Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 27, 1893, Image 2

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    9 DAI
WiB ffljnp TO SELL YOU WW !
-- --- -. . : .-. . : One of the Best Heces of Land in Morrow County. . .. r -.
ND 1 00 ACKKS Timber Culture claim Adjoining, of which (Wiled laud tln-i- me 14(1 hwn givd fHimii): land, mid tip lialRnpe A 1 ymnUnp. Tho deeded land Lbb a got d Hilling of water on it, all under
fx fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardmau.
Tnefi for. the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture clnim, 800,
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and ou easy terms. ,
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy tonus. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it. Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it.
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner, Patronize those who patronizt-
We hold each and everv correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writera real name Is signed as an evidence oi
Kuuu laun.
Though political or fin sinciul legisla
lion id congress has put the silver
mining industry of the oounlry to sleep
for a time, unci though there bus been n
panic stalking over the land to the
ruination of tens of thousands of men mid
corporations, tho Atlantio faeiiio Rail
way Tunnel Company has weathered
the storm, with all its properties intact.
Now it begite mining for gold, to a
rer'aiuty of profit enough to meet all
the interest on the eight peroent. bonds,
that it has sold or will need to sell to
insure the completion of its tunnels for
railway as well bs mining purposes. It
has pnrohased all the shares issued by
the Eldorado Gold Aliuing Company of
Colorado, on whose properties is the
largest and best mill in Summit county,
and will soon enliirge it to a total
capacity of one hundred tons of ore per
day, and thus treat the ore from that
mine and others. This ore yields from
one-half ounre to live ounces of gold
per ton of ore, gold being worth ex
ceeding twenty dollars per ounce, the
average of the ore being more than two
ounces of gold per ton of ore. The
company oounts on one thousand dollars
per day as the net earnings of the mill
when it will troat one huudred tons per
day, ana Hopes to uouoie in is sum as
the proceeds from this ono mill. It will
also bring out ore from the gold veins
orossed by the tunnel and add this
product to the output of gold, and thus
beuefit those who are financially inter
ested In the great tuuuel enterprise. It
it. a work that should bo burned ou to
the completion of the tunnel, as wheu it
is finished, oars oan be run direct from
Denver to Salt Luke City and save
over two hundred miles, and open to
mining purposes the greatest gold, silver,
lead and copper mines in the world.
Tens of thousands of men in this country
who have invested in other directions
and lost, might have better invested in
tlin bonds of this Tunnel Company.
The history of the work is one of patient
struggle, leading up tosnocess, followiug
honest management for the benefit of
each and every investor, liy seudingto
the president of the company, liooms 4C
World Building, New York City, facts
can be obtained that will guide thoHe
who have money in large or small sums
to invest. It is only a question of time
ere trains will be darting straight
through the Rocky Mountains, and then
protits will come home in double volume,
from mining and from rentals of the
tnnuels for railway purposes. Here is
a good place for both capital and labor
signed the measure. The silver re
publicans will not sign it, and it is
rumored that tbey will formulate a bill
of their own, and with the ail ..f the
populists and Bilver men paRs it. The
compromise measure talked of by the
demoorats is not satisfactory to many,
as it only extends the purehaie law but
a short time, though the provision to
coin the seigniorage of silver is oou
sidered by all but extreme gold bugs a
goou move. Tho deficiency in the
'reasury is growing larger every day,
and the gold reserve is being invaded to
supply it. No imports of gold are noted.
But even should the compromise
measure pass both houses, it will not
settle the money question, for the free
coinage of silver, Ht least equal to the
amount produced in the United States,
will be urged at subsequent sessions.
