m I? i "X rc'uttaa 'iyai; I tto cunUj A'.i'itt Prentiss liortifying pills curt cnetlpatl'jQ PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL 1! nn ot ' if Aluuat oil pills an-i nKIrino produce ornKlpailoa, b-ere U a p.;. tuai cure torpid liver, billotuiibas, ieumatUm, 1aCi:1od, tick headactij and kidney au4 llwf ; RosblM without or loading any trace of CONSTIPATION. wblea Is theprtniocauiaol tii sickness, c-ra.ivil It gttuiag tatituai axl &rza: wub yo see.- it ia .nr.?: thccj pills will cure yu LV- tIP" r? ORFNT1SS RrCTIPYl.NGPlLL, - " 5 1 R V te:vjse t la the only safe a:.d tarmiesa f V 0 La ter rc mody that will surely BEAUTIFY COMPLEXION clear the ek!a and rcni'tre all blotches from too face. Try a box and see for your self. 25 Cents a box. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Or sent by mail upon receipt ot rtrl'-e 1,7 1 Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Is - '5 ! f- Prentiss luvulfylutf lllcuroc.:iHUpiiUoii Prentiss fter-tirying ptUBciireconHtlpmlon &REAT SPEAR w AND SAVE THE TAGS. 3 is Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Collars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1,155 STEM WINDING ELGIN (JOLT) WATCHES tSI.MO 5.775 FINE IMPORTED KKKNCH OI'EItA GLASSES, MOROCCO I!ODY, ' liLACK ENAMLL TIUM.MIXOH, ( iL AKANTEEf; ALU 110M ATIC. .. ,175 IX 23.1 00 IMPORTED OIOKMA.V HCCKHOUN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED " POCKET KNIVES 23,100 GO 1 1 5.500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH ' l'iCKr 57,750 00 1 1 5,500 LARGE PICTURES (11x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for fromlng, no advertising ou tbcin ZK f?S 00 261 ,030 prizes, amounting to $173,250 oo The above articles will be distributed, by rntinlle., amonK parties who eliew SPEAR HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the 'I l. I At;N taken therefrom. We will distribute 830 of these prizes In llils county ns follows: Co THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from this county we will give 1 GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sending ns the next greatest number of bl'EAR HEAD TAGS, we will give toeucb, 1 OPERA GLASS. ...S OPERA GLASSES. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next grentest number of Sl'EAR HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE SO POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of si'KAIl HEAD TAGS, wn will give to each 1 HULLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of Si'KAIl HEAD TAGS, we will give to each t LAJiOE rICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 I'lCTUEES, Total Number of Prizes for tills I'onnty, 223. CAUTION-No Tags will be received before Jnnunry 1st, 1S9I, nor after February 1st, 1K1M. Each p-.eliage containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, Sute, and Number of Tags lu each package. All charges on packages must be prepaid. READ. RPEAIl HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than nny other plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. NIKAIt IIEAIk is absolutely, positively and (llstlnrtlvely diltcrent in flavor from ny other plug tobacco. A trial will convince tile most skeptleiil of this (uct. It Is the largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that It has caught the popular tiiste and pleases the ieople. Try It, and participate In the corneal (or prizes. See that a TIi TAfjt is on every lu cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send In the tags, no matter how small the ouatulty. Very sincerely, THE P. J. HORU COMPANY, MiniiLKTowN, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will be published in this paper Immediately after February 1st, Hil. DON'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. OFFENDED THE ADMIRAL. A Flagship Chaplain Who llegan Dlvlut Service lleforo the Autocrat's Arrival. There Is a good story and a most cliaracteriN'.lc one which a writer in Kate Field's Washington heard the other day of the late Admiral tiolds borough. It is not in any way an orthodox utterance, but, to be perfectly truthful, tho admiral made no preten sions to being1 orthodox in matters, either sacred or profane, as the incident will bear witness. It was during a trip to the Mediterranean when the admiral was in command of the Ileet that the chaplain, a zealous young man, pre ferred request to hold services on board the flagship on Sunday mornings. Though it was generally understood that attendance upon divine service was not Included in the admiral's plan of action he nevertheless gave consent that every Sunday the men should be piped up. The first Sunday after this permis sion had been given, the young chap lain's trepidation gave place to supremo satisfaction when he noted that with the exception of the admiral the officers and men of tho fleet were assembled in full force. After waiting for a few mo ments for the admiral, who failed to appear, the chaplain opened tho serv ices in regulation manner: "The Lord Is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." As tho voice rang out in the opening words the ad miral walked on deck, and, though his face betokened a storm, he took his seat in silence and so remained until tho congregation had been dismissed. Then he rose, and striding over to the chap lain, said: "Young man, I want you to understand in future