TO A!VEKTI8KR8. IJKIHK (ieMirliiK th" liiBnlon of tiUplity or change of sui:ie, iihihi not itieir copy iu not later than Mum! i evening for Tuesday's Mil ton, or TiftiraUy eeni;ig for Fridays edi Mon. Tub Hattkbon Hi'hi.ikiiinwCo. N01H . 1. The luiii ol Hv cw.u 1 1-1 line will be charKtxl for "carvl ol UitwikH," "reholutloiii mi reliix;t," llNlB ol Wl'il'lmp niiUl Hliil tlui.ors, But) obituary noticeti, (other than thiw trie i tlit or hIiU himself Klve n a lift. yr ol ih-wh,) a'ltl uuticeiiof Hpvcial mectiriK fur w hattn eriurfM.te. 2. NotlcuM of church and WK'U'ty Bin! all other ntertatnmenta from which revenue u to ho de rived. Khali be charged for at tLL- ri..' ut tiVt fcp-ite ft lino. These rules will be uniy a 11, ei ed to lu every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re ponaible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published uulww the writer's real name Is signed as au evidence of good faith. LP. FIHHEK, NEWHl'AFER ADVKRTIli- lng Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban Francisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on tile in hia office. TIME TABLE. 8tRu for Hurttmaii, Monument, Loiik Crock, John Day ami Canyuu City, leaves a follows : Every day at ti a. in., except Humiay. A rriven every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. J. 8. DKLEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. Give your buainexs to Ileppner people, and therefore assixt to build up Ilepp ner. Patronize thone who patronize you. Here and There. The fireuieu hold a nieetiug this even ing. Hood's rills are easy and gentle in effect. We will tuke wheat on subscription ut 50 oeuta per bushel. Mrs. J. A. Woolery onme up from lone Wednesday evening. Lee Kilbourue, of Gooseberry, was seen on our streetB Tuesday. Bob Shaw and wife returned Wednes day from their trip to the Sound. Ed. Copner was over from Lone Rook the first of the week for a load of Hour. Lee Pat berg and Nels Magnuson were up from Lexington the first of the week. The Gazette will take county scrip at face on subscription, Bnd pay balanoe of same in cash ut highest market prioe. 7-60 W. E. Fowler, of the First National Kank of Arlington, speut Tuesday in this city. Eugene Freelau i returned Tuesday from a short visit with home folks at Ashland, Without a doubt Simmons Liver Regulator will cure you. It hag cured thousands. B. F. Akers and wife, of the Eight Mile oountry, were noticed on our streets yesterduy. IS. F. Shaner got in Monday eyenina from Pendleton, leaving Tuesday for Hardman. J. N. Brown got back from Salem Tuesday eve, aooompanied by bis wife and little one. J. W. Sheppard, a representative of Dunn & Co., of Portland, was here over Wednesday night. Mesdames Arthur Minor, E. R. Bishop and W. A. Johnston returned from Portland Tuesday evening. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine nd tobacco habit. , See ad. Every man who takes any interest in (fast stock should subscribe tor The iHorseman. Gazette shop, agents. B. F. Miller, the branch-line brake imau, returned from the East Taesday .evoning, and is aguin at his post of duty. John Q Wilson, of Sulem, oanie up on Tuesday evening's traio to look after tiis interests in this section. lie expects to reruaiu several days. A numberof our young m.ii met IubI evening to talk over the organization of 8 sucial and danoing club. They will meet agaiu in the near future. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture Btore on Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair cuts and the like aways on tap. Johnny Woodard left Tuesday morn :ing for Union to look after his interest lin the Rule horses whioh were reoently iBttaohed by himself, Dan Hornor and others. Oid Eatt has purohased Hick Math ews' interest in the City Hotel barber hop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts, etc., dished up in the best of style. Baths for the millions. Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the Aroade when thirsty. Half and halt and fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine atook of liquors and oigars always on hand. Give Ted a oan, MoAtee Bros., having reopened the Palaoe bar, kindly ask for a continu ance of their former patronage. This is bv all odds the fineBt bar in Heppner, 'The boyg keep a good stock. Call on ithem. K. n. Mra. A. M. Slooum. of Hepp. ner, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. F. Putmao, of Wayneoounty, Pennsylvania, is in Pendleton visiting the home of B. C. Kidder. Mrs. Slooum has been in Wayne county during the summer, They go to Heppner tonight. Wm. Oillis oame over horseback Tuesday from Long Creek. Mr. Gillis denies all complicity in the matter of filling up Mark Twain with the material for his story, "The Jumping Frog of Calaveras Co." The party reeponsible is a distant relative of Mr. Gillie, bear- in? the same name. Our reporter was Bhown quite a relic yesterday in the shape of a .84,00 bill, issued by a resolution of congress in 1776. It was printed on a peculiar brown pulp paper of good texture, and about 2Jx4 inohea in size. This bill is the property of Al Emmerson, and some thing that any relic-hunter would be glad to get hold or, A reoent note from R. F. Hind, who is now visiting in Scotland, informs us thi ha is eniovine himself with old friends, but expeots to return home about the last of this month. Bob also sends us a communication on "the effect of free trade to the Amerioan wool growers," which . he writes after a personal visit to several of the largest faotories in Scotland. This will be ; published in our next issue. COPPER IYETEJ(.?j5C' filter tyUH GUARANTEED. address: ban rRANCisco, cal. Word was received from Dan Hornor last Tuesday to the effect that he had been released by the grand jury, in the case of Reeves vs. Hornor, in which he was bound over by a justice to await the action of that body. Dan also sends word that the sale of the Rule horses will be effected about the 8th, notwith standing the warning reoeived. Mis. A. M. Slocum, who has been visiting iu the Kast during the past Mirumer. returned home last evening accompanied by her mother, Mra. F. E. Putmau, of Pennsylvania. 