Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 26, 1893, Image 4

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    i.i L 11 ' "" l7l...l..ll Jonk.Ha.ilt;"'-"J j'.pmlS lf"
..nM JL ",,,1 crop in ."il1. Onuitcouuly
.1 i i . :i ,-,,1111 n:i sou
I'it.'uUu- In. t'Liiv ! ''j'3 " ,, I i,,.,tf.in Prentiss Kocttf ylnfl pillscuroconsupoii"i
2-, PrrutiM r.pctitymgp'"' 1 ; ;
lit! nnr
l 1 u
i mv .""""i -
i i
a ft
V J V I 1 N J I' ' , ' , v . Mu tuol cores torpid
,3 Almost all plllt and tnofiJclnspfoauoow. su'""""' . d ku,n(,, au4 liver
troUDlCB TVU.1UUI t.i.nu . . . ..,,, -,. ..hrnntc W til VOU.
a a , , rfmr,ot nil sickness. waro 01 n gurauB
sco toMnt'mos initio puis".
i 1 1 Ism aL Iwcauso .t Is tne only safe and Harmless
So 8 Ln J?r,;mly that will surely BEAUTIFY tha
clear tlio :
:ln and remove all blotches trom the lace. Try a box and see lor youf
V;r Or Bont by mall upon receipt of price by
33 I nnricc riipmicil and
Manufacturing Co.,
!S .n, ..Mm,, stcppt. SAN FRANCE, x""
11 PnfuU
S g iTcntlss Kermylug pills c:.re constipation PrcntlBB niKiurjlnyiiiiacur . .
3,6 Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Collars,
x a- ho riven Away in Return for
in valuable Presents to be Given wt,
W saws ssrEfis
1 l o.ouu uu ttavel.tl8ig ou them $173,250 00
Tlinnnnvniirumo .. - -- - ,. fAusi uhji
- SSS!"
Tolal Number of Tri. for this County, 22U.
K9 wi be received before J,inuar, W'S'KfZ
nitiilnlnK tiwH iriiiBt bp mar d P'"'" J " on lickugeii must be
ot Tugsiutauu iju'-h-.-r-
more nualltlm of. Intrinsic valnn tban any other
Al) you buy. Hond in the toga, uo mutter now .u.
Vuryw '. rnMPAKY. MimiLETOWN, UHIO.
'1111!. 1. J f3V7tV
28,875 OC
oi inn nil
57,750 00 j
2S.R75 00
.V Queer Industry Whti-h Has ll
in me m
O vfnl conuty. Me., turub out nearlj
uU uf the ..pools ou which the thread a,
this country is Tv-ound, sots the Vhila
dolPU.a ITcss. Tha spools are mad
toUhiw birch timber aud they
product by the million a Ox ore
county. There are many other pointt
tn W,tem Maine, also where the to
, ,,nt There are man
whkh arc kfpt busy
v,it hirch loffs into strips
four feet Ion? and from one to twe
. . itiima thickness.
These strips are sent to the spool 1 fa
tories, " here they are quickly worked
into spools by most ingenious labor-
,u 1 . . rri. ,.tw5rtc nf white
savinff machinery. i""t-" j
bin-h are fed into one machine and
they are not touched-in fact arc hard
ly seen !fain-:mtil the spools, all fin
ished for market except pohsh.n drop
out by the misnci ii-.u "-
e ne several rods away from wher
the strips started in. The spools get
Iheir .loss by beinp rapidly revolv d
in barrels by machinery, the polish
, .!,. ,.iit!iet of the spools
barei: ' In the bockwood. vil-lan-es
of Oxford county one sees scarce
lv"any other industry but spoolraakmg.
, ... i In some wav interested
in the' business. The factories have
teen eating into the Maine birch forests
. .. ,. seems to be enough
. well for years to
lett yet uj - , - .
J .. . i iw.iicn(ls of feet
come, liunureos
..flora are cut and saweu uuu
i ..1 ......ivi V
Shoe peg factories are aiso . ""i
., i. .i i,.,mnow Deculiar to
Maine, although it has ot late u-u
: . . ovtont. in other eastern
10 . r,r:" , hardwood
states anu si".o -- - ,
f,.,.sts of Pennsylvania. Maple is used
: T.K. nut jiT lire OI Man; g"'
largely m wio -
although white birch
factories. Shoe pegs are mmi -.
IttCtoriLs. t e
Dusnei, ami , ,,
, .w shilhna-s to one dollar a
. , i; t,-. nualitv. More
ousnei, uc."" .. .
than one hundred ana niLy i
dollars were reeeivea uy iuB...c -
i..t,.i,.c lt, vear for c'oods. A
peg i.- ,,., cu hnJi
curious and prontaoiu -
grown up in the -Maine wooos ( T
5,e sawmills in the utilizing of the im
mense quantities of sawousL uy im
pression. Thousands of tons of sawdus
H ,i moment blocks and
are pre . fl,,in- .
Dales, aim m , , , .
readjl market for kindling and fuel in
the eastern cities.
m rnin. f'oat Lake.
r t v, nt.irfil curiosities in Rliki-
tat county is Lone lake, which lies in a
butte or mound in the Mincoe looim
six miles northwest of uoldendale Ihe
butte looks as though the top had caved
in. as the tree are lymg ucau u
the bottom and years ugo were grow.
tag where the lake now uu.
lake cannot be seen until pne reaches
the summit of the butte, as it is cL-cu-lar
In form and surrounded by a waU
or bank of earth which is covered with
Tho bnn'.t itself is moro than
one hundred feet hiffh. The early set
tlers tell of cutting hay on the grounC
which this bodv of water row covers a
good many years ngn The nc
doubt the water is sf.-aujr . "
v ..r.r-vrnd where they havf
fallen, and now lie slowly decaying
enth the waters, it is lamj.
that the lake will one day fill the en
tire cavity in the butte and oveniow
hanks. A few years ago the lake waf
stocked with carp, and its waters arc
fairly alive with them now.
son a great many catfish were put mtc
the lake, 'l liey wui l,.. v,, ...v..
soon exterminate the other fish. The
lake affords excellent boating, and u
becoming a pleasure resort.
