Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 13, 1893, Image 1

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    "Ml Mil MMihlib.
The man who
Notice it.
- : .... 1 v v v vy swjm. - - - - o o .
UT mmTnn,, . , 1857 W W X V The man ho doesn't advertise, ,,,,,
""""" YMF PITTir , , rnrr ' 7 "
I " J A. i I I I I II !l II I I I - wil I I 1 I Lll I LI. I
I ai.fi n fLfaA 1 1
rgogpo i s o NoufSgl
Tuesdays and Fridays
"TIB PATl'timoN.: Editor
Ai a.i per year, 1.25 for six months, 75 ctB.
fur three means. '
Advertising Rates Made Known on
1 he " EAOLE, " of Long Creek, Grant
Comity. Oregon Is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
E11T P-ft-TTEESOU, Editor and
ManaKer, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
HIM PAPER is kept on Mo at K. C. Dnke'a
1 Adver! isma Aaencv. HI mul KR i
H,M!hi,iilii,Wai, Francisco, California, where uo...
..... .... numiiBiiiK can oe mime lor it.
VVt.giier, ..
Arlington, .
Luu.u creek,
Cauuis i'niirle, , "
Nyu, Or.,
Haiilinuii, or
Haniiltou, Grant Co., Or,
I'ruirie City, Or . .
Cnuvoii citv. Or
;, or:. .:
Mount Vernon, UrautCo., Or., Postmaster
yjt , Allssotella Melt
i.ri ntuo.,or., j. Alleu
B. A. Hilnsnker
Phill Heppner
. . . 'I he Eagle
. . . Postniust r
Oscar De Vaul
...H. C. Wright
Pos nc ster
. ..l'ostnttittcr
. ... T. J. Carl
R. It. McHaley
8. L. 1'urrish
Year's Subscription to a fop.
ular Agricultural Paper
(,. .1
j o B(,oim arrangement with tbe
puonsiiers we nre prepared to furnis
r u&iL to each of our readere a year
""";u"iJ"" ") ue popular monthly
""0,,IU,,I journal,, the Ambrica
rAKMEB, PUbllSherl at NnrinflIJ Jt
- - r..n8ucm null
Ult'VHlnnil, Ohio.
..uor ib maae to any of our sub-
""'""""'Wi Pay np all arrenraifes
u BiiosiTipnon and ..tie year in advnr,
i . . .
"u 10 nny uow BUhRonbera who will pay
""e yei i aiivmice. The Ajibrioan
fAKMKH utijoysa larKe national oircnla
mm rariKd amoiiK the leading
Hifnouiniral pBpers. By this arrange,
rnent it COS'1'8 YOU NOTHINQ to re.
(wive the Amkkhmn Fabmeb for
''Br, It will he to jour advnntmr,
l'"'n'P'iy. Mnmple oopies oan be
s en lit our nfhre.
'lime OrlKlnai
news UDabridffed
fciKht Mill
Upper Uhutt Oitck,
OouKiiiH, Or ',
Uuie luwrk, ur
Coiulun, Oregon...
MrB. Andrew Ashtmugti
.. .. B. K. Utivluud
K. M. JuiiiiMon
J. It. K tub
Herbert Hultitt-nd
J tm. Leach
uiuoh f achc Railway-Local card.
1U, uiiled leiiVBB llepiiner 10:00 a. in
"i .. hi arniiBtiui l i.'ia.ni.
i u Ur' Bt tt'W"" 8:11 P. 'u
East bnind, main line ar. at Arlington 1 SB . m.
hl " leaveB l:JtJ a. in.
Duy trains have been dia. onlinued.
How to Get Twenty-five Hundred
Dollars for Nothing.
Th Winner hat a clear Cift of a Small
Fortuitd, and the Losers Have Patents
that may Bring them in Still More.
Obi be proon.ed at tbe drag store of
1 1 Ayers, Jr.
Next door to City Hotel,
Equal to lime and Rulohur. and moot.
better for the wool, as it Dr.imc)t(.a the
Krnwth rather than damages it.
'EN LA Nil. Kit.
Made on Favorable Terms.
EPPNER. tf OfiKanvr
WmiM mo Ilka to mat o i.,,.. ... , , .
. - ",j-u,c uunnrea
'dollars? If Toil Would, read narrll t...
.-.una auu ou may see a way to do it.
lae Presa Claims Company devotes much
attention to patents. It has handled thousands
i application! tor Inventions, but it would
Ilka to handle thousands more. There Is plenty
-....i..ii ai large In this country
needing nothing but encouragement toproduce
prauucai results mat encourairemennhn n.
viaima company propose to give.
A patent strikes most oeoolein ..m..
