Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 24, 1893, Image 4

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    "i'i-uuii.-d i.k i.i mg piiid cuio"cuusiijiMii..u
I Ko'tirj uiff j.i lis euro o -list i.Hti'H
Almost an puis and medicine produce
liver, bllloa-im'ss, rheumatism, inCiji'sdou, ekk headache and kidney and liver
troubles vlthout crl;.Intj or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, whtcu
ltho prImocausoofrJl Fikncss, beware ef It getting habitual and chronic with you.
aco to 1 t'irs." pills vrill euro yc.i.
L r r i r- rs- orfntiss rectifying pill,
Ar ; :J I p""33 ecauso t Is tho only safo and harmless
g"u dii" M iA&st fcytjPrcnifvly that will surely DEAUTIFY tho
: cloar tLo .ililu and iviiivq all blotehos
ami. -i. wn;i a uox.
Or nout ly mull nix-n receipt of n-b-t- l.y
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
PreuUM lNi'tiryliitf pill euro coi.r,liulim l'routl.na lu-.:liryi:n'Ula euro cojiaupuliou
Proutlws Itortifylinj pills c-irw ronntlpulkm l'rontlns Iipfiffyiiiif piMK cure cotiHtlputlon
a a
J is Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for
11 n nnn hom.iod gold watch ciiaiim iiotauy telescope tooth
1 1 R.Kfln LAIUIR I'lCTUKUN (11x28 lncllCBl
no advertising im them
Tim nbovrt ni-lleles will be distributed, by
ri ii.iii I'lue; iiiiiuiTi), uuu return 10 us 1110 i I
We will distribute. 22G ot these prizes in
I'n THE T'AKTY sen.llni! ns the prentest number of SPEAK HEAD
TAIIS from llaiM eoaiufy we will give
"lo tho'J-'fVIS I'AIITIES Hemline; us tho next grontost number of
M'KAR HEAD TAUS, we will give toelieh, 1 OI'EIIA ULAHH.
To tlie TWKNTV PltTIR-l sending im the next greatest number
of Sl'EAK HEAD TAOS, wo will glvo to curb 1 l'OCKET
To the ONE Ill'NDSiKD PARTIES senillns us the next greatest
number of Sl'EAK HEAD TAOS, we will give to cucli 1
To tin- ONE III'MHIED PARTIES Bendlni! us the next greatest,
mniil,,-!' of Sl'EAK HEAD TAOS, we will eive lo eeeb I
Tolul Kiiuibcr ol' Prizes
CA t'TtON. - No Tuks will he rceelved before Junmiry 1st, lHI, nor lifter February 1st
IKM. E:ieii pneliune eontiilnlng tatrs must he miu-Ueil plainly with Name of Sender, Town.
Comilv. Mate, anil Number of Tags hi eaeh paekage. All charges on packages must be
HIOAIl. -SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value fhnn anv other
(iltlg toliaeeo proiiiieeil. II is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest. NI'KAU lll:Al It
absolutely, positively ami fllNtinctively diflcront 111 tlavor from nny oilier plug tobacco
A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. II, Is the largest seller of any slmilaj
shape am! style on earlh? which proves that it has caught the popular tnste ami pleases the
people. Try It, and participate In tho contest for prizes. See that u TIN TACJ is on everv
10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send lu the tags, uo matter how small the
ouauLlty. ery sincerely,
A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will be published In tub
paper Immediately after February 1st, lsiil.
What It Oobts to I'rcEiorvo Oiiloi
in Europo.
Twenty Million .Icn Iriincd to l'lght
tvery I'lty a II idcl .11 lisclf-A fiec.
la. le Willi, ml f ir- .Ni l In the
W'nria'M tl-:or.
in iMiroia' li)-ila' Ui! ce niiliiiul uu'll,
tin- plivsicul llowcr of t!:c continent,
linvc liccii ihilliier. iiiiiivhinir noil cuuii-tcr-in:ir,'liin,r,
j ,r:i,, I i n' al. t.tivels.
loiirnini; Hie use .,f liavimct t.ml snlici
anil a'rl'i'rinin as nca, iv u.i i. inisililc
in slmin liplitu the cvolin'uiiis uf nclnal
war. It was mi ycsl.'nl.iy. nml last
.Veiir, 11111I thrnu.rh all ihc ycstonlavs of
tWl'lll.v yearn. .Seven tillios iluriiijf this
poriiKl lias tin- i- . 111 11' 1 ..! this vast
llosl liceli 1 i ni'M el; 11 11 i, nt l v tin, iv
uro now about ten:, niiMi.ni liuro
lioaiis not vet licvi ml mi, I, lie lfo win)
linvo liccn Iraincl t;i I he til. I.t'h pru
fi'bsimi titiil wlui cor.UI at liriotVst no
tice taUo tlieic places in the active
army or in the ivi.erve.
Kvcry city lias its ImiTacliS nnd
pariule pniinul, says n writer in tho
Fnriiiii; every frontier fr.nvns witli it
double row of f,,rtiiicatinns. At the
ellil of the nineleeiilli century Kuropo,
from the lKuiro to the Dun, i:; 11 camp
wherein ten times thee limultvil th.ui
Hiitnl of her alili'-Uiiilieil men tire
lilvnuaeUiiie;, ready at a si:;n t,) (.printf
to anus and slay eaeli other. The
upeetaele is without, parallel in the his
tory of the world. Kvou in the lioisler
ous days of nut iqn it y, v. hen wars were
freipient, liirhtiiie was the business of
comparatively few. Alexander's plia
linix ami Cesar's legions were composed
of piclied men, who adopted the. sol
dier's career and followed it until they
were retired or Uilled.
