Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 17, 1893, Image 3

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pii..SK .l.jHl.Um 111" Insertion of ,uu, a,(.
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Sin ' iuiiriKlKJ n,-;,,,, fr Kri lnys
;oik E.
1. The Bum
oharifwl for of tljHt.k. ...S.....
m 'ipri,i. 1.0- ..in ...
rwiwi-t," Hats ol wed i.nir prmanu unit ,iu;aii
and obltnery notices, (.iiii..f tisu t! ,, t ,ei -t
or., all himself Kivn, a, ,.,.., u , '
ntUctn Moorml mmmi lor v :mu: w,.ari.
K. Notli'tn of church and norIvIv aur' ill.!;),,-,
emorta iinienla from which ivrt-i.W u i ,:c
rived, shall be charged for at tl.e .v tiV..
c;nts a line. These rules will bj Mr., : ; ,!!
! to in every iimtmiee.
reH""",b'9 a"d
Ve hold eax;h and every correspondent re
pnuslbla for his or her cominunlcalloii. No
'.hm",':'?'"0 w!" b8 P"blllil unless the
ood f 111 Ullnie K"()1 au vl,leu 01
JJ. ink Aent, 21 Merchants fcxchanire
ban Iranclsco, is our authorized aiieiit. This
paper i kept on llle In his olllce.
Hlane for Hardnian, Monument, Look Creek
John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : '
Every day at Ci a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every dayatti p. in., except Monday.
1 he cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Give your business to Hemmer
and therefore wuittt to build un .i.n.
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
B. A. Hunsaker was over from Hay
stack yesterduy.
D. Vuu Horn, the piano tuner, is sick
at the 1'wluce hotel.
Bill Johnston went down to Portland
yenterday on business.
Mrs. Walter Chsou is quite ill down
at her home below hero.
O. H. Colvin was iu from the outer
precincts tb past week.
We will take wheat on subscription
at 50 oents per bushel.
Hugh Fields is quite aiok dowu at .
G. Sperry's resideuoo.
A. B. flhnpman and K. Campbell were
oyer from Vinson last week.
Mrs. Gray, of The Dulles, is the guest
of her sou, Oeorge Gr y of this oity.
Found A fur cape. Pay charges
and get same at Gazette office. 71 if.
Boiiator John H. Mitchell has been
called home by the illii' ss of bis daugh
ter. Ed. Matlock write from Iown that
the horses reached there in fair con
dition. A double wedding was an attractive
feature of the Exposition one day last
The Heppner Canynn stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the iu
Dr. J. H. Geisendorfer was in Hepp
ner over last night on professional
buain ss.
Thos. GilBllen is in from Camas prai
rie. He reports quite a fall of snow in
that yioinity.
Mra. Cbaa. Wallace left Thursday for
her home in Portland, aooompanied by
Miss Mabel Herren. .
Mrs. Frank Kellogg departed on
Thursday nights' speoiitl train for a visit
with relatives at Hnlem.
Win. Doooan was arrented for assault
on his wife last Friday night, but ut the
trial Saturday was released.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
snd tobaoco habit. See ad.
Every man who takes any iuterest in
fast stork should subsonbe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Sure, efficient, easy Hood's pills
thev should be in every traveler's grip
and every family medioioe oueBt.
The Gazette " ill take county scrip at
face on gubscription, anil pa.v balance of
game in cash at highest market prioe.
V. G. Keller, of Grant county, has
been fouud guilty of the orime of
Inoest with his niece. We learn that he
got five years.
The Grand Lodge, on invitation, sent a
committee to visit our High School last
week. The visitors were well pleased
with what they Baw.
Morrow o 'Unty baa purohaned a road
craper which is a graud suooess. Last
week it did good seiyice on tbe Hard
maa road, near Heppuer
Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo
cated next door lo the furniture store on
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, Imir
outs and tbe like aways on tap.
Don't ovi rlook J. B. Tedroe at the
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half aud
fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine
took of liquors and oigars always on
hand. Give Ted a oail.
