Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 13, 1893, Image 4

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rn.ui. j pie., C..10 t-.ui.-.iijHin.u 1 u uiia lioetiiynj;, pllourec.-nstlpmloa
Pronto-1 licet Hying pills cure constipation l'rentiss Rectifying ptlleuroc.ut;tiiatlon
Almost til p. in ajvl mMl'.-irn prMuno co-iatipatlon, Mm Is fill t.ist cotm Hrpli
liver. Diiionsnne's, r?i?timat:sni. IntMjcsuoa, sick hcad.icho mtu kidney auA liver
troubles Trlt!iout irrl-ilnij or loaTlng any tr.ioo of CONSTIPATION, which.
Is tho prlmocauaoof ell sickness, Vw.iro of ii gutting habitual and chronic with you,
soo to It la ti'.i"! thf pills will euro yen.
because ,t la the only safe and harmless
rntuccly that will surely BEAUTIFY '&
tt u . clear tho f klu and remove all blotches from the face. Try a hoi and see tor your
3 self. Cents a box.
)y v Or sent by mail upon receipt of price r.y
Prentiss Chemical and Alanufacturinjr Co.,
S8 b0"!!5" gc"WK eu coul!,uiiou Premiss KuctTtVlni Tfl curocoiu.upa.lon
Ic I Prentiss Hwilfylng pills core constipation Prentiss r.eellryini.- pills cure ranfti.iillnn
onus Carvings Foun l In Inula by dill'
Jdren at Play.
The Pioneer of Allahabad reports an
archaeological discovery of some impor
tance at Maheswar, in the Ilunfjporo
district. Some children while playing
among ruins there unearthed two beau
tiful groups of statuary cut from the
hard, black basaltic stone found near
Gyru ISoth represent mythological
deities, with features of Crfc-co-Hud-dhistic
type. The first is two feet in
lentil by twenty inches in breadth,
with a depth of six inehes. It
Reproducing the Dome of
Heavens on Plates.
Sow the Instruments Are Manipulated to
Secure the Negative of a Star In
teresting Information Concern
Ing the Art,
aerits Vishnu or liasudo. the emblem of
the preserving p nvcr in mil tire.
The central iigi te st.'unU on a lotus
and its four hands ifrasp a club, wheel,
lotus and couch. .hi the bead is a
tiara three inches in hcilit, which,
with the oar-rings, necklace, bracelets,
waist-chain and sacred tin-cad, are ren
dered with a wondcrfu' de;;ree of deli
cacy and fm mi. To t;ie rilit and left
Prof. James E. Keeler, who la eon
lected with the Lick Observatory in
California, gave an interesting lecture
it the rooms of the Camera Club in New
repre- VorU the other evening upon astronom-
.cal photography. lie said, observe;
i Pittsburgh Dispatch writer, that as
ironoinicul photography presented few
liilicnltie:-., and that more knowledge
jf astronomy was required than ol
photography by the observer; in other
words, that the ratio between the two
was about three parts of astronomy to
one part of photography.
If, however, a photographer should
stand figures if L-aksini, the goddess of attempt to photograph a star he would
wcaun, ana t .iswatl, who patronizes
learning, each en inches in height
Kouud the central group are seven
minor deities, armed with bows and ar
rows and riding on horses and ele
phants. The entablature is surmount
ed by a head of the Aluvnr, known as
Nrisinghn. On the. base is mi inscrip
tion said to be in the ka.nlsii charac
ter, a mixed form of Devimngirl and
The second piece of carving is small
er, and the workmanship, though good,
is not equal to that of the other group.
Jt is sixteen inches high, twenty inches
broad and six inches deep, and repre
sents a rauranie goddess. The figure is
seated on a lotus and is four-armed.
The lower left hand supports a male in
fant, the corresponding right hand holds
a sweetmeat and the two other grasp
branches of trees. This group alsohas
an Inscription in Lands;!., which, howev
er, has defied elucidation. Jioth pieces ol
sculpture are m excellent preservation.
ttnd that his image would be blurred,
owing to the movement of the object
Juring the exposure; therefore it was
necessary that the instrument must be
kept in motion in keeping with the mo
tiou of the star, and the apparatus foi
photographingstars, therefore, adjusted
to meet these difficulties. The usual
method of keeping the star on the plate
in photographing was by moving the
telescope, but owing' to the size of the
instrument at the Lick Observatory this
was impossible, as the telescope weighed
seven tons. The plan adopted, there
fore, was to make the plate movable by
means of turning screws.
When the photographer wished to do
some of his work the tiling first to bo
done was to move th
that a lens could
end. It is
a different
tod Experience of a Detective With a
Marked Tea Dollar Hill.
Ho was considered one of the best in
his line. : The case that required the
most intelligent, persistent and careful
work was the- one that was usually as
termed to hiiu.. lie had baen at work on
one for thraaor fotn weeks, 'atid at last
hadwseotired' what hcoonsldored "clinch-iog-eridc.rj.ee."
It was h bribery cafio and hlS work
had bwa to entrap the Woald-be
briber, flo hn& .done It Co had Be
cured a slnfjla ton dollar note of tho
bribe money, but that was enough. The
eirrtflope Containing the money had been
opened in the presence of three persons,
says the Chicago Mail, and each had put
hie mark on the bill so that it could be
I Naturally he was jubilant People
will be when they think they have
won a great victory, and he had all the
evidence he wanted in his pocket an
inside pocket at that. The bird was
practically caught, and he went home
Jow, mark what can happen to a
man who has victory practically won,
but is careless. lie thought of going to
headquarters and depositing his evi
dence in a vault, but it was a long dis
tance, and then it would be better any
way to go to the chief in the morning
and announce that he had bagged the
game. So he took it home.
Once or twice he thought he was fol
lowed, but when he reached homo he
scouted tho idea, turned in and slept
soundly. Bobbery did not occur to him,
even in his dreams.
In the morning well, in the morn
ing the money was gone. He almost
fainted when he discovered his loss, and
rushed into the dining-room crying:
"I've been robbed! I've been robbed!"
"Nonsense," replied his wife; "what
is missing?" ,
"A ten dollar bill." I
"I took it," she said, calmly. "I
wanted to pay the butcher. I didn't
want to wake you. But I didn't touch
the money in your pocketbook. I just
took that loose ten dollar bill that was
in your inside pocket. I'll get you
another if you need it, but I thought
that was one you had put aside forme." j
Ho didn't try to explain. Ilo didn't
even answer, but he hunted up a broad, i
smooth sheet of water, and for an hour
stood looking over it muttering to him
self. At last he seemed to have madj
up his mind. He hastily wrote a note
to his chief, took it to headquarters and
left it A minute later he was lost in
the crowd on the street. i
The note read: I
"Please put me back on patrol duty.
