NJl'IOK TM AI'VKHTltlKKS. I'M!; WK desiring thv itiwuitm if display adi., r rliHUKe of Htiin , must vt 1 heir copy in not later tun n Mondi y in "Ming for TuetKlay'i edition, or Thurwlrty :tii.nK for Fridays edi- M 'I n-.- ,r ;it v "(.. NO I'll'K. I. The Bum uf Dve renU t.r Hum Hill b charged for "martin .f thankM," "reRoluUonii il rotuiort," lulu of wwiilm rt'Hi'tita Mi l ttoimr, obituary notices, (oilier th.m ttur die Mit or Khali hiiiiHulf give hh u muLior of i e,) mid notices of h pee lit 1 meetings for w liatever rp'Hte. li. NolU-uo of church and riifitt;, a n. uUouici tftitertuiiimeuU from which revenue in hod. rivnl, Mhatl be charged for at tlie :u f five ten l a tine. Thent rules will be- lrk-Uy a-ll.t-r-cU to In every instance. AdvertlHing rates reasonable and mudi-lniown upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re- noutdhle for his or her connnumcatiou. No eorreenomieuce will tie puhlUhud uuiest the writers real name in Digued a an evidence ol good faith. "I 1. FIHHKK, NEWSHAl'EK ADVERTI.S JLj lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, fun tTHiieiBco, in our authorized agent. 'ihi paper in kept on tile in lilBOiliee. TIME TABLE. Btae (or llardtnaii, Monument, Loiiff Creek, Juhn Day and Canyon City, leaves at follows : Every day at 6 a. in,, except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from tlie interior country. J. s. UELEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. Oitie your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up ilepp ner. 1'o.tronize those wlto patronize you. Here and There. A man with a nature uuduly vain ill loinetimeu follow a notion To swing himself on a passing train When the same is nicely in motion; And when lie arises, hopping mad, From where lie tumbled and shaken, His smile li as false as the one he had At the time his picture was taken. in iu from Mahoguiiy on subscription Wedding Bulls. Jamea F. White, foreniHD of No. 2 Cliemioul Fire Engine Co., whs married to Miss Cora Allyn, of Vancouver, last Wednesday eveuiug, In kxv. iluliier Feasler, ot tbe Cathedral. A supper whs uiven in honor of tbe occusiou Ht t lie residence of tbe bride's Hicte,, Airs. Eh Duvis, 328 UjiicIi St. Aiaidin those preseut were: Chief Hol in in, Asaistuut Chief Campbell, Distriot Uuiiiueers DuutHUgloss and Drboes, Joe Keaiutc, Duu Mm tin, Al Cook, Harry W bite aud wit.-, Dr. S. J. Carney aud wife, Mr, slid Mrs. Sharrett, of Wood lawu; Mr. anil Mrs. Allyn, parents of tbe bride; Mr. Hud Mrs. Davis, Mr. Horace Ally ne and lady, George Wig gants Hud I inly, lien Kosentbal and wife, Curl Evans and lady, Viuce Manciet and lady, James McCuIIohku and George Uickinsun. Fete Mauciet, foreman of Hose Co., No. li, w as best man, and Miss Aunettie Allyn was bridesmaid. Tbe bride was attired in white silk witb a diamond necklace, a present from tbe groom. Cbief Holman made a neat speeob, in which he said if Mr. White nude hb g md a husband as be did a fireman his bride would never have caiie to regret tbe step she bad taken. The Acme Glee Club furnished some very line music. George Wiegaut sang and plajed several beautiful selections on the buuju. Tbe groom also sang a couple of songs und made a speeob, thanking bis many friends for tbe con gratulations which were showered upon him. After supper dancing was indulged iu. Mr, and Mrs. White will reside on JeflWsou street, near Second. Art Hamilton Kidge. We will take wheat at f0 cents per bushel. Born -Tuesday, October 10, to tbe wife of L. D. Boyed, au 8 pound daugh ter. H. M. Thornton and Perry Snyder spent several days of this week iu Hepp uer. The Heppuer Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Howard Dudeon has accepted a posi tion with J. H. Kolmau. Mr. Dobsuu is a splendid clerk. Ham Kinsman left yesterday morning for Grant county to guther up another shipment of stock. Anyone finding a letter addressed to B. ti. Miller will please drop it in tbe post office, and oblige. 1 t. The Keeley lustitute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, Oocuiue and tobacco habit, bee ad. Every man who takes any interest iu fust stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Oiiu L. Patterson, of the Loug Creek Eagle, ouuie over ou Tuesday's stage to luok after business interests here. Biuusoc 'ihompson's bus' took out a load of the visiting ladies yesterday tu view the country surrounding Heppuer, H. H. Barker, of the Merchants' Union, of Portland, was iu Heppuer yesteiday. He left this morning for Grant county. The U .zette will take oouuty sorip al face on subscription, and pa balance ol Bumein cash at highest market price. 