A Man
Gladstone has
WHY? Because he follows these
rules: Keeptheheadcoo,.
j .v.- Krtwri-H ODCn. oa
j fi4 same tiling-
fing the dar "'t
'smith's W Bile Beans. Th
action is so mild tna y
aware of it. All day your mind ui
barrel of .hem." ibr
Take no substitute for SMU " &
Kansas Li
On sale
iv, St. Paul-
i right nip;- v ,
S.SVSS.'-yr.-l.iP ;.l- ..re,
Dip; nuiw - -
Uralit county. norses, (cn8
with bar bu it) cm rii all(J v,,,
U la counties- UrHnraM. shwlwl
HuulieB. V 'f. Kn)le Morrow
TuZser, B rTr Or. -Hor.es, ou
,h!...l.lr;o lie. Kh,Vr,11,,n-Horw,A H
Hardisty.ai"". .-r, - r uleull tlie ihh
coniH-cled. '.n
h,i J iiVilardman. Or.-ors. .
let;. ank ,,. Or.-Hqrses, wineahuw
... "o .l,,iuer esMrle,Bamoi.ur,Kh
Guaranteed Cnrf.
We authorize onr advertised dnu gist
to se lJr.Ji.ings
"smtion, eonitbs and . d npon
this condition. If you are alilioteu vviu
a eongh, cold or any ni"ii. ,""" y
olieat,,'l,le,audwill nse this remedy
aa directed, giving" a ian . -
"rieuoe no beuetit, you may retnni tl e
bottle and have your m.ey rofmided
We could not make tnts oner um
i,nu- that Dr. Kins'" INew jnscover.
cnnl.l be relied ou. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at oiocniu . .. .."
D ug Co. Large size OUi-, and mi uu.
DlfiFlF N0 ST
i'tU Blnin
Trni .eaves l'-10"-'!
C-'JO p. m , daily except buudiiy.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners-
Steamers T?
every four days .
TIib worrt foro poll-
: . ,,fli!..nt!a!. Cure
!ul practice, i ri'iii'"' ";riJ1 ilank au.
by mail or ' "H-.."'" nRWSRU INSTITUTE.
Boot CU or will.. DR - stUul8, Mo
lucceirtulptacticc. Trcatmi
; .... . f-. Terms low.
ir. Hush's Belts tSSi
For rates and In.urm.tlon call on
Depot Ticket Anel.t.
I A 1
- r I1
Hcppner, Oregon.
...... I ..IriU'H CO
f...,,'iv' Slate, aiid Nuniher
ru'cniii'l. . ..... morn
' 1IKAD.-HI A ' M ,th0-
ubsolutely, P
A Will CI
111 rent piece ot SPEAR
a ,t , ,he people ohtnlnlng.hesnprt.es in this county will be pubUshed in UU
paper lminedlatoly at.or ruuiuu.j --
Dcre Is a Snap for llraliiy Pcople-The
Latest Tlilnil Out.
In orttor hi Introrlnre The Oansrlisn Airrlcult..rlil Into
. . 1.1 hnua iluniilml liriRInt ail
iimimially attrKCtive reward liu for theli l.ret touMA
t U i uvuiiniwT inM who twctirne
niliwrl.Min can ooin.M't free of chftrge. All that if
ni'Mwary In to take ft tVw slicel of jhiikt m1 make all
the wtiriU yon unit ""l ' 'IM-i" 1,1 -""
" WorUV n V)lnml)ian Ki)nton, aim wh .;--' .
m.-ihm 1 for sit munlha BultKcniitum to ejlliur llie
I'mmdiiTii ABriciilturiBtor TV IMWb Horn M.inf.zina,
ChihuIhiii Agrieimurmor inf iahii-b
two of th rltoici'M. illimtrated TliwlHaiJ- ?I thf i day.
Th winter of U;Un(.t l w. 1 rm 3lH- r wejk
ror life : ami, fi.wu in B"" .. .
5ih. ll : 6Ul, Tu-kst to , f lr "
An AmoilnB SmuuKUnif Story Ilelated by
The rector of one of the most fashion
,blo churches in this city tells thU
amusing story at his own expense, say. .SUx
the Philadelphia Record. During a visit T1 ,,m,t,iii,twriiiswn.iiuiMij tnrough
i .. nr nrm Lis mother. U.o Jialrwall III. rmtanls otl-rex Wow. . ,
who lives there, asked him to take back
to this country a small silver tea Bet and
some spoons, which were family heir
looms, and which she wished to give
to her married daughter in New York.
The good rector said that he could
only do so on condition that ho do-
I tl,.. tiHielesi lind tlllid tllO duty
nn them, but womanlike, his mother
would not hear of Uncle Sam's bene
flti,. i. i.nr irift. to her daughter,
uviiik J r- "ii
and so she continued to plead with her
.....till II,,. n'liisi-ieriiurs of his cou-
scieneo and do this little bit of smug-
.,!!, nt. the cost of a lib. It was
all in vain, however, and when the
worthy man bade her good-by she gave
v,tn. n ,1w.ih..-w scolilimr about his tin-
dutiful treatment of her, and hoped ho
would come to so regard his refusal ami
repent it as ho ought. Safely landed in
New York and at tho residence of his
sister ho accepted her offer to unpack
his luggage for him, and was as com
pletely overcome with astonishment as
sho was in linding a teapot in one of his
boots, a sugar howl in anoiner, anu are
balance of the tea set and a dozen or so
if spoons hidden in the pockets of his
clothes. And by the next mail eaine a
letter from his mother, which was tilled
with gleeful mirth at his expense. Tint
whenever the good man hears the fash
ionable sin of petty smuggling men
Joued he shivers at the thought of what
i dreadful time he might have had if
.he customs Inspector had discovered
tat silver.
llftVR PI-
I.,,'.; i.lsno., ornai.n. In.tim' anil B '' KH anil ilv
wa!flun, auver WRrervn-rr,.. n - -
itherrt'warn,iimKiiixiiou.-iiir - V ,
llpleti r oiiert'i ny aiix huiiii. . "v. r
or rnriner iiriir niiiuria. , n
Kl' I.KH. 1. ron-ijin nr "-""" - , "Vi .ui
LftU'rl rfi.ll.lll IHJ I.HI-ll oin-li.r nirii ... ri .. . . . -
,i,riU "Wi.r i a ' oniilll'lall ..ximhiuoh uii. i, i
...... "rl.1,11 for l.iatam-t.. -outd not l) UBfU, la'Pftliae
of.raol. and nlsMl. usrnit. 4. No elisre fw pa,-k.rjl
or alumi)K. "i.i a'1 I'nf in "..in - " i . .. ..-.r
ua lorin-nil our dri iilnlion. 5 All l.U o.i.iuuim.8 or
100 oorrcft wonla will rt'i'clve a aiwlnl rrward.
