J '" I 1 a m wm 'io SELL YOU ? "RTF "RID ! e sf" ! -.1 C7TNU 160 " ' $ i ! give your business to Heppner people 'i I and therefore assist to build up Hepp- V ' ' nor. Patronize those who patronize tmu. We hold each and every correspondent re .nnnslble lor his or her communication. No r"eon.lnce will be published unle. . the writer's real name is signed an au evidence 01 good lalth. DiJ you ever Read about the Man who Hid bis Light under A bushel? Yeflf well That is like Doing business Without advertising. All the tiuiJe sohemes In the country Will uotaooomplish Half as much Ab b good ad. lu a Rood, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; thnt Uses its space Like merohanduw, Worth dollar For dollar. -&2 -si PACTS FOR WOOLG ROWERS. In the sale or shipment of their pro duct from Heppner, woolirowsra an , ,uaUyj)uy tcuight, and, oommisBiunon received here. The average shrinkane in scouring iB probably Beventy per cent. While a few lots may run as light as 65 to 68 per cent., many will run as high as 75, and a few lots over 80. It is safe to assume that an average 1000 pounds of wool iu (he grease will scour out but little over 300 pounds of clean wool. Taking the above as a basis, it cost over $40,000 more per year to handle the wool shipped from Heppner, in the greoBe, than if it were scoured hero. The figured below specifically indicate the difference. A shipment of 1000 lbs. Booured (list, and there sold for 40 cante per pound estimatiiiijIMOlbs. oiean, brings $ l'A) 00 Charges as follows: For grading and bailing, at 40 oente per 100 lbs 8 4 00 Freight, to Huston, in bales, at 81.80 per 100 lbs 18 00 Commission, 1 cent per lb 10 00 Scouring " " " " 10 00 Total Mil; net proceeds, $78, squill to seven and eight-tenths cents per lb. on original shipment. The account of the same amount of wool scoured here would be as fol ows, )00 lbs. clean, at 40 cents in liostou $120 0U Charges, for Booming, 1000 lbs. at I cent 10 00 For freight, at $2 50 per 100 10b. on o!0 pounds of olenu wool 7 On For oouiiiiisBiou at 6 per cent . on groBs sale, (0 per oent. ou 7 20 Total, 8-1 70 ; net proceeds 8116.311, e quid to nine and one half cents per lb. ou original weight, a net gain of about one nud three quarters cents per lb. over shipment iu the grease. The above does not represent the ouly advantage iu scouring wool prior to shipment. 1. Ixical speculative buvers of wool In tlio grease, recognizing the great uu oertuinly us to shrinkage, liberally estimate to protect their own judg ment by calculating shrinkage in ex cess of the per oent. they uotuiilly believe it will scour out. Occasionally the buyer will lose ou his owu estimate, but it is certaiuly fair to asBume it is generally txoessive, and agaiUBt the grower. 2. The value and quality of wool in heavy Heroes is better shown to the manufacturer in a clean, ntlruetivt con dition. 3. liefure the wool is sooured, ex perienced sorters separate the tleece' ach grade and quality is prepared for market in different bales. In purchas ing scoured wool manufacturers buy only sorts required iu spinning the kind of yarn used in their productions. For such wool as spinners use, they can and do pay full figures, but when they purchase an entire tleece, all of which is not of the sort they waut, they must undte due allowance. For instance the superior length of staple from the shoulder of a merino, is worth no more to mills running exclusively ou fine flannels, thau is the shorter wool from ofbn. rn"l'" of the Hw. On the I ACRES limber fi fence. Situated two miles Webt ef Hardiuau. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the tinier culture claim, WOO. ANOTHER BARGAIN, Good, deeded ranch, 320 acreB.best Block ranch other hand, worsted spinners have no use for the short wool. When either buys wool iu the grease they are at a disadvantage, re-selliDg that whioh they oannot use. As a matter of fact, each year marks an increase in the sale of sooured wool. Many mills are buying only in definite condition, the qualities adapted to their wauta. This season a greater portion of wool shipped East Irom here, went direct to scouring mills before being offered on the market. It has been through the scouring mills at San Fran cisco that it has maintained its hold on Oregon wool trade against many other relative disadvantages. Last winter Judd & Hoot, of Hart ford, who are probably the largest dealers iu sooured wool doing business on this coast, decided to have their Oregon and Washington tleece sooured before shipment East, and arranged for this work at Taooma where T. E. Fell was aoting as manager of the Tacoma Woolen Mill, Fart of the scouring plant was operated, but before wool oomraenoed to move in any considerable quantity, this mill like most other woolen mills was compelled to close. Mr. E. Y. Jndd who is well known here, associated with Mr. Fell, con template ereoting a soourinft mill at The Dalles before next season. If they do so our wool-growers will have to pay for a muob shorter haul than they now do iu shipping to 'Frisco to get wool sooured, or sell on a sooured basis. As Mr. Judd has the largest wool trade here and it is quite possible that the mill may be built at Heppner now that it has been demonstrated that our oity water is excellent for wool Boouring, A sample sooured in a very oruae niau- uer may be seen iu the window of Avers,'... drug . store. . From this lot alkali and through proper process will yield a superior product. Soim of our exohanges wauta a dollar that "expresses value". So do we. But no one with good, hard, business sense wants to borrow a dollar today which requires twice as inuoh to buy the same dollar to pay it bftck tomorrow. We must all take into account that the dollar of today has a purchasing power of 100 per oiut. more than belougs to it. And moro than that, this increase is still going on. If the capitalist loses a sinjin part or the purchasing power i f his money, he will have given up what uevor honestly belonged to him, while the greater number will ouly get what is theirs nothiog moie. "The greatest good to the greatest numb?r" is a good motto. Gov. Punnoykh is talked of as a caudi- uare inr mayor of Portland. It is said by some thut Hon. H. W. Oorbelt, of that city, is the only man who can beat him. The Giujtto thinks differ ently. Mr. Cortwtt is too union of a gold-bug to make a decent race, aud the masses down at the metropolis will not support him in sufficient numbers to insure an election. It will take a different sort of a republican to make Hie race against our popular governor. C0NUHEH8UAN Ellis spoke in favor of tlerirmiin's bill authorizing commission ers of United States cirouit courts to lane proot 111 all oases ou timber laud pnrchasts, as now provided iu home Ntenil proofs. The hill was passed by a lianilBomc vote, aud will save our peopl, tne trouble and expense of making trips to and from the land offices to make proof on timber lauds. The hil will, u u do 11 bt ed ly, pass t he sen at e. T,.. !...,,.. 