that the Lord is not lu this holy temple until I, Admiral Uoldsborough, am on deck." HOUSED TO LYNCHING PITCH. Car Load of Sympathetic. I-aasengert . Angered by a lleurtlcia Parent. I The ixxir little woman was traveling from Jtaltimore to Chicago on the U. & O. with six small children. Three of them were ill and she had her hands and lap more than full. Kveryonc in tho ear tried throughout the day to do what they could to alleviate her sulTer ings. A kindly old gentleman played with the not too inviting two-year-old, and a jolly commercial traveler kept the wiggling and Inquisitive oldest boy as quiet as possible w ith stories of his own boysat home. Dainty ladies opened well stocked traveling bags to tho many ne cessities of the littlo brood, and, Kate Hold's Washington says, the traveling public seemed disposed to show its ut most kindliness to the overburdened woman. The only person who showed no Interest was an insignificant, snub nosed little man who sat in the back of the car and rend newspapers. At last bedtime came and the porter made up couple of sections in which the tired toother might bestow her olTspriug. When they were safely settled tho pas sengers were reudered almost speech, ifiss bv tho conduct of the little smth. If l lrenll.HS IU-.-llryliii: pills cure constipation 1'rentlsB ILectjfyini; pills cure constipation HAD CONTEST. nosed man, who skulked jwn the aisle and crawled into the berth where the woman was hushing a wailing child. When it dawned upon them that he was the husband and father of their pro teges it took all the persuasion of the cooler headed to prevent an immediate mobbing. A LIVING TARGET. Tbe Strange Manner In Which a Negro Earns Ills Living. There arc all sorts of ways of earning one's living, but I doubt, says a writer In Kate Field's Washington, if one could find an occupation hedged about with more danger or calculated to keep the nerves strung at a higher pitch than that affording support to a son of ilara at Bethesda purk. The courageous ne gro utilizes his good-natured face to form the disc of a sunflower, at which a certain number of shots can be fired with the hardest kind of a ball for a stipulated sum. Drawn by the sign, "Hit the Nigger," crowds are attracted to the place, and people impatiently wait in line their turn to try their skill, while tho darky apparently unmoved by the discomfort of the sport keeps up a counter tire of mirth-provoking banter at the poor success of the pa trons. The flower is painted on a large canvas representing a garden scene, be hind which the man stands at a distance of about forty feet from the ball throw ers. Some degree of protection is afforded the fellow by a w ire netting which he Is allowed to pull over his face as soon as he sees the ball 11 y from a person's hand. The slightest hesitation on his part, however, would result iu s geuentl smash-up. Kluvtrfc Hitters. This remedy is becoming so wel ktioivK and so popular as to need tin spr r:nl mention. All who have used Klec trie Killers aiiiK the same sonu of i i uisi A purer mediciue does not exist ahd it if trnni mitoeil tn do all that is claimed. Klcetiio Hitlers will onre all diseases o ihe liver and kldneje, will retuoe pin pies, boils, salt rheum and other litre linns cuiii-cil by impure blood il dove malaria hum Ihe sjeteui iiikI pi, vent as well ss ouie Mil malarial level l''nr cure of In ml.,cbe, eoi slipslion in., inilifcOKlion tr F.lcctrio hitters-euiu Htti..Lict!iiu eiiMiahteed, or mone refill i I'd.- l'llce iitV Mi,! )M (HI per bull If I Sloclltu..)nliliMdl llMIU I'll, I'ranU PUlara. The streets of llerllu are soon to be enriched by a largo number of so-called "Urania pillars," of which It is proposed to set up in all three hundred. These pillars will bo about eighteen feet high, constructed of cast iron, and will each contain a clock, meteorological instru ments, weather charts, astronomical and geographical announcements, and also, as in the streets of Paris, a plan of tho neighboring streets in enlarged form, to enable strangers to lind thcil way. 1 r- -u:.st hoi ufyiLg puis cure cuBUpatlon frrenUt-i Kartltylt g pit, euro cr-rtifttKn AT IN A ROMAN CONVtNT. His Lid of Mocks and Lay. Brothers !) scribed by Dr. Parkmsn. The lay-brother appeared at day break, and told me that in fifteen min urea I was to join the Italians In retreat, and go with them to mass, writes Dr Francis Parkman. in Harper's Mapszine. The mass was followed by another ser mon. after which we were all summoned to coffee In the room where we Lai? Mken tea the evening before. The r port of my heresy had got abroad, and 1 found myself an object of curious atten tion. After toffoe we were dismissed la our -tillers tot an hour, and then il;:;:icJ to snothor sermon In toe ;'.".ip;i In:s (ocsumed the morning till e'.e-ren 'clock, when a bell rang for dinner, ' monks and laymen together moved olemn procession to the refectory, monks went first, the Superior at head, then followed the laymen, while the procession was forming tho corridor they all kept rp the dis mal, uninterrnltted chanting. The re fectory was a long, high, dimly-lighted tall. A table of bare wood vvae Hretched across the farther end for the dignitaries of the convent, and was continued down both sides. Here, ou right and left, sat the rest of tho monks, forty or fifty in number, and the