JlilHiKH Th follon.r.R wi-11 known in'otlenii-n nays
ponaroli-dtoailaniudiii.. and will llmt I m fr.r.e
ar (airly awanU'if-Coiuniodori. Ciileull, (1 Wru'lor
lU-iufa t.lne- of Stcaitipral. r.tprtiroinh, find Mr W.
KoU-rMon, l'mldrnt Times lMotins Company, 1 etw
orinmh. ... . ...... .... ..l,n
AUKM'S .VANTal' " " l".y ..-j
ntniKiaUin) P' nn ... won.l'n, laiya and cil ia. V, rile lor par
lli-ulai-a. IdTl.ler all money Icllera. A.ldnHn. A. ml.
BULT.'ltlST 11 B :o., iuiuK i .-i. ,iv...a... .
Whose rerslsteney Was at
A yearning for public office is noth
ing new. Nor, unhappily .is u am '-s
new for men to proclaim u "V?
upon the housetop, says the Y oaths
Companion. Kev. II. W. Tiers, many
1 . i crM.tViwestern
years ago, lounu m -cart
of "the country a large class of per
ennial office seekers. Once he heard a
speech from a man who had been a can
didate for the same office for twelve
in concession. Every year he had
canvassed the county, making speeches
in even- neighbornoou. '
prints rl part of the speech which he
himself heard.
i . t tr. irot f or me. as an en-
- l IISH juu
couragement to the poor boys of the
. . ..... t im nn examole to
county, mui. i i"v - ,
ii .i, limit mnv noint to me ana
Lliom, mill' .""j
sav: 'There is a man who was once as
.. , lehnhns been honored
pour as ui.j. -.'i . , , , .
with a seat in the legislature of his
native null...
"I have taught school 'a good many
winters, and the boys that I have
taught like me. They will give me
their votes. 1 have sometimes thought
I should have to teach school over the
county until I have taught boys enough
to elect me."
nn 1 tln( sneech was JtS follows:
"Mv fellow citizens, when I look back
over the twelve years since I became a
candidate for this office, I feel encour
aged. When I look back and think of
the very few that for years gave me any
encouragement, and compare them with
the number that now prim.
cotes. I am oroud of my success.
I begin to feel that my nupes
about to be realized, that a majority
of my fellow citizens will honor me
with their suffrages, and that I shall
proudly go up to the capitol and take
my seat among tne iogisuiu..n
state. Hut, fellow citizens, if. unfortu
nately, I should fail in this election, I
....... ti... nwiiiini. oniioriiiituv ia "l
mm- iin. ii.......-- i-i ... i.
mvuiilf as a canuuiaie iu u.r
uouii..- 'v
next race."
XT... l.nf Rome vears after
1II1 HUM. J .-I"! .1"- - V
ward, his long dream was realized.
i. ...... , nn tho Tastes of
Neighbor Across the Channel,
fm.. tTii-Hcl- am not nnoreciative of
cooking, and the table of the greatest
lord is covered only with large pieces of
meat. Bisques and pottages are as
good as unknown. Pastry is
heavy and ill baked; compotes and
i .muiv o-itnble: forks and
JU.IU-. ai t. cui
on not in cnmmnn use: the wash
ing of the hands is performed by a dip
ping of them in a basin full of water
that is brought round to all tne -fiicou-.
Toward the end of the meal it is cus
tomary to smoke tobacco, and while so
doing people continue tneir tain veij
Men of quality do not practice smoic
: c occi.bioiislv as men of the people,
.Uk OV1 liuii J -
for a workman scarcely allows a day to
pass without going to me tavern, mere
to smoke with some irieuu oi ma. . .
which reason taverns abound, and worn;
progresses but slowly in the shops; a
tailor or a shoemaker will leave his
board, whatever be the pressure oi
work, and stroll to the public house of
evenings. And as ne comes iiouie ...
and somewhat dizzy, he opens his shut
ters and begins work again scarcely be
fore seven the following morning. Man
the dearer for it,
UiattUlCU Buvua.v .
and a strange jealousy nrua--'
toward French workmen, wuu i ---
lily more diligent. .
leeiro-iiiii.""- r- v
irtj DO Jicu mm
3 t.w. S.isnensorle. Spl-
S XA 5 i USZToSS Caps!
IdiVUfcrVsti-J jaoles, etc. Tr. .
r , PS ri e mtt , JforZt " Ui,
r 1 1 " a' roJ.l Weak-
, . . i ... ai....vrtusin'-.n. "." ...
nBS, ana .i. f,B
luestiou iiiiin" - "
Cull or
Give the matter a little thought
Reference is made to the neat hard
ware, tinware, plumbing, etc., stock o
Billy Potter, Odd Fellows ball. He de
sires to please in both quality and pnoe
The general merchandise establish
,.,.iv owned bv Coffin & McFar-
meni loimo.i. -
land, has lately changed hands, bow be
ing under the control ana ni"ii"-"
.m,.- TtT,.T7-.liimi MerCnnilie Ijumpai"
0IIIW1UO""-" " ,
Whieh continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever.
At Abrahanieick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
i,:,t bnaierv. etc. Also has on band
. l n.iiam. for nnits. A.
some eiegnui p-'"- rnVn Or
Abrabamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or.
