Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 07, 1893, Image 2

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    m mjn TO SELL YOU WSM
One of the Best Heces of Land in Morrow County.-- - -----
The deeded laud lme a good bpting of water ou it, nil uuder
CTT N I) 1 OO ACHES limber Culture claim adjoining, of wind tltvlei, l.iml tlun mo 140 ariva go. .1 farming !".), and tbo balmicp A 1 pasture,
yl iVuotv Situatwl two miles west ef HarJiiian.
l'rn'o for the whole, 1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, ySOO.
.vivo sTiiviv .vivoiiiKi.
flood, deeded much, 3120 acres, best btock ranch iu Morrow county, cheap and on i'hnv terms.
for it with
For further information call at out office,
flit yourbutineu to Heppner people
ami therefor asit to build up Hepp
ner. ifritt ffcose who patronitt
W hold each and every correspondent re
iwnsllde for hll or her coiiiiiuinUalloii. o
rtirtvipoiutrlic will tw pul'tltlicd unleaa the
writer a real uamo It tinned " evidence ol
Kood Itllli.
lliil yon ever
Kend about Hie
Mim wbo
Hid Ilia
Light umlor
A bushel?
Yea? well
Thill in like.
J iniii u business
Without advertising.
All the
Suillo SOllOtUOS
In the country
Will not accomplish
Unit nil much
Ah good ml.
lu n good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One tlmt
In read
HV til XH1'1S
And that owns
Its own
Soul; Unit
I'.-n'S its RpHOtf
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Elsbwreke iu this issue up pours a
oopy of the resolutions adopted by a
number of citizens, in in hub meeting as
sembled, out at HiirJiniu). Wild ruuiiirs
concerning I liit meeting and their no tnin
nave becu all i at for some days, but a
periiHHl of the resolutions will at once
convince our readers thill lue makers
ham told wore truth than they have
quoted poetry. It certainly ie iuipossi
ble for debtsors to realize now on what
they possess, and suits aud foreclosures
will result iu great load to kith debtors
ami creditors. Ho far aa the Gazette's
editor can Bee, the members of the Hard
tuiin mass inet-tting only ask audi lenien
cy aa tlieir creditors can bee tow upon
th ru, believing it to be iu the into est ol
all parliea concerned. Aa to certain,
threats thai are reported to have been
made, such docs uot uppr nr iu the reso
Intioiia either by import or declaration.
Wo are quite aure Hint the buaiuesa men
of Morrow conuty ore granting, and will
ooiilunie to eitend, all possible favors
to tboae indebted to them.
We have often heard the above ques
The prodiioere of Morrow
county, owing totheaotiou of trusts Bud
liou discussed by the noolgrowers o( r oouitiiues wliicb are the illegitimate ifT
our country, aud while some would up- spring u( 0nr government, are tiuable 'o
hold the tithrniatlve, others would any realize more than coat of production o(
that as our Boston market waa ruled by i all tartn produota, and
the London wool antes, we derived no! Whkhras, Tli'inigu the fadure of
benefit from the tariff. Others aiiiiit i rropa in this county Bud the uuiversall)
would even declare that with free trade i 0w prices of produce, stock, etc , raised
m wool we would realiia g better prion. ) i,y the people of this community, they
Ueiug personally interested and wiahim; j Hre unable to meet their obligations.
rKoroKriosM. uxiisLAiioy.
Troportional repreaontation gives every
party rtpreoiitntion iu proportion to the
number voting ita ticket. Suppose a
-i:- f.,P ihousaud
votes and entitled to;flve represeutanvee;
than any candidate receiving eight hun
dred T.itea, or nearer that number thau
any other landidate, la justly elected,
because he represents otie-tltth of the
votes. I'uder the preeeut s.iatein, if the
democrats have aijteen hundred votes
and the republicans, populists aud prvi
hibilionista eight luuuln-d votes each"
the driuocrata would elect all Ave repre
sentative and shut out the other three
purlieu, having twenty four hundred
votes, from any representation, or hear
ing. To prevent this wrong, let each
voter set the figure 1 opposite hie first
choice. 'J opposite his second choice, l!