1'be folks here were very much surprised on their arrival, as they bad received no word to the effect that Mrs. Putman intended to return with Mra. B locum. Teams from Lone Rook aud otl tr section are rolling in for Hour. Grant county people are now realizing that it is useless to make a long trip to Feudle ion when flour oan be bought at Hetp aer so low. And our niercbauta are prepared to give the lowest figures for chhIi, so there is no exouse for going elsewhere for supplies. Champagne aud Cora J. were attaohed in 'Frifioo early thia week on the supposi tion that they belonged to McAtee Bros., but were siuoe released as they are the property of others. MoAtee Bros., will pay every dollar they owe if given a obanoe. Our recorder. Judge Hullock, is get ting to be quite a violinist. Green Mathews is also an enthusiast in that lion, and die complaint is extending its ravages daily. The Gazette hears that Peter O. Borg will also join the violin class. Wm. Durau, who has spent the sum mer iu Illinois, returned home Monday, acoompauied by Mies Rosa and Mr. Sheila Balden, a niece and nephew, who expeot to looute in this section. The J. S. Tower cattle, to the number of 18 or l'J head, were sold at sheriff's sale near the Gazette office, Wednesday. Wm. Hnghea was the purchaser, the bunch bringing only 8105. W. W. Bunn, and another gentleman whose name we did not learn, arrived Saturday from the John Day with a load of apples wbiob were disposed of at very fair prices. The Heppner Flouring Mills are sell ing Hour to the retail or wholesale trade at 05 oents sing'e sack; $2.50 per barrel, oasb, any quantity. Guaranteed equal to the best. - 74-tf Mrs. Ed. Glisan returned from Port land Wednesday, accompanied bv her sister whose name we did not learn. The latter comes to Heppner in hopes of regaining her tiealtn. Mr. Sweeney, formerly of Arlington, is in Heppner and may looate here for the winter. If he should do eo he will organize a violin class The Dalles Chroniole: Mr. A. W. Pat terson, of Heppner Gazette, onme up on last night's train and left this morning for Heppner. The mill is running on double time to meet the demands being made upon it for flour at the very low prioe of $2.50 per barrel. Dr. W. E. Rinehart, mayor of The Dalles, died suddenly at Summerville Oot. 30. He was 33 years of age. Frank Farnsworth departed yesterday morning for San Francisco where be will enter a business college. Miss Belle Thomas departed yesterday morning to make a short visit with Spokane relatives. Emil Grothkoff got in from the Blues Wednesday, where he has been herding sheep this summer. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to remove the bile, dear the head and re store digestion. ; Geo. Wells yesterday sold his ranch to R. R. Durau. We did not learn the consideration. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Ban Poppou and Joe Banister were down the first of the week from Hard- man. Mrs. Jo9ephineForood returned from below on Wednesday evening's train. Teams are rolling on toward the Blues to harvest the fall crop of cordwood. J as. D. Hamilton left this morning for Hood River on business. Miaa Laura Muir returned home from below Tuesday evening. W. O. Brown, of Spokane, is the guest of friends in the oity. J. J. MoGee, of Hardman, waa in town Wednesday. Hon. T. Barnard died near Fossil Oct. 23. A Terrible Accident. At 6:30, a.m., Wednesday morning, an electric oar, running from Milwaukee to Portland, plunged through the draw of the Madi son street iron bridge drowning six persons. The bodies of five had been recovered at latest aooounta. They are: Cbas. Beckman, John P. Anderson, Joseph Startler, Alexander Campbell and T. BennioV. A young boy, 14 years of age, named Cbas. Albee is.thought to have been drowned. There were Bbout 18 persons in the car at the time of the accident, and it is thought that all esoaped except those mentioned, though this may not be the case. The con ductor and mortorman barely escaped, the latter catching on the gata at the very brink of the draw. The steamer, Elwood, waa passing through at the time, and passengers Bay that two persons were run down and killed. The mortorman and conductor immediately after the aocident gave themaelvea up, but were released on their own recog nizance. A diver weut to work and the oar no doubt was out of the water by 5 o'olook on the eve of the accident. The car was badly wreoked. It was one of the worst acoidents of the kind for a longtime, but it is thought that it could not have been avoided. Shoemaker Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham eieV building, on May street, where he is prepared to do everything in his line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. Uwtf "SPAING, BOTTOM rAN" Rich Red Blood Rssults from taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Sir. Chat. WUUeer Of San Francisco. "For several years I have been troubled with blotches and pimples on ray face and body, which wore very annoying. 