So, too, the armies of Charles V. and
l'liilip II., of Custavus Adolplius 11 ml
Turenne, varied in numbers from year
to year. The majority of Napoleon's
old (juard and of many of his regiments
of the line fou;:ht thi-ou;;h a dozen cam
paigns, and he regulated the quota of
each year's conscription lu'eordine; to
each year's needs. l!ut our r;oneratiou
has witnessed the expansion in Kuropo
of a military system as severe in time
of peace as the old systems were in
war time, a sort of perpetual levy on
Measures which once have been
deemed unjustiliiihle, except In tho
roost threntenrtie; emerfrency, nro now
employed every day, and what was tho
litundard of war has been fixed ns tho
Btaudurd of peuco. l udertho new sys
tem every clipiblo man is, at a Riven
OffC, withdrawn from his trade or occu
pation and converted for three or four
or five years into a soldier, till lie be
comes prolicient in lirintf a breech
loader und in the nppropriately-uamed
goose-step, after which he may pi back
to his civilian culliutr, but with tho
liability of beinir summoned to fiVht at
pr.niss KtH-tltviuj; iilllscurecoiiBttpttllon
Pr-ntit.a Ko-tiryU;g piiiscurecmwtiilon
constipation, tore Is a j-Ul luat, curvs torpid.
from tlie face. Try a box and soc for yor
FOl'R llLADlil)
21,100 OG
r7,750 00
IN ELEVEN COLOUS. for framing.
2S,875 00
$173,250 00
ronnfic, anions parties who chew riFEAH
Logon mereiroiii.
(his county ns follows:
.100 I'ICTUIiEa
fur IIiIh County,
anytime until he is forty-live or Any
years old.
The economic waste which is due to
this system needs no comment. To
estimate the sum we must reckon in not
only the money actually spent on food,
clothes, lodging, arms and ammunition,
tho salaries of ofiieers and the stipend
of common soldiers, besides the build
ing nnd repairing of fortifications, but
also the wealth which these idle multi
tudes could produce were they profit
ably employed. Thus computing,
Kurope is poorer by not less than one
billion a year. Her armed (leaee during
the last twenty years has cost her as
much ns she paid for nil Napoleon's ter
rific campaigns from I.odi to Waterloo.
A Diminutive Deuliey Detents Two Vi
cious Dogs In l-'leree Duel.
A fierce duel was fought a day or two
ago at the all, una distillery, says a
Meadville (l'a.) letter, between an in
nocent-looking, sleepy little donkey
and two big and furious dogs that had
been for days seeking an opportunity
to tackle his donkeyship. The donkey
was running loose in the large, high
fenced bullyanl at the brewery. Hi;
owner, seeing the dogs growling and
eagerly showing their teeth at the bull
yard gate and trying lo ;vet in. con
cluded that he would give the dogs a
If they had been Siberian blood
hounds the burking brutes could not
have rushed with more voracity upon
the seemingly stupid beast w ith long,
shaggy hair and cars. Prancing around
him on both sides and watching their
chance to grub him by the throat to
gether, the dogs, like a brace of raven-
ous wolves, encircled the donkey.
Squinting lazily out of his off eve, the
' donkey appeared most o!li ions to his
danger. The dogs grow lior.vr. As
both were about to catch his throat in
their teeth, the donkey with the speed
of a lightning lUeh lowered his head
and dashed toward t he nearest don as
if with the long-eared head to bunt
him. A buzsaw could nut revoivo more
quickly than did the little jackass at
this point, lie fairly llew around as if
on a pivot.
Both heels Hew out. They landed
quarely amidships on ihe body of the
nearest snapping and sn::r::i r Jo : At
j the same instant one hendrcd and lit'tv
pounds of dog went spinning through
the air and struck the earth ten yards
away, a whining, yelping, whipped cc
nine. Tho fate of dog Xo. 1 w as only an ag
gravation to No. 2. lie snapped a. id
growled more ravenously c.t the i'- :i y
than liefore. lu two r,ii.-.i-.-,e.. 1:1
however, the second M.ya.y u,t
was cavorting over tl,e i .;. l ii w.vr
sets, and the donkey had . !o. c ; hi , es
again mid retired on his laurels. Neith
er big dog can be coaxed near the dis
tillery bullyard ooiv.
On Beneficial Result of Out
.duoly Sport Which CombloM How
Kukiuhlp with ExhllarmtlDC Mus
cular Training ThftGame
Becoming National.
We have, during the past dozen years,
writes CoL T. A. Dodge in Harper's
Magazine, drawn from onrtapof anglo
mania a mug brimful of good. How
easy it is to blow away the froth which
rests on the excellent draught below.
One of the most exhilarating of our im
ported sports is polo, and as it happens
that our plains furnish so excellent a
mount, and our increasing out-of-door
habits so many players the game may
well become a national one. The motto
of the day in English sports is speed.
Fox hunting of the last generation was
a modest performance at a hand gallop;
Sir Roger de Coverly rode to hounds at
a canter. , But within two score years
the cross-country pace has been run up
to racing speed. More and more thor
ough blood has been called for in both
pack and field, and the old-fashioned
hunter of our sires could not live
through the shortest burst to-day. The
same thing applies to polo the faster
and more able the pony, the better the
performance of the rider. You can get
enormous weight-carrying capacity in
an under-bred pony, as well as remark
able endurance, but not at speed.
When you call on a fourteen hands
pony to carry one hundred and sixty
pounds and upward at speed, you must
have blood. Even tho veriest weed of
an undersized thoroughbred will do
wonders in this way. The sudden
bursts or racing pace called out at polo
have made the English breed for small
thoroughbreds. Capital polo ponies
have been raised from the hardy Ex
moor ponies with blooded sires. More
barrel comes of this cross, together
with a certain hardiness; but the little
knife-blade thoroughbred will often
carry as big a man, and endurance at
speed is the inheritance only of his
race. These words, in fact, sum up
that peculiar quality which has not yet
been reached in any other animal, ex
cept, perhaps, the greyhound.
So much for the English pony. Whe
we come to riders, it w-ill be man
years before we can boast the skill o.
our transatlantic cousins, or either of
us that of the Japanese, with thei
light cup-wands for mullets, an
feather weight balls. The America
polo fields by no meais exhibit the
play you see in England. Many a man
here indulges in recklessness which
would warn him off the ground at Hur
lingham. It takes years at the game
to produce the atmosphere which
breeds perfection, and in the twenty it
has been played in England it has well
nigh reached this point. Hut it is well
to persevere. We are making marked
progress in all our sports, and polo may
yet become us much a national game as
" let. us hope withoQl
its commercial aspect.