for third choice, and so on. Then if each
democrat marks A aa Ins tirst choice U
as his second choice aud 0 as hie third
choice, when eight hundred ballots are
counted for A, he is elected, as the repre
sentative of one fifth of the vote; the
other eight hundred ballots are then
counted for I' , their second choice, and
he is elected; no votts ate left for C
Kvery democrat has voted, they hae!
elected their share of representative i
and cannot get any more. Kach of thej
other parlies, having about one fifth of'
the voter, will elect one represent stive
and wilt be heard in the ivuucil or legis-!
lature in proportion to the uuiuber of,
votes it casts. All the people will be;
represented, aod instead of parlv t
goveri uieut by party machinery, we will
have a country goveruevl by alt the '
people, t'uder this sjstem each part)
lit nominate only as mauv candidates
it piobably has votes to elect.
Anyone but a machine iMliticiau will;
agree with the i.)asette that tins is the
uuwt eq.utable av to chose reprvsenta-!
V number of our reader have aked
r.s to ripla-n the "initiative aud wferei.-
Vlie initiative meaua that any citieeu
ttii rite a proposed law, aud if three
per cent of the eitijens sign a pvtitiou
in its favor, toe secretary of state must
submit it to a vote of the cit'ieut at the
neil election. lh leg slature has no
jvwer over t'oe initiative method of
making la . The law is ptpeel b)
some of tne jvvple, tilevl with the sevre-t-
,f state and by l.iui eut direv-l to
tbe people at the ballot lv.
The refereudj-.u means that th legs
lature has the power to prvyse bills.
b;it auy act nr.ist be acvpted by a ma
jorily ot the voters a: ISs- ballot tvi
beire It can beNn a law.
CVvwi'-ss a.ljouruej last Kndav. If
Hon. 11. W. YouHHKga now points with
pride to the fact that condition ol
business are better than they were ail
months ago. It is not the case, strictly
speaking. We have passed the tlurry
and like nil broke nieu, have settled
doan to a hard time basis. Ail the
apparent prosperity eujoyed by this
country came long before the Sherman
purchasing clause was repealed. We
will uot return to former conditions till
we reject ltrilisb interference and come
doivu to American ideaa. Tariff tinker
ing will complete nhut anticipation has
r.ASTKKX state elections occur today.
The States of Massachusetts, New tork,
renusylvauia, Ohio, Kenluckv, Iowa,
Virginia aud Nebraska are included iu
the list. 1 lie popuu
will carry Virgiuia and Nebraska, bill,
of course, this is ouly a matter of con
jecture. The states above-iueutioued
will doubtless go the same old way, that
is, a few years back. The populists,
ho ever, will make a good showing in
many of ttie states.