1 tried several pre scriptions, and also oilier medicines, but they Hood's sse Cures did not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friend advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 was determined to give it A Thorough Trial. After using two bottles, my skin returned to its natural state. I still use It, as It gives me strength and vigor. I never had better health in ray Hie, and 1 owe It to taking Hood's Sarsa parilla." Chas. Walkkii. with Curvill ilfjr. Co., 4 Eighth Street, San Francisco. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner PUIS, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c II. i VJZYOU BA CKA CHE ? DR. GRANT'S KIDNEY 4 Brlaht s Disease. Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment In Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain In the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. PHKI'AHEU BY O.W.B. Manufacturing; Co,. psrriloaonnd' For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drag Co., and T. W. Ayers, Jr. They Webe From Spokane. The emigrants, arrested out on Butter creek early this week, departed Wednedny on their journey South, being on their way to San Franoiceo' to take in the Mid Winter Fair. They oame from Spokane and were formerly from Miobigan. Those of the party put under arrest on com plaint of Jerry Brosnan were H. W. Hawk and Arthur Parr, but in both oaaes no evidenoeof aconvioting character w-s produoed and they were sat free. Two AbSiQNMEKTS. Yesterday two as signments were made, that of O. S. Van Dnyn, of Heppner, Bnd J. J. MoGee, of Hardruau. Geo. Conser was chosen as assignee for the first named and Bob Shaw fur the latter. Mr. McQee's as signment is a complete surprise to all. His liabilities toot up $1,400; assets, $2,000. He thinks that it will pay out dollar fur dollar. The creditors of Mr. YanDuyn will, also, get all that is due them, in our opinion. Kir's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 eta. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan At Howard's. 4-tf. Land For Sale. 480 sores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranob and will be sold cheap. Gall at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. ADDITIONAL, LUUAU3. "Hardware" did yoo sayT Wby, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'e stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clook. Qe keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stock of Bplendid, summer bottou and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a The Stndebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a It you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Entei prise Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a GAMBLERS' SUPERSTITIONS. Uueer Notions Kntert'iiiieil hy I'roresslon al iiH-Hti-rs. "When I used to (fuin'ile," sai l a good citizen in the Kansas City Star, -'if I won I always made it u point to buy new clothes or pay my board a month ahead or .buy a diamond or something like that. That's the only sure way to beat the game. Men who don't do that get the worst of it. "All gamblers are superstitious, I defy any man to handle a pack of cards any length of time and not gft a lot of superstition mixed up with it. Cards will come so peculiarly. Sometimes a peculiarity will last only one night. "I remember playing poker one even ing and having eveoy hand beaten that had a ten spot in it. llig hands, too, some of them. I had four tens beaten that night hy four jacks and 1 had seen an ace in the discard, too. "Another wealtnrss I can't s'lake off is horror for the queen of spades. I won't draw to queens, anyhow, unless I've got three of t'.iem. but I'm afraid of the queen of sp-.i ies eii""ji lly. I won't draw t ) a Inn I. n m ttt what I've got, if th-j fjtiajrt f s id i Is there. 1'ye, tried it and n"'vjf in m1 i a win." v? jf CURES iJr? boa. S Diabetes. Grilliam H. A. Thompson A. E. Blnna THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Below Cottin 4 McFarland'a, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. at O. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT OH ALL STOCK. Closing out the entire stock Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. JLiohtenthal & Co., at Cost for Cash. Call and Secure a Good I3argain. QIIID, Assignee. Ot ) 1 lie youii how to cuo.isi- th; best one to marry COURSE)Tlie married how to be happy in marriage; YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies ; WANT )The mother how t? have them without pain; TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; KNOW )The curious how they " growed" and came to be WHAT iThe healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily ; BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's ,7Plain Home Talk," KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; READ )Reduced from $3.25 to $1 .00: circulars free. P. H. T. )MurrayHill Book Co., 129 E. 28th St., New York LEGAL BLANKS. r atthe (lfi PaiWnn N0TARY public ULlo 1 dllul ISUil CONVEYANCER AT n OPFICB THE THIRSTY ; Will Drink the Best AND NO OTHER WILL SUFFICE No "Jim Grow" Liquor