Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 10, 1893, Image 2

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-r - -zr. -i-' rsz.r
One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
deeded laud l.M a good Bering of water ou it, all under
CTTND 160 ACRES rimber Culture claim adjoiaiiTg, of winch dendetl land there ste 140 acres god farming limd, and the balance A 1 pasture. Hie
yl fence. Situated two miles weet ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, SHOO ; or without the timber cnlturo claim, $800.
Deeded ranch, 160 -esaTu ZtTl
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the lim.t
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, beet stock raDch in Morrow county, cheap and on ear terms
Gttie jour business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up llepp
ner. Patronize thote who patronize
Vi e hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or ber communication, fo
correspondence Mill be published unlets the
writer s real luuue ll slguod as au evidence ol
goou laitu.
Did you ever
Bead about the
Mud who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel?
Yee? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
tioiJe schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Uulf as much
Ab a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Occasionally "tuutbin draps". That
was tbe ease lust Tuesday when every
thing went republican by mijoritirs
larger than at any time since tbs war.
We say "everything"; the democrats yet
have "old Fngiuj" eud New York oily.
It was an overwhelming, spontaneous
npiising which showed that the nomeee
got what Ihey did unt want leet full
The cry wub "change", mid it has come
after the old allopathic plan. This
couutry jet believes, and sincerely, too,
in Ibe piolection of Amerioan industries,
a system which bas brought unparalled
proepeiity and happinesp. How tbe
people could lay all aside for sure dis
tre.HS is more than Can be comprehended.
but they did it, and at this November
election proved bow willing they were
to n otify the mistake.
In Ohio Gov. McKinley Iibb been re
elected by a plurulity which the Port
land Telegram states will come up in
the neighborhood of 10U.000. His ma
jority ovirall is laige, and tubing into
consideration that he opposed all politi
oui pin lies, this is a viotory worth talk
ing about. As a ouudidute for presi
dential honors, this puts him before the
people in a manlier which cannot be
mistaken, and which leaves no doubts
as to their preteieuce. Win. McKinley
Jr., will be the next republican candi
date for president, and his Bucoeas is
aasured. McKinley is a cleau man ol
ability, mid the choice could not be better
placed, or on a more deserving repub
In New York it was aquation whether
the rotton Li it J machiue or the peopl
should rule. It had become eo intoler
able that even st If-respecting deuiocials
voted aniiiuet Ma nurd and the wholi
tioket, and the result is that New Ymk
state gives an overwhelming republican
viotory. Uroikljn even caught the
spirit and rolled up 20,000 majority for
the republican candidate for mayor.
In Chicago Judge Gary was re-elected,
Altgeld and otinrobinn got their deatl
blow. It is a just retribution and came
at tbe right time.
Boies, too, baa been shelved as
nroaideuti.l possibility, Thud term if
not looked upon lightly, either. There
is nothing wrong with Iowa.
Massachusetts demoOratB had foi
three tei ma chosen the popular demo
crut, Kussell, though the state on
national issues is republican. The
party concluded that there must bi
soinelhiug lu a uume, and uouiiualed
another Kussell. The returns show
that it whs a Kussell too mauy, and the
majority is overwhelming.
All along the liue comes siuiiliai
news. It arrived none too soon to
raise the drooping spirits ot the people,
who cau now confidently look forward
to telling ai d mure Biguitloaut victories
in "Js and 'Ml.
JivncE llooim, ot ttun man, in thi
issue stales that both be and Constablt
Meadows weie waited upon by a ooui
mitteewbu warned them not to make
any more attachments or prooeed witb
foreclosures. We bad hoped that there was
do foundation iu such report, but it
eeuis our hopes are doomed to be ever
lastingly annihilated.
How do Orrgouibua like a Gccrgiau
for Iudian agent of the Umatilla?
What is the mutter with home talent?
Oregon people dislike carpet-baggers as
bad ss any people on eartb.
