Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 29, 1893, Image 2

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:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which oVrded land there me 140 acres d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. TLe deeded laud Las a goid filing of water on it, all urn r
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Trice for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, 1800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap aud on easy terms.
Aisrr stili, another.
Deeded rauoh
for it with firtt crop
, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on eny terms A good rustler can pay
raised on it. Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it.
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed as an ovldence of
Did jou ever
Read shout tbs
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Bnije schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Hull as Dinch
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
C-:es its Bpaoe
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
The Record, of Arlington, quotes the
Gazette aa saying that Mr. Ellis had
not done anything in congress as yet.
We said nothing of the sort. Mr. Ellis
is doing, end Lt s been from the time the
extra session began, as muoh as any oth
er congessma His action on the mon
ey question was ia the interest of the
people. Congress was called to aot on
the money question, and it is certainly
an injustice to censure our congressman
this early in hia term. We fancy that
the editor of the Record feels sore be
cause his son, Lawyer Johns, of Baker
City, was so unmercifully scooped by
Ellis before the convention last year.
Tub Chinese are being driven out
Lu Grande.
What do YuU Take.
Medicine for? Because you are sick aud
want to get well, or because you wish to
prevent illness. Then remember that
blood's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases
oaused by impure blood and debility of
the system. It is not what its propri
etors say but wbut Hood's sarsaparilla
noes, that tells the story of its merits.
Be sure to get Hood's aud only Hood's.
Offer From the Portland Exposition
uMnterest to Oar Orcliardists.
In yesterday's issue of the Iteoord,
the writer of oertain anonymous articles,
presumably in the interest of temper
nnoe, comes out at last, signed by the
real name of the writer, Roy GlasBOock.
This is, perhaps, the result of an article
in the Gazette a short time ago, for this
is the first of the kind from that source
that biiB appeared with signature.
The whole mntter, in a nutshell, o.iu
be summed up as follows: Any individ
ual oan bring an action against the
alleged lawbreakers, at any time he or
she desires, by making oomplaint be
fore the town recorder or the justice of
the peace, who, now happily, is blended
into one individual, F. J. Hallook.
Mr. Hallook may require security for
costs of Biioh aotion, but anyone who
bns a onse would oertaiuly be remiss in
his duty, as his conscience niijjht dio
tate, because a little matter of a few
dollars stands in the way. It is infl
uitoly bettor to act in this matter than
to talk, talk, and do nothiug else.
Our asylums ure tilled with patients,
'tis true, and some of them are there
from over-iudulgenoe in alcoholic stimu
lents. A person may eat too much, get
his stomach deranged and his head off
on the wrong road. But by far the
greator number of insane patients are
responsible for their ooudiliou by the
habitual violation of nature's laws, and
of which we hear little about.
The bars are dowu for any oitizen,
Mr. Ulassoook not excepted, to prose
cute lawbreakers. Let there be more
work and less ohiu-muio, with bad
orthography, worse grammar, aud some
thing tangible will have beou accomplished.