Iy formidable thing. The idea Is that an in
ventor must be a natural nenlnn. nto ir,n
Bell; that he must devote years to delvim,
complicated mechanical problems a'id that he
must spend a fortune on delicate experiments
ueiore ae can get a new device to a patentable
degree of perfection. This delusion the com
pany desires to dispel. It rielr,. l ..,...
...eneauoiinepnnilc a dear comprehension
of the fact that It is not the great, complex, and
expensive inventions that bring the best returns
to their authors, but the little, simple, and
cheap ones-the things that seem so absurdly
trivial that the average citizen wnnl.i fi
somewhat ashamed of bringing them to the
attention of the Patent Oiiice.
Edison says that the profits he has re,.u(vn
trom the patents on ail his marvel,,,,, i.
tlons', ave not been sufficient to pay tne cost
of bis experiments. But the man .h
ccived the Idea of fastening a bit of rubber
corn 10 a Child's ball, so that it would come
back to the hand when thrown. mn,i tr,
out of his scheme. The modem s.iv!n.,.
chine is a miracle of ingenulty-the product
comblnlncr Klnmli.t.. t .
the Press Ola im. c 7,mJ'.p. .'?r ': w"
dred dollars r ' ""' -nve nun-
Judged froTth' S ,V. ! .'"? P
Address the Press Claim, r.
Wodderbnrn, managing attorney, m r street
n- w., Washington.!), c.
Highest of all in Lea v.
(i. A. It. NOTICE.
" ""e "I" opportunity of infiirm.-,.
.uuBonoers mat the new oommie
sioner of pensions has been apuointed
He is an old soldier, and h,n..
Wist soldiers Bnd their heirs will
oeive justice at bis hands. We do not
anticipate that there will he n ,ti..oi
chanffna in ltn .l
-- . luo nuuiiuisiration ot ponsio
aumre unaer tne new regime.
we would advise, however. H.ntTT o
soldiers, sailors and their hei. tat.
icpS to maKe application at once, if
ney have not already done so. in nrd.
u secure tne benefit of the arlv
nl .i.:. .1... ' """
lu.,ir ciairas in case there should be
any mture pension legislation. Snob
legislation is seldom retroaoti. Th..
fore it is of great importanoe that ap
plications be filed in the department at
me earnest possible date.
If the U. 8. soldiers, sailors, or their
widows, ohildren or parents desire in
formation in regard to pension matters
they ahould write to the Press Claims
company, at Washington, D. C, and
they will prepare and send the necessary
ft3&ha ,
i4 j&s&s&m I
ening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
4. Chance Discovery Lays the Foundatlot,
ofa Stevedore'a Fortune.
The fortunes of some men have tbeir
foundation in very queer incidents. Elmer
A. Barton, of Duiuth, Minn., says the Chi
cago Herald, is comparatively a wealthy
man, while fifteen years ago he was a dav
laborer getting a job whenever he could
unloading vessels, or anv thin in f0, i
could find, but work around the docks was
what he most looked after, and this fact
was indirectly the cause of his streak of
luck. Lying outside thehnrhor f nin.
was the nearly submerged hull of a vessel.
o one appeared to know how long it had
been there, but "the wm-i . i.
nn1lAJ . . .. . " "OB
vanou, was COnsidRrprl nnn of tha t
of the place. The boys used it as a swim
ung station, and it was a proud day for
many a Duiuth boy when he could say he
had been able to reach "the wrnir ri-.
was another link in the chain of Barton's
luck. He had a son whn n,u. u.
i f publishers, xe are able to obtain
rttlil UIK
auoye Dook, and propose to fnniiuh .
necessity in every home,
house. It tills a vacancy
copy to each of our s
i he dictionary is a uecessit-
United Suite Oltieials.
1 1- .ileut
Vh-o. t'l-eriident
ooc e'ary of lilate
N:it-tiiry ol Treasury.
toeciHiniy of Interior.
Ci-'v-ieiai-y of War
tvreiai-y of Wavy
I'uwuiiaHter-lieueral. .,
Grover Cleve'aid
Ad ai 8iev-uo!u
Walter g Uresiwm
John II. Carlialo
. (....Diuiiel tj. Cuiont
Hilary A. Herbert
Wilson B. lilBst-li
..8. PennovMi-
..U. W. Meilntle
n. r .ey-ueneral. Kioliar.1 B. Olney
Soi.l-Mlry ot Agriculture J. sterling .Uorlon
Htate of Oregon,
tlHUiHtary ul" blatw.
Wupl. Public Instruction E. lj. Motlruy
Cjenmora 5 J. H. Mitchell
i J. N.Dlph
i 'ouirreHMUion i lllnger Hermann
, ( W. ii. Ellis
1 ' iiiUT ,-rank C. Itaker
u i P. A. Moore
w. 1'. oid
( tt. 8. liean
SeVf Mill Judicial llisti-lct.