7 00 Hood's Fills cure all liver ills. 25 Sent by mail ou receipt of price by C. 1 Hood St. Co, Apotliecuies, Iiowii JUhss. Cora J, the piide of Heppuer, wou the quarter mile dash at The Dalles fan last Tuesday. Kockiai.d Boy, of The Dalles, came under the wire iu thiro place. Both the supper ai d dinner given bj tbe W. C. T. U., for the benefit of the free reading room, were well patrouiz-d by the visnors. . Nat Webb came np on Wednesdaj evening's train Irom Walla Wlla He reports grain considerable damaged bj the recent heavy tains. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to tbe furniture store ou Main street. H haves, shampoos, hair cuts and the like aways ou tap. ClydeSaliue, who bas spent tbe past three months iu tbe harvest fields i bove, returned home 'be first of the week, just in time to assist in tbe Pythian fes tivitien. E. Waldman, representing Neasta Iter Bros., of Portland, spent several days with us this week, intfrviewing the business men and eujoyiig the pleasures of tbe week. Don't overlook 3. B. Tedroe nt the Arosde when thirsty. Half and half and fresh beer always on tHp Also a fine stock of liquors and cigars always on band. Give Ted a call. McAtee Bros., having reopened the Palace bar. kindly ask for a enntinn ance of their former patronage. This is by all odds the finest bar in Heppuer. The bnvs keeD a wood stock. Call on them. Gid Halt has purchased Hick Math ews' interest in the City Ho'el barbel hop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-outp, etc., dished up in the best of style Baths for tbe millions. In stepping out of the buck door during the heavy rain Inst week, Elsie Jones slippd and in falling sprained her auk le. 8he is now quite lame, but we hope she will soon recover. Chas. F. Larks, of Pendleton, who was employed by tbe tnusio committee to assist Heppuer's talent with music for the reception bal1, returned to Pendle ton yesterday. Mr. Larks is a violiuet in every sense of tbe word Tom Buckley, and Msok Smith, from Eoho. indulged in g rousli and tumble fight at the Arcade lnt Tuesday night Heveral niudowa suffered, hut did unt learn ns t the result of the contest The trouble arose over bad blood of long standing. W. G. Frpston, one of the proprietors nt ihs Waitsbnre Flouring Mill Co.. was in our city We.inesdav looking after hia interests here. In the past this mill has furnished Considerable Hon for the trade here Now thai our mill is again running they should supply our m.trket. Xr. N. I- Salter A well known photographer ot Merced, ClL, testifies: "My face and body wert covered with red blotches which disfigured me and caus ed much suffering. Other medicines failed to help my case, but after Liking four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I am entirely free from any blotches and am perfectly well." HOOD'S CURES. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and carefully prepared. 25c. Try a box. HA VliJTOir BA CKA CHE f DR. GRANT'S . r,- iiisTouicAL Gavels Gauutlet Lodge No. 8, K of P., ot Baker City, loaned their gavels for the use of the Grand Lodge during its recent convention. Thtw Hot full of htflr.firicul InrM The heavier one is made from English live- j irt li' Urine, oak, taken from the bulk of a gun boat i Bumlno Sensation, Pain CURES Diabetes, Briaht'i Disease. Inflammation of the Blad- in the Euglleb service, Bunk during tbe R-volutiou, 177G 77, in tbe Delaware river. The handle is made from asb taken from Henry Clay's farm. The lighter gavel is made from wood taken from the oibin in which Abraham Lincoln wus born, while tbe handle is hiokory, from Ai-drew Jaokson's "Hermitage." Both are finished in silver that, too, bas a history. This metal was fuimerly made into sample Pythian Jewels. Passing through the Chicago fire, they were melted into a conglomerated mass from which tbe bauds and plates were made. Gauntlet Lodge is the young namesake of Ganut let Lodge No. 4, of Chicago, and in 1881, shortly after the institution