and Cigars down lne best is desiranle every time, Knd of a I.ciair-I.lvefl Hiiinliifr. The cold bath is going out of favor Ihere was, indeed, an element of hum tug in the noisy enjoyment of the man who in the dead of winter liroke thin Ice to gain ablution. The ghastly smile and the chattering of teeth gave the lie S his protestations of delight. The Japanese, whose civilization may well excite envy, shun cold water as neither refreshing nor cleansing. The poorest inhabitant has a fire of charcoal lighted under a movable tub. And just as hot tea in summer is more cooling than the Iced drink, so is hot water to be pre ferred to cold; nor need the advocate of this principle be necessarily a disciple of Hahnemann. wnere niavery nun kiiim. An Indian woman in the Lahore dis trict has volunteered to accompany a po lice officer to Sind, and there promises to point out several other women who have been decoyed away and sold to cul tivators as slaves. The police authori ties have sent a police sergeant with the woman to Sind, and have, asked tho dis trict magistrates of Multan and Bukkur to render every asslHtanco to the woman in their respective districts in discover ing the Blaves and their kidnapers. A Sikh, Klxhen Singh, is alleged to be a great dealer In the slave trade. This disgraceful traffic in women' baa been carried on from time immemorial, and the authorities are now taking iquiM (ires for its prevention. & I3isbees iiErrjjEii, on Feed and Sale Stable. of KiTtwo ( DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( , SOLD ;( 42 (AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 ( COPIES .(SOLD. at Boh Kriok's Areade saloon. Note it. unarley Jones, day mixologist. Call. Robert Krick, Prop New Use for Old Hose. While dredging on the oyster beds near New London, Conn., recently an oystermnn brought up something, which at first sight looked like a life less sea serpent covered with immense scales, but on examination it turned out to be a strip of hose seven feet long and three inches in diameter, complete ly hidden by the bivalves, which had become fastened to it. Jiy actual count there was over l,0uu oysters on that piece of hose. An KnorniDiiN Mif-rnHrupn. Tlie London I'ull .Mnll liuettc stntes that the J'oeller l'iiy;.ie:il Optii'til insti tute of Munich is in il.i.'i mi cncii'iiious microscope for exhibition i.t the Chica go world s fair. It will magnify to 000 diameters, or, as ordinarily fitted, to 11,000 (liumetei-s, An electric light of 11,000 candle power is to he used for illuminating the image, which is to be projected on a screen. As the heat from this powerful light would derange the focus by the expansion of the metal a device is used to cool the metal. This is a small opier eylind.-r filled with liquid carbonic mid under a pressure of 350 pounds to the square inch. It is connected with the miei'oscope in such a manner that an electric regulator auto matically opens a valve and allows ft drop of the acid to escape in a spray .on the metal to be cooled; the liquid im mediately evaporates and producci in tense cold. The whole cost of the in strument is suid to be nearly S10.0UU. ;Jfg THE PEOPLE OUR No only once, but again and again. mil weigui, ana gooa measure lor tne least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds oustom, makes us friends, and so establishes onr trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. M T Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE which we propose to oonduct in - - on hands at all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McCABTY, 85-tt Proorietors. The Keeley Utile -OF- KIRK & RUHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grorj Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a f till line of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries and Proms. A full Una if VB 1,. 1 1 T J . . .... ii i! '"! uucii usually kept in a first-class bakery store. try them. ii A DRUG IN THE MARKET. ies, there are many of them. Some very good, some bad. Bad druijs are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pure drugs are great helps, And these alone should be Used in oompouuding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drugs made. To compound them skillfully, To prenare prescriptions quiokly, To charge for them reasonably. SLOW-JOHNSTON PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. CLOSING OUT tUi 1 , the entire chandise in the store Bargains in all lines never before bund. Call and learn prices. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OFT MANCHKMT1SH, UNOL,ANl) JL W. PATTERSON. AGENT On ol t Host In tt&e World PM HOTEL v - v 1. Only Fiist-Claes Lotel in Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. 3. Lest acctmmoduliouB for the traveling public. 1. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. AEE COMHSTG WAY! They know that from as they always get Heppner, Oregon. Ownership OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most natiof .w.,, wauuDi., f in eCU For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It ia located at Foret Grove, Or., The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttr office for particular! Strictly conlldeiitlal. Treatment private and aura cure. nun ui run , in mci everything tnat is They will sell cheap foi cash. Call alio w wno oan do better than this? I REGARDLESS OF stock ot general mer of Cox Bros., Hardman. W. P. FELL, Assignee. tf