Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 26, 1893, Image 2

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' 160-ACES &&1BT&Te'1&.u..
CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which Herded land there are 140 acres gord farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded am t
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, SS00.
Good, deeded
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible fi r his or her communication. No
correspond, nee will he published unless the
writer's reul name ia signed aa an evidence oi
good faith.
Did jou ever
Read Bbont the
Man who
Hid kia
Light under
A buBbel?
Yob? well
That is like
Jioiuu business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
la the country
Will not accomplish
Half aa much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
Bv the people,
And that owns
Its own
Soul; that
TJ.H'i its space
Like merchandise.
Worth dollar
For dollar.
A partial eclipse of the eun will
occur on Oct. 9th.
DusiNBKiuiB, the defaulting Puyallnp
cashier, pleaded guilty and was given a
three-yeur seuteuoe.
Tub seoond congressional - district
needs a bimelallist in ooogreis. No
others need applv.
Mitoiikll has agreed to fight Corbett
some time in Deoember before the
Coney Island club.
Tub Brazilian rebellion is not pro
gressing eo smoothly now, and the
rebels niny he defeated.
Tim report that Seoretary Carlisle
is negotiating fur 850,000,000 French
gold is stoutly denied.
Tim silver foroea are still holding out
in Washington, and the chances for a
vote are quite slender this session.
Two Btudents at Valparaiso, Iud.,
turned highwaymen and one was killed
aud the other badly shot at th; initial
A Mono farmer is milling of liis farm
at 82. CO a oliauce. Bat how the deuoe
do they get the 82 60? Our subscribers
onu't Oo it.
Stkwakt, of Nevada, has arraigned
the president for ulleged violation of the
constitution in coercing oougresa to
vote his sentiments.
Senator John Siimim.n is stuck ou
Cleveland. The old until in reality
admires his ability to force gold-bug
legislation, not the president.
At Kinos icny, Ind., a pasBerurer train
crashed into a freight, killing twelve
and maiming many more. A brakeman
is responuible for the acoident.
Sow, Smith aud Ueo. Dixon fought
last night for the feather-weight cham
pionship before the Coney Island club
Dixon was the favorite a few days ago.
Tun Oregoniaii priuted in full the
gold-bug speech ol Senator Dolph, ootu
posed of worn-out, thread-bare ideas,
but fails to give Senatur Mitchell's
recent speech.
Tim jury in the onse, State of Indiana
vs. Allison, charged with the killing of
Alva Williams at a democratic rally
last full, could not agree at the trial
lust week. This is a noted case, and
received much publicity through the
Tub Oregonian iu Sunday's paper has
quite a setiBntional article on "border
outlawry" iu Eastern Oregon. It is au
overdrawu article, and more sensational
than true. The valley oounties produce
more "cultus," petty laroeny thieves and
burglars than Easteru Oregon. The
desperadoes of this seotion are princi
pally inistjiusry.
Tna chop on the great and ruueh
abnsed McKinley tariff is not going to
be so general as the hungry democrats
made ns believe earlier in the season .
Every one of the boys has got a little
snap of his own, or iu his locality that
he wants protected, and when the com
mittee ou ways aud means get through
with the suggestions it will naturally
oonclude that the democratic party it
io "nob a free trade party after all.
ranch, 320 acres, beat stock ranch
Ellis, our congressman, deserves to
be renominated for the second term.
He will hardly have an opportunity up
to the close of bia firBt term to show
what he can do. So tar, be has served
bis constituents conscientiously. His
ppositionto the unconditional repeal of
the Sherman aot and vote for free coin
age show bim to be an unwavering
friend to tho mnsseE. Wipe out the
present silvjr legislation from our
statute books, giving no other, aud the
debtors of our land are doomed. What
we have we should keep till the gold
bugs come to the center. The Gazette
is an Ellis paper, yes, even till hades
ge'.B to be au ice pond .
It has been suggested that the farm
era here charter a ship and make their
own shipments of wheat. Sales are
goiag to be alow at best, and in this
way can get fully 75 per cent, as an
advance on their loa I, and in six
months will realize on the entire cargo.
It is estimated that it will take 100,
000 bushtls to make s ship load. The
plan is worth looking into, as it will
save the profits of middlemen, and is
about the only way that many of our
farmers will realize very soon on this
year's orop.
An enterprising drummer calculated
that 20,000 people uent from the North
west to the World's Fair, spending, on
an average, 8300 apiece. This sums up
80.000,000. Right now this money
would do wonders in the channels of
business up here. Muny a man is tak
ing in the Monde fair wno owes
money be ought to pay.
Bummer Weakness.
And that tired feeling, loss of appetite
aud nervous prostration are driven
away by Hood's sarsaparilla, like miat
before tbe morning sun. To realize the
beneht of this great medicine, give it a
trinl and you will join the great army
of enthusiastic admirers of Hood'a sar
sapqrillu. THIS OLD PARTIES.
Written for tho Gazette.
1'wnr correspondent ia not in the habit
of rumbling off into the gloomy labaryotha
of politics for the benefit of the reading
public, but it seems that none should
shirk the responsibility of contributing
suggestions for the relief of t e people,
in these times of financial depression
aud discontentment.
The above idea may be readily con
ceived by anyone who will quietly and
meditatively listen to the anarchioal
expressions so commonly indulged in
by the people who have hitherto been
tho very backbone of society, and the
stay of our country. But can we wonder
at the tendency, when we take iuto
account that so many of our men, whom
the people have oonflded in and have
placed iu positions of trust and honor.
have so ruthlessly negleoted the inter
est!) of all but the one big I A casual glance
at the intrigues of legislation is all that
ia needed to oonviuce any thoughtful
person that the interests of the common
people cut no figure in the game, but
the all predominating I, looms up in
suah porlentious proportions as to sug
gest having been many times magnified.
