I'lhKili rtwdrlnK thr in.,ortl.il of display Hill or ctmliKu of hall:.,, mini tt thuir copy I mil laujr than Monday evuiiliig for Turwlav Aill'ti.i,, or ,"l'nrvilv 'i,M''i,: for Krhlnv mI liU I Al.-.i.-tUfc 1'H.i.lalUNO Co. NO fief. i. me sum oi arc cents jwr line wlU b. imiki-kiki lor -caran ol llmnlts," "lv;oi!itions i nwrmct," lints of weddMir hn-vntu rm donor ami ohltuarv notices, lotl.i-r m:rh th.,.:.. tli ...in or shall hhnstdl give as a matter of hewn,) cm. ouiiicHoi sput-iai uietaitiKB lor v r.oti: er 'lire Notices of church ami society i'!d r.!!i't:iyi vituTiaiiunenis irom which ruveuue t i he men, snail be charged for at the raio of t. vi tenia a line, i nese. ruieB will be strictly aiiher in irvuiy lllPUtllCC Advertising rates reasonable and madeknow upon application. We hold each and every correspondent rp puiiMuie ior ins or ner con inlcation. Ni correspondence will be published unless tin writer s real name is signed as an evidence o good iiilih. I f. FISI1KU, NEWSPAPER ADVERT.- nig Agent, 21 Merchants txchangi lan Francisco, is our authorized agent. Tilt paper is kept on tile 111 liisollice. TIME TABLE. Htage for Hardman. Monument, Long Creek John Day and Canyon Clly, leaves as i'oilowB : Every day at (i a. in., except Sunday. AiTivesevervdavatti u. iii..exciiilMoiidn 'I lie cheapest, quickest and bust line to 01 irom me interior country. J. B. DELEVAN, Prop. VV. A. Johnston.Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build uo Uevv- ner. Patronize those who jatrouizt you. Here and There. To find a chap that owes you cash You'll have to hunt with caic; But tf you owe a man a bill You'll meet him everywhere. After the fair is over After the bills for hash ; Many may be in clover, Hut few at the best in cash! Jus VVyliind, of Httrduiun, wus in tin city yemeidiiy. .Saturday whs a busy day in fleppnei (ur tlllH SCHBOU. Jus. Dungherty ia over from Wallowa oounty lor a sburt time. We will take wlieHt on subscriptini at 60 oeuts per bushel. E. A. Kramer is buok to Heppnei after uti auseuoe of a few mouths. Hood's Pills may be bad by mail foi 25 cents of C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell Mass. Mrs. E. Dilsamer, of Iowa, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 8 S. Hoi nor. of this city. Tbe HeppuerCanyon stage liue is tin beBt, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Chiis. McDowell and F. J. Hallock bave given this office valuable assistnnct tbe past week. Wasn't last weeks' rains oopious foi this section? The flouring mill is now running by water. Anyone rinding a letter addressed to B. b. Miller will please drop it in the post office, and oblige. 1 t. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine ud tobacco habit. Bee ad. The Gazette will take oounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe ol Bi.me in cush at highest market price. 7 60 Joe Keney departed for Pendleton on Moudny eve's special, after a toui of Graut county looking after bis inter ests there. Ed. I'ay and wife returned yesterdaj from a trip to the World's Fair. Tbe oome home well pleased but glad to see Morrow county again. Paul Lederle aud daughter, who have been in Ibe employ of A. Abrahamsick for some time, departed Friday last for Walla Walla. Notwithstanding tbe early hour, tbe train was received this morning in proper foi m, the baud and various committee being present. Col. L. F. Cook and Grand Chancellor E. E Sharon formed the vanguard ol Knights of Pythias, arriving on yester day eveuing's train. George IMoKay shipped four car-loads of cattle to Portland from "eppuer yes terday morning. Mr. MoKay is from Waterman, Grant county. Tbe Knights of Pythias were mpt at Arlington yesterday and this morning by members of be reception committee, from Dorio Lodge. No. 20. Green Mathews' the limber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture store on Main Btreet. Shaves, Bbampoos, hair cms and the like aways ou tap. The rains of last week and yesterday played havoc with the streets, and hence the parade was ooii&ued to tbe side walk. It was a success, however. Wiley McBee leaves next Saturday for 'Frinco, via steamer from Portland. He finds that the lower oountry agrees , better with bis health than this section. Os Mitchell has put up 250 tons of fine alfalfa hay this season, and will feed it to 1,500 head of sheep this winter, pre paratory to shipment to tbe best ooast market. 