l'lcnt;..i aU Prnti 1 1 ' ' turpi lid euro cwur-lij all-.a I'r. iiti.-.a lUK tifvJuy pills cure constipation tifylng pills curf c.n'tlpn..n PrMirjt.M KfTfiryU-g piilac uraoouAti p.w ion PRENTISS RECTIFYING PiLL - CURPS f t f I I I . A I 1 1 1 I n u ft s a pi:i mat cures torpid j Almost nil pills and mcdlrlne produce constipation, hero In liver. Dlllousutss, rheumatism. int:i.:s!un. sick headache, au.t kidney and llrer iruuu,ea miaoui gnyiag or levin- any tia.-e of CONSTIPATIOM whl.-h : : I Is the prlmocnuso of nil sickness, beware .,f It gonial habitual and chrnulc wlib tou. : thcpe pills win euro yea. lt ! fT O C"" "RPNTIGS RECTIFYING PILL. i" 'i I f "J. tm'"UM 't Is the only safe and harmless remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the r. n soe to J Jp liini A L COMPLEXION a . clear the , .itla and remove all blotcbc. from the face. Try a box and eoe tor your - self. 2 Coots a box. ttLfl RV All nDiini?iera I J Or sent by mail upon roccl pt of price by ' iSij Prnvice t,m J aa- - . . . V..UIUUU unu manufacturing to., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 5 06 CALIFORNIA STREET, v rimw llocurylug Mils cum mi.ai I i, i,...:,-T7rr" , ,T .,- 0.S Prentiss Rectifying ,111, ere cms. i. . . 1 ' 'u'' un .,g Jt. , i M. nut; imiju-Tir rODBupal'nn 'A 41 REAT SPEAR MEAD CONTEST. 11 !3J? AND SAVE THE TAGS. 3ie Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, 173,250. In valuable Presents to be Clven Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,155 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES R,,C 5,775 ''INK IMPORTED FltRNCII OI'KltA (JLAKHES. MOItOf'C'0 HOIIY. 11LACK ENAMEL TIUMMING.H, lilMKANTEED ACIIKO.MATIC... OC IllH'KlIOltN HANDLE, EOUIt ULADED 23,100 IMFOIITKIJ GKKM AN l'OCKET KNIVES . 1 5,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CIIAItM ItOTAltY TELKSf XU'E TOOTH 1'KIW 2', 100 M 57,700 00 1 1 5,500 LAKGE PICTURES! (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, no advertising on them 2K.S76 00 231,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO. $173,250 00 .100 TOOTH 1'ICKS. .100 PICTURES. The nbnve nrtlclcs will be distributed, hv eonnlle. among parties who chew KPEAB HEAD I'iug Tobacco, aud return to us the VIS T.tttN taken therefrom. Wi will dlstrlbuto 220 of these prizes in (Ills eounly us follows: I n THE PARTYscmlliur us the greatest number of SPEAK HEAD TAGS from this county we will give 1 GOLD WATCH. 10 the MVh PARTIES sending us the next grcntest number of SPEAK. HEAD TAGS, we will give 10 each, 1 Ol'EItA GLASS.,.. 5 OPERA GLASSES. To the TWENTY PARTI US sending us the next crentest number of SPEAK HEAD TAGS, wo WLI give to each 1 POCKET UN IKK 2U POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us (he next greatest niimoer oi iMT..it nr,.i i,n, we will give to t'ttcn 1 HULLED GOLD WATCH CIIAK.M TOOTH PICK To the ONE III'NDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest lliirin'-r u .ri'.Aii ur-AI i.AdS, we will give to t'ueh 1 LARGE I'ICTUKE IN ELEVEN COLORS Total Number of I'rlzea for Ibis County, S'iU. CAPTION.-No Tni:s will bo received before Juminry 1st, 18!)l, nor niter February 1st, lni. Kiie'n piicltiiga eoutidnlng tugs must be marked plainly with Name ot Ki nder, Town, County, Mute, anil Number of Tugs iu eai b package. All charges ou packages must be prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value thnn nny other plug tobacco produced. It is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest, NI'KAK HKAI) Is absolutely, positively and dlfilliicll vol y clillerent lu llavor from nny oilier plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skeptical ol this fuet. It Is the largest seller of anv similar shape and style on earth, which proves that. It has caught tlio popular t:iste and pleases the people. Try It, nnd participate in the contest for nrlzes. See that a TIM TAW is on evcrv ID cent piece of SPEAK HEAD you buy. Send lu the tags, no mailer huw small tb quantity. ery sincerely, THE P. J. BOKO COMPANY, Minni.KTOWN, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will be published lu this paper Liuuivuiuwij uiiei reuiuiiiy ibi, in;,i. DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. (834 THE EXILE IN CANADA Or, Tb B4odlr LmaU I wandered to the river't bank And looked fee r on to where, Uoon the other side, I taw Toe light reflect thore; And, a I f a2ed, a loading came To reaoh that place osoe more. And walk upon tue rood old aoll . I d often trod before. Laet night I dream d that onoe agali I taw the old, old home Where oft, when I wat but a lad. My wandering ttept did roam Td crowed unto the other tide , Of thte wide, running itream; Atai t I woke In full delight. To find it but a dream. Oil, oould I but retraoe the yearil And backward go once more, I would not then be cursing fate Upon tbia barren ihore. What recki It th;it I have the gold Wherewith to pass all t meJ ince I mutt while away the years In this most wretched cliuir I Ye start that shine so bright to-night. In yonder vault above. Row merrily ye re looking down On friends that 1 do love. Would I were there; but yawns a gulf, Wide as eternity! The sheriff s arm, the broken trust, Doom mo to misery So, here an exile I must stay, On this cold, barrun land; No tight of heme, or kindred dear, No grasp of frinndly hand; With gnawing thomrhtH of keen remorse. Like spoct!rs, ever near: Nor one kind smile, nor welcome glance. My lonely life to cheer. H. McGrath, In America. CRANKS AT Til!: CAPITAL. . iMOfJFIF AND " I IJ V.;ihllbnd7iiunm,strinirs'r.l0' I a. .Ij T),mAt rTT tcv iinu t x. itenn i, irrTum u...ji OC' :U Baset Cra2? CiiiiViuita ir urtidlK.itTiH 1..M manhood, dnpondtnor, uo6t a 1. 