Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 10, 1893, Image 3

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rilKnKrtwIrlim the Inai.rtlon of display ad
1 or vhnuiie of muiio, must Kot t,er ,;,""
wVlttoifnr TIAt MT''"y el?'"'"f
wtltlon, or IIHlrwlHV i vfi, nit fur Krlilava mil
n; TH PATTr.ss.iN Pl.Su
1. The sura i.f Oie centa in i, iii u
roKiwet Hats of wedamg pwmti ami donors
f ?:t ! ,ti??ry ",?t1""' ""'" ' tiio. the..,
or shall himself give mWll.w,. f n, .ir, i ,,d
entertainment, from whi.-h rcv.Miu, t,', 'kmi"
rtvod, HliKll b ! o.harKl for at tl,., of Yv,-
unX'ue'tloutf'r"a','ab'a and
We hold each and every correspondent re.
Kusll.le f hi. or her fa i,fi. No
correspondent will he puhll.hed unless the
JrJidTa"5,lameta "K"d
sJri'r-! T KC"t' 21 Mk"-!''"" r-xchanKe,
Han t miiciaco, la our authorized agent, ihia
baiter ia Itent. on Hl I.. I.!- ........ ."la
Jn8hHgh fr 1Jafdnian' Monument, Long Creek,
i, ':', v-.ij, leaven an .OHOWB :
Kvery day at b a. m., except Sunday.
fmmth rff' MutclieBt and beat line to or
nr , u . , J- DELEVAN, Prop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent. F
Oiwe jour business to Heppuer peov'e
and there! ore. luuuxt In i.,i.i li'..
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
County court ia iu session thi9 week .
Mum May HuusakerU vUitiujr frieudd
in tbe city.
Mat Halvaraou departed for Portland
The demaud fur Heppuer fljur. Btems
to be without end.
Sond your washing to Mrs. Nelsou at
tbe Mountmu house.
Chaa. Cnarlton mid wife have looated
at y.deui fur the winter.
Mrs. Judy Mnobell is visiting ber sod,
Osoar, and family.
1). H Jenkins, of Hrdm,in, was ia
town Wednesday.
Mrs A. A Jayne, of Arlington, is visi
I'tig relatives iu Ibe oily.
L. W. Lewis, of the Hardman country,
WHS 10 Ibocily Una DJiirillUL'.
0. 8 Van Duvu aud d-uigiiter, Edna,
retained from be. w laat evening.
All miserable enff-irers with dvspepsis
can be cured by Simmons Liver Beiru
lator. The Heppuer Canyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
IUI Mil . V
Knots speak louder than words. Sim
mons Liver Regulator doe cure bowel
Hood Pills enre liver ill8.oonstipation,
biliousness, j luudiue, kick headache,
TheG-ztte ill take oounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
same in cash at highest market pnoe.
7 60
Cashier Fowler, of the First National
Bank of Arlington, was in town Wednes
day nignt on tiiisi n ss
Mr. sud Mrs. Crocket Kirk were called
io the valley last Saturday by tbe severe
illness of Mrs Kirk's father.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oooaine
end tobaoco habit. Bee ad.
Assiutiee's auoti .n sain at store of Cox
Bros., Hnr.rman, on tbe afternoon of
MtttUTdny, No. Hth and 18ib. 7if
KVATV mull lh(. tulroa mil inluvoul i..
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman, liazetle shop, auents.
Those deeiriug washinif au I imniua
ueauv anu qu t'kly flone ehoukl leave it
with Mrs. , elsouat lljeMonutHiii house
We remind you that an assignee'
auction sale will occur at it tniniHU, oi
the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 11 m
and 18lu. 7it
Green Mathews' (lie barber, is now lo
cated next floor lo Ihe furniture store oi
Main Btreet. Hliaves, sliampoiw, hair
cuts ai.n tue iikm aways on tap.
Mrs. J N. Brown will ur, nrw-e n
organ her classes. Those desiring
mnsio or art lessons enn now make
arruiigprneuts with her for same.