Several years ago I made a serious
blunder that makes me unfit for de
tective work. I married."
VSEieiKElE H SlfflllF
A Negro Dortreas l- f.oatslanfi Swallow,
Somites for Tastlme.
An aged negress of great repute as
"voodoo," or witch doetress, among th
negroes of this section, is attracting
mvi -h attention, not only from thos ,
of her own color, but from the more in J
telligent portion of the community; anc j
the way In which she does this is to ap- j
parcntlv swallow a Hum Oct oi mai
snakes of a Tarlntv unknown In thh
section. Thpy are of the dusky, color ' Wl,r"- plumbini,-, etc.. sti ck
nearly black, pied with a dvtl pmn a ; IitHy Pct'pr, Odd Ffllows' Mil. Ho de
ent iffy, nri-rem x iittn t. I ervout debility, j
tim.acurii ilWcinrfM loatauntiood, dwpODdnicj-, unfit
I'i'loni try, witting iwv of the or?, certi.nW nd
;p:d y rutfd by if.- i d'T mrtlMd . Curet poiitlwlf
u-.rAB'ra. Qufrt.on UiftukBad liookfTM. CtUlorwritt,
120 N. Mlatli St., ST. LOUIS, HO. 1
Give the matter
Referer-ee is made
n little thought
to the nt-t hard-
. . . . ( :!,.. Or Cllltlo.tWIl
I flinton Jenni-, '' ..... f(
I on either Inn.rfP ' '': ,;,.,!, ,,,,,
, n...,.Mui.ilu,ii riant iiuiiiiM-i "i , .". ...-- ---- -
,;.l,i hinaml on Ix't wile. "Wi
i ;..hi Hr and lil in left
Iji.lriol.Sler'i W "'"', ... ,,, ,M
Vl.rahel Mils) en left nil.... 1. 1.-J-.
left hip io olroU' ou lu"
Rani!" in
fork i
the fiat head, and of o dirty white it
the belly, says a Louisiana eorreapoa i
dent of the Cincinnati Enquirer. i
These reptiles remain secreted about
old Nance's cabin until she gives a pe
culiar whistling call, when they wil'
come to her, wriggling in great hasU i
over the floor, up her dress, and rut I
into her open mouth, hiesing hideously
They t.isnppear and remain bidder ;
sometimes for minutes. Slie assert j
that thev are concealed in her stomacl:
until she recalls them, when they wil!
Mres to please in both jualitv nail price
The general merchandise crIhIiIisIi
tnent fiirmerly owned by Coflin & McFar
IstHl, has lately ebnuged hands, now bf
ine under the eontrol and managfrnent
f The MeFarlHnd Mercantile Company,
which coutinues business at the old stand
wilb a larger stock than ever. a
-Horned. 11 on
At AbrnliBmsick'd. Iti sddition to h
come pouring out to writhe about bei tMilonng business, he has added a fine
scraggy neck and coil in her bosom.
Where the snakes, reully go when
they vanish in her mouth is a mystery,
and has puzzled all the physicians
about, many having come from New
Orleans to witness the phenomenon.
Some really believe that the snakes dc
go down into the stomach, while others
are convinced that the witch is simply
playing some sleight-of-hand trick OD
them; but if the latter is the case it is
so cleverly done that there is no detect
ing the p:-rf irinance.
The witch presents a most extraor
dinary and hideous appearance sitting
with the snakes' darting their flat heads
in and out of her toothless mouth, with '
their lit:.l.! baad-like eyor, snapping as J
if in f:r.'V at all about their mistress, j
As n;vt!-'y iiHcan he counted there are
six i r rven of these reptiles, though
old 2a:iee says there tire, as many rnor ',
but t.icy arc all so i iiie!i of a. size and
color that they rani; I).! identified.
They are probably of u harmless na
ture, though old Nance declares they
are highly poisonous and no one wishes
to experiment with them.
Hne of underwear of all kinds, negligei
"birts, hoRierv. efc- Also has on hand
'"Kf eleennt tiatterns for suits.
brnhnmsiek. May street. Heppner, Or
.'Hi.BODD'S On fc to
411 n
vrrv owr.cr 01 a hotnv iluiu'd Jcrci
11 on nana, it ui vu me iir- or
iiufcci'jjh: -oien cases. I'tlm SlOli.
hot t !iv uni o cxiTi'BF. tin r A
con i! t U-uh. w n:n ctitiiin fnoto(
s ,il iv ii. :irn, miit itl-o
The Old Reliable
Established 38 yars. Treats male- or fom lie
marriea or single. In cases of exposure
abuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL
GUARANTEED. Board anil apartments
rur-isiiod when desired. Question iilank
auu uoui irea, t;an or write.
il Over the You-'if rtud
i Otlicr'H Fmniiloi
Nnmerons Are the Cases 1 1 Which tireaft
Men Have Taken Their Own Lives.
Discussing the frequency with which
men of genius have ended their lives by
their own hands, the Popular Science
bin telescooe so Monthly says: If we were to look care-
be capped over the fully into the histories of the lives of
necessary to put on men of genius, we should find many
lens for photographic names to add to the number already
purposes, and it happens that mentioned, and still more to swell the
a different focus is obtained in list of those who had attempted the
Uio big telesconc. The drv nlate deed without meeting with success.
the tracery bemgaseiear cut as if it had is therefore placed in the tube nine Haydon, the celebrated historical
just left the artist's hand. History and feet from the eye piece, a hole having painter and writer, overcome by debt,
tradition are alike silent as to the origin been cut in it for that purpose. A seed- disappointment and ingratitude, laid
of these curious relics, and it will prob- twenty-six-plate is used, and for develop- down tho brush with which ho was at
ably remain a puzzle how an inscription ment an ordinary pyro and potash. The work upon his last great effort, "Al
in bastard Tibetan should be discovered developer is used very weak and plenty fred and the Trial by Jury," wrote
at so unlikely a spot. of time given to bring out the image, with a steady hand: "Stretch me no
The keenest excitement was caused When the plate is developed the opera- longer upon this rough world," and
by the discovery among the Hindu pop- tor has to go at it in a blind sort of fash- then with a pistol-shot put an end to
ulation. Apart from the intrinsic value ion, as the smaller star images will bis unhappy existence,
of the carvings, which is considerable, not appear till the developing work in Richard Payne Knight, -the poet
they are objects of worship. Muring done. Qreek schoiar and antiquary, was a
their temporary sojourn at the local po- The photographs of the planets are victim of melancholia, and finally de
lice station they were visited by crowds more difficult to secure, owing to the stroyed himself with poison,
and smotheredwith sweet oils andflow- refraction in tho atmosphere. Some Tl,,r,n tv,ai..i tt, r .'ri.
