Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 10, 1893, Image 4

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    H-ecii tying pills cure constipation
i 1 . .,," .; .... V-.-i.Tirt
" 2 Prililiv4 I., i I 11 V 1 1 1 LT lillla LU1U tji 111" II i-t" " . , " - ... .1 .
o 5 1 Pnti. n,.,-lifvi.,; t.ills cure eonstlpalK.n 1-rentiss K(vlliruiK
Almost all pills and medicine produce ccnstlpntiGn, hot j. v" " "
liver. biliousness, rheumatism, indizesUou. sick, headache aud kidney and liver
troubles without eriplns or loarluj any traco of CONSTIPATION, which
1. the prime causa of nil sickness, beware of It getting habitual and chronic with you,
seetoltlntlmr; those ri"s will cure j-cx
pw'flfc, i fw f. Vv ORFNTIS3 RECTIFYING PILL,
1 h Si HI I J1, beeauso .t Is the only safe and harmleaa
Em JrSt SmBT 1 La remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY
Try a box and see for youp-
clear tbo skin and remove all blotches from the face.
3 self. 20 Cents a box.
Or sent by mall upon receipt of price ty
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
3 1 Prentiss Hoctifylng jilllscur
.nislioiiiluu l'routlea iiuclirylut! pills cure constipation
Prentiss KeetifyliiK pllia cure consllpitl Ion preiitiws jteeuiynitf pma, uri
Unique Features of a Funeral Ob
servance on t!iJ UiO. oua.
Bow Celtiu Mourn.,.-. t l"
Chattlnj nil Store i.)l.n
tb Corpse-The Oluilitous Pipe
aud Ilck liottle.
The ouitoru of 'wakine" the dead lu
Ireland, says the Loudon spectator,
though by no rnear.s existing in Its
ancient glor y und .i-ur, still obtain In
modified a::d shorn nrra i"
country distric ts. i:.'ie:!y noser ueu,
amounts to t.iM-thiit tno "'.'"
the deceased assemble and spenu me
night In the room with the corpse.
chatting and telling sur.ett; in -
meanwhile, of eoirse, ia:nnK
.., nin." and a drop of "the Cray-
i o" t.n mmtsun tlicra durin? their
nlwil The conversation on such oc
casions naturally turns, to a la.'gu ex
t.lm virtues of the departed,
which are duly embellished with all the
.,.,,i olonnenen of the sneaker!;
t.m!ii.r v. ith Ireland can at all
UIIO uii."
realize what a scene a "wake presents
A nronose to (rive a sort of speci
men of the conversation which prevail
on such an occasion.
"Anrmlrl f;11vor-' is 'ronerally
In s
Die Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Civen Away in Return for
'K KfS mu r r mi,. In p.
100 IM
'60 00
261,030 PRIZES
The nhove articles will do nistriouieo,
1 1 5,500 not
115 500 LAUGE PIL'TUKE.S (14x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLUlt, tor ,",
1 t'60" no advertising on them i-n
y ronnficft, amomj parlies who chew 1-1 r.AH
HEAD 11 lib Tobacco, cud return to us the 1 is i aujs uiaeu
We will distribute HSUof these prl.es in hlS counts a. o lows:
To THE PARTY sendlnir us the preatest number of hi f.AH ui.au
T UHfrom IIiih coiiu'y we will give
To the FIVE PARTIES scndlnf! us the next .l,n'WJ
81'EAU HEAD TAGS, we will five to each, I OPfcKA GLASS.
To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next Kreiitest number
of KI'KAR HEAD TAGS, we will Blvo to each 1 POCkM
t .., fivr. miNltllKW PARTIES semliui! us. the next greatest
in,. . I, t,(M we wil clve to eacu i
uu'p ":r.n '";.',v. ;.iiV;i'tV,iitii pick
KOLLEl' cu, II e." .
thotitu an,,,iiir iih the next Ereatest
T 1 "i. Kr 'SPI AiVl'iV ""TAUH, W to each 1 PICTURES.
Tolol Number of Prizes for this t'onnty, 820.
IhDU Kadi paekaso eontiilnliii .''"'"t. "; 1 p Til ..imrecs on mickaKes must be
fs .n e. ami "l ...t... -
urcualil. . ... niii. nf Intrinsic value thm anS'
iilwolnlely, positively and linl "'' " "!-Vr '1' ' ",, u ,h6 ilirnesi seller of any similar
ir:.V.'ei piece o?rE Alt ftiiAl? you b"y Hencl In he tas, no matter how smah th.
quantity. Vory s,j"'," pf'j. nolta COMPANY, Minni.ETowN, Ohio,
A list of the people obtaining these prises In this county will be published lu this
paper Immediately after February 1st, UW.
When the lCni-IIsli l'lsliinoiiser IteRlns to.
Ilawl l.uiiltuuKO l.ovorB nui u "j
Kxperlenen of a l'hlladelplila O'.rl Who
Tried to Startle Kiicl "ul.
There is eonsuleruble slnug and good- Engllsli women, says tho slioe-maker,
nattu-ed elmflintf among tbe buyers and aTj;a f(,t and know it. They live
sellers in the Loudon Hillingsgate, but up to them serenely, and wear great
one is not overwhelmed by that torrent b00ts and shoos, squaro-tood, broad,
Df foul language be has been taught to flat-heoled, with a naivotte that amuses
expect from Ins associations wim uie
word. '1'he. best time to visit the mar
ket is on Friday morning. The wooden,
burn-looking siiare where the fish is
sold is crowded soon lifter six o'clock
with shiny cord jackets and greasy caps.
