Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 06, 1893, Image 3

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    NoriOK 10 AUVKHTiatKS.
IHilhK desiring tli; tiwirlon of r1Iniiay ads.,
or cliHiiKt' of nati"', iiinii! net their copy In
not 1 but than Monday e ? i i hk for Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday rvvi.ii.jc for Fridays H-
1. The Mum of ttvi) cent per Hue will be
charged for "cards nf thanks," "resolutions of
reHiw:t," llsti of wediitiiif in-tt'iit mil doumn,
ml obituary notice, iottnr than tho- the edit
or shall himself give as a mailer of news,) niid
notices of special ineetiiiK fur v. Imtever purjHtae.
'I. Notices of church and mm it'ly mid nil ntju-r
tantertal omenta from which revenue i to t-e de
rived, shall bo charged for at tlm !: .if livt
tenia a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rate reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her coiniiiuiilcatioii. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer b real name in signed as an evidence of
good faith.
J im 1ik Agent, 21 Merchants fcxehange,
bun iranclsco, is our authorized agent. This
paper is kept on lile in hiBollice.
Htuge fnr llardman, Monument, Look Creek,
John Day anil Canyon City, leaven at follow. :
Every day at ti a. m., except tiunday.
Arrive, every day at G p. m., except Monday.
'the cheapest, o,nlckc.t and be.t line to or
from the interior country.
J. B. DELEVAN, l'rop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Give your business to Ileppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Mepp
ner. Futronize those who patronize
Here and There.
II heaven sweet one, had Intended
That evil should dwell In a kiss,
It shurely never would have blended
With sliming duch hcuvinly bliss,
Then yield not to idle contrition
. For trnant desirso I pray,
But think of the sin of omission
In not being blessed while we may.
O. C. Hill, of Duyville, was seen oil
oar Btrei't Wednesday.
Hiok Mathews returned from Port
laud Wednesday evening.
We will take wbent on subscription
Bt 50 oeuts per bushel.
Oolliu & MoFarland have K. of P.
decorations, blue, yellow and red
W. K. Norman, a traveling represen
tative oi a 'Frisco houee, was in the
oity yesterday.
Mrs. Nannie Brians ad daughter, of
Gooseberry, were registered at the
Palaoe Tuesday.
D. Van Horn, the piano tuner, is
again in the oity looking aiter the wants
of his customers.
G. V. McHaley and D. C. Couoe, of
Orant county, spent several days
in Heppuer this week.
Bud Shobe left yes'erday for Canyon
Oity to attend oourt which conv. nes
next week at that place.
G. W. Vinoeut, the newly appointed
county commissioner, of Butler Greek,
was in town Wednesday.
Hood's Fills are easy to take, easy in
action and sure in ellect, 25 oents a
Hugh Fields oame up from below
the lirst of the week and is now looking
after interests in this section.
Condon Globe: Our popular young
attorney, Thos. K. Lyons, left Tuesday
for a 10 days' visit at bis old home in
a alia Walla.
Charles and Clarenoe Jobnsou, of the
John Day country, were in Heppner the
tirst of the week. They departed for
borne yesterday.
Bill Kiddle and Jay -Ball were over
yesterduy from Gooseberry. Wheat iu
atacks is not materially injured, aud
threshing is yet in progress.
W. A. Fisher, the Wagner fruit man,
was iu yesterdi v with another load of
goods. It is needless to meution that
the Gazette force bave b'en feasting.
The Oemers & Hughes liquor stook,
bar fixtures etc, were sold at sheriff's
sale vesterday afternoon. Same were
bid iu by Win. Hughes for the sum of
Gid Hatt has purchased Hiok Math
ews' interest in the City Hotel barber
shop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-cuts,
etc., dished up in the best of Btyle.
Batbs for the millions.
Drs. Swinburne and Shipley and
"Chuck" Gleason are all on the siok
list. "Chuok's" sioknesa is attributed
to a too vigorous ubs of the anti-fat
treatment which be is now taking,
Harry Bennett, Willard Cain and
Tioe Adkins who reoently went over to
Harnev county to attend the races, have
concluded to remain in Burns for awhile,
having found employment in that
H. E. Warren, of Eight Mile, re
. turned Wednesday from a visit to rela
tives up at Sprague. Notwithstanding
the fact that it has been several months
since bis leg was injured, be is yet
obliged to nee crutohes.
