J h 1 M 3 If i 33i Prentiss n..-im-mrr piilnrurenyinatlunllon i-remi "'i' - ! PRENTISS RECTIFYING P S J IMS 18 2 3 J i 2 d II i 5 I tt isc U s a a n u CURES MPT NT) L ll..t nil ,,!!! nn,t mdlr-lCO tlKVltlCB CC1StlPllOn, DOT 10 I'l'l ..u.vo .-..y.- Uver, biliousness, rheumatism, lnilijjsstluu. sk-k headache and kidney and liver trihic. without criiJcit or leavins- ttiiT truco ot CONSTIPATION, which la tho prime cause ot all sickness, beware ot tt getting ntUttl and chwulc with you, sae to It. In time; ttiiw pills will euro yea. ITWfe I P"" k rs. ORFNTIS8 RECTIFYING PILL, Hi KHfM 'Mk. i. ,.A ., I. nnlf unfn And h&rmieat & 3 tWfl XaJP remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY COMPLEXION clear tho skin and remom rill batches from tho lace. Try a box aul oe tor jour selt. WCents a box. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGIST8. Or sent by mall upon receipt of prlw ly Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturinp; Co., 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 0 c III p I 1 EE, on 33 1? S3 DO si" i"0 - Prentiss Rectifying plllacure consllpisUou Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation PrentlBS Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss Ke.-lllylni; pills cure constipation , ENERGY OF STORMS. of the I.lvr and Theories of Meteor ological i'henoiueua. tt a Wdien. In discussine tbo subject in tho Su Louis (Jlobe-Democrat, states that the theory was advanced by Espy In 1835 Hurt thoenerKi' of our storms ana turuauu.-. wo ntlrely due to the Intern boat set free In iho0HuiiiaUon of the aqueous vapor in theair. HeauOposeUlhatapriiiuuTlinpiUM res gien to an aaoenoinK current by the heat of thaannlallinRupoQ a ouruuu uu portion of the oarth,and that saturated air in thl ascending current, through oroansioo and ooolinir, had Its moisture oondonsoi Diia condensation liberated the latum hea: stored np through the process of evapoia. Uon. and thiB in "turn houtod up tho air, pro ducing a rarefaction and an increased up ward motion. The loneor this process went on the more intense the action became, the more heat was evolved, and thus more and e fnrcfl was evolved. Prof. Ferrt adopted this view in part, and said that without the action of some constant force the primary impulse would rapidly lose its Intensity through inction. anu iuu mo u.t turbance wouldquickly come to an end. This constant force he maintained was the heat ing-of the air through condensation, etc., as set forth by Espy. Prof. Moan, one of the most prominent" meteorologists of Europe, has gone still further, and has computed the amount 01 energy orougui, uui m u velopini? a singlo Cuban hurricane dunnf, ritv,-K 7. 1M4. He savs: "The Cuba, EVERYDAY TRAGEDIES. C.ilet, or.lt nry Life FornUbes MorTr. Than War Pentllenee. "The traffic and the metaphysical are :i!itv inseparable. Let ua lawo iPiKElE ID WWHE MnIrcandbHirt4.nd'Tinnoa - - - REAT SPEAR HAD CONTEST. AND SAVE THE TAGS. lie Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fitly Dollars, $173,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away tn Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 , 1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN OOLI) WATCHES """"-f;Vl,6M M KriEC KiwS; - 23 100 IMI'OKTEI) (IEKMAN IHICKIIOItN HANDLE, POLK IlLADfcD 15,500 ROLLED GOLD wXtCU ClIAItM KOTAttY TELE TOC.TU ns'sooLAna'ncTUREs"!. n n.lverLiuliur on them 'Ljri 1 . $173,250 00 ntten, among parties who chew Hl'EAH no advertitiiiig on them 231,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO The minve nrtieies win io iii'i"""" -r;. . -;;z;'.ZZ, :.)Tr..fr,,m. HEAD Plug Tobacco, nml return 10 us inn We will distribute 220 of theso prlr.es In hl connly at follows: 11 TcKri?.,n.i 1 oold wATCtt "'ApKAR BWaJS OPERA GLAWSES. (l ntf ns l(ie next KretiteBi, uumim.:. wo will k'vo to each 1 POCKKr ot KI'HAll IlliAl) TAU.S, KNll-'E ' , HUNDRED PMITIEH sending us ine nciv iww "0 POCKET ENIVES. l-o tun in vr." ' '"V i "',,r . ilin to each 1 ?w"lBl)WLDWAfi!UCnAilM'Toaril 1'IUK : To the ONE HUNDRED PART I EH sendlnn us the next greatest nun l"r of Hl'UAR HEAD TAIIH, will give to each I LA1WU i I'-'TURE IN ELEVEN COLORS J'olal Nnmbcr of TrUes for lii C'oanly, 820, .100 PICTUliEa C S TTION.-No Tads will bo received before January 1st, 'Salt!STIS!aVavt Hi eeni pl4 ot HI'EAR HE?vl) ytiu buy. Semf In the Wgs, no matter how small th quantity. "''YllTlCl. 80RG COMPANY, Middlctown, Ohio. A list of the people obtaining these prizes In this county will bo published in thl paper luiineuiaieiy auer reuiumjr DON'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I. 1894. CHINESE SOLDIERS. AN INGENIOUS CIPHER. Hotel Way In Which They Receive TheU now tho pH,,,,,!, f B rreiu h Thief Ool l'y. TheniHelves Into Jail, The Chinese soldier receives Ins pay go,,,,, yeftrs a?l)i saj.s the Detroit once a month only, and Chinese months, proc Press. th friends of a Parisian It may be remembered, are much long1- tliluf adoptwl a decidedly umiiue. method er than thoso we nro necustomeu to 0f carry inp; on a clandestine eorrcs reckon by. On tho ove of tho pay day pondencc with him while he was await- the captain ot the company, WKomcr infftnal. One day the jailer vvus vis with liis aergcant-mnjnr, goes and ro- iu.j i,y trie priso'ni'r's Iwtnithed. who ccives the amount of money requisite aKi0,i ,im to irive her lover nn onvclope. to pay hi9 company from Ins next u.,un Muiiir opened was found to Buperior oflicer, says the Cincinnati