Chan. K. IIakhis, the oomposcr of
"After the Hall," is of Hebrew extraction,
lie is a natural musician and can play
anything by ear, but does not know one
note from another. He is the composer
of several songs, but none ever took like
bis latest effort. The history of this iu
the musical world is interesting. An
entertainment was to bo given at Mil
waukee, and a friend naraJ 8.1m
Doctor oalled on him to writo a soug
for the occasion. Harris had been to a I
oan tne uigiit before, aud said that
"atter the ball he was too tired." Doctor
insisted and went away. "After the
ball" kept ringing iu bis e r, aud he
aw ut once that be had a catchy title
for a new soug. He went at once aud
composed the words and the music
came to him as he progressed. Going
to a writer of nuiaic l.e picked out on a
piano what he wanted aud the nn
wiib soon complete. Doctor saug two
verses at the entertainment and received
tremendous applause whioh so staggered
bim that he forgot the third, and
Harris, who was in the audience, became
so disgusted that he left aud threw the
music iulo a drawer with a lot of rub
bish, determined never to look at it
agaiu. However, in a few days he
beard the little boys whistling his new
song on the street, Biid visitors carried
it down to Chicago. In a very short
iaco of time be begon to receive orders
for copies of it, and the demand soon
became so great that be turned pub
lisher and now it takes the oonsiaut
work of two houses, to keep the demand
supplied. Bills for presjwork mu as
high as ."),t),)tl monthly, and oopies of
the song up to the million mark have
been printed. He has already made a
A svndioatb, inoludine prominent
men in iezss, Colorado, Missouri am
Kansas, is being formed to ooin eilve
into dollars of hexagon shape, at the
rate of $100,000 per month or more. If
the Ifgislatures of these states will de
olare such ooin is a legal tender, it is
claimed no individual or corporation will
be prohibited from coining silver into
standard dollars, provided the shape of
such coins is not the same as coins
issued by the United States government.
Citizens of California n issued a hexagon
ow goiu piece iu tne ous and no one
disputed their right.
The La Grande Chronicle has recently
gotten out a descriptive edition of their
town and surrounding oountry. It is
replete with illustrations and other in
structive matter. Besides, it is typo
graphioally a model of neatness. We
make the assertion that no paper in
Oregon ever issued a better looking
special edition.
Ellis, though a new man in oougrete,
stands well with bis associates, henoe it
will be comparatively easy for him to get
through some benedcial legislaiion at
the coming regular session. He has al- j
ready introduced some needed laws on j
irrigation and land matters.
Perkins, the Californian, spoke for
silver iu the senate last Tuesday. On
Monday the famous Don Cameron, of
Pennsylvania, also spoke against re
peal and for silver. Coming from the
far East aa it does, it is a complete eye-opener.
At the solicitation of many persons
interested in the subject, the Portlaud
industrial exposition has undertaken to
gather fruit to be used in showing
the pomologioal produots of Oregon, at
the midwinter fair, iu San Francisco.
This fruit will be gathered and placed on
display at the exposition, in Portland,
and will be combined with what may be
gathered from other sources for the mid
winter fair. Although every oroliardist
should exert himself to see that the in
terests of the fruit industry are properly
represented at all times, as should
every person desirous of promoting the
weuare of the state, the exposition has
deoided to enoourage and stimulate
growers to send their best products by
offering the following prizes :
For the largest five pears, S3.
For the largest five apples, 85.
The best ten varieties of apples, S3.
For the greatest variety of neara.
The Stndebaker wagon beads tbera all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did you sayf Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stook of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Pnlaoe is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, the jeweler, iB the man to fix up
your watch or cloak. Lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' n
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
goes to and from the Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to train
in any part of the oity. Leave orders
at Oity hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ness at the old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. They in vite in
spection 01 their mammoth stook of bard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
ohange. They continue to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Wheat, bu 38
Ftour.bbl 3 75 4 00
Beeves, cow s & two-year-olds, owt. 1 50
three " 1 70 u m
Sheep, muttons, head 1 SO U 2 2o
" stook 1 50 1 75
Hogs, on foot, cwt 4 50
Hogs, dressed 6 50 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 60
Eggs, doz 15
Chickens, doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt SM 05 1 10
Flour, bbl 3 00 0) 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (tf 6 OU
Muttons, cwt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 hi Vi
Butter, lb 20 rffl 25
Eggs, doz It) 20
Chickens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, tt 15 18
Tim gir.ve of Wm. Jones an old man
who died last Feburary at Newburg,
Or , was found to have heen opened a
few days ugo, and the body left some
ten feet awuy. The oauBe of the dese
cration is ui1 known.
Mns. Iceland Stanfoud'b family al
lowance has been increased from $5,000
to $10,000 a month 011 her representation
that 85,000 was not enough. How's that
for high living these kiud of times.