MoAtee Bros., having reopened tbe
Palace bar, kindly ask for a continu
ance of their former patronage. This
is by all odds tbe finest bar in Heppner.
Tbe boys keep a good stock. Call on
Gid Hatt has purohased Hick Math
ews' interest in tbe City Hotel barber
hop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-unte,
etc., dished up in the best of style
Batbs for the millions.
T.-M.: The Grand Lodge. Knights
of Pythias of Oregon, which adjourned
last night at Heppuer, shows a wonder
ful inorease in tvembfrsbip, ami the
prospeotsof theorder were never brighter.
Mrs. Ben Alley departed last Tuesday
for a years' viait with her parents back
in Indian Territory She will also take
treatment at Arkanars Springs while
East, with tbe hope that it may im
prove ber health.
Tbe Gazette wag iu error recently in
fating thBi the saloon Ptook of Oamers
& Hughes was sold at sheriff's Bale
Only Mr. Osmers' part was then dis
posed of, as Mr. Hughe bad already
old bis interest to Mr. John Hughes.
T.-M.: A bnppy crowd of Knights of
Pythias passed down the road this morn
ing from the Grand Lodge recently iu
esiion at Heppner. Tbey were escorted
to the train last night by the brass b md,
and left the oity of Morrow onumy with
tbe most kindly feelings toward its
Wm. DoonRii and wife were eao 1 fin3
$5 and costs before Judge Hallock
yesterday. The charge was disorderly
conduct on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Doonan had Borne trouble a faw days
ago, and separated, which culminated
into quite a row Sunday morning.
Both pleaded guilty.
The Gzette is jnBt convalescing from
. the doin's last week. Good thing tbey
don't coijie oftener than once a year, else
there would be a big mortality rate in
the ranlis of Dorio Lodge. Other del
egate) write us that tbey will probably
get thrclugb itb tbe loss of a few
toe-nails? It was of a great founder.
O. E. Fartisworth brought in yester
day six otatoea of the Clark variety
tbat averaged nearly four pounds apiece
as nic. smooth sunns as one wouic:
h In.
. One
measoreil 24 in in
A '
inmiferpncn one
ay hqii ia iu tut,
i in il.
SJ. I'bey were turned over to Oicar
f;l,L,'who sent them down to tbe Port-
'lie I Hltcriidii rHiinli H,..,,i.... ,.. .
iu-kt briKudH wilb gome InatT howl-
eoou smothered the Annies.
P-r.ini... mmie of our readers would
ika t.i kuow iu what respeot Chamber
laiu h Couli remedy il better tb.au any
otlier. We will tell von. hnn thla
i otner.
remedy ig taken as booq as oold tags
Ik nu ooulrnoted, aud before it baa be
t'i me settled in ttie svsteni, it will
onnuteraot tbe effect of' the oold aud
ie;.tl lessen it's severity, and it ig the
only remedy that will du this. lit aota
iu perfect harmony with nature end
aula nature in relieving tbe lunge, open-
'K iue secretions, liqtietyiug tbe
mucous and oaiisioit it expulaiou from
tbe air cells of the lungs and restoring
the system to a strong and bealtbv
condition. No other remedy in the
mai po8esse these remarkable prop,
rriiea. fjo other will onre a oold si
quickly. lir sale by rjlooum -Johnson
iru uo. ,
A Pathetic Meeting. A represen
tative to the Graud Lodge, Knights ot
t'ptbias, which was held this week at
Heppner, Or., tella of an interesting and
pathetic; iuoidert that he witnessed
w'lile on the train beyond Arlington
last Monday night. The informant wag
sitling gazing at tbe stars when a gray
bearded mau walked into the car, having
boarded the truin at Arlington He
parsed by auotber gray-bearded man
sitting near, and immediately both
advanced aud asked, "Can it be pos
sible?" Tears rolled down their cheeka
aud the conversation tbe next bour wag
interesting indeed. It appears that
both bad been in the Confederate army
aud had parted at the battle of Lexing
ton iu IStil, and had on the train met
fur tbe first time after 32 years' sepa
ration. One was B D. Jett, represeuta-
tive from Buthbone Lodge at Huntington,
aud the other S. P. Barger, of Dowdall
Limine at Brownsville. Neither was
aware that the other was u representative,
aud their moetiug was entirely unex
pected. When they separated at the
battle both were strapping young fel
loes, und when tbey met on the train
both were old and gray. Tbey had a
great deal to tell eaoh other after the
long lapse of years, aod related many
incidents of those stirriug days. Tbe
last tune they saw each other their
clothes hung in rags and tatters, and
tbey were almost shoeless and bailees.