En quirer. This is not paid to 1dm in jingling coins but in pure silver, which, how ever, has been broken into somewhat Irregular piece The whole of the night preceding pny day is occupied in weighing out for each man the required quantity of silver, and this occupation, contain simply a small loeltof her hair, around which was folded a leaf of a hook. The jailer did not co:i:.idor it worth his while to deliver this souvenir to the culprit,, and, therefore, threw it aside. A day or two later a similar inelosure was handed in at the prison gate and shared ilie f sit o of its predecessors. In as may be imagined, is a very tedious tho course of a week n not her was left one, and only successfully accomplished by inllnite care, for here a piece the size of a pin's head has to lie clipped off, and there a piece of larger dimensions has to be added to make up weight, and any deviation ono way or tho other means the loss of perhaps a day's payor more to Borne poor ueiouueroi me co- twentv-six lcstlal empire. When tho process of melting out is accomplished the silver Is carefully wrapped in pn per, upon which Is writ ten the mime of the intended recipient On the following afternoon the com pany Is mustered and the sergeant-1 major divides the money, commencing with the llrst man in the company and going on to the hist. When this divi sion is eoneiuied the question is asked in Btontoriun tones: "lias anyone else a claim?" unit the customary "No" having been promptly giveti, the men iiu then dismissed. Each man now repairs to the nearest tradesman's shop, where hearxchungea his silver. Korouetacl ho receives one thousand small coins called cash, per forated in the eenler sons to allow of being threaded oil a string, anil, having received the proper amount, turns homeward with a cheerful mien, hut nearly sinking beneath his burden. The private receives three and one half, tacls, equal toalxnit nineteeen shil lings, monthly, out of which he has to provide himself with clothes ami food. Hut he lives on rice and his clothe cost but a triile. by the snnie ivrsnn. This aroused the suspicion of the governor of the prison, to whom had been detailed the circum stances, lie determined to investigate the meaning and accordingly first ex amined the printed leaf. This he found was tm from a novel and contained lines on each side. Ho then turned his attention to the hair ami discovered that there were twenty six pieces of unequal length. This puz zled him for awhile, and then suddenly jumping to the conclusion that there must he some connection helween the number of the printed lines and tho number of hairs, lie laid each of the lat ter along 'he line of the page they re spectively reached, beginning with the shortest but., at the top of the leaf. After chaniring them about several times he discovered that each hair pointed to a different letter, and the combination thus produced formed a slang sentence, by means of w hich the prisoner was given to understand that his friends hud ascertained the day on which he w.is to K' taken to court and were determined to make a bold at tempt to rescue him ns soon sis he made his npie;i ranee. Taking I ho cue. tie! governor a lor every precaution to frustrate laid plans of the outsiders; the was made and, as a natural conse quence, the conspirators s.xin found themselves in the same condition as the one for whom they had planned the rescue. hurricane, in movinelhe iu-flowingah dc velopedat least 473,Wi),(iOO horse-power ii. these three days that is, at least fifteen times as much energy as comes from al wind mills, water wheels, stoam engines locomotives, man and animal power of the whole earth at the sumo time." Ho state; that all this power needed in the storm gen erationcame from the latent heat set fref in the process of condensation. This, then, must be considered the etiiol corner-stone of theories in regard to storm formation. It seems exceedingly prooaoie. however, that ttiis enormous dcvolormicnl of energy !s purely and highly imaginary and that it is an attempt to make sonie' liinp outof next to nothing. While undouhtcdlj latent heat will bo evolved if vapor uo con densed, yet this evolution, would suciutt hrinucArtain death to the very process of condensation. Supposo wo have a mass of air and could condense, its moisiuio wituout altering its temperature the lutuat, heut set free would make just enough sensioie heat to again evaporate tho moisture, and iheit would be no rain, but every tiling would re main In statu quo. Suppose, howevcr,wf take away enough heat to cool the air 10 d grees for each cubic foot, thin would amou lo the boat nocessory to nvu;Krato one seventh of a grain of moist uro and must bt ken in part at least, from the surrounding If we cool the air L itugreo it tun cun dense a certain amount of moisture, de nendina-nnon tho temperature, and this wil . . . . - . ..p iiherato exactly me iw hsuouul u, u.