Clicuit Jude W.U rJmdehaw
--1 1,-n-ui, n Al.orney VV. 11. VVil -n
Jlni iow Cnunt Ollicial".
. .n donatur... Henry Bkckmau
''l'n.''UtatlVB J. ,. un,,.
"MiiyJiKlge.... JniiUB Keilhly
C iinnilBaionBrs pt,ie, Ijienuei
u. ji. uaaer.
J. W. Morrow
..Aim,. Nolilu.
l reasurer w .1 l .
Assessor u. l. haw
. surveyor lsa Brown
school Sup't W. L. Baling
"nmM ...T.W.Ayei-6, Jr
J. R.Sinmns
...uiiciln.wi . .. .... .0. E. Farnswortli, M
UchtenthaJ, Otis Patterson, J.dms Keitl.ly,
W. A. lonu, ton, J. L. Yeager.
lritMhuiei L- (- Hln,,mn '
1"r"""'1 J. W. KasmiiB.
Justice of the Peace F. J. Hall,ck
-(italle u w.lijohard
United states Land Othcera.
- J. . Lewis..
1'. ti. Ijanii....
'i'1...- J. W
olierili (jH
Slhnl l...t...
i i.i i- .i mis a vacaucv.
,lr,.il t l.,; . ? 'futfe which no one hu.V
; v 'Z '":cnoicest Dooks could
rli-h mnH V ?iT.T. J .'.luT? "lia lunoraut,
rt.. A i. ' "ve " wiinin reach, and
.... , W1H;1I1H every aay in the year
. As some have asked if this l iil .v.
I'm! ;Veb:'-el"8 Unabridged Dictionary, we are
S hliih.," V .harf 1."ar"ed direct from The
comiilete ., whieSabout to y of ' he S year.
01 the author's life were so well emptayed In
bound in cloth half.noriccc and sLeeT' &
Until turtner notice we w,ll tnrnik .u,.
valuable Dictionary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
iniru ioany subscriber now
wno pays up and one yea
the following prices, viz:
run uiotn bound, gilt side and bac
aiampa. maroiea edges, $i-oo.
i-iait mo-occo, bound, o-ilt side anH hr.
aiaiupa mdfuiea eages, $1,50.
1 um aneep uouna, leather label, marbled
euges, f 2,00.
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
,,,SXT, rt'!!lP"1;L1".her8!1,',lt ""e and
pricesrw radvi.i. h" ""i1'""'11? '
.uoucel"' 'hl" BreatPPu"''"ytoS,,d to"i.'
n arrears
n advance, at
San Pranoisoo
Wi all points In California, via tho Mt, Hhaeta
route of the
oouinern Pacific Co.
I'he great highway through California to all
pointe East and South. Grand Scenic Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bieepara. Beoond-olaa Sleepers
Attached.to express trains, altording superior
ccommodations for aeoond-olase passengers.
Fr ratea, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
to. call upon or address
ivr.tii.r.K, Manager, E. P. ROQKR8
'leu. P ft p. Agt.. Portland, Oregon.
a hundred and fifty years, but the whole bril
liant result rests upon the simple device of
putting the eye of tbe needle at the point In
stead of at the other end.
of the toil of hundreds of busy brains
Comparatively few people regard themsel-
application.it thB h " KT "9. na?.a
nndr tt, , umiea maae daily excursions through the
thel? benefit TlT9 laW8 Ma0ted tor .'Z'""?" M bulk- """lone day
meir beneht. Address tnis on broueht bank with h,m
FKESM flf.Arilu rnun. boltji nH . ; ;v "
i. , vjwiuiraisi, , " i"uo "i wooa mat, nad become
nv 7fDE.KBUN' .Managing Attor- l,ee j'. ? chance the father saw the
,. "-"."ii,u. v., r. u. Hoi 385 ' , msea lae y 80me questions,
. . . UJ1" .ne himself
WESIEKN PEOAHOIiUK. a small hnat tob.i
him a ...7 uxe Willi
We are in receipt of the May number makii u,rTZS the.miS
ahnn vr, Tl I IXJUltl PPT, nn infnnmnt! . . '
uuuuu uouoi. ii eXGflAn . o " ul iiiiiiun it 3 TrO Wnfin RhA ay.
of our state
Je jormer numbers ic valua.
Thfl nanan fV.io il . .
lul juumn contains many
xiw ana valuable features. Tha ni.,fl-
rived there, or when she was sunk, or
where she oniric t u .,1-.- . ' ur
. . ..i. aiHu inanilifRrt tv
i . readiiv Envfn 00 i
aa 1 . . . ' " V..10C.VCB 1 wttbou series nn tha anhnni ...a. 1 1
.. . . cu rs. out almost every body has been ja inir,, ." 18 BlBle LprP8e1 nttrbor improvements.