Whkrkas, Tbe merchants and
of all trades are dependent on the
ducers for money to meet their
gations, and
Whkkeas, Owing to the demoralized
to solve the problem to my own satis
faction, 1 visited two of the largest
woolen mills iu Scotland last week, and
in their large store rooms had a good
opportunity of ascertaining tbe differ
ence in the prices of meriuo wool here
aud iu Boston. All hue wools are iui- j coudition of money matters, aud the
ported from Cape Colouy and Australia, market, it will be necessary to have an
and first grade wool euch as we grow in : extension of time for all debtors, tbere
Morrow county ousts the manufacturer f,ne lie it
at the factory 32 cents per lb, scoured. I AYsoif (, That we, the people iu
Seeiug that freight to Boston from these i mass meeting assembled, declare that
points are much the same as to Loudon, I fr creditors to enforce payment of
it is at once apparent that with absolute' obligations in the present distress would
free tra.le, first grade merino wool can ; bring disaster and ruin on both debtors
he haudled iu Boston aud delivered to ! and creditors, aod prove a calamity to
the manufacturer for 82 cents per ib ' ihe couuty; and be it further
This melius that wool shrinking 70 per! Ktoh-td, That we ooudemn the for-
cent. vwuieb is about the average aliriuk- closing of mortgaee aud the issuing of
age tor the district) would be worth in , judgments, and the action of some
Heppuer, from 51, to 6 cuits. This as j creditors iu attempting to rush iu and
everyone knows would be a losing g un--, i ft,jje all the debtors have, thereby ruin
Before the "laritf for revenue oul"!jg the debtors aud preventing other
party was elected to office our wooJ was ; creditors from securing anything. Aud
bought iu lieppner on u basis of ,V j he it further
scuts per ponud, scoured, iu Hostou; this j ;,,,)((,;, That we eouiuieud creditors
year there is no demand for it, and we j 10 ur lenient on the people as they cau
canuot expect more lhau free lri,Je j be mi tf) mpathile with tbem. and urgeall
price till our present duties are gusran-1 debtors to pay all tbsir indebtedness
teed by the democratic party. The ; nu,v possibly cau without sacr.rlcing
following extract from a wool merchant's j t,Hi much. Aud be it further
circular shows how the British audi Ktofmf, That we I'.iaapprove. at this
Lolouial uieiouauts exjiect to rcuiu. lmH 0 tue collecting of deliuuueut
Wheat, bn
b-U,nr,bbl ? 50 li H)
Beeves, cows A two-year-olds, owl. 1 OU
, 1 50 it 2 2,r)
1 50 ii 1 "5
.... 4 50
6 60 i 700
6 Ift 10
Sheep, muttons, head..
Hogs, ou foot, cwt
Hogs, dressed
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 &
Kk7l7S. Jo2
Chickens, doz 3 00
Wheat, cwt 1 03 & 1 08
Hour.bbl 3 00 (514 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (ft 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 f 8 00
Hols, ewt 4 50 Itt 5 L'5
Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 (H 1
Butter, S
Eggs, dox.
Chickens, doz
Turkevs, tt)
It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi
cial to you and your cliiUren. Such is Emulsion
of Pure N.irtr;i:i:i --"o. Avr Oil and Hypophos-
Sodi. It checks wasting m the
: .. r. 1. lu aii'ny l'csh. It keeps
. . : . ; t!ic same for vou
phites of Lime and
children and j-f-vli: '
them from takif .
25 M 3li
20 25
5 00 600
15 (i 18
Wheat, cwt 8o (a 95
Flour, bbl i 90 g S 15
Beeves, cwt 1 75 (f 2 75
" dressed 3 50 iu' 6 00
Muttons, live 6beBred... 2 50 (it 3 00
dressed 5 75 & 6 00
Hogs, on foot 1 50 5 50
Scott's l'.'v.iil.-; n l
Colds, ConsumT'ton,
all Anaemic and Wart
Prevents w:sti ::
most as pulutuL '
the genuine, pp -.
Bowne. Chemi-t . ..
all Dn.tv:
mm s
Wiil Eastern Oregon
Butter Eggs, dot
Chickens, doz
Tnrkeia Ib
6 e u
27 ifi 30
2 00 (i 4 50
15 17
Tun Kuglish pavxrs axe all nj iicmg
over (he repeal of the Sherman la.
The people of this country are wonder
ing what they have doue that uiakt't
their enemies acrxw the water rejoice so
hilariously. All that Eoglaud nc v lacks
of lieiug perfi'ctly happy is for the I. S.
to adopt their free trade policy.--Arlingtou
Ji'tvi HoRxauo kk's uomiuatiou was
uot iHuithmed by the I". S. seuate ere its
dissolution. Mr. 11. will have to. toot his
lioru agaiu at the regular session l get
1 UK I'hiuese etteusiou Ian has passed
htli h.nist-s. And now for Oo.l sake
ntieti it N'cuuea a law euforte u
K.x PtrKorn 1 lUs CoromiN, of the
IV. Crouiii case, Chicago, has beeu
granted a new trial.
