.?.mE mW to sell you Epnj 8 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.H5ss IGOACES DBBDBD160 The deeded loud !. a K d ling of ateron it, all under Si ill ND 160 AOJtKS Tiniber Culture claim p.djoiiiiijg, of which dopded lurid llieie me 1411 rckb gt d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture, yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardmau. Price for the whole, SHOO ; or without the timber culture claim, &S00. AINTJ STIIvTv AXOTIIDW. ANOTHER BAKGAIX. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms A good rustler cm i Jy for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the hurt ami has uo use toi H. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap aud on easy terms. For furt lir information call at oui olficv. THE IATTBKSOM' -STJ-O. CO. Oive your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize wni. n'p hold each and everv corresDondent re- potiBible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unleBS the writer s real name is Blgned as an evidence of good faith. Did you ever Read about the Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Ycb? woll That is like Doing busineBB Without advertising. All the Snide schemes In the conntry Will not accomplish Half us much As a good ad. In a food, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read Hv the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that U-e its spare Like meruhaudise, Worth dollar For dollar. Pomehoy's Advance Thocoiit is red hot for free coinage of silver into full legal tender money for the payment of any and all debts maturing in the United States. During the past summer its editor has been a day and night etudeut in the Library of the British Museum, in London, and baa dug out several obapters of important facts of history relating to the coinage of gold and silver, the making and use of money in England, and many other matters of commanding interest that will appear from month to month, from copy already prepared, and commencing with the October number. He baa learned who is benefitted by gold ooinage. Why the coinage of silver here in the United States is so opposed in London, by Jews and other money lenders, and why the American laborer iaeoinuch better as a mechanic, and does so much more work than an English working man. Advance Thought ia sent one yeur, one year for one dollar. Ten copies ordered at one time for five dol. lars. Address M. M. Porueroy, World Building, New York City. TIIK LAKOEST til'N IN THK WOULD is on exhibition at the Great World's Fair. You ought to see it. This is the month of months to visit the fair. pleasant days, cool mirhti, delightful 'raveling weHther. Maximum comfort eiimute to Chicago on the vcstibuled limited trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific k NoitLwcst Line. See your nearest Union l'ac;fic agent fur rates or other inform ili.u. (J3 6 AliKILULTl'liAL COLLEGE NOTrt). VanAmn, the despised, has at last been continued ns minister to Italy. Hon. i. V, Wager, who recently at Portland for been released. was indicted forgery, has ' Mns. Koscoi Conkmno died in TJtici.: New York, last week, aged 60 years Sh- was a sister of Horatio Seymour. Tim shadows of free trade is still hovering over our country. It is doing more damage than one hundred Sherman lawn. DiiiKcrCM innde a mile at N.ishville, emi., j.uhi iniirsilay in !i:()0W, the beat stallion record, four-year old record and record for trotters in a race. A.v accident on the Grand Trmiik railroad near Baltic Cre k, Mich , ro suited m the death of many, and the maiming of others, on Friday last. Tun election of IT. tj. senators he direct vote o the people, au income tax and the "initiative nud referendum" Hie