The American polo pony is no other
than our little bronco friend. Many
come from Texas. Wyoming, Montana. '
The clever cow-pony is ready trained
for the polo ground, lie will catch the
idea of the game as quickly as he
caught the trick of cow-punching, and
he has already learned to stop and turn
and twist as only he can do. When he
is taken oIT tlie cars on arrival here
from his familiar haunts on the cattle
ranges he is the sorriest, gauntest,
most miserable equine specimen one
can find in a day's tramp. In a month
or two you would never guess vour
plump, handsome, able little pony to be
the same individual.
No other animal will recover from
such Strapazen, as the Germans phrase
it. And when he has undergone the
torture of docking, and is finally in
vested with the pigskin, nothing but
the brand remains of the ragged little
hero of the plains.
The pony is used to a single gag-bit.
Hut he is tractable, and not a few will
learu to work perfectly in a snaffle. So
many of our polo-players require the
bridle as a "means of support" that the
loose rein of the cowboy will in 110
wise do. The perfect nolo rider has
not yet made his appearance. L'nder
him the bronco would more quickly be
come the perfect polo pony. It would
take but a few months' training to
teach him to guide by the legs alone, if
need be. Indeed, his Indian master I
made htm do just this. He learns to
follow the ball in a few days. There is '
no sport in which trainiug would be
better rewarded than in polo; and
though it would be useless to aim at 1
the delicacy of the haute ceole for the I
sharp runs and stops of polo make this '
as practically impossible as it is In
hunting still, given a rider with perfect
seat; without a suspicion of riding the
bridle, and a pony which is taught to
guide by leg pressure alone, and it
would seem that they should, other
things being equal, be the best players
in the game.
(intul look arc uiPrt thun akin
L.Mnmli.nf npou ti betittliy ronditmu
mi me tub. orffiwB. If the liver he
Motive, you have h bilious loub, it'
Btomitch be iJiftor.Wfil. VOIl llllVA ,1
peptic, look and if your kidneys be silVct
ds you have a pinched look. .Verne
ifnod health and you will have good
looks. Electric bitters is the great alter
ative and tonic and sots directly on these
vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
boils, and gives a good completion. Hold
bi Mocum-jotiusim Drug Uo., oOo
Work of the I'ulted Stntei Himrit OD
(cogrtiplilc Namei.
The 1'nited States board on geograph
ic names has made its report, and if its
-polling of the names of familiar local
ities near Detroit and Michigan is a fair
eai.iple, those who were educated ill
the grammar schools of this city may
cpi . t to have their knowledge turned
endwise Into a useless incumbrance,
says the Detroit Free 1'ress.
I i rosso l'ointe is now (irossopoint; St.
Mary's river drops the apostrophe, like
wise Sackett's Harbor and all othei
names in which the npostrophe has
hitherto boeu used; Conner's Creek is
now Connors Crook flat; Boone, in
W exford county, is spelled lloou; the
Duck Islands are now known as Duck
island; liroone drops the "e."
The board says spelling and pronunci
ation thaiMs sanctioned by local usage
should be adopted, and then proceeds
to do just the opposite It lays down
the following rules:
"It is desirable to avoid the use of
the words city and town as parts of
"In the ease of names consisting of
more than one word, it Is desirable to
combine them mb) one worn. ,
"The use of hyphens in conmx.t:ng
f arts of names should Im; discontinued.
Nai.ies ending in 'borough' should
he abbreviated to 'boro.'
In names eliding in burgh,' the final
Y should be diopped.
"Tho possessive form should be uvoid
i,l whenever it can be done without de
iiroying the euphony of the nuiuo or
chuugiug its descriptive application."
Uut Uncle Sain and his employes are
tho only ones who will pay any attention
to this sort of word and letter juggling,
f,.r the changes are to appear only in
government publications. The board
was composed of ten men. graduates of
West Point und Annapolis and they
have rigged up a list of changes in
nomenclature that will astonish every
body and hurt nobody.
A Time-Serving Dog.
A resident of West Chester, Pa., isau
thority for the following "dog story,"
as it was recited to him by a soldier:
Troop !' of the Sixth cavalry owned a
dog which accompanied it on every trip.
At the battle of Wounded Knee some
- tl,. animal ivhk abandoned
j and wi.. found in a snowdrift by a ser
geant of 1 troop, wno took 11 aw ay 1010
eared for it. The animal could not be
persuaded to return to its former own
ers and .remained with the sergeant.
One day the sergeant was reduced to
the ranks for some breach of discipline.
From that day forth the dog would
have nothing w hatever to do w ith him
and took up its quarters in another tent.
It could never again be persuaded to re
turn to the sergeant, evidently consider
ing a reduced man as far beneath its
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
discovery know its value, sud those who
have not, now have th opportunity tn
try it free. Call on the advertised dru'
uist. and eet a trial bottle, free. Send
vour narao and address to H. E. Ti'ickler
it Co., Chicsgo, and gt a sample box of
Dr. King s New Ltfs Pills Tree, n well
as a copy of Guide to Henlth and llnnie.
hold instructor, free. All or wlneli
Eiiarantee;) to doynn flood and cost y
nothing. For sale bv Slocnus-Johnson
Drug Co.
So Koyal lb. ail to line Which Will He of
ileal Service.
As there is no royal road to learning,
so there is no royal road to that outward
and visible siq-n of it which consists in
shelves well filled with books, says a
writer in Kstt:' Field's Wis: .hiugton.
The man w ho wants a library c:n not
?et it ready made. II-- m-.--. it is true,
buy a collection of booku f.-.u'ly well
fitted to the nvera.'je mind, but it will
be about as satisiacl. iry tin the. ready
made coat fitted 1 1 t'" nveriffo body.