Okkojon fir, spruce aud pine cuter
into tbe construction of the Mid-Wmter
Fair buildings.
higher prices wheu they can fiud 0111
market open to them: "While tbe home
trade is undoubtedly ou a souuvi uu,?,
there seems little prospect of any uu
provemeut emanating from that source.
More grounds for tope of higher prices
rest ou the promised reductiou or aboli
tion of the imports ou our wool into
America. The questiou as to ho fr
and how soou the I'uited State govern
ment iu iv give effect to ttie tx pec ted,
legislatiou on the matter will lie of lively
interest to fanners as well as to t.,e
trade, as action ou that side will b--liutusdiately
retlected on prices here "
taxes, especially when the amounts are
small and the cosia large. And further
ne u
iCisofi t ti, That we. the people iu mass
meeting assembled, do ask our creditors
toexteud the thus of credits ai least
ten months. And be it further
Ketolvfti, That we declare our 111
teutioiis to sustain all debtors with
m ral mtiiienoe uutil such times as by
reasonable industry and economy they
cau mJt their obligations. And be it
.'iisoiv.f. That a copy of these
resolutions be seut to the Heppuer Oa-
So long as our present dunes are up- jtte aud Heppuer Record for puhii
held we uibv Uvok for liviug prics, but
throw our markets open to tbe world
and we must take world price.
H. V Hvsu.
N. Mams Ethie, Arboath, Scotlau.i,
Oct. 1:1. 1S1
Hood's a,l Only M,Hsl .
IUkhI's Sarsaparilla is cart fully pre
pared from tiarsapsrilla. Dandelion,
Maudrake, lXnk, i'ipitsoa, Juui)er
Iverrie aud other well known remeiiies,
by a peculiar oom'nuation, proportion
and vvrxH-esa, giving to Hood's S.irsji
panlla curative powers not possessed by
other medicines. It eftecta remarkable
cures wheu other preparations fail.
I'llest Pile: llrhlajt t'flr.
S vitvivs MoLslnre; iotenae and
stinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bled and ulcer
ale, becoming very sore. Swatnk's
l. m nt must stops tbe itching and bleeding
h-als n'ration, and in most cases re
moves ti,e tumor. At druggists, or by
iutt.1, tor M ceuts. Lr. waiue A oo.
1 hiia.lelphia sw 1 yr.
Notice Of Intention.
I j iVl 4, 1HH. Notic it hprebv given thl
lh folioM ins-named tetller hsj riltl notice of
his intention 10 make rinal proof ill tuvvrt of
his claim, and that taid prooi ill be 111a, le W
foreJ. W. Morrow, County Clert, at Heppuer,
Or., 011 Nov. IS. tsil. vti.:
ILL '.W for the SWV SE' E'4 .. SI
and SWV SE1S. ! Tip- . . K X E. V. M.
He names the following witnestee lopr,ive his
cotilimiout reeideuce upou and cultivaliou oi.
uh la ihi, vis. :
oeore IVrry.of Ixine Rvk. Herman Meissner,
of il,HWeberry, Taul Schiller, of Gooseberry.
and Isaac saulQ, 01 Lone K,vk Oregon.
l-is-io JoaM W. Lewis, Knitter.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
i undersifiied. Iht adminitlratrix of the
estate of Corueliul Crtteoll. deceased, wtll on
Tuetday th l.lhday of ev'ember, at 1 o'clock
p. m. 01 taid day at the IVeti half of the North
eaat quarter, and the Eatt half of the North
nest quarter of section thirty-one town
hip livo v-1 South of Range twentv-uine (.VI
Eisl e; the Willamette Meridian, sell laid
described premises at public salt to the highest
bidder for caih in hand. Such taie beir.t; made
under and purtuant to an erder ot the Count?
court of date September .11, lsva, cade tnj
entered in said County court of Morrow county
ou said date-
I ill tito on taid day tt the hour of 3 o'clock
p. m. of said, day, tell an undivided one-half
interest iu tkt saw mill property belougii.g to
taid estate, taid mill beiuf known as the 11 hite
i Pritcoll mill. Said tale will be made to the
hinhetl bidder with cath lu hand upon the
premise. Tht order for said tale bavin been
made, as aforesaid, ou the .Vth day of ept.
l by the honorable Countv court of Morrow
couoty. State of Oregon. Pat'sd thit Jist day oi
October. A. D. HsB.