Had the meddling with money matters
been let ont years ago by the Dations of
the earth, they would not now be in
snoh bad straits. There never was. nor
will there ever be, such a thing as too
mtioh gold or silver. The amount only
increases as the population and demands
increase, and in the case of gold it is not
even keeping paoe in this proportion
To demonetize the cheaper and more
useful metal in favor of the dearer is no
way out of it. Had the world gone
ahead coining both gold and silver as
thoy used to do, and not have legislated
against one in favor of the other, the
Hoist more sail ye ship o'state
And change yer courie, ere 'tin too late.
imerioan people would not today
toiling hard to pay interest, audjtb
premium that exists on gold, as oom
pared with what tbey sell to buy
Look around you, compare notes, and
see if the Gazette is not right.
Wk hi'icak of our nation us a repulili
but in reality it Is fast lostug most of
the features oontemplated by our fore
fathers. Our presideut is a dictator
with more power than uny executive
under the sun, speaking of the lending,
civilized countries, except Russia. It
is not governed as well as the coii-
stiiuiiouai monarcny ot ureal liiitam,
There the queen has uo veto power; her
duties are to see that the laws are nd
niiuislered, through the proper sources,
but Hhe has not the right, nor dure she
assert it, to set aside those laws that
are personally obnoxious to her. She
has no opportunity to force the luw
maki lg bodies to vote this way or that.
In fact, beyond tho snobbery of her
nobility, it is a model ot a constitutional
monarchy. Our principles, as arepnbli
m the manner Interpreted by Wash
ington aud Jetterson, shine none the
less blight in the starry firmaments of
American liberty to those of patriotic
impulses, but the aduiiuistratiou oi
those prmoiples under the preset' t
system is very bad. The president
should have the veto power taken away,
senators should be elected by a direot
vote of the people, and laws should be
made on the "initiative and referendum"
plan. This would be a step forward,
aud would agaiu place us in the front
rank of uatious au.l republics, (lie latter
of which ouly ouo now exists, ihe little
Uiouut.iiu oci ill) try of Switzerland.
.Moni.y is growing so scarce in India
that a panic is threatened. This is an
outgrowth of the refusal ot the Iudiau
government to coutiuue the free coinage
of Bilver. In Ibis dilemma an English
man steps forth with the suggestion that
India should borrow i!5,(XK),(H)0, gold.
This is always the gold-bug reoeipe for
UUHUoial ills. Better allow India to go
on as before, for the A' ." ,000,000 will
have to be paid back when times are
harder with them than at present; that
it, it the present financial system is
accoboino to late dispatches, the
silver senators are about to giye np the
fight. Should the repeal bill pass, the
country will bava a obance to know
what is hurting them. If that helps
according to the gold-'ong notion, well
and good. But the Gazette will say in
advance that m its opinion, it will do
nothing of the sort. But the right of
franchise still remains to the Amerioan
people, tlmnks to Grover Cleveland, and
uuHiuum new Kina can De played in
Washington in '91.
1HB price of Hour at the Ileppner
mills is now only 65c. per sack, or $2.50
a barrel, oash. This flour is guaranteed
equal to the best, aud there is no reason
why the flour trade should not come this
A movk is on foot to open up
Colorado river. It is oluimed to
navigable for SIOO miles, whioh will
quire very little work to clear
GKNKIIAti Titos,
active participant
during the late war, is dead,
1j. UlllTTRNDKX,
on tho Dmon
Ufware of (lliitiiinits toe Cumuli
('oimihiM Merenrv.
as meroury will surelv destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Cntarrh Cure
manufactured bv F. J. Cheney k Co.,
Toledo, O., oontaius no meroury, and is
taken internally, acting direotly npnn
the blood and muoons surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally, and made in Toledo
Ohm, by F. J. Chenev A Co. Testi
mnnials free.
l"Sold by druggists, nrioe
i S. per
Tub location of a scouring mill at
Heppne,' would annually save our people
n good many bard dollars, as shown in
a reoeut article in the Gazette. Old
sores Bud bad livers have nothing to do
with a scouring mill. It is a matter of
liiismess, and these times, business is
business. If it is praotioal, it should be
pushed to consummation.
Written for the Gazette.