gaining ground with the ruumcH. Leas burdens and purer government are needed. Why don't Mr. Cleveland suspend the purchase of silver until the bullion now on hand is ooined into dollars and save all this twiddle about the repeal of the Sherinau act? He suspended the en forcement of the Geary act compelling the deportation of Chinese who failed to register, and he has the same right to uspend the purchase of silver. Send the senators and congressman home, Mr. Cleveland, and run the government in person, not by proxy. Arlington Keoord. Life U Misery To many people who have the Jim story has gaiued ground that Dr. Gravei is not dead at all, but that he is alive aud well in a foreigu oouutry. It is said that the body found was made of wax, and that the coffin contained a pine log. Iliyu Denver ollioials are said to be implicated. Tim Gazo te is indebted to the Dr..,. Fanner's Alliance, Oregon Knights of Labor, Oregon State Grauge and Port land Federated Trades Assembly or J. W. Sullivan's little book ou "Direct Legislation by Iho Citizeuship throiuh thrl rniliiilii.ii .....1 l.,. I .. (i . ..i.c..lllll. it IS a most iutereming volume, worth the perusal of anyone. taint of scroiuia in uioir Diood. The agonies caused by the dreadful running sores and other manifestations of this disease are beyond description. There is uo other remedy equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for sorofula, salt rheum and every form ol blood disease. It is reasonably sure to 'f"41w 'A.mv j .:.t. -,;.. I. Messrs. 0. V. Brock and C. J. Bright, representatives to the Grand Lodge from Aurora Lodge No. 64, returned Friday. They speak in the most com plimentary terms of their entertainment uuiiiik tueir sojourn at Heppner. It ejpecieu mat the citizeuH of t at little town would display considerable zeal in making ths visit of the Knights I'learninc, nut their anticipations were completely eclipsed in the treatment received. It seems that everyone in the city constituted himself a committee to extend a welcome to the visitors. Not only was the freedom of the city ex tended to the grand body, and every thing possible for the enjoyment of tho guests was done in a liberal manner. ",t representatives will alwa) havj a warm spot, in their hearts for the citizens of lleppuer. From the VYuodkurn Independent. The people the city of Heppner deserve a great deal of praise Tor the eph-nuid manner in which thev . toitainnd the members of the K. V wranc i.oiige last week. There was noming It-rt undone that could ,l,l to the enjoyment and Comfort of their gueeis, ami the session is one that will long be remembered by all those ... attended. Tho annual reception to new students was held in the college ohapel Friday evening, Sept. 29. The opening eser oises of the eveuing consisted of music by the band, a short address by Pres. liloes, followed by a vocal duet. The students then retired to the library and upper rooms where games of various kinds were indulged in, but sooial conversation wag the feature nf tho evening. La:er the band gave a Bhort coocert. After nearly all had gone, oue of the boya Btarted to put out a large hanging lamp in the middle of the room, but accidentally released it from the hanger und it fell to the llonr and ex ploded and for a short time it looked as though the fire might be serious but after a vigorous fight with over coats and water it was so far extinguish ed that the lamp oould be carried out. The damage did not amom-t to much The College Young Men's Chrisliau isbooialiou has resumed with a member ship of twenty-five. The officers for the year are, E R Doughty, president; J. B. Andrews, yice prcs'.k'iit ; J. 11 Met fet, recording secretary. The meetings are held in Cauthori. hall