-, that was used in the original evaporation In order to absorb tins heat it, is aeccssarj m cool the condensing air, and this can onh be doue by imparting still more heat to tin surrounding air, so that we have fnercusci the temperature of tho environment in tw ways, and thus have put a stoptoalifurthe, iovelonment. For example, let us cool a cubic foot n' saturated air from SO to 79 degrees, and lo ,i suimoso that the heet, in.puited to tin. jurrouuding air is all oinieunt rated in a sin. irle cubic foot close, by the firsi. Wo non- have 1 cubic foot of saturated air utT'J de grees and another of unsatnraitd. i.ir nt ahnnt Sl decrees. The eooliugio TV degrees has condensed one-'.'iird grain of in risturo and this has liberated latent heat which can be disposed or only by heating tho iidjaeen cubic foot to s.8 negroes, n is nave, i tien, i there is no flaw in the reasoning, ono-thin grain of moisture us rainfall, I cubic foot o. saturated air at tu urmt, miu uuijui,:i unsaturated air at 8,'i W. Supposo we mis those, we shall have :J cubic feet, of air a about 81 degrees mid unsaturated, hence n further rainfall can occur till tmsisagui ooolod, and it can not oe cooled except u the expense ot the stirvnuniiiiig air. it i plain that this will bo the effect even wil the most inlinitesmial cooling and coudei, sation, hence ws must conclude that no iq appreciable rainfall can occur by thes processes, and tho enormous energy ilev oned is a figment of tho imagination, or eli that the heat evoiven nas ueen cuaugett n electricity or radiated intospace ordisposei of in some other way. Tho processes here In set forth seem to bo exactly analagous t those taking place when two masses of sal uratcdairor widely-differing temperatun are mixed together, in which case all meteor ologlsts are agreed there can oo no appro ciable rainfall, and, of courso, no dovel opmcutof energy. This seems a very startling result, and some will ask s W hat can wo substitute a acauso of storms? It is believed by a gren many Intelligent peoples that meteorol g. bas not yet taken its first step toward a sal isfactory solution of its profoundnst prnb lems, atid thero has been scarcely a well authenticated prlnciplo established even in the simpler problems. Wo may well con clude that tho principal reason for this ha9 been the extreme pronuncss lo adopt doubt ful hypothesis, which ha9 greatly ham pered investigation. Ono of the first steps is to disprove these theories before we can lay the foundation of a better structure. The only possible way In which we cau hope to learn tho formation of our storms and tho laws govrruiug their movement is to investigate ilium in tho open air, where, as It Is now admitted by all, their power lies. Tuis knowledge, It will bo ro..d!ly admitted would be of incalculable benefit to all classes t people, but especially to those living In ..ornado districts, to seafaring men and to .aruiers. It is to bo hoped that those Inter- jsted will turn their attention to this sub ect, but if not, in this evening of thenine--oeuth century there will undoubtedly soon je a demand from many classes of people ,bat the investigation be undertaken. With mr modem appliances this may be made at very slight expense and with entire safety lo the Investigator. :.r illustration, . . v. t....,.,i burn Hole in the ew r.ug ..isu-li.e. The tropcay oi cunt (j w - . lerv; the confuseJ mnss of mildly e& lorinjT ht-rsts, thtiivlerinT maflly W. nl-ri.'M cr rulcriosR, trio tjr.ca ;v,b of ftrms the forms upright oi - l.lt. tt,A Ihlivrn ami lin. s ,oty clouiLs ana tne ure aim f :.'t..ipowder. All this mairea a ; lure; but the trageiy u u. jf each individual ruler, wno uos ii- divinity in this hideous insanity oi I. Trwi manv wriU-ra seem to think that traovdv consists solely of mm tiers, acci- J , rl...rl,tar nnd ...oe citii-ule. noou. ua:,o'u""'i- the rattle of musketry. Ihese things mav Ite either the accompaniments, ot the" euiises of tragedy, it is true, but toe tr-i"b- itself is invariably in the minds ..tihr. ,..vs or onloouers. Aim i.n-i. are the tragedies of quiet, ordinary u.u. There is the tragedy of noble purposes defeated. 'J'ragedics are timing- piuei every clay between actors who uo uoi move out of their chairs. Every doctor'! office, every lawyer's sanctum, every court of law every house in a large citv has been at some time the scene ol trao-edv. 'All houses wherein men have lived and died are haunted houses. A man mav live a life ouca witr tragedy and never go to the wars or gef shipwrecked; indeed, he may novel leave his study, hisnouse. or ins jm ..e-u AH this is, of course, obvious; but oni would not imagine it to be so fiom t constant reading of the criticisms or the fiction which goes behind aetioni and discovers souls." CHILD. writes Walter r"'- J B- no. UnQfl INSTITUTE. UO tt. Ninth 5t, ST. LOUIS. MO. Qive the matter a little thought Reference is made to the neat hard are, tinware, plrmbing, etc, stock Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' ball, tie d sires to please in both quality snd prie The generai toercbanilife estnhhsl men formerly owned by Coffin 4 Mf Km laud, has lately changed hands, now hi int under the oontrol and mauBgemen o( The MuFarlund Mercantile Compsnv whioh oontinnes business at theold stand wilb a larger stock than ever. a TICKETS On sale TO ns...-, . .leaks. llroi'':," 0!-.V",'L Tl', in left. ! n miher h.pi.en'P r'ei Unnil county 1 n lectVdlon right " JjXw fi.rk'in OMAHA.jS Orsut oountl. ,.Ho ('- Kansas City, St. Paul. S St. Lcmls, Ulla coanties. EAST. AND ALL I'OIN'ITJ in u.T-. list, fleppner. Or.-Horses, J .11 Hnnsalter, d ' i t , siT .....l.ler; ea . too left hi-. j H H.rtiy.r;trnL Ttu. on th. left OD BlWUlwa ( Train leaves Heppner, 10 a. ro. Arrive 620 p. rn , daily except Sunday. Where? At Abrnlinmsick's. In addition to lo 'silnring business, he has added a fir line of underwear of all kinds, reglig' 4rlrt, hosierv. etc. Also bae on ban ome elegant patterns for suits. A tbrshsmsick, May street. Hepprer. xwjrMolic in houses JiWd A GUARANTEED. 