laymen sat below them, nearer the door. Tho seats were wooden benches, placed on the inner side of the tables only. On the wall over the heads of the dignita ries was a fresco of the Last Supper, as usual in refectories, while on the side walls hung grim pictures of saints with upturned eyes and palms pressed to gether. High up, near the ceiling, was s small pulpit. The entire hall was whitewashed above and panelled with sak below. At the head of the tables stood the Superior, who was General of tho whole order, a tall, portly man with a stern and austere countenance. The monks, motionless and in dead silence, stood ranged on right and left, robed in black from head to foot, and wearing on the breast the badge of their order a heart surmounted by a cross. Their bars' cadaverous faces bespoke the rigor their discipline, which is extremely se vere. Whon all were in their places the Superior raised his finger, and the whole assemblage broke out into an other chant. When at last it was ended the finger was raised again, and all took their seats. Not a word was spoken; but a monk entered the pulpit from a r.arrow door in the wall, and in drawi ng, monotonous tones read a Latin ser mon, which lasted throughout the meal He had hardly begun when a file of lay-brothers entered, each carrying a receptacle formed of thrco trays, one above the other, connected by an tip right wooden rod, and holding a great number of bowls and small dishes. The monks worn served first. Before them were set bowls of a dismal-looking veg etable soup, along with dishes of dried pease boiled whole, and swelled to a wonderful size by tho process. Each then drew a cup, a fork and a wooden spoon from a drawer in the table, and with a rueful countenance proceeded to eat, first filling the cup from an earthen rjottle of cheap wine which stood on the board before him. Wo of tho laity tared better, being served with rice, eggs, fish and dried fruit. The Italians seemed little edi fied by the Latin sermon, which few ot them could have understood. The meal was followed by a prayer, with low re iponses from the monks, after which they all filed off through tho dim gal leries to their dens, looking liko living originals of the dreary portraits ranged along the walls. When I had got to my chamber and was refreshing myself with the Pio neers, one of them camo in to convert me. ".My father, ' said 1, "1 am afraid your kindness will be thrown away." Hut he clapped me on the knee, and exclaimed cheerfully: "Ah, figlio, you will bo a good Catholic soon. No doubl of it." l'hei-e was an amusing vivacity in mm, quite ililterent fr iui his extreme solemniiy when at dinner. In the course of his uilk. which was rambling, though pious, he kept offering mo his Hnulf-box. freely using it himself mean while; and when he thought ho had made a good hit in his argument, ho would wink at me with a comical look it triumph, on which wo both fell to laughing. At. lon-rUi tho bell rang for more prayers ami sermons in the chape!, and this sprightly old apostle wont back to his cell. After the sermon tho laymen were turned out to walk lot- a while in the convent garden, attended by Padre Luea. Hi? was not, I think, one of tho I'assionist brotherhood, but a secular priest, and Ins pleasant, plump, rood-humored countonanco contrasted strangely with the dry, li athory visages of the monks. As wo walked up and lown tho paths, shaded with olives and oleanders, ho took mo by tho arm and talked of niattersof faith, stopping from iimo to time at the little groups of Ital- ans, who, after reverently kissing his land, began to chat and laugh with him n an easy familiarity, gracefully tom oe red w ith respect. He seemed to have .heir full a!r.-e!ion and confidence, at vhieh, judging by what I saw of him, 1 lid not wonder. .' Curium .'t:imthetlc. A curious ameslhelic used by the Chinese, has recently been made known jy Dr. L Lainhtilh in his third annual eport of tho Soouhow Hospital. It is obtained by placing a frog i i a jar of flour and irritating it by prodding it. Under theso circumstances it exudes t liquid which forms a pasto with tho Sour. This paste dissolved in water aas well-marked aniesthetic properties. After Ihi' linger has been immersed iu ihe liquid for a few minutes it can be )ut to tho bone without pain being feh Nor Ambition. Norway is an ambitious country, and it people are given to original modes of thought. A scientist of Christiania proposes to immortalize himself by proving the feasibility of reelalminir the gold and silver in sea water by electrolytic action. Ho suggests that a :hannel about sixty meters wide Bhould be selected for experiment- The place ihould be well sheltered from sea and wind, and there should be a current of about four meters per minute. Across this channel sixty plates of galvanized iron, each two meters by three meters, ihould be fixed at an angle of thirty de grees with the stream, and an electric current be sent through the series to precipitate the precious metals. Herr Munster, to whom the credit of this xmoeption is due, has hit on a very fas cinating idea, a veritable electrical philosopher's stone, and if he could only succeed in demonstrating its prae cability he would deserve to the full the fabulous reward that would fall to titm. ... . A NOVEL DUEL. The PrUx-1pl Walk Into a Dark Boem