1., a. try. viulaf v ol tin ornt, cHt.nl n4 wo. ! j tord b nf. and n-jr il 'd . Cnw pitlHMI, yicran'WJ. Qurtt on Hak Dd JJook fw. Cll or WIU. Df?. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS, M0. HIS .NOTIFICATION. Bow Thornton Executed His Com- mission. .. The YOSEMITE VALLEY. Hal Iti Care Keen Intrusted toCarafula Negligent Hands T "A competont jutlgo has characteriz4 tho announced policy of an active mem ber of tho Yoaemlto Valley Commission to 'cut down every troo (In tho valley) that has sprouted within the last thirty years' as a policy 'which. If It were car ried out, would eventually result in an irreparable calamity calamity to the civilized world. : This member is repre sented as declaring that his policy has tho support of tho commission; it re mains to ho seen whether his associates will follow such fatuous leadership, Ilu' tho history of tho Yosetnito makes II only tuo probable that aori.sis in its man agement is near at hand. "Tho American peoplo aro probably not aware of their proprietorship in the Yoseniite. In ism, by act of Congress, the valley nnd the grounds in the vicin ity of the Iliu; Trees of Mariposa were granted to tho Stale of California 'with tho stipulation nevertheless that the aid Stato shall accept tills grant upon tho express conditions that tho prem ises shall be held for public use, resort and recreation; shall be inalienable foi all time,' etc. Thus Is recognized by law ttio moral claim of all humanity to an Interest in tho preservation of the wonders of tho world. A citizen of Now York is as much ono of tho owners ol tho Yoseniito as a citizen of California and his right to bo hoard in suggestiot or protest is as undoubted. There are. unfortunately, f ew resident California!!' who are well acquainted with the val ley. An actual count has Indicated that one-half of the visitors are foreigners, ohlefly Englishmen, while one-fourth are from tho Kastern States. The opin Ion of these 'outsiders' might he sup posed to have a special value, being dis connected with tho local disse nsioie which havo gathered about the val ley. "It Is unfortunate that the first, pub lie presentation uf the subject and tin resultant Investigation by tho I,ogishi turo of California were complicated bj personal, political and com merciul con alderatlons to such an oxtent as to eh tcurt) the imoortant point-lias th. 2,'.".'S,u;l'. These llgures represent the unrulier of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption, Coughs and Cohls, which wers Bold in the United States from March, "Jl to March, '92. Two million, Iwo huudred ami twenty-eight thousand, sil hundred a lid seventy two bottles sold in one yesr, and each and every Kittle was sold ou a positive guiirauted that money would be reftiudcd i( satisfactory results did not follow its use. The secret of its success is plain. It never disap points and can ulwu)8 be depended ou as tliev-ry best remedy (or coughs, oohls, eto. Price 5;U) utid $1.(10 at Sloctim- PUBLIC DISCIPLINARIAN. Tfc Queer Profession Carved Out by Kiitorprisliig Knglisli Woman. Aosoiutely tho latest importation from England established herself yesterday on Upper Broadway, says tho New York neraid. bbe is a tall and rather hard featured woman from Manchester, who dis plays the extraordinary sign on the door of her Hat: "Disclpliuurianol Children." Hur sister established tho nurtieulur "iirofos sion" which she follows in London nearly two years ago, and It is now transplanted U fiew ork. The mothers and fathers of families will probably be able to judge 'vtiothor tho idea is worth encouraging vi iiou l,U.. .i.i ,,.. uj Maun, - saiu mo Manchester woman who lias established horsolf hore, "realiz ing that the majority of mothers love their children loo much to punish them severely, w.im-.vcu urn uieuoi sotting herself up as puuiiouiscipimarmn. Bho is a woman of gieat force of charooter and unerring judgmont iu all matters concerning children, and she had extensive ex perience as a visiting nurso before adopting hor present business. It is her idea that children are more severely pun ished when they are frightened than through any physical means. To slap a child iu the boat of passion while the child is excited and unruly does not have half as salutary an effect as the more mature and considered punishment in a dark wardrobe or sending tho littlo one to bed without supper. Bettor than this is to threaten the child with a visit from tho bugaboo. The dread of tho arrival of this awful per sonago will act as an incentive to good con duct with tho most fractious children in the world. My sister is a bugaboo, and that is about what 1 am. The fee In England for visiting a house and disciplining the chit dren is two shillings. Tins involves medi eal advice drawn from tho fund of consid- oruuie experience In the wnaiover suggestions the tuiiigs may naturally lead up to. Besides ippl, the dny is not distant when its r , , , ' ' , , 1 ' nM 10 tcaoh' nortn arm will be connected with iiiu iinii-ones. ther those Add "She'll have to go; ain't no way out o1 mat. Bhe'il