of tbe Oregon lodge, the Chicago brethren presented them with tbe historical gavels. Popular Mhs. Dolph. Mrs. Dolpb, the wife of the senator from Oregon, is said to be one of the most popular women in Washington society. Al though she is middle-aged, and has a son and daughter married, she retains much of the beiuty that made her a belle on the Oregon farm where Senator Dolph mot her. tier black hair is un- streiiked with gray, and her dark eyes hive the brightness of youth and her whole face sparkles with life and energy which years have only given greater depths ami grnciousiiess. Altogether she is iu tippraiunre and manner, just what every pntrio'ic eitiz-ui thi ks all middle-agd American woman should be. Detroit Free Press. In the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. For sale by Slooum Johnston DrucCo, and i. W. Ayers, Jr. Youngs Sbntknced. Joe Young, re cently- iudioted and tried at Seattle for blBOkmnil, has received a sentence of five years in the Walla Walla peniten tiary. This is well deserved, consider ing tbe case against him. His wife, nee Delia Conard, escaped tbiougb a tech nicality. Young married bis wife in Heppner, in opposition to tbe wish of the bride's parents, and he has dragged her to ruin, it appears, as fast as possible. Young is a bunco steerer and all-round tough. I'KKl'AREO BY O.V.R. MannfactiiriDji Ci,0' H. A. Thompson A. E. Blnus THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETOUS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day , 75 cts . Hay and grain per dBy, $1.25. Meals 25 cts. at 0. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. that Beware of (Hutment for Catarrh Contains Mercury, sb meroury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it tbrongb the mucous surfaces. Hucu articles should never be used exoept on prescriptions from reputnb'e physi cians, as the damage tbey will do is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney A- Co Toledo, O., oontains no meroury, and is taken internally, noting directly npon the blond and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tbe genuine. It taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi mmiials free. (3? riold by druggists, price So. per bottle. N'o Onk Hurt. Yesterday afternoon, iu the building used as aoonrt room at Moro, while Judge Brndshnw was de livering the charge to tbe jury in the case of state vs Hembrea, charged witb murder, the floor gave way, and a panio was only averted by the coolness cf some of the men present. Tbe room was crowded at the time; but fortunately uoone was injured. If tbe excitement bad not been quieted down, undoubtedly serious injury would bave resulted. It was a new struotuer owned by Moore Bros., and the slight damage will be easily repaired. Times Mountaineer. Shaw-Sloan Marbiaqb. Robert L Shaw and Miss Nettie Sloan were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at tbe reaidence ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs E G. S onn, of this city, last Cues day morning. Mr. and Mrs. SbBw de parted on the morning train for Port land; from there they go to Victoria on their wedding tour. Both of these young people are so well and favorably known in Heppner that comments are unnecessary. The Gazette extend congratulations Dr. Gagen was onlled last week to at tend the little son ot S. E. Miller, of Jor dan Fork, who bad broken bis right arm by a fall. Doc reports that the littl fellow is getting along nicely. Born To the wife of JohnlW- Curran on tbe 12 inst., a IG74 pound boy. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or nn- snwed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1 00. Yatd near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan Howard's. 4-tf. Gilliam & 33isbees on 1:0111s, Dawson & Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT IAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, : : OREGON. LEGAL BLANK; Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC A CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPPICE WHAT Til Not a A COLD WAVE IS. Avalanche of WASTEFUL MINING METHODS. "How to Cure All Bklu Uiwama.