Free Medicine !
SlL,VKli'.S MiiMl'lON
A Golden Opportunity for
Physician Give their Hemeilles to the People
00 YOU SUFFKR ? ,Wrlte8tonce,eXplal...
...in a . i""i iiouuie. ana we
"111 Bl-IIU Villi r K H H 1 IH- I'll I K- .. ...i .
of .i.pi.i.nv ni,r,TJ ? -uji n inn course
, r,,r '..r '"f "emeaies nest suited to
your case. We want your recommendation.
e can cure the most aggravated diseases of
uuiu aexes. our treatment tor all diseases and
hv n,r"'"'f":.e m,,d"" ie.!tllkl acq'ilred
tf na toi v .r..H n. !'JwnlcP enables us to
UiC. Uu mn Qe8(rtir.
llensv 'ifl h'1? !H,e. ?"!' P0."."! c'"-e for Ep-
Pcrinanentfy located:" Old es'tablished' 8'Ven-
DB. W Ll.IAMS Mi-nir.r a.,.. ,
TUTU 710 Ma!,. u. li A!i 1NSTI-
, .- ....fcv,,ccl(f oull rraucisco. Cal,
... ui., aione time or another, with Ideas that
seem calculated to reduce some of the little
-wo,,, u, ,e. usually such Ideas are dis
missed without further thought.
"Why don't the railroad company make its car
w udows so that they can be slid up and down
without breaking the Dasnnirr.' h.b..
claims the traveler. "If I Were running the
road I would make them in such a way "
"What was the man who made the saucepan
thinking of?" grumbles the cook. "He never
had to work over a stove n, h. u,u
b,.,.. i , . . '
,.ow ii ougnt to have been fixed "
"Hang such a collar button!" growls a man
who is Intclfor breakfast. "If I were in the
business I'd make buttons that wouldn't slip
OUt. llr hpa.t nir ' .
neck '"' BUUoout l"e back of my
And the various sufferers forgot .w,
v "Wn to think of something
else. If they would set down the next con
veuient opportunity, put their ideas about car
windows, saucepans and collar buttons into
practical shape, and then
they might And themselves as i,,rti.nL......
wealthy as tho man who invented , ....
11 til hi., .11 1 .
he tifVeen puzzle" l,'e Ue Who ""eutoi
To induce the people to keen track of their
orlght ideas and see what tlu.ro i ,i.. ...
Press Claims Company has resolved to mru,
To the person who submits to it
toe aimplcat and most rn
p,o.u,"f0,V,?VLtt,"rrcrc", brUieP8: 80re8' ul0".alt rheum, fever
t'-j will
Zi1''1'16 Peis8in being the more
ZLf X? " Was in tha wy of some
.0 introduced by a paper on th VnA. ton beiran ZrS.", Mr- Bar-
Plt.i.-i . . ' i . -H--iuamng- no aur
j.iiuio xuntuuie at Ma em. Ilroirnn " manaeed. bv t,h o(h nr i
These papers oanuot fail to be of flT8'. l'ba . axes and hooks, to do
-hie both to the sohoo, and to" the g thsu
P ' . bi"- It took him nearly the entire vear
Ihere are also several fi .iini. of 1874 todo this wort hJ
by our best writers and tbe departments home wM .ohh the bo had brouKh
uurrem rUvents.-'Saturday Thoughts," father's eyeslo toe no'ss ZlWtoTT
'Educational News" 'The Or J J vestigationshownd hiw e'- ?',VP
Answers, Uorresoondent.. t l. siBht were of the same mntal. nrt
-""" uiucir- vamable read ng for " 'T a , mB laDor ne llatl ured
lehel The magazine n"L'lU"9 in weight Tf
ouuu oo pages of matter. wl I .iT' " T "iw; Jesiaes this, he had in
A4c ucan biji
vesse! had evidently been of foreign'bttild
for she was composed of a number of dlffeS
nonal monthly on the onaot
Everyone of our readers should hnv fiLV0"11 1"?blS v"!as tho bulk of it being"
lue paper if thev r f n t '..'ri0 LOI,oaK- Dut therewere largo
.n edncatinn Wl .1 'uZ "Y",.wu IT, Ziraa!s0.
,UUBl. HCU00, aireo- , iiogomar it was a good
tor or student can get along well with- hrconnu6 "T1 roady markot tor
out it. We will receW, sabsoriDbona SbL5&.?5.1 ..goinir o
St this Office. Pr,nnl nn It. wna lhi mA-.,L.. . "'00 little sum.
