I fffE ml W SELL YOU ' o One of the Best Heces of Land in Morrow County.isss 7TND li yl fence. 60 ACRES rimber Culture claim ad joining, of which dmled lan.) th ere are 140 ncres gn d farming land, and the balance A 1 pnetuie. The deeded laud Us got d fj.ring of water on it, all umlxr ""ui iwu nines wester, nftraman i - 1 I a Yi . Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, S800. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap ami on eiiay terms. AND STILL ANOTIIi:iv. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on ensy terms. A good ruHtler cuu pay for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the Enst and has no use tor it. For further information call at oar office. m m .fJa. -t"l' m-m ihCfylJ fff JPUB. CO. Give your business to Ueppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re- .ponBioie lor Ms or her communication. No lurresnonaence will be published unless the writer real name la signed aa an evldeuce of good faith. XJiJ yon ever Read nbont the Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. All the Bui Je schemes Iu the country Will not accomplish Half as much Ab a good ad. In a good, live. Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read Bv the people. And that owns Its own Soul; that Uh its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. "inB Human Documents" in the October number of McClure's Magazine consist of three portraits of T. B. Reed. four of Frances E. Willard, four of "Bill Nye," better known as Edgar Wilson Nye, and seven of George W. Cable, the novelist. of minis. The loss of life on the oomt of the Gulf states, caused by the recent storm and tidal wave, is large. Small islands near the Louisiana coast were entirely iaundated, and the damage and number drowed oannot now be estimated. The Thirteenth Annual Conven tion at Hejipner is Ushered into Existence Appropriately. TUB K. OF P. GRAND LODGE. For the thirteenth time, the Grand Lodge of Oregon, Knights of Pythias, meets to enact legislation for the juris (notion, and to eleot officers for the coming fiscal year. It is not every own the size of Ueppner that has t ad the pleasure of witnessing bucq a gathering. In fact, the Oregon Grand Lodge of this fraternity has never be fore met i i as small a place as Heppner, with, perhaps, one exception, the meet ing at Pendleton of 1887 Pendleton at that time was but little if any larger than Heppner is at present. While our town is not a eeoond Den ver, yet we think that the visitiog ttuig' ts will go nway impressed with the fact that we are, as has been said of us, '-the biggest little town in the state.'' fhe fraternal Zeal of the Ueppner Knights is true as steel, aud the patmt im of our citizens the genuins sort. The Guztitie be ieves that the Grand Lodge will not regret having held their thirteenth annual convention at Hepp ine composition of this Grand Lodge will certainly oompare favorably with those of other leading fraternal organi sations, or with any body of oitizena, in fact, let them bi gathered together for whotever purpose. Of such material are good and true Kuights made and without boasting, we believe them a fair sample of the Oregon brethreu. With out delving deeper into the mysteries of Pythian Knighthood, one mast seo immediately that the order is an ex ponent of better deeds and nobler lives. Sofarnothiug has happened to mar the pleasure and profit to be gained by the meeting. And it is hoped that when the deliberations of the Oregon Graud Lodge arc riuiebed much eood work wilt have been done, anu that all will leave wilti the brat of fceliug toward our citizens and Knights of Pythias. j2 Ihe lelegram wants to know "why ""u' " goou scneme to shoe offa little corner of the EaBt aud an nex it to England? The rest of the country would be rnn on the American plan." Thk democratic and republican con vention have met in New York and have nominated candidates for all state offices exoept governor and lieuteLant governor. The Hill fellows ran the first named to suit themselves. J&il ISobekt P. Potter tells n. in r. Clure's Magazine of October that Tttomas B. Keed, of Maine, was born ust around the oorner from Henry VV. .