Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 17, 1893, Image 2

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one of the Best Heces of Land in Morrow County.;i-i
C7TND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land their a. e 140 seres go. d farming Ihd.1, and the balance A 1 paBtnre. The deeded land baa agw c ..nfco
fx. fence. Situated two miles west ef HardmaD.
Pnoe for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
b 1-- H!
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on finny terms.
1 Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat hTnd. Will sell Xeitb -SlbfiJ
I for it with firbt crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the J.ubt
i 1
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold etch and every correspondent rf
sponsible for his or her communication. N
correspondence will be published unless th
writer's real name Is signed as an evidence c
good faith.
Did you ever
Read about tbe
Man ho
Hid bin
Light under
A bushel?
Tee? well
That 1b like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All tbe
SuiJe eobemes
In tbe country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
la read
By tbe people,
And that owiih
Its own
Soul; that
Dhl'i its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
llou. W. It. Ellis bas introduced
following bill in tbe bouse:
Be it euncted by the Senate and Rouse
of liepreaentutives of the United States
of America ia congress nflsembld,
that seotion three of an not entitled "An
act to foifeit certain lands heretofore
granted for the purpose of aiding in tbe
construction of railroads, and for ottur
purposes," be, and the same is, amenlerl
so as to extend the time within which
persons in possession of lauds forfeited
by said act Bball be permitted to pur
chase 'be seme, in the quantities anil
upon tbe terms provided in said section,
at any time prior to January first,
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven.
The justice of this measure is ac
knowledged. The Northern Faoifio
railroad held the lands referred to wrong
fully, for years and through this thou
sands of settlers were prevented from
using the land rights then allowed bv
tbo government to each oitizen. When
the forfeiture occurred many hud no
opportunity of acqiliriug to this olass of
laud, much of it long in their possession
and iu uiuuy cases considerably improv
ed, except hy homestead or purchase. This
practically prevented many from secur
ing their just rights, but through tbe
intervention of our delegation in oon
grcss the time of payment was extended
one year. Now that the oonntry is
being alllicted with bard times, uuforseen
to any at tbe time ol tbe relief bill, it
is but just and right that the time of pay
ment on these lands should be extended
to Jan. 1, 18U7. Oar government nl
lowed a corporation to rub our people of
privileges that could have been exer
oised previous to lK'JO, and those in
terested are grateful to Mr. Ellis for
bis efforts iu their behalf, whioh, they
hope, will ho successful iu every par
ticular, "How's your centerhoard?" This is
a oomiuon interrogatio 1 these days, but
bow this oau apply to Buy individual is
hard to understand. However, the
superiority of the Amencau yuohl,
Vigilant, the vessel witb a oenterboard,
over the Valkyrie, the Euglish vjssel,
with none of the new-fatnrled notions,
is acknowledged, Tbe American vessel
will form a pattern for Englishmen of
yachting proclivities.
Tub La liraude (Jurouicle does n.U
like Ellis. Of course not. The (Jlnou
icle is democratic from the crown of
its head to the soles of its feet, including
the stone in li, and for Ellis to suit it
would be the merest chauce. However,
be does "till the bill" with very many
good, honest, independent Ihiukers, and
a site of the boys will express them
selves likewise next year.
Tiik Ives-Hoberts billiard onutest at
New York has ended with Roberts, the
Englishman, ag;iiu champion, having
detested his former oonq-ieror, tile
Americuu cliaiupiou , by )22 points
Ives defeated Roberts very easily last
Tub senate bas decided on night
sessions, aud now it is a question of
physical endurance whether or not a
vote ill be reached on the nnronditoi
lial repeal of the Shermau act.
Tiik World's Fair indebtedness bas
been wiped out. The slock will pay a
mall dividend.
TiiKKK-iiCAUTKKs of a million people
visited the World's Fair on "Chicago
Tbi Dempney-Burge flfiht bos been
declared off.
Tub English
'wasn't in it."
yacht, the Valkyrie,
Tun Willamette river is on a rampage,
and still rising.
Indianapolis has elected ita republi
can ticket by a thousand majority.
Lucius Faibohild t'in been
as oommander of the Loyal
The spproacbing end of Marshal Mo-
Mabon, tbe noted Frenchman, is an
nounced. The repeal bill of the(federal election
laws bas passed tbe house by a strict
party vote.
