" tj -A , o m mjn to sell you WW ' 8 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. fi X ... a .h ND 160 ACRES rimber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded ud3 tLere are 140 acres gcxd farming luiid, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded laud Las a gooil epi ug t-1 1 fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. iVIVOTllKR BARGAIN. AND STlI.lv AXOTIIBK'. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good I a.JJ for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the Last and has no use tor it. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap arid on easy terms. For further information call at our office. THE PATTERSON JbUB. CO- Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize vnt. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible tor his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name Is signed as an evidence ol good faith. Did you ever Read about ttia Man who Hid bis Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertiaiug. All the Suide schemes lu the couutry Will uut auooruplitih Half as much As a good ad. lu a Kood, live, Legitimate Dewepaper, One that Is read By tbe people, And that owns Its own Soul; that Uaei its space Like merohandise, Worth dollar For dollar. 1 Jt2 Jsi Mitchell aud Gorbett may fight iu a foreign couutry. Mayoh Habmhon's funeral ooonred at Ohioago last Wednesday. Silvbb is now as low as 70 cents nn ouuoe again. And it will yet go lower. Thb New York organs are mixed np in their party affiliations. Tbe bun fights Cleveland and supports tbe Tam many ticket. The World is for Cleve land on the money question, against Lira on tbe Vbu Alen appointment, and is df ad Bet against the democratic state ticket. The iirooklyn Eagle opposes the whole democratic ticket. The Recorder, the leading republican paper, is for free ooinsge and a high tariff. Tbis loosening of party ties and deser tion ot party lines among the great metropolitan dailies is the indication of a ouming politioal storm. Telegram. On Tuesday evening b supper was given for the benefit of the free reading room. Senator Myers invited Attorney Hume, Sheriff OBbnrn, Treasurer Bu nett, Secretary Robb and a few others to eat supper at tbe.expenae ot Poetmaste Hare. Bro. Hare paid tbe 82 with smile, but when the opportunity pre seuted itself he made himself famous as an auctioneer in selling $14 worth ol bouquets to the officials who ate at h expen.se. Hare is a bird. ft r. HAi that Hons. D. P. Thompson aud II. W. Corbett attended the big populist meet ing Tuesday night last, aud the former arraigned tbe new charter without stint. Tbe objct of the meeting was to start the ball rolling toward investigation of oity Btfuirij, and particularly w here the money is going to. Portland bos a strong followkg of populists, and if charges made are true, will have a good chance to elect some of the officers at the coming muncipal election. Prevention Is Better Than cure, and those who are subject to rheumatism cau prevent an attack hy keeping tbe blood pure and free Irom tbe acid wbiob causes the disease. You can rely upon Hood's Harsaparilla as a remedy for rheumatism aud ontarrh, also for every form of scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other diseases caused by impure blood. It tones and vitalizes the who e system. THE UKAND LODUK. More Compliments of the Knights and Citi zens of Heppner for the Royal Reception mid Entertainment. Tub injunction proceedings against the soldiers' home at Uoseburg has been diBs ilved, and now work will go on ns pliinued. Uliffoiid beat the lug racers. Yo Tambien aud Lamplighter, iu a mile and a quarter lace at Chicago, Monday. Tune, '2:0!t:l.,'. Obcah D. Wktiiehbi.l, controller of Chiongo, is now acting mayor. He was cmriiittee, Senator Bliiekniau and Otis appointed by Carter 11. Harrison and is troa, who had come from Henouer a republican. 