Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 29, 1893, Image 3

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Ilk i l'lLMITIt.l.'tL. .
I Sgc?s iJTT .h nil I PT3 nnrrm
Ht i'l'.KllHL' 01 fu
not lutt-r ttiKii M
ilttiuri, or 'ilmrMi
iin nUn of liNplay m.,
;, liwH'. f'; l tiieir roiiv in
inl . y flt:i.iiijr for 'i iicH.iHV'K
TlIF l'.TTKK"UN I't'IM ltl
i-Xt I iilL.
I. Tlie mim .f flv cofs ) -i Mm- vlll be
nhari'd fir " unls nf thanks," "Kolutiong of
rtisiMU't," lit i.( wwl imp tinmitn kiM iloimrs
tiid obituary notices, 'ulii. ri a, ti.;jto ti.e ejtt
or otmit hiiimelf Kive s n w: 01 :n ws) n.id
unUueuoUpociul intH'ilii.1 .01 w iaty tri urih ,e.
H, Notict-R of church mid mwm und nimh r
enfertRlimientB from which n IAJ , ,n.
rivud. Bliall bt eiiHrf-od fur tit ihs thin .iM'-Vi
tctitM a line. Tlicm rules will l.c k 4 u'Ium
fd to in ev'ry iiuttuuce.
AdvuriiHiiiK ralta reasonable and madoknown
upon application.
We hold each and every correaooiitleiit re
srwintdble for hie or her eonuiiuiiU'iitiun. No
correHfKUHleuce will bo piiblwhud unlews the
wnler h real name i signed aa an evidence oi
good fuilh.
LJ tiiK AKOiit, 21 Mt-n-huutH HxcliuiiKe,
hiu 1'ianciMco, la our authori.eU audit. 'iui
paper in kept on tile in hitsothce.
KtHgo for Hurtlman, Monument, Lour Creek,
John Day nuU canyon City, leaven an fullowe :
Kvery day at ti a. in., except eiuiuliiy.
Anlveti every tny at 6 p. iii.,exee)t Mniuiay,
'1 lio elieapeht, (inlekest and beHt line tu or
from the interior eounlry.
J. a. DEI.EVAN, 1'rop.
W. A. Johnston, Agent.
Owe your business to Heppner people,
ami therefore assist to build up Uejp
tier, tutronize those who patronize
Here and There.
"What is the formula, professor,
For inaldeni 'up to date'?"
And then he smiled and quickly wrote
And what may mean this mystic scroll?"
Kaid she the Vussar pert.
"Why, one part saint and one part sago
Aud niuety-eih'ht parts dirt."
Purely vegetable Uuud's Pilla 23o.
Johnny liteler whs iu the city tbe first
tit tbe uuek.
8. French, a banker of The Dalles,
wan iu ilepuuer the first ot the week.
The initial dance of the fire boys
occurs tomorrow night at the engine
E. P. Voruz returned Wednesday even
ing from h week's tour over iu Grunt
P. VV. Carin, of Monument, was in the
city yesterday tor supplies, tin reports
everything quiet over on the river.
D. VnC Horn, tuner of organs and
pianos, wiil be iu the oity the first of
next week, when he will cull on you,
Rev. I'otwine, of Pendleton, held
services at the M. E. church, L'uesday
eveuiug. lie was greeted with a full
Wood Oilman, of Fossil, a member of
the Uilmau-Freuoli Livestock Co., whs
over Tuesday to look after their ship
nieut of stock.
We tHke off our hats to Fisher, of
Wnguer, for an eleguut sample box of
fruit aud vegetables fr m bis productive
run oh over iu the Haystack ooun'ry.
On Ootober 1st. we Bhall oommenoe
pushing oolleotions vigorously, us we
ouunot extend credit beyouu that date.