111:7 c.Ti.fv owner o, hor shou'iltt ?7 y-U 'ji lionluml. It ma vnlie In. o fy . l valu.ble aulnial. 0b package w: i 9 ome eight 'oieueabte. l'ficc 1.(,. ! V -f S"1" b? mal1 o eiren.. Our At. H. i..0AJU.N C"f- saaPlneSI, ST. LOtliS, MS IN MEMORY OF A Parents Commeiiiorate Its lleatli D) an Annual Panch and Judy Show. , The Daren ts of a child that died some few years back in the f treat Ormonc Street Hospital for Children have hi' upon a quaint and in many respect ai tuirable method of perpetuating liii memory. On each anniversary of thi child's death a performance of I'um.-t and Judy takes place in every ward u the hospital. This great festival lor, reraurm London Truth, I need not say that it it great festival to everybody concernec has been duly celebrated again. Tin only blot upon it was that one poor lit tie fellow had to De tuKen away jum before the performance commenced t undergo an operation; but it will bo r satisfaction to every reader to hear that he was more than consoled by su'-so quently having "Toby" brought to liii- bed by a kind nurse tor a private inter view,' and, thus fortified under hit troubles, the little patient progressoc most favorably. People who lose children are ofu r desirous of commemorating the littk lives in some way, and too often th ii efforts in that direction are not over happy. Here is a hint for guidance, in all such cases. It may be varied almost indefinitely COLOR BLINDNESS IN ENGLAND. The Old Reliable lrcfaroichpri as man. Treats male or rem.ue. married or single, In cases of exposure, abuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL GUARANTEED. Board and a.PJart"?t furmshed when desired. Question Jl.anlt and liook free, can or write. RUPIWESCIIREI)! OK v.al Vnutvlnnfle In tl'61tlnff all TAli- ties of Rupture enables us to guarantee; positive cure. Question Blans and Booj free, uaii or write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPUANCE CO., BJ Pine 8treet. 8. LOUIS. MO THB OLD DOCTOR'S M LADIES' FAVORITE. It.Wlva WTT.riTlT.15! anil nnrfentlv SAPE. Tt inie as used by tlioc lanrta of woman all OTer tb lilted States, in tho .'LD DOCTORS rlvate mat eietlea, for 98 Tears, and not a Blnirl) baa result Money returned 11 not as represented. Bead -I ante (stampel tor aealed partloulara. .3. WABS UISTIIiTTB, 120 H. Hint. St., Ct. L:!l. M. I'lilliinan ieener.i CoionlKt ' Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Pnrtlnod to Hsn Frauciso. every four days. Tickets tofkao?.d Europe. For rates and general lnlormation call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. T-l ART Heppner, Oregon. Agt. W. H. HtJRI.Bl'RT, AsH ien.. 1'ass. AM Washlngion POItTl.INI). Oskoon. The irorrl formi toii llelr eared 3S Jearf tmeot contdentlal. Cure .11 or , offline. Ttllnilow. Ouclllon. HI1DE a. j;-w i C.ll or write. nR WtRU INST TUTE, 120N.Sth St..St.Uull,MO SYPHILIS.. iucclulprctice. Treatrm BfiHiiwl Dp. Hash's Belts Sflppliaoees An (lectro-anivanio crj bojled lota medicated. Belts, Suspensories, Spl tint Appliances, Abdom tnal SupporterSe Vests, Drawers, OlUco Caps, ininlni. rn. Cares Khenmntlsin, I.lvor ana" Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Krrors of Yiiutli, Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Hexual Wenk ness, and all Troubles in Mule or J eiiiale. Question Blank and liook free. Call or write. Volla-Medica Appliance Co., i3 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. CANCER: lDiMi CUBED wi'hov AMD OTBEI 1IALIQNAMT hout th ui oi Ikoife Qmition Blank nd lioofc free. V-ll or writ lli. U. B. BUTTS, 122 Pint Bt. bX" wm8 iftO WANTED. ClC 1 llCCIf ANT LADT, employed or anemptoret! , eljAlTLLNi cennekethiefrrafew houre work eack dar. Seliryprcommlislon. 410 aamplei free Addrcfi H. BtNIAMIH & CO., 822 Pint bt.. SL Louis, Mo. Criminal Mecllirenee In the Kxamlnatlon or Itallroail llmployes. The number of persons employed in working the railways of the I'nitec Kingdom is about four hundred thou sand. Railway employes general iy uti long to a class with a very high pep centage of color blind, and it may therefore, be assumed that some sixter thousand of that number would have a defective color vision. If properly ex amined, says London Truth, they w oislt be excluded from positions in wlii't color blindness is a source of great dan ger to life and property. As it is, a con siderable portion of them remain ii active service. Putting it at a very low estimate, there must be at least foil) thousand men employed on railway! who cannot distinguish between red and o-reen sitrnals. In other words, at least one out of every hundred engine drivers, firemen, pointsmen, shunter t and others directly connected with the passenger service is unfit for the work he has to perform. It is earnestly to be hoped that a uniform, reliable test will soon be Introduced. A Medical Finn Glm Awij Cash. J. F. Smith & Co. of No. 25U Green, wich St., New York, the manufactur ers of that favorite cathartic known as Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted novel plan. They ask the Individual buyers of Bile Beans to send their full name and address, with an outside wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans (either size) to their office, and they give f 5 for the first wrapper received in each morning's mail, and f 1 for the 2d, 8d, 4th, 5th and 6th. Every day $10 in cash is thus sent to their cor respondents. Ask for SMALL aire. inT folks Ja- n.r-.rl l&iaeA Bnundeeermnth. Ho atar.ln. no Inconvenience, I o tid re.ulta, no nansenue dm.. 