W. H. 110i:i mKT, At. Oenl. I'ans. Ant.
2o4 WHBl.lliBton St.,
Monday, September 8th
peroiis vear in its history.
11 '. ......ii. 'I'lioront-h m-
lange in ni""" - . , - ,,.
ton free, liiitim.ee fee. $10.
n,",.(Uig..t "Mrzu
,,.,aiit iimv lionin'oryiiml b.ii.rdint hull
ti miw. sludenlB will re-
JoiiN W. Johnson,
";t.o,,W.;r ealt '", ",1 VAi H on
"Wt and 'heart on tb ) .
t ne it"i m" i Vi i,:.. Ilanire in morrow
tl..HK.u(.nh;fb'ii. 0r.fR 1 Don
l,y Alfml. ""(t'dbltiuriKht. I orae.
6hoe-tnon"Vr tattle. U.e aams.
Kank-e ou Or.-Horee. circle J. on
Johnson. teh. Viaht hio, under half
smooth crops
Hearvaliuj-i n,nn(,r Or.-Horaes nraiiti
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, utt iBft
KNY. on lett l.ip -"TJ
nun under sli.ne 1,"u,irBo r)9 en lett
rte" 17 on eitl,er
Hank: cattle 11 un rwht Bide. ,n
"sSKSS. "is'it -de, underbit ou
countv. w , i ,.?.0 Or. Horses
i.icualien. J,u m tl ou lett shoul-
art;a,tt!.m;K .a,leflh.p. Itango. near Lex
iuntoii. nr. Horses branded
,' iZi sLuuid ir; cettle sa.no. on left
hr.rtactulovernstt ye. three -hu in r.l.t
ear. . ,, n.norsas bmiuled
dota' u";..--'netuues called a
BwiUK H. on 1 tS. lr.-('a.lle lnrBe
Tin"V, Oscar, Heppner. Or.-Ca.tle, M D on
ri",, h.Pi Uor-e. Mia, lelts hou hie
lUellimuer, ; a,
bar over ou.riKl.l.lu.u der.
.-,-"'a"'.i,"";' ,.T:.'7 t thud.; ealUo. L ou
I Ofl 1U1L oliuu-u -
.i?ive pt'ifcoi.!-. i
A Leader.
Sinoe its first introduction, Electn.
Bitters has gained rapidly in pnptlftr ":
vor, until now it is clearly in the ead
among pure medicinal tonioa and alter
ofinoB nnnTH tT UUIIIIUK -r.1...... y-
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant.
it is recognized as tne nesi aim ,o.m
medicine for all ailments of stom.ich
liver or kidneys. It will onresiek head
ache, indigestion, constipntion, and ilriv.
malaria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with enob bottle or the mone;
will be refunded. Sold by Slocnav
Johnson Drug Co.
Uverv owner ol a hone .hould keep
it on hand, it n.sv ave the llle ol a
?.S.". snlmsl. 0e Parf
D oiuhr to ten cases, frice iji.uit.
oi hi mail o expreBB. uur Act
U. HE JiJllB 8T L01JlBi
Foot-Print" the Path w Heallh.
i7,.urv.,H needing a doctor's advice
.i,!,l",erl one of Dr. Foote's dime
,.m-.iilet3 on "Old Eyes," "Oronp,"
Rnotnre." "I'hinioJiH," "Varicocele
'.,. .. n np nl Wnmen, and
uisease in mv.., ........ ... -
... iu . l nuollU of Hel'-ciiie. JU
eaiU .IK- ernu 1I1......U ...
i:n t).,ii .v. vm Kast 28th bt. New
1 II 1 X
The Old Reliable
ni.nr.tamo nnrriin.i i!.
pif antffd Board and apartments
n"'wl W"oi desired. Question Ulamt
ami Boon true. Call or write.
Shot with a Cork.
A lady, stopping in a New York hotel
during "a recent "hot spell," was much
troubled l.v fear of burglars. She had
dropped asleep one night, when ,
she was aroused by a sharp report, like
of a pistol, and felt a tingling sen-
,n in her shoulder. Tutting up her
she was horrified to hud her
own saturated with some lluid,
.It., was sure was blood. "Henry,
' hhe cried to her sleeping hus
i am shot; 1 am bleeding to
"Nonsense, Km." her callous
husband replied, as he got up and lit
the gas: "you have been dreaming."
"Hut 1 a:n' wet with blood," persisted
the terrilie.l woman. "You are wet,
but net willi blood," said the husband;
be burst into roars of
liLiiuliler. lie had tin wired a bottlo of
A Medical Firm Gives nwaj Cash.
J. F. Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green
with St., New York, tho manufactur
ers of that favorite cathartic known as
Fmith's Bilo Beans, havo adopted a
novel plan. They ask tho individual
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full
naiiio and address, with an outside
wrapper from a bottlo of Bile Beans
(either size) to their office, aud they
give 5 for the first wrapper received
in each morning's mail, aud $1 for the
2d, 8d, 4th, 5th and Oth. Every day
$10 in cash is thus sent to their cor
respondents. Ask for SMALL sizo.
A Oncer Itusiness Man.
(i,. f I Tie characters of Portland
M., ii ii i!ii,....!iii .lew whom
ness man in Maine would trust with
five thousand dollars if he wished it. ,
He buys about ten thousand dollars' i
worth'of dry goods and millinery annu-1
ally in job lots, and sells it all over the
state through the medium of some
twenty-five or thirty basket peddlers, i
He makes evidently a good proht, for
he is worth over twenty-uve mousum.
iU :in. . hoiiLT i lie cannot re.ui or unit'
and cannot be taught to do either. Sev
eral times the attempt has been made
to teach him to form the initials of his
name for purpose of signature, hut lie
cannot form the letters so that they can
be recognized as such, lie can add and
subtract, and has a young man to keep
accounts, which ne is nine io uiovc
t. or the reverse, because lie lias
How He and Two Oilier Musicians Aider,
a Needy Artist in Paris.
A poor, worn-out musician, carrying
. i. ... iinh hp was LOU iucuic 'mj !