every Sunday afternoon. A large fire plug is placed midway betweeu tire Oollege building aud the mechanical hall; one ie also to be placed outside ot Cauthorn hall, These build- 'V'e suljbvciit uieaos to fight fire a very tieaurirnt nnintin.. ..r n. , rersou was preeeuted to thn l.n,l " u y '"re. Wallis Nash L now hangs on the east wall of the colli ge ohapel. The blacksmith shop new presents a lively appearance. All the fori, ,.. a full blast nearly all day. Black suiilhs will soon be numerous. The college societies will meet !hj9 week to elect officers for the ensuing term. Seventeen ladies ladie's hail, Hnd Cauthorn hall. nu,a , grading t h L,m,i around the new niechuiiieal hall is well turner way . Tk... - ure now students enrolled. Crvallis,Oc..,9, us. C"T"I"DIO- Sheriff's Sale. I Y 1 i VIltTI'E OP A WARRANT I.CKU out of the County Court of ttie Kttite ol Oregon lor the County of Morrow, to me di rected comniandina: me to levy on the Roods anil chattels of the delinouent taxpayers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county lor the years lS'.u, ls'.d and 1SW thereto attached, and none be lound, then upon the real property as et forth ami described In the said delinquent tax rolls, or so much thereoi as shall satisfy ttie amount of taxes charged therein, together with costs and expenses. 1 have duly levied having been unable to find any Roods or chattels belonging to the respective delinquents hereinafter named upon the lollowing described pieces or parcels of land as Bet forth in said tax lists, lying and being in said Morrow county, state of Oregon, described and assessed as follows: AMTT.VX. Barnes J. A , HW)i Sec, IS, Tp. 1 S. Ii, ill E Tax for t 0 1)5 " ' isul cm; " " lsao, HnllJ. C, LotsCand 7 in Klk. :t, Avers' fourth addition to the town of Heppner, ts Cunningham Charles, NIVJ4 bee. 'i Tp. 1 K 2 E 10 ul (.'olley V. L., SWH Sec. :14. Tp. 2 X., It. 21 K. .' VI Coleman I.. WSE!4 See. 9, NK! Sec. 17, -N'K'i of NE S'J HK'i Sec. 10, W'i 8E Sec. ml, K'i SEV, Sec. 35, N W; See. Sti, all in Tp. h 8., R. 26 E. containing tut;! acres, ;iS 72 belong F. , y, of Wj Sec. W Tp. 2 N. R. 27 E. taxes Inyo 10 r.7 1192 I S I Ely B. R, SE"i Sec, -1, Tp. 2 N. R. 20 E. Tuxes ism.. &.M 1892, i SI Falrhurst E., Lot No. B. ill Block No. 2, Tow n of Dairy 3 OS Jones S. E., EI4 of Sec. 0, Tp. 2 8., R. 21 E. 7 U2 i'alace Hotel Company, commencing at Southwest corner of Lot No. six (b) in Block No. four (1) In original town of Heppner, thence running East 110 ft., thence North 00 feet, thence west 110 feet, thence South bo feet to place of be ginning, 272 SO Peterson N. M., 8WJ4 Sec. 10 Tp. 3 8. R. 24 E 11 26 Richardson Thomas, SEJi Sec. 32 Tp. 2 N. K. 2ti E i 84 Rnthcelord o. p., Lots No. 1 and 2, SK SE'. except Castle Rock towu Bite of Sec. 8 To. 4 N.. K. 24 E II fig Shipley L. F., Lot No. one (I) in Block No. two (2 Looney s addition to towu of Heppner, 31 lfi Stratlou NWH Sec. 28, Tp. 2 N' R. 27 E. 4 81 Stanley J. II., SE Sec. 28, Tp. 1 N., R. 24 E. 9 lis Whittier Bros., SVt Sec. 32, Tp. 2 N., R. 25 E 0 55 Estes C. W., NV'!,4' Sec. 10, Tp. 1 N., R. 20 E. 8 ,11 Anil on Saturday, the 2sth day of October, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the court house In said county and state, I will sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, costs and accruing costs. Geo. Noblr, SherllV of Morrow tiouuty. Dated, Sept. 30, 1893. 167-73 LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 38 Flotir.bbl ..'.3 75 4 U0 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. I 50 " three ' 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead.... I 50 0 2 25 " stock.... 1 50 4J 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool... 