ers Various claimants ca.ne forward, fairly good pictures have, however, been Anatomyof Melancholy-who had the iound' antl ery little
and to avoid litigation the district mndp made of Jumter and Katnrn. and rdo. ..., ... .... .... ... nenrs in the crass. The
. , .. , - , ' f irjjumuun oi oeing aoie io raise laugn- r t--
i ,uuiB win oe laiten. i-roi. ter in any company, however "mute
Keeler showed pictures of the planets and mopish," was in rendity constitn-
and he moon, as well as drawings to tionally depressed, and it is believed
illustrate the difference between the that ho was at last so overc me by this
two. H,e outer ring of Saturn, which malady that he ended his liife in a fit of
was not discovered till tho big Lick tel- melancholy
escope was turned on the planet, does Kleist, poet and dramatist, brooded
not show in the : photograph The pic- over suicide, attempted it once unsuc
uresof the M ilky Way which Prof, cessfully and finally.by agreement with
heeler has in his collection of lantern Henriette Vogel, who believwl herself
glides are most excellent, and are the affected with an incurable dise, re
best ever taken. 1 he hundreds of stars paired to a small inn near Hotsdam.
shown on the picture are none of them whore they ended their lives together,
visible to he naked eye. Lessmann, the humorous write r, like
lhephotograp . u
showed plainly the different positions of 0f melancholy
, V ." l"T " .ne. K T aee Sir sanel Komilly, a man of brilYiant
..... 1.it., nu n in-iiioiisiraie inatiney
mem over to the. local Hindu religious
association. They have been built ink
the wall at. one end of its hall, where
they were inspected with interest by
Stuart Itayley during his recent visit tc
A UOdSKDmiUina- i'lSh.
In Lake Nyassa, in the interior of
"Darkest Africa," there is a kind of
blacklist! which every year builds what
the natives term a house. In the mud
at the bottom of the lake it makes a
hole some, two or three feet broad, heap
ing up the mud removed from theholu
so as to form a little wall around it.
The depth of the hole and the height of
the wall measured together make a
basin from fifteen to twenty inches
deep. In this lake within a lake this
queer little fish erects a madhouse, the
average-sized specimen measuring four
teen inches across the bottom, rapidly
coming to a. point in the shape of a
broad cone. A hide four inches in di
ameter, always on the south side,
serves as an opening for egruss and in
gress. A dried specimen of this queer
domicile preserved in the Uoynl Muse
um at lierlin has two doors, and a par
tition separating it into two rooms.
, The Iillri r.-n
' rn;,ture t: i
I The ostrich has many strange ways,
and I was particularly interested in
studying them, says a writer in Forest
and Stream. They g in ilocks of three
or four females and one male about
their nesting time, and for several
weeks before locating their nests the
hens drop their eggs all about the pam
pas. These are called haucho eggs
(pronounced "watcho"), and are much
more delicate in flavor than the eggs
taken from the nests. They have a
thinner shell, and when fresh laid are
of a beautiful golden color. We
cooked them by roasting them before
the lire. We would first break a hole
in the small end of the egg.
large enough to insert a teaspoon. The
egg would be set up among some hot
ashes, a pinch of salt and pepper put in
to it, and the contents kept st irred with
a stick so that all would be done alike.
The flavor is excellent, and one egg
would satisfy a very hungry man.
As soon as the ostriches decide upon
a suitable place for a nest, the male
bird scratches away the grass and
slightly hollows out the ground for a
space of about three feet in diameter.
All the hens of the (lock lay in the
same nest until there are from twenty
five to thirty-five eggs laid. The male
birds then take possession and sit on
the eggs until they are hatched. Aa
soon as the flock can leave the nest,
the old fellow leads them away to feed
on flies and small insects, and every
thing is lovely until he espies another
male bird with a brood.
As soon as the old birds see each
ather they make a peculiar booming
ostrich disap
old ones then
approach each other and engage in a
most deadly conflict. They fight until
anc or the other is killed or runs away.
The remaining one will then utter an
other peculiar sound, and both broods
will spring up from their hiding places
and follow the victor, who struts off as
proud as a peacock. I have seen old
male ostriches with three broods, each
of a different size, two of which they
had captured.
BE Tears Rxperlenee In treating all van
ties of Kupturtjeiiahles is to gujrantr-e i
poiltlv euro. Question Blanfc aud Hoot
iree. uaii or wrire.
S3 Fine Street, - St. LOUIS, MO
tw nvvill I fc,
ALWAYS ItELlABLE and perfootly SAFE. T
gillie as used by thot lands of wonmn all over t,
in ted Strifes, In tho "'LD DOCTORS private n .
"lOttee, for aft years, and not a sirisrlj bad rest-
jiuviey rettirnM if not as represented. Euuu
nt (stamps) lor Boolcd particulars,
1 WA2D JNSTITUT2, 120 IT. Ninth St., Ct.L;.is.
DiMie. CURED wirhou
niie uueition IJIaiik and Honk frp. Call
or wnisj Utt. U. 15. HUTTN.
822 Fine St SC. Louis, Mo,
tmAWPPIf ANT LADY, employed or unemployed,
" ' CCrVi cn akethufTa few hourt work each
w. nsntv urcuminiMioii, iu Bampiei fret Addreii
H. BbNJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine M., St Loult, Mo,
Reduced 1.1 to 25 ntundi per m-nth. No
llgrvlog, no Inconvenience, i o b.,il renulta, no nsnjenus
clruL-i. UrcMmentpr(ectly harmless aud llrictW cuufi
dutil. Ouenlion lu lt and Book iree. Call or write.
1K. 11. S. UUTTS, m r.ne btreat, 61. Lorn,, Ho.
ANY LADY can Ret b valr.nblo secret thp.t
coat me s.uo, and a rubber shield for 80 ctsts.