'IrL-etmentperlectly harmlcn aua emcuy cona deotial. Oueetion Bl nk end Booklree. Call or irrlle. DH. 11. B. J1UTT8, 8st2 l,ne btrnt, bt. Louil, Mo. Foot-Prints on the Path to Health. Everyone needing a doctor's advice should read one of Dr. route's dime psmphlets on "Old Eyes," "Crimp," ,'Ruptnre," "Phimosis," "Varicocele." DisHHse of men. Disease of Women, and learn th' best meBiis of sel -cine. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28lh Ht., New Yoik. r ANY LADY can (ret a valuable tecret that cost me oo.ixi, ana a ruuuer buhuu wtwwsu, Mrs. V. Me APP. CO. 8'! P11K HTBEFT, ST. LnglgjMOj a 't-,'.V 1a1 1 Ccwais, Trau'e-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And nil Parent bnslnmw conducted fc MODERATE FEES. InromiHtlon and advice given to Inventors wltioot sliarg,. Addrosa PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Uouaglag Attorney, .Ot'Uox IBS. WAsniOTON,D.& . cf"TliU Coinpimy Is managed by a combination of ilu- lui-v-st i-sid most Influential nnwapapera la the 1 nit, -! '-un fi, for tin express puipose ot prosect- Inu; rhclr KiioserllivrA airaiast anacrupiilout una iliioiitpcK-ut P-i.t'iit Assents, and each paper r-i intl.'cr im aslvi-rtiinieiit voucliesforthe resDoruU wiUy nnd tslsrli atandliiB of tlie Press Claims Company. History of I'hraae. The phrase, "Uobbing Peter to pay Paul," is supposed to have originated in an incident which occurred in London during the sixteenth century. About the year 1540 the abbey of St, Peter, in Westminster, was elevated to the digni ty of a cathedral, but ten years later Try This. It will cost you nothing and will mire. Jy do you good, if you have a oongh, cold or any trouble with throat, ehest or lungs. Dr. Kind's New Disoovery for Consump tion, aonghs snd colds, is guaranteed to giv relief or money will be pnid bark. Sufferers from Is grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speed; nd perfect recovery. Try a sample bo', tie at our expense and learn for yonrse ' just bow good a thing it is Trial lint Hen free at 8loonm Johnson Drug Oo. Large sine 600 and J 1.00. THREE DOLLARS A WEEK FOR LIFE, Dcre Is a Snap for n rainy Feople-Th Latest Thin Out. In :mler to Introduce The Canadian Aurunilturtat luta WHS atTain joined to the dlOCese of Lon- N-w homes, ttie pulillehetl bare tlrx-riled to preeent an , e , , SJ umieiiHlly altr.cme reward list lor their Ureal Eivtitll don and it property nppropnateo, tO iiLii tesriy i.nerary Attraction lor uie aunimer or nr.ij. Tlii-y have enleml Intoa written aereenieul topay througli Ule Jnds-w ell the rewanla offeml llow. How To Sm-tisa a Riwihd-Thoea who become eul-rfcritwre can compete Ins, of oherye. All that le ncowtury la u, lake a few sheets of latik-r and make all the w,4ls you ean oni of the letter! in the three worda, " World'e Ct,)uH,l)ian KxiHieiUon,' and send them to lie, Im-I'ming 01 for en month. eHlmcriplion to either Tile laiowiien Ashcultiinel or The I.e,li,i' Home Maisazine. two l the chiHt-eel illoelrate.1 neriodn-al o the day. Ilie Render of the largest list will rei-elre A3 per wpk for life; Vnd. SLUU iu Kold : 3rl. I.V10S 4th. S-iu, Vh.tflOO; mil. Ticket te World'ft Fair and u-n daye ei. pen-w; plaroe, orvana. latlie.' ami tienle sold ami ellvvr wat,h,,pilTer u-a.ericee,,ltft,iu,nd rum-, aiuK,ivrlU,Uuti i,ilicrpear,'i. niakmtt.l'oReiher the inoe al,ial,e nrie 11 r ottered by any pululaher. Send for prlnttd list ,., x.rnirr or ,ir- ui,ere. pay the expenses of some necessary re nairs to the cathedral of St. PauL It was evident that to do honor to St. Paul the estate of Teter had to suffer, and hence the expression which has become proverbial. .-.i' Hpeclinea Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with uenralgia and rhentnaiistn, bio stomaoh wis disordered, bis liver was Gladstone has A clear Head WHY? Because he follows these rules: ' ' Keep the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open." .You csinluive a clear head and live to be ninety if you do the same tiling. When the bowels fail to move dur ing the day take on retiring two Smith's ISim Bile Beans. Their action is so mild that you arc not aware of it. All day yourmindwill be clear and cool. "Not a gripe in a barrel of llscm." Ask for small size. Take no substitute for SMITH'S Bile Beans! i Ki'LU-t, Fi.n-i.rn or oiwuwr. word rvi txuintt-d 1 o-..o...i .. Aa.-a nnnarila. . . i , 1 , tn the 7 : . , 7 7 :,, j i - -...j , mnrAn "Wuriif ';,iuit. tn kxikwiUui) in, th fall a why sud be WH8 tf rribly fdnced in riftrnoitt, ftn,l nihtf (Marntl 4. No i lifcrtn- tor n. L,n F. 1 HO trifl Hltrfl CO Ted Dim. hjdWrtrU n Uni4.H Vr ,tj Shepberd. HanisburK, III., bad ft ruu tin iv.. 11 ",n,'w'i wont- m rwftT n sjp.tit.1 n'w irl. 11 ' "v 11 .htiNiRf -The following well known urntleint-n aUOlUpl 'nFtMiitM io kci wMt jMngyn ftii.t vui rtf (fiKt thf pnrrt n'l h 1 hi. .t Stamtiieml, IVh'rl'oni'.i.-h, mitl Mr W, -Hmt, IVwitlfiit Tlinmi )'nnt.nj ( 'ttn.n, Pt-ttv- i WvTnn- We n;,y 1 'oKifrilnj rirT(no i. mi f ) u hi n. vriinifii Uiv miH virU U nti- tm tmr ,r Ki-tji-t. r nil nry l.-i im Aililniw, A n k t i . wi n i t . ilxiViiiigli, ( 'tiiiitiitt, I'ertumen of I'lsnt. A Gorman botanist, Mr. Repol, has msdo public the rvsult ot his rcarvhej as to tlio ouns ot the poriumes of nlnntw. iiml !ht fntnr whifh Himttiihh or lnon-ao them. "Liffht and boat ceremony. After the minister had natural plav a vorv importnnt rule, dipped bis finuors ia the water, and I)arlaK SHpivvi rtiHHIeaovelortm ntof do tho sign of the cross on hor fore- in t.v vr of v.hu'U Hi.