P. 0. Thompson Company. 6 7
Rev. J. M. Diuuiaon, the newly ap
pointed pastor for the M. E ohitruh,
moved h.s fumily up from Arlington
Tuenday evening, and is now a resident
of our city.
ileopjier's demi-moodes, five in num
ber, were brought before Keoordr Hal
Inn k Wedueiidiiy on charge of keeping
bawdy t house. All pleaded guilty aud
were fik'd W
The ruort that the Canyon-Monument
stage line uua Hgaiu resuiueu proves u
have b'en a mistake. However, it is
boped fiat such will anon be realized,
as this line is badly needed.
E. M. Kiuehart, the photographer who
reoeutly located here, departed yester
day morning for Grants Pass where he
will pHrmaiieutly looate. This leaves
Heppuer without a phot igrapuer.
John d. Krnwu came up from The
D-illea last Friday evening to uinkf
final proof on his honiesteud down near
Liexiugton. His witnesses were Coon
Boone, ot Lexington and P. O. Borg, of
T. K. Roberts writes from Jacksonville
that he has been confined to the hospital
for fifteen weeks from an accident
However, he hopes to be up and doing
goon, when he propoes to niBtle around
aud make the oredit side of hie ledger
some smaller.
J. B. Carmiohael, of the lower
country, was up yesterday with wheat
which he disposed of at the mill for 40
Cts. Mr. Carmiohael was fortunate
enough to have his grain threshed be
fore the recent ruins, luch did con
siderable damage in some localities.
J. B. Manning got ovr from Long
Creek Tuesday evening where he has
been spending the summer driving the
MoDument-Oanyon stage. He informs
us that the trooble on the line stated as
Btraightet.ed upand thn stage ruuniug.
was an error, as nothing but mail is now
being carried.
Our renders will understand that a
hard winter is jnt ahead of us, and
that liberal quantities of cord wood on
snhsciiption are yet in order The
availahle cash surplus is down to the
limit, lienoe the necessity of declaring
oord wood full legal tender. Bring it iu,
and don't be bashful.
The Gazette has hnrd considerable
complaint regirding the condition of
the Hinton oreek rind. It is reported
that the recent rains not only badly
washed out the mad bit also carried
down many large boulders fnm the
hill-sidn, making it in several planes
almost, impassible. Tf this report is
true the mitter should be investigated
by the supervisor, as this is one of the
prominent wU leading into
Heppner, and should be kept in good
On next Monday the U. P. will pnt on
another train on tbe main line. They
will also issue new time oard for the
Heppner branch to conneot with the
same. The train will leave here about
7:30 a. m. and make direct connection
with the down train, arriving in Port
land abont 4:30 p. m. The Hepntier
train will arrive about 8:30 p m. This
will give us the Portland mail on same
time as of old. Passengers will arrive
in Portland mnch earlier, which will be
quite convenient.
It lueoiU.T that the exeroiffii on thn
Hint On) of the Urau I Lo lira session are
ad public. Uniformed street parade at
1 :3t) p. iu., followed bv programme at
ihei.p. ra hall. The grand orator ot the
a tnnl Fiii'ig" ot Oregon, Hou. Ed.
CnrtiB. oi Aaioria, will Hv:ak, and ins
ell'ort il bo well worth hearing. Come
uud spend the day iu the city.
V (i. Bart lolomew reoently brought
iu from Om ar Thompson's Butter oreek
ranch two very fine potatoes whiob.
w-ilmd nearly fix'pouudi Air B-irttiol
uiui tv ii.foims us that this is a sample
oi u-cur's pnt:ito crop. And the fact
that 2tj7 bunhela were harvesied from a
quarter of au acre of jjrouud leads us to
ueiieve that lie is correct.
T.-M.: The rat'i for tlalnuutna unl
their wives to the Grand Lodge, K.of P.,
wmcn convenes at Heppner Ootober,
loiu, win on one fare to luat city, and
mi reluming uo barges will be made.
Heppner is making extensive prepara-
"ir inn t-veur, ana tuere is no
cioutit tust the Kuights will be royally
The engine house and council chamber
will be luted np with electrio lights in
iiie near nnure. There will also be an
men hydrant put in for use at the
engine houpe. For these, tbe town
authorities thank tlie Heppner Light &
vi nier Lo., the cohtto the town being a.
proximately nothing.
