i f 1 I NurifK Tf AMVKUT1HEKS. IMWK iHmiriwc tli' lnfurHmi nMfi)lftjr tU.t tr rliauKt'ot stinie. tuuni Rut thiIr copy in tint later timn Mmtd i uiiiiiif for TuemJay'B eilittiMi, or Tlnimiuy 4'tci.iug for KrhUyi eul. Mol. THU I'TTKKoN iMim.lMHINOCo. NOIK'K. 1. The iudi r( rive eei ?t tint: will be cburnod fur 'curds of thankg," "resulutloua of rettuoct," 1UU ol wed lin ptvetita aid iluiio.s, Kid obituary notices, (oilier ttiaa thorn the edit ur shall hliimflf (five as a nutivir of news,) uiid uoticeB of special meetiugr tor whatever purporte. 2. Notices of church and nnr1tty mid nllnthr entertttt union to from which rev emu1 1b to he de rived, ahull be charged for at the lute of t.ve tcnot a Hue. Thene rules will be MtU uy aillier ed to in every instance. AdvertUliiK raten reasouable aud made know u ujkju application. We hold each and every correspondent re BpoiiHlhle for his or her communication. No correHiKindence will be published unless the writer h real uarne Is signed a an evidence of good faith. I P. FISHER, NEWHPAFEH ADVKKTIS JLJm li)K Agent, 21 MerchautB Exchange, Hhii Kraiiciaco, in our authorized ageut. This paper is kept on tile in bin otlice. TIME TABLE. htage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaven as follows : Every day at (i a. m., except Huudiiy. Arrives every day at G p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. J. d. DELEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. Owe your bumnenH to Heppner people, and therefore axaint to build up hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There, Hoon's Pills cure all liver ills. Joe Kolmun went below on Saturday 'a train. 0. 8. VauPnyn loft yesterday for Port laud. Bud Shobe got back yesterday from Canyon City. W. A. Johnston returned from Port laud i'nday evening. 0. A. ltliea went down to Portland Monday un business. Dan Hornor departed Saturday to at tf ml court at Union, Or. We will take wbeat on subscription at 50 oeuts per bushel. Geo. Couser was a passenger for Port laud on yesterday's down train. 'Squire Jones, Bruoe Haines and Ed. Asbbaugh wire iu our city Friday. Mis. Margaret VouCadow returned from Portlaud Saturday evening. Pills promote ooustipation Simmons Liver Regulator cures ooUBtipatiou I Mrs Geo. Couser is visiting Hon. Joe I Thomas aud wife at Arlington this week. J Mrs. W. F. Forwood departed on f yesterday's down tram for The DalleB. 1 The Heppner Canyon stage line is the 1 best, cheapest and quickest to the in i terior. I Post Commander Smith of the Lexington f country, was in the city Saturday on i business. A Chinaman wns Btabbed to death at jPendleton laBt week by a brother Celestial. 1 Dyspepsia in all its forms is not only "relieved but cured by Simmons Liver 'i Regulator. I The first fall of snow for this section immediately about Heppner appeared Sunday morning. Miss Ada Jones, one of our prominent school teaoherp, has returned from a visit to the World's Fair. John A. Stevens Biid 0. L Derrings, traveling fenoe ami sign paiuters, were In Heppner over Sunday. I Koes Benrdsli y has moved back to Arlington. He has resided in Portland for moie than a year past. The Keeley institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine end tobacco habit. See ail. Mrs. Green Ma hews was quite ill last 'week, but ia better again. Her ailment was a Bu-bmembrane aboess. Hurry Woods is working as extra con ductor on a local narrow gauge down iu San Luis Obispo county, Gal. I We learn that the little daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Charlton has been ivery ill sinoe going to the valley. 1 1 Saling Bros, were in Wednesday from lEigbt Mile. They report grain badly 5 damaged bv the recent beavy rains. I Every man who takes any interest in f fast stock should subsoribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. The Gnzette will take county scrip at face ou subscription, and pay balanoe of same in cash at highest market prioe. 7-6U Brakeman Miller departed Saturday for Kansas City, and will return about the lust of this month aooompanied by bis wife. Clerk Morrow has gent on bis petition of 400 names praying for an extension of tbe time in which to purchase railroad lands. Mrs. Theron Fell departed yesterday for her old home at Bloomington, Ills. She expects to remain East about three months. B. L. Lei aud is with E. J. Slocuui at present, going over tbe stock. Ben is making quite a difference in its appear ance, too. H. A. Cupper and family were over from the John Day Sunday. Tbey came especially to attend Jfipieoopal services. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to tbe furniture store on Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair cuts and tbe like aways on tap. Rev. W. E. Potwine held services in tbe M. E. churoh. South, last Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m , and at 4 o'olock, p. m. He returned to Pendleton yesterday. Don't ovi rlook J. B. Tedrowe at the Arcnde when thirsty. Half and half and fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine stock of liquors and oigars always on band. Give Ted a oall. Mo A tee Bros., having reopened the Palace bar, kindly ask for a continu ance of their former patronage. This is by all odds the finest bar in Heppner. Tbe boys keep a good stock. Oall on them. Gid Hatt bag purchased Hick Math ews' interest in the City Hotel barber (hop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts, etc., diabed up in the best of Btyle. Baths for tbe millions. Youog Gaskell's sentenoe for assault is ten years. He escaped conviction on the first charge, that of being accessory to tbe mu'der of Petrie. Gaskell lived above Weston, in the mountains. Tbe half rate secured for the Knights, over the Union Pacific, for their receut. "time'' nt Heppner, sayea the Grand body 8300. Railroads rarely ever give such onnoesni ns. Harvey Allen, who has been riding Champaene through Oregon, Washing ton and Montana, returned home Friday. Dave MoAtee. he renorts. has gone to J California tith bis horses. 1 ij p . i . iirrnmo. unci .1 w I nnmnHoo. I having disposed of their territory for the sale of thair etraw-burning attachment for stoves, departed Monday morning tor Idaho Mr. Girtamer is the patentee of that attachment Btid Mr. Thompson is disposing of tbe coast territory for bim. As a patent broker Mr. Thompson is quite s success. "During my term of service in the army 1 contracted chronic diarrtitoa," ', says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. , "Siuce then I have need a great amount of medioiue, but when I found any that would give me relief tbey would injure my aiowucn, until i Laoiberlain's CoJio, Cholera Diarrbcsa Keujedy was brought . to my uotioe. I used it and will say it is ttie only remedy that irave me Derma- lieut relief and no bad results follow." I l or sale by Slooum-Jounaon Drug Co. Ed. Day leoeived by express last even' ing, two imported buoks, one Spanish Meriuu aud the other a Ddaiue. The latter took tbe first prize at the World's Fair. The Gazette's editor saw tbe sheep down at Lum Morgan s this morning, and will state that in bis opinion they are the finest sheep that ever struck tLe Heppner lulls, The oase of Tib Mills cmne up before Justice Mullock last Friday, but was continued owing to absenoe of one of defendcut'a witnesses. Yesterday it was again called up ami tue remaiuing testi niony given in. Tib was released by the justice, uot enough evidence being prouuotu iu to uoiu nun Green Muthews got bBok Saturday afternoon from his trin in smirch nf Hooker. Mo followed tbe track almost to Prinevllle, but found that Hooker was uca'ly two days ahead of him, so tie gave up tbe chase and returned home, Robert Kriok has bought the Arcade saloou of U. o. Tedrowe. Bob is an old time Heppnerite, aud he will doubtlessly sncceeu. nis ad. is in I ma issue. Henry Thompson, tbe fruit man of Butter creek, gladdened ye ranch with a sack ot winter apples this afternoon Found An overooat between town and Hiram Clark's. Call at P. O. Burg's, pay charges aud get same. 3 4 E. O.: Bishop B. Wistar Morris oame in from I tie Jvist Friday evening and will remain over Sunday. John Lake, of Tbe Dalles, is holding down V. a. Miller's position as brake man ou tbe Heppner braucb. Dr. MoSworda returned from the East last eveuiug. His wife and child will be back next mouth. liev. Ad kins held services out on Rhea creek lust Sunday. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is ore ot the most important requisites where a cougb remedy is intended for use among chil dren I have known of oases ot oroup where I know the life of the little one was saved oy the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J, J. LaG range, druggiat,Avuca, Neb. 50 cents a bottle, for sale by Slocum-Jobnaon Drug Co. May Loss Hm Hand. W. M. Stauf fer, of the Social Kidgj country, while working with a thresher at Beuge'a ranch, met uitb a very painful acoident last Saturday morning wbioh may ooat him bis right hand. He waa oiling tbe machine while same was in motion, when his hand waa caught in tbe oogs of tbe side gearing, badly mashing it, and ornahiug