&t IjOn,B1,0w s birthplace. Representative Bryan, of Nebraska, is withdrawn from the democratic arty. He did not like the adminis 3 tration convention at Lincoln which sat own bard on silver. Fredrick T. Greenbiloe, has been nominated by the Massachusetts repub licans as their oondidato for governor It is thought that he will be successful. The Vigilant, the American yatch, won tlie first of the series of inter na tional races. Bully fur America, even if Uncle Sam has a dictator for president. The Ives-Ri.berts billiard contost nt New York is creating some interest Ives is the American champion while Roberts hails from Euirlaud. A beast named Jus. Barkey attempted to rape a four year-old child ut Walla Walla. He was btund over. Hahry Tyler made a mile on a bi- oyole, standing start, in 2:013 5, at Springfield, Mass., Oct. 5. A large grain ulevator was burned at La Grande Oct. 4th. AGUKHllfUHAL COLLEUK NOTES. As per' previous arrangement, the greater number of the delegates to the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Oregon Grand Lodge, arrived at 4:30 oolook, this morning. Notwithstanding theesrly hour, they were met by the Hepp ner band and the various committees, and the brethren, good-naturedly plac ing themselves in the care of Doric Lodge members, were soon provided with rooms. A jollier crowd of Kuitrhts never met together, and if mistakes were made, they were looked upon ns Buch and not intentional, thanks be to the gallant spirits of the mystic triangle. Morning was spent in pleasant con versation and general recuperation after the night's ride on the cars. Our little town was looked over and rioted a "big, little oity", for certain. Manv havo friends here, and the reunions were numerous and pleasant. The parade oame off in good time, but wus confined entirely to the side walks. A slight sprinkle of rain made it ratuor unoomfortable, but like the festive Eastern Oregon insect. th Knights "got there". Owing to the muddy streets, the route of march as uiv. en before, was not strictly adhered to. The exercises at the hall were carried out to the letter, with tbe exception of the oration which was delivered by Dr. J. L. Hill, appointed in the absence of li. U, (Jurtis. He did well. The regimant of Uniform Rank Divis ions met at 4 o'clook and proceeded to the election of officers. some good, practical politics in these matters, aud a fourteen-mule team couldn't stop it. As this always ends pleasantly no one begrudges the boys this bit of fun. All KuightB iu good standiug. to- gether with ladies, are expected to be present at the ball this evening. Also invited guests out of the order. PARADE EXEKCISESANDOTHalH MATTERS j deow'aHojsaodfiM?' of tbebuiness Then the Grand Lodge Will Get Down In I'T haV UOt ,he blae e,l"w Bnd Basliies. A Few Scattering Scattered Not". "' sister fraternal oroaniiatmnul the Odd Fellows, is taking rlson i. i terest m the Grand Lodge doings. Their colors float proudly from their nag-pole, and their hall is at tbe dis posal of the Knights. Tbe oontest for Supreme Representa tive promises to be interesting. ra v. uurtis. Grand Orator, has