When desired we will send the Western l?,, ha w,as 8hrewd enoK" to make
How a Fighter Put an End to rocturnfc
"Vhcn the Chinese first began to
overrun California the laboring men
felt about, their
Othello did and failed to extend to the
celestials that eonrtesv whinh ft,
youngest should extend to the oldest
civilization on earth." Kni,l rv, t
the bright-eyed Mongolian secretary of
a han Francisco capitalist, says the
St. Louts Globe-Democrat. "T. j
to abuse us terribly. A favorit m,,0.
ment of theirs was to catch ns by the
cues and drag us about. We are not
uKI,rer, aim, Demg. m a strann.e land
we could do no better than to quietly
put up with it and hope that our tor
mentors would become ashamed and
let us alone. A lot of us were employed
to grade a railroad, and the American
workmen used to invade our camp at
night and abuse us shamefully. One
day a big Irishman named (VlTall
came to us and told us if we would give
him fifty dollars he would make our
tormentors wish they had never seen a
Chinese camp. We agreed and he
stained his face, shaved his head, put
on a Chinese costume and waited for
our visitors. They called that night aa
usual, and O Fallon took care to be the.
first 'Chinaman' they tackled. He had
been a prize-fifrhter, and the men used
to say that he could kill a bull with his
fist About a dozen got around and be
gan to kick and cuff him before he
made a motion. Then he turned loose,
and the way he laid that crowd out was
nne sport to witness. He cWno
ine wtiolu lot. anil the
were discontinued."
nocturnal visits
PuJ. .
- "k"buo una uazette one year to one
address for S3.00. Call and examine
sample copies. Teaohers, directors and
parents, now is the time to subscribe, tf
each dollar multiply and increase.
Their Work by No Meaua a. Pleasant ..
aiignt Think.
If there is any harder work than the
Sixty Thousand Arret, to He Pnri...i
lor That I'urpoae.
A gigantic huntino-
all historical precedents in the shade is
on foot.
Interested in it are the irreat l.n,lrl
proprietors and varied men of Europe
and the United .States. Tr, is
project than to pnrehiise sixtvthnnaan,!
acres of land in this country and fence
it in as a huge hunting ground.
Some time ago a party of English no
blemen and military men, iu which
were hard Lonsdale and other well
known "noble sports," started out west
cm what was thought to be a pleasure
trip. It had a wider intention, how
ever, ior tins is the
which has carefully survevpd ln,i t..
locky-. Mountain-:-ews
Subscription price reduced as follows:
..It gis-i r I
.iiweeiv r
B.P, Wi'snn
i.il kobbins
. . . Register
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tnesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build,
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in
vited to attend. W. L. nalino, C. v..
W. B Pottkb. K. of K. 4 B. tf
One Year (by mail)
Six Months "
Thrre Months "
nne Month "
One Year (in Advance)
$6 00
3 00
1 50
$1 00
G. A. Ii.
ets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
aci. montn. All veterans are invited to loin.
;'.C. Boon, Gko. W. Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A A. HUBERTS, Real Estate, Insur-
U...U un,l ; ...
iuu uimt-i-tiuua. U1110H
.vouuoil Chambers, Heppner, Or,
The News is the only consistent n ..n-ni.. t
all.. 1.. .1. - ...... ' '
1.. e. in me nest, and should be in every home
in the West, and in the hands of every miner
"in lousiness man in Colorado.
Send iu your subscriptions at once.
Douvcr. Colo.
PER 1,000 FEET, KOtlOH,
" " " CLEAR,
tft.00 per l.OOO feet, additional,'
- - 110 00
- 17 60
The trenlun whn in..n..i .i ..r.',
.'Pinal.. r, .. . "
-., . .SD iu vmver, ana manv others ho. i..
vcineu a Drana new one. which i ooi,, . t
. . B.Kaiei on record. There Is fun, instruc-
"xu anu eniertatnment in it.
nive ineiilv.llvii j...
ill cuah, in uddilin..
tne leea for aecurii.v
t will also atverii .!
lion free or charge.
inis otter is subject to the foiiou,i
icarnea win nnd as much mv.ferv in it . .... ...
young and unsophisticated. Thi.. : hi, i..., "l8m a Pntcn' '"t
irrPBt nnvfiaiat 4A u, .. . " ' . . "U "diars. cJhould thii
workers in New York! Qe Z
Riven 25,000ln orizes for th .,,.,... .. . ii...,.. '"'" -peotea to complete nis
solvers. TEN CENTS sent in ihaVir," . ,,,?. u iV ' e,uul a Patent In the rcgu-
Building and Chrrltv Fund" T, 'Z . " .Z.J Lr eX'."!"8e' """.
,,cmi . hdars. F;;thetherph:si.'e: r:-!
or lllll tha .. ... . r..
lllCllllir W 11 hllVO a r...,. I. ..
nir r nn.h. i t.. - .... . . F"""
r lino -" a vaiuaoie property to him. Th.