Portland Telegram.
Council Meeting) A regular session
of Heppuer's council was lielJ last
evening. Mayor Simons presiding. All
couticilmen present exoept Johnston.
w in n tea of last regular meeting
read ad approved..- Bills allowed:
Wm. Gordon, $4; A. Glisan, $3 75: P,
C. Thompson Co., 82 85; Martin Mo-
Lunghlin, S4j J. L. Meager, 75 cents:
John Jenkins, $10; Thompson & Biuns,
82 20; J. W. K ismus, $17.50 Note
of $200 from Frank McFarland for well
auger material presented by the finance
oomraitteo Rule of Water & Light
Co. regarding irrigation sanctioned by
council Petition of W. P. Soriv-
uer et a!., allowed, and committee on
streets and public- property instruct
ed to look after tbe matter Ordi
nance No. 42 was read the first time by
section then passed to second reading
by title on proper motion Ordi
nance No. 3 was read first time by
sectioo, thi n on motion passed to sec
ond reading by title Ordinance
No. 5 lead first and second time reg
ularly Special meeting L t passage
of ordinances oalled for next Monday
Bhouuld Not Bb Id is said cash
trade from Grant oonnty is going to
Pendleton. Tbig should not be. How
ever, it is often the oase tbat people will
spend cash where tbey can get do oredit
aud let those who have accommodated
them go without anything. Oar Grant
couuty folks may be an exception in this
respect. But there is one thing sure, onr
roads in this oounty leading to Long
C-eck ought to be put in better oouditiun.
Then Grant county should be loduoed to
look with compassion upon Nortben
Grant. No wonder tbat aeotioo wants to
After Tib Mills. Sheriff Noble
left tbis morning for Pendleton to re
ceive Tib Mills who is in jail at that
place, obarged with the larceny of a
horse from Chas Miller, of tbis oonnty.
The warrant was sworn out a few day
ago, and Mr. Noble telegraphed for his
man. Yesterday he received word from
Sheriff Furnish, of Umatilla oounty,
tbat he bad him, and that be awaited
tbe preBeuce of the Morrow county
officer. Tbe officers claim v tbat they
have a good case against Mills.
News Fbosi Canton. Through spe
cial service from Canyon to Geo. Thorn
ton, the Oregoniau'a correspondent at
Heppner, the Gazette learns that tbe
grand jury have returned true bills ot
indiotmsnt against John Orisman,
Frank Keiter and Wm. Moore, and not
a true bill ia tbe oase of Mel Dastio.
Henry Welch was on trial at that
writing, and his oase rests in donbt.
On vesterday John Ambrose oase was
to be called. It is generally oooceded
that Ambrose will go free.
"During my term of servioe in the
army I contracted chronic diarrhaea,"
says A. E, Bending, of Halsey, Oregon.
".Since then I have used a great amount
of medioine, but when I foaod any tbat
would give me relief tbey would injure
my stomach, nntil Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera Diarrheal Kemedy was brought
to my notioe. I used it aod will say it
is the only remedy tbat gave me perma
nent relief and no bad results follow."
For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drag Co.