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
S'ja pitg itri;ft, st. rmris, mo.
Among the
possessed by o
New Vor!; i
published in
known tis the '
aro two
title a pp
innny a In
word "n
.1 mill,.."
ties of literature
ie hi libraries ol
" There
liich this
lished iD
r in (ier-
1'lieir pc
ion of the
i.e. I i;:
ho.ik:, 1
genius, by whose efforts the crimvnal
laws of England were remodeled a
man loved for his sweet nature and up
right manliness while overcome .by
grief at the death of his wife, with lis
own hand sought rest beyond.
Michael Angelo, after receiving a
painful injury to his leg by falling
from a scaffold while at work upon
hiring ail that time the p.ate I a hTtT. Lt'To. .TE
room, refused to see anyone, and "re
solved to let himself die." Fortunately,
his intentions were frustrated by tim
celebrated physician llacio Kontinf,
who loomed by accident of his condition.
1 1:
are constantly changing, and that prob
ably the surface of Jupiter is a mass of
changing matter.
It is a well-known ,faet that better
photos are obtained through the smaller
telescopes than through the big ones.
I'hotographing the stars, especially tho
miall ones, is tedious work, as in some
?ases the exposure must hist for several
r telescope must be. moved so that the
image of the star will continue in one
place. The exposure for a star of the
sixteenth magnitude is two hours, and
Duly one at a time can be secured un
less the stars happen to be of the same
magnitude, so that getting clusters is
particularly long ami tedious in its ope
ration. lu procuring the photographic star
pictures, otten what is known us the
trailing or
plate is exposed to tt
attempt is made to !
lie Called the Turn. I
On the morning of the last election
day, says the St. Paul Globoj, the school
ma'am of one of the rooms oftlo, H,.-.
followed --that is, the rison school asked for an es pression of
swu, nun inenno ner cniuiren, who average about ten
the iinaire in one Tears in aire, as to whom tl, !,,,,.),,
pKui hut It piisiilonpfowrtheplute, would be elected, Harrison or Cleve-
'iitti t
lit-ir is ,
p lor llritliif
Luteal llil ii (in 1,
iu rtiTPMiitnNliit TlirCiuu
H' (HITII.'S. Mi Klililixh. r i.ui
iiMiwuHllj Hiir.ouv h-wnr.) Iim h
1'iin Ats-rii 'iititn-Ut lotfl
i lill'll O MVHt'l an
ififir Ureal Kili: fi
ht iiiiiiiu 1 oi U11J
'ml all , ," " 7. "'. "-Myll.r,.i,il,
..,!i.".r,i 4 Rl.-Tlw br, 1 1,1.
"" '"" '" ei.ninrt frm ,J ,.,s,. u ,,, , '
riilliir..l or Tl,. I,,,,!,'.' II ,. .( !
i hi. .emi... of in. ip. i .in
i-h, .u4; tWi. ..n,V F.i,,d ,,.",')
rT.niia, divan. iriIim iiii ueul. until ami mi!
t,-i,. i, .,,.,, ,ii1i"ril;:,i,';;;i , .;;,
iiuiiHK'roi trailscan,
of course, be got on one plate, and then
studied out and measured afterward.
The exposures for planets are short
that of a sun spot taken in Paris was
about as lightning-like at. PisiM.c, the 1
shutter being attached to the ; tron'ovst '
Love of Animals tor Drink.
Close observers have noticed that flies
will gather upon a half-drunken,
sleepy sot, while a dozen sober men in
the same room are not molested by
them. The flies will buzz around theii
subject with great delight, frequently
alighting upon his perspiring face. Off
they go, and return again and again,
quaffing the alcoholic nectar issuing
from his pores. After awhile their
flight becomes uncertain and eccentric.
Mid sometimes they come in collision.
Recently a drunken man raised his
hand and brur.'-.ed them from his face.
Rune fell to the floor and lay there par
alyzed. After awhile t .ry jrot on their
feet and wearily l w off, half dazed.
Many animals yield to the reduction of
rum drinking, (specially elephants,
horses, cows and swine. Poultry, es
jiecially turkeys, will absorb the tempt
ing drink till they tumble over in a
leitalen sleep, lying annuel as if dead,
and utterly ignoring their accustomed
roosts'. On awaking they stagger for a
few moments aud soon recover, but it is
hours before they renew their cheerful
Radically Ilnere it.
(teals, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And ull Patent buln as conducted fcr
Information and advice given to Inventors vttboat
asigt!. Address
MantiKlngr Attorney,
. O. Box 403. WASniHQTON, D. ft
;?-Thl Company Is msnaeed by a combination of
tlic lai'.'ir ti;i,l most imlrcentln! newspapers In the
I nke;l Sf.ttcs, i'i,r tin- extircsB pui post, of proiert
Ing tlu-li- u!jM'r;:tf acuinit uueei ueuloua
unit hi.otiiprtru 1-i.enl Aii'ints, anil eai-li paper
r-rlntin- t.tiis utlvertjsi tm'tu vor.ches for thf ntsponai.
'AIM am! uiiiii utandinK ol tlm Press Claims Companv.
.on l.
kind of a spring. The ei
moon takes about a ouart,
aud that for .i uimu-'- e bout
People who i il t; e I, i d
often ask very n Maskable
regard to the t. I, ..,.,) a.-.
mcthoils ol p!i, : ,,
The eovcriiic- ,,t' t'n o'
of three-inch st-el i.l.n
is arran.'cd so : i . t
'hinf.' t
rvat n
s, ami,
a ill it,'
scope t
' ' IH'IU tl 11,1
01 fi.rin.r l,iu.m...n
Kl Fon. or nha.4.1. word, not nomnr-,1 3
i 1f,ffS'"? h ul""1 tl'.') api'at in tli,
mil rlitdl., lor Ir.atAiim t oul.l not I n, , l,"
U..'.i.l.ill.nni "d " In tl,nj,rwr,la. i N
Mnniis .nil nlsres tarml t No rl.tr 4. for ii Z
bl.iiiw In.. .11 prlri. ,.. .Ill I,. f,
ItXI comrl iri.nl, i r,r, lti nio. iiil 1
.U'lKim - Thr lull, ,.i, , v,. Mio.ii
ron.oiiwl n. UM ,,1,1 ,., ,( fM,
are Inirly ...r-l.-.f - 0.,,,,, , !,,. ,-.,1
tWilll a I In,. t Nt,.Bni,n lvi,.,t.,,,
.-! , !.,,. I'r.,,,1,.,,1 y,,r, ., ,
Uit-iith -A.il
.srs W,ntci-W (vi, ,t ,,,St
v" rinrOtoni. 11. .,.i,iMt (,.,,. , ,.,r
J'lfar, ll,...i.,r n , i,,,,,,,
ll'lll atai 'i 1. it. ,1.1.1, I',, ,iH,r.
