Nolli I. AM 'Kill , .liiruiK liif 1 itr ('lisitine ul Mii.f, nn lot IrtUT tllrtll Monti'. . litl'lll, or Ihnrw'Hy f.w. Hon. Thb I'ATTun. Mini ol 1lilHy ,!., i'I m-t tlmir co.y in I'iiiK for 'I'ucHilHy's ; for Kriiluyii t.,l. UN I'l'III.ISIIINlK'o. No net. c:lru" ,'" ""'." "Ml Union. Ol re. wet " list, ol wcd.iM.K pn-ents anri ,i0, "r. 1 d obituary notices, (ouu r i. tl , i;,e t,l,5 or nhallhluiBelfKlvensiii..,,: ,,, 0 u. .,) a,id ' notice. oUpecial meeting ir mto'.eri urp.,;e . a. Nntlinw of church ami ocii.v nm nil ntlnr i entrrtu mnimts from which ru.un'm lulu n.o, nan ue ciiai-KOd for at the ml? of I'.v. cent, a line. "hcc rules will ho tilci:y el to In every limtance. A, limrttuf.... ......... - vi . . . . iiwmit ii .i "etwuimuieaua maaoEnown of wtiBut liavu been leg Hi We hold each and every correKou!ent re- .l.oiiMoio inr mi or her communication. No. ... i " " " PiilMiieU unle.s the good laitii "a"lt! lt"l'd M tt" evidence ol I FI.SHEK, KEWHI'Al'KK ADVKKTIri- iJ. Iiik Anent. 21 Merchant, tschantie, bun rrauclHco, in our authorized aifent. This paper Is kept on Die in hl.oltlce. TIME TABLE. StaKe for llardmau, Monument, Lonjr Creek John Day and canyon city, leaves as follows ' Every day at li a. m., except Sunday. Arriveseverydayatti p. m., except Monday. '1 he cheapest, quickest and bust line to or from the interiur country. W. A. Johtistoii.Ageut. 1 Top. Give your busineim to lleppner people, and therefore assist to build up llepp ner. l'atronize those who ptttronize you. Here and There. ''When may I sleep again?" ha cried, As the baby began to squall ; And a saucy echo answered back: "Alter the bawl." mo few brought in. An K tsteni Stur chapter bis been K'liiiznl at Coudou. lien C. Irwin, the Portland uiuuk mm.. Suuduveil in Hi-iiiiir. Ut"" Roberts, representing Ztn Bros., Feldiuauu & Cole, was in town over Sunday. .,Qeoi Conser and wife spent Sunday at Mrs. Couaer's parent., Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. HIiKa'd on Rhea nnk. 'I'l. . .... rms nave started the grass on Meppner's bills, and the town cows nave uiveu the (Jutetle nffioe hup vines uuance io grow a little. The to OHW Uoes Wel on bllnchiraa hnr. rn showdown will tumr on aoytbing from oyaior cans to tbe best part of woll-(ra8ed lawn. Hood sCures l rose with great alacrity To oiler her my seat, "Twas a question whetlur she or I Would stand upon my feet. Cora J. won the two-year old race at Independence. We will take wheat on subscription at 50 ooote per bushel. Down nt The Dalles wheat buyers are paying 5l) cents per bushel. W. H. Wilson, of Wilson & Bowman, wbh in from Butter creek Saturday. Mrs. Oe. Fell and Mrs. Jerrv f!ohn departed yesterday morning for Port laud. The Long Creek rnoes were not a howl ing success, no outside horses being present. Binns & Thompson recently lost one of their 'bus team, u flue horse worth $125, even these liaid times. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette ehon. aeenta. The Heppner Canyon Btatje line is the beHt, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Fruit is in demand in Heppner. Five big loads were disposed of without trouble Satuiday last. E. F. l-verett, formerly of this place, writes the Gazette that lie is at present located in Aberdeen, Wash. Tbe Eeeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine end tobaoco habit. See ad. Have yon got any machinery's that out of repair? If so come in and get some metal and refit your boxing. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's pills they should be iu every traveler's grip and every family medicine chest. The Gazette will takeoounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe of same in cash at highest market prioe. 7-CO W. J. Plummons, who has been herd ing sheep for Sain Kinsman over the river in the Yakima country, returned Sunday. J. E. Steele, of Hardman, wag down Friday evening last. Mr. Steele con templates leaving Morrow county in the very nunr future. Elder Duly, of the Reorganized obnrob of Jesus Christ, who is now preaohing at Six Dollar, baptised four oonverta out at Rbea creek Sunday. Sam Adams and Joe Woolery were in town the latter part of last week. Joe thinks tbe crop down m the lone neighborhood was over estimated. Ask Dan Hornor if the ownership of the defunct cat in bis neighborhood bas been settled. Dan plays a good game nt anything, but not when clubs are trumps. McAfee Bros., having reopened the Palaoe bar, kindly ask for a continu ance of their former patronage This is by all odds the finest bar in Heppuer. Tbe boys keep a good stock. Call on them. Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the Arcade when thirsty. Half and half and fresh beer always on tap. Also a fine stook of liquors and aigars always on band. Give Ted a oall. Gid Hntt bas purchased Hick Math ews' interest in tbe City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos, bair-otits, etc., dished up in the best of style. Baths for tbe millions. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo oated next door to tbe furniture store on Main street. Shaves, shampoos, hair cuts and tbe like aways ou tap. Mrs. Geo. D. Fell departed Monday for Portland to purchase her fall stock of millinery and other goods in that line. She will have tbe grand fall opening shortly after ber return. Mrs. T. W, Ayers left for Portland where she goes as a representative from Dorian i'eniple to the convention which convenes there tomorrow for tbe pur pose of Instituting a Grand Temple for Oregon. Johnny Kirk, who went below recently to look after the sale of some horses wb ohbebad taken down lust spring, returning i-unday with six of them which he had driven up. He mads the trip in six days. Dick Neville is getting np a subscrip tion liBt for a church nt Sodaville. We are not informed as to the doctrines to be promulgated by Dirk's church, but as that little city is not favored with eleotric lights, tbe evening sermons ought to become quite popular. Dr. A. L. Fox is preparing to leave Heppner for Bloomington where he will locate. The Dootor has a nice borne in Heppner which, of course, he regrets to leave, but as bis son, Ralph, expect to attend school at Bloomington for the next five years, the Doctor and wife desire to be with him. For a lame back or apnin in the side or chest, try saturating a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Ba'm and binding it onto the affected parts. This treatment will onre any ordinary case in one or two days. Pain Balm also onres rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for ale by Slooum-Jobnson Drag Co., N. B. Larmonr.a residentof Pendleton who bad been prospecting over in the Grpenhorn country, reoentlv shot him self while rut hunting. He bad jnot left onmp snd while climbing a hill he used n small 22 caliber rifle which he was oarrving a n cane, when it was aoridentnlly discharged, the hnllet en tering the abdomen and ringing np. ward into the lungs killing him almost instantly. Thk Wkon8 Pkbbon. Recently a Miss Addie Uilmnur or Gilmore, of CoIubb, ui'iir., disappeared and her bead was afterwards found in San Fran cisco bay. Miss Gilmour was in the millinery business in Colusa and wen down to 'Frisco yearly to get ber stock investigation proves that after leaving her lodgings in 'Frisco.she was domiciled at the office of one Dr. West, who, it ib alleged, performed a criminal operation ou her. Dr. West's mistress noted th disnppearano of the girl, but oonld get nothing out o the doctor. Bjtb huve been arrested for the crime of murdering Mihs Gilmour. The girl's father was given as residing in Portland, formerly living in Arlington, and many at once came to the conclusion that Miss Allie Gilmoie was the uufortunate viotitu But, happi y.euoh proves not to be the case. The San Francisco Examiner iu us last week's issue, gives a full aocouut of the nff.iir which is entirely too lengthy to produoe in full here. lodnoiii Meeting. a suecinl meet ing of the counoil was called last even- lug, Mayor Simons presiding and all present except Couucilmen Keithly and JJarusworth. Recorder A. A. Roberts sIbo present Bills allowed: J W. Rasmus, 812; W. P. Sorivuer, 84. Committee ou streets and public proper lusiruotea to attend to break in mill race, and also to see about electric lights for engine house and cuunoi tuouioer u ecoraer s report.on recommendutiou of finance committee aocepted Resignation of Re- corder Roberts accepted F. J, Hallock appointed to fill vacancy, and bond acoepted, signed by Geo. B. Ted- rowe and Andrew Rood Council adjourned. Conference News. Word oame from the M. E. conference of the Columbia river district, which was in sessiou at Moscow1, Idaho, last week, that Rev. J. M. bhulse, formerly of this plaoe, bad been recommended to tbe valley district where ho had received tbe appointment as minister of the South Salem M. E, churoh. Rev. J. M. Dennison, who has spent the past year at Arlington, was assigned to this charge. Rev. Dennison