Everybody conies to llilliugsgate in
and scandalizes their American cousins.
They don't care tuppence for foet. In
the great tide of American girls that
rushed across tho Atlantic last spring
to revel in a London season, says tho
lloston Herald, there was a gay little
Philadelphia!!, bright as a brand-new
bis worst clothes, and nolioiiy Knows ; dollar, witty, clever, but, alas! accounted
the length of time a coat call be worn ; i the contest of beauty in her native
until he lias been to a lish sale. Over iaml, decidedly plain. One good point,
the bum of voices lire heard the shouts indeed, she possessed beyond question,
of salesmen, who, with white aprons, and that was her feet. They were
peering above the. heads of the mob, simply bewitching. Small she wore
stand on the tables roaring out their No. 1 slender, with an instep arched
seat of honor, close by the head of th(
bed: she has been a nurse, perhaps, Jr.
tho fmllv. and as she rocks her ageo
WW haokward and forward she poun
forth with a mellifluous Southerr
l,ro7iiB. in a sad. wailing tone, a lonf
piece of delightfully discursive domes
tio history. "Ah, wisna, wisnu. i-"
c .lnne. tho masther was a grand man
n-j- r....,n u.a the Brand man; h
,,n to fortv cows." This implie:
that he was a dairy-farmer whoso stock
amounted to that number.) ".'Jhure it ..
meself remimbers the day av his weu
,n'. T.anl Edward was at horae at the
tlmohv the same token, an' us he wint
hw our cabin I heerd me mother to say
'it r. there's th i lard up!' An' share
.,ai1i he was. for he was on 'his way t;
Tim Hoolahan's, who was min llng thir
ty hogs for him. 'Turn thim cut, Tim,
tho lard, 'turn thim out,' says he,
if,,. T want, to choose out two uv thim,'
says he. 'To be share, and why not,
innnr's o-lnrv. mo lard?' says Tim
and, whin he had thim out, the lard
makes e.hice av wan widout a tail, an' av
anoder widout an ear! An' thi.n he says
to Tim, says he: 'Have thim two bastes
kilt.' mvs be. 'an' give thorn to th6
people that's comin' to Thada Regan',
weddin',' says he, 'for their dinner,' sajs
he. Ah, wislia, ueeiing, uui,
was mirhtv fond av poor Thade; may
fiml bo wid thim both! An' don't I well
romimber the time that poor Thade, rest
his sowl, bought a farm near the reu
heir an' how 1 attinded at the a inner ma
an mo fi !I.V."
At this juncture, another speaker,
itiinHiiir ho should havo an innings, of
fers the nurse a drink; and while she is
occupied with it he observes: "Wisha,
wonoeli. it was the roor masther that
wasfandav his marning drop; ruany's
the time he'd take mo wid him into Judy
Molan's little public, an' he'd say:
'Judy,' he'd say, 'give Niche las some
thing to warm him, and take the could
out av his stumick this f rasthy morning.'
An' by and by he'd say: 'Nich jlas, man,
won't ye have a glass?' an' I d tell him
I had wan; but he'd say: "Lion i, win m..,
you had not;' an' av coorse I'd say: 'It
isn't for the likes av me to oontradict a
jintleman like your honor,' an' Judy
would All it up again." i
A driver cf a hearse who was present
would add reflections which seemed to
him suitable to tho occasion: "I tell ye's
11 IViaf I have been a drivime a hearse
man an' bov these twinty yoarsan more.
1 have drtiv' rich an' poor; iin' whin the
H,irt was an mo back, the smell av them
hot.h was lust alike; an' I didn't like it
nather. And whin I comes across a man
who has two or three hundred pounds,
in' sees all his capers an' antics, I says
to meself: 'What agladiathuryoarejbut
wait, mo boy, until I have ye. In the
hearae. an' then ye'll be qu let an' aisy
enough.' Shuro I wanst druv a ledge to
the graveyard; an' I saw the yalla clay
ihoveled down on him as wol.l as another
an' he rotting wid money. God save
as!" This observation calli'd forth
ronoral exclamation: "Well, Ned, ye're
i terror." Tho old nurse - a uuarreu
ind wrinkled piece of worn inhood"
leinir now refreshed, would ta :o up lv
jarablo again, and uifer hersm ff-box, or
other her snuff, to every one presem
;t was done in this way: holdin f tho bo
.n her riirht hand, she poured I ut some
if its contents on the palm of her left.
A'hether vou used the Bnuft r not,
vas considered unlucky and ui civil tc
efuso to take a pinch of it.
Among the lower classes "wal
New Subsume K i Ic from It by thi
For several years certain Crermam
have been experimenting, w.tu a Men
to utilizing sawdust as a material fo.
mechanical purposes. It was discov
ercd, rears a?", that vegetable fiber
after being subjtct-.u rereiiua"
leal action, and afterward to a pressure
suflicient to expc-' all liquids from it
could be made into a subsuiuee almost
indestructible by the elements, auuo,
great utility i" tne mecm.u..
ornament. il arts.
The diihcultv has been thai out tew
Vinds of tiher were capable of the trans-
.m..ti.,n Li anr known process, n
might almost be Miid that tlie fiber of
cotton alone produced satisfactory re-
o..;Dt:ttu i.ro aware, however, tht
ii fila r K to a certain ex-
tent, identical; that is. n
more or less mixed with other sub
stances; and they have behoved that
there must be some means by which
the coarser kinds can be made useful
for the purpose as well us cotton, whicb
is nearly pure cellulose.