moved to allow lie-
'J.H .1 . . , ,
ri.j, M: i t an 01 me Ilea
nnppeneu mto the r
the plates were c'.o
nestly if the steel p
ent. A fiviiieiit it
pard to star pnoimr
li.rl.l It ......4 1-
vu.,,-..,,, ni.uie Hie exposure,
theivis au old m, ing that intelligent
men aiv tho Hit to hw tln-lr wits when
entering an astromMnieiil .'.tervntorv
ami seem to l'oroet Hi,, sin,; I,... ....,'
.Many eases of thi, 1,11V
the Lick institution.
"I think narrison will bo elected,"
said she. "Now, all you wb o think as
I do, please arise."
Every child arose except one little
boy of ten years. And when she called
for tho vote on Cleveland he alone
sure for the jumped to his feet.
'f a . . oml, i "Why, Freddy, I am surprise. 1." And
in -s, ends, thisremarkof the teacher rasultedin
'h et vatory every scholar making life m isci rable for
ipiesiions iu hira the remainder of tho day. " Hut the
'He to the next morning when tbn'neiis that
Cleveland was elected by an overwhelm
ing majority bro ke, the exutta tion of
feddy, as ho wal ked into sclwiol, can
oo oeiwr lmagineti than, described
11 bo
point to
Destruction Caused h.v tlio Vcllow River
or ill .a.
The St. Petersburg Gazette referring
to the latest inundation of the Yellow
river in northern China, which will
again bring a population of more than
a million upon the point of starvation,
points out that these frequent or peri
odical calamities are the work of man
rather than of nature. Many centuries
ago the Chinese interfered so much with
the stream as to compel it to change
its course and dig a new bed for itself.
But this bed the current has never
grown truly accustomed to. It will de
posit its immense quantities of sediment
carried down from the mountains in the
I mOst UllSllittlblo lrv.r,Hfie t
Two things may look very similar on shallows and barriers which, when an
rt: ,, ' . u ,u unusua".v lare-e mass of water rolls
v..., r.... . .... u.c aown, win overflow and breakthrough
Moinntutt A ,oiil. A vn li.nehrt- ... r-
The landlady of a boarding house in
this city had an eight-year-old son who
is remarkably precocious. Not long
ago he went up to town and had his head
shaved. Among the boarders is a gen
tleman whose hair long ago bade him
forewell. This gentleman ciime to the
table the next day, and ..id:
"Why, Charley, you haven't any more
luiirnow than 1 have."
"Yea. sir," said Charley, "that's so.
but I have a lot more roots than you
Illllf, Mill
-!- (circle wilt
i (VtlU'SUUlH on
l II :"Ulu,n F.iwin. John 1-. Or.-Ci.uli, K Hon nVhl
OMAHA , 'hi"; on r.Kh shonlder. Muur...
(Jrsnt county.
' .ii Itr flurM-S. -r- (OTIH.S
tr ( . C.r Pa TT? ! iritl"br shove ItJ on rifthl shoultlnr; I'Hllle
Kansas Ln v, bi. 1 aui.. ;rl(?,Biae. 'K.u.MorrUnj uu.s-
tlltn counties.
Hughes, Mnt. Hnppner. ur.-norses, rtvKiou
heart on the left shoulder, hnniw Moitow U.
Huuonker, B . Waitner. Or. -borees, on loft
shonliiHr; on tie. S on left hie.
Hsnliaty. Albert, Nye. Orogon-Hnrses.A 11
oonnecuxi. on left shoulder; CntUeon the left
lull, onip off left ear.
Humphreys, J M. Usrdman, Or.-
tel Hunk - ,
Haios, J. M., Hoiipner. Or.-llorsiw, wiueBlHss
on left stiouldel nsllle. same on right hip.
lliwiou, buthor, Kixht Mile, (ir.-Hiin.e H im
the left shoulder and heart ou the tuft stille ( at .
tie same on left hip. Kansie in lUorrow eoiinly.
ivy, Alfred. b"UK Creek, Or -Csllle 1 I) on
riixht hip, enipoll left ear and bit m rndit, lliirsea
sanie hmnd on left shoulder llauxe n Hruut
Ju'iikin, 8. M., Heppner, Or -Horses, horse,
shoe J ou led shoulder. Cattle, Ihe sauie.
Kaiwo on Kiuln Mile.
Johnson. Kelii bena, Or.-IIorses. circle 1 on
left Blilie; cattle, siiuie on rmht hip. iinilei half
orop in riulit ami split in left ear
Jenkins, 1) W.,iVlt. Vernon.or. J on horseson
left shoulder; on cattle, J on loft liipaiultwo
smooth oropB on both ears. Hanitoin tnuaud
heuuy, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KN1 ou left hip cattle same ami crop oil left
ear: uniinr sloiiennthe rliiht
Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses ltd on left
HliouJiler; oattis, "11 on loll hip.
hirk. J t , lieppuor. Or. Horses. 1? on either
luit.kicallli' r. on rmhl side.
Kirk. Jesse, lieppuor, Or,; home 11 on lefl
sLouldor; eallle snme ou i iKht sido, undorblt on
right ear.
huiitheriand.W.ft.. Mount Vornoii. Or. 1 L on
cnulw on naht ami ietl sitnw, swallow fork in It It
oh. and niitler clop in HKht ear. Horses same
l,i iitul on left sboiilUei. ItanKO in (Jrai.L couutv.
Loflen, tsteplten, I ox, Or. f Lou It.tl lap
on calile. crop and split ou rilil ear, HnrwiiB
same brand ou Lofl snoul.ler. Ihoixe tirant
lui'lialleh, Jolin V ., I. Or. -Horai
htnlitioti iiiitl-cnile ,IJ. oouneeteil on Icti -Itotil-Ui-r.
t'li'ile. -alii' on h 1; nip. Itiut-y. initir Lex
St. IvOlli
Train l-sves Heppner. 10 m. Arrive,
(i p. m , daily except Sunday.
1 l, 1 1 III ' 1 WICraI-s.