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz 2 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 05 1 10 Flour, bbl 3 00 4 00 Beeves, atall fed 4 50 (a 5 00 Muttons, cwt 6 00 ca 8 00 Hogs, owt i 50 g 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (ii 12 Butter, lb 20 fit 25 Eggs, doz 10 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 600 Turkeys, tt) IS & 1M One reason why Scoff's Emulsion oi rure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and 1 1 ypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is 'Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supnli'' the waste of tissues, produces th-sh and builds up the entire, system. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 90 (3 1 00 Flour, bbl 3 00 3 25 Beeves, owt 1 75 (o 2 75 " dressed 8 BO (S 8 00 Muttons, live sheared .. 2 50 i 3 00 dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 aj 14 Butter 15 h 30 Eggs, doz 15 a 20 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00 Turkeys lb 12 (tf 14 now reside at the sixty-two boys at Administratrix' Sale of Real Estate. 1 uesuay rne 12th dnv r .i.i. - .... P. in. of said uay at the Wesi haFf of the Norlh east quarter, and the East hi If .Y.- S rf-oander'Kuu SS'SSf cy ;Xtt court o( date onsahl date. September 20, 111 ai,o on Bald day at the hour ol a nvi,.t o a a. day. sell an undivided o: ,.w Tiik gold reserve is still goiug lower. Until the country goes to full Hnd aosoiute bimetallism, this so-called reserve will Hj Kmuir As 0Uf country with H free hand further en. courages the world to adopt the single staudard, against our owu interests, Just so long will there be a olainor for tile scanty simply ,,f shyek's gold. With our present laws it would take a gold reeerve of a billion ilollarH to keen us up. As long as legal tender paper f gold notes re ihsiie.l, and all other forms of currency are redeemable iu I lie yellow metal, it j he an Msy matter for the gold broker to drain uh f nr twenties. The Sherman law, administer ed by a gold-bug, is bad enough, (lod knows, but it is the only l,rrir Ue. tween complete inounmetalli. m and a double standard. With wheat and eoiiou soul iu competitiou with Iudia, and the purchasing power of our mouey augmented one-half, it is no wonder prices of produots are low. Aud the more we lend a hand to the further debasement of silver, just that much lower will all of our products g. Wages, through the efforts of organ i zations and our protective features, ure bigher in proportion, than anything eB0. j nut lliey, too, are catching the general depression, and will g down. It isn't the silver that is hurling us, but it ia lie enhanced value of the gold dollar. From the liosebui'i Hevleir. K W. Carroll returned a few days since from Heppner where he attended ne rv. or r. Urand Lodge. He intro duced a resolution uaming Koseburg as the next place of meeliug and secured 53 out of 115 votes in its favor, but Port- lam! was vioturio.18. It is virtually set tled, however, that the Grand Lodge -in e,B , tms oily the year following 1 illlL. t'llrat Plica! 1 felling Pllea. Svui-MMS-Muistiirej intense and stinging, most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bled aud ulcer ale, beooming very sore. Swayne's OiwruuNT stops the itching aud bleeding beals ulceration, ,) j m,)8t ci9t rp moves the luinors. At druinU , i, uiail. for 60 oeuts. l)r Swyue 4 Sou l'l"ldflplii. sw , j"r KIUHT MILK HEMS. ThreHhiog is not yet finished ou Eight EXECUTRIX NOTICE. 'PI....- 1". ' . .. un.iug ousineas relative to the --u.eo, w. u. JJoyer, deoeased, will Please call at the ollice of Hamilton & reeiand, who will py 81 debts of .,,1,1 estate and colleot all money due the Eliza J. Bovku, Exeoutrii, Heppner, Or, Oct. 15, 93. 