The following were the officers select
ed by the Oregon Press Association:
Ira . Campbell, president; Leo Peter
sou, first vice president; Albert Tozier,
secretary; 0. C. Doughty, treasurer.
Exeontive committee: E. L. E. White,
W. A. Wheeler, J. R. Beagle.
Frank Whetstone got back Tuesday
evening from Harney oounty where he
bad been in attendance at the races.
Frank acknowledges having out-jockeyed
Bowers in a toot race at Burns. He
also defeated Ben Loyd in a foot race at'
Bob Shaw returned from Grant county
veBterdav. While over there he pur-
chaced 300 head of beef cattle wbioh
were driven to Pendleton and shtpped
to the Union Meat Co., of Portland
It is the finest bnnoh of cattle that ever
went from tbat Beotion to Portland
Owing to tbe fact tbat the opera ball
will be very much crowded at the
'hiiio ball next Tuesday evening,
ommittee on arrangements have
1 ns to ask that all refrain, as
issible, from taking np tbe
baby carriages and other such
iad of prunes was shipped last
i Hood River to Omaha. A
tnvas on each side of tbe car
,' legend, "I'm full of prunes
'id River, Oregon. What's the
vith you?" This is tbe first
of fruit tbat was ever Bhipped
ii Hood River.
Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at tbe
Arcade when thirsty. Half and half and
fresh beer always on tap. Also a tine
stook of liquors aud cigara always on
hand. Give Ted a anil.
MoAlee liros., having reopeoed the
Palaoe bar, kindly ask for a continu
ance of their former patronage. This
is by all odds the finest bar iu Heppuer,
The boys keep a good stock. Call on
Green Mathews' tbe barber, is now lo
culed next door to tbe furniture store on
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair
cuts and the like aways on tap. '
The Gazette will take oounty scrip at
face on subscription, Bnit pay balance of
surnein cash at highest market prior.
Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphiue, oocaiue
and tobacco habit, bee ad.
The Heppuer-Canyon stage Hue is the
best, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe tor The
UorBeman. Gazette shop, agents.
Justice Codht Grind. The past
week has been a very busy one with
Judge Hallock. Mouday Jas. Young
was btougbt before tbe justice charged
with fust driving on tbe streets Satur
day to which he plead guilty and was
fined $10. On Wednesday China Jim,
who keepB the restaurant, wag arrested
on charge of assault with deadly weapon
on Wm. Hughes. This occured Tues
day evening over the settlement of a
hill for lunch. Mr. Chinaman prooured
a hatchet whereupon Mr. Hughes pro
duced a gun, when bystanders interfered
and stopped the trouble. Jim stood
trial and was released as it wus not
shonn iu the testimiuy that he had at
tempted in any manner to use the
hatchet, but simply bad it in his hand
at the time the trouble oooured. After
being released Jim was again arretted
for simple assault when he again stood
trial and was found guilty and fined $5.
Jap Griffith was also arreBted Wednesday
on oomplaiut of Mrs. Newt Griffith,
charged with assaulting her.
Tbe trouble arose over a diBpute atthe
breakfast table. Mrs. Griffith got up to
leave the table when Jap threw a
saucer at her outting her chin. He was
brought before the justice Wednesday
evening when be waived examination,
his bo, ds being put at $250, whiob be
Won The Raob. The foot raoe on
Saturday between Frank Bowers and
Mr. some say his name is Rivers and
some say bis name is Whetstone, but
we did not take particular pains to
ascertaiu his proper cognomen, whether
it is Whetstone, Riverside or Grindstone,
we know in the start he jerked Frank
against Broady Johnson Broady was
the starting "post." This little ma
neuver on the part of Mr. Featberstoae,
won him the race. Broady thought a
cyclone bad struck him and Frank was
of the opinion he was thrown against
the smoke stack of John Sayer's saw
mill. Let us explain: The runners
locked fingers on the start aud were to
separate at the starting post, Broady
but Mr. Riverside or Millstone didn't
let go worth a cent but instead jerked
Frank against the starting "post" with
snoh force as to oearly knook both
Frank and the post off their feet
Burns Herald. We'll wager two to one
that Editor Byrd had bis money bet on
Bowers. Consequently he makes this
kick because he lost. He should re
member that jockeying is as legitimate
in a foot race as in a quarter-mile dash
Wbduinq Bells. Wednesday last at
2 o'clock p. in., at the residenoe of the
bride's parents on Rhea Creek, 11 miles
from Heppner, occurred the marriage of
Mr. W. E. Brock, of Hillsboro, and Miss
Kllor Rhea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
0. A. Rhea. The ceremony was pro-
nounoed by Rev. J. M. Deunison, pastjr
of tbe M, E. ohurob, assisted by Rev
Frank Adkins, of the M. E. church,
South, in tbe presence of a number of
relatives of the oontraoting parties, and
was indeed appropriate and impressive.
