Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 31, 1893, Image 2

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fflE ffljip TO SELL YOU J FPU
C7TND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of wLich deeded land Ibere Rre 140 acres rc d farming lurid, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on l , a urn er
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded
Give your burinest to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Ilepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible (or his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name la signed aa an evidence of
goou lann.
Did jou ever
Rend about tbe
Mao who
Hid bis
Light under
A bushel?
Yen? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All tbe
Bui Je schemes
In the couutry
Will not Bcoomplisb
Hulf as much
As a good sd.
Id a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By tbe people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
Uses its spuee
Like merchandise.
Worth dollar
For dollar.
Quo hates a tool worse than a coward.
Tns people are getting it where the
fowl got the ax.
Tub steamer, Oregon, baa been
lunuohed. It is the pride of the navy.
The Oregonian onoe oalled Qrover
Cleveland an "obeoure lawyer". You
would bardlv think it, either.
Now that Mr. Cleveland has taken tho
silver lining from bebiud the cloud, will
be please remove tbe oloudf Telegram.
Hur as little as possible, borrow none,
pay for what you get, disoharge what
you cau of your debts, and we will yet
see better times.
New Yoiik. will go democratic this
yeur because the boss of bosses is there,
Hon. D 1). Hill. N, w York is oursed
with machine pcliticiaus of the worst
If mulish stubbornness were inimical
to statesmanship, Cleveland would be a
second Washington. But braiim and
beef, unfortunately, are not often found
Tint Gazette is in reoeipt of li. D.
Hume's little work of "Salmon .,f tbe
1'rtCiflo Coast". It is moBt interesting,
particularly to E ietern folks who know
little of that industry.
It takes some effort to keep the Ga
zette on its present basis, or any other
for that matter, but we will get through
despite all. In the meantime, those
who owe the shop oauoot select a better
time iu which to pay.
Ai,L hail to OroVer, the First. Bless
ed be Lombard and Wall streets, the
people cau now borrow gold, sell tbeir
products at a living figure and pay
their debts at maturity, til a horn.
Will it be any better next year?
Ohio will have a peculiar election
this year. It matters uot which oue of
tbe candidates is elected, it is a rebuke
to Orover. Mo Kin ley would be a strong
er oaudiiato, however, if he wasn't such
a confirmed gold-bug. The tariff
questiou is the principal issue at stake
iu Ohio this year, aud McKinley wi
carrv the state by a good majority.
Wi iitAii a great deal about the
minority ot the Benate controlling the
in h jority . Who compose this famous
majority? We cau s6lva the problem.
It is (liiovHii C'lkvkland. By stealth
and use ot federal patrouave be forced
tbe oowardly whelps to chew their
words of twenty years, drop dowu on
their kuees ami bow to the shrine of
Orover. It is the most shameful flop in
tbe history of our country, and as long
as it represents one man, it cauuot be
honestly Oalled a majority. No parlia
mentary ruse in existence is too severe
to cee on such a majority as compose
the senate of tbe present congress.
Governments have been overthrown for
less dictatorship than that displayed by
our present executive, and but for tbe
love ot the ting, our country would now
be in the throes of civil strife. Ballots
are the weapons of tbe American oitizeoa
ml they will use then), too, But don't
say a word about the poor, timid and
despised majority of Ukovku I. to any
one but a Cbitiauiau or au Injun, be
on' tli intelligent reader knows 'oo
U ' 1
ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch
Owing to hostile legislation to silver
as money, wheat and cotton will be as
low next year as this. Wool cannot
command any better price than now ow
ing to the free trade policy in that direct
ion. Farming and range lands must neces
sarily fall to the lowest figure. A larger
part of the woolen goods our people
manufacture cannot be sold because
the produoers will not have the mone)
with whiob to buy. Oood securitie
will be bard to procnre on which to
borrow. Then suppose tbe fabulous
sum of gold of Lombard street is turned
loose in Amerioa, woere will it help us?
A polioy thai restricts ability to pay
debts cannot do tbe country any good,
even though it invites millions o
foreign oapital. That has already
proved our rain, and the less English
money that is placed here the be.ter.
To restore the coin metal of our country to
its former standing, getting along witbio
ourselves and by economy forcing our way
out of our dilemma, wonld be something
like it. Any other course will make a
bad matter worse and postpone the day
of reokoning. There is no time like the
present to begin the application of on res
oonsistent with the disease. It is just
the time to declare our independence;
and go to work to throw off the yoke.
It cannot be ooouiplished in one day.
but it can be done.
Tim Oregonian baa bowled so much
for Cleveland that it now just whispers.