have to skip," said Dave Kin ney. He squinted in a cross-eyed mannorat the cracker-crumb on his tawny, scraggy beard, and transferred it carefully to his mouth. There was a wedge of cheese on his left knee. When the Fence Corners School Board originally Feunett's Cor ners, but thus aptly abbreviated held a meeting, it was, by general agreement, in old Hanks' grocery, where crackers and cheese, and mayhap a herring, might re lieve its tedium. Hut to-night there was an alleviating interest. About the size of it," said Silas Saun ders. He preferred tobacco, and rolled a quid under his tongue. "This aiu't no place fer her firm V hy, I wouldn't answer for the consequences if she staid; there ain't no teliin' what might happen, ner what deviltry them boys mtvH be up to. Look at Corny Hourke, six foot two or three if he's an inch, and chuck full, chuck full. buck full! He's always bc'it tho one to put, the teachers out, and there aiu't no doubt but what it's his idee this time. Bar ricadin' the school-house right out bold Hist day o' school; now, who butCornv'd t' thought o' thai!" Thero was something of contemplative I admiration in his tono. tioin' to be done, whoever' doln' it." said Kinney, exploring his cracker-bae. (Join' to git in ut eight o'clock to-morrow morniii' an' shut up the door and fasten the windows, and any teacher that gits In '11 have to git iu through the kev-holeera crack; what t her mild." He hud told it before; Ho had called the meeting tor the purpose of telling it. But it was interesting to divell upon. Thero was an impressive silence. "Wall, we'll have to give her notice. You're jest the one to do it, Thornton eh!" Saunders observed to the third member of the board. He was himself uoensv. "She got along fust-rate, summer term." he added. He appeared to feel a vusruo and wholly impotent regret "Needs tho money, should jedge." "Hheneed't 'a' made no calculations to teach no winter term lure uot to Fence Corners," Kinney responded, with some contempt. "If there h'ain't be'n a winter for five years but what there's be'n a rum pus, and gener'ly school shut up, w'y, she ueeun i w iooKea icr mere oom' to be." It was unanswerable, but the store-keepet entered a weak suggestion over his motlej counter. "I should think that gang ought to bf Drone up," ne said. Ho expected no roioindcr. and Bot none. The Bchool Board's attention centered upon no sucn wnimsictti irrelevancy. "Keckon you're the one to notify her Thornton," said Saunders, again. He wriggled unquietly on his stool. Thornton sat motionless Whether In fact or by a trick of the lll-bun.ing lamp on the counter,his good-looking face with its heavy, light moustache, appeared pale. He sat with his arms crossed on his knees and his eyes on the floor, silent. "Jest so," said Kinney, with an air of im partial decision. " You can git it off better 'n Saunders or uie, Thornton. You're a better lookin' man, anyhow, and you're bet ter rigged up," he concluded, with politic auiiauieness. They made an attempt at a careless dis missal of the subject. Kinney got hp and tnrew nis cneeso rum in the stove. Thorn ton passed his hand over his mouth aud wallowed hard. "You can jest put it, easy," said Kinney, encouragingly. "You can tell her jest how 'tis, and how it's for her own good, and ain't to be put off ner avoided. You can ten ner she done tirst-reus. summer term W'y yon can tell her jest what you're a- unoe io, crien tunney, magnanimously Their colleague arose. He was a tall and powerful young fellow, but thero was an odd luxity In his movements now as ho went toward the door. He hold bis hat-brim to his Hps, too, and turned his face away from tholight. Hanks stared after him till the door closed. "I s'sposc you've found out that Jim Thornton's about the bashfu'lest feller in town, am't your' he queried. There was no response. "And vou've tu-ob'lv susnicloned. same Aa Annoylni- CI m ' I eop' Who Sem to lie Attracted Towui-.l Ttio HliU Udtl t-i.ul.r..l Place. "Tin? recent V.ov.-' .men's iu insanity remind mv ut our . xj-..-r .. a in Wash in.1on," Raid a Inly v ie ; husband has, through two a luiiui trutions, held a high oiUue iu tiie givernment. "Why men in official places." sho continued. "are not one uud nil victims of crazy j wj(b a larger stuck than ever, malevolence is a w.mder. Crunks nnd j lunatics of nil kinds seem to be partic ularly attracted toward those who hold political places. As a rule, their mania obietly consists in writin;,' letters innu merable on every su'iject under the sun to the heads of t ie departments. riiis, of course, is simply annoying, but sometimes it takes a most serious form. Insane claimants come to Washington by the hundreds with preposterous de mands of every kind. Of course, at the lepurtments and in their houses the pres ident and his cabinet arc guarded as far as mav be from these intruders; but they sometimes gain access to the peo ple they desire to see, and give a great deal of trouble. 'Owing, probably, to my name hav ing been more or less in the newspapers, I had not a little annoyance from these people myself, mid women as well as men used to deluge me with the most absurd applications. One very funny incident, which, however, was most an noying at the time, occurred after we Established 38 years. Treats male or fermils, I. . -it.