71.74 MONMOUTH NOTES. H e are having Onusiderahle this fall. The hon ornn in 1 ., 1,, . , , ri o;ui ruis venr uop picking is over for this season Arthur 1 .vac. fnr.UrU. . . 1 rain h-re mMmmm premises. The order for H ... k P0" the made, as aforesaid on th! ? .hvini been MBV Driscoll, Administratrix, I'o Consumptives. The underslKued having been restored to health hvsimple means, after sulferiuir for sev eral years witli a severe lung affection, and that .Scott's KmitUi'-.i curo-.i Concha, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Provents was'.ing In Children. AI.-i iiaiaiahle an milk. Ciet only ll.c ecu. line. Pre pared by Hcott & flowne, Ctleniistu, New Xork. Sold by all Druggists. cott's Emulsion DR. FOOTE'S H AND-IIOOIi OF HBALTII HINTS AND READY RECIPES, Is the title of a very valuable book that givcB a great amount of information of tbe Utmost Importance to Everybody, coooernlng their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, How to Kat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe. Dangers of Kissing. Restoring- the Drowned, ('ontaelous Diseases. Overheating Uouaes, Preventing Near-sighted- How to Avoid Them. Influence of Plants, Parasites of tho Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing llest Way, After-Dinner Naps, Alcohol aa a i'ood aud a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Turn for Intemperance, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Oet Kid of Lice, Malarial Affections, Croup to Prevent. Ventilation, ness. Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chlllblalni, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hlvos, Hoarseness. Itchlnir. Inflamed Kriui ivir Pnisnnw lrcml disease Consumntion. is anxious to make Moles, Pimples. Piles. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Snorlnc. Rtamnierlnir vva. anM known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. Sore Nipples, Sore Throat. Sunstroke. Stings and Insect Bitea. Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE IMOTORS BILLS. CST'All new suhscribers and prompt renewals during the month of Aug. will ba presensed with 8 free copy of this as a premium. I'o those who desire it. he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find aBure cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat ami lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as It is invaluable. Thosedesir lug the prescription, which will cost themnoth lug, aud may prove a blessing, will please ad dress. Kf.v. Kdward a. Wilson, 1-t a w Broonlyn, New York. Notice of Intention, tai OF )Tlit. yniiiiir Imw to i'Iio.ki' in.- host out; to marry ;( IN TWO COUHSE)Tlie liiiuru'u hnw to lie iuijiuy in nuu'riuge; ( DAYS ) 1 lie ionu parent now to liuvo prize baoies: ur. '(andWb YOU E Wi KNOW LXr Clerk- " hpp.- WHAT .... ,J,!;NE"AKT SCHILLER. ' SinJSSSS. tSGHT AUyho want knowledge that ia of most wort (tl u u,U8 i1 ow tney "gi'owed" and came to be :, -isvn l enjoy me ana Keep well how to get well again speedily; lieorse Perry, of Lone Rock, Herman Melssner 'I Ctet. ,:' . Schiller, T Goosebe' 1 one nock Oregon John w. Lswis, Uegtster. PVPRV lle Myh to enjoy life and keep well; iIf x Mis invalid how to pet wrII ergy. TO Find it in n7 "t1? '" ,l or ONE Administrator's Notice. HEREBY arS' rulred to eh f.n" "taf auce, m Homier m," I". "A" ,ur a"'- "'-pi. my.,. 10,1-75 Motice of Intention. that the fnllowlnK-nWd lTt J?? Haiti miHj, viz.; "ii ..s'.. ..me. lii3.17.1 JoHN W- '-'. Register. A. Hood, Administrator. HOW WOMEN Ibout Oiib Out WALK. Itev Morrow deo- bin attendance. 'urned to ilirrnincd nn Vfith Ed. Hooker and family have lions to MiHlfo.d to visit Kd's parents. c' 'ok wanons nre hniM delight by tbroeherslhis season. Ii.,., .. 