- t.ii.U neaa, me unaweu cuuu ii'uutni uown.anu A rather precocious Infant had It chrlsteninfr unfortunately deferred un til It was ablo to talk, and at the font was lifted in Its father's arms for the iiing sore on bis leg of eight yeara' stand ing. Used three bottle of Klectric Bit ters and seven boxes of Bnoklen's Arnica Salve, and his let? ia sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad five large fever sores on bis leg, doctors aaid he was incurable. One bottle of Elec tric Bitters and one bo Buck. en's Arni ca Halve eured him entirely. Sold by tSlocnm-Johnson .Drug Co. and, as usual, very close to the shah, when the weapon accidentally went off and the shah had the narrowest kind ol escape from sudden death. The boy bas been sent away now. prrfuine i wciV'-nly ' tv ti.U,..v !. unit when su'.nu'tt 1' h :.:t'iKiut , ,ti t cw the phirtts v 1m. . .'.. vi--. cii;U'd pfrfutne only ut f.ivir Ur tl iu- polled In i,t ti. c.ibVinueU liurUness " catching up the lonff sleeve of his white gown, wiped tho water away, calmly re marking: "Uaby's face tlean. Uon't I want wassin; dot it wasaed 'lore as tummed out!" , . The Shab'i Favorite ilvy When the shah of Persia wast-mritig through Europo three yt-ant ago be was accompanied even-where and at all times by a little boy, who wa gorgeous ly attired and was allowed to do just as he pleased. The Ivy was not a mem ber oil the imperial family, but just a fortunate youngster fr whom the shah bad taken an univeountaMe liking. A report ha come from i eheran that the boy was olavintr with a revolver in the S:utv One per c :.t. ( In city sehoU.i percentaire (tw. itary school near ii. (.lOl IP. i tier.:-, ti children r. l;i A-len th 'Mi;.h',t. In a mil ta f jur cadets in STOCK BRAN1S. While you keep yunr Bubaoriptinn paid up yt-i can keep your brand in free of charge, Alhn. T. J.. lone. Or. HorseB G(i on left shoulder; cattle Name on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left, range. Mor row count?. AriiietlulJK, u. v,., niuuiDi wi -a. w.uu uoi u- der n on left shoulder of borset; cuttle name on lefi nip. Allinnn. O. D.. Eirzht Mile. Or. Tattle brnnd O D on left hip and horse Bame brand on right ihouider. Kan ye, nignt nine. Adkine, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con ii acted on lei t naiik; cattle, same on left hip. RnrtrinlArnPW. A. O.. Alnine. Or. Hnrtva nranded TEv.n either dhouluer. Kange in Mo row county. Rlfiakman. Geo.. Hard man. Or. Homes, a flair ni'left flhoulder: cattle same on ngnt Bhmiidw hann later, J. w., Hani man, ur. tattle brand' l R on left hiD and thih: enlit in eaoh ear. Brenner, Peter, tm aeherry Oregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder, rattle Bame on ight Biae. Unrkn. M Ht C. Lontf i;reek. Or On oattln V1AV connbctcd on left hit), ctonon left ear. nn- ,lir half crou off riuht. Hornef. name brand 01 f ft RhonldtT. nange in i.mui and siorrnv ronnty. hrohinan. .lerry, liena, nr.- noree Drandeo i riulii shouldi-r; cattle H on t he loft side Left ear half crop nd right ear tipper mop Karlon. Wnia. ti imner. Or. -ilorneB. J R right thigu cattlt . same on right hip; nplit i: Krown. lea. Jjexintrton. ur. ilorBef IH on tin right Btifle: cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. brown, J. t;., neppner. ur, tiorneB. oirrJ. i' withitoi .ko! Tor on left hip, rattle, waine. Brow n, W. J., Lena. Oregon. HoreteB W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle name on left hip. Buyer, W. O.. Heppner, Or. Homea, bin rand oi rph hip cattle, bame, with ttplit well Bar. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Howes. P B on lefi houlder: t'Hitie. name on itTt nip. Bnmnlee. W. J., Fix.Or l attle. JK connect en n lefi Hide; crop on Iff1 wir andtwuftpli .tnddle piece cut out on right ear: od htirupH phih rand on the left thigh; Kange in Vix vallc (iranl "coui'ty. taiHiiei' arren. Wngnei, (-r. Ilorfes hrand- nd O on tigiit aline, came (thrne hartt) ight ribs, cn.p and Hplit in each ear. Haiige Grant and llurrow cuunties. ( ain.K., ( aleb.i r. V 1 on tioriHH on left Btitit U with quarter circle over it, on left tthoulder rind on left stifle on all colts u der ft yearn; or. !tft Bhoulder only im all horseB over ft years. AH range tn uraut county. i lartt, wm. l' a. or.-Horse WH( con- net'twt, on lett tiioiuner: cattle name on ngli hip. Hai ge Morrow and Umahlla coimtiea. t ate, I has. K Viimmi or Lena, Or. Horae tl I on ngnt Bhoulder; cattle (tame tin t ight hi liange Morrow and Umatilla oounlien. t ecu, w m.. DouglaM. Or.; hiTHen J (' on lef shoulder; ca-tie wime on Jefi tup, waddJeB . ach jaw and two bit in the right ear, Curl, T. H., John bay. Or Dnub.B artm ach hip on caitlt. hwullow fork ami urnlne iu rigid ear, apiit in lefi ear. liangf in (ira, .iinntj. tn hheep, ii ? rh-d a anil api-m j uii im uni.ujutir. c,nv uinrau.i ewt-H, crop on j,ri cHr t nuciieo upper mi in ngni. v t'tlieir.. ciop n - ight and under half drop iu U.fi ear AU rang Hi II HtU t'OUall V. CtHlk. A, J.J.HDH.t (r. ll'TM't.. H oi; I IL'M tl..Hi iti'- l hi tie, famtMin r gtu hip: eat initi li sgi; iy mi ifn ttuu mini iii rigtn, tuniii.lt V., ( urriiiHViJlf. (M. ili-rutu- X , t'ft e-tlU.i Cm Ed. 8., Hardainii, Or. -laiiv. f wi ti center; hitrwen. t l', on left 'up Cochran, K. K MinnMueut. (irant t . (r, iiurtHti mantled circle with t.ai hMtwtui, hi, it.fi i-niHuur. eauie famti oraiid uli both hi pn mark un der clnpt- both eart- and ilewlap. 