"" "" .1.1, r NuflOK 10 ANVEHTIHKKS. THoSKdefllrinK tho Insertion of dlpbiy ad., or ehaiiKtj of Must, iiitiHi et their cony in not later than Monday e'uiii.jc fur Tuesday's edition, or Tltois-mlny ru'iim for Fridays edi tion, TH FaTTERKOH Pl'FLISHINOCO. 1. The sum oi ilf cei.M .ci line vrtli be Charged for "carili of tliankn," "ivhilutloui of reject," listi of wel unit pwaitti and rtouors, And obituary not ire, (uUuTllnu tlm' tkecJit of shall himself give m a rmtii of m ,) find notices of Hfecial meeting i for whate ut urpo-. 2. Notices of church and society and nil other entertainment from which revenue n to l e de rived, shall be chaixfKl for at tbo ruTe of five in-nli a Hue. These rules will to strictly adher ed to In ever; Instance. Advertising rnu reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re spouRlble for his or her communication. No (HtrreHpondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. P. FIHHER, NKW8PAFER ADVEKTlii-JL-J lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Shu Francisco, Is our authorized ageut. This paper is kept on file in his office. TIME TABLE. Mrkm (or Hurdman, Monument, Lonv Creek, Joh n Day and Cauyou City, leaven an follows : Kvery day at 6 a. m., except Humluy. Arrives every day at 6 p. m.. except Monday. Ihe cheapest, quickest and bent line to or from tne interior country. J. 8. DELEVAN, Prop, W- A. JohnatoiAgeut. Gine your business to Heppner people. ana tnerejore assist w uuiia up tiepp ner. Vuironize those who patronize you. Here and There. A HU8PIC10US CAHE. 0"l little Tommy was o sick, It gave ui quite a shock. We sent oh lot the doctor quick, At half-past 8 o'clock. The doctor came, polite and cool; Felt Tommy's pulse, and then Ho said: "If Tommy staid from -Mhool He'd be all right by 10!" A PUKCAUT10N. The cook that morn the house forsook And wiley had to act as cook; But hubby did to doubts incline, Bo brought the doctor home to dine. From early mom till late at night, With never varying thrill, The presidential parrot chirps; "Repeal the Sherman bill." Hood's Pills are purely vegetable. Rev. W. E. Potwine is quite ill at bis homo in Peudleton. Wn will take wheat on subscription at 50 oeuts per bushel. Mr. C. 8. Van Duyn n turned from a business trip below, last Saturday. Pat Kelehar was in yesterday after a diligent summers's rustling in tbe Blues. The Heppner-Canyon stage line ia the beat, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. 8o simple yet always eflicnoious in all bilious disorders is jjimmuus Liver Regulator Without a doubt Simmons Liver Regulator will onre yon. It has cured thousands. Hose cart No. 2 bus been returned to the engine house. Fireman will please take notioe. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to remove tbe bile, olear the head and re store digestion. No pills or nauseating potion, but a pleasant tonio and laxative is Simmons Liver Regulator. Joe Kidman returned Friday from ) ortland, and on Saturday departed for 'Frisco ou business. E 8. Baling, of Snd Hollow, father of the Saling Bros., has been very ill of late, but is now oonvalesoiug. Miss Elizabeth Matlook lefton yester day's train to visit her Portland friend, Miss Hcnryetta Sinebeimer. Pros. Atty Wilson's illness prevented him from attending court at Prineville. E. 13. Duiur represented him. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cares liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine snd tobacco habit. See ad. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Hon.J. N. Brown leftSaturday for Sa lem, and will return this week aocom pauied by Mrs. Brown and their baby. The Gazette will takeoounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe of same in cash at highest market price. 7-60 Messrs Frank Rogers, Arthur Minor, Will Mallory, Henry Biaokman and A. W. Patterson returned from Portland yesterday. John K. Ely, a teaoher of the Saddle neiubborhood, was in town last Satur day. He is teaching a very successful school in that yioinity. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to tbe furniture store on Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair cuts and tbe like aways on tap; W. H. Wilson, of the Butter creek firm of Wilson & Bowman, was in town last week. Fall range is picking up somewhat, and promises to be very gooa. Mr. T. N. Howell, a wealthy sheepman of Wyoming, arrived last week and will remain a few days. He used tn make a drive out of this oountry almost every season. Grandpa Florence, one of our settlers of over four score years of age, has bad the misfortune to lose the sight of one of bis eyes - He will have it treated with hopes of reoovery. Gid Hatt has pnrohased Hick Math ews' interest in tbe City Hotel barber bop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-outs, etc., dished up in the best