-,-, , , i married or single, in cases oi miwbuio. nad been in ttaslungtmi only a short tthuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL - . time and before I had warned my serv- GUARANTEED. Board and apartments The general merchandise establish ment formerly nwt-ed h (Vfb'n Mi'Fnr land, haw lately change.! bands, now be inu under the control and mnnageiueni 'f The McFarland .Mercantile (Ynipaiiv. whioh continues btisiueFsat the old stnnd Where? At Abrnhamsick's. lu iddiiioii to hi Iniloring business, be tins added a fine line of underwear of ail kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on linn ome plecBuf patterns for anits. I briilmmsick. May street. Heppner, Oi SCITRItSfj llielon ,V Jenks, Il-i:n:lt4i.tr- I nllle. Iwi, Uri iTllT I II HI" 1 on mll-r lop: er..p ill riKoi ear sell spill u, f,. II K h I lli,-, Jour thl Ihmb. IUiik u, Hunt enmity ILiiXjjlU I'll!!". I'""1- Wanner. Or-J"u' K i I S VeBH B W p coli heeled J mi riclil houl,ter,ii lirt.!,; on cut;' OnSai.f II on riylii: liiHinl mi Ifft tti.l d..1uw fu-k , riMltl twrnntl nm in m-ii- t.tij(ti m Mnwtli,- tii-fiict, Mcrn-w tMUit UnU. illlt'ti. Whiti'l". Of. - littrHft l,im:(l -t- t.-nvli Hi. punillM. Imim) uii i-ft houliit.r OiilfBHint on Wt hip almj large cirt'ls ou Juft KHIt-. a xl.lu OMAHA ' HhII. K.lwin, John UHy.r.-rattleK Hon Myhi w ' ; ni,t; imn Kansas City, St. Paul, ClliciiJLSO, St. l,oitI, POINTS AN II A I. ERST. DR. DODD'S Cure oi OLIC IN HORSES, OUARANTECD. vcrT owner of s horM houlfl kfff ItODUDd, II BiMv laVe I He llfr1 oi vbhikhla anltnf.1. One Dackaee wi eurcaight lolen uicf. Fric tl.uo, Sent by mall o exprtfil. Our Ac count Book, w ich eoDtalnaalntiti) n i.CJiMlN Co.. 82i! Pi n St. 9r. Locia, MO The Old Reliable I my ants against these eccentric gentry. We bad had a big dinner, and 1 was alone iu the drawing-room about eleven o'clock, jtist after our guests had de parted. I hoard a little bustle in the hall, but, faiicyin;r it was some one going- away, did uot disturb myself about it. 1'resentlv tin; door opened and the fixitman announced '.'diss Clark,' and, quite as if she was an expected guest, in walked a very iudy-like look ing woman, who calmly informed me that she hail a claim against the treas ury department for one million dollars, and that she had conic to stay with us until she bad arranged matters satis factorily. 'I have brought my trunk, she explained, vcr; com'Kisedlv, 'as I furbished when desired. ouesUou Blank and Book free, can or write. 25 Tears' Experience In treating all vaii lies of liupture e. tables us to guarantee a positive cure. Question Blank and Boot xree. van or write. YOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 03 Fine Street, St. LOUU, MO THB OLD DOCTOR'S 1 LADIES' favorite:. At WATS EILIABLE and Mrfeetlv SAFE. Th hiiiiiliise I mnv loi-e tn .-.ton w th von itno.J rr. V. '."I." 'rj'X".?i"0" " Tr in. ' r j -"w, in in. iouruittj vnvsie mall .' And to my consterna-i "SS"' L?0' i.1.n1ASd Money retnrned If tint MnMun&ri t AND OTBRI LIGNANT WATERWAYS OF THE FUTURE. naviKHtlnn from ('bleaico to the Atlantic nny a uiiestiun of Tim. The great waterways of this country are capable of a wonderful growth and improvement. The recent disasters upon tho -Mississippi should be guarded world, besides ' W'st as much as circumstances will condition of , allow. Ami, speaking of the Missis- or una nurse the h.iloonos. Of course our inland oceans aud a ship may sail luc-c;r;o.s: '.': - " j ill come the Nicaragua canal, by strrnirili siul lira th. li' n nil "I.N ou lire not feelin,, .i,,,,,,. heuhhv. try Klectrio Hitters ir ""I'l" lltn leu, yOU WeiH mill WpK rV use Kleetrie Hitters. This remedv sou directly on the liver, stomach B1M ,. '"!. t'ently Hiding lhn nrgant to per f.Miu their function. If v.ui are i tllteteil KHh sick bi'HdHche, you will find si eedv sod permanent relict by tsking KleH-tric I liters One trial will oonvince von thai Ibis is the remedv you need. Large hot. e. omy isio at fSlooum Johnston 1) v Dinpspy. JMlg , KrtecU of a VJP i.u,.h. An Atchlbon man hud a "nightmare" after eating lnnel, of cheese, mustard and dried N-ef, and had a disagreeable t ad o Th'" ,VUS n ttrt'"t du,,B"i lm to .New York ? Talk t'turm ttt'T" '"T." ot Shlp l'Uil,lin Bad rcvivlimariUm. which thtit same Vessel mav tirocea directly into the l'aeilic and "down the western coast of South America, There is no doubt that a ship canal will be cut from the lakes to the Atlantic. Con gress has already Wen asked to pro vide for surveys and make estimates, and when Hrother Jonathan get so far the end is assured. Canada is enlarging those waterways which would admit British war vessels from the St. Law rence river to these lakes, and at pres ent we have no avenue of approach. Under these conditions, in a few years from date, the grayhounds of the ocean will traverse lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan and Superior, anchoring in Chicago and Duluth. A direct connec tion via the enlarged Erie canal and the Hudson river will open up another tor sonic time. .ut to my lion 1 found that the cabman (for she had arrived in a carriage) had brought M- Wi2J 1HSHII7TI, ISO H. Ninth St., It. lotil, her box into the hall and that she had j paid aud dismissed him. Her whole de meanor was so quiet and assured that; the servant who opened the door never . tar if . ft kmie dreamed but that she was expected. To have a crazy woman in your house at midniyht is not' a pleasant nosition. I nsKin-o v.nif I f.