V K Nurir:: Tt aiwektihiiKs. IMlosF. drftirin Jin: iiiwrtinn of dif play mln., or vIih nice of sai.it. iimwf thtiir copy in uo laiiT tliHU Moml.iy eoiiiiiif for Tutwilttv'a edition, or ThurmUy -vc -i-JK for FrjJflyk tMl- M-IM. illK i'ATI'Kf 'iiN IN 11.1 if i no To. NO IKK. The iuiu of ii', o twin ir imViwtlL.be c hurt-i for ", Mnl of tlmiikti," "ri'yjitimii of riwl, ' Mm of weo line nr"ontM twirf liwrn, nUiimrr n.iti.-iia ffiilwtr tl.nn ll uNtv 1 iiijil I. or aUhU hlmailf Rive s h . ui:r ij VJ,jm. L4tcjmiit for ntoveB at in'iuM-HulbpwitU mofifiifH lor wiittVri.uriKB. PThn patent is Vry complete l. NotlrtwofclmrrUaiidro'iU'ivViVyV.IIMlu i TV il. u ...oniMa m .Mrv ttiiwruiuuicuu from which rnu-n.I u . rrTv j T' 8UCC6H8 iu ery rived, shall tw churKea lor ut tli- Vi .y-cfiiy bun in a tine, i iimm.' ruiwt win on b4,i td to in every IufUiucj. Adti-rtlNloK ralui leHnunable ftud m U uU hpJjiU tlirtili. Stella Smith, alias Broomsticks, one of the tiemi-Monde, pulled out Wednes day without payiuif W. B. 1 'otter some $H40 ist.e owed, i'lie unrflbal iriter- ctiptfil lwr it the dfpot aim brought her buck, but bhe wus allowed to depart yesterday without further trouble, tihe Uo owed Rtiudry ot er debU. : If. (J. Uirtamer and J. N. Thompson et'iu the city with a straw burning and heaters. aud appears reHpeot. It uYoalri be a great saving for those Iioid et li and fVirv I'orrt-MiHOi'hoil IKHiHtlile for htH or Iter iuiiiiuuiiu'Httoii. No iurrt'HiHindeiU'0 will l published unless the writer b real name U signed man evldencu ol good faith. T K FIBHEK, NEWHFA 1"KR ADVKKT1S I Jm Ihk Agent, 21 Merchants KxchaiiKe, ban Kraiicirco. in onr authorized uncut. Thin paper in kept ou tile iu hisoiliee. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Lour Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follow a : Every day at (i a. in., except Sunday. A rrl vlb every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapent, quickest and bout line to or from the interior country. J. 8. DKLKVAN, Prop. W- A. Johnaton.Agent. Oive your bwrinem to Heppner people, and therefore assint to build up Jlepp ner Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Tho silver senators do not Hhoot oratoric rockets Just merely for the fun of it They're talking thro' their pockets. The Pendleton Saviugs bank is to be reopened about Nov. 1st. H. D. Godley departed for Portland the latter part of liiMt week. The Gazette is just out of oordwood. A hint to the wise is Btitlicient. We will take wheat on subscription at 50 oeuts per bushel. W. 15. McAllister has returned from Hitter to his old home at Lexington. Mrs. W. F. Forwood departed od yesterday's down train for The Dalles. The Heppner-Canyon stuge line ia the bent, cheapest and quickest to the in. terior. How about that oordwood you promis ed to bring us? We haye not seen it yet. Frosts have nipped tomato vines in tliis vicinity ere the fruit had reached full lipeness. Mrs. Margaret Von Cadow left on Wednesday morning's train for a short business trip to Portland. Kitty bmith, daughter of 0-1 Smith, tried to kill herself when Bhe heard that her father had been pardoned. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobaoco habit. See ad. Saling Bros, were in Wednesday from Eight Mile. They report grain badly damaged bv the recent heavy rains. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subsoribe for The Horseman. Gazette Bhop, agents. J. M. Pedigo was in the city Thursday morning with a load of, fruit from Thompson's Butter oreek fruit rnnoh. The Gazette will takeoounty scrip at face ou subscription, and pay balanoe of same in cash at highest market price. '-(ill Chas. Royse writes that Davton is just as quiet as Heppuer. Wheat is worth" only 3-1 cents per bushsls up there. Rev. Arthur Royse, formerly of Hepp ner, was married to Miss Mitchell Haynes, of Klamath county.on Sept. 4th. Congratulations. Rev. Potwiue, of Pendleton, will hold Episcopal services at the M. E. ohurch, South next Sabbath. See notioe of same elsewhere. That lost oape found its owoer be fore the ink was dry on Tuesday's edition, and yet some will Bay that ad vertising doesn't pay. Harrison Cbapen succeeded in kill ing a monster jaok rabbit while on his way to Heppner Wednesday. It tipped the soales at llA pounds. H. H. Duran, one of the Duran Bros., came down from Weston some ten days ago. Mr. Duran has not lived in Mor row county for some years. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture store on Main street. Shaves, Bbampooe, bail outs and the like aways on tap. J. W. Keeney returned Tuesday from s visit to Seattle, where be had been for his health. Mr. Keeney says that Seattle is lively considering the times. Rev. J. M. Dennison will deliver his lecture to young men next Sabbath, beginning at 7 o'clook, p. m. Subject: Infidelity and Christianity compared. All should hear tbU. Don't overlook J. E Tedrowe at the Aroade when thirsty. ' Half and half and fresh beer always on tan. Also a fine stock of liquors and oigarB always on hand. Give Ted a oall. MoAtee Bros., having reopened the PttlnnH bar. kindlv ask for a continu ance of their former patronage. This is by all odds the fluest bar in Heppner, The hnvs keeD a good stock. Uall on them. Gid Hatt has purchased Hiok Math ews' interest in the City Hotel barber hop. Shaves, shampoos, bair-uute, etc, dished up in the best of style. Baths for the millions. R. R. Duran and Miss Myrtle Long, of Butter Creek, were married Sunday t noon, Rev. Hoskins preforming the ceremonv. Miss Long is a daughter of Charley Long. Aooept the Gazette's tar The railroad commissioners came up the Heppner branch last Tuesday, re maining about a half an hour. 8enator Blackman returned with them as far as Willows, coming baok on the evening train. The commissioners report our branch in fair condition. A true bill of indiotment has been returned bv the Grant Co. grand jury against J. C. Luce and W. G. Burleigh, respectively, manager and editor of the Issue, and also Bailey O. Dustin, charg ing them witn oriminal libel. The re port that V. G. Keller got five years appears to be unfonnded, though be ought to Be ten- 'll -jaiiig plenty of straw and living some I "uuitanoe from the mountains. It is now j Li r.lliuiliuu D. VI lllll.iu .V m.ui?v a. I). Viiii Hum. who whm reported as I ill iu our last issue, is very low with typhoid ma aria at the Palace hotel. Lust evening his brother-in-law, Dr. C. W. Cornelins, of Portland, arrived and is giving him all the medical attention possible. However it ia feared that he cannot recover. The assignments of Cox Bros, and M. Liabtenthul & Co. have been continued iu the bunds of the sane receivers, respectively, W. P. Fell andThos. Quaid. Win. Ayers returned home overland from Salem Wedhusday. The roads were very bad over the Casoade moun tains. Last Saturday, Mrs. A. M. GunD had the misfortune to badly scald one of her hands with hot grease. She is Buffering considerably from the accident. W. H. Kelly, wife and child, returned from below Tuesday, leaving for Canyon City Wednesday by private conveyance. Ed. Mi.tlock writes that he only lost one horse ou the road back. Sales of horses at fair prices are reported. Hood Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, mck headache, indigestion, As we go to press we learn of the death of Mr. D. Van Horn at the Palace hotel. Dan Mathoit, representing the Stand rrd Oil Co., was iu Heppner over Monday night. J. E. CoUmnn was down from David son early in the week. Millard French is convalescing from a two weeks' illness. 0. H. Thompson was in from Butter creek yesterday. Hugh Fields is able to be about again. Won't Do It Again. Some unseason able whistling at the Gazette office Wed nesday well along into the dead watches of the night, brought out half the town, and Beared the people for some distance around who believed there was a fire in town. The job department was turning out some woik tbat evening, and a visit or thoughtlessly pulled the whistle cord a few times for amusement, not thinking that it would alarm anyone. Th'B will not be repeated again unless iu oase of a fire, except, perhaps, three short blasts which ar often used to oall iu attaches of the office. We remember reading in the old-fashioned, McGuflie's third reader the story of "the hoy and the wolf", and the moral still dings to the memory of this buuohgrass print shop like bar nacles to a weather-beaten bark. A 1!ad Move Monday last Green Mathews, as deputy sheriff, left for the oountry south of here to intercept Ed. Hooker who was reported as departing without paying his debts. Ed. was met Saudav by a country oreditor to the ex tent of $30, and was given au order on Wright buhug for that amount iu barley, but Wright produoed euoufh evidenoe to prove that be had purchased it. The party then came to town, and in con junction with others, got out the neces sary papers to stop the transgressor. The Gazette's editor has known Ed. for some years, and has always looked upon bim as being honorable, but this transaotion shows him up in bad light, sure. ITr. B. M. Flandera " l had Typhoid Fever Which left me with torpid liver and kidney trouble. I was a great sufferer. I took bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and was restored HoodVCures to health and gained over four pounds In weight It Is the butt blood purifier." D. M. Fla.ndxhs, real estate ak'ent, I'onland, Oregon. Hood's Pills cur constipation. Try a box. HA V7? ro,v RACK ACHE ? ni? c; bur n KIDNEY Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine. Burning Sensation, Pain In the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. 1 O 'cures PKKPAKKl) BY O.W.R. ManufactnrinE; Co, "SKUA'S?- For sale by Sloonm-Johnston Drug Co, and T. W. Ayers, Jr. Out On Baiu. On Wednesday Sheriff Noble returned with Tib Mills. He gave bail awaiting examination wbieb ia et for some future time, perhaps this next week, in order to allow Mills to get witnesses. "How to Care All Skin Disease'.