A Gorman scicntilic journal gives the
results of experiments in that country.
A substance has been made from com-
sawdust by means oi an ac.u
that promises u oe oi great
value. It is described as reins y
ingly firm of texture and of great hard
ness, incapable of being bored by a
common gimlet, more impervious to the
action of the elements thou the ordi
nary metals, and practically indestruc
tible by fire. .
It is said to be stronger than timber,
and but a fraction of the weight of iron
or steel. The cost of manufacture is
asserted to be so low us to bring it into
competition with both wood and iron.
If all these claims can be made good,
-.he result will be a great change m
many important industries
nifiiricitnne has
. K 1 -J I
WHY ? Brcaase lie lollops
ru'sr "Kfcp the headcool. iS:e--ct
warm, and ih beweU open.- You
tsnl-avs a clear head and live to be
ninety if you do the same thing
When the bowels fail to move dur
ing the day take on retiring two
Smith's Small Bile Beans. Their
action is so mild that you are not
aware of it. All day your mind will
be clear and cool. "No! a gripe in a
barrel of .hem." Ask for smallsize;
Take no Eubstiiute for SMITH S
Beans !
On sale
Kansas Uty, t.iaul,
St. lovxi
With .11 b.d co.miii. lltsnsusry, lott ol
aS:ffi'.sr:i -;s
gii,nle.J. ui.od B..ak.od Bookfre.. Cll.rwriU.
DR. WARD N5TITU 1 1. .
Give the matter a liHle thought
Reference is made to the neat hard
ware. tiuwBre. plumbing, etc., stock o
Billy Potter, Odd Fellows' ball. He de
sires to please in bolb quality and price
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & Mc Far
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the oontrol aud managenieni
of The MoFarland Meroanlile Compunv,
whicb continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
. , unr 10 a. m. Arrivei
Train leaven urn
6:20 p. m , daily except ouimu,.
.. ..i.. ttiir
Hinton iJenks.''1';;" ,,d -..Id ,n left.
H .rewi, JonrKhtUi'k"- "JT (T L
ffiK5a -ifa wt. - "'
dilriot,Mom-w Xfer. Or.-Hor.es bmnW
WrruTnirmTtel tail") T '",
3K,li: -SS. fett hip .Isolar.
nip; uunron s
Grant oonnty. n.nres. (or
rameon leftsid.. ur"
Ullacouuue.. .u.. .naied
Hushes. Mat, Heppner. .'.' ,. , i ...
.i... i..i uiu.ii oer. iMiim - .....
ornes. on leiv
ilpi.ii riorew". '
Huniker,B.Waner Or. Horse.
sh..ul.lr:t a"nlHfthi -.
uuiisstu A I hurt
auuutMJted. oil left nhoutder;
4 HlirMrlH.fl
.1.; I..rt
''TlunuairevO M. idarduian, Or,
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or.
Horses. H on
Horses, wineglass
tie same ; n left h P- . ,l( i U n
Horses, horse.
eviiM sieeoer.
Color.! Ml. epere.
Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Ban
every four days.
ooontv . ,. Or
JUllKlD. O. .... . .....I.. tl.a
shoe J on left shoulder. ito
ItaiiKe on 6 "','. ,HorBeB. oireleTon
?t,,r.;ca..i; .;a,e,u riht hip, under half
crop inK"'ilu'u ut Veii.oij.or.-J on horses on
HearvaUdjiB ll,,rBes branded
prices. All are bawling together
inlesmcn mid hucksters, of provisions,
-till the
All rree.
Those wbo bare uird Dr. King's New
discovery know its vslue, and thoss) who
have not, dow have th opportunity to
try it free. Call n the advertised drug
liist, and get trisl bttl, free. Send
vonr name and gddresa to H. E. Buoklen
A Co.. Chicago, nd eet a sample box of
Dr. King' New Life Fill free, a well
as s copy of Guide to Health and House
hold instructor, free. All of whieb if
guaranteed to do you good and cost y n
nthine. For sal by Sloourc-Jolinsou
Drug Co.
A Woman Who Knows How to Slake
Honey Without Worklntf for It.
There was a party of us on the train
going to tho Rocky mountains, says a
correspondent of the St. Joseph (Mo.)
News, and the news agent badgered us
so that one of us got a lurid narrative of
Jesse James' life just to get rid of the
fellow. He read pieces of it to us and
we got so enthusiastic that we stopped
off a day at St. Joseph to look at the
houso Jesse was killed in.
When we had climbed the bluff at
Convent Hill and a darky pointed out
the shanty, our ardor began to diminish.
Wo knocked at the door ana a woman
opened it, looked at us awhile, and then
Want to see the house Jesse James
was shot in?"
Wo said we did.
Well, this is it. Just come right in.
There ain't no shooting around here
now." We came into a miserably-furnished
room, and passing through she
showed us a perfectly bare room.
Thar" it is. Jist as it was the day
they shot 'im. Right thars whar he
stood. Ritrht outside this winder's
whar the Ford boys stood."
The floor was all whittled and pieces
cut out of it. One of us suggested that
we iret some relics to take back Lest
with us.
We would like to have a small pioce
of tho floor as a memento," said one,
Wal," she said, "we don't make no
habit o' selling sich, but, scein' as you's
all the way from back East, why, 1 11
let you have a piece each at half a dollar
Sho cut small slices of the nooring
and gavo us each ono, and, when we
bad paid her and passed around to the
yard, we heard the woman saying to
somebody in tho house:
"John, guess ye d better hev the car
penter come up and put a now floor in
thet room. This Is the lourtli we ve neq
in, and it's nigh all cut away."