It will fail to meet his individual eccen
tricities. Nor can the ideal library be .-'tVi-cd
in a hurry. Not'iing is more helpful to
the tone and jt;::!Uy of 11 library than
such a moderate i!'r;Tee of poverty ns
will limit purchases at fiivt to the abso
lutely ci.senlial. la the linyiug of books,
tis in the lmyiri.T of pictures, real dis
crimination cimes only through actual
experience, and it is very unfortunate
to have too nnmy bought at 11 low grade
of development: hut, ont'.ie other hand,
no man should wait to begin his library
until his taste h fully formed, or it will
lack many books which he would gladly
have there, but which would not run
the gauntlet of his mature judgment.
A very common error in buying books
is to start with cheap editions under the
erroneous impression that later on they
may be replaced by good ones. Unfort
unately, the mind of the book lover
will n"t f.ssent to thin plan, however
strong h!s will. The book he takes up
to read is invariably the old nnd shabby
one, i;nd the other becomes only a
splendid bit of decoration, to please the
eye of the visitor. Your pet literature
always tastes bent fit m the page on
which you ongii ally rend it; so. when
you buy a book oi which you tiro likely
tobeci nie fond, it should be in a good
enough form to keep. At least, paper
nnd print should be ;.o respectable that
a new- binding will be all the change
necessary. With the. hnbiUml student
the sense of location is very highly de
veloped. In his own library In finds
things by their position on the page,
and can t io n at once to any given pas
sage in a fe.niiliar author, llv.t put him
in a room full of strange editions, and
this laboriously acquired sbith sense
becomes utterly useless.
The taste for fine bindings is a liking
apart from the love of books for what
they contain, but it is by no means an
ignoble tendency, and adds vastly to the
o'sthctic effect of a wcll-choscn library.
The housing and care of books, too, is
a subject not beneath the notice of
even the profoundest student.
A Medical Firm Cites Away Cash.
J. F. Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green,
wich St., New York, the manufactur
ers of that favorite cathartic known ai
Smith's BUo Beans, have adopted a
novel plan. They ask the individual
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full
name and address, with an outside
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans
(either size) to their office, and they
give f3 for the first wrapper received
in each morning's mail, and $1 for the
!d, 8d, 4th, 6th and 6th. Every day
$10 in cash Is thus sent to their cor
respondents. Ask for SMALL site.
Substantial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A man oner fntensl a priion .here vaa eonHnex!
I oon,l,-inii,,,l c-riininiil. On miking . rtqumt to t
en.lii, id mto the pmienc ol tlie .loomed m.n. the
isilor n.lonni il Ilia! nunc but trlatitea wen- permit-
, mil nalrra have I mno, bul that man a (lb. pruwaei .1
,,'Iht i. my lather. ion.
11? was at onee taken to the prisoner Now what ra.
alien aaa the iiTtawii.-rtnlhe.iaitorf
lie Ai!ttnilturil l-iihli.hinn r.impanj will lire a a
I'' 'V e 10 M ''""n iru.ilnii Iho nrn eorrwt an-
. to the smiral; 3r,l. 250; 4ih. luo- 5th
l. ami over MI.IM oth-r rew.. i,.i.i ,Vla,, .a
.it-nna. ta,l, and sent. inj aiher .."-aeal,,,
mi-ei, .1, .mend rinin, ete
To ihe wiwa irn.iimi the lant correct anawer will h.
Iirrn a hiKh-toned piano to llie iieu t,. 1, , ,,, 7
UU.KK.-lll All an.ri mint, he ont liy mail anil
ar iwaimark not h.ierlhun lie.-, 31. 1SJ1 T, 5,.,l
nt, .-harp, whalevrr to ..,, hi, ecmiwlil on, l"l al
.ho loinpeie are upected to lend ovl dollar or .7,
Jiomha. aulnrnntlon to either Till I.ami" Hoi!
MMiauxs. or Tilt Casalus A i K let-it i k i aivl i
.1 the eholeeat. ,lh,.tr., Krtislk.k of" Ti
All prut winner! will U- etpev.,,1 1 ,i "';.,,
Jit our circulation HI The tint correct .,.;? J
wndera pctinark taken tu all ca ii .i 7, ',!t
K aato p.. awry on. an eoinu chinee. e uiat er wh, n
or ma, raaldel will KVure th , ml i nZ, ,Z
weond, then.it prire, and o on P '
Tbi AomcraTCKisT an old wtat-ll.hnl cenrr,
and pe.ap.in arnnl. mean, lo enable ,t to .a,,.!
I',1" "4 Prln.l Uit of "'L'cr w
Jfromi.-Tn. fellowln, wellknon intl,r,,n h...
ar. tairly .inloi : c'uuunisl.ie ui- , . , I ,
eatoitt . Line of steamer,!, IVie T,,Tv i"i V
Robertaotv FreikWrn Tin,.,. l.( "A-
,u" n.ai.ir au moll., etleie. A,..;iri i. w
Buutiin Pia I'o 11 oil t-,... " .. '-'-.'rwi. AKJ
The StuJebaker wag-ou heads them ail.
For sale at Gilliam k Biibee'a.
Gladstoah3 y
A clear Head'
WHY? Because he fellows these
ruki; -K-ep the hesd cool, die M
warm, and the bowels open." Y011
vunhave a -kar heud and live lo ba
niaetv if you do the same tlanf.
When die bowi-l feU to inwvo dur
ii.K tu day tcU on retiring two
Smith's iV Bile Beam. Their
action is so rr.ild that you are not
aware of it. All dayyourniindw.il
be clear ami cool. "No! a gripe in a
I arrel of ilu-m." Aok for smflll siie.
Take no substitute for SMITH'S
tit !'
W Wail ill I'lJ MMWinncw, trin!"T.
tn, ny. ni-rviiiu tsolllM. 1. I Irvoui ocui...,,
unnatural dliclmreM. loll minhood. cW.pond.ney, nl
D. . 10 m rry, wiin iw.y ol the oryMf. "';;
r,piU y f ur.d by ..10 ..d'J mem""1 - C"' P"
guir.nid. tlut-it.on llnokind Dooklroe. ctlluwtlM.