Tha Hnniinai Flonri n Mill. n . B.JI
.i'm a, iouiiiik miuo Old ncir
ing flour to the retail ur wholesale trarle al
w ueuta sing e saua; 9is.ou per Diirret
oash, nny quantity. Guaranteed equal
io me Deat. 74 it
Gid Hatt has purohaeed Hick Math
ews' interest id the City Hotel barbe'
hop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts,
en-., nisuea up in tne Dest or style
Baths for the millions.
Tom keeney arrived tbe first of the
Z , L""lt ('rk tnr ""pplies.
He departed this morning well loaded
with freight. Jiw Keeuey who has been
here several -eeks ., turned with bim.
8. IJi levari ia now driving tl.e atage
iu the u ace of J W n.iii M. !.,.
expects to leave soon for Chicago.'
! Far And Wide.
Not on this broad ooetineut alone
out in malarial hreoilitm ir ,i,;,,,,i
in Guatemala, Mexico, Mouth America,
the Isthmus of Panama, and elsewhere'
Listener's Btmuaoh Biiters affords to"
inhabitants and snjonmerg protection
agaiuat m il iria The miners, the fresh
ly arrived immigrate, the tiller of the
virgin soil newly robbed of its forests by
the axe of the pioneer, fiad in theanpeib
UlllllullMla ifl.. r
---...ru..i oijeoiuo a preserver against
the poisonous miasma which iu vast
ilistriots rirhij natural resources, is yet
fertile in disease T nniii .i-.-
order of the stomach, liver and bowels"
ooae who use it egaiust rheu
matic ailments tired and fostered by
outdoor exnosure; infuses genial warmth
'uto a frame chilled by a rigorous
temppratiire, and Bnd rubs of their power
to harm morning and evening mists and
vapors laden with hnrtf mlness ; streng h
eus the weak and oonqners inoipient
kidney tronhle.
O! theAgony
Of Thoso who SufTer from
Bood't Sarsapartlla Purtflet,
8ihet, Heals, CVItES.
Found Our Clkhk's Pony. -At the
World's Fair Buffalo Bill has an im
mense outfit in his congress of roagb
riders of Ihe wor.d. A Heppner man
was inspecting the inatitution tbe other
uay and was surprised to see a pony
that he used to know very well. It was
'Cnoket," who whs raised bv Will Mnr.
row, and who used to be one of the best
known race ponies in the Ileppner Hills,
rauKing with "Old Put." the Matresrin
noise, who was a direct deBtieudent nf
Uld liexirigton, of Keutnckv. The visit
or thought he migl.t he mistaken in
Cricket until be found Will Morrow's
brand, dii.m-.ud 0, on lift shoulder.
Dumb Boll, the Sioux IikIihu who now
owns Cricket, says that he bought him
from TJmpaine, a Umatilla who was over
in Montana hunting, and tbe latter Baid
that be had b.ught bim from a Co.
lumbia Indian. Crioket suddei.lv din.
appeared from tbe head of Clark canyon,
near Heppuer, and no traoe of him
oimld ever be found until now. Dumb
Bull has au Iudian name for him which
means "the limber-jointed grassbopner."
He rode at every performance, and i
ne of the swiftest ponies in tbe outfit.
He has been to Europe with tbe Wild
West show, and will go with it to tbe
MU-Winter Fair in San Franoisco.-K.
Ur. T. r. Johnson
San Jose, Cal.
I hare for many years been a ffreat ufferer
from SCROFULA breaking out on my arms
and lees; they were covered with eruption and
ores, diacharcing nil the lime. I tried very
"oujoiiioa ana consulted physicians tar
and near, but rammniiv .
bar taken but threo bottles of Hood's Saraa'pa,
Hood's S3. Cures
tHla for rheumatism and
. aw UlUGa
benent from it that she declares there Is na
uwr meuicme on carta, we would not be
niuiuunnnuienouseuitcosu $20 a bottla."
i. ABLET jounsos, San Jose, CaL
N. B. Eesurc to (jot Hood's Sarsapartlla
i .r nil icv nnmm
sat r a r ii i lijit mi i i u I
.1 ULlWllUlliJj
Binrna. mam
res sauw t ft ;i un w mifMm'
isuMCnJi'ikiU.c : cn.-M I 1L. t'-' LI ir :? -ig fa 1 kiK- kil l 91
' H ) i.CTiZx-n, rr, 1,
rv ! j mis' r
X-OR B-A.IJ3 BY . n r, .