As the above lines form a sufficient
text or pretext for coming to the front
as a leader of a new idea, I've come
well knowing that all new idea are
subjected to the closest possible crit
oisra by the readers of your valuable
paper. But the present disquietude
which rages like a torrent in our country
will warrant me in risking my reputation
(which is not overly good at best) in
hope to engender and produce new-
thoughts from sources which have lain
idle so long, and it will tBke friction to
clear them from the rust of many
In going through the country one
hears the low rumbling of anarohy and
as we near the cities it breaks with
louder peals upon our ears whioh
plainly foretells a future storm. Kigb!
here let me say, I lay no olaims to
prophetic insight, but I am only reading
the future by the past. Glanoing back
over the history of the various nations,
we almost invariably find that any
material change in state is preceded by
discontentment among the governed;
especially has this been a characteristic
of the more recent history, such as the
French revolutions, the lata war ic our
own country, as well as tho commotions
ot Chili, Pern, und Bolivia, Brazil and
Arg'ntine Republic. So those of us
CO o
5f IHOS5i
, vr
Wheat, bu 32
IFIour.bbl 2 50 ? Sou
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 5(1
For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug
Co. and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
Sheep, muttons, head..
" stock
Hogs, ou foot, cwt
Hogs, dressed
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz 3 00
1 75 a 2 00
, 1 50 kl) 2 25
1 50 (t 1 75
4 50
C 50 jf 7 00
6 fa, 10
Administrator's Notice:
letters Of &dlllhliit.rrtt.loii on thn nnrnrnnf
David N. Hardman, deceased, were granted to
me uijuciBisufu on uiewui aay oi sept. iya,
oj uie county court oi Morrow county.
All persons having claims against said estate
are required to exhibit thnm to me for allow
ance, at Henoner. Morrow rountv Orpimn with.
in six months after the date of this notice or
tney snail he torever barred. Dated this Kit)'
day of Sept. lts'13.
IM-fS A. Rood,
"How to Care All Hkln lienw.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment
no internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face, hands, nose, 4c, leaving the Bkin
clear, white and healthlv. II Trout
niing aim curative noers am nn..a....
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr,
over you cau stay at home. Go to
Uucngo now and see the most com
plete nnd (magnificent exhibition that
has ever been held. The vestibuled
limited trains of the Chicago, Dnion
Faoilic & Northwestern line will take
you there with the least trouble ...!
Coui'houisk is hanguig lire iu the D.
a srnrtin, O lv ?0 ''mop-Tn 'tve
Tint Supreme Lodge, K. of V
in session at Richmond, Va.
number of representatives are
savs a telegram to the E. O.
zstte was nuder the impression that the
Supreme Lodge did not meet till next
, is now
A large
The Ga-
wnose Dearte have been all aglow wi
patriotism can well begin to oast aroun
to see if there is not some means by el
which wo can dispose of the mutterin
omenta that have beentiooking to our ooun
try for so long, and now stand as a me
aoe to ourjoivil instutitions. Iam firmly
the opinion that there is a way out of
the present dilemma, but it will require
immediate action to keep the oloud
from gathering and becoming so dark
and somber as to obscure our means of
If we will apply to Dr. Talmnge
will tell us tbat Frovidenoe always
leads the way in national affairs
Heooe we cast around for some opening
made by a Providential hand, and find
the Hawaiian islands knocking at our
doors for some purpose. We also find
the New Nation edited by Mr. Belamy
who in airing his own tolerably palpable
theories, is clamoring for a change in the
basis of onr government.
.now wuy not retrenoh somewhat iu
the expenses of onr own government
and purobase those islands as a man
wou'd buy his neighbors farm and
people the same with those who are
now a Btenoh in our nostrils. Call
Mr. Belamy and a conference of his
co-thinkers and set then up in business
under the foatering care of the United
States. Bat perhaps some one will say
it win coat coo mucn, to which we
answer the oost of quelling riots iB not
noonsiderable by any means, nor is the
oost of keeping a horde of worthless
pilferers and pickpockets a matter to be
lghly overlooked. Then the cost of
bringing them to trial for various
orimes, from vagrancy to murder, is by
no means a light expense.