U VIOllll " mi-" - -
was met with in Paris by three young
students of the conservatoire. In re
sponse to his request for alms they
searched their pockets, the united con
tents of which yieiueu ou.,y
sous and a cube of resin. Thereupon,
says Temple liar, one of them proposeu
to talee tho old man's violin and accom
pany the voices of his companions. Nc
...nnr said than done.
i-..,,vi.,n,.inrr with a solo upon the
theme of the "Carnival of Venice," 8
larn-e concourse of listeners was soon
attracted. Then came a favorite cava
I Una from "La Dame Blanche," sung in
such a manner as to keep the audience
Portland, u.boundi an(lyet again the trio from
any busi- j ..(;uUlaume TeU. p,y this time the
poor old man was galvanized into uie
and activity by the artistic performance.
He stood erect, and, with his stick, di
i ii,,. nr.ni.ert. with the authority
of a practiced leader. Meanwhile con
t,;i.tirms of silver and even gold rained
;,,( tbeold man's hat. To his aston-
!...i,..j .i .r,.,ii,.f..l demand to know
ISllt-Vl mm n'"-"- . .
who were his benefactors he received
from the first the name of Faith, and
from the others the response of Hope
aud Charity.
"And you do not even know mine,"
' sobbed the poor musician; "my name is
Chapuer, and for ten years I directed
the opera at Strasbur;;. You have
saved my life, for I can now go back tc
mv nut w lllace. WllCrO 1 snail uc aoit
. .. in i-,.0ntinr nil rarl.
oosltlve cure. Question Blank and Boo,
tree. Call or write.
n,..!. . - ST. LOUIS, MO
mtii, nn Irnnn voiir subscription paid up yen
cankeep your brand in free of charge.
Allyu. T. ).. lone, Or. HorseB GO or i left
ihouliler-, cuuo hiunw uu ...i., ii
rinht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, .). C, Alpine, Or . T with bar nn
ler n on left shoulder of horses; catllo same
m loft hip.
.... i T. u:.l.i VIOi. t Pnttln hrnnrl
Allison, U. 1., n.'Si i i'iiii. -
J D on loft hip ant! horees me hrand on right
.houhier. Henee, MKi.i nine.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, ,IA con
no,. ...ii on lelt Hank; cattle, samoon left lap.
Rnrihnliimfw. A. H., Alpine, dr. Horses
nranded I E un either shoulder, llaniie in Mo.
Eleskman, Geo., Har.lnian, Or. HorseB, a Mok
mien. eii.mniBi . ..uiiio r...--
hannietor, J. W., Hanlman. Or. Cattle brand
. 1. .. i.i ..... ...l .I.;..).- m.lir in OMih nnr
a n ou .en nil, in'" ii' ..
Ureimer, Peter, lioc Heherry .Oreitoii Horses
.rnnded PB on left shoulder, cattle same on
llnrke. M Bt 0, lnc t;reek, Or-On cattle,
vlAV conneotefl on left lnp, cop on loft enr, on
.Vft' shoulder, llunge in Grunt and Jlorrow
-t r.iTlTT. nroft-lTr SAFE. Ttr
VjVi.r 8utB. in the ?hT DOCTORS private ma
.-.l-iit ft" R8 VH.iT-9, t.nd not a slngl J bad reR.iii.
i, o k-7 i-ptnrmi'l If not a3 reprpsentea. bano
:ents (.-itiiinpfi) Itx? aoalcd partioulava.
Vj'ASD IHGTWUTE, ISO Ttt. Ninth St., St. J-:uls.
Malign AN!
DUeaRes C(IIiEl) wl'hout thfl uso oi
Question umiiK anu noon in-B. v-n
j 1U.1I. 15. BUTTS,
62I'ine St. S 0UlBt JU.0.
VBTBS It , 1 Iknilr
Slj; a licrCV ANY LADY, employed or unemployed .
l3AlLLIt can r-aketLialrratcw hours work eaet
H. Bi-SiAMIN & CO., 822 Pino bt., SLlouli, Mo.
correct, or tne reverse, oeeause oo ..... . - , r ,rfol.m...
learned that certain combinations of "''nir rinlinist ,vas Adoh,h llei-
niarks mean certain kinds of lace, etc ,,,,, J ,v:,. t;usU,v r.oger and
could not name the letters or any o, ; d.aritable scheme
words. They are simply symbols . "1' " ,, ,.,.
Kcducpd 15 to 2ft p'mndB rerm-tith. No
SfiirviTlg. Ill) liicomcii i-inw, . -j .. avr....., ..v. .
'ru'-'. 'I I'f-fi'inont )frfoi:tlv hurmlot" aud gtricily couti
iemial. illusion 115 vk an'l Honk iree. Callorwrite.
l)k U. B. JiUXTaj.aluebtreebt.Louii.Mo.
.' T 1 neU.ivuan hrntirloH 7
in riKill BilOUltlLM, uuiue "II tlio .CH Biua
i ..fv imlf .ivm niH riirht ftwp nntifir kIodp.
' Hui tti, V,'in HrpMier. Or. -Homes, J Hon
ifjht tliiKti, cuttle, name 011 rilit Ui(t; epHt in
Hro-wn. Ibm. Lpxiuirton. Or. Horaen IB on tlio
ilit Btitio; catllo Biune on rialitiiip; ranae.Alo
ow coumy. Tr
lirown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
' with dot in noi tor on lnft hip; cattle, t-amo.
Brown, W.J, , Lena, OreRon, Horses V liar
iver It, on the loft shoulder. Cattle same ou left
Boyer, W. ft., Heppner, Or. HorsoB, box
irtKiiior rshi hip cattle, same, with split in
"liorn, I'.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
honrdpr; came, biiiiih on ifii inh,
Jil'OVclllfle, -J., !MiX,lJr aLlie, or, uoniionifu
n left Hide; crop tn left ear and two splits and
nidill1 piece cut out on right ear; on horsoH Kanie
rniui uu uie ibii limh, 11011 tn
Grantcounty, ,
, turii.ei' Mirren. Wagner, Or. Horsed brand
id 0 on liRlit stilie; cattle (tliroo bare) on
ifiht ribs, crop mid Hplit m euch oar. Mange 111
iirant and Morrow counties.