Admirai, Mello bas agaiu opci.id
fire on Rio Janeiro. He has issued a
manifesto deolaring that be will pre
serve the republic.
The night sessions didn't last long,
beoause night and day work without
rest is too moot) for a human being.
The gold-bugs oroaked first.
is over you can Btav at home. Uo to
Chicago now and see tbe most com
plete and magnificent exhibition that
bas ever been held. Tbe vestibuled
limited trains of tbe Chioago, Union
Pacific & Northwestern line will take
you there with the least trouble and
changes. 63 fi
Vt hut the Visitors to the Uraua Lodge Messina
At Heppner Have to Say.
From the K. O.
E. E. Sharon, reti .ing grand chancel
lor of the Knights of I'ythias, end Rep
reseutatives H. L. Hexter, I. T. Barr
and O. A. Frazier, returned on this
morning's train from Heppner, where
tbey attended tbe Orand Lodge session.
About 122 officers and representatives
were in Bttendanoe, those from Portland
coming by special train.
Tbe visiting Knights were met at
Arlington by a delegation from Dorio
Lodge No. 2(1, at Heppner, and on ar
riving at that city tbey were escorted to
be hotels, a brass band meeting them
at the depot. An imposing parade of
the Knights was held at 1:30 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon, there being 200 men
iu a line. Afterward exercises were
held at the opera house, consisting of
au address of welcome by Mayor Simons,
of Heppner, response by Orand Chancel
lor Sharon, au oration by Grand Prelate
Hill, aud a very neat little addrenn by A.
W. Patterson of the Heppner Gazette.
Tuesday evening tbe Grund Lodge
opened with the largest attendance ever
known in the state. After a short even
ing session the Knights were entertained
by a grand ball at the opera house, free
i) all the visitors, who enjoyed them
selves immensely until about two o'clook
in tbe morning. Weuuesday was taken up
by the reading of offioeis' reports,
introduction of resolutions and the elec
tion of otlioers. The report shows fitty
seveu lodges in the state, nn imvease of
six over last year, with a total member
ship of 3318, an increase of 190, a good
showing iu view of the dull times.
Weduesday evening, while tbe Grand
Lodge was in session, the brethren were
surprised b tbe Pythian sisters, who
spread a fine supper in the lodge room.
ltmraday was taken up with routine
work and the adoption of new constitu
tions for the Orand Lodge and subor
dinate lodges. At4o'olook tbe install
atiou of tho new officers took place
oloBing one of the most interesting
sessions the Grand Lodge has ever held
iu Oregon.
Toe members all left for their homes
by special train at 11 o'clock Thursday
evening, feeling delighted with their
reception aud entertainment at Hepp
ner. From the Pallas Chronicle.
Tho U. P. tram leaving Portland
Monday evening last oarried with it a
jolly crowd of Knights, representatives
and their ladies, which was augmented
at stntions along the route. A special
train was niBde up at Arliugton, arriv
ing at Heppner at about 8:30 a. m. on
Tuesday. The visiting Knights were
met at the train by members of Dorio
lodge No. 20, of Heppuer, with the tlepp
ner Cornet band. Proceeding from tbe
depot tha Knights were located ooui
fortablv in hitels and private houses
about the town. A parade headed by
the Heppner Uniform Division was the
feature of the day, and after proceeding
through the priuoipul streets, came to a
hBlt In the opera house, where addresses
of welcome were made by the mayor and
others and the oration delivered by the
grand orator. The Orand Lodge orga
nized for busings at 7 p. m. and after
reports of committee on credentials aud
admittance of new members, adjourned
to tip the light fautastio until tbe "wee
ma1 hours" of Wednesday.
A sumotuous banquet prepared by tbe
ladies of Heppner was served in tbe
hall on Wednesday night. The remain
der of tbe session was principally taken
up in tbe passage of a Dew constitution
governing grand and subordinate
The Orand Lodge adjourned line die
(so-called) last nigbt at 9 o'olm-k
and tbe visiting brothers departed for
their homes with tbe unanimous senti
ment that they had been royally enter
tained by their brothers of Heppner,
ably assisted by tbeir lady friends.
The next session meets iu Ootober,
1894, at Portland, Or.
From theTimes-Uountalueer.