The price ot silver is advancing, re
gardless of tbe slap given by the recen'
repeal. Stooks, however, have not fared
so well, and the tumbles everywhere are
apparent. Now that tbe country so far
as heard has apparently voted against
the "tariff for revenue, only," policy,
general improvement all along tbe line
may be noticed. But tbe country will
suffer more or less till silver is given
recognition as full legal tender money
A Pacific mail steamer oas been fired
upon by Honduras authorities becausi
the oaptain would not give up a fugitive I
wanted by tbe Honduras government.
Some of tbere dirty, little bait-breed
republics ought to be wiped oui ol
existence anyway, and unless full
reparation is made suou a course should
be pursued with Honduras.
Senator VouuiiEtso now wants to re
deem himself by proposing a free ooiu
age measure. He stood hand in band
with the enemies of silver to remove tb
last barrier between bimetallinm and
gold monometallism, and now when hi
has done all tbe harm possible tbt
couutry will look upon his subsequent
movts with suspicion.
Tub Rooky Mountain News, in a late
issue, gives Gov. Pennoyer prominence
in bu illustration showing our executive
as being crowned with a wreath by tbe
West, South and Labor, holding in his
hand tbe famous Thanksgiving procla
mation. The wreath coutains the words,
"Government of tbe people."
Sidney Bell in a recent issue ot tbe
Oregouian argues for a silver standard,
with tbe gold coin reduced in siae to
equal tbe bullion price of silver on a
gold basis. Mr. Bell recognizes one
thing, that it is not the fall ot silver
which is so Irirlful but the coutinued
oppreciation of gold.
The silver confer sniari are being set
down on by the administration because
they would not stand in for noooudi
tioual repeal. This confirms the charge
of one-mau power at the head of nation
al affairs. Just as well dissolve congress,
disperse the supreme court judges and
crown tbe king.
Ciirwiian Urss on last Tuesday at
Portland shot bis micle by marriage,
Theodore Liebe the pioneer baker and
president of the Oregon German Bakery
Company. HesB then shot himself
dyiug instantly. Mr. Liebe muy re
cover. It is the result of family trouble
Tub secretary of the treasury thivkt
that be could use some, of the silver, and
may coin some. But It will be done
sparingly, if at all. A good many
breeches pockets are just aching
for some of that despised silver.
This is an off year. It was au off
year that made congress 152 demoora'io
in one bouse, and it bas remained so
evtr since. Tin Be off j ears are getting
to be tbe forerunners of a general a
. Bom old parties declared for a double
standard in the o ,uteBt of 1893. It now
transpires that the people at large put n
wrong construction on the language
Gov. G. W. l'Kt'K.of Wisoonsiu, w ith
other state officers, is being sued for
money advanced on a printing bill for
the state.
Hon. S. M. Gilmokb, of Klickitat
county, Wash., died ou tbe Ot li inet
He was n pioneer of Oregon and Waeh
Koitok It. H. Kinkaid, ot the Eugene
Journal, is reported to be a candidate for
secretaiy of state honors.
I UK rumor that President Cleve
laud had been shot proved to hav
no louudiiliuu whatever.
It is now ssserieii that tbe big fight
between Mitchell and Coibatt will come
off at Jacksonville, Fin.
The people of Oregon will give thanks
this year on the Penuoyer plan.
Ilpw.oe of iiliituirnta for Catarrh that
t'ontaliis Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell aud completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Much
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions trom reputable plivs
clans, as the diamine they will do is
ten lold to the good you oan possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure
mauufiictured by F. J. Chttuev & Co
Toledo, O., oontaius no merourv, and is
taken internally, acting directly noon
the blood aud mucous surfaces of tbe
sstera. Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
I sure yon get the genuine. It is
taken Internally, ana made in Toledo,
dhio, hy F. J. Cheney A Co. Testi
monials free.
Cirsoid by druggists, pi ice 75e. per
Nothing like Simmous Liver Hegula
it r for dyspepsia and iudigestiou a
safe and sura cure.