1'S-Xi Mav Peiscoil.
la the title of a very valuable book that gives a frreat amount of Information of th Utmost
Importance to Kverybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
How to Eat It, Occupation for Invalids, Bathinir Best Way. After-Dlnner Naps,
Things to Do, Alcohol as a Food aud a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco,
Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Pertlt of Summer, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause Si Cure,
How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Rid of Lice,
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
Ventilation, nesa, Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO Cl'HE Black Eyes, Bolls. Bums, Cbillblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Cong hs. Cholera, Dlarrhcea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasta, Ivy Poisoning.
Moles. Pimples. Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering. Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers.
Wart, Whoopuig Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' KILLS.
tSTAll new subscribers sod prompt renewals during Ihe month of Aug. will be
presensed with a free copy of this as a premium.
Administrator's Notice.
Ko M isos
Me'cury. have
crr.mn.it libel .
Wataou, of the
found guilty of
The monthly eiauiiuabous areover and
the grades will sojii be made 0111 an. I
handed to tbe s tridents
The class iu mechai'K'al ilri,,g
occupies a rooui in tbe uew hall.
The fourth year English class are
atud.vmgjsbakespeare's "Ma.-tajtn" moier
Trot. J. h. Horoor.
ou the sick
Farmers are engaged in sowing wheat
aud rye.
Mr Charles Siratton
1st. Woe uu:o Oregon
A few cvonpied with threshing,
bill ihe work is diitiouit.
Miss L'udia Tatberg was down from
LrXiulou Suudav .
i" letlert of aduilnistratlon ou the estate of
Parld N Hardman. deceased, were granted to
the underv.g-.ied on theth day of Sept. lsisS,
by the couuty court of Morrow countv.
Ail persons havi'.-.j claims against taid ettate
are required to eihlbit them to me for allow
ance, at Heppuer. Morrow)countv.oregon. with
in til months after the date of thit notice or
they thail be foer barred. Dated thit i!h
day o sept. las.
l&'S A. Root,.
P. II. T.
in st one to niiirry
v 111 niaiTiHse
Tin- viiiiiiif lme.' to I'ho.i ..
1TI10 111M1 viol. linw to bo ii;i
)The fond paveut how to have prize babies;
Th mother how t have them witliout pain ;
)The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ;
)The curious how thev " growed" and came to be
)The healthc how to enjoy life and keep well;
)The invalid how to get well again speedily ;
)The imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
)A11 who waut knowledge that is of most worth
.Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk,"
Jl.OOO piioes, 200 cuts, 24 cnl. plates; 200 recipes :
' Reduced from !?0.2' to 11 .."v0 ; cii-.-ulnrs free.
iMuvrav Hill Hook C-... 12:1 F.. 2Srh St.. New York
;( 42
( $1,100
( 1 '1 "PIES
.( SOLD.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W. PATTERSON, AGENT One of tue Best In theJIVorldl
rllis, Dnwsoix ? Lyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Teachers' Examination.
li.a.A. S. IVwubs, 111 wtll taown
Waii Wallaaaii, oomuiittevl auioido on
List r'rida .
IVno.kk-s haviii)! a,ljoume,l II, e
iVMutry will ,(( a rest.
it lad never ivnvsnsj tbs ivauttr
would N tv ttr oJ. tut not that enoi;:i
niisv'tiief b as Nn axvuii'l tbtvl, it t tits
aJ.vartiuient vu!d b oaxrisJ ovr for
alv,it four jrer, the AmsfKMP p'p''
would trtb ir-iy. It is thia cou
fouu.lt si tintrrioa; from on thiuk- to
aootfcer hic?h wrtmni tbdsaov.