At AbrHbamsick's. In addition to Mp
tailoring business, he has added a lint
line of underwear o all kinds, negligee
shifts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A
Abrnhamsiok. May street. Heppner, Of
tlverv ownar ol s hone Blioulil keep
II on hnd. It may ..ve me ll oi
" ,.... -im.l On. tuckm i
euro eighl lo lea mee. Price 11.04
Sen! by mull o exurell. Our Ac.
count Book, w ich cont.ine hlntloj
For rates aud general lnioraiatlou call on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppner, Oregon.
. HUKLBUKT. Asst Gelli. Pass. Agt.
264 Washington t
Huc eiHlnl pructie,'. Trcatm
Ths worrt forms poik
Hlvel csred 38 yer
Iment conflilentlftl. Cure
bTSTall or.t olDce. Turuillnw. ,. """VyeTiT IF
Book lr.t. C.1I or wrltu. DR. WRI) INSTITUTE.
Df. Rash's Belts & Appliances
' , !..; (.alror am-
Ad electro-enlvanc .liattery I
hardware and
place becomes a
perfect llabel of coiu-
St. WliiUred'B Well.
One of the most copious springs in
3rcat llritain is the famed St. Wini
fred's well, near the town of Holywell,
di Flintshire. The well is an oblong
jqtiare, about twelve feet by seven, and
ts water, say the people of the district,
!ias never been known to freeze. This
latter assertion may be true, a-s, lw
des containing a air percentage of
mineral matters that lowers its freei
ing point, the well Is inside a beautiful
;hupel, which was erected over it by
Jueen Margaret, the mother of Henry
VII. The water thrown up is not less
than eighty-four hogsheads every min
ute, aud the quantity appears to vary
very little either in drought or after the
heaviest ruin, showing doubtless that
its primitive sources are numerous and
widely distributed. St.. Winifred's has
been the object of many pilgrimage.
Intercslltiu F.xiei'inienta.
An uptown mall having nothing else
to do thought he would try an experi
ment, siiys tho l'hiladelphia Ueeord, so
he turned the bands of a clock in his
room the full twenty-four hours of n
.lay and found it took, with moderate
movement, one minute of time to ac
joiuplish that tusk. He then nuule n
.nleulation of how long it would take
him to turn olt the full measure of a
man's life, which, according to the
Scriptures, is "three score years and
Urn," and found tbut it would take sev
jnteen and one-half dnys to turn the
hands of the clock to represent seventy
liko a Spanish senorita's; they were
things of beauty and Joys forever, and
the young woman to whom they be
longed squandered her substance in
silk stockings and ravishing shoes when
he was on the point of starting for En
gland. "There," she sighed to herself, In
rapturous anticipation, "I shall be ap
preciated. My feet will probably create
t furor, and, I should think, ought to
secure mo an Earl, at least. I wonder
il her Majesty will mention them when
I am presented? It is my golden oppor
tunity, the chanee of my lifetime!"
She camo back to Newport in August
a sadder and a wiser girl without the
. "It's all a snare and a delusion," she
pouted at luncheon to her interested
I friends. "Those English girls have feet
I that are simply enormous enormous!
I only saw one who woro a smaller boot
than a seven. Hut they havo no refine
ment of feeling, no artistic sensitive
ness at all. Not a soul ever mentioned
mine! Not a single soul! I kept them
displayed as artlessly and prominently
as l could wherever I went, and not
ono living human being ever spoko of
"Not the Queen?" suggested her
bosom friend. (It is always your bosom
friend who asks disagreeable questions.)
"The Queen?" repeated tho Hiiladol
phian. "My dears," her voice sank to
,111 impressive whisper, "my dears, 1
ive you my word when I saw her she
had on low black slippers, sometliin)
Uko ankle ties, and crowded into then,
her fat feet in white stockings. That'
the sort of thing they admire ovei
till vorv nrevalent; beggars hav i the
wn "wakes," and even little al ldn
iro "waked." A wake is quite a a e
jenslvo ceremony to a poor, strut Tl'nK
vorklng-man or tradesman; butht feels
;hat he would loss caste without hold'
jig it, and ho has not tho moral cot rage
,o break through the custom. Th
jenses of a wake in tho "strong" fi rm
nir class are a very serious Item, lnd ed
The Roman Catholic clergy nowadays
rencrallv or universally discourage th
sustom; but it is so deeply rooted that
ts eradication must bo a question of
The Old Reliable
Established 38 years. Treats mnlo or fotn Mn,
married or biukio, in 5kii f
nhuses excesses or Improprieties, hmll
GUARANTEED. Hoard and apartments
ft,rninh5d when desired. Question Blank
and Hook free. Call or write.
t ir ....lane, in treating all vari
ces of Rupture enables us to guarantee
positive euro, nuwuou
tree. Call or write.
83 Pine Street, B
lams as used by thou lands of woman all over lbs
United States, in the LD DOCTORS erlvato null
pr-tctlce, for S8 years, and not a elnitlj bad return
Money returned 1! not ae represented. Bona
Bents (stamps) foe soaled particulars.
. WiSI IHBTITUra, 120 H. H'.ath 6t St. toils.