Colonlet 11 --Jt--ss,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland t" Sun FninoiHci
every four days.
Tit k b
For rates nliii veneriil liilormatioii cull on
liepot Ticket Anem.
J. C. 1 1 A IVY
one 'eislnl nrttctii't;. Trent n
The wortt fornn poiK
lively coroil 3
ment confldentlH'. Curfi
bv ma! ota'. tifliL't'. TtTiiislow. Oiic-Blion Wank am
Book free. Call or write. DR WAR'i INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St..St.Loui,Mo
Dp. Hush's Belts & Appliances
nal Amiliiiiiei'S. Abdum.
iiuil SiipporterHjj Vtmts.
Cores Rlienmatism. X.iver and Kidney
CotitplaintH, Iivspunnia, Jrrors cf uth.
iLost jMnho'i,l, N;rvouRnHf4, Sexual WenU-
1PH8, and allTroiilitcs in llule or 1 emale.
juestiun liluuls aud Book free. Call or
Volfn-IVledica Appliance Co.,
J32 Flue street, - ST. LOUIS, BIO.
-liurtiob, J7 on rtfiht
FiMit-lJi-iiitH on tin- Path
EveiyctiH nt-Hiliiijf H (
(iiiltJ fHH(1 oiif i' Or
' m;'!iletH un "Old Ey
Hnjitnre," 4'J,iiinio.-'in,"
n Ilt'iilth.
urliilV fii.VUH'
Fcinh V dime
t "Urntip,
V hi outvie,"
'tppHpe of ru'ii, D pchh df V nifii, hm!
hllPnb. Co. I2U EHrt 28ib h M.-w
Lt'iiliey, J. V Houpiittr ()r.lliirmM b Miidotl
Lhiih A " i r 1 1 HllDU d(M"; Oftl i til HUH OU It'ft
lny, winilu ovir r.lit ti.ieu bIu, in r ylit
Lord. in'i.JK-, liuiiuitii, ur, ilorrii bituuUut
tlcmtilt U ctn.iiHiUt huiiRiliineh i;uilt)ti ft
huiiif tl, im mil ttliuiihlt'i'.
iSluikliaiii. A. M.. Ilepcuor, Dr. Cutlltt iirt(e
ii cm n it Mile both oitm orppeti, mid i-pJit in
Lu Ii iiomu iU oi. lott hip. Uitiigu, ( imk'ti
Aiimn, Onwir, UyppDifr, nr. ('Htlio, M L) ou
rit-'fti iip; 'ii'itx' Al on lot i HlumJder.
iUiMun, b. N., lieppuor, Or. 11oihh, Al )
UU Ml rtitOUkl"! Ulittlt) BltlllH on luJ'l inp.
'umber, Jim A, -Kuiio, Ur. IIoibhb. M witb
Aa eleetro-plvania hntlerr m- ou i ikiu (tnouiaor.
Do .ieu lnio muaitaieu. .iiwik'ui. jL.toa., iitii'ufti vi . jiiiititb, mruio
t un iyii ti.ioijjder imu lull ihit,'i; nauio. L ou
lifhi tiiiiili.
.Miiitiiuil, Uwiifir, lone, Or.-
uip; ciiiiit, Vi on nuUL mdo.
j.cl iiiiuii, 1). ii., hiowiihViilw, Or, liorniM,,
I- itiurv nun bttt-Ji bhoujOttf, umtm, hit on tiiu
Alc(..'itrt, iJuviil Ii., fauiiu, Or. Hoiuutt brunilud
Lj.i uoiinHcitiQ, ou tliw iutt bliouidor; chuIb muub
hip uud Hide,
AuOiiiT, trunk, box VuIIhj, Ur. Mule nhoe
ttitli lor-cork on chliIo on ribo ana unUoi1 in
em;!, var hoibud muhih brand on IbII BLiiltj.'
lUcllaiuj, ti. V,, hummon, ur. on iioiuen, t
Willi hull cirt-Jw unUoi un lull tthouidor; on t iilu,
(our bars uonutsulud ou top on llu; riKlii tuUti
Hanu in Uihiil L'ouni).
iNL-Hi.Aiiaiow. Uutt Uouk.Ur.iiui'tub A N cuii
UHClwl on Ml Btiouluwr; cuilie hiiiuu on UoUi liipo,
olJke, K., hijveritiu. Or. IIoioom, cuvio t u
Ulitfl . tihlt.B. (HlUJtt ou lofl tup.
Oiivbi, JuBbph, 1 moon ( nj, or. A 'i on ohIUb
on JefL lup; ou iioi-buH, euiuo on iefl thigh, ItauKe
iu bruiil uuuiil)
Oiler, lJem, LexiiiKiun, Or. 1' O ou left
BhoU.'le i.
Ulp, Herman, 1'iairie l.'iij, Or. Oa utittle, 0
t-r uouuecleu ou tell hip; UurBoi ou loll sutle
aud vmrue ou uose. Uiinu in Oruul oouuty.
i'eaibon, Omvo, luyhl iiio. Or. iiurhoo, iiuhi
iw uiruie bhiyio on leJt biiouider Mud Ji on tuft
hip. t HUle, lorn iu lui; nnt cropped. ai
on lull nip. juuiki vu t!,iKni ,Uiie.
i'iukei ii, Uiuaetoti. liaiUinan.Or, tiorseb II' ou
J 1( bhoiuuer.
pel, lin.e t, LexiiiKU;n, Or.- iior en braud
e Ci Ii uonliweitj u. lelt i-liouuW ; iiulllH
c Uieou iigninip. ituub, Jiorrew counu.