A rusts dispatch from Omaha, on
the 24th iust., states that Mrs. A. B.
Shiigley was run over by a motor train
aud out in two. It further says that the
cars were not materially damaged.
Corbett lias signed the revised articles
of agreement to fight Mitohell. The
Calitoruiau will doubtless win the con
test and then tackle Jackson. He
not be bo lucky in this.
For the largest bunch of grapes, $b.
For the greatest variety of grapes, 85.
All fruit should be oarefully labeled
with the name and address of the sender
nuu in placing 11 on exhibition both nt
Portland aud 8au Franoisco, it will be
ndentihed in this way. so that due
redit will be received by the producers.
Fruit should ba carefully oack-ed and
hipped by express to the Portia d in
dustrial exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Theie will be no charges for the ex
press for the shippers to pay. Eutnes
for prizes will not be received later than
Uituber 7, but ohoice fruit for exhibit
will be taken any time prior to October
Orehardists are urged to give this
matter the attention it deserves.
Land For Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
State of Ohio City of Toledo, ) en.
Lcoas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is tne senior partner of the firm of F
j. IjHeney & uo , doing buBiness in the
iiy oi loiedo, Uonnty and State nfo
saio, ami mat said hrm will pay the
tor eacn Bud every oase of Catarrh that
oannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. IX 1886,
Notary Public.
j seal j
Deportation of Chinese have been
ordered to the exteut of all funds avail
able. The administratis has been a
long time iu learning that this was the
only oourao to pursue.
The rebels are still grinding away
dowu iu Brazil. Oue dispatoh says that
thoy will oomeout victorious ultimately.
while the next one states tbegovernment
will suppress it.
Four men were killed aud one badly
wounded at San Fraucisco last Satur
day by a dynamite bomb. It was the
result of trouble between union and non
union sailors.
The Roby, Ind., fighting arena has
neeu closed for good, and Borne of the
pugilists arrested. This sounds the
death knell of pugilism iu ludianii.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blond nod
mucous surlaoes or the system.
ior testimonials tree.
V. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
iSTSold by Druggists, 75 oents.
The special session of oongress ia do
ing untiling, and well it is, for fieir ac
tion, it a vote could be secured, would
result in disgraoe to our natiou.
Trainmen of the Eastern railroads
are being armed with revolvers and
Winchesters to defend passenger" and
express cars from robbery.
Gov. . knnoyer has selected Miss
Daisy Amsworth to ohristen the battii
ship, Oregon, at 'Frisco, October 26th.
From our Long Creek t'apcr.
Ou account of illness Johnny Keeny
was unable to return from Morrow
county this week.
Grant oounty Btill has hundreds of
beef cattle for sale, regardless of the
unves mat nave been made this year.
Wm. Barnard, of Fox, drove 45 head
of horses through Long Creek Friday,
being en route to Pendleton, from which
plaoe he will Bhip to his former home in
A disorderly stranger resistod nrrest
Wednesday night and as a result of
about one hour's fight with Marshal
Uragg, had his frame prettv badly
wrecked. Marshal Gragg withstood the
ordeal and oame out in excellent con
dition aud with flying colors.
Miss Olive Conlee passed through
Ijong Creek Friday from Morrow oouuty
to Prairie City where she has a position
in the oily schools. Later - 1 be Eagle
has learned that through some diffioulfv
iu securing contract, Miss Conlee will
not teach at Prairie City.
Strayed, last spring; a dark blown
mare, medium size, white spot on fore
head, branded (4) four on left shoulder;
inverted 44 (ft) and housetop J on left
hip. $5 will be paid for ber return if
found in the vicinity and 810 from a
A. W. Balsiqkr,
lone, Oregon. 164 68-w,
Wheat, owt $ 90 1 00
Flour, bbl 3 00 & 3 25
Beeves, owt 1 75 (J? 2 75
" dressed 3 50 (S 6 00
Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 3 00
" dressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Essteru Oregon... 6 14
Butter . ' 5 80
Eggs, doz.... 15 (it) 20
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00
Turkeys lb 12 (3 14
I will have a band of bnoka for sale
at my place, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this oity, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell
grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to
$7; Thoroughbreds 812. Don't tail to
ottend the sale.