Filled with Tmrutuuu. ' The details of one of the strangest duels ever fought has been brought to this city, says a Las Vegs letter, by a prospector who has been in the moun tains southwest of Las Vegas. The country Is near the border line between Old and New Mexico, and the people there are a mixture of the two races, i Two young men an American and a ' Mexican fell out over a young woman they both loved, and the result was that the enmity became too great to be car- ried, and it was determined to end It ia a duel. The matt-sx cama about in an unusual j way, however, and it was not a regular ; challenge and acceptance, but while is i company of mutual friends the Mexican taunted the American with being a member of a race of cowards and said the Americans had no braver-. The American, of course, disputed this and said he would test the Mexican's brav ery if he wished it. He would be will ing to go into a dark room with the Mexican and there decide the point, i Hut the stipulation was that in the dark room there should also be a lot of tarantulas turned loose. If either came out alive he was to have the girL If cither showed the white feather and came out before the death of the other, or before all the tarantulas was killed, be should give up all claim to the girL The Mexican was disposed to refuse, but the fear of being looked upon as a coward caused him to accept. The room was prepared and the two men went in. There were at least a dozen tarantulas in the room and also two scorpions. The American walked boldly into the room and took' his stand, wldla the Mexican followed, but was hesitat ing in his manner. The doors had been closed but a short time until the Mexi can was heard to scream out that he was bitten and was dying. The disirs were opened and he staggered out and fell to the floor. The American walked out unhurt, and then it was found lliat the Mexican had not been bitten ;it ml, but had scratched his hand on a protruding nail in the wall and had thought it a spider's bite. OLD TIME RAILROADERS. One of Them Has lleen in Harness I-iver Since lHMt. Christopher Smith, w-ho lives on Maryland heights, opposite Harper's ferry, is the oldest living locomotive en gineer on the continent, says the Haiti more Sun. The ne;-t oldest is Joseph York, of Meadvi!!..-. 1';; Samuel Double day is the ohl'-st. I i -1 1 rr employe of the Baltimore . o:,i. and William Ijams the next oldest. D iiiMeday was the first finisher ever eiiipbiveil in a railroad shop in the eoutnry. mi l entered the Baltimore A Ohio servi i:i Ijams was not Jong ar;-.-r l.i. t :i:i 1 was the first bliick.'-iii!' !i ,a the eonipany's em ploy. Doul,!c(!::y subsequent ) y became superintemicn' -.f the Vi;i:i:i shops and Ijams foreiiiui i.f tie- Vt'iuan smith shops. The form--r is eighty-two and the latter eighty ix years of age Chris topher Smith began with the Baltimore i Ohio in ls;si as a driver, when there was no steam power on the road, and in 18S3 was a fireman on the Traveler, the third locomotive placed upon the road, and a year later became the engineer of the John (juiucy Adams, one of the earliest of the grasshopper engines. He was an engineer two years before Oa1. laway, the veteran Baltimore &. Ohio engineer, who died a year ago. Smith Is over eighty years of age, and was for nearly if not quite a full half century in the Baltimore & Ohio service. He is a hale and hearty man for his extreme age and bears n striking resemblance tc the later portraits of Washington. York became a Baltimore & Ohio man in 1836, acting as a fireman upon one of the grasshoppers, and iu a short time was running her as engineer. He is the youngest man of tho quartette, being about seventy-eight, and so well pre served and active as to be competen to take a train regularly. WonUerrul Woakmanshlp. A watchmaker is credited with the manufacture of a set of gold shirt studs, in one of which is a watch that keeps excellent time, the dial being only three sixteenths of an inch in diameter. The three studs are connected by a strip of silver inside the shirt bosom, and the watch contained in the middle one is wound up by turning the stud above. The hands are set by turning the one below. A Monster Stone. The largest artificial stone In the world forms the base of the Bartholdi statue of Liberty on Beilhxr's island, New York harbor. This immense stone was made from broken trap rock, sand and American cement, l ive hundred carloads of sand and over twenty thou sand barrels of cement were used in manufacturing the monster. A Medical Firm Cites Away Cash. J. F. Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green, wich St., New York, the manufactur ers of that favorite cathartic known as Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted a novel plan. They ask the Individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans (either size) to their office, and they give f 5 for the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and $1 for the Sd, 8d, 4th, Bth and 6th. Every day 10 In cash Is thus sent to their cor respondents. Ask for SMALL size. $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A msn once enured priton where wits confined I eomU-nmed criminsl Oa tasking wquMt to U -onttutted into the presence of the doomed man, to 'isllor is informed ihst none but relatives were permit. tl to tbe pri'oner. The hsitov ssid r " BroUien h1 listers hsve 1 ni.ne. but lost man's (the prisoner si I- nrr mj lainer ion. He was at one taken to the priflcner. Now, wbai rt stion was the priaoner to the ?itor! Tre Agriculturist PtiUishtntt.Coiniiany will rive fLSO j rear for life to the person eenttinir ihe lirn correct an iwer; net) to the second ; 3rd i-V): sih. fits): 5th, Ifsl. ami oeee 10.USO other lewanis, i-onsla, ing of pianos! j SKaos, ladies and tenu gokl and silier watches, siliei I errlces, diamond rinja, eto - j To ihe person semtins the last correct answer will U I It'en a tniih-toncil plana, to the neit to the last a beailti ' nl orgn. and ih neit a,iXU will receive valuable uiiut )f "it.erware, Jtc. Kid. KM -(11 All answers must be sent hy mail, am pear partners not lateeihan VHs- 31. utyj. (21 Th re wil I 'ie iiocharne whaleverto i nter ihis competition, tut al ho compere are eipectcd to srn.l one doilsr tor s- nontha, euiwcrtlition to either THK I.aiiiks, Hoiii Maoaxixe or Tug Oaniiua Aukici-itc sisT-tw, I l Hie epnleesr ilfiotrated periedieAls of the day 3 Al) prise winners will be eic ed to assirt lis in esif iii! ng nur circulation. (41 The lirst correct answer rueoc, siniler s postmark taken in all ca.ee as tiete of r,c. i i V asto Kite eveiy ore an equal chsuce, io n am r all, i. ie of she may leeniet will secure the nrtl trlie. lit t'ood, the next pioe, slid o on. Tun Aomci nl'Rlsv is an old fslallith'ri ceneem mil tNies. ssea ami le uiesns to enable a to.Rriyviii al Is promises. (Sei.d for primed List of femur ir a oiieis I ' li li,s. The following well-known gntt.,i,n run -ois toed to act as Jtiitte s, sndetlt.ce tin I c , r i- re (airly awarded : Ci'moiodiTe akutt i , t . -1 1 . nlcuii s 1,'iie of Siesm l, 1'. 'irt o,oili. Be.. Vr V, I'ls-rtson I'e si,lenl 1'liit, s l'r nt ng t oni Hiiy, Ivor I borough Register all luoiwi letters Auilieae, Aukl i SliLTcalsT Pv Co. 1. Id), relerhurough, Canada Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he follows these rule: "Keep the he!cool.t!.cfcvt -nrm and the boo eii open." You c.ml.ave a clear head ar.d live to be ninety if you do the aatne thing. Vhea the bowcli Ul to move cur ing the day take on retiring to Smith's SmaU Bile Beens. Their action is so nibd that you are not aware of It. All d.tr yourmind will tc clear and cook "Not a gripe in a barte'ioftbero." Ask for smalsue. Take no substitute for S.M1 1 tt'S , Bile Beans ! IBICOCHE ffl MIME i" Wittiallbaileonieiiuences.stiangusrj.leiiof e-rr-y. nervous ex. items I, I trvous dsbintv, cnnslural discharges lost man need, deapesdtner, n.titom rry. warling awav of the orgs, cans. sit d spid;y cured by isfe and ea-y method . Cores positively uaranieed. Horn. on thank and Book free. Call 31 writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., 8I.L0UI..H0. Give the matter a little tletielt Reference is made to the neBt hard ware, tiDware. plnmbing, etc., stock i Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' hall. He de sires to plesse in both qnility and price The generai merchandise estHlilisl tneul formerly owned by Coffin 4 Mi Fat land, has lately changed hands, now lu 'iiit under the oontrol and mBnagemen' d The McFarland Mercantile Companv which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stock than ever. a Where? At AhrahsmHicb's, In addition to I it iloring business, he has Bdded a Pn lie of underwear of all kinds, neglige. -LlrtH, hoeierv. etc. Also has on hhDii 'limn elegBnt pntterns for suits. A Uirshmsiek, May street, Heppner, Dr S) Cure fo IC )N GUARANTEED. US ;C,Tj- o-k'nar o a hiri- stuni'' 1."; it r.n hh'.itX. It mi sve iv at j Vllll.-tfjlU ap.il.lBi O.iC tt:klfq -;i cuniti.-,; 'i'lctitais i'ncB SI nit fV-i' iiv uni o rxr.TQtt. Our Av. i. .i'h" . i. ii cotitiini ttiiiU :( .... Kt - in .il d fret ST. LOU IB, ma The Old Reliable Established 38 rars. Treats male or fern il", married or sltiKle In cases of exposure, nhuitna. exesaea or lmnronrletles. SKILL GUARANTEED. Board and apartments fur "is hod when df si rod. Question Blank ana hook ire, uai. or write. RTTPTUEES CURED! SS Tears' Experience In treating; all varl. ties of Rupture enables us to guarantee a; positive cure. Question Blank: and Boot free. Call or write. VOLTA-MEDIOO APPLIANCE CO., 89 Pine Street, . 81". LOUIS, 1IO THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. TV lame ss used by thoc lands of woman all over tba United Statos, in the LD DOCTORS private mail prictlce, for 38 years, and not a slngl bad result. Money ret urn fd If not as represented, tteud 4 oents (stamps) lor sealed particulars. IS. WABD IlTET.Tm, 120 tf. NUth St., 6t. Lenli. V. fS- A M f IT D AHD 0TH" I M rA I Tl MALIGNA!. VsDiMsesCi:KED w -hout tin me el knife Quaitlon Blat-k and BfioVt fre. or writ uu. ta. H. Uli i js, &S2P1QI8L 6b. Louis, Mo, WANTED. tlC I UICEV ANT LADY, employed ernnsmnlaTSff til J A 1ILLI.I csn i-iktliiisfT s few hours work each daj. Pcilary p-fomTTiliiion. 10 lamplci free Add r on H. BtNlAMIN CO., 822 Pln.ot.,St Loull, Mo. nt?duM(l 13 to M ts'iunrla iy wi-si(ri Kn trsrvlng, no lncon en enc, o bnd reiulli, no ntuRfiti drui. lrcatrnentprleT:tly harmlen aud ifricily coun .IsmisL Onemion HI r-k ari'l Hook iree. Call or write. DU. li. B. UUT'ib.Sh.neMreet, bt.Juouis.Mo. can sret valuable wecret that cost mo So.Oo, and a rubber shield for SO Colts. Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. 8" Pistf: SITTtFFT, ST, T.ong, MO. Oeneals, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights. And all Patent business conducted tcr MODERATE FEES. Information and advice Riven to inventors witboai barge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEOOERBURN, Managing Attorney, 0. Box 40S. Wasiiiuqtos, D. C. sGTThi, Company 1, manaed by a combination ot the lariri.t and most Influential newspniters In the t'nltrd statos. for t!ic evprcss puipoae of proleet lt thelr subserlher. npain-d uni-cnsp.ilou, and Incompetent Talent Apeuts, and escli paper printing this advertisement vouches for the n'Bponst. UUty and Lik-Q itandlni.- of tlie Press Claims Cumpsny. Mr. Ellwanger savs that the Anion Winter Nelis and Beure Clairgean are the Dest winter pears. Fuchsias require warmth, moisture i nd a little shade. It Fbonld lie in very Hunse. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clnv St., SharpslinrB. i., oats he will not t, cc;il,,,..i ti. rviftr's New Ilisenverv for consnmptinn t otiuhs nntl Col.ls, that il cured his wife 'ho ii8 llirenfetted with Pnenmnpia Rf. ter nti Rttaek of "La Gripre," ,rtrJ T.rj. oti i, liter remedies n. several physi eitit hud rie her no eoo,t. Rohprt ..r.,,,.-,, hi t.ioinapirt, r., nis Ir. rait-as pn Discoverv hiis llol'e tum more (rord tlmn iinnhiriB h ever used ;r inrz fmitltle, Nutl iinr ikp it Trv I'rei. fncl hntllnc ul Ul i. i ' - ''en in-. more., 11 llrnelo. I,nri;e hottles, 50 o and $1 H jTAWYLADY i - in Uilhaui, Grant, rr"k rf " - oountles ' Hl,d Morrow Ff P!.M'? Remlr for Catarrli U th. mm g U" l":lm. Kelio, Or --Hore, brrnde,! 14 i I Be.l, Kasleu to r.e, and Che.pert li u ',1 R,,'l""er c re e v,.r it ur, u . , J' r imV.jji-m rnmJu Hk""" U"m"""i L.i.atlllaco';:l,Pa':, ",fle i vJgjai1 SKt On Saie OMAHA, - T Kansas City, bT.l'AUi., Clilotitro St. Iouls, ANU ALL MM EF.ST. Train l-sves lie-,., nrr. 10 H. m. rrrv. 6 20 p. m , daily except Hnudoy. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Stt tuners pnrt.Hnrt tn hii every four days. FrMiipiwi Tickets TO AND F1WM Europe. For rates and general Information call on Hvpot Ticket Agent. ,J. C. H AHT Hcitiict tiri-Koit W. H. Hl'Kl.bTKT, Asst. lien,, lass. Agt 1M Washington St., Pohti.snd. Ohkoos. SYPHILISi tuc -CMful nracLcf . Trentm Tin won (orai poii. tivelr eired SB Tfr siilul nracLcf . 1 reatmtDt coDiaeoiiii. inrc- by mill or at office. 1n.-low. Quertion Hlank ui Book frM. Ul) or writi. DR. WARM INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St.,ILLouls,MO Df. Hash's Belts & Appliances An tieetro-eaivatiie Dfmerw sm bodied into medicatsid. Blta, SiiKpenaortPri, Spi nal Applit-ncfB, Abdonii iual Supporters, Vests, jLrAWrs, OAlce C&psa liiMolAA. eto. Onres Rhenmatism, Liver and Kidney Complaint. Iyapnpsif( Errors of Youth. Lost Manhood, Nervousnens, Kexnal Wenk bi aud allTrotiMt-B in Male or i emale. Question Blank and Book free. Call or write. Volta-Medlca Appliance Co., 123 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Foot-Prints on thf Path tn HphIiIi, Everyitii nendinc h dortoi's fldvice -.hould rend one nf Dr FotiteV dime pHiuptilets on 'Otd Eyee," 'Crnup," ,'Rnpture," 'Phimoip," "VHricocele," DieeHpe of men, Disefise of Wnmen, und Ifarn th best HieBiis of hhI euro, M Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eact 28tb St., New York. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid uj ym can keep your bran J in free of charge. Alljo. T. J.. lone. Or. Horsee G on left -boulder; cattle i-Rme on left hip, under bit on riKm ear, ai,n upper Dit 011 the lelt; range, Mor nw county. ArmetroDK. J. C. A I nine. Or. T with hr nn. der ii on left shoulder of horsHe; cattle khuic oo ieii nip. AlliBon, O. D., Kipht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hij and hornes Bame brand on rinht Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hori-es. JA con ne leo nil lelt flunk; cattle, eameon left hip. jjnn iiomuif w, t u., nipine, r. nornee branilfd 7 E jn either Bhoulder. Kange in Mo - rcw -ou my. Rleakroan, Geo., Hardman, Or. HiirseH, a flat' op left shoulder: cattle muss ou riht Bhouldwr. nmurir, ii. vr., narumRn, ur.-(.attle brand il B on left hip and ihirh: aplit in each ear. Brenner, Peter, dot wherry Oregon Homes irHiiueu r i tin ieii Bnouider. X RttlH Biime (.-lit Bitte. mime, m 01 . unit (. reels., Ur Oi- t-hitli tli n..nt,uf.... .... l..i i. ..a v"""i ei half crttii on niiht. Mt-ri-er.. hine hramt .tft Mhoulfhr. Itanpp in Omni hi it (,rn tonntj . Mtniai , .Jerr. Kena, Or - Hotse. nrmnlKi 1 U IIKIU CIHtUIlIrT, LHI LIP u ott me left gilt,. Ift eat half crop iid riclit ear nipor hoi Hartt.n, ftui., H ppner. Or. -llorne,, J B in. em thjt... cattlt Hatne on r pht tup; Hi.lii ii, ach ear. Hn.wri isa, LeiinKton, Or. Hornet- IB on the "Kiit Kiltie; cattle Bunie on right hip; rangH, Mor itw county. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. HorneB. circle on wii, ... j., jveiia. ureifoti. Horseu bar ; Cl lK pjiuuiucr. aiue name on left nip. nojer. n. i, nej-pner, tir.-Horser. hoi firm hi 01 ach ear h luj. rattle, ham', with Npljf jP Borg. P.O., Heppner, Or,-H -hotlhli r: Chltle. Hume nn lt.fi 1, ' -eh, V H on Mt liniwulee. W. J Ktx,Or-( attl n left Hide; crop urt left enr aii iiidille pice cut out 011 nghl fi.r- rii d fj. !(.. it tf, -(.