('Kin, li. , Calfb.Or.- 1 on horeoH on left stitle
U witli uutirter circle over it, on loft shoulder
nd on toft stilie on all colts w dor 5 years; on
t-ft shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant county.
, ifnk, V in, 11., Lei a. Or. Ilorsef- WHO con
nected, on left bhouliier: cattle tame on riht
nip, liange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('ate, I'Ilhh. H Vinson or Lena, Or, Homes
II 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on cigltt hip.
I tango Morrow and Umatilla counties.
I',.,. 11 U. It.,...,luu iir- h,.,Uu .If1 nn nt
.liouider: ea'tle same on left hip, waddles on
. .1 ; ,..1 ... tl,.i .il,f
HCII JtlW vlllU IIYII U1LC1 111 LIIV3 llftlll, .fl. .
lull, l. n,, tiuiiu JJi.it o. uuuuit) uruttB 1111
...... .... II., D.H,.,., f.vrb- i,n,laH Kit
m rinlit oar, split in loft ear. Hange in Grant
omiiy. -'n snoop, mvertea Aauo spear point
it. shoulder. Ear nmrko owes, crop on left ear
t,.. .i.i.mr hit in r.o-lif VVntKf.ra. rii., ill
ight and under half crop in left ear. All ratig
right thiK ). op. Homoh. 11 on right
Ml ten tui. Ktmm . -
hiPi atue..JourM,htBrfe. (jr.-Horses,
DM connected, on the leit ihoulden cattle same
1,11 hip and side. .. .,,..
Mctiirr, lyai,., 1 -r. - .
wit 1 tof-cortt on I'Hiue , l
S ear; honm huiuo brand on leit sUtle.
with1' all '.We nuuer on leit shoulder; ou Callle ,
r bars eonueeunl ou top ol. the r.Kht sldu
left U..KI11 eiiille.Bi.iuo on left hiP- .
1 11 IV el', o oeepn, i luiji'n . n. , - .-
on loft h.p; ou homes, aiiuio ou leit thigh, HauKe
inlirui.t county. .. . ..
Oiler, i'erry, bejinKtou, Or. r U on leit
B'o?p,' Herman, I'.airie City, Or.-On cattle, O
LP connected ou left hip; horeos on left Blltla
and warue ou nose. itHiie in tiiaut county.
Pearson, (Jiuve, Klijht Wile. Or.-llorsos, quar
ter circle enieio ou icit mivum" -, , ;
hip. Cuttle, torU iu let; iur, right cropped. H
on Jell nip. iwuiK' H.1K1H. 1.111.
Parker ui ( leasou, iluiUuiau.Ur, Horses 11 on
left Blioulder. . ,
Piper, lllne t, liOXinBion, ui. i..ii
e li (L K counseled) ou leit shoulder ; cattle,
s mi ou light hip. Kauge, Morrow couul.
necled o.lelt sl.oulueri outdo, same on leit Uip.
under hit in each ear.
l'etll'B, A. (J., lone, ur.i norseB uiaii.oiiu a- ua
i.i. .t.tu .. o .1 i.iiniiitn.iiil. on tha
BllUUiUVli llivio, u . - "
left hip, upper slope in left ear aud Blip in luu
rinht. .. , . .... ,. ..
I'OWell, JOllll X., LiayVllie, Or-munco, u i
necedou leit shouluer. Cattle OK connected on
letlhip, two under half oropa, one ou each ear,
wattle under throat. Kai geiu Uruntcouuiy.
llood. Andrew, llhruinau, ui'. iiorsus, equtuo
Cloer with quarter-circle over it on leit Blllle.
Iteninger, i..uiih, iieppuoi-, vi. v.
lett shouldei.
Itice. bun, HarUman, ur.; noreeB, inree pane.
.. ! ui,.,l,lui.. .uMIh. IiAN on
WOI1U IWU1D uu lull - ,
righl shoulder, itunge near llardman.
lloybe, liarou, neppuei, vr "'i im .
left shoulder: caltle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop oil right ear. Hange in Mor
row county. . v
Itunh bros., rieppner, or. iiorses uiaauou a
.... .1... r;..i., ul..ii,i,.r- iiiii.t Ih. I oi. the k,H hill,
crop oU leit ear aud dewlap ou neck, liaugo IE
lVlorrow anu aujeiu.iig couuoci,.
Itusl, William, Jiiuge, ur. jio.ouo i. ..n
lell Bi.ouhler: cuttle, li on left hip, crop utt
right ear, uuilelult o.. lett, ear. cueep, a ou
weuiheiB, round crop oil righ ear. limine Uuia
tula and Jlui low c mnlles.
lu-aney, Andrew, L,eiiLigton, Or. Iloisei
hraudud A 11 ou right shoulder, veul quui'lol
circle over hriuidi cattle same on right hip.
flange Morrow county.
lio)e, Win. ll, Uai.yville, Or Hit conneoU'O
with quarter circle over top ou cattle ou fight hip
and crop oh rigid ear und spill in lell. iiot'Me.
sumo brand on leit shoulder. Uuugu iu Morrow
Uruul anu utuuiin couuiies.
U) hi in.
that i
which :
Lynch Law Among BU. SomethluK T"" Every Fisherman Does
In the neighborhood of Burley the! l,Iit"ow-. , , ,
lu . s .... r i- iv i p.,h "When n b lack bass is hooked, the
other day, says me nreua tuu6., .