of style Batbs for tbe millions. Dick Beaman is down from tbe Blues after a faithful summer's rustling for Ti.m Oiinid. He will sot the part of mnttou monarch for 0. E. Farnsworth tbe remainder of tbe season. Don't ovt rlook J. B.Tedroe t tbe ArnnrlA when tbirstv. Half and half and fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine took of liquors and oigars always on hand. Give Ted a call. V. G Kellar, who was recently sen tonnori to the "neu" from Grant Oonn'y for tte orime of iDCest, is reported to be losing bis mind His crime was neinous enough to torture his onscienoe forever. MoAtee Bros , having reopened the Falaoe bar, kindly ask for a continu ance of their former patronage This is by all odds the finest bar in Heppner. Tbe boys keep a good slock. Call on them. Miss Belle Thomas, who has tonght incoessfnllv in the schools in this county and for two months past in tbe Heppner cbools, resigned her position last week, takingeffect tbe end of the school month, last Friday. Miss Anna Balsiger has been selected to take her place. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a spertfic for rronn. It is very plessnnt to tiike. which is ore of the most imprtant requisites where a onnah remedy is intended for nse among chil dren. I have known of cases of eronp where I know rhe life of the little one wsa saved hv the nu of Chmbrlsin' Cough Remedv." J. J. LaGranBe, druggist.Avco, Neb. 50 oents a bottle, for sale by Slocnm-Johnson Drag Co. Wm. Biddle was in yesterday from Gooseberry. Geo. Lovelet came in Saturday from i Wall creek on business. Born-Oct. 29, to the wife of Pearl J"iit-i, a nine pound boy, Tbe people from the interior can not get tiuur cheaper than $2.50 per barrel, . rash. This should bring in lots of t rade, i Farming is not a success with farmers who buy their pork, Feed your wheal to hogs, and you will make money in the transaction. Tbe frosts of autumn are calling for cordwood.and yet Doneappearelb at our wnodyard in exchange for the commodi ty, subscription overdue. Tbe Heppner Flooring Mills are sell ing Hour to tbe retail or wholesale trade at 06 oents singe sack; $2.50 per barrel, cash, any quantity. Guaranteed equal to the best. 74 tf Jerry Brosuan bad two emigrants arrested for trespassing on bis premises Saturday, their case coming before Judge Hal lock yesterday. Tbey were discharged hut re-arrested on a charge of burning Jerry's rails. T.-M.; U. S . Grant is the postmaster at Dallas. John Brown sells real estate at Kcotts Mills. Bill Nye has returned to Pullman from his eastern tri". Will Carleton is engaged in the dray busi ness at CorvBllis. Tbe Heppner section is having beauti ful autumn weather, and all are making the best of it. Owing to the early snow in tbe mountains, most of the Morrow county sheep are well over tnis way. Fall range ought to be first olass. "During my term of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrha," says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. "Since then I have need a great amouut of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief tbey would injure my stomach, until i bamberlain's Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice. I iiBed it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me perma nent relief and no bad resnlts follow." For sale by Slooum-Jo'nnson Drug Co. Result of Closb Timbi. W. H. Wi free, repteseutin? Cox, Teal ft Minor, arrived from Arlington Sunday by special conveyance, and early yesterday morning plaoed an attachment on the business of C. 8. Van Duyn, in favor of tbeMerchaiits Protective Union, of Portland. It i were not a matter of justice to Mr. Van Duyn, we would say uotbiug about this unfortunate affair. Mr. Van Duyn, finding collections very slow, went down last week to make satisfactorily settlement. Tbe Portland creditors wanting it very much their way no arrargements were made, and Van returned home. He was followed as quickly as possible by Mr, Winfree, representing the business organization heretofore mentioued. Mr. Van Duyn has abundant assets to pay every dollar he owes, and no one will Jose a cent. Besides he has always shown himself to be an honest man and iu these times of depression showed no disposition to wrong anyone. The Gnzette predicts that be will be open again in a very short time at the old stand doing busi ness as of old. Ciikap Floob Attracts the Tradh. The flouring mill's $2.50 per barrel flour ought to attraot a great deal of trade here, and in that way compensate tbe merchants more than they lose by the flour trade being virtually takeu out of their hands. And as long as the farmers oan get tub top figure at tbe mill for lbir wheat, that is the plaoeto sell. A great deal of Heppner's cash trade has gone to I'endleton this fall owing to the fact that flour could be bought at a