This Time it Was Republicanism
and not Democracy.
Have Two Days But Tills
The Date for the becond.
CoLtiMaua, Nov. . The latest no
official returns from the state at the re
publican headquarters indicate that
McKinley bas carried tbe state by be
tween 70,000 and 80,000 plurality, the
largest in the history of the etate since
1863, when Brongh bad 100.000 over
Vallandigham, then an exile iu Canadu
New Yosk.
New xoKK, Nov. 8. Ibe Heotion in
this state was a oleau sweep for the re
publicans, and every hour adds to the
thoroughness of Iho democratic defeat.
Burtlett is elected to the conrt of ap
peals over Maynaid by probably over
65,000, and the rest ot tbe republican
state ticket wins by 20,000 The legis
lature is republican.
Das Moines, Nov. 8. Frank D. Jack
son, republican, for governor, is elected
by about 30,000 plurality, or 6,000 more
than Harrison fcr president in 1892.
Tbe republicans have the legislature
Topeka, Nov. 8. Today's returns add
to the overwhelming defeat of the
populists in this slate by the republicans.
Chioaoo, Nov, 8.-Returns to 10
o'clock indicate the eleotion of tbe en
tire republican judicial ticket with the
possible exception of Kraft, who was
supposed to have some anarchist lean
ings. Judge Gary, on whom Governor
Altgeld made a fiit, is elscted by 8,000
or more, and leads the rest of the ticket
by 2000 to 4000.
LimiHViLLB, Nov. 8. In Kentnckv
the democrats more thau held their
own in the stute legislature.
Kioiimond, Nov. 8. It will be some
da) s before oomplete returns are in
from the inaccessible oouuties, hut the
state is yet democratic.
New Jersey.
Jersey City, Noy. 8-The latest re
turns iuciease tbe majority, and race
track candidates and winter raoetraoks
are knocked out in one round. Tbe
legislatrue is republican.
Philadelphia, Nov 8. The state
far as reoeived, gives Jackson, republi
can, for state treasurer, 128,072; Os.
bourne, dera , 20,15).
Boston, Nov. 8.- Massachusetts has
elected Greenhalge by 30,000. All of tbe
republican state ticket won.
Nebraska .
Omaha, Nov. 8. Keturns are still very
meager aid the result is still in doubt.
Hepublicaiis churn the eleotion of Har
rison for supreme judge by a small
South Dakota.
!t i-aol, mn, scattered reports
from South Dakota confirm lust night's
rep'Tts or a decided republic .n viotory
Michigan, N iv 8. -In the first oon
gressional district, Griffin, derooortt, i
eleoted by lietweeu 1000 and 1500.
810 and $20,
Genuine Confederate
'Bills OIllv five onlauol,.
0 aud
$100 bills 10 cents each; 2,".o and 50c
"niiipiasiers 10 cents eaoh; fl and $2
bills 25 cents each. Sent securely senl-
ed on reoeipt of price. Address, Chns
V. Barker, iH) S. Forsyth St., Atlanta,
"How toCnre All Skin llaeaaev.,
himply apply "Swayne's Oiutnieut.''
No internal medioiue required. Cn
letier, eczema, ituu, all emotions ou the
faoe, bands, nose, Ac, leaving the skin
clear, white and healthlv. Its
healing and onratiye powers are piwsess
"y no inner remedy. Aak Jour drug
Kip. iur ownMie h vriltrmeiir. BW 1 Vr
Those having busiuess relative to the
estate o( W. G. Boyer, deoeaeed, will
please call at the office of. Hamilton 4
Freeland, who will pay all debts of said
estate and collect all money due the
Eliza J. Buyer.,
Executrix .
Heppner, Or, O.-t. 15. 93. 71.74
Do not ruin the stomach with chemi
cals. Simmons Liver regulator is.
purely vegetable and efiective.