No organ in the country has devoted so
much space to the worship of .the gold
king. Now let the politicians take some
of the oure and put up gold-bug candi
dates next year and see bow the
Oregonian's advice is taken in Oregon.
Tbe Gazette may be a small, obscure,
semi-wenkly publication, but it is pretty
certain that no republican oan beeleoted
iu this congressional distnot who is in
favor of gold-bugiam. It matters not
how muoh the protection plan is heralded
or how great the neoessiiy for a ooc
gressman wno is in ravor or the same,
the second financial "crime of the
ceutury" will oome to the front. The
people of Eastern Oregon, particularly,
are not in sympathy with republico
Clevelandism, and don't your forget it.
It will take a good man of tbe Hen.
itchcll style of republicanism to win
next time, and that man is Hon. W. B.
Mayoh Carter Haiirison was almost
instantly killed by a young man named
Prendergast, at Chicago on last Satur
day evening. Prendereast is orazv. and
imagined that Harrison had promised
him something politically that be bad
not received. Tbe victim was shot three
times, two wounds either of which would
have proved fatal. Mayor Harrison was
well known and highly respected, served
as congressman one term about twenty
years ago, and was for five terms mayor
of Chicago. Had he lived he probably
wonld have beeu ohosen to represent
Illinois in the U. 8. senate. In the
death of Mayor Harrison, Chicago and the
state of Illinois meets with a great loss,
now mat me Sherman law is out of
the way, Bee the reserve pile up. Any
saue man knows that tbe Sherman law
was a poor one, and that it was ad
ministered as bad as nossible. But how
under the biiu we can hold the gold i
the treasury when we have so many legal
tenders in existence is unexpluiunble.
Oold that is due in Euroie from this
country will be drawn ont on gold
notes just us easy as before, and lbs
mommy aciiiiuoiis or $-t.0UU,0UU in cur
reucy will not be forthcoming. The
money of the world, confined to gold
alone, is inadequate, and Shylook knew
it in '73 juet as well as he does in '",13.
ii in now in oruer lor me tliinsy
politicians to slide over to the "popular
side or one man power. But the rank
and file will move ou undaunted while
the champagne corks will pip at the
festal board of Wall street aud the
capitol at Washington. But don't
celebrate too soon. Remember that
Nnpoleou fought and won many a battle,
to be entirely overthrown at Waterloo,
iu tbe midst of festivities The cele
bration was out ot place. That might
apply to our tiuanciers. The old saying,
"He wh'i laughs last laughs best," is in
the mi lids of ye voter.
i mi-ir a a bis, hi oponane, loved .Miss
Love lie had a wife and Miss Love,
th mgh she loved him lovingly, did nut
love tn be thus ttitled with. Aans ii
order to appease the wiath of Miss L ive
sued for a divoroe. Mrs. Aaris heard of
it, aud going to Spokane so med the
proceedings that the swaiu withdrew
them, and now tbe love of Love g ies
languishing for naught ou the crisp,
ntuinn air of the Spokane regiou.
C. L. Wish, owner of the Bruneau
dam am' irrigation works, had Mis.
Abbott to impersonate bis wife iu some
laud matters. She was arrested, to
net her with two attorneys. Wiui! is
well known about Mountain Home, ana
;One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
in Morrow county, cheap anil on
Perhaps some of our readers would
like to know iu what respect Chamber
lain's Cough remedy is better than any
other. We will tell you. Wheu this
remedy is taken as soon hs oold has
been oontractml, and before it has be
come settled in tbe system, it will
counteract the effect of tbe onld aud
u really lessen it's severity, and it is the
only remedy that will do thin. In ants
in perfeet harmony with nature aud
aids nature in relieving tbe lungs, open
ing the secretions, liquefying the
mucous and oansing it expulsion from
the air cells of the lungs and restoring:
the system to a strong and healthy
condition. No other remedy in the
market possesses these remarkable prop
erties. No other will onre a cold s
quickly. For sale by Slooum -Job nsou
Drng Co.
LliiBKTY-i.ovi.sci people, regardless of
nationality, sympathize with tbe fight of
Ireland for home rule, and though the
bouse of lords may interpose objections,
liberty will come to them as surely as
the sun rises and sets.
Ask Your Friends
Who have taken Hood's Harssparilhi
what they think of it, and tbe replies
will be positive in its favor, fci nply
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
the story of its merit. One has been
onred ot indegestion or dyspepsia, an
other Huds its indispensable for sick
headache or biliousness, while othe's
report remarkable cures for scrofula.
catarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc.