1 Only First Class hotel in Hen ber.
2. Bnildiog Wired for Elfotrio Lights
,Ti . . ...vvu, umijjw iur loo irHTPlins
1 Courteous treatment Assured tte coun-
MES. M. VON CAD0W. Froprietreaa.
"IKlTilr " a,w.y. Bet
plained. The "beat" hri. Z ! T y" WDy we ,e" the ia ex-
HA VE YOU BACKACHE ? Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
Hood's Pilbact easily, yet promptly and
STOCK, l -
Heppuer, Oregon,
i 'r1 y tv A Villi ?
iiivtiiev czs
- -- ,
MoAten Bros., having reopened the
Palace bar, kindly ak fur a continu
ance nf their former patronage This
i bv nil odds the finest har in Hepnner.
The boys keep a good stock. Call on
ai tit
If parents will drop aronnd at the
right time they might find their snns en
gaged in playing poker. The engine
bonee and vacant hams, n well as other
places. m"ue good rendezvous.
Don't nvtrlnok J B. Tedro e at the
Arode when thirsty. Half and half and
fresh hper always nn tap Alo a fine
stock nf liqnors and oigars always nn
hand Give Ted a sail.
At n meting nf the Engle Hose Co..
last evening thev derided to oive a grvnJ
ball on Thanksgtvinir evening. N"V. 80.
AM should pa'roniz" tlii bv bnving a
tioket. whether thv attend rh Hal) nr
ant as this is the b ivs, first effirc.
Wm Carter.a resident nf the Tjnnp flreek
oonntrv. tnnk a load of hao n intiPenle
ton rioentlv and wa fnroed to bring it
home, there being no ale for it, even in
eioKanae for goods. Its em that Pendle
ton isn't snob a great market after all
Prof. Furnell. formerly of Ella, but nf
late a rident of Oreewell, Lane Co..
was in Hppner Wednesday on hnaineap
Connected with mk'nff rirunf nn his
timber culture. He will nnlv remain a
feivduys when he will return to tbe
D. W. Hnrnnr returned home last evn
ing fmrn the La Grande country. Din
bonifh' t"" ho'ses in, 'hit were sold
at sheriff's sale fur $3 25 ner hnd
nd in turn su'd thpra at a profit of SI (10
per hpad. However. affr paying all
oi.sto thpr" whs bnt $7 00 left to be ap
jjMp1 on the various accounts.
day moruing the remaiua of Miss Nettie
Starke), who died of consumption at the
uoine ot her sister, Mrs. E l. Glissu, at
tbe City hotel Tuesday nfternnn o.
mentioned iu ourlast issue, were shipped
to rurtiaud ror interment. Miss Starkey
was one uf the uufortuoate
Lake Labish acoident. which nonnrrs.1
some threeyears ugo. She was severely
injured, ber cheat being crushed in, for
whioh she received 85.000 damages,
Aud although she bad inherited
that dreaded disease, consumption, vet
this injury seemed to have hastened ber
death. Miss -Starkey had ginoe ' ber
mother's deaih ma le her home with, her
sister, Mrs. K E. livbee. of P,.rti.j
but felt that a oijmge to the E tstern
Oiegou climate would be beneficial to
tier Health. Acoordiuulv she
ed Mrs. Ulisan home from Portlaud Inst
week, but tbe ohanue was mail i-i.
a sl.e was here but oue week Th'
sympathy of friends aud noq tsiintanoeN
Inflsmmatlnn nf the RIoH
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and al) Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. at
Cost for Cash.
Gall and Secure a Good Bargain.
T. Q10ID,
Why Buy of Peddlers?