The bride was very becomingly attired
in a beautiful, brocaded cream satin
dress, trimmed in chiffon and orange
blossoms, while toe groom wore full
dress conventional black. The presents
were many and elegant. The happy
oouple departed yesterday for their
future borne at Hillsboro, accompanied
by tbe best wishes of tbe bride's many
fiiends here, for their future happiness
and prosperity.
To Canton Cur. J. N. Brown, John
Soogland, Wm. Hughes, Jas. Jones,
Jim Hager, Guy. Rea and Wm. Penland
will leave Sunday for Canyon City,
where they go to attend circuit oourt of
Grant county which convenes Monday
The docket for this term is quite large,
and as but a two weeks' term is given
for that oounty, it is doubtful as to
whether the docket can be cleared.
Among other cases of interest tbat will
come up for trial at this term, might be
mentioned the Ambrose-Lnnoeford
shooting scrape, which, it will be re
membered, occurred last fall near Long
Creek, and a'so the trial of Johnny Crii
man, Reiter and Moore, who was charged
with the robbery of Allen's store at
Fox. Several of the Heppnerites above
mentioned go as witnesses in tbe former
Prominent Visitors. Among the
prominent citizens of tbe state who will
be in attendance at tbe session of the
Grand Lodge here next week, the
Mr. S. N. Hyde
Do You Ever Have Boils?
"For several years prior to 1393, Cicro was
hardly a day that I was frco from boils and
other eruptions of tho skin ai'l4lu3 from lmpur-
Hood'sSaPia Cures
Ities of tho blood. I began to take Hood's Sar
saparilla, and bc.'oro I had ll.itilied tho third
bottlo I found myself entirely cured." 8. N.
Hyde, of Van Valer & Ilydo, Real Estate, De
Long Building, Fresno, California.
Hood's) Plllo act easily, yet promptly arid
lucieully, on tho liver and bowels. 26c.
brignt 8 Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.w.R. Mannfactnnng Co,, pSK&a?-
For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
following might be mentioned: Senator
Jeff Myers, of Linn Co, ; Representative
Cornelius aud Ex-Sberiff Dennis, of
Washington Co.; County Clerk Turner
Oliver, of Union Co.; Postmaster I. W.
Hare, of Astoria; Pros. Atty. Wilson
T. Hume, of Portland; Sheriff Smith, of
Clatsop Co.; Hon C. J. Bright, of
Sherman Co.; County Clerk V. C. Brock.
of Sherman Co.; Dr. J. L. Hill, of
Albany; Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford;
Dr. J. Tuttle, of Astoria; Hon. Ed.
Curtis, of Portland; Oapt. Buchanan
of Portland; Judge Cleveland, of
Astoria; Grand Chancellor Ed. Sharon,
of Pendleton; Albert Tozier, Sec
Oregon Press Association, of Portland ;
John Miohell, Editor Times-Mountain-er,
The Dalles.
Reading; Room Soppeb On Tuesday
evening, Oct. 10, a Bupper will be given
at tbe building known as the old Record
offioe. Doors open at six o'olock; ad
mission only 25 cents, the prooeeds of
this supper to be nsed for the benefit of
the free reading room. Many of tbe
Knights and Pytbian Sisters bave kindly
volunteered their help, and as that will be
during tbe session of tbe Grand Lodge,
of E. of P., at this place, we anticipate at
good patronage. The oitizens of the
town will be given an opportunity to as
sistin preparing this supper. The reading
room is a good institution and as winter
has inoreased the expense of running it
we take this opportunity of giving every
body a obanoe to help in tbe good work.
Didn't Notiob the Comma. Tim
O'Flanagan owns a few valuable lots in
Seattle. Recently a notice was sent him
by the town authorities like this: "Tim
O'Flanagan, in account with the oity of
Seattle. To grading street odjaoent Lot
4, Blk. 18, Yesler'a addition only, $3,000."
Tim's eyes bulged oat like door knobs.