not arrivel and much disapoinrment is ex pressed by the Knights. Ed is. a good speaker and bis effort whs looked forward to with muoh interest by all, Some Kuights arc expeoted this even- u hiju me ooinmittees and band will meet the train. Kro. Kelly, of No. 43. yesterday. Jeff Myers, of Soic, Lodge is also present. His colleague is Bro. Uoney. Ihe Gazette acknowledges a pleasant call from Editors Autersoo, Carter and losier. Also of other Kniuhtu oniiiH. "i .ue ust ot typographical errors, which does not include Bro. Miohell who came in late. Prof. Miller made a fine parachute jump this afteruo n just after the exer fiises closed at tbe hall. It was the best ever seen in Heppner. 6 50 d 700 6 10 LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 38 Flour.bbl .3 75' '4 00 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 50 three ' 1 75 & 2 00 hheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 In a 25 &.nilr 1 KA 1 I uu , , MOgS, OU foot. CWt 1 Ml nogs, dressed Wool Horses, slow Butter, roll 40 t-,o Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz "0'1'in Turkeys CALIFORNIA MARKET. iv,heHt: V" fc i 05i 10 '"W.bbl 3 00 (f? 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 (3 8 00 S,0-'9.' "5' 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oraonn to .i in Su,ter? 20( 25 aggs, uoz Cbiokens, doz Turkeys, tt It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Scott s Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and producer, sound, healthy flesh. It keeps them from taking cold ;nid ; will do the same for you lti j 5 00 it 6 00 15 (o 18 PORTLAND MARKET. hel't $ 90 1 OX! lor,bbl 3 00 3 25 Beeves, o wt 1 75 f 2 75 uressed 8 50 fc, 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50 3 00 d ressed 6 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 46o fi 5(J dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 a 14 ut,eI 15 30 E?9- 15(1 20 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00 Jnrkeys lb 12 u About 20 years ago three young were publishing the Daily Herald in Portland. These young men were Eugene Seniple, A. i". Ames and Nyl YAutnr Puni,t.rn mi . cl. ierB aeouis lone a guunrnatoriBl bee buzzing around the Herald sanotu.n, for all of them hove since been nominated for governor and two of them elooted-Seuiple in Wash iuglon, I'euuoyer in Oregon, aud Ames -almost-iu Minnesota.-Astoriu Budg-I ct. J SEuamiti Carlisle's reply to the resolution or tbe house, aekiug why 4,600,000 ounces of silver were not pur chased each for Ihe mouths of July anj August, was flimsy ided. He simply says it was held loo high and he refused to obey the mandates of the law. K such on excuse is a valid one, any law can he evaded, and our republican form of government is In danger. Md'nAitY has introduced a substitute measure for the Tucker bill for the repeal of the federal election I ntvs 11 .1,..,. KITS not strike out the section referring to the putiishmeut of individual for bribery and bIso the one containing tbe de claratory principle, of the fifteenth mendmeut. Since the goverumeut now owns u""1 "uuu. nua locatiug a national park in Oregon, Washington suggests that she might also have a national res-rvHtiou wjtbiu her bounds if Taenia could only get out 0f ber head ti: . I !. .,, . . . . The state agricultural college opened on Tlmrsday of last week for the matric ulation of students, but the work of recitation did nut begin until Monday morning. The classes havo all been organized and the program for work arranged. The most encouraging thing in con nection with the opening of the oollete is the fai t that there are more students iu the college than at any