-lt t.hnt. chu iuust be humored, nnd, making $15 A WEEK. !T.k.oo.T7;W.,;"S!',?1 era. cancer:: -V uiiMieiti tihU wi'hout thr uie el knife Uueition Rlnnk nml Rr.nW fa '.It FineSL fit. UUlat Mo, WANTED. ba lily sought my hus- I him with the situ- l)r. , our good y same excusi band and noi at ion. : neighbor, lived wntiin a few doors, and, writing him a lino tn ask his advice and assistance, we enlci-taiiicd our strange visitor until he uivived with a carriage ; to take the poor l-nty to a safe shelter I for the nibt. With t reat tact he per-! sumled her to go v.i'.h him, and she took leavo of ns v. i'ih many nnolotrics for her short stuv ntu! abrn t, departure. '.My next experience was more se rious. My ilauguU-r was to be marriacL and on the afternoon before the wed ding I had gone, up to my room for a little rest when I was disturbed by one of the servants, who informed me that a gentleman wan downstairs who in sisted upon seeing 'Miss Mary' (my daughter) or myself. 'He wouldn't give his message, ma'am,' exclaimed the man, 'although 1 told him that you did not wish to be disturbed.' Thinking that it might be something of impor tance I went down to the reception room, where 1 found a tall, very good-looking man, who in an agitated manner told me that he bad long loved my Mary, had seen her marriage spoken of in the papers, and had traveled night and day from bis home in the west to be in time to prevent such a sacrilico. lie insisted upon seeing my daughter at once. He was so excitul that I was terribly frightened, but kept my presence of mind, and contrived to ring for theoot raan. 'Show this gentleman out,' I said, nnd fairly Hew upstairs. Some way or other they got lid of him, but that evening he returned, and again the next morning. Or course he was not admitted, but 1 was made so thoroughly nervous that my husband sent for a couple of p-.li,-ei-.ien iu citizen's clothes, who remained h ith the wedding party until the j-eiin,' couple were fairly off on the train." hour, work each H. BlNJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine it, St.Loui., Mo. Reduced 15 to 25 pr,undirerni"Dth. No w dru?v Trentiiient DTfcctlv harmli-M and ttrintlw m.a nuomrM. fan or write. tarring, no I dan lia 1. (jn Dtt. 11. B. liUXTS, m l'.ne btreet, bt. Louia , Mo. IWAWYLAD1 I cos . can ireta valuableMcretthat1 I cost mori.ixj.aad a rubber shield for 80 cmts. Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. 80.8 PINK HTBEFT, ST. T.OtlH, MO. Train leaves Heppner, 10 . m. Arrive 6:'20 p. m , daily except Hunday. Pullnxm ei?t-ie-i-i. ColonlHt Ml ?i?r.. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Sttamers Tortland to Han every four days. Friinoinci Tickets TO AND FROM Europe. For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket Anent. j. c. 1 1 a in Heppner, Oregon. Ant. H. IH1RI.BUKT, Asst. lieu,. 1'sss 254 WaeliliiK'oii Ml., POHTI.A N h. OKKO I " IT I LI Ollvdr cared 38 Jt.rl kaiuccM.ful nmclit-i-. Tr,-Htra,Dt couSdentl.l. Cure bj null or t offlc. TL-riu. low. (jueitlon lllank KU, Uoektna. Cll r rlt. OR WARU INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St.,lt.Lauli,Mo Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances Winn., i .. l-,'r. Aa electro-en vftn 10 b.tler. m P&SS boileifinloniedic.led. Sjji felts. Suspensories, fipl- $38 nal Appliances, Abdoiu, I:ial Supporters, Vests, jDrawers, Oillco Cups, Insoles, etc. Cnres Khnnrnntisiii. I.lver and KlrlnAv CoiiiplalntH, Dysnen.ia. Krrors of Youth. Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Nexual Wenk ness, and all Troubles in Mule or i einale. Question Ulauk uud Book free. Call or write. Volta-Medica Appliance Co., 122 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS, 910. Foot-l'rlnlB on the Path to Uei.lt h. Everyone needing a doctor's advice bonld read one of Dr. Foote's dime pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Crimp." 'Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," Disense of men, Disense of Women, and learn thv beet means of sel -cure. M Hill Pub. Co.. 129 East 28ih St.. Nea, York. iMiliMilliiJiAar ii A Oaveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to Inventors without itlarire. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDD-RBURN. MauaglDg Attorney, i li!S. WASniKQTON, D. C. ' :':,!?. Company Is managed by a combination of "-! i r.d niOKt Inlluentlrd ncwspnpL-rs In tho l' '-. ,f r express purpose of protect- 1,1 !e n-iei-l er tinainat uoscrupulouf mp.i.it l'-u .:a Agents, and each paper -i;urthi i ".dvoi-ti::, im ut vouches for the respoasi. ' .- uad HUh standing of Un 1'i-usb Ulaiins Company. Ma oiUi ;' . ::roiK,--iau!. The late Cardinal Mantling was tall, gaunt man, with a vigorous frame and a large head th;:t was almost com pletely bald. 11. had a face that bore the impress of old Roman firmness, and lie looked like the picture of a great enure nuiuu of old. He was a teetotaler, $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE ! ubstantlal Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct . ,-.!!!tn !"rrw! JHn "her wt oonSnerl , . ti-iiimi,. m inaKtug- refluent to b, emluctol nlo Ihe presence of the deomed man. Ih. " ,,,,u,,i,ru none mil reiauveB were irmit J, . i prisoner. The vl.lter said : " Brolhen h,;" h,",t ." ":" thaliuan's (,he piisoner? i ner I- my lal her s son. tie wu at once laken loth prisoner. Now what re, Oim a The ii,l,ner to Ihe v'silor! ' I e ABricullurlst I'ublisliinii Compney will jrire S",0 , "ice,, diainomi rinis! VtJ " """" J"'h .Vf"" srndini tli last correct an.wer will h, ...... ui.,., ui mr e.l lump IrhI . Iu.ni. , I unlike many of his predecessors, nnd .'iV."'": h"11,,u 6-0u) receive valuable wImi ate oniy enoti;rii to keep body and mind 1,1 i-'-h-UI All answers must. Vwnt hymall .nr v .... .... . 