03-tf Tom Morqan.
Oue huudred dollars reward will be
paid for the arrest and oonviotion of the
parties connected with the robberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
Heppner, ou Monday August, 21, 1893.
Geo. Noblb.
15 6- tf. Sheriff of Morrow county.
To all persons interested iu securing
time for purchase of railroad lands
please call at clerk's offioe and sign
petition to congress.
B8-7 J. W. Morrow.
is on exhibition at the Great World's
Fair. You ought to see it. This is the
month of months to visit the fair,
pleasaut days, cool nights, delightful
traveling weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago
on the vesiibuled limited trains of the
Chicago, Union Paoific & Northwest
Line. See your nearest Union Paoific
agent for rates or other information.
63 6
Dixon was successful in the fight with
the Ca ifornian, Solly Smith, before the
Ooney Island club last Monday night.
The Commercial National, of Port
lo,l fc. ,1 . .
.ouu, n ucbii auuiorizeu to Mume
argentine Republic's hotheaded
residents ar planning a rebellion.
"honld be returned next year
to congress rrom this district.
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fao
tory or Out Buildings and ooats half
the price of shinglejtfni or iron.
It is ready for Use and Easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Easily marie water tight and fire proof at small
expense. With dark red rubber palatini decaved
BhliiRles.tt fills the pores ana give a substan
tial roof that lasts for years. Curled or warned
shingles, it brings to their places and keeps
them. The genuine rubber paint requires no
heating and uo tar (a
What It tlit condition of yourt? It your hair dry, linrsh,
brittlo? Poet it tpllt at tlie endtt JIat it a llfclest appearance?
Doel it fall out when combed or bruihtdf It it full of dandruff f
Voet your tealp itch? It it dry orinaheatcd condition? Iflhr,,
are tome of your tymptomt be warntd in time or you urilt toco,,,,
is Tvhat you nwd. Ita production Is not an accident, but tha result of nr lonttfi-t v
scuvli. Knowledge of tho diseases of the hair ud scalp led to the diaeovory t.r hr.r
to treat ttiem. "Skooltuinl,coutaiii8 neither minerals nor oils. H jo tinta'Dy 11,
u (1. Mtfliifull coolinff and rofmhing Tonic. By stimulating tho follicles, 1'
fallina hair, cures dundrvlf'aiid grows hair on bald heads.
ry Keep the scalp clean, healthy and free from irritating eruptions, hy tlto 1.-,,
of tkookUHi Skm Soap, It aoatroys parotitic insects, which feed on autl cv'-m
il,A h,,ir. a
11 your drupes cannon snppiy you,
TnADC ma nit
ptTpaitl, on receipt of p-lce. thrower, UW per buttle; lfori:.tH). fcoup, suoptj
Honti uirrut t.u u, nu wo will loi'r H
I VI tan li.it Ho- Ifon ill) L.... " '
0 for 9.5u.
E7 South Fifth Ave., New York. N. Y.
One reason why
wesrian Cod Liver Oi
and Soda has had such
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
and I lypophosphites of Lime
it is
a larsre sale is because
'Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties are unequalled,
the coueh, supplies the waste of tissues.
up the entire system.
flesh and builds
It cures
It ia ac-
eii the best paint, haa heavy body, is easilv
applied, expaudB by the contracts of cold, and
never cracks. One coat equals four of any
other. Buildings covered with felt can be
made water tight at small expense. Write at
once for particulars.
Excelsior Paint ami Roofing Co.,
U..1 and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y.