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Cores tetter, eczema, iteh, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c, leaving the Bkin clear, white and healtbly. Its great healing and curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug giBt for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr. THE LA HO EST GUN IN THI? WOBLD is on exhibition at the Great World's Fair. Yon ought to see it. This is the month of mouths to visit the fair, pleasant days, oool nights, delightful raveling weather. Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago on tbe vestibuled limited trains of tbe Chicago, Onion Pacific & Northwest Line. See your nearest Union Paciflo agent for rates or other information. 63 6 BUCKBl BUCKS! Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham (nc building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiything in bis line. ii Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall Uwtf M. Lich ten thai & Co.'s new stook of pplendid, summer botton and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed at'ention, a COPPER IYBTE3 I will have a band of bucks for sale at my place, near Heppner Warehouse, in this city, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will -ell grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to ST; Thoroughbreds $12. Don't fail to attend tbe sale. ti3-tf Tom Mohoan. Wave but an Colli Ail. The term "cold wave" applied to a sudden and great fall of temperature is a figure of speech. It is rather nu avalanche of cold air that comes down upon the country, explains Prof. Iius sell iu the Engineering Magazine. The essential idea in a wave is repetition. In the eastern part of the country there is a regular chanjre in the temperature of air of about 13 degrees from day to night. In the hirfh and dry regions be yond the Mississippi river the daily range is 45 degrees in some places. The great irregular changes called cold waves have no d .finite period. The weather bureau definition of a cold wave is a fall in temperature of 20 degrees or more in twenty-four hours, free of diurnal range and extending r.ver an area of nt least 50,000 square mill's of country, the temperature some where in the area going at least as low as 30 degrees. Marking on a map where a cold wave has occurred by lines through the places of equal fall of temperature the areas are seen to be in closed and sometimes very great in ex tent. In one of the greatest cold waves in recent years, that of February 17, 188ii, the temperature at 7 a. m. was 20 degrees lower than at the same hour on the day preceding throughout an area of l,0U5,OO.) square miles, extend ing from Luke Superior and Georgian bay on tho North to the Itio Grande on the south and from Kansas City to Cin cinnati. Inside of t'.ie area of SO-degrce. fall there was an area of !IO-degree fall of WJ.O'JO square miles; inside of the area of 00-dogree fall there was an area of 40 degrec fall of 1U7.0 j0 square miles; in side the 40-degree fall there was 31,000 square miles of tij-dogroe fall, and in side, of tilts DO-degrec fall a fall of 00 tier grees at KeolaiU, la., the center of the cold wave, the temperature,, which was 00 degrees on the morning of February ltt, being zero the next day. PAUHfim 1. Only Firbt Class hotel in Heppner. 2. Building Wired for Electric Lights throughout. 3. Best acocniaodalions for tie travclirg public. 4. Courteous treatment ensured tbe coun try people. MBS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. THE PEOPLE AEE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. The know that from ns they always get full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell the beat is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds oustom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merohBndise store. Come in and see us, everybody. Change of Ownership TTE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MFAT MARKET. which we propose to oondnot in the most satisfactory manner. Will keen on bands at all times the choioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, Proorietors. M T XBJOR, S& CO, Heppner, Oregon. 85-tl . The Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Drove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gaiettk office for particular!. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. Land For Sale. 480 acres over in Wilson Drairie. A good stock ranob aud will be told cheap. Call at Gazette office for partioolars aud terms. tf. BOTTOM TAJ ADDRESS! SAN FRANCISCO, CAU ADDITIONAL, IXJUAUS. Tbe Htudebaker wagon beads t hem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Palnoe is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone. 11 Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up your watch or clook. Ue keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business' a Thompson & Binnsown tbe buss which goes to and from the Palace hotel, bnt will call for oarties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. . a Gilliam & Bishee are still doing bnsi ness at the old stauo, reports to tue contrary notwithstanding. Tbey invite in spection 01 their mammoth stock of hard ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a Minor 4 Co., tbe new firm, bave not lost any of their popularity by the change. Tbey oontinue 10 do business iu tbe old way tbe greatest amount quality considered, tor tbe least money Trloo nf tin Pntrce of Society, The London Times and Telegraph published tho other day this remarka ble uuverUhcinent: A lady of title, moving in the best society, vt'ill receive a young lady into h'-r Iiouku ns a friend. Terms, ten thousand dollars per an num. Any introduction of such will be handsomely ucliriinvlml'ri'd. Address Patrician, i:i,V-(l. etc." At once the court officials set to work mid they found that it emanated Indirectly from the widow of a banmi t, who is iu a posi tion to offer Iho Kocfcil advantages which the advertisement implies, but she linds herself in a very straitened financial condition; hence the advertise ment. Wni'ell'e 'liii . i;i Is refuse, to give tho name 01' t;iis I.iti T-uay 'I'atrician" they have U.Ucu steps in warning de butante's and their ;ii!''-ni.s u,rr:inst this expensive lodg'i.ifr. and iiirthernmre. the. baroness has been r.oti.'ied that if she appears in society tvitli any strange or unknown lady her name will be given to the prcbs as tho authoress of the advertisement. Plftjr-Ftva Per Cent, ol the Coal la the Beds Rendered Unavailable. While other plans of coal mining have been proposed, writes II. M. Chance in an article on "The Anthracite Coal In' dustry" in the Engineering Magazine, the old method of working by parallel breasts, separated by regular pillars of coal, is still almost universally used. That great waste results from this method is admitted by all. In working thin beds the pillars can be removed, or at least a large portion of the coal they contain can be taken out after the rooms have been worked to the limit, but this can be done to very limited ex tent in thick seams. By adopting mod ifications in the long-wall system, or combined long-wall and refilling sys tems, a much larger percentage of coal m the thicker seams could be recovered, but such systems would perhaps in crease the cost per ton, and they require) a large preliminary outlay in deadwork before mining on a large scale can bo commenced. Conservative estimates place the quantity of coal lost by being left in tho ground as pillars at forty per cent, of tho quuntity originally present. The cost of mining and preparing coal for the market varies widely be tween different collieries. When the coal is wet and contains much bouycoal or slate, the cost of preparation is large ly increased. Perhaps one dollar und forty cents to one dollar and ninety cents per ton may fairly be taken as the average range in cost of produc tion and preparation. This is exclusive of royalty, which averages from thirty cents to forty cents per ton. Enormous quantities of water are pumped from some of the mines, some of them rais ing between one million and two million gallons daily. In addition to the coal lost in pillars left to support the roof, a considerable oortion is lost by becoming mixed with the "gob" or refuse left in the mine; some is reduced to dust by blasting and handling, still more waste is made by crushing, screening and handling in the breuker, and tho rejected slate always has more or less coal adhering to it which is lost in the waste dump. Less than forty-five percent, of the coal con tained in the thicker beds is sent to market, the balance Iwlng wasted, KIRK & BUHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a f nil line of STA.PLJI lISTD FANCY -f Groceries anil Provisions. A full