50 miles to meet the representatives. Here it was that fl,m V 1.,..., .. , i Tun government has gone out of the walked into the car ml ,!,i i.; ...rc.uiJB priming ousiuess, ami low the colleague aud friends. Ha had l.o.. i,. cmmnm, everyday prmfer will have a the Eastern part of the state on bus! uuunce hi me worn. ness with t m n,.i,. Pa,.;.. neppnec was reached at diivliubt. nnd From 1'ytlilas. It was a jolly orowd that loft over the Union Paoific at 6:39 p. m. Ootober 9, bound for Heppner to attend the meeting of the grand lodge K. of P. All were happy, aud ail were happy beoause all were happy. . - - .wugu me car reuewiugold acquaitanoes and forming new ones. At Cascade Looks It. L. Aldrioh boarded the train, at Hood River Geo T. Prater nnd C. L. Gilbert joined the throug, aud at The Dalits John Michell and U. K Buyard were added to the list v. u. llrock and C. J. Bright appeared on me scene when Wasco was renohed At Arlington the Eastern Oregon dele .ration i fell upon ns; also the reoeptiou Kewnre of Ointments for Catarrh Contains Mercury, as mercury will surelv destroy the sense of smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering through the mucous surfaces. Hue articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable pbysi ciaus, as the damage they will do ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co Toledo, O., oontaius no mercury, and is taken internally, actiug directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying HbII's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It taken internally, Bud made iu Toledi Ohio, by h . J . Chenev & Co. Testi monials free. 3$"Sold by druggists, price 75j. pe; bottle. EAtiLETrJ. From our Long Creek Taper. The Epigram is tbe name ot a in paper published at Baker City. h. V. Voruz, of the MoFarlaud Alur cautile Co., of Heppner, was in this part of Grant county on business thii week. J. N. Brown, one of Heppnei's at. tornoys, passed through Long Creek. Wednesday en route home from (J.iu yon City. Ed. L. Huntley, of Chicago, th tireless toller for trade, lias been in dieted for oriminal libel. Huntley n. g., which fact will be substantiated by the merohants of the Pacifio const who have bad dea.ings with him. Jerry Phillips and Mars. Morgan, of Heppner, were in Long Creek IhbI Fi .1 ii m vjieeuuorn mi. inn, ueiug on the mimmit in Morrow Tint government at Brazil ingtosquelch Mel.o, and to build up ()ept to 7... 7. Z Z the navy. The torpedo boat. Destroyer. .,. .., , , ' "" i navy. 1 be torpedo boat, Destroyer. is oue or the purchases. ImiiTY mnitii indictments have been returned against Seattle's treasurer, Krug, and his iiHsoointes. The latter are among Seattle's best known oitizeiiB. never played better nor a people seemed happier. Guests were giveu apartments, and s me took a much nemlu.l oUut, nf I l.i. u.Uuiiuu wnen two feet of snow fell l" amvHu wicn Ins band county last week. The residence of .I.ih Cauyon City, oaught on fire lust Situ couiuk uooui seveu o cluck, and in a very short time was converted into ashes. Water from the water mains ...... UK ,ruiu me reservoir could not be c Kicui. uiHianue, nenoe the bliiza had upuo.uou. ine tire is supposed . .....c U Kiuaieu irom the Stovepin lue. Nearly all the household furui tare of any value was saved. 'iv x :oo mere waB a flue parade, fi.l- lowed by tho assembling of citizens aud guests to listen to the welcoming ml Tim Voorhees repeal bill tmssed tl.P esa by M,i'or J-R-w'""ui"ns, respouse 1... I." l.T Douse Wednesday by a vote of 1SH to 04 y "'.aiiaron, u. u., oration by J. L Thus ends a lougaud faithful tight on ' ol"Bi''e address by A the part of the silver men. We are .. 