several of the carpal bones, Mr. Stauffer was brought to Heppner late in the afternoon, and on examination of tbe wouud the physicians decided that the band must amputated, but as Mr. StauU'er objected, tbey then dressed the injured part aud advised bim to go to tbe hospital at Portland, and ieave the mutter with tbe surgeon. Acc ordingly Mr. StaufTer went below on yeaterdaj's down train. It is thought that perhaps the thumb and first two fingers may be saved, but tbe third and little finger and that portion of tbe hand must be umputated, and posaibly tbe entire hand. However, it is to be hoped not. Home Fhom Canyon. John Soogland, Wm. Hughes, Jas. Jones, Gov. Rea, Jim Uuger and Wm. Penlund.who had been in attendance at circuit oonrt at Caoyon City n turned home Saturday. They report a very interesting docket for tbe present session. In the oase ot John Ambrose, charged with murder, the jury returned verdict of acquittal on seoond ballot. The oase of Oriaman, Reiterand Moore, charged with the Fox robbery, alao oame np for bearing. Moore pleaded guilty, Keiter was tried and found guilty and Crisman's trial was iu progress. Not withstanding tbe faot that Moore turned state's evidence, Chrisman is making a strong fight, and it is believed by some that he will not be convicted. J. N. Brown remained over as attorney for John C. Luoe, who with Burleigh, Dustin and Wooda, is charged with criminal libel. Tbe oase oame up for trial Tues day, but as yet do report ot same has been received. Remains Taken to Albany, Satur day morning Dr. 0. W. Cornelius de parted for Albany with the remains ot his brother-in-law, D. Van Horn, who died of typhoid malaria at tbe Palace hotel, Friday afternoon, as reported in our last issue. Quite a number ot our oitizens accompanied tbe remains to the depot to pay their last respects. Mr. Van Horn was well liked here by all wbo knew bim, being quiet, unassuming and gentlemauly ia bis demeanor. He leaves a wife aud several obildreu at Al bauy wbo bave tbe sympathy of bis friends and acquaintance here in tbeir hour of bereavement. The Sugar Bekt. Dug Qurdane left with this. office. Satutday, a monster sugar beet weighing 10 ponnde. Dug says this variety of beets grows well on any kind of land in tbis oountiy, and makes excellent feed. Tbey are worth $5 per ton for sugar purposes. Spreck- les builds mills where he can get 2,000 acres ot bsets guaranteed, and if tbey will yield even as low as two ton to tbe acre, would be better year in and year out than raising wheat, tbongh it ia quite oertain that onr aeotion will produce more to tbe acre than that. Onr farmers wonld do well to look into this matter Beat Him With A Pistol. On last Wednesday at Athena, Robert Robertson beat Julius Potts over the head with a pistol, badly damaging Potts' bead and bending tbe pistol so muoh that it is ruined. Robertson waa bound over in tbe sum of $1,000, while Potts is held un der $300 bounds to appear as a witneas. Julius was aleo fiod $25 and costs for carrying a oonoealed weapon in the shape of a sliug-Bhot, How Potts escap ed being killed by the heavy blows from tbe pistol is a myste-y. You eanaot do effective work without a clear bead, aud for tbis take Simmons Liver Regulator. Hood's Cures W. II. Banley "I Suffered Several Years With rheumathm. I took Hood a Saraaparllla and (eel better than I have for years. My wife had a had case of catarrh and wa con Idered Incurable, filie took coiifidenc from the beucAt I had received from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla and after taking four bottles of the medicine she U entirely well." W. H. Hui.lv, Pult nan, Wash. Be sure to get Hood'. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, sick headache. Jaundice, indigestion. Try a box. 26o. I Hair Death S inntantly remove and fortvtr dettroyn ob- 9 jcctiotiable hair, whether upon hands, ace, $ 8iun to the moat delicate skin. It was for nny yers tne secret formula of Erasmus 6 ! nuson. acknowledged by Dhvslcians as the highest authority ai.d the most emi nent dermatologist and hair specialist that ever IIvaH nnHtiirhla nr..llM nt a life time among the nobility and arls- S tocracy ol Europe he precribed this rcc- S iie. Price II by mall, securely packed. W Correspondence confidential. Sole Agents J for America. Address. 1? The Skookum Rmi Hair Grower Co. Dept. It., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New M York. Special Council Meeting. On last evening a speoial session was held, Mayor Simons presiding, and all oonn- oilmen present exoept Fsrnaworth Minutes of last regular meeting read and passed over till the next regular meeting for adoption Ordinanoe Nos. 42 3 and 5 read third time by title, and adopted unanimously.. , Ordiuanoee No. 