1 have no statistics at hand from
whioh to draw reliable data bo I can
only oonjectnie that they oost the
government millions of dollars annually,
besides their infringement on private
individuals and their depredations on
ptivate property. Nor should we fail
to notice that their ranks are arowino
like weeds in a fertile soil. Tl ,in. nor
aps, may be aooouuted for by the
onstatit and persistent sowing of the
seeds of dieooutent bv the many tramps
that infest onr couutry. It cannot be
denied that the tramps are a part of
the anarchical elements, and thev li
ithout work and even travel at the
expense of the public by beating the
railroads, and the people have to sup.
pori me railways. Besides many of
them by their shoplifting cunning,
wear good clothing and infest onr
homes, destroy onr domestic happiness,
ruin our daughters aud lead our sons
into the lowest grades of vies ami n'l
that before the unsuspecting are aware
of their reBl characters. It may be
rgued that the oost of maintaining
them will be too great, but I auswer Mr
umituy proposes to make his subjects
seir-supporling. But should it cost
II frtW ntill!,,lta f.. ... 4 l . . .
- n,uKri lurui Btariea, we
would still be the gainers ou the ac
count of gettiug rid of the cost of a
large share of our court proceedings
I have heretofore set forth.
Another will daubtless oall for
precedent tielore he will be willing
iu enter upon so great a task. To which
I refer them tj Australia peopled as i
was in this present eenturv by Eusland
shipping her criminals there as a place
of banishment, and when the gold
mines were disoovered and the better
classes rushed to the island sbey found
tnose oriminali a m-osrjeroua iu
fhe sequel t it seems to lie in the
faot of their inability to obtain spiritous
liquors. Again Denmark was neonle.t
by a class that England was unwilling
to keep in their own conutry.
Another will say should Belamy's
system fail then onr government will
have been guilty ot legislating to fill
the pookets of a few. But tbat system is
based on the idea of government owner
ship of her landed interests. Hence,
it would not even be fair to count tho
first oost of purchasing, as the owner
ship does not pass to any individual
but remains with the government. It
certainly would be more wise for us to
experiment on a Bmall soale before leap
ing Into grand strides in governmental
changes. It seems plainly apparent
that the people mean to have a obange
and who knows but it will come on the
Belamy line. Should there be a com
bine of the various 1 bor organizations,
then we would have a change precipi
tated upon us without any Boeoial lino
of defense or means of harmonioun
action which would leave us an easy
prey to any of the foreign powers.
The position I have taken herein need
not hinderus from using the islands as n
ooaling station for our out-going vessel
or a place to land in case of distress
KT:.i a . i
ntmuer neea it ninaer ns trom using
them as a place of fortification. The
the products ot the enforced labors
mis oiass so oDnoxious to common
decency oould be Bold or exchanged fo
such commodities as those people would
need and dealt out to tbemaocording to
the labor performed by them. However,
not allowing an accumulation of
property in the hands of any, but main
taming a public treasury and a public
commissary tbus avoids the calamitous
results which one might reasonably
expect unless there were somethinu
done to prevent it. The Hawaiian
islands are especially noted for thei
sugar products, and the Doited States
could well afford to purobase or ex-
.1 .l a .. ..
uuauge otuer proauoe for all tue sugai
that the islands oould produoar. In 1891
we imported tou.7ai.21U worth nf
ugar, aud if we would purchase thBl
amount ot them or so mnoh of the
amount as they may be made to produoe
by an enforoed labor ot only six hours
per day, they may become altogethtr
self-supporting. Besides labor is ex
alting in its effects by inspiriug Belt
confidence, provided it is not oarried to
an exhausting degree, and six hours Dr
day ib not retiring to any healthv
person, and the publio oommissarv
could be made to support those who
are unable to work.