1 ,ll",r,"u. on behalf of l)i ready for the promised prosperity. Tub day the repeal bill passed, silver dropped, stocks tumbled, and iu fact things looked blue. Where Is that oolossal, uine joiuted giant, Prosperity? vt nere are the signs of better times' MomiTON r khwan, the Euglish bi metallist wus present during the great aeuate iu congress, and says that the cause ol hi-metallism will yet win. He admires the way the silver men h indled the question iu the senate. Tim American Protective Association, politioal organization opposed to Catholics, has gained some foothold in eastern slates, and evou as far West l.i voioruuo. it i doomed to die ought. A good man di regardless of religiou as and eserves support, It is with much pride the Merced Star remarks: "A republican congress pass ed the Geary act, a republican presideut signed it; a republican supreme oourt declared it constitutional, and a demo cratio president backed by a democratic congress, nullified it. These are facts for consideration." The Voorhees repeal hill passed the senate Monday by a vote of 411 to 32. The analysis of the Vote stands: Ayes, democrats 20, republicans 23, populists, 0; noes, deinoornts 18, republicans II, populists 5. The bouse will take the . r iiiu ii win uuutuiess pass that body by a good vote. Now is the time to get in and work for silver. Uutil legislation of some kind is passed, it is done for snd with it the imtercsti of the J. 'orio Lod.e. Sister Happy MiFarhind oaptured the audieuce with her excelleut iaaina Alvnh Patterson distinguished biuiBelf ns uu orator aud surbrised hia fri i with his ability as such. Offing to the absence of Orator dnrlia. P M u t t Hill ns substituted, sud althoiiuli l. had only uu hour in which to prepare bitureir, heacquilted himself nobly NOTES. Heppner was beautifully decorated. The Odd Fellows' hall whs ..i h, disposal of the Knights and the ,,lr0 ii lateu riom the Hugstall'. Pythian Sister Happy McFarland was the reciiueut of thanks ut the I auds of the Grand Lodge for her excellent sing ing. The Palles Times-Mountaineer, Henn. ner liazetle, Ucppuer Record and Port land Dispatch have devoted more I man any other papers in the state in giving notice of the Heppner sts-ion. The Heppner meeting only cost $152 more lhau the oue held at Kugeue li st year. It WUs conceded last year that the cost would be fldO more.' KugMs u ' aitersou deaeiye intioli credit for this. Pnblii "How UiCnre All Skin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment tw.utoiuni meuioiue required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, nil eruutions nn ti, inoe, minus, nose, &o.. leavim- tl. -I ,- hZ'i. W,,iSe "Ud llB""ly. Its great s,l V, ""u.uur,luve powers are possess- "j uu uiunr rmiiPftv a oir gist for Swayne's Ointment ' 1 vr K am and 20. Gennino n,.,..i hint i I Pill., .,..1.. a... . uio uuiv uve cents ean tan --.I lll Kill, in ...... . . ' 1 . UOUi9 eaou: v-in u,i r.n shiuplasters 10 cents eaoh; 1 and f2 cOU,b eatu. iSeut securelv seal ed on receipt of prion. Addrees,' Chas. u. uarKir, !:u s. Foisyth St., Atl it a. IMAGINATION KILLED HER. . Dream of l,.Bth Accurately Carried - Out to tlu, Peaceful Kn.l. A rcniurltuble instunoc of the hold superstition has upon the mind of even .TOiir,u'(i iimi religious, imwiuaii enquirer, ......v.- u, uic case -of .Mrs. lielKjcca I vrnes, of ,li;,,Im, Arli., a lad -v. i.iu iieeiual attainments and Cjll,''. ", " ' ncaith nnd spir its she summoned her children to come ' One son was rosi 'A CO ( SB f'wf OWR.MF'G C9 PORTLAN0.ORt. For Bale by HIucum-JobostoD Drug (Jo. ami T. W. Ayers, Jr. Administrator's Notice. N'O'IICK IS HKKKBY 01VKS THAT U'tttTB of adiiilnlritmtloii on the estate ol' David N. Hanlman, ileocased, were granted to ine unnerBnjneu on tneun day ot ten. ima, Ijv the coiintv court ol Morrow countv. All persons having cluinm again t nald estate are retjuirea to exhinit them to me lor allow anue. at Hepnner. Morrowleountv. Oregon, with in nix months after the date of this notice or they shall he forever barred. Dated this li5th day of Sept. &r.i. Ifi5-7J A. Rood, Administrator. Teachers ' Examination. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR the purpo of examining all those who may otl'er themseWefl as candidatei for county or State certificates, Htate Diplomas or state Life diplomas, the superintendent of Morrow county will hold a public examination at the court house in Hepnner, beginning Wednesday nov. io:m, at i o ciock p. m. K. J. If ALLOC K, AhHistant Ex. W. L. Baling. Supt. Morrow Co. 5-6 BESEKTED VILLAGES. Boom Towns of the West That Are Now Desolate. xh. .hi.. .i jM:,.f j.jn gf Owlt ud SnkM. If Oliver says the wus recently ex- sidinir in T.i,-...!.., T.