120 N. Ninth St., 8T. LOUIS. MO.
Give the matter a little tbmiell
Reference is made to tbe neat hard
ware, tinware, plumbing, etc, st"ck o
Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' hall. He de
sires to please in bolh quality and price
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & Mc Far
land, hiss lately changed hands, now be
ing under the control and management
of The MoFarland Mercantile Conipmiv
which coutinues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
At Abrahsnisick's. In addition to liif
tailoring business, he has added a fun
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on baud
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrnhamsiok, May street, Heppuer, Or.
DR.DODD'S Cure tor
Kvcry owner 01 a horse aliouM keep
II on'hind. 11 mav live Ibe lik 01 a
viluiblo animal. One packnrfe will
cure eight 10 ten iiae.. rnce Sl.liu,
Sent by mall o exprell. our AC.
count Book, w Icli eontainlhlDtiH)
table keepen. mill, d free
II. stJiMl.V ft Uo., C Pint St.
Sr. Louis, no
The Old Reliable
Kstabllshedss years. Treats male or remain,
married or single, In cases of exposure,
abuses, excises or Improprieties. SKILL
GUAKANTlCKD. Board and apartments
furnished when desired. Question Blank
and Book free. Call or write.
2S Tears' Einerleiieo In treatlnsr all varl.
ties of Rupture enables us to guarantee a
positive cure, ijuestion isianK ana iiooi
tree. Call or write.
323 Pine Street, - Uf. IX)UI, MO
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tt-
same as used by thou mnda of woman all over tt-e
United Stntoa, In tho ?LD DOCTORS private mail
practice, for 89 years, and not a alnul-) bad result.
Money returned tf not aa represented. Send 4
Cents (stamps) fo? sealed particular!.
OS. WAED INSTITUTE, 120 M. ITInth St., Ei. Loult, Vtt
ithout the um
'knife Queition Blank and Rook free. Call
or wriw . UK. kX. IS. 5U ITS,
822 Pina St fit. LOUIS, Uo,
tin lUL'CCV ANY LADY, employed or tmemDlovad
VlU n ff LLIti can maketlmfrr a few houri work eauh
day. Pslury or commission. ttO eamplea frae Addron
H. BtNJAMIN AC0..822Plnebt..St.LOUll,Ho.
Reduced li to 25 ooundi net mtntK. No -
tarvlng, no inconvenience, 10 bd reiulli, nonnuwiui
"'"". a rL'Hiiiitfiii prrjeuy nsmtuBi uu imc.iy cuna
dential. Onenfion Bl nk anrl Book 1 rw. Csll or write.
DH. li. B. BUlTS.miii'.nebtreat.bt.Louii, MO.
-APT can pet a valuable secret that
cos i me 50. w, ana a rubber s Wei tl sorSOcmt
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Caveats, Trademarks. Di,.si,'i Fs!s. Ccijn's'i's
Aud -ill Patent bn-.in ,-rr -.:;:rr, d fcr
hformatlmi and nilvlre trh t.;, hi .-enMrs ?;l:iiom
eaavge. Address
press clajks co,,
.iohk whdo;:rd'jh,
Aiaiii'b'ia- AjtoiLcy,
O. Dox 46S. Wasmuotos, D.C.
SfT-TDlE Company is nunaged by a comhl-.atlon or
'''n"1' l Inilni-nrlul n.-v,s , lh.
:te,IWa,ra,f ,-,,-.s, p,:, ., .- proll.rU
ln; their aiiWrr.ee. -.u,,,, ,i,(.,nll0,ll
ll'.d l.!-.0llir tu:t I'.i, ,. Avu:.., ,1 rai l, a.,,,.
Jtlse Early and Die Early.
Early rising- and a sponging down in
the morning have always been consid
ered essential to good health and long
life. That is a superstition, says a Ger
man writer on dietetics, whose observa
tions have just been published. "U
least eight out of ten persons over
eighty whose cases were investigated
Uv.v. ., icoeu until well into the
small hours, and did not pet up atrain
until late in the day. Earh rising tfTZ
..!,... . .1 . " . . " 6
-uv uie pnysical powers and to
shorten life." And an English publica
tion maintains that "long livers we
really all persons who habitually ab-
v a u 8 i5 ,0 the lazJ' the dirty;
finding excuses for all the emnt i..
and vicious , hams o, fu.hionabIe.no"
1 ILLL Mil" UllliUiuu
! Fl F" edr for Catarrh I. ik. !
E,a neir, Ku. , r.. , "r " Bra - ItAnire in
On sale
Kansas City, St.Taul,
St. IvOiil
Train leaves Heppuer. 10 a. m. 'rive'
6:20 p. m , daily except buotlny.
tillniaii sieetjern,
Coloiil-t ept"'")
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners-
Steamers rnrtlBiut t nan a-i....u.r.
every rnur imys.
For rstes and general Information call on
Depot Ticket Anent,
j. c. Hirr
Ileppner, Oregon.
W. I!. HUKIJtUKT. Aaat. (Jem. I'H. Agt.
IM Wiahlugtou tit.,
tue- eitful wracticf. Tretn
Tb worrt f ormi poii.
'tlirely card 3 year
brmiil oral office. Teriuilow. Qnc-tion i lllan an.
Beokfrn. Call ot write. DR. WARU INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St..St.Louli,Mo
Mtful practici". i reiment connuBiiiiBi. vmr
Df. Hash's Belts & Appliances
Aa electro-ffalvanifl aanerr w
bojleu into medicated.
Belts, Suspetisorlea, Spl
mil AppliHncea, Alxlolll
inal buiportrst Vesta,
Druweis, Oltleo Cups,
liiHiklns. etc.
Cures Blienmntlsm, I.lver and Kidney
Complninta, Dyapnpalli, lirrors of Youth,
i.nufc Mniilioofl. Nervnuaneaa. Hexnal Went.
nam, and all Troubles In Male, or 1 einale.