Thus we might argue the oase in
euuiieiy, nut hoping I have s -id
enough to inspire a more able writer I
will let my Brms go limp and await the
C. B.
Hardman, Or.. Oot. 9. 1893.
Wheat, cwt $1 03 1 08
1' lour, bbl 3 00ii4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a D 00
Muttons, cwt. 6 00 ( 8 00
Hogs, owt i 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (it 12
Butter, lb 25 30
Eggs, doz 2006 25
Chickens, doz 5 00 fcj 600
Turkeys, lb 15 if 18
Wheat, cwt $ Ho (u 95
Flour, bbl 2 90 iff 3 15
Beeves, owt 1 75 (2; 2 75
" dressed 3 50 $ 6 00
Muttons, live sheared. . . 2 50 W 3 00
dressed 5 75 Q 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 U 14
Butter 20 ;)
Eggs, doz 27'j' (ti 30
Chickens, doz 2 00 ud 4 50
Turkeys Ib 15 (tf 1;
What it tht rendition of yourit J your hair dry, haroh,
brlttlet Doct it tplit at the ondt? Bat it a lifelctt appearance t
Poet it fall out when tombed or bruthttt It it full of dandruff y
Doe your tealp iteht It it dry or in m heated condition t If ihett
art tomt of your tymptomt bt warned in lime or you will beeomt
It what yon nwd. Itf production U not an accident, bat the result of cleatlflc re
search. Know led ere of the dlieuri of the hair and hcaId led to the discovery of hovr
to treat them. "Skookum " conuint neither mineral nor olli. It is tint a Dye, but
& (U'litrhtfullr coollnd and refresh ine Tonic. Bv atiniulitlus the follicle, it ifonj
ailing hair, cures dandruff and grow hair on bald htadi.
t W Keep the lualp clean, healthy and free from irritating cmptlona, hy the upc
of ykookwn Sic.n Soup, It destroys paroiitie instots, which feed on and destroy
the h a ir.
ir vour dratTHat cannot iuddit too. send direct to us. ana we win forward
rer-nUl, on receipt of price. Grower, $1.UU per buttle: 6for$i.OO. Sop, SUu. per
57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
Emulsion of Pure Nor
ypophosphites of Lime
Notice of Intention.
J J CVt. . l;l;l. Notice is herntiv avn rht
the following-named settler has tiled notice ef
HIS lllleiltion to HlHkft tillHl nrnnf in flmmm-t. n
lilscluiin, nnd that said proof will lie made be-
iwrtrj. u . iviorrow. i ounrv t prk. at Himntr
mi. ;;.'i:i lor the Gu Nvti N K' ; ski ..,. -n
and NWV, KfM Sec. 32 Tn.'S. S. R 25 E. V m'.
Hniames the following witnesses to prove his
uMiiiiiuipuB iwiucuu-e upon aim cultivation oi,
said land, viz.:
George Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Melssncr,
of Uoosoherry. Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry,
and Isaac Smith, of Lone Hock Oregon.
ws-iw . John W. Lkwib, Register.
Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate.
undersigned, the administratrix of the
foim oi cornci ins urnpou, deceased, will on
incsday the 12thdnyof Becemkcr, at 1 o'clock
p. m. of said uny at the Wesl half of the Norlh-
:iui quarier, and the East half of the North-
One reason why Scot's
wegian Cod Liver Oil and I
and Soda has had such n lunje sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties arc: unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplier the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scoti's Emulsion curas Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
children. Almost as palatutile an
milk. (Jet only tlie iri'niiliie. lre
rmred hy Scott 4 iiowne, Chemists, Now
lork. Hold by all Druggists.
r.trr'!i?.!iai o8
'SnnKwrni;..., uuuu uuuMjiu y -ulsriBmiroim 'BaJU 'BdldtHLr '!