Every member of the Grand Lodge,
who has attended the session at Hepp
ner, speaks in tbe most complimentary
terms of the manner of their entertain
ment. It was expected that the little
city in the bunohgrass bills of Eastern
Oregon, would display commendable
qualities in making the visit of tbe
Knigbts pleasant and profitable; but
expectations were completely eohpsed
and oversbadowded in tbe treatment
received, and every lady and gentleman,
apparently, constituted himself and her
self a oommittee of one to extend a
generous, cbivalrio weloome to tbe
visitors. Not only tbe freedom of the
city was extended to tbe grand body,
but everything possible for tbe enjoy
ment of tbe guests was done in a liberal
and princely mauner, and us entertain
era, in tbe Knightly meaning of tbe
word, tbe citizens of Heppner are, in the
highest sense, of blood royal and "to tbe
manor born." Parties and banquets
were of daily ooourenoe, and these
would have done honor to any metropol
itan community. Where, each exerted
bis and her best endeavors to make tbe
sojourn agreeable, any discrimination
would almost appear invidious, but
among those prominent in tbe list
should be mentioned the Pytbian Sisters,
of Dorian Temple members of Dorio
Lodge K. of P., the excellent brass band,
Senator Blaokman, Mr. and Mrs. Oiis
Patters in, Mr. A. W. Patterson, Mr. and
Mrs. H. McFarlaud and others whose
uamea we could not learn. Iu Eastern
Oregon, there is a generosity in the land
scape, in the sunshine, in tbe broad
stretch of plains and mountains, and the
hearts and impulses of tbe inhabitants
are patterned after the eame liberal
plan. Heppntrmaybe a little bunch-
grass town, but the residents, in those
qualities whiob canse sunshine to dispel
gloom in hnman feelings aud unite in
bonds of indissoluble fellowship in
dividuals to tbeir neigLbors, give evi
dence of being molded after tbe largest
pattern. In years to come, tbe chivalry
displayed in Hepp er toward tbe Orand
Lodge, Knight of Pythias of Oregon,
will be a model which other cities will
attempt to follow.
From the Telegram.
Tbe valley delegation to the Grand
Lodge, K. of P., returned to the city
this moruiug well pleased with their
treatment at Heppner. Senator Henry
Blaekmau ucoompanied the delegation
to Portland. Senator Jtffjrsou Myers,
of Linn oouuty, is iu the city ou the
way home from tbe Grand Lodge, K of
P. Beuton county's sheriff and treasurer
are both iu the city on their way home
from tbe Grand Lodge K. of P. Turner
Oliver, clerk of Uuion county, accom
panied the valley delegation of Knights
of Pythias to this city. He will return
borne tonight.
Will Net Deter Anyone From
is Their Ihvu.
Cettlug What
.Some tune ago, J. W. tlnrnor aud
others at Heppuer attached n band of
horses over in Duion ouun'y belonging
to K. S. Rule. Last week .Mr. Horuor
received the o)loiug communication
from TJuiou comity, the envelope lleuring
the post mark of North Powder:
Union Co.. Or.. On t. 12 180,3
To Dan Horuor and of
Heppner, Morrow oouuty, Oregon:
This will notify you that von are for-
biddeu by the Uniou Protective Organ
ization of Farmers lu Union countv.
Oregon, not to come to .bis comity with
tue intention of stealii.g horses nl
sbentV's sale. We, the citizens and
farmers of Uuiou oonnty, Oregon, mean
lo stump out all such ciit-throat robbery.
ot Uuion Co., Oregon.
The wordingof this bloodthirsty
epistle would indicate that the terrible,
evil doers (?) of Morrow county had a
perfect right to go to Uuiou county, but
the intention of the letter is, without
doubt, to warn Dat, etui., to Btay awBy,
and if they should oome, will be doing
so at their peril.
The handwriting is that of a woman,
and is probably a scare perpetrated by
some member of tie family interested in
keeping t he horses, if possible, reeardless
of the faot that tbe debts tbey owe here
art honest ones. Mr Horuor went se
curity for Rule and had it lo ray.
1 he Morrow county neoole will not ho
hlnffedoutnf trying to iret their iot
dues, shotguns aud hades, as promised
by the U. P. A. of U. 0.. to th oontrarv
further information call at our office.