'Iir itos'insrk n(,l Inter, h,.n li -I, . . Bn iu a neiiui'.y coin... a :n. l here was ah- e ,,, i,. .i..," . ""'. ".? w in.nwn solutcly no ostentation about him. ' '!,T'v"lf ."'l,,l'"l. "'"1 one doll! Vi hen he was m;:de etirdiunl an influen tial member of his tloclc said to him: "I would like to see your eminence riding in something better than that shabby old brougham." '-Ah!" replied the pre late, with a twinkle in his eye, "when cardinals went about in fine carriages they generally went to the devil!" Oriental Luxury. The late TewflU 1'usha, the Egyptian tllS. Sill,.,. rili, inn ,n ni,!,. . K t r, ur iok UANII ' uie cnori'in- illn tra Ml l'i& winners will l,e I ut al or B'i llou i IAN Aoni. ltl -riF,.... ... illn traled I criodiiHls of the day C will iiyiiiH-.,li.....;, ' US our cin-nlaticn (41 The lirst correct answer Mnnera iwimark taken in all caies s ilie f r,c, ,, o as to kh.- eveiy one in equal chance, no mat er w h, .'- -onil is 'l- "I" secure the tir.t pr L ; 1 i conit, thenext rwire, end an on e", in Thk Ai.ioci i.irnisT is an old esl.Uish.d crncem lid pels- .sea anirle means lo enal.l, it , , " J ... ,,,.-, ne iruewlni well-known gintl.n -oi,s. nied to act as JuiW, and will ,-e, i , are iBirly awarded : Commodore I alcult I, I, , 1''1"' "i.S'enm-1, ), I. tertni en ban In-1 i iz-1 incline ICTVIlIt rasna, tlie l-;gvptlan -'"" s'enm-1,, r-lerlni,,,l,. ,,;, u',r w' kbedive, lived in typical Oriental luxury, r jZ, 'll '' ' but even then be did not spend one "'""" ''' Co. ii.'idl,Veteri,n,u.i,.tl.,X,. " slH-ut him. Tewlik had foi'ir paUeet p lZZl ' all of then, very beautiful d ornate, OovernmonU y tht and in each of them be was attended cents' 7oZ o sil or 1 ,ri 'r8,Ut f " in true royal state. Personally he was how about t. 1 .llm 0t.leM- pleasant n :ul ngnvuble man. Heal- is said that ih,Z,, . P10ces' ways wore the i;u,-o,H-n divss, a black United StaJJ T ? v V Cm8 St the Prince Albert ,. u i,:, strid trous c, n t eact nd Iro is.ueJ fo" l" ' ers-but ail,l.i.:,eT..,k..V,fcZ. Onoe- flrteen t. ' !" ,or 5 c or , . ,, , meir vaiuo- STOl'H BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid uu yen cankiwp your brand in freeuf charge. Allili. T. J.. lone, Or. Horses GG on loft shoulder; cattle same on left hip, tinder bit on ris-ht ear, and upper bit on the loft: range. Mor row county. . Armstrong, J. C, Alpine. Or. T with har ... der n .on left shoulder of horses; cattla same on left hip. Allison, O. D.,Kight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, OB on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Hange, Kiglit Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppnor, Or. HorseB, JA con nacusl on lelt tiauk: cattle, same on left hip. Bai-tliolainew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 h on either slionlder. Hange in Mm rowcuunty. Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or.-Horses, a flag onleft shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. bannister, J, W., Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand, ed IB on left hip and thigh: split in each ear Brenner, Peter. l,o.seberry Oregou-Horsea branded P B on left shoulder'. Cattle sam. on right eiue. u" uurRe, ra Ht C', Long Creek, Or-On cattle MAV connected on leftliip, c,op off left ei "n. iter half crop o right. Horses, same brand on lelft shoulder. Hange in Grant and Morrow hrosman, Jerry. Lena, Or.-Horses brand! 7 m rigni shoulder; cattle B on the left side HLe,on1"w CroL" nd ""'"esr neper slope ' Hart on, Wm., B.ppner, Or. -Horses, J R on elh ear ' Cattle' Mme on Wp; split ,i1r."pJ lBa' fxin. t'r. Horses IB on the county. C"UleeBn'e0" '"'""i e?Mo " Bniwn, J. C, Heppner. Or.-IIors Brown, w.j Iena. Oregon. HorHpa u i,QP over It, on the (eft shouldef. Cattle ,an,e on hTft brfe Y-M'-A'!,. each ear. ' wiui split m Dw"m'u;uaheii;veruih taw tKi each hip on cattle swallow f.t j cr'.""' "' in right ear, si k f M.f Z. '."rl.""d hit Mm-..,,.. ji r : v"w im on shoulder. Ear markoa w-el cr ..fJIf,..!''''"' liuucnea upper b t in Ht,r iv . ' ,ru ear right and under half croo n lft!tlier8l F,TU" iD in Grant eunniv crop '" le,t lr All rang., Cook, A. J..Lena.()r.-Hn... . . der. Cattle, iHiueon r,.l, k .TL""" ngntshoul cron nil l,.ft . k: p" "r mam so ii p on leit aud split in riuht leftS."- ' L'""". Or. C"i td. 8., Hard mark squi,r, -HorseB. on . .. ."horTK'.e"'' 0 shoulder; caltlesanVe br,?H ." , tfB!h' "u ''fi .lus,derlow.forirVr:TAVK .heroit' "-H.irses on casions of he wore the full a profit of en lelt hip. Douglas, 0. T., Dm Ely. J H Ti....,f.'H'm "Klit hip. 1 EL, oi, leTt u',u''u'-r.rbe. brand. uniform of a general of tho Kgyptian ratio the silver dollar . i P n. thlt army, with 1,U brcat covered with gay tween 7 an, Ln, . .Id Contain be' decorations. ' , " ' and 8 cenw "'b of silver. Ir?il;l','.'1'',,ir ear. Elliot., ftasi,.. nrvb Biiouiucr. , Insects im. Cold. JS.niomologi.sts have deter Ktch.r.1 It ..., ...7 . eiuyoi wmtci i . f" v.oioreiii whit ,. to insect f Ail Ancient ito to nave been born In lrro nnined that notdcstnio.i., mt 'useet lire. l.aiTm m-,,- i, . " ,a:n I.