OT1UOSIOJ ill 8,BB8ja pgumimi auinoir Qao,n .,v, .i
: 'siBTOjir D9umuuT .L,.". 7: " .L:;rr.M. ::"a "ik
west cjuarter of section Ihirtv-one (31) to v - PHJ 'uom 'oaoiutra isdidsX ,. "r " 7 M"'lll uiptoh -BaRsaijI 'wo,
ship two ,2) South of Range twenty!..! ,e iWawmZn? 'faa 'BimlM 'tra.,, 'wBIo,3 sqiinoo
Kast oi the Willamette Meridian, sell said d Vl 3 ""''WIHia """"H 'Soa 'saA jpsia HHf3 OX AlOH snw I. . I
John O'Neill, s habitual drunkard
of Walla Walla, oommittjd enioide by
taking morpbiue last week.
Catarrh in the Head
la undoubtedly a disease of tbe blood
and bb iirb only a reliable blood pnri'
tier can effeot a perfeot and uermanent
cure. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the best
uiuuu in.rmer, ana it tms cured njBny
very severe oases ot oatarri, n...k
oftentimes leads to consumption. Take
Hood's Harsaparilla before it is too
Those having business relative to thp
estate of W. Q. Boyer, deceased, will
piease oall at tbe offioe of H.imiltnn ,fc
relamt, who will pny all debts of said
"tnlt. UI, roiieot ail uiouev due 11,
(escribed uremiaes a. noMic ...
bidder for cash iu hand, such sale being made
under and pursuant to an order of the iv,,,.
court of dale September M, lMtt, made-and
entered in said County court of Morrow county
on snid date. 3
l w ill also on said day Rt ihe hour of a nvinw
p. m. of said, day. sell an undivided one-half
interest iu tie saw mill property belonging to
, ..' . "owu as ine v n.te
A llrlieoll null. Said sale will be made to the
oiguesi niuoer with cash in hand upon the
' ..I f . . lul saie nav.ng neen
isa.l, by the honorable County court of Morrow'
f.?,Vn.ty.'.Sit?,0!.0te,u"- tills 21st day of
VJClUDfc!l( A, 1, ll'.l,),
17:t-!Mi M.utY Prisooi.i.,
H.Jaox -bsou aoiiniiiua t
jnsAajj oj dnojo
2K3M, JO s,oom "iwBiSnVMiS . n . . '"iY. J "SHI
'ftuinu SuiAOtuoiT
9U1LMJU ivi Mmi
'rifl Ut I'll L,i,,,r. .
'Off OI Smn r
XtfX 'SDllflAllI J(iT iiiinwilnn-i.i -.. -.1,., ... .74
"IIS 9W JO SOUSBJBJ 'sjubij jo usnuiif Cm
w - ' ' 1.1.
JJiuai s i iiij, XI
osia3uniputiBi(uiiTil pns pooj It BU inillMIV
M 80tI-SlI!I'Ba 'spilBAUI JOJ UOUBdno.il)
sadiua AavaaaKT sjlnih Hxitran ao voob-onvh s.axooi -hQ
WAll new subscribers and prompt renewals during the month of Anc will h.
preeeneed with a free copy of this as a premium. 11 b
A recent New York dispatcn reads:
James C. H- , ane iooking and
apparently healthy man, was observed to
tagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this
afternoon, and after taking one or two un
certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When
picked up he was dead. A physician ex
amined the body ,and pronounced keartdUeau
the pause of death. A peculiarly sad feature
ot the case is that Mr. H was on his
way to Maine, to settle in the home of his
boyhood, lie had passed the previous ten
years in the western mining country, and had
amassed a fortune. If You haven nf th.
symptoms given in the following testimonials
you should lose no time in seeking relief.
.Um ouu ju. xvonerts, Blatington, Pa t
1 have suffered with v.,-i. '..
nuise. faintma ami iMAiWnfl
shoulder; side, and armtfor over forty yean
1' or twelve years have been treated without
avail bv prominent )hv8icians in my neigh,
borhood and in New York. 7i
fttantlvwnMj, .m.l..l ni,. 6,wu
.u ' peus ioiioweu one
Portland, Okeoon. a. P.'ahmstho.,,-. p0,....