Queation Blank uiid Book free. Gall or
Volta-Medica Appliance Co.,
133 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Foot-Prints oa the Patli to Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advice
should read one of Dr. Foote's dime
pamphlets oo "Old Eyes," "Cnmp,"
,'Rnptiire," "Phimosis," "Varicocele,"
Disease of men, Disease of Women, ftnd
learn th- best mentis of sel -cure. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New
While you keep your subscription paid up yeu
can keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Homes G(i on left
rthouldet; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der ii on left shoulder of horses; cuttle Bauie
on lefl hip.
Allison, O.D., Eight Mile. Or. -Cattle brand,
O D on left hip ana horsea same brand on right
shoulder. Hange. Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Homes. JA con
nected on let t flank; cattle, same on left hip.
rlartholaiuew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Hiiraea
orauueu i e. oh miner auouiuer. Jtange in Moi
row county.
Bleakmsn. Geo.. Hantaan, Or. Horses, s flag
onleft Bhoulder: oattle same on right shoulder.
..on,,. ., nnruiiian, ur.-1 attie orand.
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in eaeh ear.
Brenner, Peter, lincseberry Oregon-Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle sums on
right Bide.
llnrke. M St 0, Long Ureek, Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left Br un.
tier half crop off right. Horaes, eame brand on
let ft ehoulder. Itange la Grant and Morrow
HroBman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horsea branded 7
i i, k ii ' oralis i on tne left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear neper slona.
tfiirton, Wm., H ppner, Or. -Horses, J II on
r.ghl thigu cattle, aame on right hip; split in
each ear. v
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horses 111 on the
right Btitle; cattle same on right hip; range Mor
row county. '
Brown, j. L Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle
0 sa.in' " f' f"r uu j.oft hivi auie' m-
Brown, W J Una, Oregon. Borscs W bar
.., .,c .uuuiucr. bailie same on left
Boyer, W. 6., Heppner. Or.-Horses, box
brand or r phi hip cattle, same, with split iri
Borg. P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P Bon left
shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip
. rM'f8' W-J- V"H)',Httle- Jlj connected
on ef I side; crop on left ear und two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses snrn,
Grcount 'e" "'"thl """ in F'
ed (J on righrshfle T ,Ue m"SSSSt
right riba crop and split in each eur. C,
i A'"..: V fj " "fmer, Or.-Horses brand.
"'.?'. .', a,'rrow comities.
t ain.il... Culeh I lr V 1 1 ....
jJeb.Or -V I, ' horte8 oniB(t sti(j
U With OUarte; e e . 8 '.
and Vt etifle on allcoi a "0" d r 5 yZ,n
left shoulder only on all horaes over 5 yeare All
range in Hrant county. "years, an
Chirk, Wm. H. Lei a. Or.-Horses WHC con
neetotl on left shoulder; cuttle same on righ
' Ckte Chu, Mll"vT Mli Um1"llu '"
., V? ' w ." y,!S'in or Lena, Or Bora
.""ir.ff.1'011 ."le aame tin right To"
I'oeil , ii i """'"a eounties.
eehrhioone:a,J,l; lmJjth. PEftb' .
in right ear. aplit' i u "m ",t bit
T'L1-,! "t"' '"verted A aud sneur nldni
Cook, A. J..Lena i)r .,... .... ...
de. Cattle, samaon rn,),7 i . '." el""'
el Cattle, eameon right hip:
rop ofl left and split in right.
mars sentin
left. title"- - La. Or. -Horses. X ,,
Cox Ed. 8 Hardmnn, Or.-(itla C .1,1
Cochran HT !;K 0,1 ,6ft
shoulder: cattle same brand o fc ,''m
under slope both Tr! ,r.Sj.f th '"l1.
H llHrrlnmn II u
-.on right lu'n. Cattle l.e.'i.i.': "rhd"l
tin' fr't n l,Vs fleT,,,,' -d
1 Elltotl. Weal, O..."
right shoulder. "puer, Or. Diamond on
Emeij-,1 . ., Ilarilman. Or.-Horaea h.. a a
.) 1 1 everaHi t.wiih mill 1.0 ! ,bnoed
- eruiiii on lithi i , I" flmuider; eaU
H-vk. Juck ' ' iii a ,".1',rr'''' omaty.
S't",' J'T'-' ""in" "me li
" lV" ..,..1, i r,gh, und" crop
bar under on right
Florence, 8,
P. Heoonar Or u ..
right ehorJd,
TrLToW.V ht hip or'tuigV
WF, with bur over i Ta.frf attl t5dsd
ear. Horaes. aame hr,.,,H i. i V croD " left
shouli er. or--GA:
s.lOr!,S SIo1nISaSh,OCl,00" P
aame on left etiie ', ,.i " 1 " houlder; vent,
earmarks cn,prirB' r38n, hoth hi,,.'
Itangeju Gilham. clK
l,.. ,. "''.' i. on lett it. tia
ei 1 1. n ""f Ull conn t ies .
Morrow LdvJ ,oa iU hip.
morrow and lauudUoountiea. Pl !
flinton AJeiika, namill.in.Or--('jiitf),(won,i
on either hip; crop in riithl ear iuhI split in left
Mora,, J on r.glil Uiigh. lUng. iu llriu,, oounly
Hu'in Hiaul. Wagner, Or ,T f ,
colinected)ou right aht,nlilorouh.,n,.; one,ule
on right hip and on left side, swallow f,.r VI'
right ear and alii in left. Uangn ln H,.,?
diatriel.M.nri'W oonuty.
Hale, Mlllou. Wagner. Or.-Horae. branded
-O- icircle with parallol tail.) u left ahoulduV
IjeUlosaiue ou U-fl hip alao large oirel. on left
Hall. Klwln. John Uay.Or. little E Hon ril .
hip; horse, aame on right ahouldor. haajTi,:
timiit county. "ui
Howard, J L, alloway. Or. lloraea.
with linr almve 111 mi eiun, .1 i ' "'"a.