Belts, Suspensories, Spi
nal Applianees, Abdoiin
iSHBStoi T....n,i.a. office Caps,
Cures Rheumatism, J.iver and Kidney
Complaints, Dyspepsia, Krrors of Y.mtn,
LostManbooil, Nervousness, Sexual wean
ness, and allTroul.les in Male or 1 '
Ouestiou IJlauk und Book tree, tau or
write. . -
Volta-IWeclica Appliance uo.,
)S3 Pine Street, - ST. 1AIUS
FooM'rliils on the Path to Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advioe
sbould read one of Dr. Foote s dime
psmphlets on "Old Eyes," "Croup,
Rupture," "Phimosis," Varicocele,'
Disease of men, Disease of Women, and
learn th" best means of sel -cure. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th Ht., New
KLLtl DiMielCl!RF,n without the uie ol
WI . Ikiile Queition Blank and Book free. Call
or writs XU. II. I. BUTTS,
KSPlneSt. 8'- LOUIS, MO.
ir lUltrV ANY LADY, employed oronemployaJ,
JOAIILLKi cn rtketluifrafew houri work eauh
day. fiMary or commiiBion. 10 Bamplei free Addrcas
n. DtnjHtn:n a nnojii.i.wun,Biu.
Ileduceil 15 lo 25 pounds per m-'nth. No
llervlng, no Inconvenience, 1 o bad re.ulti, noneuReoui
druu. Ireatmentnerfectly hftrmlei. and etrieily coufl
1 Tll ..V .n,l Tlnnlr irp. Call or write.
' l)k. U. B. nual'S.saal'.neblreot.bl.Lomi.Mo,
tiood Looks.
Good looks are niare than skin deep
leiiendini! upon a healthy coudition ol
II the vital organs. It the liver be iu
oiive, you have a bilious look, if your
toinach be disordered, yon have a dys
eptic look and if your kidneys be afreet
is you have a pinched look. Seoure
iood health and you will have good
u. k a. Electrio bitters is the great aller
.tive and tonic and nets direotly on tliest
.itul organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
toils, and gives a good complexion. Sole
t Slocuni-Jobnson Drug Co., 60o pet
A ftaort-aightea ramov.
There is a married man in Atlanta,
(la., who wears eye-glasses with a gold
rim. His wllo wears eye-glasses, too,
and the two pairs are just alike. They
are the parents of three children, the
youngest la in
each of tho children is near-sighted,
Thov wear lases. too.
A Harp of Wood.
Two Frenchmen, the brothers Forre,
have invented a new kind of burp, uiadi
entirely of wood. Instead of strings,
the inventors use st rips of American tlr.
The sound is produced, us in the ordl
narv ham. bv the contact of the fingers.
ten years of age, and out the piuyers wear . ,.i- .--
covered witn resin, i nc wm- oi
I etnimnnt is of remarkable purity. mUm
He Finally Suceeeded In Reachlaf
the I'resenee of Ills Sou.
The boat was pulled by a couple o)
boys and was headed for the White
Squadron, says the New York Com
mercial Advertiser. It was about the
hour when the gentle gurgle from
five-gallon milk can, as its contents are
scooped out into pails, resembles the
melody of "The Old Oaken Hucket."
In the sternsheets sat a living picture
of "your Uncle Reuben." The swash
from his coat tails hid a clean-cut trail
through the blue waters, and his
whiskers were filled with salt.
Swiftly the boat swept by the Chica
go, Newark and Hoston, but was almost
swamped by the old man efforts to
"gee" alongside the Concord.
The marine on duty ordered the boat
to keep awny, giving as his authority
the general order that no visitors were
to be allowed aboard. The old man
carefully laid a big piece of tobacco on
the gangway grating and said:
"Young man, vou waut to make
bee line for that big fellow in the whit
panties with a sword on his port quar
ter. You tell him his father is getting
bis constitution ruined waiting to see
him, and if there are any fences in the
way I advise you to climb them un
less you want to hear from old New
In less than fifteen minutes the old
man took possession of the entire ward
room, and the officers were proud of
their guest
Here Is a Snap for llralnr People The
Lalesl Tlllnu Out.
la mler to Introduce The Canadian AKrlculturist iota
New Somes, the nuliliehen have decided to nresent an
linueiially aUrictive reward list for their Ureal Eighth
Half Vearlv I.iterar Atlracuonfor uie summer of 1891
They hare entered intoa written agreement lopay through
the Judg-eM ail the reward offered below.
How to Ssousa a Reward Those who become
tulucHiieri can oompeus free of charge. All that ir
m-ceiiiary Is to tk s few sheets of papir and make all
the word, you can out of the letters in the three Horde,
world e uofuniDian KUHMiiuon. and send them to its.
Incloeing $1 for all mouth udiacripUon to either The
i nnnuian AgrtcuiltiriBior ine i.aitt-B noma aiagaziue.
two oi the choicest illustrated Deriodicsl- of the dav.
The lender of tho largest list will receive 3 per week
ror lite; ma, li.uuu in etna: ara, sow; (in, s-Jou,
Vh. tloO: 6th. Ticket to World's Pair and ten dare ei.
M'nHee: nlanoa. ortrans. Isdies' and aents sold and siliei
watches, silver tea services, diamond ring-, and ovrr lC.UUO
otlierrewanla. making altogelhef the mos valuable tiriEe
net ev. r otrewi ny any pumienor. Sena lor pnnudlial
of former pnae-wtnnera.