other previous opening. The preparatory class is much smaller than usual. This Is due to the faot that Ihe hoard of students from cities of 2,000 inhabitants and above, from eutrance in that de partment. It was believed that cities i Buuu population could and should prepare students for entrance to the college in their publio schools. me wnoie number now enrolled in the college is 198, and several more are ueiug examiueil for entrance. Con sulting that the preparatory depart uu cut down, this shows not me college deportment has enrolled 40 stiideuts more than last year. A meeting of the State Horti..nli,i Hooiety will be held in Corvallis on th. 24tUaud 25l h of October. It is the dnfv ose in oharge of the oollfup m,,l should he that of all oiliteus. to mul uiistue nest meeting the society 1, ever held. i m , . ine college authoritie. have oon- traded for the ereotion of a brick storag room 20x30 feet and one story high. This is built near the hoys' dormitory. This building was much needed here. There is also a water "! o e una trom the mechanical building to the dormitory. The cadet band has agsin made its appearance ami is at present und.T the .nmersuip ot W. W. Loon oms tmve NOTES. The grand officers at present are. T. Hayne, P. Q. C. ; E. E. Sharon! G. C.;J. A. Waddle, G. V. C; J L Hill. G. P. ; Geo. F. MoConnell.G. K of B. & S ; E M. Sargent, G. M. of E.; E. P. Geary, G, M. at A,; J. 0. Wutts. u. 1. (.; Chas. Fellows, G. O G.; G W. Hochetedler, S. K Many of the good members of the Kuights of Pythias, where involved in the uunes or a Benedict, have seen fit to bring their wives along with them. Sime belong to that noble auxiliary" the Pythian Sisters, and we predict for tllMiri inma nlnnn.... . .... r'""1"' iriiiernai gatherings while here. Sheriff's Sale. RVV,"!7.li!E A WARRANT ISSUED u,tof''le County Court of the State ot ;"t"ul "le r ot Morrow, to me di rected commanding me to levy on the oods ami chattel, 0 the delinquent taxpaye 8 au?ed ou the delinquent tux roll for said county for theyears 18DJ), 1891 and 18K! thereto attached and none be found, then upon the real property chat el, b-louglnj to the respecttveLunquc. ts hereinafter named upon the following described Pieces or uarce r nf 1..1.H u. D, f..-.,. T. L . ,ueu lists, lying and being i said Wc "row To u follow?! de8erlbea aieS is AM'TTAX. The Undf-rHlirnuH h,.in. , . ". health hvd 8 " restorea to eral . '"' ev- To those who desire lhi will ffiS?' S vhfch they will ae?,Ty 0f the Pre-Tiption used wmcn tney will findasure cure for Conmimn Hon Asthma Catarrh, Bronchitis md a Uh "w and lung maladies. He hopes all sullere will try his remedy, as ft is inva uable Those des r 5 J"1- which will cost them ntfth ing, and may prove a blessiinr. will nl,,.L . .1 kev. tDWARD A. Wilson, dress, 1-t a w BrooKlyn, Mew Yorii. 191 18'J0, 0 06 li (IS 8 M Among the people attending Grand Lodge as representatives, our reporter noted A. B Siugleton and E. E. Long No. 1, Portland, Frauk Hotter and 1 . H oman, do. H; C. S. Benner and Dr. F. A. Golden, No. 3; H. L Hexter, No. 24 W. McClain and W. M. Parker, No' 7; 0. E. Bayard and John Michell, No ; L Carstenseu and G. W. Povey, No 10; M. P. Burnett. No. 11: H ri!, ' Ball J. C, Lon'e aiid'7' ill ' Blk." 3.' Ave'rli; s!"KiaEmC ""' SWH Scc.2 TP:'1 " U n.M-T?-.?.?:..."