He read and re-read "Only tbra thou
sand dallars," said Tim. "Be JasuB, if
if tbis is a bairgain, what is tbe r'al
worth of ytz worrnk." Tim had over
looked the comma after "only", and it
took tbe whole city hall to oonvince
bim tbat tbe town hadn't turned shop
keeper. K. o P. Bam. The general arrange
ment committee on tbe Pythian ball
have appointed followi ng committees : R(
oeption; W. L. Saling, Henry Blaok
man, Otis Patterson, P. O. Borg, F. J.
Hallook and J. R. Simons, Floor man
agers; A. W. Patterson, H. MoFarland,
W. B. Potter, Phill Cobn.C. 0. Sheldon
and S. S. Horner. Please note oppoiut
ment and be at the ball not later than
8 :30 p. m.
Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner'
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver:
wood at your residence, sawed or un- j
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.00 per cord. Wood sawed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 81 00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan Sc. Howard's. 4 tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just Iooated in tbe Abrahatn
siol' building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiything in his line.
Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give bim a
oall. I4wtf
J. T. League, of Douglas, was on our
streets Saturday.
"How to Care All Bkln DisenHes.'
Bimply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, Hub, all emotions on tbe
faoe, bands, nose, &c, leaving tbe skin
clear, white and healthly. Its great
healing and curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr.
The Htudebaker wagon heads them all.
FOXt S.A.X.E 33 "2"
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin ci McFarland's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to bay per day, 75 cts. Hay and grain per day, $1.25. Meals 25 cts.
at 0. C. Sargeant'a, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled bay always on hand.
1:011 Is, Dawson & Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Otis Patterson
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at P. O. Thompson & Co.'a stand, and the
place for bargains. - ,. a
The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenh
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up
your watch or clook. lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business' a
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
goes to and from tbe Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ness at the old stand, reports to the
oontrary notwithstanding. They invite in
spection ot their mammoth Btook of hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a
Minor & Co., the new firm, bave not
lost any of their popularity by the
ohange. They oontinue to do business
in the old way tbe greatest amount
quality considered, for tbe least money
Strayed, last spring; a dark blown
mare, medium size, v, bite spot on fore
head, branded (4) four on left shoulder;
inverted 44 (ffr) and housetop J on left
hip. $5 will be paid for ber return if
found in the vicinity and $10 from a
lone, Oregon. 164-68-w.
I will have a band of bucks for sale
at my place, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this oity, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell
grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to
$7; Thoroughbreds $12. Don't fail to
attend the Bale.
C3-tf Tom Morgan.
rh Elizabethan Blacksmith'! Feat Dupli
cated by a Modern Scientist.
Mark Scarlot, a blacksmith, who lived
during the reign of Queen Elizabeth,
made a chain of forty-five links, to
which he attached a padlock mado of
steel and brass, consisting1 of eleven
pieces besides the key.
The chain was so small as to freely
admit of being fastened about the neck
of a common flea.
The apparatus, flea, chain, padlock,
key and all, weighed but a grain and a
half when exhibted before the wonder
ing royalty on a plate of polished sil
ver. The reader will no doubt think
tbis flea story worthy to be taken with
the proverbial "grain of Bait," noting,
as he will, that it bears the date and
ear marks of "Ye olden times," but
what will he have to Bay when in
formed that within the last five years a
San Francisco professor has equaled
Scarlot's ingenuity in every particular?
Bays the Philadelphia Press.
The Golden Gate wonder worker has
exhibited a perfectly trained team of
fleas, drawing a miniature tally-ho
coach made of gold, with all four
wheels perfect, each turning nicely on
its axle.
Prof. Schumann, of lierne, Switzer
land, worked Bcven years making a sil
ver, gold and platinum model of the
great Krupp fifty-ton hammer, now in
the Krupp gun works at Essen, Ger
many. In Schumann's model the frame,
hammer and pulleys, all complete,
weigh but one and a half graina. The
frame is of platinum, tho pulleys silver
and the hammer of solid gold.
A flea, trained bv Mr. Schumann, will.
& Bisbee,
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
bt vile wordoi command, noist the ham
mer to tho top of the frame, where it is
automatically set free, descending in
precisely the same manner as the mon
ster after which it is modeled. Mark
Scarlot did wonders, but the "profes
sors" of 1892 have excelled his best ef
For the Thirteenth Annual Session of the Or
egoa Grand Lodge, K. of P.