Mr Ohas. Roberts was in town over
yesterday, gettii g while here a few
choice lots of wool on consignment,
advancing trom four to six cents a
pound. Mr. Roberts says that no one
can buy now with any certainty as to
what the results will net the purchaser.
The o little and sheep, shipped last
luesiiuy, did not go down on the
regular train, a special coming np for
them late iu the day. There were
thirteen curs of oattle, and five ot sheep,
double-deckers, instead of fifteen in all
as reported to us early this week.
livery tieppnente will, we hope, lb a
limited way do all h can to help out
the entertainment feature of the coming
Bessiou of the Grand Lodge. This we
have been assured, aud, of course, it
wil, he a grand e no cess.
Gid Halt has purchased Hick Math
ews' interest in the City Ho'el barber
shop. Hhaves, shampoos, bair-oute,
etc., diehed up in the best ot style
Baths for the millions.
Don't ovi rlook J. B. Tedrowe at the
Aroade when thirsty. Half aud half aud
fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine
itook of liquors and cigars always on
hand. Give Ted a oall.
MoAtee Bros., bavine reopened the
Palace bar, kindly ask for a continu
ance of their former patronage. This
is by all odds tbe finest bar in Heppner.
The boys keep a good stock. Cull on
them. 1,
C. N. Peok says threshing will not
commence in his vicinity till next week.
Partners ar. away behiud on acoount of
the rain, which, he says, has not hurt the
grain much, fortunately.
The engine house has been fitted up
by Heppner's lire companies, and it is
now a ni'idei of neatness. A series of
dunces will be given this winter.
Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo
cated next door to the furniture store on
Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair
cuts and the like awuys on tap.
Tim Bisbee, Harry Warren and Hiok
Mathews are sojourning in Portland.
Hick went down on the stook train
whioh left Tuesday night.
Every business honae in Heppner
should aud must be appropriately
decorated during tbe Pythian conclave
iu this city.
Dave MoAtee and Kay Bennett will
xhip to The Dalles fair, having deoided
uot to go to California.' They will, ere
long, be at home.
The Gazette will takeoouuty serin at
fare on subscription, and pay balanoe of
same in cash ut highest market prioe.
Have yon got any machinery's that
out of repair? If so come in and get.
some metal Bud refit yonr boxing.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Heppner Canyon stage Hue is the
best, cheapest aud quickest to the in
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman, Gazette shop, agents.
Ben Oppenheimer, representing
Goldsmith A Loewenberg, of Portland,
was in town over Tuesday night.
J. B. NaUer is down with the rheuma
tism. Joe Williams is holding fort in
his place at present.
Join with ns in making Tuesday,
October 10th, the gala day of tbe year in
Morn w county.
Tnesdny, October 10th, will be a great
day in Heppuer. You should spend the
day with us.
Mrs Balfe Tavlor departed Tuesday
t r Pullman, to remain a short time.
We will take wheat on subscription
at 50 cents per bushel.
Lee Matlock returned home from
Pendleton Wednesday.
Frank McFarland has returned fr m
Hood River.
John Spray came in from Seattle
A Burning Shame. We would re
spectfully oall the attention nf the town
authorities to the fact that the f noe in
Mniu street. on Brewery bluff, is being
adorned with hideous posters and signs.
These appear nil along tbe string of
fence, but more particularly in front of
the Gazette office and the adjoining
home ranch. This fence is the property
of t e oity, public property as it were,
and we object. It is impossible to gnze
ont of our observatory towards tbe set
tints sun without being encountered
witb, "Allcoaks corn plaster, the dead
medicine on oorns." "Stodebsker
wagons, iiso no other, for sale at Gil
liam & Bisbee's," "Royal Baking
Powder, leavening power out of sight,"
"Oregon Kidney Tea, also good in Wash.,
Idaho and Calif." "Brandreth's Pills,
great liver ' regulators," "Taliquitaa,
good," etc The public are always cell
ing on ns for apothecaries' supplies and
hardware, supposing that we run a
Jhr. ' tt K Bone
I Was a Wreck
With catarrh, lunz trouble and generally broken
down. Ee.'ors I had taken halt a bottle of
Hood's SaraapariUa I fsltbetter. Now I am In
food health, for all of which my thank are due
to Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. M. F.