(,- (',,,, . . iranl count). .1 H coi.nefi"ti tWll rtplilr, Jtlnl ttl ImlVMs (.' ; ' I"' )l tethiierWarreit. fti.gi.ei. Or.- Hvr hrmd eti Oon ught bdfie; cuttle (three hans) on rihi ribB.cropiindHplit meeh ear. Hangem Grant and Slt.rrow counties. ,-K- alt;b'! ,rr u ou ti,,rtt'H ft stifle U with ommer circle oyer it, on left Khotihlnr itUd Oil left ghp nn m anlt, il ' r ornemiver S ymtn range 11; uraut count i lark, V ni. H. !... h. t - H iiTti-d. 0:1 leti r-I.tnil-.M, : rM( '!' I'h gf Morn w an. I ( "n-iu, ( air, t hah. II.. Viiic.i. 01 l,. M t ui right ahoulder; ctitHi- WIH itiuige .Morrow aitu L iitHtlila o gin hi IU) t,J shoulder; caMie saine on left I,,,., uu ( ur ,1. H.. ,iul;n Oiiy. (r-l),,ulJ( cm,. Mch Imp or, cattle, n wallow Uk and ,..(,. m right ear. spin u, t.f, wr. i(m uouitty On shee,,, yertwl A and k,,., . , ..n shiiu der. La, mark,,., ew.-h. crop ,., l,f ( punched upper bit m right. iVr-U .-n. ,..o right aud uiuier half crop mlnf, .Hr li r!i iu Grain, ctiuutv. H took. A. J.,Lei:K.Or.-H.rM.s let ( aitle, tihtiieun r ght hit.- i op ui) left and hi, In ,,. r-,,:i .' IS'I r.Ki. Klllk J,UsX" k"ll-,0,. SisKV,le' c"'kt ( ocliran, it. K., Monument, tirant To (lr Horses btanded circle with bat beneath on Lf, shoulder; caltle same brand on ts th hi,' - - l umler slope both ears Hiiddewh, "p"' m"rk haitui, H., Haninmn. Or.-il'orses h..H . ufto!''S;,rol!? e-llioti. Vasli. Ilw,...h... i- ... riKltl ellouldeT. niMmond oo r'leea. Jaouu ' , lfl'0.' ,,rr.''w ' oU' ly. couuecno ... ruin h,,i,,'. "Kh.(i.u,. ..,u i;;:-; FloreticB. l. a n risiiii,,,, . h.rrLZ'L ivrr:"'--'i, i-i- mi shoulder. " "r ""dor right ra.:;.L.l"f!f'il!.-;r. . liav ' -"tiini nip. i.ti.liie,. """' wr' IjAJ limililel. ..r.-uji )pf i iimu-r rench. Laud and L,v.Mek , .,. ' Z:CT"uV'U "vent Hinton A Jenks. Hamilton. Or -A 'stile two I.e. a either hie; crop in rml.t ear su.il .idil in left. reee, J on llain mm". - W- " .-u. illuus liii'. Winner. irr-j- tl r u counts ledum riul.t shoulder on hum; on rattle, on rmlit Idpanil on l-f side, ll..w frk in SIl earMttl lllt.lt W- "!"- H 'l-ik .ll-tni" .More i-uti'J. ,, lisle. lel. u. - '. !..!..". r,i-,., i., ( Vt:h 1-f' . envte till left '""hhII h.wiat J..M la,tr. ttl. I- li on ri.t ! hip; horw Miuie " nghl houitJ.r. I auftfin Orant county. HowHrxl, J U ' ftllowiiy, or.-HorHS.-t- (oruas with btr altove it) ou right ahoulUer; vntu 1 itanie on left Mile. Itange in Morrow and Gnuv til la couiititw. i Hiixtie. Mat, lUpi'iier, Or. lionmu, BtiatltHl hMtrt tu th tt'ft thiilder. Hjtnirt Morn. t.'o. 1 Huin-tiker, H :! . tt an, r. Ur.-llorh.-., H nt ii-ft Sli.ml.tHr.ci. Tlt. von ien mi'. HKnluty, Albert, Jye, OregorHoireri.A fl connected, on left shoulder; C attle on the left hip crop oft left ear, Ilumphrvvn, J (tl, Uaitiinan, Or. Horse. 11 on lef hank Hayt. J. M., Ik-ppnar. Or. Hor, winegltuis on left shouhlei cattle, same on right hip. HnHton. huther. KikIh Mil, Or. Ilorne Hon the left twhoulderand heart on the left atifle Cat tie nan. .m h'ft hip. Uatitw in Miimiw nonnty. Ivy, Alfred, Lw Cnwk, Or -Cattle 1 1) oo rinht hip. cnipnlt left ear and bit in right. Home same brand on left shoulder lUnxe n Grant Jun kin, 8. M., Heppner, Or Horse, horse, shoe J on left shouhler. Cnttle. the saint. ! laSaflarM fit. Kit 111 Mile. Johnson, elix Lena, Or. Homea, circle'! on left tome; cattle, same on right tup, under half orop in right and anht in left ear Jfiikins. 1 W.,eVii. VHrnon.Or. J on horseson left shoulder; on cattle, J oo left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Ilangeiu Fox and HearvaUdfB henii. Alike, Heppner, Or, Horaee brandixt KNY on left hi d cattle name and crop ofl left Hftr: under ttloi on (he riht hirk J. T., Heppner. or. tioraea on en lert houltler; cattle. tiw on left hip. Kirk. J C, Heppuer. Or. Honoe. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. Kirk, Jet.se, Heppuer, Or.; horse 11 on left suonlder; cattle same on tight side, underbit on right ear. kumberlaiid.W.n.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on call lt ou right and left sidee, awailow fork in it f I ear and uniier ciop in right ear. llirbw aame brand tin left nhouidei . Uauge in OraM ctmntv. lLA.rteu, Htepnen, loz, Or, b L ou ioti hip uu cattle, crop and split ou right ear. HorHus sauie brand on left shoulder, tlange Grant couuiv. itieuaileu, John W., L Or. Horses branded half-uncle JLconnected ou left shoul der. Cat tie. saint ou left hip. Range, near Lex ingtou. Lett hey, J. W Heppner Or. Horses branded L auo A o i lelt sliouider; cetth. taiue on left hip, wattle ovt r r lit eye, three shtd in r ght tieorge, Heppner, Or. HtrMe braiuletl double 11 ct.Miecw ometuuth caliet.1 a swinw li, on leti hlioulder. .Mmkhaiii, A- M., Heiii'tier, Or.-Cattle large M on Mi Mide lnth tutio cropped, and hplit in bo h. Jioiboa Al ou left hip. Kange, t lark's canyon. Aliuttr, Oecar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M 1) ou right tup; horee. M un left nhoulrier, rtiorgan, H. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on leti Hhoaldei cattle same on left hip. I McCuniber, Jaa A, Kcho, Or. Uorana. M with bar over on right shoulder, Motfian. In.. Heppner. Or.