1 1 fall work to do. sahev'a!?- s",neh.0liy 80 carried, or jaj they are goinu to, so there will he joniethin to talk .out. Oh yes I frnl; to say that there was . weddiu at l . t. .Jones, recent v. It was a ie-i q-t affair Mrs.aE.JonJ. Mr". J Jones,,,,,! Miss. MHry Jones, were t,J miesta, Mr. (,. ri,,,, .... .,. . ,,,e '""lissj, s.onwaVIhe bH;reK OI Kiliht Mile. Or . Oct. 17, lSi;f' M" - i . " " uu nillllllllini'H f.t II it) BVN T.MIIl ti 1 condition. No other remedy iu the market possesses these remarkable pnu, erties No other will cure, cold l"ru6o. e"lebJ'8lon1 -Johnsou Moat of our ailments dnsordered liver which SiS.'" Kegulator euros. , snrue, r -.wenty-l-ive Know. ..... , u uoivu llcr l-'eet. It's a very easy thin.' to do. wnli,m .earned so long ag0 in evory woman's fouth that she acan-elv re.nn.1..ra i,.- Jr when she was taui'l.t tr. ,. .,., K., ., o--- "uc wv uviuic imj otner, how slif. 1 :nove with shtimliiii! : Mi-on-T 11D011 Jim- is the force of hubit lomrcntlivu-l t but rare ly, rarely in later years of Kr or vollUJ ladyhood, can she be brought to a con iciouanesa of t!l0 iMvcU iu hel. culTia ud persuud.-d to alter thorn for more graceful mmvm nts, RS ,.l, passc8 to and fro upon the fix , f tli,, , ,,,.,, Just ono out of twentv-flvo u..... 1 . , . . . - "'i- 'i n.rvei to bit up and set ,!,,- ).,. u.,.t .,. ty. 1 his is tho result ,.f 1...... ..1 i of the .if.-r, who. moreover, remarks that that one re- , iiiiii woman is but it, says a writer American. Sow, onl lui- uuui'iic oxer 10 lonjr lectures from v 10, rirr I'll.. ; TIi.m... . .... ... We w.ll ' '.w '"'r "'J' remedv is tk .L r". V .""-. '" h. " It Is "owinrr shirt , ' . 'l "1 ouly remedy that w.,1 do this" ' "' T """" -hat I'frit'or inrmnnv u in 'uu'ni n. tu'iiinni ..uh 1 i'i sititr 111. . .... ' un"k"lT 'r:1-- '. Ny-fo..ted , " ,a" "Ufa switclnn.,' skirts 1 and lift ,,f . by the vci:L- .1 ,,.. ,,r . 1 . V dimmed wi,! 1 ""; r - ,o t.. iU::k, "'ui,ir oiuum s of ,,,,1 In those wc.rlv .h: s, i,i,jn ,.,:. , """" "iliUUlO.SS of -.... ...1 il rivtoil; and : er more eouniv. onii.i.,,.1.,.1 " "cruises I'riuay uioruiuir. fltr. Huxley f McMinniville. a,l dressed the gentleman of the Yonn.- .Men'. urisuan Association .Suudav m,,,i Tl. o... . . ' normal HjIiojI 'Heueu win, a very o.s uuoih two hundred aud tweuty-flve enrolled. The Normal has organized two od foot-bl teams. One of the teams has accepted a cballeutfe from a team at the I'aoibc University of Koreet Orov. Monmouth, Oreou, Oot, 8, Isy;'" B Perluir,. D.-.,.,A r Ilk.i . L .' "r """lers won . "ke to know iu what respect UhamDcr Ifiii CoiiKh remedy ,s better tl.n,?' , .. When this lHllrmR- in public cold has Notice of Intention. ttie folTiwn I nJLAlLl. that her intention to make ni ml oroof 1 .,, tIc J Oreaon, on Nov l 'erlt at MeI'P'i", t t i... ::. an i IV ii ' r" urlltln, V. T. MeVal.h 1 " - ' HKUWu.l, all of lone i.reeim b' W. Lkwis, ReKister. ( SAVED ( $1,100 KMCWKr nnnn uuuoa rmlu "onie laiK,'' ( YEA 71 ScPeSC2tto 0 000 p n m (tT t,, t'-'2,) t0 ?1.)U; eirotilars five. t f'Opipa r. H. T. Murrav TT 11 nf.r,ir f,, too oan. e, v. - . uul . f ' " ''-' lvew iork.( .SOLD r j j j xv rr a. Jtjn . i 1 r s is Portland, Oregom. j d a . ' enaUtheycr. Students may enter at any ,ime. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. lltLtiHIRE Insurance Co A. ff ON. , m I OnooftheBest in th w -T. Jr Sheriff's Sale. N (Hil'B is tlu-in.-u. t i under and 1-vi.',, '.' A"1 1- THAT nut nf ii,.. m , , . f jRn execution issued n inssnl.lo walk- in the lllusti-nt..,t only that woninti who i FOR INVEIVTIONK; entered.!,, said Von t o ,' WV't uV Patents. tZ ,na""tlon of the attorn, ."