Bucklen'a Arnica Saiva
The beBt ealve in tbe world for outs pB?ne pusher8 have hd to do In this
v..., uu. iuB uie mat rortnight, I can not com
prehend what it can bo, writes the New
u.rresponaontor the Providence (R.
i,J",,aJ; I' bestial work as well a
put it In talking on the subjeSt, the very
snnrm and merit of cham
.l.d!'lT"f 'PS t,ie ' bas noTmnci;
....... , UIB proportion of alcohui
being onlv sllirht . L I .
lager beer; ; yet these pushers advertise 11
by getting drunk on it every night It l"
-ores, leuer, eimpped hands, ohilblaini?
corns and all skm eruptiona, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Prioe 25 oenta per
box. For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drug
it you want to hnv nmo.!
liread stuff nheaD. an tn tho p.,t.
Ummmfv B-i.k e. u..li . pee
.j. jiia a. iuiu. nronriMtnro a
return mail,
He dor
journal is invited to aid in the erection'
of a great home for newspaper wort.
era by sending ne iitm ..u-....
Building and Charity Kund." Tmni nn....
New York. You will aid a great work uh
celve by return mall a wonderful puzzle-game
which amuses the young and old, bailies the
prize Will ha o .4..J ....
. nutu oy a jury consisting oi
hree reputable patent attorneys of Washing
uieuuea competitors should lill o,,i tn..
following blank, and forwm-,1 i, .... ..
application: c"
Prank on
suill for thin i.,i,,o ., .B 1
- . - ' nic worst errects are
felt by men who drink spirits; that those
who drink nothing but champagne are sol
tl tl0 Tbefshers have
hlr V. uouuu80 tnoir systems need
bors intl h C8Ch ' Lheir P"'ossional
bouts in the bar-rooms. How long it takes
hnrjHeir?ork 10 kiU them 1 "over Ce
Some rractie.il ,:.r r.lv, ,
the Police .1 ii-.i
Pirnn.l..l.. - i
.-.v ,,.,, i.;o ,.,s .,..
pmii'l I'll. I., i " " l"W5
w. v innu ,wio,Vh iviint llti-r m. , r.t .1 i- ra. . .. . vsy, very
and mtnerallv i,:,,,-!.,,,;" , "1T rBncnman' tells me that he be
it is. iii-ia i,-, . ? t;.T.rf.raeal1 .lnJuri'
uulj, - ---,".... vi. nun t ii at, no is not at
Tho principal pusher in this citv,
"'7 am",,e" lae younS a'i "'a, bailies the "I submit the within described m , ,
mathematician, and Interests everybody. Public competition for the h, S t
A. Hnmllton, Man'Kr
Cattle branded and ear marked a shown above.
Humes K on right shoulder.
Mr cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla conn.
", 1 ?U " loo ou f"r ""eat and cod.
t wtuw of any persoa staaliaa my stock.
i K)i.uii Jim LiirrtL ur
( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.)
Two Through Trains Daiiy.
12.4f,pm .MpmlLv.MlnnepnlIiArl8.4nam kpin
U?pm y nspnrl.v . Ashland.. Ar n.',aml4.:t0pm
7.16amln.oamAr... Chicago. .Lvi&.OOp "11.45"
p.nieu iuercnant8 nave contributed JiMvin
-un.il ui premiums tor such as can solve the
myniery. r.ver)ining from a "Knox" ht t .
Stelnway" piano.
Well, the man who invented them h
completed another little playful mystery for
...... iK nuuuiu, wnicn is Belling for TEN CENT.-
for the benefit of the fund to erect a home for
newspaper workers in New York. This mizzle
uie property ot me New York lre nih
and generous friends of the club have donated
over 25,000 to provide prizes for luckv neoiil
young or old, who solve the mystery. There is
a 101 oi entertainment and instruction in It,
ot.iu uuue ami get the souvenir puzzle by
iimu. Aunrcss "Press Club Souvenir,
iemple Court.New York City.
Tickets sold and baggage checked through to
all points In the I'nlted states and Canada
l"'c connection made in Chicago with all
trains fining East and South.
ttlvL !n,ormaon apply to your nearest
tleket agent or AS. C. POND.
0n. Faai. and Tkt Agt. Chicago, IIL
IdriHH ir Mmiuui i.hi.
j! days will be for 1 year boldir
printed on gummed
labels. Onlv lllmirv
guaranteeing 12A.O00
i:uniuniera: irom pull-
w..i aim manuiac-
unre you'll receive
prubably, thousands ol
valuable Hjoks, papery
iwi one oryour printed address In bell
imn,ru .Hereon. aarRA i Vi e wll.
aiao print and urejiy postage on !M oi
t.t r wiurewwa 10 you ; Wlilcli
stick on your envelopes, books, eic u
of Reldsvllle, N. c, writes: "Pron
my 25 cent address In vour Ughminj.