T Coinmmptlt7os.
1, Twl ln'eriB"el having been restored to
health bysimple means, after auttering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
to those who desire it, he will cheerfully send
whEh ,h'e, ,V,py of tne Prescription used,
,;h.eywl),"lndta8ure cure ConumP:
Hon, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and til throat
ynd lungma adtes. He hopes all sulterera wl
try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desir
ng the prescription, which will cost them noth
ing.andmay prove a blessing, will please ad
dr,e8' Kv. Edwabd a. Wilson,
a w Brooklyn, Mew York.
Scott's Kmulsi.in euros Coughs,
Colds, ConGiiiTiiJtion, Sorofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Diseases. Prevonts wasting in
children. Almost a palatal, ie a
milk. Get only (lie genuine. Pre
pared by Scott 4 Iiowne, Chemists, New
Xork. Sold by all Druggists.
U 1. the title of a very valuable book that gives a groat amount orVfomaMon of thV mmort
Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Driving Dressing etc
Wtio trt TV. T-fl . ... 1
BowtolSSV 05onfor&dS, SW1 Win,
Dangers of Kissing, Hestoring'tho Drowned, Conta ins l"l,S lL lnJ ,' lc0'
IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Holla Burns rhlllhinin0 nM tv. .
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dan, rufi r Z'para 1 vTrk, 7? '
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itch ng Inflamed lZt 'r
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism. Klngworm, Snor ng 8 tammeHng So 7 t'!f'
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, stings and Insect B to Hw.vZ'i?T T" SI,Utt'
Wart.. Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. I X V I L l! s A VK JO0 TOM ft, ju fl LL rfc
IAllnew subscribers and prompt renewals during the mouth ot Aug. will bn
presenaed with n free oopyof tuia us a premium.
Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prihoipal. v '
Open all the year. Students may enter at anv time. Catln-., f
letters of administration o ti," .,..... ',
I'id N. HarHniHi, tn.D..n .
the undersigned on t h V Mil, h WJ?
Piles! Plies! Itching Plica,
SvMi'ToMS-Moisture; intense and
"tinning, most at night; worae by
aorntohiug. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and nlcer
ate, becoming very Bore. Swaynb's
OiJfrMKNT stops the itohing and bleeding
nema nioerntmu, and in most caaei re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 5J oeuti. Dr. Swavue A Son.
r'hilwlelrihlv w j vr'
I have opened a first olnss restaurant
at the old Matlock building called
Holton reataurant.
i tf. Mns. G. W. Swaqoart.
Bwlcig Around the Chele
Of the diseases to which it is adapted
with the best results, Ilostetter's
Stomach Bittera. a family n,B,li,.i
oomprehensive iu its scope, baa never
been thrust upon piitilio attention in n,
? universiii panacea for bodil)
inn. JLUlt Vlti 111. OA1 V nrrnantarl in l.
columns of the dailv nrena hv l,n
HiopiiPiorsot medicines rar inferior to it
as speoifiea, has in a thousand instances
disgusted the public in advanoe bv its
absurdity, Rnd the proapeots of other
remedies of superior qualities have been
handoapped by the pretentions of their
worthless predecessors. But the Ameri
can people know, because they have
ruu , ne iaoi uy tne most trying tests
that the Bitters possesses the virtues of
rt-ai si.ecino in cases of malarial and
liver disorder, eouatipntion, nervous
rheumatic, stomach aud kidney trouble
hat it does it does thoroughly, an,j
mainly for this reason it ia indorsed and
recommended by hosts of respeotable
fri"'.-! trf"n.
u) t ie county court of .Morrow county
All persons having claims against sal
.c intmrra to exhibit them to inn fr .11.
ance, at Heppner, Morrowcounty,Oregon with
.8j,,ra!',",'h",",t" ,he of this mu'ice or
d1l7o8,"uH,l.1pbtei'!V" bRrri'd- Bated th, S
I'M- ' ' A. Rood.