Ihi wa aud :oatisemaiiti r(vrt
ttat lbs t tani tu'.l will b a "v'u
rvativ" rvvisiou ol tbe MoKiuley law.
"tViisOTvativ" it a wi wrJ.
it n ah has ai'ivuvted h I baut
4 imu IV;, tb Slat intt. Voe llaietle
wi,l d its It-ai'imf on tti IVnidojw
i V H AN KSli IN I Nil t'KiVLAK U'tl
tl v . IVnnoyer on Nov. 11 issued bis
'Vlauksaj vuii prwlaxuaiiou. As usual,
the govouor strike out in his fearless
way, iutvrmii any suiostiona ihat Pies
. C'leveland miailit have to make rtkarliut!
( this bohdav It reads as follows - do
hereby at'ivuut tbe fourth Thursday of
Ihe irejeut luoutb as a day of 1'bank
itini'i; to Almighty OoJ tt tlieMissings
be bas IxioweJ iijxui ttn viu;uooea!tb
i diirin,; t:i present year. lK-d baa, iu-
; dJ, ben moet tienetl.vnt to our state
and oatiou and yet ui'iust and ill fcivvsed
ooniresaiiotal legislatuxi, having made
gold alone full legal teuder money, has
dairJtsl and ojiralyievl Piuuie that
tl e Kunitie of Pivideooe are not de
ned to hu:idrei.la ol tbontnds of pe-ple
aittuo the national domain, who are not
, tfo'.y without euiployutenl but are at so
wilbout thtj uieajvs of prwurmg fiyy),
' rvtuent ,v shelter. While, therefore, the
peooie of Oreajvxn return thapks to Uo I
(or bis g.Ksluess. I do most earnestly re
. vvuixead that they thould devoutly iui
1 plot fcira to d.srx-e tbe preulet and
tbe ovrgreesj ol the VaiteJ States to
se, ure the rea!oeativa ol s lver at full
l.al teuder u.ouey. in a,Nvrdtooe with
r tbe pol:ey of the ialhers of tbe republio,
I wberetiv our ivduatnes uiay b revivsvl,
and the hotiest toilers ol the land may
prvvure tbe.r daily bread, lot as aUtus,
. A read.ug circle oonsisliug of t. e
llnrd and fotirtti vear oiasees is svn t
I be orgauue-1. riieyw.il met at Mis
nell's and readJulinsCaMar.
j Hie classes iu tbe meohauioi!
' partnient are doing splendid work. Tue
teit tnx'k reed tnte year id aua it.x-
! geometry ia a new one written by IV-f.
IK. W. N'ClKils, prof-ssor
Uf Virginia. Mditarv
. a ine p..ria oi evaminins; alt ihote ho
1 may oSer tbemtelvet at candtdatea for countv
I certiacatea. Matt Dlnloraat or State
Ute Jip.omaa. lae mtvrinlendeat of Morrow
Mr. John Kiloliet ,.,.U i ! wl" n.a a puo.K evaruinasion at the
.Mr, joho hiKtiey te,vn,ly arrived , ,vurt W:e in Heppuer. beginning WeJneaJay
tr'in the r.ist. 1 ov. Mku, ai 1 o'clovk pi m.
1 lie oilt'lla ol Ibe lone nnhlic .li,l I r , CT . L. sius
ei 1 eu a Teu.n rf I o lay. j Aatietaat E j
1) i tll.vk rented Kd lolloway's boaif "
rancii lor two year. Yon are in it,!
Mr. K C Sperry uiove.1 to tbe n-onu-1 I NPER ,A!iD V virtpk OF AS 0RPE8
f mathrinatios of aheep.
l.itlitu:-. Mr. t.T McVar amw.1 ir.m
Supt. Uorroti Co.
Administrator's Sale.