....... c irivwi invaiwttuurea.
lathis and over amio Parcel. .
nnil. My addryases you smitf-re.
luin.ni? pnmisbi-rs and manurm-tunr.
nn- iiri K-!i.g dully, ,in valimblf- t,ai el;
Of mull frc-ii nil pans nf tliu Worki.'
No. 1 Frankford and Olrard Ave., Phlladeli
puia, ra.
PH.- ,.ir..s """" uoiiar
""-'cu e i-res Claims Company."
,;u,"P,it1110" "f rather an unusal
,trv r.1 . mD 10 0f,er Prlze for " besi
F'iu.o, or architectural plan, all the
competitors risking tbe loss of their labo ,,rt
the successful one merely selling his for " he
" " P"- But the Press claims
Company', offer 1. .ometl,l,, n "!
,eeTf' h,P"ma t0 h'P lm-
h... a w" ne'P8 "lm B'f to the
best advantage is to be rewarded by doing it
The prize ,s nly , stimulus to do some hi, g
The Th, " WC" Wnh d0" without Vt
The architect whose competitive plan fr a
club house on a certain corner Is not occept
ed ha. spent hi, labor on something of
liiT BUt '"e ho patenu J
cnl'T U"e"" "-inthePrcssCia ln ,
fan . ""-"""P'Hon. need not worry If
uu us value n
The man
hands.ki.-iscd t
clean lips and 1
dusty cornrrs, it
appcaraiice -:oi
books, ami ,m
nuii.-.LI. in civuuiiiic
uamiii. f,. I,,,,..,,, of tim(.
i no liiidc ii,
courts linvin
vi-ry viiricty
'im-iiLiy ny not over.
' ininny i,(f hours in
-'"ii bi-cniiK's, as far as
'. vagrant among
"i.il, peon with in.
work. He bribes t,h hn w " .... "V' Bl
bennaids not to make anv nniZ t Z.
or near his room, and not. . . ...
to knock at his door under the lniprern
that ho rnav be dead ti,..f .... .. . .
aret him nut. H .. " ...,. " "" "l"8'
.M not dare to although he looks fresh Zl Z2To Z
lexas, Arizona, Utah and other states
for a proper site for thpir i,..
ing grounds." m""'
They have at last decided on buying
up from the settlers and proprietors iu
that district, sixty thousand acres at the
junction of Utah, Arizona and Nevada,
taking in portions of each state and a
part of the .Snake range, of mountains.
I his is well known to be the best hunt
ing region in the eonntrv. A
will be organized with a capital stock
of twenty-five million dollars; to obtain
and to hold the land membership In this
company or club will cost the small
figure of t!!r,,ooo. The whole district
will be fenced, and the noble scions of
Europe, with the Vanderbilts, Aston,
and varied aristocracy of our free land
will hunt at leisure, as the barons of
old did on the confiscated lands of the
poorer people.
ii, i vuiib wour nnn rn.ip tl... i , ..
- mjjiajivij ponce luuiur Bau-iookmir- hu.tA
rnffiiM,l .... ..i- . I linn nnn fan n..aini m, r1'
- vi nut; i rniifrti ' "iuluiids,
I rin tinntiia ii
. gentleman who ii, . .".,".'' r."" S
" u" " ?nr n,.i,t "y xycain,,,
usage tlui-iirr it--, I
.1 ,. . .. " " v- niUL 11 ,
ti!i ii . :',:!iiit' ? t c offl. of,Lrry r.0 p
..v iu i i r 'iiicr wit i a niece nf " -'' aiuouut or nno clothes
U'lne, and in it has been do- Z mW of "U opened
infT duty evor si,,,,.. faS.i,..... his van!
emu was the can
in court the ol,!i;
York Comincroi.il
vvilnras in lul h;..
was hiuiilcl tin- I,
ered vet, lshod coln; n. d m. -I.1 K8' n'8 .va"-
of a brief scns.,t in and-alive "S-
This batte
llilV. K.-H-all,o r... DBV him tin- u,hl l,., I .. 7.
Advertiser. As the I11?' Physically or socially.
t:1l and battcrv mcJ But the queerest thhur nhr, .i
. nhi,.i h... .i.- " . " -"" wuoie
(I U'rt'.H in I J".v o ,IIUU HIM nilHrilllD. ttntia .. .. . .
evidr-n,... l'. ... , Tha winr..h, "".""? PUSH.