, . ',. ...'nimnr CHIlia
same on l.rteide. Hange in Morrow and Uaiii-
llughea. Mat, Hepnner. Or. Horaaa ahailn.1
heart on the left ahouldor. Itange Morrow i'iT
Hiiiiaaker, H . Wagner. Or. -Horaaa. V un I'.r,
ahoiililHr;catle.9onTefthil.. ' un le,t
llardiaty, Allien, Nye, Oregon Horses A H
connected, on lefl shoulder; t aula on Uia'let
hip. onip off left ear, ul" M
llnmiilireYa, J SI. liartlman, Or. Horses, H on
HayHH, J. M., Heppuer. Or. Horaea, wineglaaa
on left ahoulilet cattle, same on right hip.
litiHlon. I.llther, Kigtit .Mile, I )r. Horae Hon
the left ahoiililerand heart on the loft .title ('At
tie same on lefl hip. Uange in IVlorrnw euiu,tv
Ivy, Alfred, long Creek, Or Cattle 1 un
right hip, eropotl left ear and bil in right, lloraea
same brand ou left shoulder Itange n Grant
Juukin, H. M Heppner, Or Horsea, h,)r,.
shoe J on lefl shoulder. Cattle, tlie um.
itange on Kighl Mile. nmt-
Joiinstai, Felix, Irfoia, Or. Horaea. oirelaT on
left atino; cattle, same on right hip, under hf
orop in right and aplit in left ear
JenkiiiB, l W.,Mt. Veniou.Or. J onhorseson
left ahouldor; on oattle, J on left hip and two
einooth croi on botb ears. Uange iu Fox and
Hoar vulleys
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hones branded
KNY on loft hip cattle nam. and crop off left
ear; under aloa on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. lloraea !) en left
ehontder; oattle. lis on left hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner. or. tloraee. 17 on eitlier
Haiikicuttle 17 on right aide.
Kirk. Jease. Ilepuuer. Or.: horae- II nn ln.
shoulder; cattle same on light aide, uuderbit ou
right ear.
Kumborland. W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 k m,
cattle on right and left aides, swallow fork in 1( ft
ear and under oiop in right ear. Horaea same
brand ou left shoulder. Itange in Grant etniutv
Lofton, Stephen, tox, Or. S L on left Inn
on catllu. crop and eplit on right ear. Uorsos
aauie brand on left ehoulder. Uange Urant
Lieuallen, John W., Lrt-.l -ir' Or. Ilttrsea
branded half-circle JL conneotod on leftahoal.
dor. Canto, aaine on left hip. Kuugo, near Lex
ington. Leiihcy, J. W. Heppner Or Horaea branded
L mid A o-i lelt ahoiiiUor; Cottle same on left
hip, wullle over risht eye, three slita iu r.ght
Lord. George, llappner. Or. Horsos branded
double 11 coi.neeli. Sometimes culled a
awing H, on left shoulder.
MiirkUm, A. M., Heppner, dr. Cattle large
M on icl't aide, both eut-a cropptsl, and split in
bo,h. lloraea M on left hip. Itaugo, Clark's
Minor, Oaenr, Hopimer. dr. Cattle, M D oo
right tnti; hiirse. Hon left shoulder.
Moruiili. ti. N.. lleonner. Or. Ilnnwu M
on lett sliouldei cuttle aame on loft hip,
MeCtimber, Jae A, Echo, Or. Horaea, M with
bar over ou right shoulder.
Morgan. Thoa., Heppuer, Or. Horses, circla
T on lefl shoulder aud left thigh; cuttle, '6 un
right thigh,
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horaes, 77 ou rialit
hip; untile, 77 ou right aide.
iilcCiarou, 1. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
tigure lion eaeh shoulder; oattle. M2on hip
MeCuny, David II., Kcho, Or. Horses brandsd
UM connected, ou the left shoulder; cuttle aame
ou hip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork ou cattle ou ribs aad uuder in
each ear; horaea same brand on left stifle.
McHuiey, 0. V., Hamilton, Or. Ou Horaes 8
with half circle under ou left shoulder; on Cattle,
four burB connected on top ou tne right side
Kunge in Grant County.
lueal, Andrew. Lone Itoek.Or, Horuea A N con
nected on left shoulder; cuttle name ou both hipa,
Mordyke, E., WilTerton. Or. Horsos, oirole 7 oa
left thigh; eat tie, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A on oattls
on loft hip; on horaea, aame ou left thigh, Uange
iu Grunt county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Pinirie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP connected on left hip; horaos on left nulla
und wartle on uoao. Itange in Grant oounly.
Petiraou, Oluvo, Eight Mile. Or. lloraea, quar
ter circle ehielo ou left ahouldor and 24 ou loll
hip. I utile, fork in left our, right cropped. 24
ou loft hip. Uange on Eight Mile.
Porker & Gleuson, Hurdmau.Or, UonieslPoa
left ahouldor.
1"i?r,'.t,rl"'t' LtairiKton, Or.--Hor.-ea brand,
e h (L., conueoiod) oi. left ahouldor ; cuttle
a nio on light hip. Uange, Morrow county.
l iper, J. U Lexiligion. Ur. -rloraea, Jit coll.
I u ""f01" ' ouiuer cmue, aame ou left tun.
uuder bum each ear. v
1-ett',,i;"1"n0r'.'' Lor8e diumond Pc
i . . Liie, J li j connected, on tiu,
loft hip, upper elopo in left ear aud slip in the
Powell, John T., DayvUle, Or-Horsea, JP con.
ueced on left shoulder. Cattle OK oouuected on
left hip, two uudar half cropa, oue ou each ear
wattle under throat. Kurgein Grant county
llood. Andrew, Hurdmun, Or.-iloraee, auuure
croa. with yuurter-circle over it on left stifle
lieuinger, Chris, Heppuer, Or.-Horeea, U U on
lefl sliouldei .