Whfln Vnn nan 1. i
'v- tou k ue caoioess
Etc, at the Liberty Market
And at a lower price than sold on the streets R, .
iag ud your ait.. ! .. ' - , ' B. dmD nn ai" build-
! w ' ,uur ""e ana assist those who assist yon.
H. A. Thompson
D.W.R. MannfactDrinr fin.. psito.
o J vncuuri!
A. E. Binns
For Sale bv Slnnum..r.ih,,or n n..
0,.n-T TO I'.',-
- f T7I o, a i ,
A Happy EvuNr.-Thomaa n,,.n
Miss Belle Thomas uere niarrieil ut th
fahiouable hour of hinli
i J 1.1 AltJ
(5t.h met.) by the Rev Henry Rasmus at
ue Hotel Spokane. in elaborate and
asteful wedding breakfast
Mr. aod Mrs. Howell left at t l tl
Helena. The bride wore a dress of nre.m
surah trimmed with moire ribbon and
aoe, a d for ornaments a oorsaim hn.
quetof roses fastened with a gold pin set
witn pearls. Tbe weeding guests were:
Mr. and Mrs John W. Graham, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J, Graham. Mr. Hnlrlermnn
mother, and Geo. Thomas, the bride's
brother. Spokane Review.
Relativk To Thb Asylem. At the
meetting of the insane asylum board
Tuesday he matter of the location of the
branch in Eastern Oregon was hrnnoM.
before the meeting, and it was decided
tninstrnot tbesnprintendent of the
ent insane ansylnm. Dr. L. L. Rnwlaud,
with two or more of his assistants or
consulting physicians, to examine all the
sites offered bv the several competitive
pnints.and request tliera to render to the
hoard as quiokly as possible a report
renpeotiug the healthfnlness and suita
bility nf the location of the new institu
tion. When this is done tbe point will
doubtless be selected.
Catarrh not Local, Bat Constitutional.
Dr. Din TjAwia t ha , : . t n .
, . . . t " Uliocill' UUBIUU
physician, in a mmpim. n,i;..l .
"A radical error underlies nearly ali
RIMIIinl IpAaliMMl .1 .... I .
xwru, ui uaiarro, It IS Dot
a disease nf ha muna : .
, . , , UlTOTj ib le a
disease of the man, showing itself in tbe
iirwA a Innal ...l.:u:i:
tlOUSl troilblfi." Throf.iM -
the use of snuff and other applications
. "., ami wuue uey seem to give
temporary relief, they really do more
"uu. umer leading author
ties aiiree with Dr. T.aio u.. .u
- - uruur. I lie
only Drnoer metlmd of ... r... ..........
is by taking a oonstitufional remedy like
ee., v,i ui me ouuy tnrongh the blnoil
does eliminate all impurities and make
u nu.i.o man neaunier. it removes
tllA DunBa nt Ihn Hn..UI.. l .
- ... mic Muuuie auil restores tl)e
nieeased membran- to proper cundjtinn
ximk ik rue practical result is proven b-
tllllU'inndS uf nennln ahn i,,... i.. ...
cured of catarrh by taking Hood's Sara
The Heppuer Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
uuusia w juuf uijuiiu b, main Htreet,
The Keeley Institute
Fov the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits
It la located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
cure "cinpnvmeanasu
Good Conveyance for Traveling- Men.
m . . .
.earns o nay per day 75 ots Hay and grain per day. $!.& . Meals 25 cts.
u,v uuui iu rou niauie. urain and
it i
Bio Shipment of Sheep. About the
1st inst., Frank Rogers, accompanied by
Newt Whetstone, Frank Elder and C.
E. Fell, departed for Chicago with b
speoial train of 4.000 head of mutton
sbeeD. Prices ware verv onnA 1 1... ... .