-.. one m Xe,v Orleans, twp daughterV ere married and living in .Sedalia, ooeuient to their can, tncy came at er had io ollioials were ralher nuniem,, i" the deleunt Jell.-rso,, Myers, O.irval.is scut County lreasnrerHuruetl aud Sheriff Ushur.i, Astoria sent Postmaster Hare, Secretary ...... vuiumsion Kolib am JUllKe v K-.im.Ki, ueppner sent Senator lilack msn and Sehool Director fattersnn. aud County Clerk Morrow was an alternate I'uion sent County Clerk Oliver.Coruel. lus seut County Clerk Uoodin, Albiua sent Jude McCullouBh and l'roseoutiug ' . i !!.,,., mother's OllOe. thrmrl. !. snt n ... . 'f.'iui - .... MM or their suinmons. "hen all were iihont l i... , , . f..,.i . . . ' ""'y in- Vr, i i , """sue liml hud a dream nusoumi, who had be. "curiy lifteen years, ner that she had only ten davt more of iif. hc sent for lur childX ,i Z. K"""-nve, which she pro- wUh'th " "' ,h mUCl1 bui with the ij.r of one who had not the IWhtcat doubt that she was already dv hoc ,,, . !,'mlS.U:t,",l,tt''1 " reason with " l"1""1 out the fol v of plucins h Perfect contidenee in a dro,!, Z a .11 to mi . purpose, for the lady persisted ". " l,,Kl sue would depart from earth ot , such a day ,, Ma .v m certain hour. Her pastor remonstrated with her andeven brought the severest censure' to boar on her superstitious credulity ami at last Mrs. Hyrncs ceased to spTk W e,(Ua.t t:r 80 thllt ll"r 'milvhad be?u to think that she had conquered ner fancy. She continual lin.i.i, .. ..i , " r---uent ........ ..,. ,i,-M. lu,r llsual ,,u., Uf bu -just before tho iour she had pre dicted w-ould be that of her death she souk . t her children an.U.ade them od! bje t u., watIW l,..m-lfqiPtiyta,n ktnuk. the physicians declare that -er death was due soU-.y to her i, I uoiasmittl were nliuo uiBKe a lour of the far western states and of some sections of the south, he could find many a deserted village there that was once the liveliest if not, like his beloved Auburn, the loveliest of the plain. In Kansas alone, according to the New York World, where it wnnlH appear that towns as well as individuals have felt the disastrous refill 1 to t phlebotomy, there are fnllv t California, Georgia and Alabama they are numerous. Once thriving mini camps like Bodie and White Pine thnt Ifrew great in a night; boom towns such as Fargo Springs, that quickly as if a magician had callwl them into bcinir. and substantial cities like Snmnwr in .u. days the most important town n prospective metropolis of K.nSM scores of these decayed municipalities now he abandoned and desolate, their j v,ut:! empty ol human fen.nt. .n.i rotting away, their streets thick with a rank growth of weeds. old timers, or in some cases only a soli tary postmaster, left to tell men of the present generation of their TV,.. bustle and prosperity. Tn rl., i. auMices, as at Petersburg, in Georgia, nothing but mounds of earth and a populous ccmeterv rem.iin the town's departed glory. Especially mournful .i. fate of those abandoned towns whose only inhabitants to-dav ivra tho : 1 -uu Puies tnat have left prairie and sand hills to take refuge in the deserted dwellings. Time has played one of his ...ov lamastic tricks with human for tune in permitting owls to flit about iff V rafters that echoed a ie -e...u.uuKa io tn boisterous revelry Of OWl ItlllVta n.l , . . J - .. . , uu OUHKi,s lo squirm un, der the very tables at which barkeepers . Dlt;nlf red eye in exchange for ?C . V ""1,e woives prowl through the forsaken lair of the tiger. It is like plunging into an atmosphere of gloom to visit these blighted cities, for on every side stand mute reminders of the ill1?, VTUy ' the Pftst t0 int"Sify the sad stillness of the present. ' nnps the most striking of accounts o ruined boom towns are those which TV".. UUK,wara fate of Pierce Citv and Kit Carson. Less than a nerl tion ago Pierce City, with its lawless population of twenty thousand 7n and gamblers, was one of the most " a settlements between Denver and the coast. Iu inhabitants