Riilkb. 1. Poreien or obsolete words not counted
Letters cannot be used oftener then uiey appear in tho
words "Worl'l'a Coliimlsan Kipositiou Ulat is, the
ord riddle, for Itiatance. could not be used, because
there is but one "d " in the Uiree worda, etc. 3 Name
ofiwrecns and Maces barred. 4. No charm for nat kinv
or shipping, but all prire winners ill tie eipected to help
us to extend our emulation. 5. All list e.ititainir.g over
iw correct woras ill receive a special pew urn.
JUIH1ES. The following well-known gentlemen rave
'Onsented to act as judges and will see that the nriyea
re rainy awarueu comnimiore ewicutt, (I'roiit
Calcutt a l.lne of Steamenil. l'eterlirom;h. and Mi
Kolrteon. President Times Prinuug Company, Peter.
AOKSTS WANT1D we pay 91 re so per IIS) salary no
iti'miaionl to in- n. women, boy. and ifirls V, rite ,t jmr
iciears Kegieter all mone li-n.-n A.olnse, .V,,n.
lti'kist Pen i ) , II, uk ru-ttMieiiiHli. t ai a is,
ANYLABI 0011 getavataable secret that
cost me 86.00, ana a ru bber smeia tor ou wu
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. !
tint PIK W THEFT, ST. I.Oins), MO.
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent business conducted for
Information and advice given to uwentors without
sharge. Address
rrtLaa tLHinia vv.(
ManaginK Attorney,
. 0. Box 463. WAsni.OTON, D. C.
atThis Company is managed by a combination of
the larsost und most Influential newspapers In the
I'tiUcd States, for the expreBS pmpose of protecting-
tlielr suhNeribers SKiilast uuncruuitlous
anil ineoiupeteut rii'.cuf. Agents, and each paper
prtntinir this uti vertlacnicnt vouches for tho responsi
bility und high staadiag uf the Pi-ess Claims Company,
Columbus Kecontl Voyage.
The oldest record of Columbus' sec
ond voyage to America, whicb occupied
the time between September, 1403, and
June, 1494, is a manuscript of the mid
dle of the tenth century iu the Academy
of History at Madrid. It is the narra
tive of Dr. Chanca, the physician of the
fjards for the ueaa.
A eurious fashion has come Into Togov
In Paris. In all tho cemeteries metai
boxes with a slit in the lid are placed
on the tombstones to receive the cards
of visitors. Thu tel... Ives of tho de
ceased are thus enabled to see who
among tho living still cherish the mem
ory of their departed friends.
tst f)is. n
CUritS VYHtrtt AIL i
srrup. timm uooo. i
m tinta Mia ny drutarina.
A Medical Firm Gives Away Cash,
J. P. Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green
vich St., New York, the manufactur
ers of that favorite cathartic known as
Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted a
novel plan. They ask the individual
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full
name and address, with an outside
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans
(either size) to their office, and they
give f 3 for the first wrapper received
in each morning's mail, and $1 for the
2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th. Every day
f 10 in cash is thus Bent to their cor
respondents. Ask for SMALL site.
While you koep your subscription paid up yru
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Alljn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses G(i on left
-hou.der; cattle name on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
ArmBtrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der ii on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip Hnd horeeB same brand on right
shoulder. Hange, Kight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
nseted on lei t flank; cattle. Hamo on left hip.
Barlholnmew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E uii either shoulder. Range in Mo -rovr1
Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or.Horses, a flag
nt left shoulder; cattle same on right shoulder.
t-ianniBter, J. W Hardman. Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Imcseberry Oregou Horses
branded r is on left shoulder, tattle same on
glit eme.
UnrltR. M Ht C. Lone Creek. Or- On cattle.
MAX connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un-
ier hair crop on right. rtornen, Bame brand on
etft shoulder. Kange m Urant and Alorrow
Hrosman, Jerry, L-ena, ur. Horses nrunaea t
i riirhi shouUlr; cattle B on the left side.
Left eai hnlf crop nd right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wni il ppner, ur. -Horses, J U on
right thigu cattli-. same on right hip; split in
ach ear.
Brown. Isa. Lexineton. Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
lirown, t). u., Heppner. ur. Horses, circle
' with dot incei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown. W. J., Lena. Oregon. HorBen W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle name on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.Horses, box
brand w r gh hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Iiorg, P. O., Heppner, Or.Horses, P B on left
"honkler: cattle. Baine on left hiu.
Brovtnlee, W-J., Fox.OrCattle, ,IB connected
mi left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
hrHiid on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
t aisner barren. Wagner. Or. HorBP8 brand
ed O on light st i fie; cattle (three bars) on
lght riDB, crop ana split m each ear. Kange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.L., ( :aleb, Jr. i 1) un horses on left Btifle
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colls urder 6 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant county.
t lark, Wm. H., Lei a. Or. HorBen WHO con
uected, on left thoiilder: cattle fame on right
oip. liai ge Morrow and Unialillu counties.
( ate, ( has. H., Vinson or Lena, Or, Horses
II C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Bange Morrow aid Umatilla countiet),
( ceil, VS m.. DougiaB. Or.; Inn,eb JC on lef
rthoulder; ca tie same on left hip, waddles on
-aeh jaw and two bits in tho right ear,
t'uri, T. B., John bay, Or. Double cross on
t-Kcti hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit,
in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and Bpear point
ou shoulder. Ear niarkoii ewes, cron on left r
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right aud uiwler half crop in left ear All rang.i
Hi Grant couutv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or.HorBes, HOon right shoal
iei Cattle, sameon r pht hip: ear mark squar.'
top ofl left aud snlit m right.