.led out af the IVuntT t-.-,,ipf ..r
ior Motrin Counly, ou tie 6th dav of Nov 1 h'
, The undertuued admlmtlrator of the
11 1 eytats et lames Breedint. deceased, wtll n
Uxington. Va, It is an inter, s-it j fct , th- .m-'.- . i.,k. -r.. -. ! .': ,?.xtw' L". o'clock in ihe
to know Pr.(esr NuMiole wa a lonuer ,0,! r4D0h (!K.- lat h,rJ ,lulr.
rufiiii-rai. e i.ricuer 01 .'11. lf if rest if
os, eveu iu ihe ma-
cibv-eut citv ol Hepooer
' lr ,oou 1VP,U4: 'lv Weather prophet Hu-ks. ol St. Ums.
: for beating the am.il torcu.g bou- Has prophesies long and fluid winter, sucu
. replaced by unir inch pipe. , s, UM ,,, tvea experieoeeJ for manv
, heretofore it has tveo di&ouit to g, l w.ts We bop this dvw not include
surbcieut beat, lb new greotbouse 1 lbt, ..rV.. Wast. ior tbe stimtrr ba-
a.i'beiug fitted with four inch pu-e. been batd enoagh.
; sod will two be completed .
, . , , , , Miss. A J. Balsiger today enters up-
n ouiies a asiwtaut tea, ter
horticultural departiueut. tried to rie th. H sooner Pnhlie ach.x,
hm v-- , a, "r.p ir-p- rn-il:i
j were graftej into ooe vine. Only ore
' (vjuah wa allowed to gmw and ts th;
I was fed by all th" vines it was expected
I to be a large ooe. We wer sorry Uvlearc
I that the twl was aot of the large kind,
j bat nevertheless Ib so,u 1 is of g.Kl
j sue.
j CoNrmisi'Tvti.
Corvaliis. Oct. lAU.
than anv other coo h nmlk-ma t ....
I Are your childreu sub'cvt to croup? j sold There is gvsxl reaoa kr lh a.
: it s vou auoaia never p wttovo. j-00'or will cur a cold so quictl
woif nioimwiitiaiunii rwowxiy. n otn r so certain a preventive an.1
. 11 is a certain cwr tor croau, and baa
in tbe Wilnioth
school, and left tor Heppner Saturday
evening. Mr Koy Glasecwk. of Hepp
uer, cvvuplelea tbe rest of lb term.
I ne. t.Vt 30. IJtri.
ierUOOtt Ot StOd dav. in fmnr i
hout d,wr. in Heppuer. Morrow countv
Oremm.wit t. ih buthest kidder for cash l'n
haud an the riant. Uile and mtereat of said
Jainea s. Breelm,-. deceated, in and to the
.o.towmt deacr-.hed real propertv, tolf X
of sc. is. Tp. i & K. : K. V, : Si aituated
m Morraw county, state ol Oreon.
Ije tame to he told iu parcels af fortr acret
each, or aa a whole aa to lha admlnittrafor luav
teem hei on dty ol aa. lasted thit ta da'v
Ol .Nov. A. D. lt at heppner Oreaou.
A. . Bstti'
1 -S.-
B. F. Mnlkev. clerk .if Polk
county, and Mr. Hawley, who wag 0Dc
tats senator, addressed th students in
chapel a short time ainc-
Mis Krnc and Mis Avers, of th
music department, will giv raonthlT
t . J J ,a" Mnt. Their plan
wUI be to take txm aoia poser and stody
! hit I t- an.t Ik. ... . , V
Mr. W. M. Terry, wbo has been 10 th!hn' life and the characteristic of h,
: drug bns:nes at Elkton. Ky.. for the music and to make tb programme of
; past twelve yer. says: Cnamherlam's i bl selection.