I Litleman iookinR over a wall saw a only way you can Jii- S"
. woman's Oret llanch. dead hen in tne ncm. i rrseiivij, . 7 , i. v. .ri
Richard Hardin? Davis thus writes of ran up. snuffed at J LTwd by wateh in the line at its I
a lady who runs a Texas ranch: "When with much 'Usf point " contact with the surface of
ladies ko to call on Mi-s.Hicl.ard Kin, m some h aste. he o. ' f watwfrom which point never re
after they have reached the front gate student o f natural h.s top , k ""V w move vour eye until he s brought safe
they have to drive ten miles up the that - f wo lu rat can" lc Charles Frederick Dan
walk to the front door ffiXZX forth inthe New England Magazine,
when he wants to get at the kitchen, osak witn nuu . ..ti win resort to cverv means in his
must drive thirty nes frtim the back Uon jf p ' toTt rid of 'the remorselesa
gate. Mrs. King lives on her ranch, cass for future use. A""" ' P 80mL.Umes breaking water four or
forty-five miles south of Corpus Christi. 5"-" ime, When a fish" is seen to be
Over her acres roam one hundred thou- raised a louu qmw ' .ll.me.ll for the surface, and is
sand head of cattle. These are attend- its absence. iMni. .. . . - vT' ,.,; o-ot there no matter what hap
ed by three hundred cowboy, and foil upon him so 7 that they left tothvrcnom hhap.
twelve hundred ponies. When there him dead on tne neia . , T - . ' v the
rot quickly and steadily to the right or
jeft, keeping a tnut nne, oi cuursc, uu
the while; but, should this not succeed
and he breaks water iu spite of you,
lntvpr the noint of the rod a little, other
wise it may be smashed. Care must be
Oe.veais, Trada-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
Ami alt Patent business conducted for
Information and advice given to iuventors wltnoirt
oharne. Address
Atannglng Attorney,
0. Rox 4G3. Wasuikgton. D. C
jT!iis Company Is rnRnaped by a combination of
(he h'.rrtst mid most Inilnt-ntial nownpnpcrs la tha
! ":.:,' .! t-'t'itr;., for t':n cxvi'ts piiFposa of proloct
(licir auliiwrliit.'r flgnlast unscrupulous
i iT.coti.pctL'iit rj.i.c;n. Ajronts, and each paper
ri'.'tl!'. il'.U Dtivci'tisrmcur voucliostortho rcsponsU
' i)li.:y;.i d l.i-JErisianaiUb'of thtPrtssClalmsCurnpany.
("ook, A. J.,Lona,Or. HorseB, (X ion right Mnml
t attle, same on rigni nip: ear mam square
p off left and split in right.
I U. II. f J la. Uiipaan -IT. Ol.
lVUULUt, II , l a, vJlJJliL-l, V ' UVi, vw
left shoulder. Cattle, ijon right hip.
iSpiclinall. J. WM GooBobeny, Or.-UorsoB
brandeu itl on loft bhuuhAer ; iange in Morrow
bailing, C tl Heppner, Or Horaen branded
on lull biiouiuur; otiLUo sume ou iett lap.
BwiiMBiiri, li. if'., Lexington, (Jr. Horses
with anah under it on left stitle. cattle li with
....ui. niiiiur H oi, rurlil lint (Tin. L.ti riiMii WIlP ILIld
vauUioU ou ngiit in ml leg. Ituuae iu Morrow,
Oiiliaiuund Omatilia oouuttea.
bwiigKurt, A. L.,Athoua. Ur. Horses branrie-4 2
lull hIh.iiIiImi" i;mH Ui .oiiiiM (Hi luft. Inn. (jTOL
ou oar, watilo ou leit timd Iok.
turk m riKiu ear, unaut bit iu leit.
.... . . .1 . ... l J o ....
oapp. 1UUH iiwyiiuoi, w, uuistni, is a a vu
lell mp; uttLiu sulmuou leit hip.
bhriox juhu, if ox, ur. MJ conneoied on
hoibBfj on right hip; came, same ou righl hip,
r in ..11 riuiii fin- mill unOnr hit in It'll, nnr. limine
iu orant county.
buiiui liioB., oubinviue, Jr, iiorteB, rjranueu
11. 'L. outiiiuLiluor; uaittw, miiu ou lull tihoulder.
bquiieb, Oainoti, AiIiukIoo, Or,; hoiboti branded
Jboulott Biiouuier; cattle Uie aauie, aino nobe
waeiUle. liango in Morrow aud tjiiiiauicoautieH.
btophoiiB, V. A., iioidujuu, Ur-; hoibuu boon
r 18 tit. ttUhe; catllo horizon uil L uu the utfht aide
bievenaon, Airs A. J., iioppiier, Or. LiUo, H
on ntjht hit uwaliow-loik. in loll eai,
bwanyart, li. W., Heppnor, Or. iiuraea, 44 on
leit biiuiiide. ; oaLiie, 44 ou left uip.
bpeii, 1. U., ileppuer, Or. OuLliu W C on
lett uip, crop oil' rigut and underbit in left year.
uu w lap; noiuet) l ou leit Biiouiuer.
'Ihouipboii, J. A., .iioppiier, Or. lioraes, g on
leit BiiuuiLur; cattle, Z ou leit nhtmider.
Tiypetb.b.T..liuierpribb,Or.- liwiboB. C-on left
taut line or lau oaclc on tne taut line
either of which is extremely liable to
produce the result spoken of. If you
get a strike when trolling k'H'p the line
taut and the boat in m.itiou, slacken-
. . i- rni..in Mtfli tiiAW nn nnnmi ui uitl Liitriv uu auuuvi wv .....- uli 1 1,
ea oy tnree nunureu cov. Wy. a..u "" -r-nnt he can often be checked, just be- ina-in sliced somewhat, of course: for
twelve hundred i P- t iokes with his friend, fore he breaks water, by moving the give him but a few in, lies ui siack and
r.M,..vaa,.... r , quickly and steadily to the right or up h
iivd a bottlo of , . . . ,, . , .,,
-li - 1 1 . nuv Bum. truia maun luvm u
wvlawalpr d'.irinif the evening, Hut not ibnr.m
.-ipimcdiu It lay on a table, pointing Isanc Jacob wou,d flnd tm liJe
directly at tho bed, ami it was evident M patriarchal. And none the less
that, exploding under the heat, it had . nason of the modern lmprove.
