tie hii-rory
of toir country when Inn demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and sciences generally was so great as
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the factory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well as iu ofiiei :
lile, require oontiunal accessions to the
appurtenauoes and implements nf each
iu order to save labor, time aud expense.
The political change in the administra
tion government does not affect the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly conceiving the
remedy to overoome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care caunot be exer
oised in cboosiug a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
terest have been lost and destroyed lu
innumerable instances by the employ
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is this advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" sjatem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do 30 at imminent rssk, as the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbnrn, General Manager
018 F street, N. W.,Waahington, D. O.,'
represeming a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eouutry, was in
stituted to protect its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
iu this liue of business. The said Con
pauy is prepared to take charge of all
patent business eutrueted to it for rea
sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute
applications generally, iuolnding me
chnnioal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer-
euces. iufringumenls, validity reports
and gives especial atteuion to rejected
cases. It is also prepared to eutar into
competition with any ffrm in sec iriu
foreig i patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkddebblbn.
613 F Street,
P. O. Box 33). Washington, D. C.
Sheriff's Sale.
ll and by vlrtueof an execution Issued out
of the Circuit Court of the tHate of OreKon for
the County of -Morrow, and to me directed and
delivered upon judgment rendered and entered
in bHid Court on the JOth day of May Ism',, in
favor of W. B. Cunnlnghame, Plaintitr, and
airainst J. Ir. Ball, Defendant, for the sum of
Seven 11 Iretl and Ten Dollars, and lor the
further stint of Two Dollars dainnees and eostn,
Midi judgment was enrolled and docketed in
the clerk's oltu-e of BHid Court in said County on
the anil day of May 1B. And Ilierealter ou
Noveinher 27th, ls6, said judgment was dulv
assigned and frausfered from the said W. B.
CuliiihiKliaine to Win. Hughes for a valuable
consideration, and there being noV due ou
s-i-l judgment the sum of Two Hundred and
Ten Dollars, together w ith interest at the rate
of s cent, per annum on the full sum of Seven
II undri'd and Ten Dollars from thtauth day of
May 1KK1 to the ,.'sth day of December, lKS'j, to
gellier wilh interest at the rate of e cent, per
annum on the sum of Two Hundred and Ten
Dollarslrom zsth day of December, Iwi, until
paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollars
costs and sccruine costs. I hnve levied ,,,.,,
and w ill sell at public auction, on SaturdaT the
'-"' day of December, ism, at one o'clock p. m.
at the Court house door In Heppner, Morrow
County and State of Oregon, all the right, title
and interest which the said J. D. Ball, Defend
ant hud on or after the 'Juth day of May IsNi, in
., , mi,- cMiwHiog ueiM-rineu premises, to-wlt:
I he South East ouarter of Sec. KUcn nn t,,
Township Three South of liange T'wtlitv-three i
i ir i o, i. .......... ,. . I
. ' " 1 --. ion,,,,, .liiie oi
liregon, and contains 1 tiu acres. Dated at Hepp
ner IhisMh day of November, Isiu.
,. , duo. Nonr.s,
l.H-ls Sheritfof Morrow county, Oregon
court ordered warrants drawn for the
several orders amounting iu total to
No more business appearing conit
adjourned without date.
An entertainment was given in the
chapel Friday night, by the Athletio
The literary societies Bre arranging for
an inter-oollegiate oouteet which will
be held at Eugene
A glee club, consisting of eight young
men was organiz 'd, nnder the super
vision of Miss Ayers.
The ladies ot the Christian church
are goiDg to move the olitirch to a lot
which they have recently purohaseJ.
Hev. Thomas McClelland, president of
the l'acitic University delivered a
lecture in the Normal ohapel list Sun
day, Nov. 5th.
An interesting font-ball game, be
tw.,un II, n V... I -..1 ,1. . n, . . .I
solium nun lue roresi urove
boys, was played last Fndav. The
Normal team was defeated, but nft-r
more practice they willbetheohampious
of the state.
Jf Kl IR.
Monmouth, Or., Nov. 6, 1893.
Life la Misery
To many people who have Ihe taint o
scrofula in their blood, l'be agonies
caused by the dreadful rnnuiug sores
and other manifestations ot this disease
are beyond description. There iB no other
remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for
scrofula. Bait rheum and every form of
blood disease. It is reasonably sure to
benefit all who give it a fair trial.
and the balance A 1 pasture. The
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sel on easy terms. A good rustler can my
it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the Last aud has no use for it.
Wheat, bu 33
Fk.ur.bbl 2 50 in oj0
Beeves, cows A two-vear-ohls. cwt. 1 50
tdree " 1 75 2 DO
Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 ta 1 25
stock 1 50 ii 1 75
flogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50
llogd. dressed 6 50 'i 7o0
Wool 6 to, lo
Horses, slow sale.
Hut ter, roil 40 (3 00
Eggs, doz 20
Chickens, doz .' 3 00
Wheat, cwt HI 03 ft 1 OS
Flour, bbl 3 00 U 4 U0
Beeves, stull fed 4 50 (d 5 00
Muttons, cwt 6 00 (ii 8 00
Hogs, cwt 4 50 4 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (a 12
Butter, lb 25 (a 3U
Eggs, doz 20g 25
Chickens, doz 5 00 4$ 6 00
Turkeys, tti 15 (u IS
Wheat, cwt , Si, a 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 ft 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 (3 2 75
dressed 3 50 (ii 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 (S 3 00
" dressed 5 75 ft u' 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregou... 6 14
Butter 20ft 30
Eggs, doz 27 j' (S 30
Chickens, doz 2 00(tt450
Turkeys lb 15 (i 17
Notice of Intention.