The Earl of Dunraven isanlrishman,
and his name is Qiiinn. It is said oue
of the elder Qninu's got the titles b)
treason in selling out as a member of
the Irish parliament, years back. But
never-the-less, the Earl is said to be a
good landlord aud highly esteemed.
Piles I Piles I Itching Piles.
Svai'ToMS Moisture; intense and
stinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer
ate, ueooming very Bore. Swatne's
Ointment stops the itching and bleedinii
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or bj
mail, for 50 oeuts. Dr. Swayne & Sotii
Philadelphia. sw 1 j r
Representative Ellis has Introduced
a bill in the house extending tbe time
allowed the Umatilla Irrigation Co., for
tbe construction of its ditch across the
Umatilla reservation. The time oalled
for in tbe bill is three years from Feb. 10
18M. The UniBtilla Irrigation Co. was
organized in 1890 at Pendleton. The
preliminary work and tbe securing of
right of way, together with the changes
in state legislation, intefered material!)
with the Bpeedy completion of ditches,
and an extension of time is real I v
is over you can Btav at home. Go to
Chicago now and see the most com
plete and magnificent exhibition that
has ever been held. The vestibuled
limited trains of the Chioago, Union
Paoifio & Northwestern line will tuk
you there with the least trouble and
changes. 63-6
Those having busiuess relative to the
estate of W. G. Boyer, deoeaeed, will
please cull at the office of Hamilton &
Freeland, who will pay all debts of said
estate aud colleot all money due tbe
Eliza J. Boveb,
Executrix .
tleppner, Ur, Oct. 15, 93, 71-74.
is on exhibition at the Great World's
iiur. You ourM to see it. TUis is tb
moniu ol mouths to visit tbe fair,
pleassut days oool nights, delightful
'raveling weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago
on the veBtibnled limited trains of the
Chicago, Cuiou Pacific Northwest
Liue. See your nearest Union Paoifio
agent for rates or other iuformsti .n
63 6
Cjj 810 and $20, Genuine Coufwlera'e
v Miills only 6ve oents eaoli; $50 ami
$100 bills 10 cents eaoli; 2,-,o and 60o
shmplssters 10 oents enoh; SI snd $2
oui o cents each. Sent securely seal
ed on reoeipt of njioe. Address, Ctnis
D. Parker, 90 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta
A Terrible Stroke of Lightning.
Nineteen soldiers were miuvhiug
along the highway at llourges to reach
the artillery practice ground when
thunderstorm broke over them nnd In
a minute drenched them all to the slrin.
They began trotting, but had not ad
vanced much when a terrible stroke ol
lightning came aud in an instant laid
the whole detachment prostrate on the
ground. After a short time s une of the
men recovered and rose to their feet.
They called to their coim-idcs, who
rallied and rose slowly one after an
other. Hut four remained Immovable.
They were taken to the hospital.
Three wore restored to life, but the
fourth was quite dead. He had a deer
wound ca Use ci.t of his head and
li ,-h "--t ' ;".. ' ' - - . -
for it with first
easy terms.
For further information call at om office.
Examination Troved It to lfv m FetU
Nmell anil n Had Taste.
The meteorological records of tht
world chronicle several Ineontestiblt
Instances of black rninfulls, to say noth
ing of the more startlin;' phenomena oi
"sho.vers of blotxl, bine snows," etc
Prof. Barker in April, IMS, laid before
the Uoynl society of Dublin some ob
servations on a shower of black rait
which Ml around Carlaw and Kilkenny
extending altogether over an area ol
about four hundred square miles.
During the course of his lecture Frof.
Barker exhibited to the society a speci
men of this uncanny shower which had
been sent him by a friend. The speci
men shown in the vial was of a uniform
black color, much resembling common
black writing fluid. Dr. Barker found,
however, that, after allowing it to stand
for a short period, the black coloring
matter separated from the water with j
which It had mixed, rendering the color
of the rainwater much lighter, but still
dark enough to be called "black rain."
The shower, which was in broad day
light, was preceded by a darkness so
dense as to make It impossible for one
to read without the aid of a candle.
After this darkness had continued for
some time, a hailstorm set in, attended
with vivid lightning, but without the
least semblance of thunder. When this
hailstorm was over the black rain be
gan to fall.
On examination of the rain immedi
ately after the storm was over it was
found to have an extremely fetid smell,
as well as a very disagreeable taste. All
light-colored animals and all articles of
clothing exposed bore dark spots and
stains, and cattle refused to drink the
water or eat the grass until after a
shower of "real rain" had washed oil
the black, poisoning matter.
That Is Where a Scientist lleMeves Hadta
Will lte Loeated.