- C :m acres 2- ' " 1,1 " H sec. so Tp, ii E. luxes 1),. . . F " Wti Ely B. F., SK!4 Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N Taxes wai, .. " mi. tlT,fd-t!,- B; 'to Block Kii-ii Jones S. K., E!j of Sec.'e, Tp.' A, R 'ii ' E la ace Hotel Company, nmi,,,,,. Notice of Intention. Hd. m JlLtspmm,. Scott's Emul-iion ctu't.'i Ziiofrt, Colds, Consumption, Sr.wfuU j.o3 all Anaemic aaci Safe: IRs ss';-. Prevents wasting-in rtslUren. most as palatable as r:;iri:. fl -. i t.' j the Keiliiluc. Prc;ra-c.J by Kti.rt Bowne, Chemists, Nuw luri:. Kf,'J ,y all Druggists. Scoffs Eastern STATE Oregon NORMAL SCHOOL,- Weston, Umatilla Countv. Oreion. -pUlTION FREE TO NOKMAL STUDENTS, and merely nominal in the pre paratory aud business departments. Graduates reoeive State Diplomas an thorizmg them to teach iu any of the public sohools of the state withmif further examination. Board and lodging, fs 50 per week in Young Ladies' Home; board alone, . Board and lodging iu private fiiinilioi. fm.n sri r,n t 1 nn Oood opportunities are offered in vocal and instrumental music. All the depart pply to M. G. Kuyal, President of the Faculty, or P. A. Wnrthinot.m , . ...... uuu j ,L law the Board of Regents. fi' ?'0TE's HAND-BOOK OP HEALTH RIti , 18 Me "tie of a very valr.able book that gives a great amonnt Z,, " KKflPK! Importance to Eyerj-body, co,Uiernig their dailv haWtsnfT n' 'on ? the acres. 2-1 20 i fl. K. 10 07 4 ti l R. 2(i E. i0 I j'Hl'0'."18 EX Nw'4 NK'i MEU Bee !! H. ,?JSK, TP- 3. 8. kVb. V Mi ' aid IdiitJ, viz. : He names th. foT. SS' . . continuous resldenc n S,, : ",.l,".e:?v!n' n rl Inn, I J . vuiuvauou Ot. nun isaaeamitn. Of lina 11,1, ' ltiH-179 Jhhm w I d.o I..! John W. Lawis, Rekister. Notice of Assignee. HCKfcBY GIVEN THATTHP- naerslened has tl.ia ti. i. a..' A "f appointed aRi,,.:; ; "v.: .11 v.. vw uuu Ul U)K KrOR 1 3 68 .-.i ninwest corner of Lot No. six nil in nioch. bo. lour 4) In original town 01 Heppner, thence running East 110 ft thence North til) fret. ihS,.J , ,,... gT,miug,''C.'J.S0Ulh'iU,'uet Place of i l'eterson N.'m.Vsw'h Sec'. i$ Tp'.' 3 a R. ' R!jl'ih2ril"onTI'''m". SEJi Sec. 'iBT'p.'2'N.'k, Hutheivird'r'. p.,' Lots No.' V and 2,' '4' SbtSlH;YF-' 1-t.No- '(')' in Block No.' Heppner! 5 adllltio" ,0 t0' 01 Shaddock Ala'K'KW. NWv'sec 'vw'T.V i ' It. i) K. ' " strntton S. 172 80 11 26 1 SI S 118 31 lii 11 1 v . null, oiratroti M vwi .10 .... "unci au irrenrpsHih ir.a..... h , . lunuiHUUn t " the rooms in the new meoh The will time to neoessary for Pres. Blnss r1(' " t aside one f Bot e to work with . .... 1 1 . , ... ...... uupe ui a,,le , R u)rt me music college entertainment, etc, bin kindlv off. ing for the eiol anical build- A lynx or wild cat h: nsive use of the band. the 7.,w,lnif .UB "''"t t" N.,1, U y .Pwival a i,iT, t 1 ul"Dia in rortland A black bear is promised from .t, "I sourc if h .... T " . same .. u1L,n nm ... also as new. a m,ii : used i Alyib. u" r. " ' WOW . . J "i I'niii "-' niKo n nitfivu, n.,.,.. e note I canoe vesin hunting Prof. Hlmw has arranged fur onii. , adiliiion tothe mineral e "X" an b lla .... i '"".coMeetion are aV9 Contributor. tale In better advanta, ......... u. ,0; iv. n. JUcUroskev and Astoria's P. M, J. W. HBre, x"0 ,-. Messrs. G. C. Will Hnd G. B Woodford' " 18; C, H. McCollough, No. 21; H j' Uicks aud 8. Patterson. No. 'it- n-Li Soow and George Uurlhnrt v., ok. J. A. Ahlstedtand Al Johnson, No 26 F. T. Abbott, No. 27; Turrer Oliv r' No. 28; S. S. Wattermau and T V o. ijuvHrt and M. W. Slieel, No 31; J. H. Aikiu and B. M 1 32; Lewie Cook, Baker City; Mr. Winter,' and E. K. Henderson, No. 33' Geo' Schulmeriob and R. 1). nMr v C. M. Hiukle anal io,. -..:..... . ' linn..,!. 7 " ' " n ; ... - uuiu ana u. W. Marsh, No. 37 W.P. ia and Js. Bailey, N0. 