: t-ongn Neiv.evly give better atisfA-tion
,.n?.,nPleny r ,oattentJ0 of the attorneys employed to obtain their
ibl ticir vr,, 1 , "erclsd " employing competent nd reli-
ab e solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent deMndVgreaUy, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney uciuuaStcuy,
an! pftViw0' prte?ting invent0 f worthless or careless attorney.,
f, L i , i 1 ' Iuventlon well protected bv valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prewired to
Obtain PatenU In the L'nlted States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terterence, Make Special ExaminaUons, Prosecute Rejected Case,
Kegister Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
ueiend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
ntWw11 "r 'Teation sd a sketch or photograph thereof, to
fdvled iV 'Pt:0n 0f the important features andyou iUbS tonce
othe4 are i Wn5-- CUrSe pun,ue- Models are seldom necessary. If
e he" snbm f- e'V ?-; nghxP 07 if 'ou are charSed with infringement by
others, subin.t ue matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
-.o..oxa., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
Cut tnli out and send It with your Inquiry. .
Monmouth, Or., iVst. '2S. lA.
never peea aaowo u fail. If gives
' freeiv as avvs a th croupy eagh ap
I pears it will (vieveol th attack It is
I th sot rliaoce with thousand ot
uulhers who have croupy etr.ldieo, and
! rer disappoint tb-m. 1 hre is so
: danger in giving this Ketuedy 13 la--re
; and frequent doees. as it contain ttb
cur ror croqp; 00 other alonts so mucb I tk v. ' 1
relief in cas ol whooping ctngh. for Dvlo busines relabvc to tb
sal by Slocua-JobDtn lVng Co, ! of W. O. B.yer, deoeasevi, will
; p.eas ctiii at tb. ofEcw of Hamilu.a
treeland. wbo will pay all debt, of ,id
Mrs Skvaa and daughter, of Heppuer,
wr vuititg too Normal last wek.
Toe atblete are iotsadm 1,. n.
j wg m mrious. ,V cent b.ttle tor sale b I ' MJ naios in in gvmnasium.
; !!ocn-Joboo lug ! A clas in lypewntiug and alenog-
- - - raphy ha been organued bj Mr. Hunt.
. Nothing like Simtuoc Uver Kegtila-; A lectnr was given bv Vresident
i kr for dyspep and uidigtKti-a ! Klostj, of tbe Stat A-rK-ultarl CWles
1 nr,t tt te V.,.,.
money dae tb
estate aod clleot all
Eur J. Ixn in.
, Executrix.
Heppner, Or. Oot. 15 M,
J ,b',wmith chemi-
Sotice of Intention.
trV N 10 1Kfret,T ivei, tnat
v.'i invv.f.;;"'!' lu'?r hs.n.e.t netic of
.. in.ejjo.i ,c mate tr.ia. proof in tupivrt of
VkZe?. " Heppner.
, v ..J "' 0- KEITH LEY
Vvi-Morth'!, -i ami
HtJ llamni tkj .
Jirilttta Tj.v.l .-,..
. . .,. ,,,,,11,, ,Ui v'rvcou.
Jo . ut: Keg-.tter.
Notice of Intention.
V . Sotiee it herebv riven tbat
I o,io me names teitier baa filed notice ol
l.er intention to make anal prvf in support ot
r'!0,1!?1' tni ,h' Mtd proof will be mads be
orej. . Morro, county Clerk at Heppner,
Oregon, on Nov. u. rf, .
111 v . XIARY ' ME WITT
H I. No. 440H for lie Ww sew amd wu 6El
fee. T. J s. B. a E. W.I.
' naait 'be following witnesses to proveher
, JU rwlll".- upon and culUvaUon of,
ta'.d U'.ul.vii. :
' Ti' h T,'"- Fn,nk Grtao, w. T. JfcSabb,
,. , Haguewood. ,ii of lone, Irreaon.
1 ' ' Jobs w. Lswia, Eeguter.
Saatat af aot
tmj nlimii4
anl ht ' "" i.:iry
"taa vlkut, a.fn.,aw,
n 1 1 f- f trrl 'a yo eapcr.aa naiww
(f I 1 1 l W nva htaaaa Tm. l"Wa .
7C .. . ait crs. yaait' ta.
T M. . l,R- H. B. BUTTS,
1 WI PlB Stret, a,. Loci, Ho.
' " '"TUTUTE. mMfcRiorttH