Hummer Weakness
And that tired feeling, loss of appetite
aud nervous prostration are driven
away by Hood's arsaparilla, like mist
before tbe morning sun. To realize tbe
benefit of this great medicine, give it a
trial and you will join tbe great army
of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's ear-
Sheriff's Sale.
It out of the County Court of the State ot
Oreiron for the Countv of Morrow, to me di
rected commanding me to levy on the (foods
aud chattels of the delinquent taxpayers named
on the delinquent tax roll for said coumy for
tnR vears istti, iwi ana iw uiereiu mmuueu,
and' none be found, then upon the real properti
es wet forth and described in thesaiddellnqiient
tax rolls, or so much thereof as shall satisfy
the amount of taxes charged therein, together
with costs aud expenses. I have duly levied
having been unable to And any goods or
chattels belonging to the respective delinquents
hereinafter nameuupou tue luiiuwiuguwniH-u
pieces or parcels ol land as set forth lu said tax
lists, lying and being iu said Morrow county,
State of Oregon, described and a&sessed as
Barnes J. A.. H'-i Sec. 18. Tp. IN. R.aiE
Tax lor mi I 0 0a
" ' lsttl 0 06
" " I 8 43
Ball J. C. Lots 6 and 7 in Elk. 3. Avers'
fourth addition to the town of Heppuer, 21 CH
St. Clair F., Sec.STp. I S., K. i) E. . . . . 20 40
8.. R 29 E 10 01
Colley V. L., SW'it Sec. 31, Tp. 2 R. 24 E. t 00
coi'-nmn u vv Ht ec. y, r.r.ec. n,
NE'i of NE!i Si'i iE! Sec. 16, W 8EU
Wei!. S6. K! HE1 Sec. 35. N WU, See. 36. all
in Tp. 5 ti., K. 26 E. containing 603 acres, 38 72
Cochran A. J., Wtf Sec. IS Tp. 2 K. 23 E. 14 52
belong tr. , vt yt oi ns sec. au i p. w. k.
27 E. taxes !! 10 (V
" IW2, 4 S4
Elv 1J. F.. BE'i Sec. 4. Td. 2 N. R. 26 E.
Taxes 1S91. 5 50
" tuna, 4 s4
Fairhurat E.. Lot No. B. iu Block No. 2.
Townof Dairy 3 68
Jones H. E., K.'Jof See. 6, Tp. 2 S R. 24 E. 7 02
ratace nocei company, commencing at
Southwest corner of Lot No. six (6) in
Block No. four (4) in original town of
Heppner, thence running East 111) ft.,
thence North 60 feet, thence west 110
feet, thence Houth 60 feet to place of be
ginning, 272 SO
Peterson N. .Yi HW'K Sec. 16 Tp. 3 S. R. 24
E II 26
Richardson Thomas, 3EJ4 Sec. 32 Tp. 2 N. R.
MR 4 84
RutheKfnrd 0. P., Lots No. 1 and 2, 8!
HE4 except Castle Kock town site ol
Sec. 8 Tp. 4 N., K. 24 E 9 68
f-hipley L. F., Lot No. one (1) iu Block No.
two (2) Looney's addltiou to town of
Heppuer Ill 16
Stratum 8., NWH Sec. 28, Tp. 2 N R. 27 E. 4 81
Stanley J. H., SEVi Sec.28,Tp.l N., K. 21 E. 9 68
Whitlier Bros., Ha Sec. 32, Tp. 2 N., K. 25
K 6 55
Estes C. W., NVV4' Sec. 10, Tp. 1 N., R. 26 E. 8 53
Aim on aaiuraay tae 28tn (lay ot uciouer,
13!3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said
day at the court house lu said county and state,
I will sell the' above described real estate at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
subject to redemption, to satisfy said warrants.
costs and accruing costs.
'' Sheriff of Morrotv Gouutv.
Dated, Sept. 30, 18i, 167-7"
Sheriffs Sale.
and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow, aud to me directed aud
delivered, unnn a judgment rendered and
entered In said Court on the 27, day of March.