3). PJ Courier, No. 41; A. Tozier and F J Benson, No. 42; A. S. Auters.m, Ed'. Woodburu, Independent, and Dr L W Ouiss.No.44; E. C. Willey, No. 4d;' g' Lowl "id L. S. Tates, No. 61; C W Lamson, No. 52; C. L. Hawlev. N m! V.C. Brock and C. J. Bright, No. M'; A. Jackson and L. Wiuther, No 55 W. S. Hurst, clerk of the Oregon Miller's' Association, No. 5,i; G. W. Whitney p ' a "aPy.!o. 59; a. Matthies, "... -.rKUU ivnigur, No. 00, organized last Saturday eveuing and the young est lodge iu the jurisdiction. So far as known, every Grand Lodge officer is present. Also P...t n...... Chancellors Hume. Bnnh.nD.. n..u stedler, Jett and Cleveland s., ladies have accompanied their husbands and Dorian Temple No. 6 will endeavor o uinae ineir stay possible. Little trouble was fiuding rooms for the visitors, ami fruujises well. The usual ,ste for eranJ offi . being made. There U 00 Ma of di. 6 S 53 SEk of KP.u 1 Sec. 10 In Tp. TP. 2 N., li. 25 'l NWy Sec. 10, Tp. 1 N U '. ' Sec. '.1 and NWJt of N w l. n, k iae lor i:), laxes t.ir imii'I And on SanmiiV'Vhi' '.iiVi;".'.::.''';'-: S8 at the hour of 10 o'c ,'k or". ,r', Dated, Kept. 30, ikhj. Geo. Nohi.f Shenft- of Morrow (iomirv VOTICE IS ii 11 been al ,,,, 11 J - . " ' w M. bllQUI ......... t eu ho rs wno sha not nMiiii ii.... Ki.nu n.n.n., ', ..r -L ioJ'i. ....uiueys ior Assig nee. 0-170 P. Kell. Assignee. Administrator's Notice. JOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TH VT A;vl, o .administration 011 the estate of David N. I ardnian, deceased, were granti.1 tn the undersigned 011 the 25th day of Sent 1SA by the county court of Morrowcounty All persons hav nif clnfm. ... . are required to exhlr.lt Vh. ... ..... day of Sept. im "ea this 25th j A. Hood. Administrator. rmng their daily habits of Eatln. nrinti r."Z ". ITTRI.L ew., How'toV JS?".?? '?.... Parasite, of the Skta. n... ThtoM tr nv' VK-"i T'"" " .r "'yaiios, Bathlng-Bost Wav. ' V." 'i', ' " '"'.v. nZi .i nupernuous Ha r, C'lothinir U'hif i.V hure ror Intemperanco DZil11!? ".' Hemovlng s,o,' Uov &h vJyatt'Mead,U!be- Cause 4 cre, oS8H,fhiSslnf' Scoring the Urowaed, Contagion, IHIi S,et Wd of Lice, ' Pest, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, HlVes, HtSnes Ttchin?"8' araolle' Felons' Holes PIrnples, Plies, liheumatlsm ltlngworm, Si s "r"!35"' Iv? Poisoning, wI'S8'80'6''88' E),cs' So Mouth, Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms to Children. nlSmoSS!mM U'0e' I!"A11 new subscribers nnd nmmt .. . . preserved with a free cony of th . . "'" UU""B e mouth of Aug. will t,a 1 as a premium. Oh COURSE)TJio inairiTO-.l, w , T ' nu. to "mn'v :LX 'nV(- YOU ThJ tJT.hhi' lu.n'amasre; ( DAYS WANT ti ! "ii1 , w 10 nave pnzo babies; hvr nV, 1 )1 16 m?tlier-how t-have them withnnf . n-.H KNOW Th c,1,I,ilessTw to be fruitful ai n M Z . sOTI i invalid-how to U w. l T, , W1U ' "'Ott. l.U Innrroo 9nn ..i m , T t liliAtt. Sheriff's Sale. ...L... CACVIIllUII liitlHil ,,., .r.1'""A?"rtof the State of Oregon f Notice of Intention. :htthe' nni:i,i8- . . !:?..B. h"oby give,! )f her iiuV Zu , "n.s "'Mice "ojiuuci, urcSOil. On Nnv H Iwu j i.. . wlHnw , 'v.''A.RY. ' ANTWEIX, ' Mile HdT An No. li ",""' tJh . ?' EtKht Tp. 3 S. R. it E. W. M. ' " " 01 ec. continuous r.,8i,i,,n , ". I "",!? Pr9ve her said land viz - H "u tu'on of, .1. H 1.,,,.,." .... Mile, and Jas. Inskeep, of Eight Mile. K Iffl-IT.T John W. Lrwis. Kegister delivered' ,m; r!" .u ",e "'l''-'l and 1 r. . r. j".".i , - i icur. i Hint IV o.i f remipr.,,1 .....t l.Vi. Iu favor nf ( u r ..." " V, . '!tl,-U against o W. Rea, liefendanV. fo r the V' , " "V."1"''1 l two dollar.' and seven, : 'fiv n. "''?-.old ' with interest thereon . furtluirs, , Ji, V.u'' r.y . "'".Jinuor the as P easant the rate of t "M" ' .u," at from the loih 1f.1v nt VY... "."!' cola Id IJ9.84 ( it was or. property, to.ivlf vi" 7 "':""1 real in township two CMS K-r. v w 01 34 the ;., th clay of October 1S03 .? 