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12, read first time by sections and second time by title Counoil then adjourned. Kip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, iB prepared to deliver wood at yonr residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 eta. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. Newt J ones Hcbt. On last Friday Newt Jones met with an acoident from a runaway horse, the muscleB of one of his limbs having been pierced to tbe bone between the hip and knee. Though the accident is a painful one, it will hardly prove serious. .The festiye oayuee al ways scores one at every opportunity. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in the Abraham eioV building, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in his line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-clBss work man and warrants all work. Give bim a oall 14wtf ADDITIONAL LOCALS. "Hardware" did yoo sayT Why, yes at P. O. Thompson 4 Oo.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms witb plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix op your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to bis business' a M. Licbtentbal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, Bummer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe hue are attraoting mark ed attention. a Land Fob Sale. 480 acres over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranob and will be sold obeap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms. tf. WON THE BIG PRIZE. A Book-Keop.'!-'. . Kxnerlence with llui'nv u.i.l VVttoii. It is nut ofu.-n luui. winning a prize will make a mini In.,!. Mid, but the un likely freUcnU,v happens, says tin Chicago (ilol)i'. Tho oilier morning tin book-keeper iu one of tho wholesale establishments of tho city wont to lib dosk looking' so blue, that his follov clerks thought ho must have lost som of his relatives during the night. Tlmj delicately inqiiirod what the troublt was, and wero somewhat abashed at thi response: "Oh, it Is all my cursed luck," he ex claimed. "I never knew such an unfort unnto fellow as I am." "Why, you have not been toying wit! tho tiger and gono dead broke?" thej asked, still moro interested. "Well, not exactly," ho replied. "Th fact Is. I bought a ticket for a raffle, anc won a horse and wagon." "But what is thoro In that to make you look blue?" they asked, In astonish nicnt. "Well, I will toll you. It Is just thh way. I was acquainted with an old ex pressman had known him for fortj years, in fact. Ho had an nil hor.ic and wagon that ho drove all that time. Likf their owner they were pretty well worn out. Well, tho old man niclienml and died, and his friends determined tc rafflo the horse and wagon in order tc get enough to bury him decently. Ol course 1 had to buy a ticket, and woulO you believe It, 1 won! Now, what I air to do with that horse and wagon Is who-' bothers mo. They area perfect whitt elephant on my hands. Nobody woule buy them from me. I can not take then and leavo them on tho street, and 1 can not let the poor old bruto of a horse dii of starvation. Ho will cat his head ofl in less than no time, and yet what can 1 do? I will give anybody five dollar wbo will relievo me of my prize and cal it square." Simmons i.iver Kegulutor, bear in mind, is not an experiment. It is en dowed by thoueands. Tbe Stndebaker wagon beads them all. For sale at Gilliam k Biabee's. NOW IS YOUR UOLDEN OPPORTONITY , To dai nAnO Every person wbo purchases OME DOLLAR'S worth of goods will re oeive a ticket on a Grand Weaver Organ one bnndred aud twenty-five dollar Organ to be given away December 2ith 1893, A. GEEAT BLESSING THAT KOLIVIAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. Oners a magniBoent new stook at nrst-oias goons. nign graaes in all departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss ing. The quality will tell it : tbe price will sell it. That is tbe reason you should oome early and secure your BAR GAINS from our splendid lines ot DBY 600DS, GLOTHWG, BOOTS ami SH0ES1- Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. TE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest selec tions in all standard styles. We make it a point to bave every article in J stock tbe best of its kind. The dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts I longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does .. I more good in service, worth and and prices, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it is an established fact that it pays io trade, providing you want to save money, at the -B0ST01 pgr) STOIpr J. H. KOLMAN. owxiD dodsom, Salesman. HERE IS '. To Gret Even e : Hardware JUST OPENED. A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, QUEENS WARE, Wood and Willow ware. Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing matenala, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds ot Repairing quickly and neatly done. BJm Bain Wagons, Hacks Buckboards. -:- -:- You will save money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -: : :- -:- :- -:- Odd Fellows' bnilding, Main St., McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner, Oregon. Now is tbe time to make your money oount. ing, Boots, oboes, Hats, Fancy Uoods, Uloves, etc., etc., will be sold at wholesale prioes for cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOOK goes at suoh reduced figures that the per son needing supplies for cash oao be made happy. If yon wish to save your money send in orders by mail or call in peraon. We are giving discounts on per oent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, etc 25 to 33 Men s and Boys lists at) Women's end Children's Shoea,25 to 80 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestios All grooeries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solicited, cash with orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as NOW-fN- 18 YOUR Fall oasb sale at C. S. VAN DTJYN'8, opeuiug on Tueeduv, Sept. 19th, and will continue till further notice. My entire atoek ot $15,000, all good, clean mer chandise, at COST for CASH, ONLY. LOOK OUT FOR THE MANY LEGAL BUNKS ji Otis Patte NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER Keep your For BOB Areas Free prices tbe lowest yet Darned for etriotly wear than any money you spend. Our goods THE PLACE on Your Life. v Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE, 531 - tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Our whole stock of Dry Goods, Cloth per cent. off. Hosiery 30 Men's Overshirls and Furnish ing Goods 30 Hardware 20 to 25 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 cash. very wespeotrnuy, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO. OPPORTUNITY! Bargains in Sight for You. C. S. VANDUYN, Heppner, Oregon. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office CAL.1. AT OPPICE eye peeled KRICK'S Ik hi P. g. rpTOPSOl go, LJ aving put their business upon a tem porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known iu Heppner. We mast get our stook into money, and proBts are no object when the money comes in sight. Shake your oash at us and see us tumble. Haw THE PEOPLE OUR Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds oustom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to bave some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merohandiae store. Come in and see us, everybody. yj IBiTOR. &, OO 1! Change of VyE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE " " wbioh We propose to Conduct in on hands at all times the ohnioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc.. Etc. SHAW 85-tt Ik Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK & The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. un may street, opposite Falaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE A.1STD EAUSTCY Groceries anil Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies, Cakes nud Bread j in faot everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery Btore. They will sell obeap foi cash. Call ann try them. BORG, : Out for THE "ash Bargains m J ewelry, Cash Talks SEE BORG, MAY BTKEET, HEPPNER, OR. ASSISGNEE' SALE. QLOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, the entire stock of general mer chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman. Bargains in all lines never before found. Call and learn prices. W. P. FELL, Assignee. Kills, Dawson Xs Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER. ABE COMING WAY! Heppner, Oregon, Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the moot aofiDfot,. nr:n i ' & McCAKTY, Proorietors. For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Forest Grove, Or., The Must Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Oazkttr office for particular. Htrlctly confidential. Treatment private aud aura cure. EUHL, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc Trust, 'Rnsta OREGON.