- said estate
Notice of Intention.
lJ Kent. 14. ikc):i Kua i '
that the following-named setl ler has tiled notice
of her intention to make final proof in si onort
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
bclore the county clerk of Morrow Count " at
Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 3, 1x93 viz- 5'
S i'L0,rtH0' .Mose8 Untwell, Deed., of Eight
She names the following witnesses to prove her
Mid land'v e,,Ce U,'" "d tultl'"o 0"
.1. H. Jones!' of Eight Mile, Oregon, I R
Entb ' 0,00MtKrry. Isaac KnighteiT, 0 Eight
Mile, and Jas. Iuskeep, of Eight Mile.
m'1'3 Register.
Notice of Intention.
iH Sepf- I4' :m- Notl'e is hereby g ve, that
' l"vl.,g.named settler has tiled not ice o
his Intention to make final proof in support o
fore J W' m!? 8?W T00 w! made be
He names the foltnwino .
continuous r,.sld.nn "j.'," P.ve
lri 1.,,, ..I. . tumvaiion of.
16J-I7S John w. Uwis, Register.
thatfofl the government U
Jble solicitors rAMtente for?hT.IS?d competent aud reli-
entirely npon the c$Z?Vagy, t
With the view of protectine-
ana ot seem? that inventions nr 7iT . . """aiess or careless attorneys,
tained counsel expert 7n latent KJ? b7 va,id Pents, we have k
Notice of Assignee.
1' undersifrn.. hD- ,1,1. a... lnA1 1116.
assignee of the arm of M LUmtenthalT('o .nil
HtPnr'i)ren.AMtSlltlS!3. Sted "
"....iticj ior Assignee.
Notice of Assignee.
undersigned has this, the 1st div Wi I .
been appointed assignee of the nm, nr' ofS'Pt
and alf creditors who i hall not "2,0mV.0? B,0i
claim within three month, from ?hMbit tl,eir
Pblicationof this muice shall imt d.at.e '
fn the dividend, until failed vmentTn' at!
terferences. Mi, 7-. 1 r"re,K" wu
Redster Tm7 mT txf""naons, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Sv!t?CyymtB' Re Opinions to
PDefendnfd1,ty 0f Katents' Prosecute and
uefend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
BethlrS sketch or photograph thereof, to
advised as to the h! ?"P' lLthe '""portant features, and vou will be at once
others are infringing on vour rir htSWl -, Mode 3 are Beldom necessary. If
others, submit the matfer L T, fnV lf ?harSed w infringement by
matter. "er t0 U3 for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
P. O. box 463 ift.rjT' WASHINGTON, D. C.
o JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. .
- vU ln,s out and send It with your Inoul, M
a 7 . . r. FILL.
Notice of Intention.
to W' Zr1 S" n!Se"be!
Or ..on Oct I 18t".ty C,erk' at HPP.
DV I'licii'
29.TDe',Kd'nAr,pi.N,?,'l '""-'he KE!4ofSec.
15"'" 3o W. Lewis, Register.
" sad lort vltalli
A P5kair of on treat-
anntfcr weakti,Maa
Notice of Intention.
the l,,ulSit JNotlcl herebv given that
S2,;M"lit,,tll(rll" tiled notice of
for. I w' u d "lat ,ald Proof " I" mad be-
o"oJpM3S,rK,;vi'zUnty Cierk' at Ueppuer'
otyhMiniSIV,NY 8- "KALES,
of ghW i ?dR my M for ,be NK5i
confin'nmf.',"1? ,,ollowl"'g witnesses toprove hU
Mid S, 't-'lenupon and cultivation of,
Hepnher'Trf' JJH me John Jenkins, of
Eich Slil'e. A8hba"Kh' c- Q- Fuqua, both of
John W. Lewis, Rogl"
,ur nee. AMlgnee.
sr. win inn:;?.,