, ' J r.'vu mom a
rew days ago and it is thought that the
sheep will Bell at a good figure. If this
experiment pays, others here will try
shipping East. It oan't make a had
matter much worse, for at the Dresent
and under conditions which we moat
eipeot for the future, there is no sale
ror sheep in this vicinity, and nnnL
growing on a free trade basis cannot be
Ur " IS Vftlino ,... ... ..!. . . . . .-;-r-r..v,-. .
nnuna-vim V. . ! ' P , "V" '-""-'r 'K'M. Olli! W) JlUlrTV :(KN TWO
VVUUOi'j I IIH r 1 1 M.l I IPfi liHr tA li . . ...... ' , n . -r. r.
-trTr m, j: ii"Mi' jii uiiin-iiiy-e: DAIS
iuu une rona Damithoiv tn lmvo neio ik;o. ; ih
irxrrvnr mZZ. ZZ- T""", " xiiunui uuu uiuitipiy; i ssvuu
jOTpv Wu" ,., "uw ,w enJy an( Keep well : AND HI
SAf. v (m! UV!UIU now to get well again speedily ;
nfrnHrti JTn lnlPrudent how to regain wasted energy.
OUGHT )A whn want. l-nnrl :
Tf i . . """Mivugo man in ui hiusi, worm
S-Mr,Trr " WZd lfc m Dr- Foote's "plaia Home Talk,"
?t- W VB 200 cuts' 24 coL l)lates' 200 reeipes
Kb AD iRednned frnm (to. or t,. r.r. : r r
Pnm ;;y XH "" "il'-'w; i-iri:iuii.rs tree.
. H. T. Mm-rav II 11 Rook C :-o P. ve v., v....i.
( $1,100
; uohes
'if mm HJJJl)
On May Street, ODDoeitePalane H,.rl ThJn t... ' . .....
rNrn a J 1 """P00 8 mil line of
Breeenes and Prews.
A ftlll lino nf nU,x',n T. oi ,
nsnallv kent in .;.:. "I uV:!'vr'B B " everstlnnt that i.
try them. Blore- w'" 8t cheap foi cash. Call anp
Donation Party. On Wednesday
many friends of Rev. Frank Adkins. of
Ihe M. E. cburoh, South, met at the
arsouage on Sonth Main street, to
surprise the pastor. In this they suo
oeed'd admirably, leaving donations
worth as much as $j0 or more. Mr.
Adkins and family took the matter imnrl,
naturedly. Their cellar contains ennnvh
of tbe necessaries to make a millionaire
turn greea with envy. For all of whiob
they are tiuly grateful.
Teachers' Examination. Teachem
examination, began Wednesday and is
now iu progress at the recorder's nfflcann
der thesupervisionof SuDt. Balinir assist.
ed by F. J. Hailook. The follnwi no nra
the applicants: Miss Annie Armstrong,
Mrs N. P. D megan, Mrs. Carrie Burn
ham and Arthur Hodson.
The Advertising
Of Hood's Snrsanarillais always within
the bound nf reason boane it is true
it always appeals to the sober, common
sense or tnniking peopM boaos it is
true; aud it is a'wavs fully snbtanti.
sted by endorsements; whioh in the
financial world wnulo be aooeptsd with
out a moment's hesitation.
5 til
Rip's Wood Yard. The HeDDner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or nn
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
37.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per oord: three times. HI nn
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbecn. a shoemak,
er and repairer of many years' expert
enoe, has just looated in the Abraham,
siot building, on May street, where be
rs prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
VI Birbeck is strictly a first-class work.
man aud warrants all work. Oive him a
oall Uwtf
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A eood stock ranch anrl
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
Editor Gazette:
In issue of Nov. 7th I note an ailifnrial
Commenting on the resolutions sent in hv
oertain parties of this olaoe and nnhliah.
ed in same, issue implying a doubt
regardiog the truth of reports circulated
relative to the acts of a few would-be
agitators here; and to set Ibis right in
the minds of the DUblio. would like to
make a public statement of tbe faots.
On the night of Oct 30tb a meeting
composed of tbe following parties, J. J,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Q.1 fr j o tj rx the World
iro, mere are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
., , , B,d dfu. s are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
. p,nre dngs are great helps,
And these alone shonld be
wr i . D8ed in "ompounding.