Open all the year. Students may enter at anv tim p.i..,.
"1mPeten.cy or inattention of tj, 'nyentions because
KatEULS. inn ttiiinla . . -
Uly .e was oitcn in danger and ZmZ IS- ,lu;u care cannot be exerciser! ir, .TJiT yu ODtain their
I needed constant care. Asmyson hid been frl? ICltors t0, Procure patents, for the valtt of a .pI,y'Df comPetent and reli
cured by Dr. Milerf Nrw Henri t. entirely, upon the care .frl ,nn i, ...value of a Patent depends e-rentl v. if
-i i wifh , ------ im, aiiurnPV. u ' "
vihb, neseni With tii-wi'T " rllL 01 ie attorney.
a 1 101.0.1, - wvuuaci exTiprt in on..i. "r vaiiu narnt-a n?A
five years old f fal rZ""? fit,,.,.. d... .. VTacuce therefore are 3i".X
...: . , - , i'uuKer. ic..u mine n lt c.. .. r -
Vau my cure to De almost a miracle." tertr .. . " ".ira ana
nie three bottles. Ihe
iosiu.it rei.ei. iselore using
. i.uuiiirirri'ureu. Altliouj
T 1 :
i i-iH.in my cure to he almost a mimel.
t !n 1 !"'r fro,n Mr- Joh" Kolges,
of Cleveland , O. : I had been troubled with
-v -uu Bu.iuuen ior vears hut fn- Ei
leen months had been confined to m, hej
I had four of the best doctors in the city, bul
k J f i i i llueweaKne of:
terferences, Make Speciaf Examination, o " Countries. Conduct In
Register Trade-Marks an?S, T Psecute Rejected Cases.
Scope an7vaiidS?Lr gh S' Ker Opinion. to
Defend lnffi roseute and
If vou : ...... . Clc" ttC.
- , - "u mvcunon
- for a reliable OV&
Heppner, Or,
Eliza .1. Bovek,
Q''t- i'r. 93. 71-74.
of our At I mm to ...t,.,.. t
disurdered liver whioh Simmons hU
one u Dr. Mile y Hea tv doeT I VZll nfriaS on your rights 'if vn " 8eIdoni necessary" If
a-much wronger. My appetite iSii l""8; .t the matfer tofoVrte,M.lWWtbV '
A KK1D Iirpntrfh Vtrh J w .
gained more in six weeks from your treat
ment than in sixteen n.on.L. ' ,. 7
doctors." "um "
J-Dr. Mile Sew Cure for tht Heart i, sold
n. n i v. . !t"""i una aoet cure."
Dr. Mile. Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
For gale by T, W. Ayers jr..
O. BOX aa: ' WASHINflTrjM n
,c tth WEDDERBURN' Managing Attorney: '
Cut thi. out anclgend It with y0uf ,noulfv !
Notice of intention.
";: luiiowing named k . 've" ,na'
! Intention T " ha hied notici, of
r fbr
intention to makVS Ir"", n.letl oi
Or., on ao'v.Mhjw.3, vl"'' Ulerk " H"l'Pner,
He name. th (m?...T,.':' " M-
" "wis, itegistfr.
Notice ofjntentbn.
her claim, and th.rlJ.S1 P?00' in
'ore J. W.' MurrZ1 ??.Proo'wl'l be
"regou, on Nov. . . S"I -lerk at
1. .
"aft. t;.
e w
She nan,'.."-,.' ,1" W.M
eontl.,;7.. "' '""owi:
A lci. ot our lrul.
ntlor kn,,d
and tv 'ff??; Grlffln. W
167-177 ""8ue"'oi. all of lone!
w. utwtS)
'Pll FQ "Slit sw"" -
Schenectady, N.y,'
" ifirniMrr CUP
"a loft i.ii-"rV',rT,"lWlIlT
!T a. tc. .