For further information call at oui office. .-eir
1 XVr?:.! i."
A !
y- .J '
O.W.R. M F'S C9 PCHTUW 0. 0 ft
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug
Co. and 1. W. Ayers, Jr.
rVnd for
Schenectady, N.Y.
and Brnckvliie. Oui.
There was never a time in the history
ot our country when tbe demand tor
inventions and improvements in the arts
aud sciences generally was eo great as
now. The oonveuiences ot mankind in
the factory and workshop, the household
unci on the farm, as well as in official
lite, require ooutiuiiHl Recessions to the
appurteuauoes and implements ot each
in order to save h.bor, time aud'expeuse.
The political change in the administra
tion government does not affect tbe
progress of the American inveutor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing dehoiencies, does not
permit the liffire of government to de
ter him trom quickly Oouoeiving the
remedy to overoume existing discrepan
oies. Too great oure ounuot be exer
cised in ohooaiug a competent aud skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
teres's have been lost and destroyed iu
innumerable instances by the employ
ment ot incompetent oounsel, aud es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No tiatent. no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their DusineBs to this class of attorneys
do so at imminent rssk. as the hrenrlth
and strength of the patent is never eon'
aiuereu in view or it quick endeavor to
get an allowauoe and obtain the fee
John Wedderbmn, Geueral Manager
Ills f street, N. W., Washington. D. C.
represen ing a large number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
erul periodicals of the euuutry, was in
stitute.l to proteot its patrons from tl
oiiKHie methods heret ifure employed
in this line of business. The said Con
pnuy is prepared to take charge of all
potent bueineaa eetriiafpd to it for rea
sonable feeu, ami prep tr j and proseoute
applications generally, iuoluJiug me
cuauicai inventions, design patents,
triuie-niarks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports
ami gives espeoial atteuion to rejected
t .!..., . . .
cnrn. 11 is uisfi prepared to enter into
oompetitiou with my ff'ua in so irin
foreign piteuts.
Write for instructions an I advice.
John Wkddgrburn.
bl8 F Stree',
t'. O. B .x 3S" Waalnnvfto i. D C.
Sheriff's rale.
1 1 Ml,,, hv Hrli,..,( .1. ....... , . .
otthf llicult Court of the Slate of I ..,,, (..,
the County of Morrow, and to me directed and
delivered upon judgment rendered aud entered
" yi" 1 uii me .vm oay 01 May lw. In
favor of W. B. Cuuiilimhmn .Mui;,,,,v ' ,j
against J. D. Ball, Defendant, for the inn, nl
Seven Hundred aud Ten Dollais, and for the
Vi u ' "u oamages and costs,
which llldament was irn!li,l t'
!!'e 'il?,r"i" umc? S Courl '" W County 01,
the 20th day of May lsvi. And (herealter on
oovemoer 2,111, in, said Judgment aaa dulv
assigned aud trauslered from the said W b"
Cuunloghaine to Win. Iluihea for a valuable
consideration, and ihere being more duo 011
said Judgment the mine of To Hundred and
leu Dollars, together with Interest at the rate
of cent, per annum on the full sum of eevan
Hundred aud Ten Dollars from tha dh day ol
May lass to the isth day ot December, lsw), t0.
gather w ith Interest at the rate of cent oar
annum on the sum of Two Hundred and Ten
Dollars from 28th day of December, lssj, until
paid, and for the further sum of Two Dollars
costs and accruing costs, I have levied upon
and will sell at public auction, on Saturday the
9th day ol Dece nlwr, isji, at one o'clock p. m
at the Court house door In Heppner, Morrow
County and stale of Oregon, all the right, title
and Interest which the said J. D. Ball, Dtfand
ant had on or after the 211th day of Mav lsxi. In
or to the following described premises, to-wit-The
south East quarter of Sec. Eleveu ill) i,i
Township Three South ol Range Tw.ntr-three
t'.-l) Kast of . M., in Morrow Conntv. .sine ui
t.regou, and remains I an acres. Datcdat Hepp
ner UisMh day of November, 1MW.