Reception c mnrittee, room com
mittee, Blue Mountain Division
U. R., members of Doric Lodge No.
20, accompanied by band, also
wagons to care for grips, etc., to
meet Grand Lodge at special train
Tuesday morning, Oct. 10th and
escort to Castle Hall.
Room committee will then assign
visiting members and their ladies
to hotels, rooms, etc.
Grand parade at 1:30 P. M.,
sharp, consisting of Grand Lodge
escorted by U. R. and subordinate
lodge. Grand Marshal, J. J. Rob
erts; Asst. Grand Marshal, Peter
O. Borg, route of inarch as follows;
From Castle Hall, body proceed
down Main street to Church, down
Church to Gale, up Gale to May,
then over to Main, np Main to
Canyon, oyer to Chase, down
Chase to Center, then over to Main,
up Main to Palace hotel and then
counter march on Main down to
Opera House.
After conclusion of parade at
Opera House, Grand Lodge officers,
Grand Orator, Past Grand Chan
cellors and Supreme Representa
tives assemble on stage; body of
lodge in front seats. Dist. Deputy
0. G, II. Blackman, is chairman.
The puplic are invited.
1. I'tayer Rev, J. M. Denison
2. Vocal duet, Sir Knights A. W. Pat
terson and W. L. (-'aling.
3. AddreHS of Welcome, .Mayor J. R.
4. Music by Band. Sir Khiuhts and
5. Ilespone (j. C,E. E. Sharon
(i. Vocal Solo, Sinter Horner MoFar
land. 7. Oiation P. S. It., K. I). Curtis.
8. Music bv band, Sir Kniiihts and
Cithers. '
H. Closing Address, Sir Knight, A. V.
10. Music by band
Organization of Grand Lodge
occurs at 7 P. M.
Grand ball in honor of the Grand
Lodge and visiting Knights at
Opera House. Grand March at 9
P. M.
Other entertainment will be
nrovided bv the committee on
entertainment during the session
ol the urai.u Lodge.
Fraternally Submitted.
Otis Patterson,
G. W. Rea,
Phil Coiin,
K. T. Gagen,
W. R. Ei-i.is,
Committee on Program.
Heppner, Or. Sept. 10. 1893.
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
m mm
Lie- KnSS-'rJ
Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us they always get
uu kuuu measure tor tne least money. Why we sell the bestisex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
whioh we DroDOSe to nnnrlnnt in H,o : l . '
.... "
on hands at all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
BO"u Proorietors.
ey Elitists
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Theywill keep on hand a full liueof
Groceries ar.d Provisions.
A full line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything tbat is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell oheap foi cash. Call anp
try them. gw
Yes, there are many of them.
Some. very good, some bad.
Bad drugs are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions qaiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who oan do better than this?
Ot1" )Tiio youn Imw k flVur i.wTicwt one to uuutv ;( Wl
COUli'SEl'l'lio niiuriiti liow to lit: luijipy in limrriag't'; " ( DAYS
YOLI )Tho fond ptirent how to have prize babies; ( ONE
WANT )The mother how have them without pain; (AGENT
TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD
KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be;( 42
WHAT )Tho healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
EVERY )The invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE
TO )Find it in Dr. Footo's ,Y Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR.
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500 000
EE AD ) Reduced from $.125 to $1.50; circulars free. (COPIES
P. II. T. (Murray Hill Rook Co., 129 E. 28th St., New York.( SOLD.
Comtructwl at a cot of JIO.OOU and throwi ng a
ruin uo w wilt
Contalnlnn flh of all varletle found In Oregon
Will emit ail a collection of paintings sak'f ted from the World's Fair. Anions them ElIsburR'i
celebrated palming, Custor'i Last Fight. To visit thin Kreat Kxponitiou and.viewits
wonderH In every Uepuuiiiunl of An and Hcieuee, will be next thing to a visit to the World's
Fair at ChieaKO.
For further information address El. AT. A.XjIjE3N",
Superintendent and Secretary.
Only First-Class hotel in Heppner.
Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
Peat accommodations for tbe traveling
Courteous treatment assured the coun
try people.
MES. M. VON CADOW. Ptoprietress.
& CO,
Heppner, Oregon.
imm Muuwiury mnoer, will keep
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oazbttk office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aur
thousand grin of water In all the colors of tho
ocmuwy music null.
witters have been constructed at tfreat expense.
I Co.
oneoltheBeat Iri. ttie World