Bomb, Clover, Iron Co., :.:o. Get Hood's
Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restor
ing tu peristaltic action of the alimentary canal.
bright s Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and nil Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
D.W.R. Mannfactnnng Co,, pziiW'
For sale by Sloonm Johnston Drni? Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
branch depot of suoh articles. Yester
day a visitor, after gazing at our mam
moth power press for some miuutes,
naively remarked that it was a "durned
big pill maobine." Many men have
died for lens offenses, but when he ex
plained that from the signs in front of
our place he thought we were in the
wholesale drug business, he was allowed
to depart. Besides being unsightly and
oanBing the Gazette no end ot trouble,
they are being read by the publio who
have no better sense than to rnsb off
and load up with patent medicines and
Stndebaker wagons. If these signs
were put in the Guzitte in tbe shape of
ads., the results would be infinitely
worse, for the people wonld read it in
Unite ot everything. What is advertised
people will buy, tbat is one thing sure.
Don't Like It. Early this week a
couple ot drummers representing, re
spectively, Majestic whisky and Bnrr
Oak tobacco, were in town taoking up
and painting signs. Tbe enterprising
tobacconist burrowed the whisky drum
mer's yellow paint and in a short space
of time the following sign loomed up on
the sidewalk in front of the Palace
hotel: "Drink Majestic whiskey and
chew Burr Oak tobaooo." This has
raised somewhat ot a furore among the
straight-laced, temperance people,
though it is a matter of choioe whether
tbe publio drink Majestic whiskey,
chew Burr Oak, or, in fnot, whether or
not they do either. Yet some very
strenuously ohjeoted being compelled to
gaze upon this obnoxious sign daily,
and benoe the Majestic part bears a
beautiful coat ot red paint.
H r V I -a
Inoipibnt Fire. During services at
the Baptist oliuroh Wednesday night,
an alarm of fire was sonnded. It was
soon looated at tbe home of Mrs. Cather
ine Spray, the curtains and wall paper
in one loom making quite a blaze.
Some young men broke iuto tbe house,
which belongs to J. W. Gilmoro, and in
a short Bpaoe of time put an end to the
blaze. How it started is a mystery. It
disturbed tbe services considerably, for
shortly after the alarm was sounded near
ly all the congregation were ont of the
house. However, they returned and
were treated to an excellent sermon by
Elder Daly, of tbe Beorganized Church
of Christ, forgetting soon the narrow
escape from a oontiagration.
Departed fob Iowa. A. A. Roberts
and wife left for Iowa yesterday morn
ing. They will visit Mr. Robert's rela
tives in various parts ot the Btate, and
later on will be j lined by E. L. Matlock
who leaves today, we are informed,
with bis shipment of horses. Mr. Mat
lock will be accompanied by expert
hands in tbe handling ot horses, and as
they are a first class lot, hopes to sell at
fair figures. Tbe Heppnerites will
hardly return before the first of '94.
Melvin Gkeun Discharged. J. C.
Leasure returned this moruing from
Condon, Gilliam county, whither he
went well prepared to defend young
Melvin Green, accused of the laroeny of
horse. The defense had plenty of
good witnesses to establish an alibi
and no trial was necessary, the oase
being dismissed on motion of tbe state's
attorney. The defendant and witnesses
are now returning on horsebaok. E. O.
A Curiosity. C. N. Peok brought in
a branch of an apple tree Wednesday,
not over two feet long, which bad on it
in tbe neighborhood of seventy-five, well
developed apples. It is a curiosity, and
oame from Mr. Peok's Clark canyon
ranch. Mr. Peck says this oame from
some trees oulled trom Forester Fell's
nursery, and thought too weak to grow.
Tbey have been planted five years ar-d
will bear 100 bushels of apples this year.
New Pastor Rev. J. M. Sbnlse, the
new pastor of South Salem M. E ohurch,
arrived in tbe city from Mobcow Idaho,
Tuesday, and will begin his duties next
Sunday, with tbe usual morning and
evening services. Salem Journal.