Currm. K. V., (.urrinsviUe, Or. -HorBeB, i,
left stllle.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C wit.
ii center: horses. V,k on left hip.
Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on ieft
ishoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under Blope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
on right hip. ( 'attle brauded the same.
Inckt-ns, Ebb horses braided with three
tineu fori- un left stifle. Cattle sa-ne on Uft .,,.
OouglaBS, W. M .Gallowai. Ur. (. KtLie, ri L'un
right bide,swH low-fork in each ear; horses, K D
on left iup,
Douglas, 0. T., Douglas, Or Hordes TD on
the light stifle; cattle same on right hip,
Ely, J. B.iV 8ont), Doughs, Ur. Horses braud
ed ELI on left nliuulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear,
, Elliott. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Emeiy, fc., Hardman, Or.-HorseB branded
Jrf lieversed C with tail on left shoulder ; cau
tiesameon light hip. Kange in Morrow county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horse. 7E
counected oi right Bboulder; cattle, same on
right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop
oti left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. ('attle, LF on
right hip; horsec F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
nghi sho, InV ; cattle, h on right hip or thigh.
I'jpiirh. Geirir ileiinnnr. Dr. 1'nttlo ..r.,x.uI
WF, with barovei it. oi left side; crop off left
tar, norsts, en me uiana on if n nip.
Gay, henry, heppner. Or. GAX on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livf Stock Co., Fos.
ail, Or.Horses. anchor tt on left shoulder; Tent,
same on left stine. Cattle, same on both hips
ear marks, crop off right ear andunderbit in left
Hnr. in Gilliam. Grant. Crook and Mnirro
oo unties
i.vVu), Elmer, Echo, Or.--Horses bn-nded Ii.
. witli a quarter cirde over it, on lit title
Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Haios. Get., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected
with quarter circi over it, on left shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or.-t'attle. round-top K
with quarter circle under it on the nbht hip.
Kaiitfs in Morrow and Usaatilla oo unties.
Kenny, BlU-e, neppum, iHft
imv .... in int. futtiie samw ouu us--
oariunder shil the rtaW ,eft
Kirk, J. t., ueppum, ..
Bhonlder, cattle llU ou lelt hip.
mm. j t, ncppuoi.
ttBiikiuattle 11 un rmht sicle. , .
Kirk Jesse, lleppuer, Or.l horse- 11 on left
BUoulue?:TatUe same on . ight side, underbit on
right enr. vrnnn. Or.-l L on
ear and under ciop in right ear. i,'0Bmu
brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant u jaulv.
Loften, Htepnen, Lox, Or.-b L an le h P
ou cattle, crop and split on right ear. I Jo h b
same brand on left shoul.ier. Uango Giant
euallen.John W., - Or.-HorscB
branded half-ciiole JL connected on iottslioul
der. Cattle, sum, on left hip. Knuge. near 13X.
iDLeahey,J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded
L auo A on left shoulder; cuttle same, ou lott
hip, wattle ovur right rye, throe slits m r.giit
""Lord, George. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double U coi.necUL Sometimes called a
u UKt ulis.iilflHr.
Markha'm.A. M., Heppner, Or.-Cat tie large
Mon leftside both ears cropped, and up it in
boih. horses M on left hip. Kange, Clark s
canyon. n i ..r(tlB m r
Minor, UBCftr, lieppuor, yr.-wnwo,
right hip; horse. Moil Wula"HnrflAli M ,
morgan, a. a., aivww ,
on lell shouldei cattle Bame on ieft lap.
McCutuber, JaB A, Echo, Or. HorBos. frl with
bar over on right bhoulder.
Morgan. Thos., heppner, OrHorses, circle
T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. L ou
"Aiuchwi'.'Oscar.lone, Or.-Horses. 77 ou ritht
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
McClareu, D. G., Bn.wusville. Or,-HorBea,
Figure 5 on each shoulder, cattle. lVL. on hi o
McCarty, David h., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
im hipand side.
McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoo
with toe-cork on cattle o" ribs and under in
,..,. an.r- h.nnMH HHtiiH iimnd on leit stitle.
McBaiey, U. V., Hamilton, Or -On horses, B
with halt circle under on left shoulder; ou CuLile,
four bars connected on top on the right side
Kange in Grant County.
Noal, Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. Hoises A N con
nected ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
INordyke, E., Biiveriou. Or. horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; caitle. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Kauge
in Grant oouuty.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or, On cattle, O
LP oonuected ou left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartie on nose. Kange iu Grant county,
Pearson, Oiuve, Eight lUile, Or.Horses, quar
ter circle shield ou ieft shoulder aud 'iA ou left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. J4
on lefl hip. Kange ou Eight Mile.
Parker dt Gleason, ilardiuan.Or, Horses I P on
1 lt shoulder.
P. per, Erne t, Lexington, Or. Hor-es brand
e (L E couneciedj Ou left shouider ; cattle
s tne on right hip. Kange, Alorrww counts.
Piper, J. h., Lexingtou, or. hoiseb, J Hi con
nected oLlett shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bit m each ear.
PettyB, A. C, ioue, Or,; horBeB diamond P oa
shouider; cattle, J ii J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in tho
Powell, John 'P., Day ville, Or Horsos, J P coti
uec. ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couuectod on
left hip, two under half orops, oue ou each eur,
wattle under throat, Kai geiu Grant county.