,. . . ih-o'.-c null the In- h;,i. " .T "uvertujou in this
":n. ii- uiirr-v I-,,,.,. ;,,,. ,,.:,i, ,i. "- "'o nil! voiruo a nr il ,i
Tl, . vers. themostnonulii-i, ,! i,. " . ' T
- r .'oi m t .,. . ' r --""""'-"' i.vinir imrmrtu-
ami !,!,.,. i tV- ;-h ...r aD.ran1 that ha "ver been nuahed
lfllil'r WIT. 1 n I HI, HII I nnlrsn.t, l.i . .
crone. -Is j; t:,r, -, . ..,; ," , t,;; " L ? "'uugn ino good fame of
on. ver hi.t-n- - I, , : . i tt, 1 "'""lnK notorious.
i I mo ijuaiiinir la nn. n,,t..A .
the market
ho uses any article In
mat wll
at any
simple to be worth n.,,, ",vemue"t ca" r'e
hette, tirLnl
''i'iKll i-.
And ii, i:.
book wiiii
unabi-i,! -;!
: r;., if:
h:nl replaced tho
L f -,!, I., , . .
'"i'.t "i "costers
"ad i'-ll- si, .n,, lr,,ll!:
I , . , . , ..lULiiiim;
1 ' l'i::iaii.is, dcfendii
V.HIU.-SSI-S nun b(
upon it.
Wine puahine la nnt. filI.!.. l
other country, and . in,..i. . y
ii flictlonoryP horo; It was originated by a 'goixl fellow'-
, u.mui. HJWU wno nn, 11 l,.o.n,.n,l
ni,i,lnton...l... ...7. "" BC-
- ginal i n. ,, .7 "P01""'"'" of tho citv
J?".' 'il weed's time. He run tho aaln nf .
Vinniln In n fl . .,.. ,.i, . ..
. .. r. .iRuio uivuur timn any one In
the business hu.l eve, dreamed of its reach
ng a,,d1.egot.0.a.vear for his Ck
t left two lcpuclcs to humanity, a taste
for champagne in every politician!.. ,
Ji'c-u gravely swearing
Pnl. v. .
ia Millions of Homes -40 Yeaw the Standard.
and a general recourse to push n in
of which has don,, auyg.,aPTo an,'bnd
The only Pure Cream of Tartar
Preserving Dead lindiea.
Herodotus gives a remarkable descrip
tion of the manner in which the Ktl i.
opians were accustximed to preserve
their dead. According to his account,
having dried the luuiv v... -.1...,.
It over with gypsum and nu.into.1 tt a
as to make it resemble life as nearly as
possible. Then thev nut In a
column made of crystal, which ma
terial they dug up in abundance. Thus
i.iciijsu,,, UiU corpK0 was kopt n the
house of its nearest surviving relatione
for a year, after which it was burled.
Eaten at a Queer i-ollst tiiven hj rU(.
awls Antiquarian.
"I have eaten apples that ripened
more than one thousand eight hundred
years ago, bread made from wheat
grown before the children of Israel
passv-d through the Red sea, spread it
with but ter that was made when Eliz
abeth was queen of England, and
washed down the retiast with win h.
was old when Columbus was playing
,..,i, ,,,1,1 Ule oov.sot Lienoa," said
a gentleman the other day to a reporter
for the New York Advertiser.
The remarkable "spread" was given
by an antiquary named Oorbcl, in the
city of Brussels, in 1871. The apples
were from a jar taken from the ruins ol
Pompeii, that buried city to whose peo
ple we owe our knowledge of canning
T he wheat was taken from a chamber
n one of the smaller pyramids, the but
ter from a stone shelf in an old well in
owmiuu, wnero it had lain in an earth
enware crock, in icy water, and the
wmc came from an old vault in the citv
of Corinth. J
There were six guests at the table,
and each had a mouthful of the bread
and a tea-spoonful of the wine, but was
permitted to help himself liberally to
the butter, there beino-
of it. " l""uus
The apple jar held about two-thirdj
of a. gallon, and the fruit was as sweet
and tho flavor as fine as though put up
whose use
The Pastier,
pusher is a trAle utensil with
use the minoritr ,.t k..i
oiay b,' miIiri or ,t , ,
by small children. Even the best
bred youngsu-r is apt ,.t first to help
himself with the tools that nature prl
vhied-to puslt refractory bits of food
"Ton Ins spoon with his fingers. Tho
r a nani.-ie line that of a smnll
- f, a bw'J !t hM "roa.
lXj m 1 -Blr,fnne with it a
UtWe sivtU-tMapcd piece of silver with
w eno enrved .sli(,.y.ly .forward, so
If I"0 caa ni)t slide off at tho
7 J . 51 K' n w one baud and a
WA-er-U Vie .cfter some Children can
aaaronanrfa Vkiinyrt.