lower figure there than at Hepiner. Now the tide will turn, because, all things being equal, Heppner is geograph ically the nearest trading point. Per sonally, we see no reason why tbe farmers should not sell their wheat at tbe Heppner mill instead of sending it away, for the full crop in Morrow oounty will only suffice for home demands. Then with low flour, tbe merohame will get tbe cream of the cash business. A Bad Job It has been discovered that many oity ordinances are worthless through improper passage. Judge Hal lock, who is probably as good authority as to what Constitutes a valid ordinance as auy man in Morrow county, outside tbe list of regular attorneys, has gone over our ordinanoe book carefully, and tbe woik of revision is now olaiming the attention of the town oounoil at special and regular sessions. An ordinanoe providing how the aooounts of tbe town shall be kept, and prescribing tbe duties of the town reoorder and treas urer, in addition to those given in tbe charter, is under way, and in a short time will become a law. The offices heretofore mentioned need systematizing tbe worst kind. Sodden Death. W. A. Brooks, a pop ular young stenographer in the em ploy of Thiel's Deteotive Agency, died early on Sunday morning by heart lailure, superinduced by cramps in tbe bowels, after an illness of only 36 hours. The deceased was formerly a resident of Seattle. Sinoe his connection with the agency in this oity be resided at 455 Morrison street. Tbe remains have beeu shipped to Seattle for interment. Oregonian. Mr. Brooks visited in Heppner last summer and impressed all who met him with being much of a gentleman. Under $1,000 Bonds Mel Dusiin and Wm. Coy have beeu arrested over at Cauyon City, charged with fnroisbing Moore and Reiter, tbe robbers, with tools wiih which to make a key. Tbe evidence against tbe men is quite conclusive, and each was required to give $1,000 bonds. Moors bad tbe key completed when discovered, and Sheriff Combs paid bim $5 to show his expertness in getting out of j til. Ha earned the V iu five minutes, but did not gain his liberty. To Chicago. Frank Rogers left for Portland last Friday to secure cars and rates for a shipment of sheep to Cbiosgo about Nov. 1st. Nels Jones will fur nish the stock. Last week mntto sheep oleand owners 82.50 per head in the Chicago market and if this will hut hold on. other shipments besides I the one menli-.iied will he made Chioigo us 10000 he id if ieet daily. There are none better than the I Eastern Oregon product Xr. A. if. Allen Ferry, Wash. 20 Miles from a Doctor But Hood's Sarsaparilla was Equal to the Emergency Pleurisy, Chills and Fever Utile Leg Perfect Cure. "After my baby was born I got into very seri ous condition, having pleurisy, chills and fever, gradually developing into milk leg. We live 20 miles from a physician and did not know what to do. Finally after a great denl of suffer lag I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and when I was using the third bottle I could lee It Was Doing Me Cood. I continued with another bottle, and recovered 0 rapidly that now I ant ia good haalt u I Hood's x Cures cordially recommend it as a good medicine." Mxs. A. M. Allen, Ferry, Washington. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, sick Headache. 1 Hair Death f instantly removes and forever destroys oft- VSjectionablc hair, whether upon hands, face, 8 farms or neck, without discoloration or iv- m jury to the most delicate skin. It was for f& any years tne secret formula of Erasmus PJ? Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as the highest authority ai.d the most eml- m nent dermatologist and hair specialist g that ever lived. During his practice of g! a life-time among the nobility and aris- ffe tocracy ol Kurope he precribed this rec ipe. Price $1 by mail, securely packed, ffij Kg Correspondence confidential, tklle Agents It ; ior America. Address. sg.' The Skookum Ruot Hair Grower Co. Dept. E., 57 South Filth Avenue, New m York. m A " Gbntlb Team". Our old friend, Ed Rood, dropped in Saturday with a badly bruised face. On inquiry, be informed ye Gazette man that it was done by a "gentle" work team. He was seeding, , and one of tbe horses. kicked over the tongue. Ed dropped a tug and proceeded to assist bis team out of tbe dilemma. The gentle team .how ever, kept up their fanny business till tbe tongue dropped with three traces still bitched to the drill. Tben tbe fun began. The horses started to ran away, Ed holding on to the lines till they were free from the machinery, bat not escaping without a badly bruised face. The seeder was hot hurt much, neither Were the horses and harness. . From tub Uppke Country. Towns Mathews returned on Friday last from the upper country. Towns does not give a very flattering report. He work ed hard in harvest and was beaten out of bis earnings, Muou wheat in about Pomeroy is spoiling because it cannot be harvested. The loss to this section alone is estimated at 10,000,01 0 bushels of wheat, end even at the present low price is a hard blow. Merchants and other business men will suffer greatly. Towns oame borne with a better opinion of Morrow oounty. Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemakbr. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham Bid' building, on May street, where be is pro pared to do eveiything in his line. 1 1 Hirbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give bim a oall Wwtf Land Fob Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranob and will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. A ddTtionaLi M)CA is. "Hardware" did you say! Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Palaoe is the leading hotel in tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix np your watch or clock. Le keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business M. Lichteutbal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. The Stndebnker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a If you want to buy procerus, and bread stuff oheup, go to tiie Enterprise Groceiy. Kirk & iKuul. proprietors, a For the fare ol Visitors. The worlds fair hotel and boarding bureau, which has been organized by the representatives of the trunk line railways centering in the city, have made arrangements to open offices on Adams street by January 1 in order that a complete list of boarding and room ing places may be ready before the fair opens. The new year literature of the railroad companies will properly adver tise the bureau, and pledges have al ready been made that the organization will be ready by May 1 to care lor 70,. 000 visitors per day if necessary. Mr. Lewis W. Cass, secretary of the organ ization, h&s a partially completed list of rooms which will be rented next year. This list shows that 50,000 pri vate houses will be thrown open to re ceive those who will visit the fair. More than 40,000 rooms have already beeD listed and hundreds of applications are received daily. ' jnwr v ObtainAn MID GOLDEN lULH Every person who purohasea OTXE DOLLAR'S worth nf goods will' re ceive a tioketon a Grand Weaver Organ one hundred and twenty-five dollar Organ to be given away December 21th 1893, A. QRICA.T jBLJUSSIlSTG :-TH! AT KOLMAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. Offers a magnificent new etook at - prices tbe lowest yet named for striotly first-olass gooiiB. High grades in all departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss ing. The quality will tell it: the price will sell it. That is tbe reason yon should come early and secure vonr BAR GAINS from our splendid lines of DBY GOODS, CLOTBIWG, BOOTS anfl SHOES ! Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. VE show all the latest novelties in great profusiou. We keep the finest eeleo tions in all standard styles. We make it a point to have every artiole in I stock the best of its kind. Tbe dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts : ; longer, gels more Btyle, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does .. I more good in service, worth and wear than any money you spend. Our goods and prices, now waiting for your insoection. will prove this. Remember it is an established fact that it pays io trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe GTO STOW J. H. KOLMAN. howabd D0D80H, Salesman. . I AT McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner, Oregon. Now is the time to make vonr money count. Our whole stock of Dry Gcods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, fancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at wholesale prices for cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at such reduced figures that the per son needing supplies for cash can be made bappy. If yon wish to save your money send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving discounts on per cent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 33 Men's snd Boys' Hats 30 Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30 Men's 8hoes.. 