1 5 "' "'! saw nay, at the front door of the court hn.V. in Heppner, .Morrow County Ore?n ?! c' right title ,, i,ri,,t SUTi't f cash In hand, the imiinttU-UOn OI I that may accrue, NIlMrl Dated October 2. is:, Notice of Intention. LA7LATE dalles, orkgon her intention to make final nr., nf V,, otu'e 01 her claim, and tha?ld nrnK ,,l,uuP.t"-t 01 lorej.w. Morrow, County clerk it h. Oregon, on Nov. yj. i89a viz HTPner, sMn -H se JoN W.Licwi8,'KegScr. TO FOR INVENTIONS. that oflttn?te"5' ?f those havinrr ri.lftl. of the WZ'r.tlie benefi of of the attornc tirely,p0nth-':"':,rf- .'or With tllP ri., f nnft 1 Tr1 . agamst Hie 1. 01 tne farnmn... ' . .. . wine benefit nf ..-v. : s-..uii.cut oto.. --j'VLi.iiLy or inattent on nf " ""uuie rM".uis. inr.tniini. . . v 111c a able solicitors to "n,, n"? b,e "ercised I li 1? 'mP'0yed t0 obtain their 1 Pateut depends greatly, if not vvitn t 10 t .. . "ie atrornpv ni...i.n . . f''ice, and tlior r-...., nCMrere. T;!?""15 States are prepared to Sheriffs Sale. terferences, WSS ft-mrt-. Conduct f o w. 1 raue-marks anri riim,j.L. ".tjctvcu vases, Scope and V.Mdi?v 1e Opinions as to Defend InfriiinfSS? "oe"te and to- Tf , iUk OU11S. Htc.. -r-cu as to the hes lulP"nantteaturea. tiii u. !? OlllPranro """'c tc Tllircn. ' J win uc al once others, subm Uthegrnnff0Ur ' yon " ch." ?cessary. If matter'. bUUt the Dlatt to uP for a rehable OPTfc1 "Moment by ueiore actinor on ti 0 a. 1 StierlfTof Morrow CouuK-Sn lli7- Blood Builder 1 "- , . . I for SJ.50. Spud for ciii.llvt P-o.i; Wol. Dr. WILIUMS nuiiCKE CO.. ovuviicciaav, n,y Rr-ic?t'li!e, OtU.' hpivdv .. un.lei-.iiHK..:....".".-0,'... THAT I. the proceeds to be applied to the ' ?uf nJ the ctr"t Cour : of the , w.w" 0 said execution and all cos". I "r the County of Morrow, lid 8 'h 'rt'K0'.1 ",v- , oiiii neiivereil. Iinnn u "neciet entered In .aid court .S t i n '." d "m. in lavor of K K Hiih. 6ePt against iif' . ''?ntm; aud 1,,, ": ulj ana i.nf.v t fc'i-iviiuauis, lor the sum nf n,, T ' , 'av, slstvticht rtnii.l. .'""J,0'0" .hundred and interest thereon .t th. r..'. i cn'h. with annum in like (told coin from Vh TeeIlt Per March iKvrj, ami the lurth.V .m, th? 'lav of fees and ?. nu ne.,Iu".hJ.er "." "I 4W At tv. jimgiiieui it was ordered ,1 , "d following descrlhJrt ?J, ?mil that the to Hepp,,. Morrow Co in t'v OreSon"', a'i'mion satiny Judgment, cost, and bt' 0d to I will, ou th h h!" fcniu,g co. repneVi7hegh li,;r.ue.';',dM?,';row "t" said Georges. ijr.f. .IfV'n4 interest of tn to the aliove ilescribnli 'r'''. In and Auction totl,enfKhe.i.iCFoer7 tf. ''"W? theurooee.1. t h 0er lor cash n h,,.i fold exwution and".' "1 , i',e "".faction of may accrue. cotl'' ,nd costs that .W SepS,he3olff&SIom' Con?y, Orego. 167-78 w 'srairroOTHwil? cl-niMS company 10HS WEODERBURN. JSES2i.,la S- Cut thi. ......... ... -s wm.jjf. - na sana It fWl" PALLES, OREGON the folliwing ZJ" e hereby given that .us lureiitiou to m.i,. ,. ,' "nrt nieu n his claim a ,h thl? i1"1 Proof in tut 'ore J') r " S proof win be ,1 J'-.on .Vov.m93C,v!z5: Clcrk " notice of npport of aue be- eppner. . He names the fol lowl,,.',. l;..' . . . a , v.l fiai-Mll Mil fll-ar, Joun W. Uwis. Kegister. 1117-177 FREE TBIAI- "d lost Tltali, A Mchnp. of , tret. ...iniior wcak0mad i lort viwit, ;,''fT,,7bi"'' 1 with your Inquiry. . otfce 0 Intention. the foUowini i,,0 hereby given that n s intention to make Vi , 110,108 of his claim, and that if w11 pr,oof 1,1 upport of Or., on Nov. 1OT3 vi"" y Clcrk' ! PPner, of lone; H eam5' HITMAN, 4i'"o1io!,eferk"'0Te Zi JOH" W. LawiH, Registers ,,w,U nu.ina... v ...... ... 'R,WA"D,N5IUT"E,t2o&W!ui.Wnuo. T-i rlt. " jsuC St. Loom. Mo