I7S-1.7 Sheriff of Morrow county, Oregon
r l ' -i i": r.'-xr-su 'Ti
.c. r. 5 J' AsVf t'fCr'v! . -.yr
I vine jrZKfw
per box. sfif
fur 8'i.50.
Wheat, bu J55
Flour.bbl 2 50 & 300
Beeves, cows A two.year-olda. owt. 1 fiO
1 75 it 2 00
Sheep, muttons, bead.
" stock
Hugs, ou foot, cwt....
Hogs, dressed
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
, 1 50 & 2 25
1 50 U 1 75
.... 4 50
6 50 O 700
6 0 10
..40 &
"3 00
Wheat, cwt 1 03 1 08
Flour, bbl 3 00 tt 4 00
Beeves, etall fed 4 50 W 6 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 2 8 00'
Hogs, owt 4 50 i 5 25
Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 S 12
Butter, lb 25 hi 3U
Eggs, doz 20 25
Chiokens, doz 5 00 0 6 00
Turkeys, tt 15 fe 18
Wheat, owt 85 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 3 16
Beeves, owt ' 1 75 (fj 2 75
" dressed 3 50 6s 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 60 & 3 00
" dressed 6 75 it 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
' dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 it 14
Butter 20 30
Eggs, doz 27 4 (S 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 d i 50
Turkeys lb 15 a 17
Notice of Intention.
J Oct. 4. Notice Is hereby ulv,.n that
the followinir-named settler haa riled notice of
his Intention to make final oroot in auuDort of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heunner.
Or., 011 Nov. lit, MM, viz. :
Hit. 321.1 for the EH NW"4 NE'i HFM Sec. 31
and NWIf SESec. 32 Tp. 6. 8, K 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witneHReg tnnrnvA hln
continuous resldeuce upon aud cultivation of,
nam muu, viz. :
tieorge Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Melttsner,
of Gooseberry Paul Schiller, of Uooscberry,
ana Isaac amitn, oi U)ne nock uregon.
ib-n John w. Lewis, KeKister.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
undersigned, the administratrix of th
estate of Cornelius Lriscoll, deceased, will on
luesday the 12th day of Uecen.ber, at I o'clock
p. iu. of said day at the West half of the North
east quarter, and the East half o( the North
west quarter of section thirty-one (;ll) town
ship two (2) South of Kuuge twenty-nine (29)
East of the Willamette Meridian. kpII bM
described premises at public salt to the highest
uuiuer lor easn in nauu. tsucl. sale being made
under and pursuant to an order of the County
court of dale September 20, 1H5M, made aud
entered in said County court ol Morrow county
I will also on said day at .he hour ol 3 o'clock
. rn. of said. day. sell an undivldl nnp.hAlt'
nterest in tha saw mill nrooertv hn.nuli.w m
said estate, said mill being known as the White
, uriscou mm. bald sale will be made to the
highest bidder with cash In hand upon the
premises. I he order lor said sale having been
made, as aforesaid, on the 20th day of feut.
county, State ol oregou. IJated this 2ist day of
i "1 e nuuuraoie vouuiv court ol Morroiv
Administrator's Sale.
w i"eu um wi tne uounty i;ourt ot Uregou ,
for Morrow County, on the lith day ol Nov. i 1
18'J3. The undersigned administrator of the
estata of lames S Breeding, deceased, will on
Friday, December)), tutu, atone o'clock In th
afternoon of said day, in front of the court
" uor. 111 lieppner. Morrow county
Oregon, sc 1 to the highest bidder for cash in
hand all the right, title and Interest of said
James S. Breeding, deceased, in and tr, t,
lo lowing described real property, to-wit: N
w of See is, Tp. 2S K. 2BE. W. M., situated
Vi! lumur, .lulu ui Oregon.