8 P. Sbutt, editor of the Condon Globe, is visiting his parents in Pennsyl vania, whom he has not seen since leav iug the borne of his childhood, eleven years agd. Messrs. Minor & Mnrlatt and Brown & MamiHou shipped Ibree carloads of oattle to Portland market las' Friday. W. O. Minor and J. F. Spray went be low with them. Forest Grove Times: W. E. Brock and mother, of Hillsburo, left for Hepp ner, Morduy eveuiug. Vie suppose he has left the state of single bleBsedness before this. Judge Hallook, in tbe duel oapncity of justice of tne peaoe aud recorder for tbe town of Heppner, is being kept quite busy. Fie1 makes an excellent officer. The stage between Monument and Canyon City is ruuning again, regard less of wind or wealber. It. is to be regretted that temporary misfortunes should have interfered with that liue. Uou't ovi rlook J.B. Tedro'e at the Aroade when thirsty. Half and half aud fresh beer always on tap Also a fine stock of liquors and cigars always on hand Give Ted a oail. . McAiee Bros., having reopened the Palace bar, kindly ai-k for a continu ance of their former patronage. This .is by all odds the finest bar in Heppner. Tbe boys keep a good stock. Call on tbem. A few delegations bearing oordwond will be welcomed at the Gnze,tte nffii-p Our little book contains a hott of promises that are yet nnHIIed, but. the boys are iVideutly "banking out" and will get in soon. It is said that Chas. Jones gets np the best meal in town, over Abrahamsick's tailor sbp. We have Green Mathews for authority, and of course, Charley, with this fluttering recommendation, will soon bt- doing a thriving business n Hf P.l r..v nf Snin I.rrlun K. nf P . receded th van, arriving here Friday St. Mr. Cottey vtsi'ed rrienas ana rei- i Vg in tlis vicinity previous to the; cuing or Grand Lodge. He wrs in i otiutry nineteen years ago and , any obangei. Perhaps some of ,.ur readers would like to kuow in what respect Chamber lain's Congb remedy ia better than anv other. We will tell you. WbeD this renii Iv in taken as eoon ns cold baa been contracted, aud before it baa be come settled in tbe system, it will oouuteraot the effect of tbe cold and greatly lessen it's severity, aud it is the Jiny remedy that will do this. Ill acts in perfect harmony witu nature and hiiIs nature iu relieving tbe lungs, open ing tne secretions, liquefying the mucous and causing it expulsiou from the air cells of the lungs and restoring the system to a strong and healthy condition. No other remedy in the market possesses these remarkable prop erties, ixo otner win oure a cold quickly. For sale by Hlocutn -Johnson Drug Co. "During my term of servioe in the army I contracted chronic diarrhsja," says A. l,. Deuiiiug, ol Ualsey, Oregon. hinco tlieu 1 have uaed a great amount of medioine, but wbeo I found any that would give me relief they would injure ray stomach, until Chamberlain's Colio, tjnmera JJiarrnoea iiainedy was brought to my notice. 1 used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me perma nent relief and no bad resnltB follow." For sale by Slooum-JohuBon Drug Co. A scrap oooured over on May street Saturday between A. Abrahamsick and C. Knhl. No blows however: nriuoiDallv "btitJ" talk. They were arrested yester day moniing cbaiged with uoiug abusive and profane language. Both pleaded not guilty. Mr. Buhl bad bis hearing yesterday before recorder Hal lock. No evidence of importance being given iu he was discharged. Mr Abra hamsick will be given a hearing later on. 'I consider Chamberlain'a Couch Remedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is ore of the most important requisites where a congb remedy is intended for use among chil dren I have known of cases of croup where I know the life of the little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, ruggiat.Avooa, Neb 50 cents a bottle, lor sale by Hlocum-Johnson Drug Co. The surrounding hills, trimmed here and wilh somber basaltic rook, are again being fringed with a fringe of green, the result of oopious fall rains. Hepp uer's eternal bibs yet furnish that which maketh glad tbe heart of tbe town cow who likes to mix in a little buuobgrass now aud then with sections of neighbors trout yards. Arlington Record: Dr. Nioklin, of Condon, died at that place tbe first of the week after a long aud painful ill ness. The dootor was one of the leading citizens of our county, and was hon ired aud nspeoted both as a cituan and a physioian. His loss is mourned by a host of friends. The printing force of Heppner has been very busy tbe past week on K. of f. printing, and if the people are not furnished with prime editorials, newsy oculd and sensational matter right off the wires, they should not kick. Prin- ers are human. Gid Hatt has purchased Hick Math ews' interest iu tue City Hotel barber thop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts, etc., dished up in the beet of style Baths for the millions. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The dnrseman. Gazette shop, agents, Land Foh Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson nrairie. A good stock ranch and Aid be sold cbeap. Call at Gnzette ffioe for particulars and terms. tf. A Biioken Arm. - On laBt Friday tbe ittle five-year-old son of 8. E. Miller.of rmdan Fork, suffered a fraolure of tbe ight arm Dr Gagen was oalled and set tbe injured mt ruber, aud at last aa oonuts, tbe patient was doing extremely well. Notes Fbum Salbsi Disthmt. Both of tbe pastors in Salem bave been cordially welcomed to tbeir new field of bur. Geo. W.Graunis, of First oburob, was tendered a reception September 22.1. and South Salem received J. M. tibulse tbe following Tuesday. Kind "ords were spoken by the resident pastors of other churcheB and tbe new men responded. J. M. Sbulse was Htely transferred from tbe Colombia River conference by Bis bop Qodsell aud taimned at South Bulem. racinc Christian Advncite. Uncomfortable Incident. John Spray and Oscar Minor returned yester day from Portbind where they had been with cattle. Ou tbe trip up it was their misfortuue to meet with a most uuoom fortable inoident. The train stopped at what they supposed to be Arlington, but by the time the train got under way they discovered that it was Qoinnis, a small sratiuu some miles below Arling ton. By ounsideraole effort Osoar re gained the platfoim of the car, but John was not eo fortunate aud wusleft. Yedtc-day be came up to Arlington on foot excepting a six miles' ride ou a band-car, reaching that town in time to catch the Heppner train. A Skycyole Invembd. A skycye'e to fly through the air from Portlai d, Oiegon, to this city, (San Fraucisco,) says the Examiner, is one of the iatet t novelties auuounced foi tbe midwinter fair. Bicyales for ase on land and water have been successful, the former especially so, and now Oregon, tbe welifoot, uioSbbuck state, is trying a new field for the wheel. Fred T. Mer rill, a bicjele export ot Portland, has a uew machine which is intended to niivigate tbe air. It is called a sky cycle and was invented by Joaquin Miller's brother, who resides at Eugene, Or. Mr. Merrill is making arrange ments to bave the machine manufactur ed and will commence as soon as a few lumiir changes are m-ide. He gave a p utial description of itie machine upon which he is experimenting, aud rrom bis statement these experiments bave met nub oousideiable nucue-s. lioot yo n Know That to have perfect health you must bave puie blood, and tbe best way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsuparilla. the best blood purifier aud strengtl builder, It expels all taint of soroful), salt rheum and all other humors, and at the same time nuilds up the whoie system aud gives nerve strength. BI.'CKBI BUCKS! I will huve a band ot bucks for sale at my place, near Heppner Warehouse, j in this ciiy, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to $7; Thoroughbreds $12. Don't fail to sttrnd tbe bale. t3-tf Tom Morgan. Mr. Xarfcin Whole Family Helped "My husband was confined to the house, al most unable to walk, on account of an ulcer oa hij left leg. He took Hood's SarsaparUla and and at onco there were viens of imprsre meat, lie was soon able to go to work a-aliu My oldest son was stricken down with rheu matic fever. After taking llooii'a Sarsaparilla Hood'snCures a short time he soon rocovercd his health. At tending others, I became all run down, flood's Barsanarilli did me much good." Mrs. b. S. Lajikin, Chlco, Butte County, California. Hood's Pills aro prompt and efficient, yet uy la actlou. Sold by all druggists. Zoo. 1 Hair Death 9 I i j5 nitantly removes and forever destroys ob S fecttonabi hair, whether upon hands, face. 3$ arm or n-ck, without discoloration or tv- Pg W titty years the secret formula of ErasmuB if fwiiBon, aekuowiedg xi by phvBlclauB a the highest authoritat.d the" mostemi nent dermntoloKist and hair specialist that ever lived. Durimr his Dractice ot e ; a, ine-iuiie unonjf ine noDinry ana ans- nerat.-y oi curope ne precriDea tnis rec- ? ipe. Frice 1 by mail, securely packed. uorretponainceconnd'.nUal. Bole Agents tor America. Adareas. The H'ookum R ot flair Grower To. f ? Dept. R., 57 South Fifth Avenue, New J Vork. t; Kkadinq Room Sdpper. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 10, a sapper ill be given at the building known as the old Record office. Doors open at six o'clock; ad mission only 25 cents, the proceeds of this sapper to be used for tbe benefit of tbe free reading room. Many of tbe Knights and Pythian Sisters have kindly volunteered their help, and as that will be daring tbe session of tbe Grand Lodge, of K. of P., at this plaoe, we anticipate at good patronage. The oitizeos of tbe town will be given an opportunity to as sist in preparin g this supper. The reading room is a good institution and as winter bas increased the expense of running it, we take this opportunity of giving every body b obance to help in the good work. 7-9 Hip's Wood Yakd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 81.00. Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan it Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, bas just located in the Abrabam eiolr building, on MBy street, where be is prepared to do everything in bis line. lr Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work man and warrants all work. Give him a call Uwtf "How to Care ill 8k in Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medioine required. Cores tetter, eczema, Hub, all eruptions on tbe face, bands, nose, &c, leaving tbe skin clear, white and healthly. Its great healing and onratiye powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr. HKWAKD. Strayed, last spiing; a dark brown mare, medium size, white spot on fore bead, branded (4) four on left sbcnlder; inverted 44 (ft-) and housetop J on left hip. 85 will be paid for ber return if found in the vicinity and $10 from a distance. A. W. Balsigeb, lone, Oregon. 164-68-w. M. Licbtentbal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention, a THE OPEN SWITCH. AN ESTABLISHED 8AFEQUAKD. Anybody who tiarels by cars knows what it meant by ''an open switch." It is tbe terror of railroad men, and the dread of the traveler. Its victims killed, horribly man gled or maimed for life are numbered by the acore each year. Yet even the dreaded "open switch " is not so widely fatal as is a certain disease, which, without ceasing its activity for an instant, is daily filling hundreds of graves. What is that terrible ailment? you ask. It is Heart Dinette I " But," you reply, con fidently, "i haven't any heart disease my heart is all right." Are you sure Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhart, Ind., the distinguished specialist in diseases of the heart and nervous system, states that disor ders of the heart are as common as those of the lungs, liver, stomnch, bowels or kidneys, though often unsuspected. The reason peo ple are not aware of this important fact is because 'vmnMms of heart disease are not usually ' ii 'iii.cd as proceeding from this oman, ! :' a e attributed to some other source. ,i u have shortness of breath, fluttering or p . I p i tut ion, pain or tenderness in left breast, shoulder or side, oppressed or choking sensation, fainting or smothering pells, your heart it affected. "1 had been troubled with heart disease for years, Myleft pulse was very weak, could at times scarcely feel it, excitement would weaken my nerves and heart, and fear of impending death stared me in the (ace for hours. Dr. Miles' Nerrine and New Heart Curt are tlieonly medicines that have proved of any benefit and cured me."-L. M. DYER, Cloverdale, Md. " My wife his been taking Dr. Willi Nev Oure for the Heart. She thinks it wonderful. She has not been troubled with pain or mothering spells since nsing it. " We have also used Dr. MUttf Pills, and we find them all they are claimed to be." GEO. L. FINK, i Philadelphia, Pa. These and hundreds of similar testimo nials are convincing proofs of the wonderful powers of Dr. Milci New Cure far the Heart. It is effective, agreeable, and above all, SAFE. bold by druggists on a positive guarantee, ot Dr. Milan Medical Co. Elkhart, Ind. For sale by T. W. Ayert jr.. NOW K YOUR GOLDEN 0PP0RTDN1TY To ObtainAnOrgaD Ik Every pern wbo purchases OHE DOLLAR'S worth of goodg will re ceive a tioketon a Grand Weaver Organ one hundreJ rnd twenty-five dollar Organ to be given away December 24th lSt3, A. GREAT BL3HSSING THAT KOLMAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. Offers a magnificent new stook at nrsi-oiass goons. nign grades m all departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. That is tbe reason you sbonld oome early and secure your BAR GAINS from our splendid lines of OB! GOODS, CLOTEIUS, BOOTS and SHOES!- Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. VE show all tbe latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest selec tions in all standard styles. We make it a point to bave every artiole in J stock tbe best of its kind. Tbe dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts : longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does . I more good in service, worth antl wear than any money you spend. Our goods and prioes, now waiting for your inBneotion. will prove this. Remember it is an established fact that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe -B0ST0I ($S STOP,- J. H. KOLMAN. BEN LELAND. Salesman. HERE IS THE PLACE To Gret Even on Your Lafe.