-lion., circle 1 un ioM Muniider hi; it lutl lliluh, t'aUie. L of riiit iliigh, Mitcheii. Ucar, lone, Or. liorsea. il on nghl t hip; cattle, 77 ou right Hide. jauCiaieu, 1. G browneville. Or, Hortteo, t iui 5 ou each utimiitlur, cattiu, Ala on hin McCariy, bavid 11.. hciio. Or. Hurniw hiHixil li.n connectetl, ou the left shoulder; cattle name "ti hip and Hide, Aictiiir, truiik. rox Vtdley, Or. MuleHhoe with toe-cork uu cattle on ribs aad nndei in ach ear; hoi het. name brauil on leti atitle, Mciialey, U. V., lian.ilion, Or. Un horn, b with hull circle under on left houlder;ou Cattle, awaa. UU.D WHUOVHSJ VU Wtf UU Ul ngllll 81(10 uiugtj in u rum (. uutiiy, Neai, Andrew. Luue Uock.Or. Honuw A N mm. nected on left bhoulder; caltle aaiue on both hiptt. i w. "'ii. wr.-iiorsea, circle 4 uu lelt thigh; L-aitle, aaineon left hip. Olivur. Jobeuh. I anion l.it v. 1 tr. A 4 r. nutti. on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, luiuge Oiler. Perry, Lexiugton, Or. V O on left shoUsdei. Olu. Herman. Pinirio Citv ti 1 in nn,i. e LP connecUHl ou left hin: liiinuw mi lft .i',Ha and wartie on nose, lumge m liraut cuuntv. Pearnon, Olave. tnlit i.iit i ir 11.. ter circle nhielu ou lef t shoulder and 24 on left hip. t attle, tors 111 lei; ear. right cropped. ki4 011 left hip. 1. ui iK on lugut Mlw, tm-kar a, Gleasou. ilaiUman.Or, Horaee IP on 1 ft siiouiaer. P.per, Lrne t, Lexington, Or. Uor--ea brand e L (h fc- conueuieUJ u. lett nhouider ; cattle i- mu ou light nip. iiange, Morrow couuu. li per, J . il., Lexil.gloii. or. Huroee, Jb, con. uectuu 01 lett shouiaor; oaiule, wune on loft hiu antler bit tn each ear. l'etlys, A. C, lone, Or,; bones diamond Pon - Htiouider, cattle, J 11 J couneuieii, ou the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip ui tut agltt. Powell, Jonu T UHyville, Or Horees, JP con. iec ou ou ieii (jhouliler. Cattle Oh couiiyoted ou left hip, two under hull crops, otie ou eacli ear, wattle uutier throat, liai ge in Grant county. itoou. Aniiruw, llantuiau. Or. JiurbOB, square cror. with quarter-circle over it on left stirle. KeningHi-, Chris, heiipner, Or, llorsea, C U on lelt BhuUlUei . itice. Oan, Hardmau, Or.; horaea, thrtie panel worm tence on lelt hlioulder; caMle, DAIS on right shoulder. Itaugeiieur Hardmau. liojee, Aaron, Heppner, Ur HorMtw, plain V on left Bhouuier; cattle, sume brand reversed on right hip and crop ott right ear. Hange in Mor row county. huuh bios., Heppner, Or, Horses branded 1 on Uie riifln sliouluer; tstltie, IX ou the left nip clou ofl toll ear una Uttwiup ou noclt, Uhusi is ,',v, ,,., uu ttojoilill) uouiilieo. iiuol, Wiuuui, Kiuge, Ur. llotnos II oa li-l. eltouioei; ciilllit. i, uu tet , orp utj iikltl inn, unueioil on ieii em-, olwop. It un wuainul., louuilcioKoil nu ear. Iwi.e Oiua tutu aim illoiiov, u luuiiee. i.usi.ej, .muiev., ljeiiuion, Ol. Horse, uiuudeu A II ou riKhl eliouiuer, vent ouurtel liimio over biui,U entile aiune on nuut luu. iiai.KH Jiorrow county. ti.iise, Min. Il, Uairyville, ll-Ult nonueotw.' mil, iiuHi-ler oliele over too ou oatuaun rinlil liu uuu ciop oil ngni cur uuu .put in ion. Hum wuue biuuuoniult.houl.lw-. lluune in Morrow Orunt uuu liilnuiu couuties. iiuc.t..J. w lleppunr, Or.-Horse. Jt ol lell eliouiuor. 1 at lit, o on rium hip. .ipicauall, J. W., iutonebort). Or.-Horees brandeaolon lelt .l..,uiao, , laiiu in llormw bulling, t 0 Heppnur, Or-Horees branded on lelt Biiouluer; uultie aaiue uu leu un, hJMWKurt. li. UmiileJi, Ui.-Hore villliuUBiiuuUol ilonioti atltlo eatue 11 yviLh uU,Mluu until iuuu ic. , ,,in.w 'lit.ull. HUH Oll.lllllil, ,!,, !,, t'...N..i..A l..,AlllUUU UI.- ll.,ie. - ( i ..j, ""a...uulB w. i,l.."liol iii. i, ftatuuun ill ninul.tu 1 61IIIIBUI '(,. K, lieppuui,ur.-Hoi- stille: mil i is. .1 . . . " ,uu tone in nan. ear, uutioVun iu ,0lt" "' "WH"W oapp, tuoo., lleppuur, Or, nurses al a p iwt iiipicam. eoutoii,,"0"1'' Afon OliriBl.JuiiU, l?ui. tir vi r""" "Wca-u; .aVuo'i' nThip Ului "il Haul i-bi ao io n,., , ,, ? iMiuura V , , -.: --- Jb.m ten r.ul,T V, .. ., " O'lUlllell aitillc. liu., -e in t , u,u"' "e IIM. kl.t Mititt.- , , ""'" 'i-i norece -J HI. oo-v.,uh,,u, mi a, in,,,,,,,,,, "i. itani ,t. ; -kuuoh-ioi k tl. in Oansuari. li. rt ,, pp,K,ri ,),.. U-lt i,ln, ; uHllte. U t. lult unlit elite - t tiU I", r r. tlrte-,. II ,,r. C.BITJ. 1 ,, I,., liepp,:l,i, Ur. - luuia U i- ,, " "'"'"'"-.'"."ee. -ol, lei, 1.. ., I.lltl p. ,., i'"U,oei, Uorsee, ouitle u,(iri uuw'.HJ 1 eauie on loft tup i , newt lu OOI1, tibl'a. iiurutoii, ii. 1.. lone. II. it. . , 11 1 i I couUHote,! i, lull ""' orauaeu Vuiidoipool, U. X.. Uua'ur. Vr" Hr!tuu' jee-UH, on rignt ZlC ?Jt aupuUll)11 ea,"uViXear""iC hil ."!''. 9- BHlem or Heoonee r- iiorro; connu. " "" "'ou'aw' Wurreu, VV li, Caleb, Or tlattle w i.i circle over it. ou ifr oo . ? Wlth l""rter Horse, same urKud i J ' ,u "' liraut couuu " 1611 """" lvii.eii 8 IZ'ZhX!!: 0r- ' hraadeil kliUapl, un lell -r uiop a uiu eui ace "r'oT'', r,T""' --deU sliouluel. eat. , a,iu.fc ooraua. , WiiiUuscl, John, Joi,, ' H),tI - UU hu-res ...... (,,- , . on in ooiu eara ilUiK ,, viiuiinee. "Uouulul . , ou tlieeo. lirioji nKn,u.., Cuniiecutd ou leti i...,.... ' -liOHMM, of coteo'Sn'lt'ra.' "-- landed r.si.uh'.S.rrU,1;' W oa H...H,"' , - k"' "m"u"' '"''-. llr.- .... """"" uc... llajnU it. iM't,. mj...... ,.?. "' 111 i-iui ,iaill. an WiniauuT. 7 ll'Z . l'd .111 .1,-h. i, , ,,OU .elt hip; oallle amue Wien, A, A., eppner oT-ri .'""" ""'"" un sin, . .rv ur- Horsee mniiiii. A a siil.-. I.a 1 , COu '"!n" KWoi, left vw.kti'.c,.tr, l r,""!1,' ru""",r J- on ictt shoulder A,i ii'n ' . h.1J' "ur' 18 oTtl'. r',. r.-Mor brw4A