1 ipui , ti. a LmxiUBU... ur. u.uoeo, jiL, U(u.
neuieu u. loll Htiouiuor. oHiilo, wtu.i; on tuit hip.
unuei oil tu oucii eur.
i'eiiyw, A. c, iuuw. or,; burbOb diauioiid 1J on
- - bliutiiUei, caujo, o n 0 couul-lu-.i, un ilia
lelUiip, upper Biopb m mil etirauu blip in uiu
i oweii, jutin J'., JJaviiJo, Oi lioraud, eoii.
uee.BU on iell blioulUer. ( KLlU Oil cuuuyeteii otl
Jeliiup, two uuitor imlt cropn, oU ou t-ueit ejr
viauie uuuej' throat. Ka. goiu lirai.t uouinj .
ikooiJ. AiiureiA, Haiumuu, Or.-iioioeb, ouuure
UK. Willi qUHl'UtlVU.rtJ.O over 11 un iell aUUu
lieniiiBor, uuib, lieppner, Ur.-iioibOb, o li on
loll bliouiuei .
i.ice. ban, llaidman, Or.; Iioihoh, Uiree panol
worm leni;o on itui biiouider: ci. ri,. in ....
liKhl BhoulUer. ituutio lioar iittruumn.
lioirjo, Haion, ilen.noi, Ur Jicibob, plum V on
ietl HUoum.-r; caiu-j, turn brauo levelbuU on
nyhl hip and crop otl nBut oar. Ihuikh iu .uor
row couuii. B '
kuti biob., lifppuor, Or.-ilurue,, branded X
ou Hie riKiu bl.ouiuer; catliB, U ou tuo ml Iiii,
crop oil iell eur unu uevviap on uecK. Kuitge a
Alon.m anu uujuiujiik counuB.
Uot, viumin, niuyM, ur.-liorws H ou
il nnouiuer; eaiUe. i i.n n-.li in.. ........ ...
riKUt oai, unuorou ou ien ar. cneep. u on
ttealiieiB loumiuiopollriyl, rtr. Uuiigo Uuia
liiiaanu loriowo mniie. B tt
bram'lH?,AfiUU,,!H' , Or.-Hurt
Oruudou A li on riglit aliuuiuer, veul uumiHl
circle over brand; catiie HUinu on nm l p
UHiige Jionow county. K 1
Uobe, Win. ii, Uanjviile, Oi-lUi comiecLot
wiin tjuarlei curie over lop ou ouu.eou vSL
unu c op uli right ear auu piu m leil. ?i, ,ltZ
buuieorunuoniellbnouide,, ituIlKH . jlo,
Uraniui.uiiiiUHiutouniioa. '"'iinw
nuuioi.d. vv., Heppner, Or.-Ho
leaalumlom-. (..uitlt. tjun riL:ni t,.,
picknall, J VV., Oooboberii, Or - Hoihus
brunueu.lon iell bh.uider; ,unge i .Wor
While you keep our subucnptioii paid yi i.
can keep your brand in free of chargp.
Aibn. '1. J., loue. Or.. Hornet itt un left
iioulder: eatUe -HDir on llfft hin inuU hit
ilihi ear, anil upper bit on the left; rHiigo, Blor
tiw cuunly. I
ArmMtronc. J. ( '.. Alninel Or. T with hur n...
ler n on lefl mhouldur of horsee; cattie bauie
n lefl hip.
Allison. O. D.. Kichf Putri.. v.. 4
OD011 left hip and horser name brand on right
mourner. iiHiige, JLijjtn Dine.
Adkintr, J. J., Heppner. O.'.-HorhMh .1A
nwled oil Iell hank; eattle, Hameori lufi hin.
Bnrlholnnif w. A G.. AInihr. Or H,.ul
branded 7 E on enliei el.oulder. Jtunge in Mo - I
Hlealtnmij, (Jno., HardntHn, Or. llnrHw h Hnii
lofl whonldert cattle -.nine on right rihmihW
t amiiijtor, J. W., Hanhrmn, Or.-Ciittle brand
I H on left hip hihJ thigh: apJit in rach ear
Hrenner. Peter, (km nhorrv 1 u
i-finded PH on left fihoulder. ('tr.l n.tmn ....
glit isioe
Hnrko. 1VI Ht C. Lnnif 1 muii fir ii..
IAi' ennnectpd on left hip. cio'p off left Wir, mi:
er half crop oft right. Hoi-sen. Hume hi-nii.l i.n
ft shoulder. Uanue in Hranl uorl
l.ioBinan, Jerry. l.enn, Or.-Horses branded 7
i riKln sliouliler; caltle ft on Ihe lefl sido
i;f1 ettr ha f crop nd rmht ear upper slope
iiarton. win., fl miner. (Ir -H.,ru i u ...
irtlt thlu.. caltl, Sinn,. ,ni r .!. I.....' ...e. :.
ach ear. "' 1,1
ii.'wii. ifa. i.exir irinti I ,r ii..,.uu. in ,i
..i.i ,id. .. .,,i ' : . -v:'"' - . ...ra
""' " 0.un riniuiiiii; ran.,,,. ,V
iw county.
Brown J. C, Heppner. Or.-llornee. circle
Som'o ' iv'f" iPr"" 'J'" '"l't caul,., ,.,.
HroM'll. U . J.. l.enn. I ri'irmi nru . ..
yer II, on the left shoulder. Untile Haute on left
Iloyer, W. 0 llei.imer. Or
ell ear.
Hoik, 1'. O., Heppner, Or. H
titllller: CHI e. Hiimen,, lf, l.l.
ilddle piece cut out o tJlV e,7r- .. . i ' "'T"".'.!'
and on the lefl U.ii.1.1 Kun.,:. ;, u:.. T..T, "
runt county, "
Bh, ribs, crop attdsplii in ir. iZIZ
lamaiiii fliurrow coiintirirj
lid on lefl slifie on a c I ,Ll k "V"'.'. "r
ft shoulder only on all I,,- ...... s .
'aniie in Grant county.
l lara, w ni. H. l.ei u (lr tt tii,,.
erte.1 oil left t er: caltle same o, rl"!!;
!ate l.fs t'rrvT"ml U '"""", lies. "
I ate, t lias, II., Vinson or Lena. Or. Horsei,
( on nubt slion . ..r. Kuln , --'.., iioisett
llBUKe .Mtirrow and UnmHl Rom ,,1" "eM "
I ec.il, w m. DouKlas. Or.; horses JC lf
onshoder. liar mark,,., ewes, crop n lof 'X
unutWKHi tinner hit i.. in .. 11,11 w
i:ht i ',,7 ,",1" 1 b' ; newiers,
a.Ba.v uiimi imu crop nuefl ear
Hi (irant county. Hil
'top oil left and split h, iZ mr nmrk 8,llmi"
teft'S.1'- - Or.-Horses,,,,
('ox Ed. 8., Hardnmn, Or.-Csule f i,i
;,. center: horses. VK on left i ' 1 wlu'
( ochran. It. K. , r .