- a .. -" uuii-n river railroad brid.'e i. i "Kl oiten met with in the the same uninXg n Xtf,' ? tZ?J?-'Ws are number of, ears: I .Tout 'i". ' V::fIif'V "-lnuth riil tniwy.t.M tBri)mil.. n tJt-Mimeon i it-hi i.i.. t. . .p'K'Uiddr -lltr, Or. Dihmt,uA ... tniH Mtiuf uu riK'it ItoitMur. ktiiiifti i., .(Kill VtlUIIL lluwfini, J U, "nllowKy. Or. HorMw,!f (0rO(1( with tmr hIhvo it) ou TipUt mhtmlnnr; ciitiie fhiiiauI) lelt mil. KHUtfn ui Morrow aud Ijoia. ttitn ('(utiliutt. HuKhiw, Mat, MpimHr. Or. HorwM unjujj htwrl ou tho If It ilHulitr. ItaiiKt Morrow To. liunttHker, H . Smki t. Or Honww.y un j, .Ii.miIiI.t; tit. Won l.-fl hit. ilMtlim, AH't-ri, NM, Orenu-Hoi-Hti,A H coum-oteii. on Uft itiouldw; (.MiUtton tlia ift liii'.onipofl loft mr. Iluuiiilirevd. t M iianiiUHn, Or. lloraea, H un l.-i tlnnk II hi .w.J. M., Ilepnr. Or. Homes, wii-it-glu, on left ulioultiei mule. BHineou nwht liiu. HiiHiou. I.uthcr, fcifc!.. Milt. Or. Horbe Hon thB left whoulilorKud heart ou the lft stitle ('at tin Hitintt on Inft hip. Uhniw in Morrow mtuntv Ivy, Alfnni, Louk 'rouk, Or i'altln X ritflit lup oroptiH lftwir am! bit in riRht, Horwetj HHHitt unuiu ou mil nmuiuMr imiuk II Urttnt oouiitv Junkiu, 8. M., Iloppnor, Or -IIoi-hom, qoi. rhtm J ou lelt Hhouldor. ( anlt lt,B hhuk ItaiiKH Kiht Mile. Juliiiuoii, teln Lwna, Or, Horuwb. uuvIhT on let I (jtine; cattlo.tmuiBuu right hip, uudm mf crop in nnUt and unlit in left mr JtiikihH, D W.,Atu Veniou.Or. J on hur-4on left nhoultler; on cattle, J on left hip and two mouth crops on both ears. llaiiKuiu Fox uud Hear valKuu Keiiuj, alike, Heppner, Or. Horses bratidnd KN i ou left hip cattle aame and crop oil luff ar: under itloeonthe riht Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Home M nn left slmUitler; cattle, tilt on left hip. hirk. J lieppuer. Or. liorBes. 17 on eitliw UaiikiiMittle 11 ou right side. Kirk, Jenue, Heppner, Or.; horse' 11 uu left shoulder i cattle same on light aide, uuderhit uu i uht ear. kuuiberlund.W. 0.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L on i-auiti ou iiKlit and lelt unlet), waUow fork in it ft ear aim uiiiiei utop in light ear. lioibun ntiiiit? u.uini oi. lelt ntioului't . I.aiiye ui Mrujit couuu, LufU'U, biepnen, Ka, ui-. o L uu iuti tni on came, crop and aput ou riht ear. llorhun same braud uu left shoulder, itange liraut uountv. iiieuaileu, Johti W,, L-" Or, HorseB biuudeu liail-cucle JL connected ou lettshoul der. (JaiUe. siuut ou let hip. .tautfe, near Lux in at on. bunhey, J. W Heppnnr Or. Horses branded L uuo A o.i it-it sli4iiuder; cuttlti sume ou left lup, wuilie ovi-r i'ij,ht mjo, three slits iu r.ght ear. Lord, tjeorge, lleppuer. Or. Horsoii brainJeO tumble 11 coi.uucu houietiuies called u swiiiK i' on lelt shoulder. Aiurlthnui. A. 1Y1 Jleppner, (lr, ('attle large M on lelt side, both euro cropped, and t-plit m bo, li. llorbcs fit ou left hip. Hange, t lark's cunyon. fliiuor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D uu riK'it nip; liorse. Muu leltahoulder. AlurKf.ii, H. IN., Heppner, Or. Horses, M) on lelt wioulii'.'i cattle sauie oil left hip. lUcOuiubur, Jas A, Kchu, Or. Horses. M with bar over ou l ight stioUiQei. ftlorgjiii. limb., Heppner, Or. Hoihos, circle T on let i bhouldei HuU letl thiKi; cuttle. 4, up ilfiiil Illicit. iVlituhoii. Oscar, loiie, Or, Horses. 11 on ritlii hip; cattle, Tt ou rigid siae. .nut iniuh, O. li., biowusTilie, Or, ilorseo, Figure &oii each biiouuer. cattle, Al'ion hu t.u-i art), Uanti li., iicho, or. Horses braudvd Lj.1i counecleu, ou the lull shoulder; cattle same on hip mid aide. fticUirr, iraiik, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoo with Loe-cork on calUe ou ribs aud unuei m euuii ear; lioises aitme bituid un letl stirie. Alcliau.j, U. V., iiaunuou, Or. On lioi'ses, b With hull circle UbUel' on letl shoulder; on lamp four bars connected on toy ou the taiiit side luoige in Urant touuty. INeal. Andrew. Lone liock.Or. Hui bUH A N cou uecUHi on lelt shoulder; cattle same on both hips, Aordj ke, L., bilveilon. Or. Horses, oiroie i (u left iliigi., uailte, same ou let t hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon Lay, Or. A 3 ou cattle ou lelt hip; on horsus, same ou letl Uugli, liauge in tn aii t county. Oiler, 1'erry, Lexington, Or. F O on left houidui. oip, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LlJ cunuecteu ou left hip; horses ou left stills aud vtarue ou uiHe. Ikangu in Oraut county, i euiboij, Olave, liight Uile, or. Horses, imai ter circle shiuio on mil snuuldei and ou lelt hip. CatLle. lork m let: tar. riaut nn.i. ntal U on left hip. Ilki.k. on Higlit ihiie. 1 arker di, Oleasou, Haiaiuau, Or, Horses IP on 1 li shoulder. F.per, Ln,e t, Lexiugton, Or.--Hor-ee brand e fc (L ll cuuueuieu; o.. lelt shomder ; cat lie a n.eou iigut hip. Uauiie, Alori uw uouuu. 