1 hapm, el.. Hanlnian. Or. Hire branded " on right hip. utile brauilwl the same. jJicnt-u?, t.bD itoiBef braided with three iiiiou iwrr tu iru viiut . huie wi ne on left Bide. uuukiiwb, .ti . .iHijowtii, ut. k ailie. It lu rtghi Bide.awr. Uiw-fork in each ear: liorNet,. It DonKlaa, O. T., Doumlae. Or Ibirn Tl he i ighl ulitle; cattle name on right hip. Civ' ""V11" "I'Kiai-.Ol.-liorhe t THI id " , w" . Ie,, wooiuuer, came haine uu nip. hole m right ear. " LUm'' .V""- ueppniT. Or. Dif-mond a right hhtmlder. tmeiy, t . B.,Hanlman. Or.-Horses branded reversee t w nh tun n left aimu.der; cau tleiameuu n.hi hip. hunge m Alorn w county rleek, JacaMMi, heppner. Ut. hums ,V L-otinected tu right tthoulder: cattle un , mi mi vmi umiB iioie il riulil nih crop forty stuttered, and in sever: I civilians' schools the percentage has been found to be as Uirje. Many German physi cians are advocating the f.'iari:tion of the stuttering school ehiMivn rom the smooth -ton ned and the instruction ol them in a department ot' L. i. u.va. ti left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Caitle, LF oa Mht hip; horai 1" witii lar under on rinht houlder. - Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or -Horse, F OD .ghi ahot Jde. ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. b ranch. ieorg, Heppner. Or.-Cattle branded WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop off left ar. Horse, same brand on left hip liay. Henry, Heppner, Or.-tiAK on left A..nllM,tawl. iSStSZC S Or.-Hor, U on MH?mJ. M., HepaW. Or.-Horsas, same twiaiu on wi- oo?"" . u.....r lir -Hoihsb, horse- sh'j ouleVl siroulder. Caltle. too asmo, liwiir on wdi ,H.,rsns. ciroleT on ..MroaKsTorri ...ler tall onni iri.rmlii s u J i . hom n iJ.'Sii.: ii; oiitl., J ia "'' S"2 irnUtii orops' oa botb ears. Uaug.ill roxauu HearvaUaya. u. brsndixl ronT.frhpn3.same-.ud orop oil left Kirw Jt ulvv: 6".-HorB. m .a lett shunlilwi oallle, tin on lett tail). KirR J I). Heppner. Or.-uomea. 17 on either DBiikseaule llourinhtside. "Kurnberlaud.W.Q.. Moant Vernon. Or.-l L cattle on right and lett side. ; ''owH'"" 'jj S ,rdur..i. sbSeir 's-o Luta, Utepnen lox, Or.-B L on l hip un cattle, crop and split on right ear I or.es same brand on lefi .houlder. liange Urant OOUUtV. , . , , -llr.rae. Lrienallen, jonn n ., u--- - urauiled liHll-citcleJL connected on loltahoul der. Caltle. auuu on lelt hip. Kauge. near IM- Leuliey, J. W Heppner Or.-Horsns branded LauoAoilelt sliuuider; ct-ttln emne on left hip, wutlle over r.hht ye, three situ in r.ght ""Lord, Ueorge, heppner. Or.-Horsea bramled double 11 coi.necUt Sometimes calletl swing H, on left shoulder. Markluun. A. M., Heppner, Or.-Caltle large M on left side, both ears cropped, and epllt iu bo.h. Horses M on left hip. liange, Uurk a canyon. .Minor, Oscur, Heppner. Or.-Cattle, M D on riglil hip; homo. W on lef l ehouluer. Woigau, B. N., Uuppuer, Or.-Horsm, M ) .... i. ..L...i.i,iu. ,.uttlH Mime (in left lilt,. ilcCuniber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Hoi-ana. 1V1 with bar over on right shouluer. morgan. Ihoe., neppuer, ur.-i., 1' ou loft shoulder anu lelt thighs caltle. it on , ... u. ........ i iYlllClieil. UMUUr.iune, vr. uuirou, i i " nip; catue, n un ngnt Biue. jici larmi, u. vi., uiimutKiiiB. v, a., mure 5 ou each Biiouidor. cattle, MH on hi n iucCar.y, oavia n., e-cno, ur. nonw urtuiuoni l conuected, on the letl Bhoulder; cattle same u hip and side. , , l.lJlr fcrrnik. Fox Vailev. Or. Mule shoe with Loe-corli on cattle on ribe and under in wtuh ear; horsea name brand on lelt stitl. itlcllaley, u. v., nauimou, ur. uu j.uiow-., o ilh hall ciriile under ou lull Bhouiilurion Cattle. four bars connected ou lop ou the right Bide liange in (irant County. Nwd. Andrew. Lone itock.Or. liomw A N oon ueoted on left Bhouider; catUe same uu both hipb. Monlyke, t... Silverton. ur.-noreee, circle t on loll thigh; uaitie, same ou left bip. Olivur. Joseoh. Lanion l, Hi. Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on UorBes, Baine ou left thigh, Hang in Wi ant county. Oiler, ferry, Islington, ur. r u on ion hou.'lei. Olu. Herman, Piairie City, Or. Ou cattle, O LP connected ou left hip; horses on left sLifle and wariie on uoe. liange in (irant county. Pearaou, Oiuve, lught Alile, Or. norBBB, quar ter circie shielu ou left shoulder aud i4 on left tup. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, 21 uu lefi hip. liaugi' on Kight Mile. Market a Uleauon. Uardmau.ur, uoraes ir on ft shoulder. P. per, Kme-t, Lexington, Or, Hor-ea brand wli (L & oouuecieu; oi. left hliuuider ; ualtla me ou t ight nip. Itauge, itlori ww uouuiy. 