The same to be sold in parcels ol forty acres
each, or as a whole as to tha administrator may
seem best ou day ol sale. Dated ihiB lith day
of Nov. A. 1). Win, at Heppner uregou.
A. W. Bkkkdino,
1" Administrator.
Heart Failure.
The epitaph on many a tombstone is
heart f.ulure." No wonder, when we con
sider the immense strain which it put on
that small organ. Marvelnuan;;., k..:
loO.uoO tunes and exerting a force equal to
5,1(H,(XK) pounds daily, it has its limit ita
endurance often ts too severely tested. 80
wuimoii are diseases of the heart though
often for a considerable time without the
suspicions of the afflicted person being in
ine least excited that it is stated that one
.sow 11 f.iniiliar one in all parts of our land,
lie ha lound the most common symptoms
of heart disease to lie tioin, dt'sti or tndtr
m in the cAesf, 6aci, Uornaeh, btncclt, UA
tkoMer and arm, siorliKst of breath, mother
tug sp.fs, fainting, etc.
Mr. George R. Smitn. of Birnes, Yates
Co., N. Y, writes:-" Db. Milq' New
Hkaht Curb kat varied vondnfiUlv m
mind and body r 1 tan do a good day's orc
p&l ten year, yomger and take more interest
n affairs. I had shortness of breath, palpi
tation, pain under left shoulder blade, win
"round the heart 1 could not steep on my right
o. Since I have taken Dr. Mile sZ
earl Car. J ,Uep well, and Kate no palpita.
tvm. It has made my heart ttronvr. wi.K
von would print this, because I want all to
know what Dr. UdeS Heart Cur, has done
lor me.
" For month, my wife suffered with pohi.
toion, mothmyydk, .nd WM uxJSrul
sleep on her lea side, 8he tried Mv.rTi
doctors without relief. ToLaJeK
wts recommended. After UkinTthre.
hntilft, she fully recovered hergh,.l
Y.mr medicines do what vou claim.''CHAi
ClI RItm a w, Toledo, O.
h.D.n !? llM'.Ne Cure for the Heart is sold
by sll dnifteists on a positive piarantee. It
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
For sale by T. W. Ayers jr..
pvm m jour im a oaa Heart r Dr. Franklin
Miles, of Elkhar'. Ind., has for years made
a special study of all diseases of the heart,
and his remarkable success !, ,,
trftot it the toniition of yturtt I your hair dry, hanh,
brittle? Hot it tpltt at th tndit Hat it a Ufeleit appearance?
J)oe$ it fall out when combed or bru$hd t It it fult of dandruff
Doe your tealp iteh t It it dry or in a heated condition ? If then
are tome of your tymptomt bo warned in time or you will tetnme
i'nA ."rata
In what you neM. Iti production If not an aocldont.1ht th mutt of irlttntlr.c n
penrch Kiiowleti(te of tbe ditcaiei of tlie bair and iculp led lo tbo diBCo-vt rv : -totnattliem.
"3koolcumM contains neither minerals nor oIIb. It 1a not, aOj.ii-;
a rii'llKlitfullT cooling and refreatilng Tonlo. By atlmuiatlug the fullicUis, tt Mum
fall in hair, cures dandruff and grows hair on bald htads.
' i tr Krep the scatp clean, healthy and free from irritating ntj)M(nB t,Tt,eu,,
ef . kooKu.it, Hkin South It dealruya parasitic insecta, whivli frtd on ad ilcstn,
(',ei( vour drnfTlrist cannot aujiply yoo, aend direct to ua, and wU will forwftM
l.rej.niJi, on roceipt ot jrica. tirower, $1.0U per boltle; I for u.0.i, 3unp, bJc.mt
T7 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. V.
rnAoe wars
It is a wonderfni rernr-dy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your chililnvi. Such is Scott's Emulsion
of Pure Norwegian Cod Livr (il and Hypophos
phites of Lime and Soda, it checks wasting in the
children and produces sniimi. l i'slthy ilcsh. It keeps
them from taking vA i .n, ! ;: ) do the same for you
Scott's Emul-io.-i enroo Conjl -,
Colds, Consumption, y .i-rfuni
all Anaemic and VJavixa- Vi.-::ir.:.