We claim to keep in stock
T . . . Tne Pnfest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
T,t.. L To PreDare Pfesoriptions qniokly.
lo charge for them reasonably.
who oan do better than this?
The stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware.
Stoves, Etc., carried by
J V .mAOTaKM -
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Has been moved from the Odd Fellows' building to the West wareroom of tbe Mo-
17 ... I .... .1 1 :!,. i . .. 1. 1 . i . 1 1 .... , ......
inuauu laciwuins w o eginuiuiijmDui, ue stui ubs a complete line which
win D6 disposed ol at very reasonable prices for CASH. Call around.
1 aw
McQee. Levi Hhaner .T E. Hirivner. D
H. Millet, John Miller, James R lyee, E.
L. Woods. Ben Devore. John H twell.
Henry Howell and James Hardman,
held near here Bud a committee com
posed of D. H. Miller. L. J. Sbaner and
James Hardman oame to me abont 6
o'clook a. m.. of Oot. 31st and warned
me "not to issue any more papers of any
kind for service on any parties here,"
and further stated that thev "w mlrl nee
Sam Meadows and inform him that he
must not serve anv more oanera." f
told this committee that I was under
bonds to comply with the law, aud
would Issue any d oers 1 1 anv one re-
quiring them; they replied if I "did so
would have to suffer tbe oouseanenae."
I told them if they wished to stop tbe
suits they must go to tue proper parties
aod not oome tu me. Pari of this com
mittee named have siuce denied auv
knowledge of tbe above, and several nf
those mentioned that atte ded tbe
meeting have since stated that they
were entirely ignorant of anything of
the' kind being done and denied being in
attendance at said meeting.
To is meeting ooourred three nichfa
previous to the tne at whiob resolutions
published were passed.
C. M. IIoooe,
Justice of t e Peace.
Hardman, Or.,Nnv. 8th 1893.
Bnew and ice this morning.
Digging potatoes, making sauerkraut
SOWiniT Prnin. hnnlilwv nrnn.l :..
' -wwm auil K'niu
etc , is the order of tire day am mget the
the busy furmers of Eight Mile.
If Pearl Jones does seem a little
absent-minded at present, pleaBe re
member be is thinking of that nine
pound son his wife presented h m with
on the 29th day of Oct. All parties
uuiu weu.
Mr. Rumania fnrmarlv ,1 ILf
. 1 ".uiui VI UiUUUI,
u.iuuij ui(im, was traveling to lows
in a wagon in company with bis 'son
Ijeonard. They got as far as Utah and
StonDSd there for R alinrt. limo tJo
I engaged in hauling lumber from tbe
wo uiouuiBius. v llle asnow had fallen
and as be was defending with a load
the brake gave way, the wagon and
horses went over the road side and up
sat throwing him airainst a ruck break
ing his leg and knooking out his left
eye. He bad to ride 28 miles through
the cold before he onulu reach any
place to be cared for. lie speaks very
IliehlV of the kinrinana nt tlm ....... I.. IU.,.
are caring for bim.
E. M. C. i
Eight Mile. Nov. 1, 1893.
f)f goods in stock of Cox Bros., Hardman,
xi 1 1 -!--!, , i4- r r- s -r
..... wui in .uicrnoon oi aturdav. JNov
II J 1 o i mi . . . .
i, anu io. uooaswill be sold in quantity
to suit purchsser, for cash only.
,11? Plenty of them at the
ll .".
wvx.kkw VllllCi
"Hardware" did vnn avf wv...
at P. 0. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and tbe
plaoe for bargains. a
The Palace ia th iaaMna l,ntl i tu.
ill ""'OI tit lUf
OltV. We rnrn nherl
of light are provided for everyone, a
Bnrir. the ieweler ia lha man fn Cw nK
your watch or clook. Le keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
M. Lichtenthnl & flo.'a nan, i..i. .
splendid, summer botlou and tie special-
uca iu mo suoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. g
Will Drink the Best
No';JimO,L ,a,oon N
The best is desirable every time. Charley Jones, day mixologist. Call.
Robert Krick, Prop.