today are a handful of Chinamen, while Kit I arson has only one hundred left nf h seven thousand restless souls, who I dnreL3i:r.rf.ta!?..?"ht M day) So i I.OCAI- MARKET REPOKT. Wheat, bu 32 Flour.bbl .2 50 (S 300 Beeves, cons & two-year-olds, owt. 1 50 " three " 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 50 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz , 20 Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 03 1 08 Flour.bbl 8 00 63 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (d 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (a 12 Butter, flb 25 (it 30 Eggs, doz 20 25 Chiokens, doz ; . . 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, tt) 15 ( 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 85 J5 Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 2 75 " dreSBed 8 50 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool EaBteru Oregon... 6 14 Butter 20 30 Eggs, doz 274 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (8 4 50 Turkeys lb 15 17 Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Oct. 4, IWi. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has Died notice ef his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made he fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on Nov. IS, IMi.viz.: KINEHART SCHILLER, Hd. 3213 for the E'4 NW.'-i NE' YM Sen. 31 and NV!i SE14 See. XI Tp. 6, 8, K 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuuus residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: George l'erry.of Lone Rock, Hery n Meissner, of Gooseberry. Paul Schiller, , '-''0tt?i amllsaac Smith, o ".'wA0oeto ltilJ-17a .t ,f0. . . i-yp-'-Kfti; NOTICE IS HIKr?BY UJIVEN TSlT 1HK undersigned, the administratrix of Jhe estate of Cornelius Driscoll. deceased, will on luesdaythelJthdayof ecember, atl o'clock p. m. ol said uav at th Vif h.iri .v,., v...... east quarter, and the East half of the North west quarter of Bcctlon thirty-one (.'ill tow in ffi f- '!! of Range ftventy-1,, I, ,, Ar?a Vlllamct,e MerlH, eU said h Zll t Ire,,"1,rc1 ' Public salt to the highest u L; It , L,,"h B'"'h 8nle ''"'"it made ... "''l"'""""! to an order of the County court pf date Septemher 20, made and on sTl date!'' C""ty "rt M" ioimty I will also on said day at the hour of :l o'clock P,'.tc?;t ,,"?i,'l' ,l"5'' 8oi ""divided one-haif interest iu tbs saw mill property belonging to said estate, said mill hrfni w,,r,w,, . , I'f. , i.i . n"Hi"ie win ne inn. e to the L ? "dTl;r WlSh ,ea8h 1,1 h1"1 "Pon the Pre"""". The order for said sale having been s3- ei'",f0.rt',WV?n tl,e 2001 dy '" Supt lBtH, by the honorable County court of Morrow J7:'wi Mary Dbiscoix, Administratrix. mn ALD HEADS What U the condition of ymr$1 I your hair dry, liaroh, brittle? Doei it oplit at the end.? Bat it a Ufeleii appearaneet Doet it fall out when combed or bruehedf U it full of dandruff? Dot, your tcalp itchT It it dry or in a heated condition t Jf thetc are tome of your tymptomt ho warned in time or you mill become bald. SKOOKUM BOOT HAIR GROWER J Is what yon need. Its production not in accident, but the result of scientific re search. Knowledge of &e dlieases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery iifliow ts, itpiiI. th.m. a delightfully cooling and refreshing Tonic Br stimulating the follicles, it ttujtt TnlUna hair. cures dandrulrand crows nair on Oabt neaas. TfiADE MARn luwhitvred ri-l'.n the Main dean, healthvand free from irritating eruptions, i.y iim o of .vkimVum Skta, Soar. It destroys Jioratilio injects, whisk ted and datruy ""if'your druggist cannot supply yon. send direct to ns, and wo will forward preiVauron receipt of prlOft Oriwef, U per bottle; for0.l. Bo.p. 50c. por jar i ii for fi.su. THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER S7 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. CO.. vsarrw ui onsumption That dreaded and dreadful disease! IWhat shall stay its ravages? TJwusands 'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption ? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Almost as palatable an milk. Ket only the genuine. Pre pared Ay Scott k Bowne, Chemists, New pUi- Soldby allDruggitn importance Is Everybody, concerning their daily hahlt7r T. .7' ' "formation f the Utmort IT TELS ABOIJT e,- n"Zll innuonee of Plants. Vnrartt nt k a,., cott's 1 imin isiim PIES. A,,S'I".ffir '"jalMs, Bathhiaj-Bost Way 1 1.UIIgSHUd Ltlnir niQ., flow to Eat It, Th fZl , V"' ,a Alcohol as a W aud a ii ii ; ulu. meuicine, H?,s,fnSum?ler' PerBiiou8 nalr, How to Breathe, Removing Hume. sxra fe?wned, .;iaK;uai;,s VentllationT ' ness 8 """"'Biitea- How to Avoid Them Care of Teeth. After-Dlnner Nans. ClotlilnsVw at o Wear u1r0 'or, '"'""Perance, How Miieh to Wear; ' Tn'.tH.Vi'l c'u. To OetHld of i.lce, Croup to Prevent.' IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Bl.nl, it. Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, DysenterrBand Tuff iT ' Chl lblaln9- i Peet, Corn.. Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, liLITa Kttr8ch. Felons, Ketid Moles Pimples, Pile., Kheumatlsm HlngworJ " Si s In,1,amed Brea8ts- Pol onli. Sore Nipples, 8ore Throat, Sunstroke, Htlngs and Insect site, 7", "' 8or ' Wart.. Whooping Cough, Worm, in Children. IX ' Zitu slvl fZlTi001 Vl,xt mils, Dawson&lvyoiis, ATTORNEYS AT LAW All business attended to in a nromnt ..!,... manner. Notaries Public and Collators. ' HEPPNER, FFICE NATI0NAL BANK BDILDINO. ' ' : ! : OREGON. LR. T.. T. Ck o urn Stricken Down with Heart Disease. Dr. 3iu.-t 11,-dleal to., Elkhart, In,l, Pleurc.iSnuhiisVi'iSTed'', benent rei-efied from n. oTr:". a. well n, the world the a : i PH. MILES' RrITo..TI. K';.,d r" ; inn from Ifl to 140 oca , v mi,Tu,'cP a llZl burning sensation la the whik pfpc J "1" THOUSANDS?'''?S 1on of the heart and below lower rib Sain t ,5S woul'd Jhrob v XX li','i Jn. 'a rrii . tM ho ' f ' """u"KOl niv heart and ham tukVnliZ.IT'.' '", jnree titlel ( ymir v. " f I n P r nervine. Uv du1m ia t violent ihrob"binK of the Teart 8 n mom me ntmedire and b r.t tiypsam City, Kins. L Sold on a Po.ltlr Gamra.t,.. MONty RETURN CO. sinioln vat ol.... -w ..... bilinn. .l,o.' . "'am,m"u,uu8 'D "I Isolator ""nioU9 Liver EXECUTlllX NOTICE. Tho.e having business relativ- ,n -a'teofW. Q. Boyer, d.oeaeed, will plfase oall at tbe offl nf a.. t Freeland, who will pay . debt8 , MJ nn lA.t -il "4co. an money due the estate and same. Eliza J. Boyer, . Executrix. HePPuer, Or, Out. 15. fla 71.74. No pills or nauseating potion but . I For sale by T. W. Ayers jr.. jrkmtmrs V CMt L'kXOiiT T1 ur FOR INVENTIONS fble solioit 00 uch care cannot be exercised l in JlJ ePloye to obtain their fcfeS' With tin. ;. 7 u "KI" 01 tQe attorney jsrenuy, u not uouim patents In the Uniteri cf..- e preparea to terferences, Make Special S,"'" Countries. Conduct In RegfcterTrad Scope and Validity of Patent' d P "8 M 10 Defend Infrinmen; gg If VOU hfltrA oti . ..... . ' ClC, ttC. S&lLl th-of, to. 618 F STREEtTnoERTHW? CLA'MS COMPANY, P.O. BOX 4ea WASHINftTAM n . - managing Attorney. n0 with your Inquiry. Notice of Intention. following named .2 ?1 .81"?.I': K'ven thslt Cut this out and 1 i,: ..v.'r"'"" make fltmi ; "" . .'laiin. anrl tha. , ' ill BUDDOrt ol lore J. w .. "" ",?'u Proot will i, k. Oregon, on Nov. w" i$ai7. Perk " HeppneT . Bfndfor Oerinpilv, Piohlft. MEDICiNi: rn Intention" trmX'"11?" tiled noti. Ai Or., on .Nov, sth.Tsis, viz Clerk at HePPner, . JAM K"i C L-'ir,. Hd. No. 2875 for he umVBM! 8E.S8ec.aJT. 4S R A?",.fe,J- 23 and S He names the tnllA iX'.. : continuous resl,i r !ul"e'. prove his ! si,. W E. w. V. ' rt'J.viZ.: 'v",,"u e'tiv,tiou of eontinuZV Notice of Intention. Morrow, Countv Mary c. Jams A !la T., 1. andj v ii;,',,'".,';,u "VUam . ... w. ..oinumu, ureL-n 'ohs w. Lewis, kesister. lf.7-177 Ben Poppenga FREE TR.'i ' Hd. No. 4400 foVh HEITT !S?il..VE) oouti,luoll( residence , Do,r.,n-8Be,,, P'oveher ""hi jand.viz . e"po" na cultivation of. John W. Licwis, Register. packsis of aur t.(. 1 3" f Schenectady, N.y' meat for w..b. . PILES- l lost Ulld!r!.',,""",llll"'r I 1,0m ion ol Mm. . WARD WfTUTlTE. H'.T.JiikJT.lj, QueitloD BltDk 1 6J: Mat 5. H- B- BUTTS. r. I.mu,