1 H.er, J. u Hexiiigiui., ui, Hoimw, Jt, oou. uecLeu o letl snouiuer; oalUe, same on lelt hiu. uuuei bo in each ear. i'ettys, A.C, Aoub. Or,; horses diamond Poo -. Bhoulueri entile, J u j couneulvu, ou th left hip, upper slope m lelt ear ana sup m 1 1, right. vum 1 owell, John T., bay viile, OrHorses, J P uon. nec eu oa loll shouiuer. lLUe Olv uuuubuuMi u lellhip, two under hail crops, ouu on eucli ear, watue uuuei- Utioat. tiu ge iu Oram couuty. Hoou, Auuiuv,, liaiuinan, Or. HuiBuo, auuare cron Willi yuaiter-circio over iL ou lelt suue. IWuingei, L-nns, Heppuer, Or. Horses, (J li on leiishutiiuui. luce. lau, Haidinan, Or.; horses, three panel worm lence on leu shouiuer; caale, UAiN on iigiil shoulder, ivauge near Hardinau. lvuse, Aaiou, lieppiim, ur noises, plain V ou letl snouulur; cattie, same brand reversed oo right hip and crop oh right ear. liauge in Mor rowcouutj. Kush Hros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X un the right, shouiuer; calUe, 1A. on the left tup crop oil ieli ear anu uewiap ou neck, Itango It Muriow auu aujoiuiiig couutiea. i.ust, .viiiiaui, uiuge, ur. Horses H oa ieli shouiuer; cauits, n on lott mp, crop oil right eai, unueioit on lell ear. bueup, u va wcuLheiB, luuiiiiciopoilritiU ear, Hange Luia tlliu anu iU.ui'1 o w u tun Uee, lieai.ei, Auurew, lxmgloiu Or.-Horaea uianaeu A l ou right siioulder, vent uuui-tei ciicie over brand; cauie same ou right Iud l.ithge Murruw county. . Huise, Kin. ii, uauyviJle, Or-HH councctod with uuartei ciii-iw over u.p ou cattle on ruuiuib anu ciopoU right eai auu spit in letl. iiorse. same bianu on ieli shouiuer. Hange iu Morrow UraiiL anu Ouuain counues. uectoi.j. ,v., Hoppuer, Or.-Hoisos. JO oi lell shouiuer. Caitie, uu rignthip. s-pickhall, J. W ., Uuosebeirj, Or.-HorseB cour U Bli"U1UHrt khn 1U Jloriuw tsainhs, L t: Heppner. Or Hon, t.pMi,.i.i on ieli ohuuiuer; came oauie ou lelt hip. towatigan, j. t,t HoAiiigiou, Oi.-lloises with uaeh uuuei u ou leti suhe, eatlle U with uasn unuer u on risui nip, crop on right ear and auaiuou rignt uuui leg, ivauge in Morrow, Oiuiaiuaud umaiina coumies. wr"w tovtaggart. A. H.,AUieuu. OrHorses brandeH 2 uuieilbhouideiiceuiebame On left hip. Croc uueai, watiioou leu luud leg y P touaishi rt. Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded f. !i n BUUtti CULue J 6 ou lwU waHow toik m imu, oai, miueihii in oapp. inosHeipuei, Or.-uulb0b 0 A P ou leu nip; catut same on lett hiu. hoes'on n'i r'tMj kneeled ou . I , Kl'1 llIP; CalU0' 8U,1'B ilgiit hip. inrant buiith iirub., oubsnvilie, Or. Horses, branded j b un wij snouulur r.r;."u .rJi.r,HW umj,dwJ ' riio.i i oi,.: . .' . ' OOUM , uwjiumai u ou ibu tight side Oi.eveu.ou, au A. J., lleppuer, UI -itlL H ou r,su, UJ,; uiio.-'ioik ,n iu eL'r. ' " .mo """1'0' Vt-"'l'l'"e',ul.-iiot0.lU uu leu auuuiue. ; cutue, M on ieli bip. leu,?,',?,,.,.U;.1""'t",'' 0,- cattle 0 on u.a;; no,,;"vl"ron'ieu U.ZZZ!U '"u lei i shuuiiA.i-: .I. ,; sun 1il-r'euj.tj,i,Jj1i,n BhUUtUUl. le1iUno',uuer,;11''l'lJ'','''0r'--su''ul """'uii I win, 1. , . ',1"'"""'1 mai" """ left hiu Willi epiu in boll, ear. v ihiruioa, 11. ji iuu Ur.-liorso branded HI conned on, e.t .im'; ellJu'ZZ Sd l" U'"' r;-Uo,-.e.s iiTcon. uij. auou,uei ;catue, eauie uu right oni'Su; v"nr 1,t,""",r' r- o. ij. VVilsou.Johu y 8aiem ur Heuulier 0r mZZX. j ou lto lelt. ' ;.:,'?"' " ." 'b,Or-Cattle W withuuarter , t, on lelt .tiouluer. eorpu,,(jr. uiw,, (J.iiu. left ear. liauge in branded fleck, Jaca Z .'V"" " tlerrow oJu uv Cooneetl,., .;..i.T' "VI1!, Ul.-hors- .V l. "iKlll HtlOll iu, " nght hip. on leir. i' .r.'";','.ur; eattle nn,. . ' i"ie in rwht n. . ' ' bF boulder. Dar mder on ri Elorence 8. P. H on right to the rescue of hi awolte, and was so impressed wi ureniu unit tie went inlo hi: He foiiiul liiiti ,.ut roof of the hi lllL'ht- interost' - - ..... ...t. UCIIOIU . - e, , .1: M-tivmly to who live another fiftv v..ft..utkn flow jobs of worlc. t, sun. T ninlli- 1... w. , . .". " mrwf u . iviththe way but naval supremaev belon to 1 Proflc!ent Nth the In'tirr ..e.nill? s son s room. .1,;., .......1.1:.. 1 0 ... Dome neonle, Iblnb ,1.... , n,.i , . .............. .v, (.,,,, nuiiremacy win . : .iv cmws are nut bed and on tie ,..n .... ' J .. . ffood tn oat I,... ... uo' Prneeshe is Just the same th., .uble.ifoH t ' X ,l ' could be but 1! rixif of t ie house where 1,., 1,.. 1 .1: u wuiim-uiw uiiprune, wbmii . ' -- iiiuers from in hi, sleep ' 1 ht hlhl lll,ubed ' ly i only feebly ,h3dowl I m' ,He insider, crow mcat eeond to a mjod fat do.su m ' .uojccicu to 001(1 forty lie- sero, oe powtlered with : right shouJde,'- ckttle6'(?r' -0r-THof. K oa WW U-rgerpner.'ica';,?! ... ' u' h-r ov" ' on left .de, "!e "ded "irsea, ,me Drwid on ief,v.;-"f ou lett Mr. ,"), tleury shoulder. ll... - . -"'UUO. 'eiipiier, Ur.-GAJ on left ."recs lielow for the ret be capable of transiniuinVbT:.?.. o wvascs. good fat possum. H """r for Catarrh I. ,h. ' 8 I a ne.,, ,.MU.,t to 1-,. ,a rh - - n Ka. ..u'r&.S Ki V rf ,C" F" Uon left .,," . 'or.P"n 'eft shoulder: ear marks, crop off riJlo . ' """i8 OD lj"" hiiis btndM u n left htifla "uiiiies. a."inuu leu.'l''P'''l'Ulir'! ur"" "! r;Z"'' Or.-Uoreoe b.auded IVi.V, o. '"' I0U ""ouldor and left luo Cl A """i,'""' u" "l " "U left tup? .houmt A.au' -- - ' three" 'SSSSI,"'.''' Jul', Clt. 4f.&rer- or-flo"e" Dp CKepttlfeX:0'--"0 nrtute hu m HUmt "--tto. W on "It ST -&rW M Hor.. tlft oTtiet- TVlllmniia l ii cle over ,'l,rL , ' """"""a, Or.-tjuarter oir- tr circle ov; ilo-'rV " J""1'- "r Horses, quar andim ,n Zh?bi,r"ou '""hipicutlle auu.. fften A a ' """ge 111 Hrnul comity "en, a. a., t.eponer. Dr. M, a a -,Vl?'.'.,-M.Or. Brand In 7.'. -j.-nner circlan... ,-. ' , connected " auio hrioi, , ,uT . ' ""."'.""! w.- Hiatt A B Hlj ' " '6houlder. 1 side, hors, T sm,,L eouiiected) EW on left u "i"couiitie. v -""u-r,