Horses btantled circle with ha'i benea, ,Uonl'7,
tiueo,,' '..no'fTs iil"?,,,:1"' "'''
. lJouKi. W. 1 , Z o "-."a J
nj, h, ,,de . low-fork in eachr'ea w' , "ii
UouKlus, O. T., Doticl,
orses, I' U on lefl
loll M
, ,el ,' i T 'iurses branded
" o.ue oauie on loll nip.
wnTu ' ''" W"'K"'l'. Oi.-llot
Willi uasn unUoi il on telt
Ml.lllH ,'1.1,1.. .1 L.
UhBli Uliuur .1 ..i. ri.,i.i i .. " 14 iuJ
.autli.,1 nuT.. T. . .. .V. r
Oiuiiiuiuuu omaiiuu ciiuuueo.
i,Ir; iT11"' ur.-HrBW, ijnullU.., 2
-vvoiuoouiJlo Ull lOlL III
u,. eut, wnitie on lull mud log.
..Bm. .. . u., ueppuer. Or. Hur..
I oar and
uses shaded
. crop in
All rang
"lis. A vi-dtov who
lv-erviitory when nil
'cd a. .Led most eur-lute-.
were tr.'inspm
.lestioii nslo il in r,,.
IS If II I iedi.
. Pin up in neat wnuhniwl holil. .
ooaieu, Aiaull line item- L"',,
tinod U. ks.
Omul looks are niarn tlmu akin i.eep
tieoendinn upon b beslthy condition of
nil the vital oremni. Iftbe lier lie in
sntive, yon hHvn a bilioos lo.k, if wur
"tomach be diordereil von bhe ilrn
wptio look nnd if yonr kidney be sffect
le you have a pinctted look. Secure
H"i ueiiiD uml yoci will bav B'od
oeks. Kleetrio bitter, the s rrat alter-1
ijivt. ami touio ami no t- direotlvnn hee I
vital orsan,. Cnrea pitnplea, ' blnMies, 1
ooila ami sivea h oo,1 complertinn. oltl
kiitile g ' 500
Turht.ti raiit.tlri.in.
There is snid to be a good deal of un
easiness iituonfT nirlstitins in the Le
vant at the s,i -us of iuereasinp fanati
cism amoiip the TurUs. Four Christian
coys aud a Ihnstinn officer in the
Turkish army have lately been found
deed under circumstances leading to tht
oelk f Unit they were hacriflced to
lilrions biirotrv
us tiyK.es anil lnuntltitn tho .,;i
grounds aloni; the river bed. So it hno
been for centuries past, and the living '
(fenerations are experiencing1 ng-ain and j
ajfain that the sins of the fathers are
being- visited with most terrible cruelty
upon remote descendants. It is doubt- ,
ful whether the river could be turned
back into its old bed, lying dry at pres
ent. Hut. if it could, the old bed has
oeen enangeil so much iu the course, of
centuries tnut even there, in its old,
natural and wonted haunts, the ctir
rent of the river might not become tran
quil, but be forced to produce periodical
munuations as it does in its presenl . riorenc L. A., Heppner, Or.-c.,,.. i
i ",i"?' "urB win bar under n"
the light stifle: ,,r;:r, 'r-,"." tu
o, o. n.oi cons,
ed LLi on left sh
oanie same on lefi
Diamond on
on n.rl.. I.I..
nZtlMJ':rli''' brand.
...p. m.ie it rli ear.
tlliott. Wash... Heppner Or
riKlit shoulder. r'
Ii left. " sad orop
lorn iu rigli, ear, unuurtm in loll.
tohriei.Johu. Kmt. . ...
u'ui',:t';r:nurr "u uuaw iu
n6".." ...rj'r"l. Or. Horses, branded
ftuuues. daZ'A1 r, M.r:...aui "uu.1''" "houidor.
JSonmit, s...,i. nol'sos Inunded
wuh split in 'boin ear. ttm lBlt
lluiuion, U. Al., Ur.-U orses l,rH,lrl
hcuju on no,,, " . , V1' "orueH n oon
u right
on Lilt lei "V- "f Or. lloisos,
cropou lelieaTaTdViaLrTiUd! """
Warren, W H. t'slel.. o- r - u,
circle over it u , . . " quaiter
UUHW KfltNl: Ali Hit tUii ""V
latt Cough riirup. Tuts. QouL Cm M
In time. Sola by dmartspj. M
All rret.
Thote wbo have n.ed 11. vi
flisoovery know its Vane. and those wbo
have not, now have the opportunity t
try it free. Call en the advertised rir,,"
viae nrifl aa i.;.l i . ' f
in unit jp, rrp.
. - ui on
shoulder. " Dar UDUer right
rreneh tia.,., n... .r" tnian.
iVF. with h.; ". :'. V. p"rrJ.ur-.- le branded
ear Hi.ru Ter L1' 00 le'' l crop oS iSi
,-' H' r'6. 8me brand on left hir '
shoulder. " "r.-UAlf on left
silGUrJ-HFr9nch' L8tnd aDd Li" Stock Co. Fos.
ii, ur. HorBes, anchor Won lf, i
mie on left stille. Cattle """1."'
vonr name and address to H. E. BncklJn ; Ch' Giif, ri,5'" ear ?"d
A Co . Cliioson. ,nd net a .ample box nf -'"' ' i:ru"k ""d llor'
Or. kDl?i V r.lf P.M. . 1 1 I lieotrv Plm, . ,.
n copy of Onid. i Wl' nu IV' : "i mTZ!-
hold instructor, free.' All ?, bleb t "'
hinu. C "j : ".oe, spot iu nam. ear.
Uranrco0uty. " Ml K"- lige,u
W riuhi. hiitm a ir
a W on the riaht InTZ :,:"r:. ..l'at 6 hrued
udspLnuieh '--- -'"i. on rum ear
ttl... l,u... LI
shoulder;Aoau' 0t-"'-. .". ta
oouio-ies ln Mulhuer
HorJei brLdl"iv 5"'" "",lu"' "Co.. Or.
orse. onuidetl W B. oonueoteu ou left shoulder
W 111 mm a Vs..,. ii ...
ole oVer .hr.TK' Dau?"toD, or.-guarter o r-
"ou, A. A., t
vvuimmn. .1 a i .
ter circlh.; iT' t v reeK- or ilorBes, qur
U7 . . " mT- Kanste in Hranl eonntv
side horM.. Bj w coDiiented) KW on left
a-. n.:v . r""ie ou riunt. si, o iter .1. w-
hin I on iiu .houhl i M",,eon lelt hip, horse, sam.
v, .."Vold,!r.-. A" fne In tooirow county.
THorff;.-riJh',r''.'--o- b.udW