1'iper, J. ii., Luzingtou, ur, tiuibeb, j lb con. uected oi.lett Bhouider; cattle, same on left nip. under bu iuachear. Pettys, A. C, ioue, Or,; horeeB diamond Pod shoulder; cattle. J H J couuucud, on th left hip, upper slope in left ear and Blip in th ighl. Powell. John T Dayviile. Or Horsefl, J P cou- uuc euoti tell shoulder. Cuttle OK cuuuucted oU tctthip, two under half crops, oue uu each ear, wattle unuer throat. Kai geiu Urant county , Iwood, Anurew, naruman, Or, iiurbub, vqaara urotif with quarter-circle over it on lelt btihe. iteuiuger, Lhru, Heppner, Or, liurses, C it on leftshouidei. Kice, iun, Hard man, Or.; horsefl, three panel worm fence on left Bhouider; caUle, 1A ou right shoulder, ltange near Harduiao. Hoyse, Aaruu, Ueppuer. Or Horttes, plain V on ieft Bhouider; cattle, aame brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. Uange in Alor row couuiy. tiuali liroB., lieppner, Or. Horses brauded 1 un the nghL shoulder; cuttle, IX ou the lull lap urop on ten ear anu aewiap ou uecit. ltange u ..lorrow and adjoiuing uounUeo. Itust, vVuiiuui, KiUge, Or. Hortieb H ob lull ehuuluer; cuttle, ii ou left tup, crop on tight eai, uuueroiL on tell ear. blieep, It on weathem, louud crop utl righ ear. Uaut Oiua iimanu Muriuwc luiiUes. ittHiiej , Audiew , Lexingion, Or. tlorsei uiauded A It on right shoulder, veul quaitet circie ovui brand; cau'ie nauiu on ruui luo. Uange Alurrow couutj. iiuiuo, Win. ii. Liaiiyviilo, Or hit oouuectec'' Willi uuarler clii-le over Ujl. on cattle uu riuhi hu. aim crop oil right ear anu opiu iu lull, lloiseb oauiu orauuou leu siiouiuer. UiUige ill Jlorrow ram una UUiiamcuuntie. Uucioi.J. VV., llopuuer. Or. lioibeh. Jt- oi ten siiuujuui', t attle, ut ngni hiu. Apiukhull, J. W.. OuoBeberrv. Or H.inuva nranded il ou ieft shoulder; lauge in .Uorrt.w i;ouut. bailing, C O Heppner, Or HorBos hrauded on letl bhuuluer; uaiue aame ou lull hip. owtvKKtu!, i. r., ljexingion, ur. liorsea WUli UhoU under ll ou left utiUe. catlle 11 with irnoi. uuuei u ou right nip, ciup oil ngni ear and vuuiku uu ngni uiuu lug, iiaugo iu .uorrow. VlliUlUlihUU UUliallllU COUUUUS. iSftagKuri, A. L.,Aiheua. Or. llorbCb biandei4 2 t.n lell BiiouiueiicwUieoame On left hip, CroL iti. vat, uLUe ou tell mud leg. bUttigni V . Ueppner, Ur.-iluraeB stiaded J O ou lei stihe; cutue J o ou letl nip, bwaliow loiK in ngiu ear, uudurbll in iell. oapp, luub., Uuppuer. or. uuntes, Si A P wo iell uip; caiu. sainu uu lett hip, bhner.John, Dux. Or. JNO connected oo aomoB on nghi hip; came, wtme on right hiu urup in ngni car auu uuder bit in left ear. lianue in Uraut cuuni. biiiiLii Bios., ouwuviile, Or. Horsea, brunded li.i. ouBiiuulaer; cait.e, ame ou leu tuiumder. bquiit, James, AiUnKton, Or,; uurteB brunded Jbuuleii snuuiuer; cauie the Mtune, mMO now wauuie. Uange in iluriuw and ouiiamcoautiei.. bt-epiienb, V . A., iiArdiuau, ur-; Lwnm boon rtgni muuu; catiie uriauutai L on the ught side QLevuhbuh, aura a. j., iioppuir, Ur.-i aiue, tt uii rigid u ; bwaiiuvt'lork in lull ear, ftwatgan. O. tt.. Heppner, or.-uomeu, 14 ol iell oin,,uaUt ; uallie, 44 on leu nip, bpuro, &. b ueppner. Or. - Untie V C ou lett nip, crop uU right and undeibii 111 ieft year, uewiup; iiur tt t on lelt Bhouider. inuuipBuii, J. a., lieppuoi, Or. UurMw, un luu nin.uiu r; cattle, . uu iell stiuuluer, liph-eut.O. t.)t!.U.et'puee,Ul.- IinIc. .n left: MilrUlkjOl, lumi-i U. V..Uhppiiw,Ui-. ftinull CttplliU X leu bhuuiuw. hoiMm, uhitie aame un left hip. wun apin m u,il, eai. ih. i-aiuu, U. Al., lune, Or.-lluiBeB braiidoa ill couueuifu uu tutt uliUe; uhei-u name liiaud. Vanueipoui, 11. 1.. Leiih, Ur; Horses HV oou neoieu on right ahouiuer;caiUu, same u rmni nil,, Walbridue, Win.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U.I, on the leu Bhoinder; Ohiue same oh light, nil, ciup uU lelt ear aud right tor loppad. WiiBon,Johu y buleni or Heppner, Or. lioraoB branueu Jo on iu left shouider. Kaugt .tiortuw cuui.li. Warreh.Vi b. Caleb, Oi Cattle W withquartei circle over a, uu Mtv aide, put iu ngui ar, liurbe rauue brau oh lelt ahoutdar, twuge m braut couuiy. Wright, ailas A. Ueppner, Or. Cattle braaded 0 n on ihe nghL hip. nuuare crop uU rtgia eai and Bpl.tiL lelt. wade, iluur. HeppDer, Or. HurMe bianded ace 01 upauue on leit ehuuidei aud letl tuu t aitie braiidm same on toll eme ano lelt tup, V ells, A. b., Heppner, Of. iiuiBea, uu left ehumdur; uaii t tuuu, V. oihuger, Juhn, Juhn jw City, Or Ob lioraw turee paranui oarb uu left (t-Uouiuer, un aiieep, bit m U.th ears, ltange ntiraui anu .dainum a-'OUllLlt!,. 3 PlMl Reraear for Catarrh la th. Beat, Eaaloit to Tie, and Cheapest. Oold or Dratwira or ml bf man. Dc . T. aaaalM, Wamo, t. Oilman-French, Land and Livs Stock Co Fos. .il, Or.-Horses, anchor b on left shoolder: vent aame on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips j ear marks. orop orJ right ear aud nuderbit in left ! liange in (iilliain. Unuit. I'niok ai,d Morrow j ootmttH I Ueiitrj, Elmer, t'cho. Or U.,ra branded B. , B. with a quarter circle over it, on lelt etifl, Kajigem Morrow and Uniatillaconiitie. Ha. t,eo.. Lna, Or, Brand Jli connected with Quarter ciri-lxiv.e It , l(. j lou Hi.:, q . -,,,-uiuer. fliue. nonw. with oirtee e,.u n'H; ""'":l''(?-.u.P Walker . cat.le, aaiueon lelt p.-ITu me rigut niD. un iell shoulder. An r.n Koiina,., b liooMbsrrj.Ol TB a ncnt akoulthar. , Banc in Morrow anrl Il7l.rlL..i"u mo- noouvraru, John, HeppueV, t)r.-Hoiwt, counecuu on left shouluer. Catkins, Lishe. Heppner, )t. Homes branded" oouueotetion left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Purtlaw I, Or. Oattla, W on. nghl thigh, hou in left ears lores., W on rin ahooiuer, aom, same on left i houlder. W billier bioe., nunmai uu, baker Co.. Of. -Horses branded W B. oonuec leu on iell .siouider Williams, Vasoo, HainUtun,Or.-inarter rit- ' cle uver tliree bars on lef. .ip, both ualtleano iTfl' """ge Uraul couutjl ,, illiama, u. ix,ug i reeli. Or Horr' vmt Uir circle over three bar. ou Jell hips out., ml Mil 111 etu'li ear Haiige trralii a,,, . . Wieu, A. 4., eppuer, Or.-Joreee r a i.nlH,ulder:'Kii.. eaniH.i lei .. ... Walker Elizabeth tiouol HrW left "tile branued lb: V. ,r,,.l -u..,.," ". ,?.'t side, honas tuuue on right , hra orrow connir- .1 If''