Kood, Andrew, ilarumau, Ur. Horses, square
crosr with quarter-circle over it on ieft stitie.
Kemuger, Clins, Heppner, Or.Horses, 0 K on
left shouldei.
Kice, Dan, Hardman, Or,; horses, three panel
worm fence on lelt shouider; cuwtie, DAW on
right shoulder. Kauge uuur Hardman.
hoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
Left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip aud crop ofl right ear. linage in Mor
row county,
Kush Bi os., Heppner, Or.Horses branded X
un Uie right shouider; cattle, IX ou the left hip.
crop oil lett ear unu dewlap on neck. Kauge in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Kust, William, Uidge, Or.Horses It on
lett shouider; cattle, 1. on left hip, crop on
right eur, under oil on left ear, bheep, K on
weathers, round crop ofl righ ear. Kauge Uma
tiliaaud Morrow u uuties.
Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horset
branded A K uu right shoulder, veut quartei
circle over brand; cattle same ou right lap.
Kange Hlorrow county.
Koyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connected
with quarter circle over top ou cattle on right hip
and crop ott right ear aud spilt iu lelt. horses
same brand ou ieft shoulder. Kuuge in Morrow
Oraut and Gilliam counties.
Kector. J. W., Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO oi
lelt shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
brandeu ill on left shoulder; lauge in Morrow
baaing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses brauded
on lett shoulder; cattle same on lett hip.
bwaggari, B. Lexington, Ur. Horses
with dash under it ou lefL stine, cuttle H witb
uubhuuuer it ou right hip, crop ofl right ear and
wuudied ou right hind leg. Kahgu in Morrow,
Uiiiiuuiaud umatuia counties.
cwuggurt, A. L.,Atheua. Or. horseb branded 2
un loll shoulder; uulUe earne on left hip. Crop
un ear, wattle on lull laud leg,
btraigui W . E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b ou lei stitle; cattle J b on lett tap, swullov?
fork m right ear, under bit in left.
bapp, Ihos., Heppner, Or. Horses, JtJ A P on
Lett tap; caitli same on left hip.
bhrier.Johii, i?ox, Ur. INC connected on
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
urop I'll right ear aud under bit in lelt ear, Kange
in mant couuty.
buath Bros., 0Ubu ville, Or. hot-bes, branded
il. 'L. on shoulaer; uait.u. ume ou luit shoulder.
bquiies, Jamus, Arlington, Ur,; horses branded
J b un lell Buouiuer; eaule Hie same, uibo nose
vtaoUle, Kange in ilorrow una uiiuam co .utios.
btephous, V . A., iitUdiiitUi, Ur-; horses too on
nghi stiilu; cattle horizontal L ou the light side
bleveuson, iU.rs A. J., heppner, Ur, iutliu, H
on nghi hi, ; swailow-fork iu lett ear.
bwaggart, (i. W,, heppner, Ur. Horses, ii on
lelt snouiue. ; cattie, ii on lett hip.
bperry.E. G., Heppner, Or. C attle W C on
lett uip, crop oir right and underbit iu left year,
Uewiup; horses W tou lull shoulder,
ihuinpbon, J. A., Heppuer, Ur. HoibOB, S3 on
lelt snouiu. r; uatUe, z uu tett shoulder.
lippeLb.o.iLuierpnse,ur. Hoi sob. C-oh left
luiuur K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leil siiouiuui, horses; cattle same ou left hip
with Bpiit in both ears.
AlU'rniou, H. in., lone, Or. Horses branded
H 1 counected ou lett stitle; sheuu same braud.
Vauuerpool, H.T., Lena, Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right,
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppuer, Or. Horses, U. L.
ou the lett shouider; cattle same on tight hip.
crop ott ieft ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John U.. Halem or Heuouer. Or.
Horses brauded J q on the left shoulder. Kaugtf
Morrow county.
Warreu. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with Quarter
circle over it, ou mtl side, split iu right ear.
norbes same urad ou loit shouider. haugeiu
Grant couuty
Wright, bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b W uu the right hip. square crop oU right ear
aud split iu lelt,
Wude, Henry, Heppner, Or.Horses biuuded
ace ol bpuaeb on leil shoulder aud lelt hip
Cattle braudeo same ou ieft side and lett hip.
Wells, A. b., Heppner, Or.Horses, ouo on left
shoulder; cati e same.
Woltinger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both earn. Kauge in Grant and Maliiuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horbes, DP
connected on ieft shoulder.
W utkins, Lisbe, Heppner, Or.Horses branded
UE connectei.. un lelt Btitls.
W aiiuoe, bharies, Portland, Ur. i aitie, W on
nghi thgh.hoit tu left ear; uoroes, V ou right
shouluei, soui sauie on leh nitouider. ' " '
W hittifct bios., nuiniLgiou, baker Co.. Or. -Horses
branded W B. uunuecta on left bhoulder
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over threw bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Kauge Grant county.
Williams, J O, Long Creek, Or HorBes, qutr
ier circle over three oars on lett lap; catue same
HImI Kin fitch hki. liaiittH in Ii raid citimi y ,
Wien, A. A., i.eppuer, Or. Ht rses running y
on hiiouiuei; hiu. bHiiif i m , .
Walker Elizabeth & Hons, Hardman
aule brauued t.E W couneciedj KW
side, horsts snuie on rigtu shoulde'
Walker's cutiln, same on ielt bip, hoy.
on iutt shoulder. Aa range lu ju.uir
ioung.j, Oa, iiojebiij,Or. jaw
IB on the right shouldar.