1883, iu favor of C. R Tayleur, Plaintiff, and
against G. W. Ilea, Defendant, for the sum of
five hundred and two dollars and seventy-five
cents, U. 8. gold coin with Interest thereon at
the rate ol ten per cent per annum In like coin
from the 10th day of Feburary 1893, and for the
further sum of 50 Atty. 's fee and S29.84 costs.
and, whereas, by said judgment It was ordered
aud adiudaed that the followlnr described real
properly, to-wlt: ol tne rE4 ot Sec. 34
n township two (21 S. R 26 E W M containing
80 acres more or less, be sold to satisfy said
judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will, on
the 26th day ol October 1893, at 1 o'clock p. m., of
said day, at the front door of the court house,
in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the
right, title and Interest of said U. W. Kea lu
and to the above described property at public
auction to the higheBt and best bidder for
cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the
satlsiactlon ot said execution aud all costs,
that may accrue.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated October 2, 1893. 167-73
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
lieppner, in the State of Oregon
at the close of business,
Oct. 3, 1893.
Loans and discounts $
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured U. S. bonds to secure dieconnt.
Stock securities, judgments,
claims, etc
Due from approved reserve
agents subject to oheck
Due from other Natl. Bks.
snbjeot to cheek
Baukiughouse, furniture, & fix.
Due from fltnte banks end
banker subject to oheck,
Current ex. and taxes paid. . .
Premiums on U. S. bonds .
Checks and other cash items. .
Bills of other Banks
Fractional paper curreucy,
nickles, and oeuts
Legal-tender notes
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurer (5 per oent. of cir
culation) 81.H24.M
2.49S 94
3.747 61
1,750 96
970 91
. 32 21
5 50
5,020 25
Total 8110,801.07
Capital utock paid in $ 50,000 00
Surplus fund 8.000 00
Undivided profits 6.376 90
Nat. Banknotes outstanding.. 11,25000
Dividends unpaid 300.00
Individual deposits subject to
clieck 35,521.07
xjw: f utun HL UUU&B BUO"
jct to check 246 60
Notes and bills re discounted
Bills payable, inolnding certif
icate of deposit representing
money borrowed 6,000.00
Totai, 8119,801.07
Stats of Obioon, )
Cora-nr OF Morbow, ( s'
I, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
abive statement is true to the beet of
my knowledge and belief.
Ed. K. Bisuop, Cashier,
subscribed aud sworn to before me
this 13th day of Oct. 1HH3.
Otis Pattkrson,
Notary Public for Oregon.
Correot-Attest: O. E Farnsworih,
U. W.Swaggart, P. C. Thompson, Di-rectors.
Wheat, bn 38
IFIour.bbl ......3 75 0? 4 00
Beeves, cows a two-year-oius. owt. l ou
three " 1 75 2 (K)
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 SO 2 25
" stock 1 50 $ 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 5"
Hogs, dressed.. 6 60 o6 700
Wool 6 0 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz 16
Ohifkens. doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt 81 05 0 1 10
Flour, bbl 3 00 Ut 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (i 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 ( 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 tp 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 ut 12
Butter, tb 20 m 25
Eggs, doz 10
Cbiokens, doe 5 00 600
Tnrkevs, lb 15 (u 18
Wheat, owt 90
Flour, bbl 3 00
i on
3 25
Beeves, owt 1 75
(atj 2 70
(8 6 00
3 00
6 00
5 60
m 14
0 30
a 20
" dressed 3 60
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 60
dressed 5 75
Hogs, on foot 4 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool EaBtern Oregon... 6
Bntter 15
Eggs, doz 15
Chickens, doz 2 00
4 oo
& 14
Turkeys lb 12
To Conao urtnotlxroias.
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, is anxioiiB to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To those who desire It, he will cheerfully send
(free uf charge a copy of the prescription used,
which thev will find a sure cure tor Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh, BrouchitiB and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopcB all sufferers will
try his remedy, as it is Invaluable. Those dstr
ing the prescription, which will cost them noth
lug, ami may prove a blessing, will please ad
dress. Rev. Edward a. Wilson,
1-taw Brooklyn, New York.
Notice Of Intention.
I J Oct. 4, 1893. Notice Is hereby given that
the followlng-uamed settler has tiled notict of
his intentiou to make final proof la support of
nis claim, ana mat saia proot will be maue be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or., ou Nov. 18, 1893, viz.:
Hd. .1213 for the E NW NE'4 SK' Sec. rtt
and NW SEii Sec. 32 Td. 6. 8. R 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resiueuce upon ana cultivation oi,
said laud, viz.:
tieorge I'errv. of Lone Rock. Herman Meissner
of Gooseberry. Paul Schiller, of Gooseberry,
auo iHac3iuuii, oi ixine noca irregou.