!'nYentlo.n bauS ie care nrfrlVT; T' 'riue value of a patent Sefr::..",;": ui;il , ITeil, UUOIl M in.l.. "".','Cll I K i,' ii X, :"". !' V. Hcfeiidunts, lor the i-i'y eiaht ilollr. , interest there,,,, , .i" )ln. with ' ... l" view ot protecting in.. " tl-Til!'.' KtZW. that inventionSare w. ' .T..rthl8 or Careles, .tt0r. vim costs. , ,7r whrtPiiMB . ; . -r-- - jnt pracface. and ther.f,; . f u we nave re- .?.. .M-y uy , entirely. TOn Vl,r"J?tn' value of a rSZ7S?i". fxty eisht iloilars , " ; "V" " ."'"."J Hint With tl,. uuu " Of the attorney r '"uasgreatly, n0t k .. .. i.,. nun j -. - protectinir iniran.. r ' ll,l. ..,.1 JudK.nent it was or,ler'?i .",,"?". '.' "ii ouowi.ig describe,! . ' ,".ru 'e 'l,-u .-.,,.. ,., :v"' F'o.'er.y. to-wlt- Ut.No. iJi.-e Vi ,. u, f Property, Kll.f is. i J J ""K .'o. 'our (4). and I.,. to Heppner. Morrow rou ,'tv irJolle" k,ddl,,ou' -Uif' jude.ne, . "ir!'"'.. W to '"'ill. on the 2st , iIhv nf A... r""ll! co"'. 00 oek n m ,a 01 October, ish:i at 1 C it, y.t the front d,i, " J Obtain Patfsnf. i .i.. , , ' . . ana therefore are trenad X ' terferences. HwZS, "T ComM Conduct In. - , , ,,IH vst,,m , ni, S,e dia-sn't It tviM, ai.ls nature iu relieviinf the lK8, ope,,' - eoicuous, in.iie viuir the U'ucous ami cansuiK it expulsion from he air cells of the l.,oa H'Uli rnt,Jr Defend InlJeffi ZW . ttc. a. . . ""l"ru uroiw-rrw at n,.t.u - iu liii nac ru-iiii ichi ir n,j i .. . " or l,s lmrkcned "rcn. ,ell he r L'h ?1XZ t'?0" Cm""' 1 ." have an invention on harM .1 , ,ri, ... , h above desJrli, L...V.ra.' id dvised as u. . .-"P"on of the imrjortanf f. above described 'iKHest bl )e apoliei aaiy accrue. " ua cu,t that ted '"O" Coy,, matter. AKTKK THK KAlIt is over you can stav at l.,u fi ... hicsKo now aud see the most 00m P.ete and niBguiflcent exhibition that ba. ever been h.ld. The vestibulrd bunted traius of the Chicago, l'uiu laoilioi- Northwestern line will tuke lucre witn tbe aa fr,i 1 changes. and " steps, 'Xildi-rs, "iil.ii rs. ' up the re-ore. tl-Nllllino- I t 63-6 fcasc' , ;.or wa w tr.inii-r In 11 etc c '"C and 1 !'.! . Of III. ' I v.-T', .. . . :.. , whether the motion U regular 4uJ ,' til:: for liupi.u,-s me, it I., ,,:-,. ! tontiw'.y tl, walking' hue' it oor- ' cons id icccssacv a 1110 ni at 'l.v. :niil. Sheriff's Sale. ISSISSs'Ss Ihe l ounty of Morrow ' Oregon for delivered, u m,, . d 10 me "rented and rom theioth dVy of FeK TJn col I'.operiy, lo-- t: Wt, at th. xri i real 01 tounship two (2) S R At E w i acres inn .v i.'. t" conta 1,1,,. iuoaeis are seldom j SIB F STREET, NORTHwIf? CLMS COMPANY. 0. BOX 4C3 -Cutthl out and send It Notice of Intention. WASHINGTON, D.C. naging with your Inquiry, Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE at ti, 1J Sent -j. 1 I'ALLES flBPfinu the following ;.? ' ! hereby eivei, t,,., h "te,,llo,rtoi.kV5 r "".P1 ""lice of fore J ''" Proof will hJ 'rV' his In ;M';"m "ttler has mZ' Aa" Or., on x7 :Tt.,Vnty clerk .t his claf ' . s-l Proof In .T" ? LWW" DALLES. ORn 'l'''llwl,1i.nrred3l.'y. give., rsn be s..M tA "t ,.. , , .' less. juuKinent. c.t.i. , " WHS, the j,.t 1, 01 rl""ir costs, in. Md.yr. u-otudo'iS' hlclwt P 0 " Heppner, Morrow Co,tv oL TO"rt ho"e. uetlon to the hiirheit .,,SroF"5'. ' Pubc b..ed CVlobef'-f?""" CoX. I it7-rs . JAMKS r no. ,M) n:i fw ,..' ".'riLKV V&?i.X and SH He iih tno. ik. L.r- -4 fc- . M. n John W. Uwib. Kter. FREE tril.' A rarksrs ol out trM!. moat lop . "it lost Waia-. "" HtbllltT "re j. w. Morrow, Couutv riS' "! md -Or., ou Nov. 4. lsns. Vii. 7 clerk' t HeDDner. of lone: H ' A V. WHITMAN, ,M: Hamblet. J p v.... M. Kees, all of lone Oregon ' Gc0rg " Ls"", Register. PILES -;"d"? 5u!f:AIirN"V t 1 "-J from bu.iS..: ..'.'"' 'In, l 11 : H I 1 Us. UIo.,. 'iUI.,.rI; ! ? C? . ,r,a B..k f ri '" A UU.UB. . ...o eUM. -"- Csllorwrtla, WJ Pla. striVt B-.JV". ST. Llti