What do you think of the Idea of hell,
the future abode of the wicked, being
situated In the nucleus of some gigantic
comet? 'This opinion, Bays the Ht.
Louis Republic, odd as it may seem to
those who have given comets and the
future state of the dead but little at
tention, has boon entertained by many
really eminent scientists and philoso
phers, among them the learned Dr.
Whiston, the friend nnd sometimes ad
viser of the great Sir Isaac Newton.
In answer to the inquiries of a friend,
who wrote to ask the doctor for some
tangible proof on the subject, the fol
lowing unique theories were ad
vanced. ". . . . According to my
calculations and deductions, this theory,
which you rightly say 'must belong to
me and me alone,' does locate hell, the
awful prison house of the damned, in
the fiery nucleus of some (perhaps yet
undiscovered) comet of unthinkable
size. . . .
"In this wide-circling chariot of fire
they will be whirled in the twinkling
of an eye from the intolerable heat of
the surface of the sun back into space
hundreds and hundreds of millions ot
miles from the great toveli-bearer of our
system. ,
"Thus instantly the wretched tenants
will be given two unbearable extremes,
one of cold and the other of heat; this
to continue through the endless ages of
eternity, while the Almighty is dispens
ing the severities of justice." Did mor
tal man ever harbor a more horrible
Idea than this?
Young Ulrl Who lan Hide the Wont
Horse That Lives.
The feats of cowbovs in riding wild
and untamed horses is ever an object of
interest to eastern riders who have
been so impressed with the powers of
these half-wild men that they imagine
to dc a species ot centaur. While
i i.
M uuc umt many ox uie cowboys are
expert rulers, there is nothing unusual
about their riding There is a rider in
Texas, however, who is gTeatly out
af the ordinary, and whose riding is
the comment of even that section, where
food riding is the rule and not the ex
eeption. This rider, says the Philadelphia
Press, is a girl, "llronco Kate." She is
the daughter of a cattleman and has
been all her life on the plains with the
Jowboys and could ride a horse when
he was three years old. She is the
Idol of every cattleman on the range,
and when Kate wants a horse there is
not a man In the country but would
walk if she would take his animal.
Kate Chapman is but sixteen years
ld, but she is undoubtedly the most
earless rider in the world. ' She never
tesitatos an instant about getting on
.he wildest and most vicious animal on
the range, and it makes no difference
n" whether it has ever had a saddle
n or not. Her latest oeapude was to
ide and break in a mustang which had
he reputation of being a mankiller
This animal is especially vicious, and
aot only throws its rider, but goes after
!um when he is down and strikes and
rates him, trying to kill him.
Kate had been wanting to ride thli
bronco for some time, but every one on
the range opposed it and did all in hii
power to prevent it. The girl was no
to be baffled, however, and catchlni
the horse in a corral she saddled Mm
she then blindfolded him, and in this
audition forced him out ou theoDen
prairie and mounted him. The brut
rtood perfectly still until she lifted the
blindfo d, and then began a terrible
battl u which the girl finally
victor and rode the horse at U
ranch, 160 sores, boss wheat land. Will seW on easy terras. A good rustier can pay
crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East aud lias no use lor u.
Wheat, bu 32
Flour.bbl 2 50 800
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. cwt. 1 50
" " three 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 2 25
" stock 1 60 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50
Hogs, dressed 6 50 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz , 20
Chickens, doz 8 00
Wheat, cwt 1 03 & 1 08
Flour, bbl 3 00 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (i 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hons, cwt.
4 50 5 25
10 (a 12
25 (i Si
20 25
5 00 600
15 18
Wool Eastern Oregon.,
Butter, lb
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, lb
Wheat, cwt 85 95
Klour, bbl 2 90 8 15
Beeves, ot. 1 75 (u) 2 75
" .dressed 3 50 a 6 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00
dressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 60
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter 20 30
Eggs, doz... 27 i O 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 50
Turkeys lb 15 17
Notice Of Intention.
lJ Oct. 4. 1H9S. Notice isherebv eiven that
the follow tug-named settler has tiled notice of
hid Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be-
nire j . . Morrow, uouniy uiera, at tleppner,
or., on ov. in, w.w, viz. :
Hd. 3213 for the K',i NW4 NE SK!i Sec. 31
and NWi SEW Sec. 32 To. 6. H. R 25 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Melssner,
i ot Gooseberry. Paul Hchiller, of GooBeberry,
and Isaac Hinltn, of Lone Koclc Oregon.
lwi-179 John W. Lewis, Register.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate,
1 undersigned, the administratrix of the
eiuue oi Cornelius Lirlieoll. deceased, will on
'lnesday the lath day of ecemker, at I o'clock
p. iu. oi taio uav at he nest hall of the North.
east quarter, and the East half of the North
weBt quarter of section thirtv-one tun town.
ship two M South of Range twenty-nine (2Si)
East ef the Willamette Meridian, sell said
described premises at public aala to the highest
umiiei lur cu in iiauu. eucn saie oeing made
unuer aim nunuaui io an oraer oi me l ouiirv
court of date September 20, 1H!);1, made and
entered in said County court of Morrow county
on said date.