1. . ' . . j " oeen exteuoeil six months, aud (ieuiy i amendment re quiring pnotograpu with registration agreed upon. If congress will now ex iruu me lime of jiameut u forfeited lands iu Oregon and Washington, they will, at least, give settlers an equal show w ith the Mongolians. The Geary law slionlil Lave been enforced without stmt. 1 un "sixty cent" dollar is not troiib ling 1110 people so much as the 2iKI reut one. The badly abused silver doll on its bullion value does the same work today us it did iu 1S37 when the pro- piruon of silver to gold was much greater than at present. Bum political parties of Massaehu sens nave adopted the "initiative and referendum" plauk. Popular legislation is in the right direction. Legislatures can he oorrupted but the whole people cau uaraiy be renched in this mauner. .Tenon MAYNAkn, the sutbor of the "Mylud" frauds iu Sew York in rvferenoe to election returns, is a candidate before th people of that state, lie ought to he In uten on general principles, , , t , machine politician of the vilest type. Two girl tramps are reported at Baker Oitv :One of the Best Heees of Land in Morrow County.ss - iu Morrow county, cheap and ,m For The Portland Daily Dispatch ported as no more. Everybody should sign a petition for extension of time of payment on forfeited lands. The News and Repn'ilieim, of Deuver, are working iu harmony for the interests of silver. Hbavy Btorms are reported in the East and shipping has suffered in consequence. Senator Dolph voted for woman suffrage in the Cherokee Btrip. The amendment was rejeoted, however. Hon. W. It. Ellis has introduced a bill for the erection of public buildings at Baker Oity, to ocst not over $100,000. lue administration has been forced to yield to a compromise Bilver measure. The tenor of the same is unknown as yet. The Union F-acifio has passed into the hands of a receiver. The death of one of the principal stockholder?, Amis, is given as the oause. Col. W. H. U. Taylor, son-in-law and private secretary of Gen. Win. Henry Harrison, is dead. He was postmaster uuiier Tyler at Cincinnati. lliwniv of Ointments for Catarrh that Coimilus Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such artioles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputuble physi cians, as the damnge they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co, Toledo, O., ooutains no meroury, aud is luiernany, anu inane in Toleih Ohio, by F. J. Clienev & Co. Test monials free. ft-iC-'UI-l U.. .1... : . m- niu uy uruggiHis, prioe ttits. per K11XKI) IIY DYNAMITIC From the Kagle. i.iniiuow n.nrwiu, woo nas Tor years resided iu Giaut couuty, near Long Creek, was accidentally killed last Sun- day morning about six o'clock, while at work iu the mines of MesHru. Sloan & Haskell at Susauville, Orei;oo. The Eagle reporter learned that bin atten tion was givou to blasting out some rook iu order to lay a race iu the claim H . had drilled aud prepared several Waste, but everything being wet from the ooiitiuuous raiu, he met with some difficulty in getting the fuse to burn, aud while making au attempt to escape from those already lighted, the ex plosion of a blast lighted by a com panion occurred, whioh resulted iu Mr. Kerwiu's instant death; his skull having been crushed by the terrifflo force of a lying stone. Word was at once brought to Long Creek, and Geo. HarriB was at once dispatched for Susanville to bring the body to Long Creek, where it was pre pared and buried in the oity cemetery Tuesday, under the auspices of the Ma souio order of the oity. Mr. Kerwin was a native of Germany, aud it is understood that he has relatives itsiiling iu San Jose, Cal and also in the Willamette valley. He wns about tlilrlv- . j .cu jom 01 ogf, nrni was a member of the Kuigut ot i ytliias, Odd Fellows, aud Masonic order of this oity. He wus universally known to have been a hard working, upright aud honest citizen, aud had on the high eBteem of a wide circle of friends who ere pained ou being apprised of his uu tiinely death. I'eaoe to his ashes. 