Grilliam & Bisbee,
H23:Er3Krj3n.. on
Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. JLioh ten thai & Co., at
Cost for Cash-
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
H. A. Thompson
A. E. Blnna
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffln & McFarlnnd's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 cts. Hay and grain per day, $1.25. Meals 25 cte.
at C. C. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hBy always on hand.
Constructed at a cost of 110,000 and throwi (r a thousand Rets ol water in all tho colors of the
rninhnur will haumHi- llii.ln
- - -T-jA.R.OE1 ACQTJAK.IXJMS-'rzzi
Containing fish of all varieties found in Oregon waters have been constructed at great expense.
Will eontail a Collection Of oalntimrs Rnlprtftri frnm tlin WnrlH'a P,ilr Am..,i. t, vil. '
celebrated painting, Custer's Last Fight. To visit this great Exposition and' view its
,,, c.i ui-yunmuub ut aimmi ouiuuue, win uu next litllig lo a visit to theWoi'd g
Fair at Chicago.
For further Information address B. "W. .AXjIjEjN
Superintendent and Secretary,
OI )The youiitf ho.v to .-im... ; .1 U-.t otitt loTimrrv ;(LSTTVr')
COURSE)Tli6 mairied how to In- huppy iu nuimiiei!; ' ( DAYS
YOU )The fond parent Low to hAvo iifizo babies; ( ONE
WANT )TLe mother Low Lave them without pain ; (AGENT
TO )The childless liow to bo fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD
KNOW )TLe curious Low they "erowed" and came to be :( 4?
WHAT TLe LealtLy Low to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE
ri v 1 ) 1 ne invalid now to get well again speedily ;
BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy.
OUGHT )AU who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk,"
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates ; 200 recipes ;
au iiveuuuuu ironi sno.ii) 10 circulars rree,
( $1,100
1 - Only First-data hotel Id Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Eleotrtc Libte
8. Hest accommodations for the traveling
i. Courteous treatment nsfured the ooun
try people.
MES. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Not only once, but again and again. Tbe, know that from ns they always get
mil weight and good measare for the least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex
plained. The "best" bring people baok. holds custom, makes ns friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have soms of oar
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regalated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody.
yj INOR cfe, GO
Heppner, Oregon,
Change of Ownership
v whioh we propose to condnot in th nmi iu..n..
, , .... luanunr. VI III Keep
on hands at all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
H&-tl- Proorietors.
11. Keeley Institute
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la located at Foreat Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gaikttk office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aur
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
OnMay Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Theywill keeponhand a full llueof
Groceries and Provisions.
A fall Hoe of choioe Pies, Cuken rd1 Bread ; iu fact everythioff (bat is
ndUallv keDt in A firflt-rlu hnlrnrv atnra Thav will oall Aliann f. u rt.n
- j . " vuvuy iui kODU. HUP
try them. BW
Yes, there are many of them.
Some very good, some bad.
Bad druns are poisonous,
Also of no value whatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these alone should be
Used in compounding.
We olaim to keep in stock
The pnreet drags made.
To compound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions qaiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than this?
PHIL. OOHN, Proprietor.
P. JL T, )Murray Hill Book Co., I :'!) E. 28th St., New York.( SOLD.
Otis Patterson
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
a. W.
ir.cvT . 1. .. .
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your reeidenoe, sawed or an
sa wed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, SI 00.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan ft Hon Brd's. 4 tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, B shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
siok building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiytbing in his line.
lr Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
call. . Uwtf
Giund Abmy Meeting. On the last
Saturday of Ibis month, Hept. 30, tbe
Q. A. R. will bold a mwting bero at
1 p. m. fur the purpose of taking ij new
members. Tbe oommander desires the
presenoe of all who can possibly be
liere at that time. The Women's Relief
Corps will also bold their regular
meeting here on tbe same date, 163-66
COST, the entire stock of general mer
chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman
Bargains in all lines never before found. Call
and learn prices.
llllsi, Dawson & Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
1 J'l' """V)