- p Hardware Store ! JUST OPENED.H A COMPLETE LINE OF- riardware, QUEENSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and ripe, ranks, Bathtubs and blinks, rmmbmg Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. M CELEBRATED : -:- You will save money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -:- :- :- :- -: -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., BIG DIlIT-iiM i i i AT in McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner. Oregon. Now is the time to make vour money oonnt. Our whole stook of Pry Goods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, fancy Goods, Gloves, etc., etc., will be sold at wholesale prices for cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before kuown in Oregon. This is NO BAIT on B few lines. Onr WHOLE STOOK goes at suoh reduced Bgures that the per son needing supplies for oash cau be made bappy. If you wish to save your money send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving discounts on per cent. off. Dry Goods, Clothing, etc 25 to 33 Men's and Boys' Hats 30 Women's and Children's bboes,25 to 30 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Ginghams, Sheetings and Domestics 20 All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solioited, oash orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash. Very .Respectfully, MoFAELAND MERCANTILE CO, IS YOUK Tall Oflsh Bale at O. S. VAN DUYN'S, continue till further notice. Mv entire chandise, at COST for CASH, ONLY. LOOK OUT FOR THE MANY Bargains in Sight for You. C. S. VANDU YN, Heppner, Oregon. soy 7 Portland, Oregon. A. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. 2 A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. LEGAL DUNKS Otis Pa too NOTARY PUBLIC ".CONVEYANCER The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI MANCHIiHTBM, UNOL,AND 1 W. PATTERSON, AGENT On0't.he Bt in tlie World prices tbe lowest yet named for strictly Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE, 4 (SAND 534-tf HEPPNER, OEEQON. per cent. off. Hosiery 30 Meti's Overshirts and Furnish ing Goods 80 Hardware 20 to 25 Ssddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 with OPPOirrUMTY! opening on Tuesday, Sept. l!)th, and will mer stock of 815,030, all good. clean P. Armstrong, Principal )) Plenty of them at the Gaz.tte Office AT OKKICIC P. 6. JTTOPSOi go, LJaving put their business upon a tem porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known iu Heppner. We must get our stock into money, and profits are no objeot when the money oomes in sight. Shake your cash at ue and gee us tumble. Haw THE PEOPLE OUR Not only once, but again and again. They know that from ng they always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends, and so establishes oar trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. y ' XNOR Sc CO GhangejofjOwnership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE v v whioh we propose to oonduot in on hands at all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW 85-tt. h Keeley Uie -OF- KIRK & The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE -A-3STD FANCY -f Groceries and Provisions. A full line of choice Pies, Cakes and Bread; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call ano try tbem. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY BXivinET, mruti W PO ''ftOS Only First-Clase UttwfflK lPSf 2 Bnl,diD? Wired fllllil MBJ UtJ fffl5 throughout. Sit PORTLAND'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION Opens September 27 1SS3 Closes October 28 MBEfrSGELEBpTED njILITY BJSIjD WIl.L FURKIHII THK MUHIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINATURE. THE HPECIAI. FEATL'KKH WII.I. KCUPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAH. MADAME GIRARD GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN c"!','IC1,,''u-u'w:r:;ttss:!.,',e, 'ua11 th LAR,aB AOQUARIUMS' (,ntiuiTig lili ot all variety found in Oregon THE ART '.""iHii a iraiion oi paintiiiKs saleoled "l vusisr g Last wonders In every deiiuriiueul of Arum rair ai iiunao. REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further information address B3. "W. .AXiIjEJiT Superintendent and Secretary. lllls, Dawson & Iyons, ATTOIiNKYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, ARE COMLN a WAY! Heppner, Oregon. OF THE LIBERTY Ml? AT MARKET, the most sntlofiinr ' & McCAETY, ProDrietors. For the Oure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits , It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazkttk office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure BUHL, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust Busts HEPPNER, OB. hotel in Heppner. for Eleotric Lights Best accommodations for the traveling pnblic. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MBS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. water have been constructed at rcat 1 expense. GALLERY. leoled from the World's Fair. Among thera ElUbors'a Fight. To yiSt thu great Exposition and vlew'ti dScToucc, will be next thing to a visit to tbe World's from the World's Fair. OREGON.