,hot the cork and half the sodawater ment8 o tho nome snd hollse ptlefi of
across th room, aud hit ths lady aa Wg Qi . ..r Md m(kny cat,
she slept. tie.".
up he goes into the air like a rocket and
is gone
Queer Canine Miinlak
'.Tl.n. I. - 1 Tiliil.i,li.lnl,ln .1.. a
.arm a la una ... uu.iuvi ruia .ua, wise IT, m IV lit
las & mania for tearing off door-knobs .,v..,n in tbi in nnl.-r that he mav not '
nd plates and wrecking iu woodwork throw his weight and bring the whole j
if the doors generally. I torve of his jump to Vxiiron the straiirht j
aj. . . Jli 'B' I .a. ...l.".l"Y j"f
tV-aCt-g. .f-xtfyVi :gSrfa,f
Snuiits ntitHt all list rAILS. t',
Best t'ouirh feyrup. Ta.iles GooO. Use f
ivi in Tlnift MMU riv dniem.rs. 11
(.'urrin. It. i!., Currinsville, t)r,
hjti mine.
Cox Kd. B., Hanlman, Or. Cmtte, C with
in center; horseh. t'K on left ip.
(.'oehnin, It. K., Mouumetit, (irant Co, Or.
lloines brunded circle with bai beneath, on left
t-houlder: caltle eamo brand on both hips, mark
imlor slope both earn and dewlap.
( hapin, H.. llardman. Or. Hornes branded
on rinht hip. (battle brauded the name,
lJickens, tub hoifCB brai ded with three
tinea fork on left plilie. ( attle ha ne on left hide.
JUuiiBlauK, W. M ,(ialluwa. Oi-.-t.aiUo, It i.1 ou
righl aide, swh low-fork iu each ear; horsea, K D
on left hip.
DoukIhb, 0. T-, Doufflae, Or Hortee Tl) on
die light istitle; cattle tame on rifrjlit hip.
Eh'. J. B. A Sunn. DoUtflati. Or. liornfn brand.
Mil KLi on loft Mhouluor, cattle Hams ou left
! hit! h'.lf. ill riatll nn.
! Ktlioti . Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
Hfc'l.t hltOllidfT.
I Lniei j, I . H., llaritinan. Or.-HorseB branded
.teVviM't' v MHi tai'j on leu hi.ou our ; eni
v f-aniL tin i it- li. hip. I.m in Mi.nvw in.uiiiy.
Fleck, JacLfou. f ieppuer, Or. tiointio, ii'
.oiiueiit'o oi titiht Httottider; catllo. tonne on
r iK jit hip Kar mark, hole iu nnht and crop
oU left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. ('attle, LF on
nhi lnp; horuuK F with bar under on right
Florence, S. P. Hoppner. Or. Hoi-hor, F on
nht uhoi Idei ; cattle. F on ripht hip or thifch.
I'lflU'll, UHi'l I,", mri,pii'"i , vi. niviu I'l tliltatfU
YF, with bar ovei it. on left wide; crop off left
v.'ii.r. liorsi'ii, same brand on left hip.
tiii, Hoary, Heppner, Or.hA.'i on left
(jilman-Freuch, Land and Livr Stock Co., Fos
sil, Or. liorsea. anchor b on left shoulder; vent,
same on left Btitle. t attle, same ou both hips
I ear marks, crop ofi riht enr and underbit in left
Halite in (iiliiaui, Grant, Crook aud Morrow
i counties
t (joi.uy, Kloier, Echo, Or. --Hordes bn-nded H.
S. with a quitrter ciicie uvtr it, on left htifle
Uange in Morrow and Uttmt ilia counties.
I Haee. Geo., Leua, Or, brand JH connected
with quarif r circi" over it, on leit snouiaer.
Hiatt A. H., Kidge, Or. tattle, round-top 4
with quarter circle under it on the riBht tip.
Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Tumor it. W.. HeoonHr. Or. SnmH niioitid T
Leit Buouidci, huiaos; oattle Bauie on lott hip
with split iu both earn. .
luuiutuu, n, at., loue, ur. noruoB uranuou
H I couueutudou loftBUUu; aheop aaiue biauu.
Vandorpuol, ii. T Lefla, Or; horeea HY con
nected ou ritdit BhouluerxatUu. bame on nnht
Walbridne, Win.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. ii.
crop oil loll oar aud right ear tuppeU.
VVilbou, John y,, balein or tieppner, Or.
HoI'hub bruuiiod Jy ou tne left shoulder. Kaut
aiorrow ouuuLy.
Warren, VV li. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left sido, bpiit iu riRht uar.
ilore BHiue braad on lett Bhouider, itaiitiein
(irat couuly.
W right, ailas A . Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b W ou the right hip, bquaie crop oil right ear
aud split in leit,
V. ...... lli.n.n u Ll..-.. u tori
ace ot t-pauuh un ieit shoulder aud leit hio
Cattle uihiKieti buiuu on ieti siue and left lap.
shoLJUei . t bhiuts.
ujuiiubi, John, John Uai City, Or On horstis
throe puiahol bars uu lett htiouiaor; 1 uu Blitjep,
oil in ootn ears, tvauge in Uraut anu luaiuuwr
Woouward, John, Heppner. Or. Horses, CP
connected on lott Bhouliier.
Watnins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UK couuectoo on left stitle.
Wallace, Charles, Fortlaud, Or. Cattle, W on
right Lhigh.hou in left ear; horses, W on right
bhouluer, soiut saineun lei1., shoulder.
VV Liltier urob., nuuiiLgiou, baker Co., Or. -
ELorbeB urhuueu n a, uonuecteu on ieii d..vluiis:
Willmma. u Hmnnt.t,, fr Oi.nrtnr nir-
cle over throt bars on left hip, both cattle and
uuiDro, ItailUB CIJttUL UUUlit).
ji-bmb. liaime tiraul counts.
n unams. j u. ijong i reeK. ur norses, qut
ter circle over three bars on left hip; catue same
aud Mil in twh ear, Khikh in (imiii cininiy
Wren, A. A., heppner, Or. Horses running A A
on aiiouhier: an..-, bame it r.'" '
Walker Elizabeth A. Sons, llardman Or.
' attle branded W connected; EW on Jeft
side, horsts bhiuo on right Hhuulder. J. W
W alker b catue, same on leit hip, horaes same
on lett shoulder. Ail range in Morrow county.
Young, ). 8., Gooseberry, Or, Hones branl
TSontbe right shoulder.