1'oiseued by Scrofula Is the sad story of many lives made uiioornuie lurougu no tault of their own Scrofula is more especially tliau auy other a heritage disease, aud for tins simple reason : Arising from an impure nu,. iiiauiiicieua UIOOU, tlie UlSCBBe lo- cates itself in the lymphatics, which are composed of white tissues; there is a period ot foetal life when the whole body sonsists of white tissues, aud therefore the nuborn child is especially susceptible to this dreadful disease. Hut there is a remedy for scrofula, whether or acquired. It is Hood's SarsaparilU whicU by Its powerful effect on tho l,l.,t expels all trace of the disease and gives iu iw vuiii 1111111 1 lie quality and oolor of health. If yon decide to Ink tiarsapanlla do nut accept auy sulnti IIIIC. Land For Salr.-4H0 aores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch nud wiil be sold cheap. Call at Gazette otl'ice for particulars and terms. tf. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT leltera ol ,l ml n , ,,., ., ... A ' David N. Hardiuan. d th Utitltmliriil tin t)it-:.rh due ,i j... ,.Y by the county court of Morrow county " ' All ptTHoiiB Imvlnir claim Hirnin.t hi.i re rc)uiriHt tofxhil.it thpiu to mo for hhW uct at Hcpniicr, Morrow countv.t)rci!on. with. UOtii-t or tiny ot Sept. ly;l. 11m -j.-.th A. Rood, Adm.iimtmtnr. ea.y term-. further information call at oui office. 1)Y VIRTIE OF A WARRANT ISrfl'hD 1 out of the County Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Morrow, to me di rected commanding me to levy on the Roods and chattels of the delinquent taxpuyers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county lor the years lslHJ, 1691 aud 1W thereto attached, anil none be found, then upon the real property an set forth and described in tliealildelln(ueiit tux rolls, or so much thereof as shall satlsly the amount of taxes chafed therein, ,'oifether ivllh costs and expenses. 1 have duly levied having been unable to find any goods or chattels belonging to the respectlvedelinquents hereinafter named upon the following described nieces or parcels ol land as sei lorm m lists, lying and being in said Morrow county. Slate ot Oregon, described and assessed us follows: AM'TTAX BurnesJ. A.,HV)i Sec, IS, lp. 1 .V K. l ax lor 1SJA " ' IS'JI " " 1 HiH) li OA tl III) Hull J. C, LotsGand 7 in Blk. 3. Ayers' fourth addition to the town of Heppner, Jl OS Cunningham Charles, NW!4 Sec. 2 'lp. 1 S., R29E Colley V. 1.., 8V4 Sec. SI, Tp. 2 X., R. 21 h. ., .) Coleman L. W HE), Sec. 9, NEJ Sec. 1,, -N V.W alNKK aj S-'A sec. 10, 11 , Sec. M, H .j SE'4 Sec. X, N W'.i Sec. .. all iu 'I'D. 0 R. 20 E. containing 003 acres. 3s ,2 l.l,.,,., K Wii ,,f Wl.:. Sec. 3D Tb. 2 N. R. 27 E. taxes WW....' lu ' " 1S92 ! Kly 11. 1'., SEl-4 See. i, Tp. 2 N. K. i K. Tuxes 1S91. ' 1892. ' M Kulrhurst E Lot No. B, in Block No. 2, Townof Dairy Jones A E., TS. of See. 11, Tp. 2 8., R. -I h. I'alace Hotel Company, commencing at Southwest corner of Lot No. six (ii) in Block No. four (1) in original town of Heppner, thence running East 110 ft., thence North ou feet, thence west 110 feet, thence South 00 feet to place of be ginning Peterson N. M., SWtf Sec. Hi Tp. 3 S. K. 21 Richardson Thomas,' SE!4 Sec. 32 Tp. 2 N. R. Uuthestord'c. 'p.i Lots No. 1 and 2, K 3 i 7 02 72 SO 11 26 ' -t H4 SK'i except Custle Rock town site oi See.sTp. I N.. R. 24 E . Shipley L. K., Lot No. one (1) in Block No. two (2) Looney's addition to town of Ileppner, stralton S NWl, See. 2S, Tp. 2 Y, R. 2, L. Stuiilev- J. II.. sick. Sec. 2S. Tn. 1 N . R. 21 K. 9 liS ;i 10 i si 9 08 Whittle r Bros., Sec. 32, Tp. 2 N., K. 4' . .. do.) Estes C. wi.'NW'i'HcelbVTp.'i'N'.. R-.'-li1'v , !a And on Saturdav. the 2Kth day of October 193. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of sum day at the court house In said county and state, 1 will sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants, costs and accruing costs. Geo. Noble, Sheriff of Morrow liounty. Dated, Sept., 1693. It Might Han Been Prevented. From the Boston Post. While the walks in the Public Garden were crowded yesterday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, people near the entrance gates at the corner of Beacon and Charles streets were liornned to see a man suddenly plunge a knife repeatedly into his throat and fall to the ground. While waiting for a conveyance an officer questioned the would-be suicide, who was about 50 years of age, as to his name, address, and reason for wishing to end his life, but tne man Bteauiastly re! used to give any infor mation regarding himself. He was taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital and surgical attendance given him. Although weak from loss of blood it is probable h will recover. About 9 o'clock last night a hospital attendant got a little information from him. He said his name was Samuel D , and that he came some weeks from New Brunswick. The last few days AU head has felt outer, and he has heen wan. dering abou t the city, not knowing which way i-uiii. it nut, luipeueu mm to commit nis rash act he was unable to say. The above is the familiar hut terrihl story of the results of mental derangement caused by overstrain of the nervous system. People who have diizintss, headache or back ache, or who are troubled with melancholy or despondent feelings, are already well on the iouu wiiicit leans to insanity and suicide. "Dr. Miles Medical Co.: I cannot find langunge in which to express my apprecia tion of the great benefit I have derived from the use of your Restorative Nervine. When life became a burden I would use the Nervine to soothe my weakened nerves, and to calm my exhausted and irritable brain." Mrs. H. Brown, Rochester, N. Y. J)r. Miles' Restorative Nervine has no equal in ctjRiNii Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a !ositive guarantee by all druggists and Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For sale by T W. Aver. jr , Blood Builder Send for i t,e p.,H'i hi, l V.'ILLIAKS' ncniuAl: t.u,, V r liv.HO. l.'nccct:u1y, N.Y. "'o-'-mccm. HATTEES is re-l sheriffs Sale. I local market repoht. I A LD lEAlS i 1 Tonic W I li iV dl . i 3 -x. IVV m I O.W.R. Mr'C CS POrTUN0.ORt C0FandW-fArCs?TrJ0Ln8tOn AND STIN"KR' Deeded ranch, 160 acBt land. Will " Klltt S for it with first crop raised on ii Eeaeon for wiling. oiki Im 38 a 7R i 4 oO Beeves, oows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 oU " three " 1 7o2 00 Sheep, muttons, head . . . . 1 SO fo 1 2o " stock 1 M U '5 Hogs, ou foot, cwt Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool 6 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll in Eggs, doz Chickens, doz 2 00 TurkejB 00 15 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $1 05?1 10 Flour, bbl 3 00 a 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 01 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 0800 Hogs, owt 50 & 5 25 Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 (tt W Butter, tb 20 (i 25 Eggs, doz W Chickens, doz 5 00 4a 600 Turkeys, tb 15 (ft 1 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt & ' Flour, bbl 3 00 f 3 25 Beeves, owt 1 75 (it 2 ,5 " dressed 8 50 0 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 & 3 00 dressed 6 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool-Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 5 & Eggs, doz 16 20 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00 Turkeys lb 12 (A 14 To OonxxipWe- The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for sev eral years with a severe lung aflection, and that dreuil diseuse Consumption, Is anxious to make known to his fellow suilerers the means of en re. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will and aaure cure for Consump tion Asthma. Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung maladies. He hopes all suilerers win try his remedy, as it is luvaiuu jig. iu lug the prescription, whici will cost them noth lug, and may prove a blessing, will pleaso ad dress. Rkv. Edwabd A. Wilson, 1-taw Brooklyn, New York . Notice of Intention. j; i. , ittu. ivoriee is nereov given tnal the following-named settler has filed nolle. ! i i make anal proof in support of ..... "';',, ..mi Bum prooi win d made be fore J. H. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heupner Or., on Nov. IK, 1893, viz. BIN EH ART SCHILLER ltd. 3211! for the EV4 NWU NE'i Ki Sec 'U and NW'a HE". See. 82 Tn. t a. V Vi' He names the following witnesses to prove hli , , V ; "ence upon anu cultivation of, said land, viz.: (ieorge I'erry, of Lone Rock. Herman Meissner. ol Oooseberry Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry aud Isaac Smith nf ln. un.,i, " ll'IJ-179 Johm W. Lkwis, Register. Notice of Intention. t AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON .T''..?P1', ma- NoU ts hereby given thut the followine-named tilor k.. i.Ji of her intention to muke anal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow County, at MARY ( ANTWELL, Ml ut i m .J,",.1'11' Uml- ot K'Kht She names the following witnesses to prove her said l,u,d; viz.? "u tu'tlon ol, J. II. Jones, of Eight Mile, Oregon, I. R. hs eb, ol Gooseberry, Isaac Knighten, of Eight Mile, and Jus. Inskcep, of Eight Mile ,.. John w. Lewis, keglster. Notice of Intention. T ANDOKFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON Sin."'- 1 wotlee is hereby given that lie following named settler has filed notice of :-- ""'""": i "ui prooi in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner Oregon, on Nov. 13, 1K93, viz., 1 F ' MA RV (' U knVTT'1- l0T41?.'Rf2y,l.wVE!n' w SE sue iniiaesthe followliu. wltBHUO i 1. eniltllllinn. l.l ... ... 1""":'T said Jand, vU: cu,uv" T. L. Durman. Frnitlr r:riei u- t . a".'Lw:.M' Ilaguewood, all of lone, breeon 107-17; Johm W. Lliwis, Register. Sheriff's Sale. NOni'K IS H ERE By GIVEN THAT uuiier and bv virtue ,,f n v,.,..i ,.... '. ami delivered; upon a Judgment : relcr! ' and nd d interest thereon,; tie ,.7. ; .,7 .""..'.. " unn.iin in like gold coin from the li I day of March lS92.and the further sum of S Attv's ees and 2 1.09 costs, and, whereas, by s dd Judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the ol ovvlng described real properly, u"wl.V Kl"hV;F ""b'?1 '," Block So- Kour W arid li t' t ght (S) In B ock Sven (7) lu Jonei! addition to Heppner Morrow County, Oregon, be .old to sutufy Judgment, costs and acer, .in, '.will, on the 2Mh day of October, lwt at ' the,ftaS;r"J'K of to the .fv. " 'J' a"d Auction to the h,KhMt bidder for cash in baiiH the ,,r,,.....J,: .X Z " ". ""'"erior can in said eTei'iitnV,, VTF' f, ..'ne satisfaction of or i t may accrue. "a co"' "'' .. . ., C,SO. NOBLK, . . , Sheriff of Morrow County. Oreuoii Dated Sept. 30, 1893. ""'y. wrtgmu Sheriff's Sale. of the Circuit Court of the sute of Oregon fo the county ot Morrow, and to me directed and de ivered. upon a Judgment rendered i d "Kaltist G W. Rea, Defendant, for thi ,uia of ilM-hundred aud two dollars and seventv ?i f.l-.8.iroldcoin with lntere.the?eoi'i ,T tlie THtt? Of tun TKr nan ... r"u I 'r Wth day of KebT,;'; 189.".nd , forCth. further Bum nf Attv . . ",r and, whereas, bv said udgmjnt It wa. ordeal and adjudged that the fotlowing dMcritedV?: property to-wlt: WVj of th. N'Eu o lecJ Jne ion fo" The hiXnurKder'1, cash In hand, the Pr.K'etHls to be applie n, ,, ' 1V1,.,., hi. J Yl LI. I 1S93. in favor of k. . Hughes 1'laintHF am ,i ', ' V V, , ,, ' " """"red an Judgment, cost, audi ."eeming cu0 "wlliT the Ji.th.day of iVtober lsie, at 1 o'clock d m said day. at the front door of the cSur h.". In Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon , el! n'' right, title and interest of said ii tv u ' , ,tnUM9 U your hair dry, harah, what U i. t I lf.U.. .PPenrane.r Millet Voe.it. pM attheeni, ir u it full cf dandruff t vcuu. foynMHM bald. . .. la what 3 Tou Been, its PV"'"" km T RAOC MARft search. lL'Z&K?mir ncir oils, n . , ... to treat them. "SkooKum jar ; C lor '.'!". SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., T7 South Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y. THS Are vou all run Sim of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver UU and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will huild vou uo and nut flesh on you and trive vou a Tnnn & Scott's Emulsion cures Conjbs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and all Anaemic and Wasting- Diseases. Prevents wasting- in children. Al most as palatable as milk. Uetonly the genuine. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by DRt:iw?JB!S HAID-BK OV HEALTH HINTS ANDREADYRECIPEsr. IT TELLS ABOUT nop A, oru'lCalids. &-Heln' fStefo Avoid. ,r Mio&S04& Dangers of Kissing, Hestorlng the Drowned, Contag lous DW.S 1??$ .lof .Llee " aK.lil.SI HOW TO riiitss Bllr Coughs, Cholera. Diarrhoea. Dlnhthen, nVZ,lZ " u""' tnl m,IaJns- Cold et, Corn,, Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough. Hives Hoarseness ith . ' f aracnoi melons, Fetid Mole,, Pimples. Piles, Rheumatism SEwSTZrtnJ Bore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings Wart Whooping Cough. Worms in ChUdron. EAll new subscribers and prompt presensed with a free oopyof this as a PORTLANO, OrEUON. A. w j yyi y i J siI w A fLy'yi Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. FOR IIWENTIONS. . Equal with the interest nf tv,o, that of INVENTORS, who often ltte efilo?r? g't is of the incompetency or inattention ef th WofvaIul invent ons because able solicitors to procure patents for the v?,, ploym? cmpetent aud reli 8 TU the care and ol f thi ?aUornev PateUt atly, it not tamed counsel expert in patent pracUce fnd ?w Vahd patents we hav Obtain Patents In the Ilnlt cV! before are prepared to terferences e Countrle,, Conduct l. Register Trade-Marks anS i Z' P:0secut9 Rejected Cases, Scope anTvndiS? e" Opm.ons as to Defend iniHLr.iaten. Prosecute and i tuu naw an ,,,-,... .... I to tlio K. ---" iu'P others are infrinein ""IS -E PUrs.u. ----- .c m, ringing on your riehti nr others, 8ubmit the r Tf . . gether with a brief rl...v. ? . ?and .send ei8FSTREETyNOERTHWf CLAlMS COMPANY. l.O.BOX.a lOHritafrnrAco..,,.. .. WASHINGTON, O. C. mi. ut ana send Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE nitrv. im,. ft. ,Sg SJL L'Fi'W au intention to i.,.i 5 ,.T' "". '."ea """ee his claim, an.l th .h"".' J'V. "'I'Port of John W . Uwis. Register, j b CD DC TR 1! 4 pickl,n r trt. IlkU and Iom juan''' "'"" Mlllt, hSTS 'iT J it v RflllT HAIR GROWERS . u.i htth result of solenllflor- ",T,, Tiir mud ca.li) led to tue uiscovri ... .... " " Tnle. By sllmul.tlug tho j Vr'om',.rr,t..lng enm.lous. by the nm ic inaecln, uhicli feed en ai.it de.,(ru down ? Scoffs Emul- nntietlte. -rr nn. T, and Insect Bit. h..Vi, v . eS' Boro Montbi iSnllSSSS renewals during the month of Aug will ha preminm. K' P. AlUIST.n.,, . J. , ,., . , V ' . . auiis, ttc., Etc. sketch or photograph thereof, to ures. arifl von TTT.'u t, 4 Models are seldom necessary. If if , , ic semom necessary. If QfMJ uu IUC Emulsion uLnDUKn, managing Attor rney. It with vooe !,. ..iflgll j, KSJ Notice of Intention. i' "owing-named set r t.. ,"'.KLv.e ,n; County Clerk, al HnVr AH.D. WHITMAN , ou Aov. 4. 1WH HEZEK1AH Sec. 12, Tp.28 hPP23 3 'or the SW of , He names the folwi.-.?ll. , continuous residence iii -T , t. Pm said land, viz.: p n and cultivation of. tM. Kees, all of ion, Nutiamnlfpr ntmrr.. IIP OlVlrnn B John w. LewIb, Regiiter. 'PILES .AHD.Nrru?0TE,U(,iW8tslwme:" lln as. 15 1 ITS. i. II St. Lbis. Olir.. n