line of choice Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-olass bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp try them. sw "A DRUG IN THE MARKET." Yes, there are many of them. Some very good, some bad. Bad drueis are poisonous, Also of no Value whatever. Pure drugs are great helps, And these alone should be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drags made.. To compound them skillfully, .To prepare presoripiiong qrtiokty. To charge for them reasonably. Who can do better than this? Y. '.PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. FISHING BY ELECTRICITY. Should B ft Is Simply Murderous and Stopped by Iaw. Attention has been called to a seri ous abuse of the electric light. The sense of sight is extremely well devel oped in fishes, and years ago Hie In dians recognized this and attracted fish at night to the point of their spears by the glare of torches. When used along with the electric light most kinds of nets become simply murderous in their effects, for the brilliancy of the light is an irresistible attraction to the fish. Salmon fishers and others who take and pack fish on a large sculo are resorting to the use of the electric light for this OP )Tlto young Tiow to choose tins bust one, tu marry j(lTTV'0 COURSE)Tlio inatriwl how to Imi luipny in marriage j ( DAYS YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies; ( ONE WANT )The mother how have them without pain; (AGENT TO )The childless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be ;( 42 w iia i i t ne neaany now o enjoy me ana Keep weu ; EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily: BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. OUU1IT TO KNOW. READ P. II. T. (AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE )Pind it in Dr. Poote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR, )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000 )Reduced" from $3.25 to $1 .50: circulars free. ( COPIES )Murray Hill Book Co.. 1211 R. 2rtt.li St.. New Ynrk.( SOLD. PORTLAND'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OPENS SEPTEMBER 27 CLOSES OCTOBER 26 MBESrSGELEBpTED EQIIilTY BQD WILL ITRMHII THE MfSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINATURE. THE M-KtJI.U, KKATl'BKS WIU, ECMl'SE TIIOSK OK ANY PREVIOUS YEAH. MADAME G1RARD GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN OonritriiottMi Ht a cont of 1 10,000 and throw I f? a thousand Rets of water in all the colors or the rainbow will beuiuify Music Hall. :IiiVR,OE3 AOQUARIUMS . miaining fHh of all varieties found lu Oregon waters have been constructed at great expense. TIE-IE .TS-T GALLEET Who Wanti Crownr A real crown of pure go? studoo. with a thousand diamonds and valuec at 837,500 is to bo put up at auction ui Singapore. It formerly 1i"lonfrod to Hit Malay Sultans, and la bnin;; Hold liy the estate of tho late Sultan of I'l-rak. purpose, ana tlie wnoiesaie uosirucuon of fish Is likely to lead to the exter- i will contall a rollwtlnn of palntinen HRleried from the World's Fair. Among them Kllsburg's minnn,,n ,,t ...rKln mnrira Thp in-pat 1 wli-hrateil palming, Cuitar'l Last Fight. To vlult this (treat Exposition and view iu ui.iiiw.w.. i , winiiltTH In every depuriineiit ot Ait una fkit'uce, injury arising ii uui mm uiuw; whoiiw rmr ni cnu-aKo. epimiiielil of All uud He w ill be next thiug to a visit to the World Drastic Itecomniriid itlona. t'Are you sure you are Mronr enough for my work?" "Ohl y , sir you may be sure as to that. Why. thi last man I worked for was liijrffer thai you, and I knocked him down and hroki j fpw years be, if not exhausted, very a turee oi uia noa iwi uuo mu. .-lousiy crippled, in the fact that such quantities of tiBh are caught that a large pnirtion of them are wasted instead of being turned to their legitimate use of feed ing the population of the country, says Electricity. The indiscriminate destruc tion of Ush in this way is almost crim inal, and if prompt measures be not taken for placing it under some sort ol ' restriction our tisti supplies wiu in a REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. Knr further Information address EJ. AT. A T .T .TP. "NT Superintendent and Secretary. The Lancashire Insurance Co. i w. OP MANCIUCSTBRi BNOLiANO ACKST Ono oftheBoatlntheWorld