Itice Dun, llardmau, Or.; homes, three panel
worm fence on left ehoulder; oaUle, DAN oil
right shoulder. Uamre near llur.lmun
i Aaron, Heppner. Or Horaea, plaiu V on
left Bhoulder; cuttle same brand reversed e,
right hip and orop olt right ear. Uange in Mor
row county,
Kuah Bros., Heppner, Or.-Horaoe branded a
on the right shoulder; cuttle, IX on the loft nip.
crop ofl lelt car aud dewlap ou nock. Hange h
Morrow and udjoiulug oouutiea.
iuat, William, Itidgo. Or.-lloreos It oa
left shoulder; cattle, 11 on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, uuderbit on left ear. sLeep. it ol
weathers, round crop off righ ear. xtaugo Uiu
tilla und Morrow oiuuties. 1
i '"TI1',. nirw. Lexington, Or.-Iiorsel
branded A 11 ou right shoulder, veut "ZZ
circle over brand; cattle aunie on right lu
Uange Morrow county.
Boise, Wui. 11, naii-v-villo Or uu ..a
with ouarler circle over u,p on cuttle mri7h,hip
and crop oil right eur and split in left. Borse.
same brand on left shoulder. Uuugo in HorroT
brunt aud Gilliam couutiea "orrow
hector. J. W., Heppner,' Or.-Horsos. JO ol
lelt ahouldor. CalUo, oou right hip.
Spickuull, J W., Uooaeberry, Or - Horses
count " " 8hUld"ri li lio
...?f 1i',n?' ('' i( H"""'"', Or-Horaes branded
on lelt shoulder; oattle auma ou loft hip
Swuagari, B, t., Lexington, Or7-Horea
w.i , uaah uuder it on loll autle oattle STith
uuah uuuer it on right hip, crop ofl right ear and
wuudlod on right UU(1 1. CSa i Crew.
Uiilianiuud Omutillu oouuuoa w,
ufZtfT1- L-'A-it""a- Or.-Ilorao. brunde.' 2
un leu ahouldor; ooilio aamo ou loft, hip. (Jron
on ear, wuttle ou left hind leg
j t'1'.' W; ""PPaor, Or.-Horses sliuded
J b ou lo;, allhe; uuttlo J S ou loft tiiu ewailow
lork in nghi eur, uuderbit iu left. WIU""
mruutt'utiry" auar
H Z "ro-." u""V'lle. Or. Horaes, branded
W"! oaltie, amoonleft shoulder.
JS on lei,' .f ,"' Ari""u'. I'oraea branded
waodle 1, ,'ou"'!1 ! tho eame, alao nose
btephena v" AlnHloJOW 'md Ull'iu, """,t"'
SS' V. A., llardmau, Or-i horaes SSoa
right sutle; cattle honzoutal L un the right aide
on nJh, T'-4"" A; ,'.UPl"r.Or.-Lttl,
on right hu ; swullow-fork in loft ear.
leOWf8Ui ,' U' W'l Hw- Or.-llorsea, 14 on
lelt snouiue. ; cutUe, 41 ou left uiu.
Bperry.E. G, Heppuer, Or. - Cattle W 0 on
ierL.'J' T " a'Ml "d uuderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses n Uan left ehoulder.
Ihoiupsou, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horues, 5 on
lelt ahouiu, r; Cattle, i on lett shoulder.
llpiJOte.S.T..,,ninrnriu. 1 lr u...u i.e.
Bhomuor, ' ' '
luruur K. W.. Han,,,,.. nn u u .-. i n.
"-e"".. wi. ouitui capital i
'"'.V 8"uf ai"' I'orses; oattle sumo on left hip'
Wlln aplit m bull. ours.
lhomtou, II. M., lone, Or.-HoreSB branded
H I couneclod ou left autle; ehoeu aame brand.
Vauderpool, H. T.. Lena, Ort-Horaes H V ooa
uocteu ou right shouldor;calUe, same oa right,
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horaos. U. I.
ou tlie loll ahouider; cattle same uu tight hip.
ciop oil lelt oar uud right tar lopped.
Wiioon, Jolui y Bulem or Hoppner, Or
iloraua briuiued Jv ou the loft ahouider. huug
.Uorrov oounly.
Warreu, w U. Culeb, Or-Caltlo W with ouarler
circle over it, ou i8fl aide, aplit iu ngul ear.
lloretw aamo bru.id on lelt shoulder. Uuuge in
Grant couuty.
Wright, failae A. Heppner, Or. Cuttle branded
O V OU Uie right hlU. M.inuru op.... .... Hwi.. air
aud split in lelt.
wade, Houry, Heppnor, Or. HorBee biaudsd
see of apuues ou leit shoulder aud left Iub
tl11?, br,lUli aume ou left aide and loft hip.
W elle, A. S., Heppuer, Or.-Horeoa, on left
ahouldor; can a aume.
W oltinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsas
three purallol oars ou left ahouldor; 7 ou snoop,
bit iu bolh ears. Uauge in Grant aud Maihuar
Woodward. John, Heppuor, Or. Horsea, OP
connected ou left shoulder.
Watkins, Liahe. Hoppner, Or. Horaea branded
Ut connecteuon loft atitte.
Walluoe, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, holt in left ear; horeee, W oa right
"'oulaer, eom, same on left ahouider.
hiltier bios., nunimgiou. Baker Co.. Or.
Horsea branded W B. couueuleu on left ihouidsr
Williams, Vascu, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over throe ban, on left J.ip, both cullle sail
iS"o "H"" Gruut counly.
vv illiuma, J o. Long l reek. Or Horses, out'
lei circle over throe burs ou left hip; oattle same
w ""' I1' r ""one in I, nun eonnty
vv ' en, A. A., eppuor, Or. Horaos running A A
on alMiulder: I'allie. aamej.n riglo i .
VWilker F h vi. ho, l. .b u....i.nan Hp.
utile branded (K W connected) EVV on left
!ide horaea same on right shoulder. J. W
naiser e cutil.-, tan, eon lelt hip, homes saml
"V" "1,liuluw- An range ln Morrow county,
tJ'0110 - J- . GooaeberrJ.Or.-BonHi. rmuida.
JBoo tie ngiit ahouular.