Gets Eiohteks Months. W. B. Tuck
er, wbo formerly lived out at Hardman
and for a time, at Heppner, poaaessed
himself of some wearing apparel over
at Pendleton without the owner's leave,
and for tbis offense gets eighteen months
in tbe "pen". Tuoker was with tbe
Hotel Pendleton ', as runner for some
time, and seemed to be doing well. He
mmVu of tha I. f). O. V.. hnt the
- -. - --.
bretbern refused to have anything to do
with bis case, as bis guilt was too plain
to be overlooked.
Given Up to Die
"I Was troubled with liver complaint and n
Urgeaunt of lus spleen. At last I eoutd sot
walk across my room, and took to my bed, at
many thought, to dlo. I begaa to take Hood's
Sarsaparllla sad am entirety cured. It has all
been brought about by Hood's Birsapsrtlls."
Urs. B. A. Hamilton, Fresno, California.
HO' Pills Curs 810k Headacoo. U.
Hair Death
imtantly remaven and forever dattroyft 06- W
jeetionable hair, wltether vpon aands, face,
arms or ncjt, lettAouc ditcoioratiOH or iv- W
jury to the most delicate akin. It was for W
rJ Ity years the secret formula of Erasmus
Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as
the highest authority ai.d the most emi-
nent dermatologist and hair specialist 9
that ever lived. During his practice offfi
a life time among the nobl lity and arts- H
tocracy of Europe he precribed this rec- ffl
Ipe. Price II by mail, securely packed. !
Uormpondencc confidential. Holt Agents
for America. Address.
The tkookuiu R sot Hair Grower Co.
Dept. R., 67 South Fifth Avenue, New
' tone.
M S. Wallis, a trsvelliig man, Sun
dayed in Heppner.
"I consider Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a specific for croup. It is very
pleasant to take, which is oro of the
most important requisites where a oortgb
remedy is intended for use among chil
dren I have known of oases of oronp
where I know the life of the little one
wag saved by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrsnge,
druggist.Avooa, Neb 50 oents a bottle,
for sale by Slooum-Jobnson Drng Co.
A ooupbohisi increasing the gold
reserve to 8200.000,000 and to continue
purchases of silver 2,600,000 ounces per
month is on toot. Compromise is better
than nothing.
Files! Piles) Itching Files.
Symptoms Moisture ; intense and
stinging) most st night; worse by
soratobing. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swaxne's
Oihtmknt stops tbe ttobiug and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves tbe t amors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. gw 1 yr.
is on exhibition at tbe Great World's
Fair.' Ton ought to see it Tbis is the
month of months to visit the fair,
pleasant days, oool nights, delightful
'raveling weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago
on the vestibuled limited trains of tbe
Chicago, Union Paoific & Northwest
Liue, Bee yonr nearest Union Paoific
agent for rates or other information.
I will have a band of bucks for sale
at my olace, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this city, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell
grade buoks at prices ranging from 85 to
87; Thorongbbreds 812. Don't tail to
attend the sale.
133 -tf Tom Morgan.
Those having business relative to the
estate of W. G. Buyer, deoeased, will
please call at the office ot Hamilton &
Freeland, who will pay all debts of said
estate and collect all money doe the
Exeoatrix .
Heppuer, Or. Oot. IS, 93. 71-71
Ou th ! evening of Oatober 13, my wife
left my bed and bonrd without jusl cause
or provoaation, so I hereby notify all
parties uot ti harbor or trust her on my
account. I will not pay debts o.intracted
by her after this date.
William Doonah.
Dated, Heppner, OrOjt. 17, 1893.
Eip'a Woon Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, nnder the management ot
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or nn
sawed. Wood sawed aud delivered at
87.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 eta. per oord; three times, 81 00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeck. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has Just looated in the Abraham
eiot" building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do everything in his line.
VI t Birbeck is strictly a firat-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give hiin a
oall. Mwtf
The Htadebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam k Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yon say? Why, yea
at P. O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, aud the
place for bargains.
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix np
your watch or clock. Ue keeps a full
stock of ever) thing pertaining to bis
business' a
M. Licbteothal k Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer bottoo and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
Jfrs. S. A.