169-179 Johk W. Lswis, Register.
Notice of Assignee.
undersigned has this, the 1st day, of Kept,
been appointed assignee of the firm of Cox Rrnn
and all creditors who shall not exhibit their
claim within three months from the date of
pmicution ot this notice shall not participate
in the dividends until after payment In lull of
claims presented within said term of three
months and allowed by the court. Dated at
Haraman, Oregon, September 8th, 1893.
Kllir, Dawson & Lvonk, w, P. Full,
6 Attorneys for Assignee. Assignee.
Administrator's Notice.
l letters of administration on tbe estate of
David N. Hardman, deceased, were granted to
in uuuctiuK"ci on iiieaii uay oi sept. Iy3,
bv the countv court of Morrow rntintv
All persons having claims against said estate
r irquireu 10 exnioit tnem to me for allow
ance. atrHeponer. Morrowleountv orptrnn viih.
in six months after the date of this notice or
uiey snail oe lorever Darrea. uated this 25th
uuj wi oepv. ici'j,
163-75 .. Rood.
Notice of Intention.
lj r'ept. 14, 1893. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has tiled notice
of her intention to make final proof In support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 3, 1X93, viz. :
Mary antwell,
widow of Moses Cantwell, Deed., of Eight
a.'"' KVV of ec.
(the names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said laud, viz.: '
J. H. Jones, of Eight Mile, Oregon, I R
hsteb, of Gooseberry, Isaac Knighteu, of Eight
Mile, and Jas. Inskeep, of Eight Mile.
,r, ,,, JuHN W. Lewis,
Notice of Intention.
th: fnUnwIni '"Jl.1??"
r - , V .r " "icu nonce oi
her intention to make dual proof in iimport of
npr f nim anil Va n 4.1 . ... 1 1 i . r 1 . .
i. ro i f'ooi in oe made be-
Oregon, on NoVri;!! lH9tl, viz.: " "ePP"!r'
.. , MAKt u. HEWITT
Hd. No. 4-IOfl for th WA ..-j a... r,..
Sec.WT.'iS. Ki E.W.'M. "'
Slip nnmuilha (AllAnrli.. ,.,in.
continuous residence upon and cultlvatiou oi,
andW M H.;,,.5 . , "'; earil,
T. I., nnrmntl VrBnlr niMn U -n , ..,.
IB7.l7 " V:.;'"i "'" "reKon.
--- ""n r. iwie, Kegister.
Sheriffs Sale.
i r.i , ,,. """T virtue oi an execution issued
for thV,Vai,0""?'thBJ,,.,, 0( ion
...i aJiu-.; ' Z."Y.7J. """.lo me. airected
enTeFed ..id J,"?S, Vu r5"?erl "1
lSH; .lnf.vor of K. K. Hughes, PlalutifT and
against Ueorg. b. Gray and Lucy L ti?av
Defendanu, for the sum of on hundred and"
sixty fight dollars in D. S. gold coin i It
Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent wr
J.n"u?,l'i,"ke old coln from the 1st d,vPof
March 1892 and the further iumof So Attv's
ees and $2i.oii costs, and, whereas, by said
judgment it was ordered and adjudged that th.
following deKribed real property kf-wii-Lot
No. five (5) In Block No. Vour W and
Eight (8) In Block Seven (7) (J jinei' addltiS
"fPPntr. Morrow County Oregon be" so d m
satisfy Judgment, cost, and .ruinVco.t.
1 will on the tBth day ol October ilaa i
o clock p. rn., of said dav, at the front door J
tlie court house In Heboner UnrV ?, '
Po'n 'ifffi ndrrTr?..EnS
the uroeeeda to be applied to the .,!. i. anrt;
21? S!,un J "i .SS" W
1W-7S 1
B My "
Are you all run down? Scott s Emul
sion Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and s 1 ypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up anil put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
(Scott's ioiulslon cures Coufjhs,
Colds, Consuvnjtion, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Westing' Eiscasca.
Prevents wastinfr in children. Al
most as palatable us milk, l.et only
the genuine. Prepared by Scott &
Bowne, Chemists, Kew York. Bold by
all Druggists.
Eastern Oregon
Weston, DniBtilla County, Oregon.