1J Oct. 4, ls;. Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice o
his intention to make final proof tu support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Henpner.
Or., on Nov. is, W.a. viz.: ;-
Hd. 3213 for the E'i NW'i NE'i SEr - se-. .
and Sit'!, SE4 Sec. 31 Tp. 6, S, R ii E. "' M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
George Berry, of Lone Rock. HermanMelssiier,
of Gooseberry, Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry,
aud Isaac Smith, of Lone Rock Oregiim.
na-na John W. Lkwib, Register,
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
ll undersigned, the administratrix of the
estate of Cornelius Driscoll. deceased- will 011
Tuesday the 1-Jth dav of teeember, at 4 o'clock
p. 111. of said nay at the West half of tin "th
east quarter, and the East half of the .1 'o
wt'st quarter of section thirty-one (H) town
ship two 1.21 South of Range twenty-nine (Lfi)
East of the Willamette Meridian, sell said
described premises Htn.ihlie sat to tlx, hii.hoot
bidder for cash in hand. Such sale being made
mi-lei ami pursuant 10 an omer ot the County
conn 01 aate September uo, is1.):!, made and
einercii 111 saiu county court of .Morrow county
ou said date.
I will also on said dav at the hour of 3 o'clock
p. m. of said. day. sell an undivided one-half
interest in tha saw mill property belonging to
said estate, said mill being known as the White
A Driacoll mill. Said sale will be made to the
highest bidder with cash lu hand upon the
,.-.,.. ioo. me uiuei lor sain sale naving neen
inane, hs tuorcsaiu, on tne jutn day ot Sept
ls:, by the honorable County court of Morrow
county, State of Oregon. Dated this 21st day of
Mary Driscoi.i.,
Administrator's Sale.
luui-u uuioi me county court of Oregon,
for .Morrow County, on the tlth dav of Nov. A. I)
ism. Ihe undersigned administrator of the
estats of lames S Breeding, deceased, will on
iTiday, December , ISila, at one o'clock 111 the
nue.Muoii 01 sam tmy, 111 front of the court
uoor, iu iieppner, .Morrow county
Oregon, sc 1 to the highest aidder for cash in
hand all the right, title and interest of said
Jnmes b. Breeding, deceased, In and to the
: '" " uesenoeu real property, to-wlt: N
VHi of sec. is, Tp. 2S. R. I6K. w. M., situated
in Morrow county, state of Oregon.
The same to be sold In parcels of forty acres
. ... .., aD u uuie as 10 tua aamiuistrator mav
seem best on day of sale. Dated this 6th day
Of NOV. A II isill at 0A,.nn. 3
, . A. V. BllEEDlNO,
1"'8,1 Administrator.
A Military DlapUr.
One of the most interesting exhibits
in the government building at the
world s fair will be a disnlav of arms
uniforms, tents and flags in use in the
cniteci states army at various times
since 177B. This display is being pre
pared in one of the Gray's Ferry arsenal
buildings. A space of six thousand
square feet has been sot aside for this
exhibit. The uniforms will be draped
upon lay figures and arranged in realis
tic attitudes. The one particular
group in which especial pride is taken
is to consist of seven figures on horse
back, representing a general of the
present army and staff. The central
figure will be as nearly as possible an
exact likeness of Maj.-Oeu. Schofield.
All the articles were made entirely by
Americans and of American materials.
There is a collection of at least twenty
five flags, and these alone are valued at
eight thousand dollars.
Bears' Gall Is Worth Money.
A bear's gall was recently sent to a
gentleman in this city, says' the El Paso
(Tex.) Herald, as a slight token nf
teem from an intimate and dear friend
in the country, with the suggestion that
it might possess a pecuniary value in
the Chinese language. Thinking that
it was intended to imply that he lacked
gall, our city gentleman threw It in the
street. Soon afterward a Chinaman
vaiue in, ana, on being interrogated
offered one dollar for it. The work of
redeeming it by a side door occupied
one minute, and the price obtained was
two dollars. They are considered very
valuable by Chinese physicians, and are
much sought after. We now quote
bears gall in fair demand, with limited
supply; political gall abundant, with
few takers.
deeded land Lns a good erring of water
is the title of a very valuable book that gives a irreat amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Bating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
How to Eat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
Influence of Plants,
Occupation for invalids,
A tcohnl as a Food and a
Superfluous Hair,
Tmnvlntf Same.
how to ureatne,
Tlanoer of Rloairiff
Kestorlng the Drowned,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted-
V emuatioo, ness.
IT TELLS HOW TO Cl'BE Black Eyes, Bolla, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, tJtammerlng, Sore Eyes, Bore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Uloer
Warti, Wiooplng Cough, Worms to Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTOHS BILLS.
3fAll new subscribers and prompt renewals during the month of Aug. will be
preeensed with a free copy of this as a premium.
OF .i
cui i:sivi
iii-z :" 1"
i' rift',- ii-iw to
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