JflUT 10 VMI
To Obtai
pai n
Every person who purchases ONE DOLLAR'S worth of goods will re
oeive a tioketon a Grand Weaver Organ one hnndred and twenty-five
dollar Organ to be given sway December 21th 1893,
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Oners a magmfioeot new stock at
urai-onies goons. nign grades in all departments. True merit in every
article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss
ing. Tbe quality will tell it : the price will Bell it. Tbat is
the reason you should come early and secure your BAR
GAINS from our splendid lines ot
' Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.
VVE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest selec
tions in all standard styles. We make it a point to have every article in
iji stock the best of its kind. Tbe dollar yon spend with us goes farther, lasts
:: longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does
,. I more good in service, worth and wear than any money you epend. Our goods
and pnoes, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it is an
established fact that it pays to trade, providing vou waut to save money, at the
BEN LELAND, Salesman.
To Qet Even on Your Life.
p ; Hardware Store !
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds ot Repairing quickly and neatly done.
: -:- Too will save money by
getting onr prices before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -:- :- -:- :- -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
in A.T i i i
McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner. Oregon.
Now is the time to make yonr money oonnt. Our whole etook or Pry Goods, Cloth
ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Fancy Goods, Gloves, etc., etc., will be sold at
wbolesale prices fur oash.
Having Quit the Credit System,
We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Oregnn. This is NO BAIT
on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOCK goes at suoh reduoed figures that the per
son needing supplies for oasb oan be made bappy. If you wish to save your money
send in orders by mail or oall in person. We are giving dieoounts on
Der oent. off.
Dry Goods, Clothing, eto 25 to 33
Men's and Boys' Hats 80
Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 80
Men's Shoes 20 to 80
Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings
aud Domestics 20
All grooeries at lowest wholesale rates. Counlry orders solioited, oasb with
orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash.
Very Respectfully,
McFarland mercantile co.
Fall oasb sale at U. S. VAN DUYN'S, opening on Tuesday, Sept. 19th, and will
continue till further notice. Mv entire stock of $15,000, all good, clean mer
chandise, at COST for CASH, ONLY.
Bargains in Sight for You.
Heppner, Oregon.
Postlshd, OntooN. A.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
Otis Patterson
fun Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W PATTERSON, AGENT One of the Host lr tne World
rpn Fro.
prices the lowest yet named for strictly
Bain Wanons, Hacks and Backboards.
per cent. off.
Hosiery 80
Meu's OverehirtB and Furnish
ing Goods 30
Hardware 20 to 25
Saddle, Harness, Stoves and
Tinware 20 to 30
P. Akustkono. Principal.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
P. & ohqpsoii go,
Having put their
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known iu
We mast get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money
oomes in sight. Shake your cash at us and see us tumble.
Not only onoe, but again and again. Tbey know that from us they always get
fall weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex.
plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes as friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want yoa to have some ot oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merohandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
y XNOR fe oo
Change of
wbiob we Dronoae to lymilnnt in
. , .... .
on hands at all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
h Hi Institute
On May Street, opposite Polaoe Hotel.
fam and Frews.
A fnll linA Af T. 3 Tt m f a ... .. .
H t! , uuw,uo vbbcb
nsually kept in a first-class bakery store,
try them.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
COST, the entire stock of general mer
chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman.
Bargains in all lines never before lound. Call
and learn prices.
I3111s, Dnwson Ss Iyons,
All bnainess attended to
manner. Notaries
business unon a tern.
Heppner, Oregon,
th ..i.... .
w onHoinuKiry manner, will Keen
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gaietti office for partlculsrs.
Strictly confidential. Treatmont private and sura
They will keep on band a fall llneof
uou ureaa ; id iaci everythitiff that is
Thay will sell cheap foi cash. Call anp
Etc, Eto.
Trust Busts
in a prompt and satisfactory
Public and Collectors.