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cores tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the faoe, bands, nose, 4c, leaving the skin olear, white and healtbly. Its great healing and ouratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr, Not Habby Wabbbn. The report tbat Harry Warren bad been pioked up near Portland insenBible from having fallen off a train proves to be a oase of mistaken identity, 6r rather a confound ing of names. The acoident occurred, but to another party by the name of "Harry". Mr. Warren reports himself safe and sound down in the moss-looked preoiuots of the Willamette. Hia par ents were very uneasy for some days, fearing that ill had befallen their son. Later Harry returned home last even ing. Damaged Optic. Pat Spillaue met with a painful acoident up iu the timber last Saturday. He was splitting wood, and a pieoe of steel flew off a wedge striking bimin the right eye, entering tbe ball in euch a manner as to destroy tbe sight. The pieoe ot steel came out be fore Pat got to town, but yet the injured member was in suoh a condition that our local physicians advised him to go to Portland for treatment at tbe hands of a apeoialist, and he therefore departed for that place yesterday. Notice Episcopal Services. Rev. W. E. Potwine will hold Episcopal services next Sunday at tbe M. E. oburob, Soulb as, follows: Administration of the Holy Communion Sabbath morning at 9 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'olock a. m., and evening prayer and sermon at 4 o'clook p. m. All are invited to attend these servioes. The Advertising Of Hood's Sarsaparillais always witbin tbe bounds of reason beoause it is true ; it always appeals to tbe sober, common sense of thinking people because it is true; and it is always folly substanti ated by endorsements; which in the finanoial world would be aooepted with out a moment's hesitation. EXECOTKIX NOTICE. Those having business relative to the estate of W. ' G. Boyer, deoeased, will please oall at tbe office of Hamilton & Freeland, who will pay all debta of said estate and collect all money due the same. Eliza J. Boyer, Exeoutrix. Heppner, Or, Oct. 15, 93. 71-74. M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. 8 THE LARGEST GUN IN THE WOULD is on exhibition at tbe Great World's Fair. You ought to see it. This is the month of months to visit the fair, pleasant days, cool nights, delightful traveling weather. Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago on tbe vestibuled limited trainB of tbe Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest Line. See your nearest Union Pacific agent for rates or other information. 636 Bl'C'KB! BUCKS! I will have a band of bucks for sale at my place, near Heppner Warehouse, in this oity, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to 87; Thoroughbreds $12. Dont fail to attend tho sale. 03-tf Tom Morgan. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, eawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, 81.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan Howard's. 4-tf. rr-j grfr ron bale n.- n jp-t- i ? ; . , i . w . vji iiiiaiii Uk- jjibucc, HEFPNiin, on ASSIGNEE'S SALE. GREAT DISCOUNT OH ILL STOCK. Closing oxt the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. tt Cost for Cash Call and Secure a Groocl Bargain. Assignee. Shoemaker. Kii. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located iu the Abraham sicl' building, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in his line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall I4wtf ADDITIONAL LOCALS. "Hardware" did you sayf Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and the place (or bargains. a The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of iight are provided for everyone, a Bnrg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watch or clock, tie keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to his business' a copper n 1 YETI-j3'c" AFTER THE KA1K is over you can stay at boine. Go to Cbiongo now and see tbe most com plete and magnificent exhibition that has ever been he-Id. The vestibuled limited trains of the Chicago, Union Pacific & Nortbwf stern line will take yoa there with the leatt ttouM and changes. 63 6 iAI GUARANTEED. ONE OF THE MYSTERIES. Something About Hound That Cannot Bo Understood. "I am au old man," he said slowly to a Memphis Appeal-Avalanche reporter, "and I've lived a long time longer than most men who have lived as long as I have, for there's mighty little in thii world that I oughtn't to know that I don't know; but there is one thing I don't know, and I've been trying to learn it for fifty years, more or less." "What's that?" interrupted Gamaliel, who ia but a bes inner. H. A. Thompson A. E. Biuns THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day, 81.25. Meals 25 cts. at O. C. Sargeant'B, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on bund. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. PALMEHOTEL 1. Only First-CI ass hotel in Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. 3. Best acoemmodatiorte for tbe traveling public. 4. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. THE PEOPLE A RE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us tbey always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best ia ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of oar friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody. i i IYI INOR $c OCX Heppner, Oregon, . Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keen on hands at all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHA."W & McCAETY, 85-ti. froorietors. PORTLAND'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OPENS SEPTEMBER 27 1SS3 CLOSES OCTOBER 28 UBESrgGELEBpTED IIpITMY WW WILL FURN1HH THK MfSIO. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINATURE. THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OK ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. MADAME GIRARD GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Constructed at a cost of $10,000 and throwii'R a thousand gets of water In oil the colors of the rauiDow win neauuiy music iiau. -.LABQB ACQUARIUMS: Containing fish of all varieties found iu Oregon waLers have been constructed at ureat expense. THE Cr-AJliXjEIR-r Will contuil a collection of paintings salectod from tho World's Fair. Among them Ellsbllrg's celebrated painting, Custer's Last Fight. To visit this (treat Exposition and view Its wouaers in every acpariinem oi An auu nutcuce, win ue next uuug iu a visit w me orui k Fair at Chicago. REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further Information address E3. "W. AIiTiEllT, Superintendent and Secretary. 01'r )TTl': yuilll'.;' iinw in I'll-' IS'' l l" I '-SL our In lilill'I'V ; COl'RSR)Tho 'iii!ini'("i--lniv to In- h.:: in niiimiu'e; YOU )Tlie fond pnrM.tt how to Jiavo pt'i.o Imbics; WANT )Tlie motherhow t have tlii'in without pain ; TO )Tho childless how to bo fruitful and multiply ; KNOW )The curious how they "trowed" and came to be WHAT )The healths' how to enjoy life and krep well ; EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily; BODY )The imprudent how to ri'srnin wasted energy. OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," KNOW. J1.000 pastes, 200 cuts, 24 !. plates ; 200 recipes ; READ Utcdnei'd from 3.25 to !;1 ..',0 ; circulars free. P. H. T. 'iMurrav Hill r.ook ('.-.. :;1. ''i!i St., New York flSTT'vv'O ( DAYS ( ONE (AGENT ( SOLD '(AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500.000 ( COPIES .( !-OliD. LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office , i Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT OI'KICK The Lancashire Insurance Co. a. W. OP MANCHBHTBH, I5.GIA.I One of tlie Ilest In the VV urlil "Well, my son, it's this: I don't know, nd I don't believe I ever shall, why it w that when a man gets home at 3 o'clock in the morning and he finds he hasn't his night key in his pocket he can ring the bell and thump the door and throw pebbles up against the windows and disturb the whole neighborhood, and keep on doing it for three-quarters of an hour or more, before he wakes anybody in the house; but if he gets there at the same time and has his night key In his pocket, and slips it into the lock as still as a mouse, and turns it without a creak, and shuts the door as softly as the dew falls, and creeps upstairs in his sock feet as stealthily as a cat, and guts into his room as noise lessly as the stars go to their rest, he nut iiiuy wtiKt'M up His wife, but the ' next morning everybody iu the house is asking him what he means by coming in at that hour of the night, and if he j must come in then, why doesn't he 1 make less racket anil not disturb the whole country." I The old man in an excess of emotion gasped once or twice and began to mop his brow. "That's what I don't know, young man," he went on, "and I'd like to live until you have lived as long as I have, to see if you can find out, but I don't really believe you ever will." "I'll try," briefly remarked Gamaliel, and those who know Gamaliel have a I sublime confidence that he has made a noble beginning. The Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It ie located at Forest Grove, Or., Tlie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particulars, strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. KIRK & BUHL, The Enterprise Bakery ui Grocery Store On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a f nil line ot STPLJH AND FANCY Groceries .anil Provisions. A fall line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything tbat ia usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp try tbem. sw "A DRUG IN THE MARKET." Tee, there are many of tbem. Some very good, some bad. Bad draifs are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pare drags are great belpe, And these alone should be Died in compounding. We claim to keep in stock Tbe purest drags made. To compound them skillfully, To preDare prescriptions qaiokly. To charge for them reasonably. Who can do better than this? PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. ASSISGNEE' SALE. LOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, the entire stock of general mer chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman. Bargains in all lines never before found. Call and learn prices. W. P. FELL, Assignee. IjOIUjs, Dawson s Iyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All busiuess attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, : : i ; : OREGON. r ADDRESS: SAN FRANCISCO, CAU