I will also on said day at the hour ol 3 o'clock
p. m. of said, dar. sell an undivided one-half
Interest in tht saw mill property belonging to
said estate, said mill being known as the White
di Oriicoll mill. Naidiale will be made to the
highest bidder with cash tn hand upon the
pieuuiin. ine oruer ior Baia sale naving been
maue, ai aioresaia, on me jaia day ol Kept.
18M, by the honorable Countv court of Morrow
county, State of Oregon. Dated this 21st day of
17B-Sti Maky Driscoix,
Administrator's Notice.
letters of administration on the estate of
trnviu ix. naroman, deceased, were granted to
iiiciimicisiKiii-mjumeiam aay oi Sept. isna,
by the Countv court of Morrow cnimtv
All persons having claims against said eiBtate
mo it-quirt-u to exniou mem to me lor allow
ance, at Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, with
in alx months after the -date of this notice or
Vi ' iorever narreu. Dated this 'JJth
)65-TS A. Kood.
Teachers' examination.
rvuiuia ishkkehy OIVEN THAT FOR
- piirp oi examining all those w ho
may oiler themselves as candidates for county
or State certificates, State Diplomas or State
Life diploma., the superintendent of Morrow
county will hold a public examination at the
17," , " "yv"i. ueginumg Wednesday
Nov. 8, IS'.ij, at 1 o clock p. m.
W. L. Sai ino
F. J, Haixock,
AsMistant Ex.
Supt. Morrow Co.
Oct. 811, IS!i3.
Brown ttni Hohna James
i. low Frank Fitch Mrs Tom
Johnson Hrant King Mr. Iva
Olsan Mr. Maria Swift J 1.
wwash Beujiman William. Mrs O
advertised, a. Mi.Loav I', it.
The Peculiar MIstiTkellade by a Teleg
rapher. A party of newspaper men and law
yers were discussing amusing tvpo
ffranhicnl a-.-.. .i . 1 r
. ...,.-., mu a veteran New
UWe thutrhaa 'n
made by a tole-raph opi rator. '
Mid the lawyor, "ami ha.l mn" '..
small office
across the hull fro
'om a sni'p,ic-;T'.,i ....
ney who once In awhile tvfrio,l(.,l me
One day I was sitting i mv olli,e wit,
my legs on the table aud ehair tilted
back, wultinif for elienu ,! .. ,
oi a swe,.t ri.i i, " g
I who had Wn th,- sweetheart of mv ord-
nays uie year before. 1 was
startled from my reverie by a bov wTth
a message dire. ted to me. It wa, )m
my friend across the way and dated cm
ca but . its contents J'L
Ti l . ln '"'P'"'- ''revitvitsaid.
Ella s sweet. l)nt delav. Takeit
upandtrv f I was (.. .", . . '
thataWUtjr of TP tXfDg
astonishment onn hT ' ad my
nt impressions wr. ,fc'.'. My
.i - .. ..... 1
was either
-o.cru or me 'Windy
boy, so I read hT tde! irlm
'Je down, sideways, an.l IJ.P8
eould see it ,. ' au;. "way I
dawned on me. Vt. ' !! J?h ally
dr. There it wa 'PH. lcalt'n'
"dmy friend w. V8- ?..'
7 ,nenl a named aa th. j
tendanfs attorney." the de"
What shall stay
'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian
cod liver oil
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a coiijjh or cold acute or leading
to consumption ? Make no
Scott's Kiuulslon cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
Children. Almost a pulatable an
milk. Get only the reiiulne. Pro
pared by Hcott & Eowno, Chemists, New
York. Sold by nil Druggists.
" Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmoil I
Importance to Kverybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Hkln. Care of Teeth " I
Occupation for Invalids, Bathlnir-Bost Way. Aftnr.ninnBr lior,. t
What to Eat,
How to Eat It,
Thing, to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe,
Dangers of Klsslnp.
Alcohol asa Hood and a
Superfluous Hair,
Removing Same, ,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted-
Ventllntlnn nu.
nesionng roe urownea, l
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Blaok Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chlllblalns Cold Feet. Crm.
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