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestios All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solioited, oash with orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as IS VOOB Fall oash sale at U. 8. VAN DUYN'8, opening on Tuesday, Sept. 19th, and will continue till further notice. Mv entire stock of $15,030, all good, clean mer chandise, at COST for CASH, ONLY. LOOK OUT FOR THE MANY Bargains in Sigbt for You. C. S.VANDCYN, Heppner, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS a&gr"! Ilti Patfawnn N0TARY PUBLIC Ulla ldlMl A. CONVEYANCER THE THIRSTY ;. Will Drink the Best AND NO OTHER WILL SUFFICE No "Jim Crow" Liquor and Cigars down at Bob Kriok's Arcade saloon. Note it, The best is desirable every time. Charley Jones, day mixologist. Call. BIG HAILSTONES IN TEXAS. Lump Six Inches In Diameter Said to Have Fallen In a Recent Storm. A recent hailstorm near Oay Hill oc curred about 4:30 p. m. About two p. m. heavy clouds appeared In the west, and as they slowly approached a roaring sound was heard, such as usually indicates a coming hailstorm. Lightning, accompanied by distant thunder, suggested an unusual storm. About six miles distant from the Gal veston News man's point of observation the clouds divided. A light-colored cloud passed out from the more dense cloud toward the southeast, while the latter continued its course toward the east, but far above it at a high altitude was another cloud of a pinkish cast, which moved also toward the eoot. A few minutes after the rain commenced small hailstones fell, and each moment larger ones fell than the preceding, until they reached the Bize of small lieu eggs. After falling for about fifteen minutes the hail and rain ceased for probably two minutes. Then It com menced again to rain heavily and con tinued for probably ten minutes, with a higher wind, and it was (luring this in terval that the wonderfully large hail stones fell. This remarkable hail fell In larire lumps, ranging trom inree to six incuo in diameter. I heard of one piece eight OPPORTUNITY Orean Free. per cent. off. Hosiery 30 Men's Overshirts and Furnish ing Goods 30 Hardware 20 to 25 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 cash. fill! AS Very Kespeotfnlly, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. OPPORTUNITY! Robert Krick, Prop. mcnes in ammeter, wmcn welgneu lour pounds. They were, as a rule, spheri cal in form, hut some wore somewhat flat, and nearly all were covered with oval knobs. They fell in small areas about two feet apart, while in other places only one would fall in a space twenty feet square. The average un der my observation was about one hailstone to every three feet square. The earth was thoroughly saturated with water, and some of the large pieces penetrated the ground in soft places about three inches. I gathered about a bushel of the largest pieces af ter the rain ceased and in a very little while I placed them in a sack, which I put in a box and packed hay around without special care. Some of the pieces I exhibited in llrenham, for the reason that I preferred to give ocular demonstration in proof of the state ment I mode in relation to the size of the hail. After forty -two hours several of the pieces were seven inches in cir cumference. At this date (eleven days after it fell) about a quart of the hail remains. Kb density is so great that I believe it will keep should you wish a sample. A mont remarkable fact in connection with these large hailstones is that some of them have particles of dirt in the center. The question Is: How did they get there? P. g. TO0IQP80Q 60, LI aving put their business upon a ten porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known iu Heppner. '' We mast get onr stock into money, and profits are no objeot when tbe money comes io sight. Shake your cash at as snd see lis tumble. Haw THE PEOPLE OUR Not only once, but again and again. They know that from as they always set full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best ia ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of oar friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody. y INOR Change of T7"E HAVE TAKEN CHARGE v T whioh we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McCA-llTY, .ProDrietors. The Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK & On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a fall Hoe of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of choice Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in faot everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbsy will seU oheap foi cash. Call anp try them. BW BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. QLOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, the entire stock of general mer chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman. Bargains in all lines never before found. Call and learn prices. W. P. FELL, Assignee. Uls, Dovvson Xs Ivyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory 1 manner. Notaries Public ami Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, AEE COMING WAY! Heppner, Oregon, Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfactory mflnriAr. Will baan For the Cure d Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazrttk office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. RTJHL, ise Bakery and Grocerv Store. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eto., Eto. Trust Busts OREGON.