Prevents wastin? in liit'sv.. '
mostBspnluintl r.-- ti'.'.... vn-t oni v
the genuine. Prepare:! !.- w.-.-.r
Bowne.Chemlsh, Nr. .-r:j. .'( 1-1
11 Dnigfrl'te.
Y Is the title of a very valuable hook that gives a great amount of Information of the l:tmol
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin. Care of Teeth.
Occupation for Invalids, Bathing-Best Way, After-Dlnner liars,
Alcohol as a ood and a Lungs and Lung Dlaenaes, KrTects of Tobacco,
Jiedlelne, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What, to Wear, Headache Cause 4 Cure,
What to Kat,
How to Eat It,
ThlngH to Do,
Thlnns to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
nuw iu oreaine.
..-....". ...re,
;;ogers or Kissing, restoring tlie nrownerl, contagious Diseases. Mnlarial Affwtiona
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-sighted- Ilow to Avoid ThS oSS?-trev!unL
ventuation, iioss, Exercise,
n vIX,n?T LL1H? W T CVnV' Blftck Eyos' BolIa- Bu. Chlllblalns, Cold Jeer, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Ueadaclie, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Month,
wI e,nreJhr?tvJUnStr,0kn,!,',!",1I,d "18MtB". Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers,
Warts, Whooping Cough. Worms la Children. IT WILL SAVE DOOTOBS UILLS.
t"All new subscribers and prompt renewals during tbe month of Aug. will be
presensed witb a free oopy of tbis 11s a premium.
IDllls, Dawson Xs Iyyons,
All business attended to
manner. Notariee
patents ZCuchycare cannot 1 f the ?orneys employed to obtain their
able solicitors tc worn e ex,erciscd " employing competent and reli
entirj? and 'SSyr frot"'rthleS9 or careless attorney.,
Uined ns
Urfeencef MnW Uf1 M Porn Cle8. Conduct In
Su, Trndl FT Exlnti P'osecuto Rejected Cases.
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
advised as to the best con , t P orta?t f?atures- and you will be at once
others are infringing on yZ 'riJt Jol vnModeLS arVeldm necessary. U
others, submit the matter "to I f, L I 7url!aTd with infringement by
matter. Mer t0 uf for a hMe OPINION before actfng on the
r. O. box 48i ," ' WASH INGTON, O. C.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
W Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. J
Kotice of Intention.
u tir ' 1 ""me nert'bv tflven that
the following- named settler has tiled not ce of
h s intention to make final proof In support of
He names the following witnesses to-nror hi.
L.d ,l2nd:,v.rs:'ld,!nCe "P"" a" "'"i"Sion "of
an,f 'i18!. ''' J'"'!!' w"ra. Ben Poppenga
&n,lJ,.y- u8ue, " ol Hardman. llregoti
Jons W. Lswis Register.
CDC I" TPIA I A pck,s" a ""
l,LL WKrrri
. wad wriuTUTE, laiwstsiioraia
. Sir ' M Kl
- ll f( M w Qlt
a o near, 10 uet Kid of L ce.
in a prompt and satisfactory
Public and Collectors.
Notice of Intention.
i thi 1.7, L . "otlce Is hereby given that
' her Intention to mSt. a T h"" med no,lce '
I her clffindthM
and W M'nHa"' Fra,lk OrilBn W. T.-Me,bh
Jhn W. Lwisi Register
HI! rf ""d tn on--lNf.las trw.-.
r I L to 7,z "J i.1:. t, 1
r . BRA B. BUTTS. '
-SMPlnsStr. -. Si. Locu.Mo.
lf1 V CJ CI M B
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