will move here some time this week and begin bis pastoral duties next Suuday. Mr. Dennison bears tbe name of being a faithful and energetio pastor, as well as a popular citizen, We welcome him to Heppner. Back From Montana. Ex-Sen. Ham ilton wus in attendance at tbe races Monday, having rec ntly returned from Moutana where he had been with band of horses. To an Eagle reporter he staled that bi rses that are sold in that country at the present time for 810 and $15, readily brought 860 and 870 a few years since. Mr. Hamilton made sale of his baud at $18.75 per head, and considers himself extremely lucky to get that prioe. Wm. E. White, who drove a band with Mr. Hamilton to Montana, at last reports, had not effeoted a sale. Eagle. Shipment of Stock This morning a big shipment of cattle and sl eep left for tbe market below, composed of 13 car-loads of cattle from tbe Oilman ranch, one belonging to Bill Hendrix and two car loads of sheep. Heppner is assuming considerable prominence as a shipping point. E. L. Matlook and A. A. Roberts have not yet received their oars, and consequently their ship ment of 80 bead of horses to Iowa mark et is delayed a few days. Tub Initial Clean-dp. Messrs Allen & Brown, proprietors of tbe Blaok Butte mine in Fox valley, made their initial clean-up last Saturday, which amounted to about 8500, being the result of two day's run. The mill was started Mon day of last week, but re-adjusting some machinery,. etc., necessitated much de lay. However, everything is in ex ceptionally good working order, and their next clean-up will be much larger. Eugle. Satobdai Bokap. Some of our esti mable young ladies indulged iu a social scrap lsst Saturday over some misunder standing. It it atated that parasols and sharp, well-rounded English floated through the air for a time like a Columbia river fog. Such no occur rence is to be regretted, and for tbe sake of the good name and reputation of all parties concerned, we mention no names and let tbe matter drop right here. Horse Market in Chioaoo. Chicago evidently isn't a very good market for horses just now. J. B. Titus, of Arling ton, has just returned home from that city, where he disposed of 18 good heavy horses, at an average of 83.47 per bead, over expenses, and got bsok with just 862.50 net profit. He says a number of others met with even worse sucoees, several of them coming ont in debt. Condon Globe. Grand Armt Meeting;. Od tbe lsst Saturday of this month, Sept. 30, tbe G. A. R. will hold a meeting here at 1 p. m. for the purpose of taking ia new members. Tbe commander desires tbe presence of -all who can possibly be here at that time. Tbe Women's Relief Corps will also bold tbeir regular meeting here on the same date. 163-66 W. II. HanUv tl I Suffered Several Years With rheumatism. I took Hood s Sarsnparllta and feel better than I have (or years. My wife had a bad case of catarrh and was con sidered tncursble. She toolc confidence from the benefit I had received from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla and after taking four bottles of the medicine h Is entirely well." W. H. Hanlev. Pull man, Wash. Be.sure to set Hood's. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, sick headache. Jaundice, Indigestion. Try a box. 35o. IV) ) vmll) TO 10 lUL'll mWE To Obtain An Oman Free. 0PP0RT0N1TY - - Every person who puroh.asijONE DOLLAR'S worth of goods will re ceive a tioket on a Grand Weaver Organ one hundred and twenty-five dollar Organ to be given away December 24th 1893, " GREAT BLDHSSIlSra THAT KOLMAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. .wr. ... TT Tv , 1 nair jjeatn f ! inMantly removes and farmer iteatrnti jcclionable hair, whethtr upon handt, face, w i armi or ntek, without discoloration or iv- W jury to the mott delicate ikin. It was for pf 1 nitv years the secret formula of Erasmus BS Wilson, acknowledged by physicians as the highest authority ai.d the most eml- i! nent dermatologist and hair specialist K that ever lived. During his practice of 98 lile tlme among the nobllltv and aris- 3s I tocracy ol Europe he precribed this rec- W Price Si by mall, securelv narked. IS? C'orrcepondence confidential. Bole Agents jS ipe. C'orr for America. Address. The Skookiim Hiot Hair Grower Co. 57 South Fifth Avenue, New ! Dept. R. York. Editor J. M. Jobns. of Arlington, anil Mrs. Biggs were married lit the home of the groom last Sunday. Give us your ", in a fraternal shake. Among the incidents of childhood tbat stand out in bold relief, as our memory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe siokness. The young mother vividlv remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of proup, and in turn administers it to ber own off spring and always with the best results. For sale by Slooum-Johnson Drug Co. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under tbe manaeement of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at yonr residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 8100. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' expert enoe, has just located in the Abraham' sick building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiy thing in bis line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work' man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. Uwtf Offers a magnificent new stock at prices tbe lowest yet named for striotly nrst-oiass goons. mgn grades in all departments. True merit In every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing miss ing. The quality will tell it : the price will sell it. Tbat is the reason yon should oome early and i-ecure vonr BAR GAINS from our splendid lines of DBY BQODS, CLOTlUOOlSanJSIOES!- Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. WE show all tbe latest novelties in great profusion. We keep the finest selec ' ' linn, in nil n " r .4 -. I .....I tl- I. . . :i . I . . .uwn iu nil otouun, ll n.j ir. U U1HKB UH UUJIIIi IU USVO OTcl, MIIUIO 111 stock the best of its kiud. Tbe dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does more good in service, worth and wear tbao any money you spend. Our goods and prices, now waiting for your insDeotion. will prove this. Remember it is an established fact that it pays io trade, providing yon want to save money, at the -BOSTON pgr? gTOEr J. H. KOLMAN. BEN LELAND, Salesman. HERE IS THE PLACE To Gret Even on Your Life. ardware Store ! COMPLETE JUST LINE OF OPENED. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and WillowwBre, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and ripe, lanks, liatntnhn and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. flE CELEBRATED :- -:- You will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. -:- -:- : : -: -:- and Odd Fellows' bnilding, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. OFF1CHL C1IICDLAR. Tbe following circular letter baa been issned to the Kuights of Pythias by tbe Orand Keeper of Reoords and Seals. F. MoConnell: Knightly Sirs and Bhotheks: Tbe Thirteenth Annual Session of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, K. of P., will oonvene at Heppner, October 10. 1893. , P. XXX, at 7 o'clock P. M. Commutation rates of fare have been secured for members of tbe Order over tbe lines of the Uuion and Sonthern Pacifio railroads as follows: All members and their wives ou line of Southern Puoific Company will pay full fare to Portland, and will prooure from' the Q. K. R. S. at Heppner a certificate which will ou presentation to tbe Company's tioket offloes at Portland, entitle them to 66 per ceut. reduction on return fares. The Union Pacific Company has made one-fare late tor the ronnd trip from all stations on their line where Lodges may be located. Representatives will receive this benefit on presentation of their certificates to the station agent at starting point. Tickets will be good to and including tbe 16th day of October, on both lines. I Persons boldiug half-fare permits will not be entitled to this reduotion. Grand Lodge Officers will be careful to bring them, or send to tbe G. K. R S., their official jewels, otherwise they are liable to the penalty presonbed by Standing Resolution II. Graud Representatives are required to procure from their respective Lodges and bring with them tbe prescribed Grand . Representative jewels, which must be worn by tbem in Grand Lodge Sessions. It is also specially requisite that one of tbe Representatives from eaob Lodge bring with him a oertifioate showing tbe membership (numerically) of his Lodge at thedate of tbe last con vention iu September; and also a ton? of tbe by-laws of bis Lodge. Past Chancellors (whether Repre sentatives or not) who have not received the Grand Lodge Rank, mnst brinir itb them, or send to tbe G. K. R. 8., Past Chancellor's Certificate, of the form provided and obtainable from tbe G K. R. 8., otherwise they ennnot be admitted to the Grand Lodge. (See Rea. 3, Art. IV, G. L. Const.) Past Chancel lors not