'"pUITION FREE TO NOKUAL STUUISNlo, and merely nominal in the pre
paratory and business departments. Graduates receive State Diplomas au
thorizing them to teaob iu any of the public schools ot tbe state without further
examination. Board and lodging, $3 50 per week iu Young Ladies' Home; board
alone, 82.2). Board and lodging in private families, from 83.60 to 84.00 per week.
Good opportunities are offered in vooal and instrumental music All the depart
mentB are thoroughly furnished witb modern appliances. For further informatioa
apply to M. G. Koyal, Presideut of the Fioulty, or P. A. Worthiugton, Seo'y of
tbe Board of Regents, law
Is the title of a very valr.ohle book that gives a great amount of information of tbe Utmost
Importance to Everybody, ccuuernlng their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
How to Eat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
Influence of Plants,
Occupation for Invalids.
Alcohol asa Food aud a
Superfluous Hnlr,
now to oreatoe,
Dangers of Kissmip. Restorim? the Drowned.
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VAnttlatlnn na.a
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M Tt:n n. .. i ..... r! ... .
P. II. T.
jiuuuny jum in 'Ok (!.,
patents In, 1 f V" employed to obtain their
r--i uu tucreiore are prepared to
UriJreS 'mI' .StatCS anda" F0re,e" Count.
lenerences. Make Snerini r,.ni..ti . r, . - . '
Reirister Tr. m r -7"""a"" frosecuw Kejertea Cases,
Register Trade-AIarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
PDeafer!nflTty ' Patent5' oteaOm and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
Tf Vftn tinnak mh .'uAi a
jetheVwith S M hoiSV thewof, to
ad vised as to the H 1 ll,t important features, and yovl will be at once
others are infringing on J!I ' w purs-le- Model8 are ldom necessary. If
others, subm fhe Mtte LTSJ f ' W ,fyoa charged with infringement by
matter. r t0 u' for "liable OPINION before acting on the
618 r strbetTothwest CLAIMS C0MPrtNY.
P o bo. a T' WASHINGTON, D.C.
J0"N WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
" Cu this out and send tt with your Inquiry, -i
Notice of Intention.
i ' ' ""nee if nereny clven thut
b i. minH."46? "'' h" hied notice of
hisc aim .nrf'"'?".""? 01, "PPOrt Of
Iim Tn7 5 ,7 '' win ne made be-
Rd.KWf"..?J'.. .
8Eti fci. ii t. 4 rrr u ua
US lliml tha f nil ...n.
sss:1 c'u'hTvSz?1.!
Jmiidl Altai! lan,.U 11-11 11
andj M:,ioBU;r ;'a,oppenga
nB i.Ewis. Register.
rnpp tdiai a t-
r n r I" niMLs .kn(,..nd
I 111.1a .ad !, i?'-ViMu'
. nm )
Parasites of the Skin, Pare of Teeth
Bathing Best Wnv n..in... .'-...
LungH and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco,
...... WAT, fill 1 IltJIll,
Clothing, What to V
J;. .... ""mj cure lor intemperance,
Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Causa & Cure.
To Get Rid of Lie.
Cnntniriniifl rtlanaUAu
How to Avoid Them!
Malarial Affections,
Croup to Prevent.
( $1,100
.( SOLD.
, :.'.t fj. Lfm ;sr,., jNew York
Notice of Intention.
.h ,,, Pf- M' 's9'i' Notice is hereby given that
hit in iow1ln '""ne' eler has Hied notice of
h i. i?ifitloni?ulnake flnal Pro' !" upport of
EJL i 5?' f."" tnst ,ald P'ool w)U be made be-
o"oJn NovJO"93CviS!'ty C'"k' at UePP"er'
of t.. iJE"KlAH D. WHITMAN,
Sec'Tp1.,??",-3 'r th6 "
r.fiHr"'" thf following witnesses to prove his
said landUvirze" Up" aud eultivation
ntJ; ,M- 'Haniulet, 3. R. Nunamaker, George
i!'i keo8' 411 of Ione Oregon.
John W. Lswis, Register.
"TtQ In anil vkittr.mnm trMtn.nt
rith.ut kuifr. N loflS ot 1I0M
from bniineii Vliful.. UlM.l.
GKlM'BUak and Bo.k tin. Cillorwritt.
T . DB. H. B. BDTTS.