Representatives should bt'wB with tbem the jewel of their rank. Tbe attention of oertain of the Lodses and their Representatives is directed to Sec. 2. Art. XII, of the Grand Lodee Constitution, and that part of Sec. 5, Art. IV, U Lb Uonst, whicb requires tbe forwarding of Representatives' Creden tials to the G. K. R. 8. Certificates bould be issued for botb the old and tbe new Representatives. It is suggested tbat all members who can do so will wear uniforms during tbe first day of tbe Session (Oct. 10), and ' tbat they oome prepared to participate in the nsual rythian rarade. Fraternally yours, G. F. McConnelIj , G. K. R. S. tW The Uuion Paoiiio will run special train, leaving PoMUnd Monday evening, October 9, at 6:30 V. M. Portland Or., Sept 18, 189S. lilii DISCO W FOR !! II 1 us Bi. P. & DTOPS0i go, Uaving put their business upon a tern porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever npfnrp Irnnwn itt Heppner.. We mast get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money . ,u ,Hui. ousie your oaan ai us and see us tumble. 1 1 a w THE PEOPLE ARE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that from ns thev alwav. o. full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ns friends and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. Hepjjner, Oregon, Change of Ownership CHARGE OF THE TiTRTT-HTV 1W U ATH "Vf a TT7"Tm wbioh we propose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep WE HAVE TAKEN wbioh we propose on bands at all times tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn- ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, -ProDrietors, 85-tl . h Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette: office for particulars, cure ' Treatment private ana sure i ii AT ill- McFarland Mercantile Co. Heppner. Oregon. Now is the time to make your money oount. Our whole stock of Prv Gcods, Cloth ing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Kancy Goods, Gloves, etc, etc., will be sold at wholesale prices for cash. Having Quit the Credit System, We are offering goods lower than ever before known in Orecmn. This in NO KA IT on a few lines. Our WHOLE STOOK goes at suob reduoed figures that the per son needing supplies for cash cau be made happy. If j ou wish to save your money send in orders by mail or call in person. We are giving discounts on oer oent. off. Dry Ooods, Clothing, eto 25 to 33 Men's and Buys Huts m Women's and Children's Shoes,25 to 30 Men's Shoes 20 to 30 Cotton Qinghams, Sheetings and Domestics 20 per cent. off. Hosiery 80 Men's Overshirts and Furnish ing Goods 80 Hardware 20 to 25 Saddle, Harness, Stoves and Tinware 20 to 30 with All groceries at lowest wholesale rates. Country orders solioited, cash orders. Shipments of wool reoeived as cash. Very Respectfully, MoFARLAND MERCANTILE CO NOW-iM 18 VOU It OPPORTUNITY! Fall oasb sale at C. 8. VAN DUTN'S, opening on Tuesday, Sept. 19th, an continue till further notice. Mv entire stock of $15,000, all good, olent cbandise, at UOsT for CASH, ONLY. d wil lean mer KIRK & RTJHL, Tie Entepe Bakery d Grocer) Store. un may street, opposite Fslaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE AND FA3STCY Groceries d Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies, Cnkes and Bread ; in fact everything tbat is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call anD try tbem. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains m Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY b'iRUJST, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MtfSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Etc, Etc. Trust Busts HEPPNER, OB. ASSISGNEE' SALE. LOOK OUT FOR THE Bargains in Sight for Yon. MANY C. S. VANDUYN, Heppner, Oregon. Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Pkincii al. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. 1111 Dawson Sis Iyyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner, Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON. LEGAL BUMS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office QLOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, the entire stock of general mer chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman Bargains in all lines never before found. Call and learn prices. W. P. FELL, Assignee. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CAI.I, AT OPlfJCB The Lancashire Insurance Co. OK MANCHBHTBRi UKGLAwn A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT o ot e.t ln Worm