Will some friend kindly tell the readers
of your paper wherein the common
people were benefited in the least by
the fourteen days' debate on the silver
question in the hulls of oongress. Well,
I don t think you can, but t is plainly
apparent that it cost the people many
hundreds of dollars, uud that most of
tho money finds lodg uient iu the
pockets of the men ne have honored
with our trusts . It is true that silver
wns the common people's money but its
chalices have gon i by the board and at
the expense of the people. While I
fail to Bee wherein the threatened issuing
o fifty or one hundred mi lions of
bonds will prova a benefit to the masse?,
it is easy tosee wherein the bond holder
will increase his power to "ciuch" the
It was said just after the revolution in
the English parliament that if ever
England conquered Amerioa, "she must
do it by some other means th;iii the
sword," and since then they have
steadily persisted in endeavoring to
tlustrute our tlaanoe and have used oth r
means, if possible loss houoruble, euch
as the attempt to auiugglo Miis.m and
Hlidell from the Southern confederacy
and the shipping of her p:iuper element
onto American soil. Yet our represen
tatives legislate favorably to hese haters
of free institutions so as lo suggest the
idea that they have been bought.
Dies democracy want another neon,
tire dog to do the barking and stand
guard over the hulls of degress! Then
let them select a young pup that may be
easily trained to bark for the interests of
the people, but it would be more prud
ent for her to hide her blushing face in
Tune's ina itlo uutil she has olothed ber
uukediiem with tho olothes of oblivion.
Bui republicanism has dnue but little
batter siuoe she gained the great object
of her existence. She hat squandered
our publio domains, pandered to the
One of the Best
in Morrow coun y, cheap aud on
For f
demands of monopoly ud st fid lu high
places and watched the an.ireh.cn.
elements flock to our shores from ev ty
clime. Tbey land iu the East, in the
South, in the Wesi and cross he liritisl.
Now it remaius for all doie who
would wish to avoid toe majt oilama
teous results, to rise en masse and la)
aside all party fealty and seek out all
good planks which may now be in use,
or may have been discarded by either of
the parties and place them together
along wi h such others as may be de
maudeel by adyancing oiviliz.ttiou and
uuilthemdown by our votes into one
platform for the people.
Then it mav be truly said, "a govern
ment with broad acres, and equally
broad ideas." I do nut believe that
electoral voting should be tolerated for
a moment, but the voioe of the people be
heard direot that we may avoid the
purchase of electoral votes by unprin
cipled aud designing men who have an
ax to grind. Perhaps, discarding thin
means of voting will aid us iu empl yiug
men that will grind our axes and other
wise do our bidding and lock to the
general good of their employers.
I have already written more than I
intended, but if it does not find lodg
ment in your waste-basket I mny at
some future time advance and argue a
scheme for getting rid of the discordant
elements which are so lavishly sowiug
the seeds of destruction on American
C. B.
Hardman, Or., Sept. 20, 1893.
"How to Care All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal uiedioiue required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions oo the
face, bands, nose, &c, leaving the Bkin
clear, white and heaithly. Its great
healing and ouratiye powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist tor Swayne's Ointment. aw 1 yr.
Strayed, last spring; a dark blown
niar, medium aize, white spot ou fore
head, branded (4) four on left shuulder;
inverted 44 (J-W and housetop J on left
hip. 85 will be paid for her loturn if
found in the vicinity and 810 from a
A. W. Balsiqeh,
lone, Oregon. 164 (58 w.
1 have opened a first class restaurant
at the old Matlock building called
Uolton restaurant.
43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swaokukt.
I will have a band of bunks for sale
at my place, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this city, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will sell
grade bucks at prices ranging from $5 to
87; Thoroughbreds 812. Don't fail to
Bttend the Bale.
03-tf Tom Morgan.
MIOO KiiWAlill!
One hundred dollars reward will be
pnid for the arrest and oonviotion of the
parties connected with the robberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
fieppiier, on Monday August, 21,1893
Geo. Nublb.
156-tf. Sheriff of Morrow county
To all persona interested iu securing
time for purchase of railroad lands
please oall at clerk's office and sign
petition to congress.
58-07 J. W. Morrow.
Tiles! Piles! Itching Piles.
Symptoms Moisture ; intense and
Btiuging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swaynb's
Ointmrnt stops the itohing and bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most esses re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne A Son.
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
Kain, rain, rniu.
Grain stacks are wet
iug unpleasant.
which thresh-
Times hard and money scarce.
will it all end?
Coyotes are very bold. Many farmers
coLiphuu of their poultry being taken by
Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh is just re
covering from a severe spell of sick
ness. Fred Ashbaugh and Bert Baney have
returned from the Greenhorn mountains.
They report aix inches of snow tip there
and plenty of gold, but they did Dot
find it.
Farmers are not discouraged at the
failure of oropa this year. Grain is
better than was expected; barley in
some iiiBtances ia producing 35 bnshela,
and wheat in some cases produoing 15
bushels to tbe acre; then again the
yield is so small it does not pay ex
penses. U. No.
Eight Mile, Or., Sept. 22, 1893.
Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
easy term 3.
for it with tirtt
arthor information call at our office.
The Studebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'e. a
"Hardware" did you sayf Why, yea
at P. C. Thompson i Oo.'s staud, aud the
place for bargains. a
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new atoefe or
oleudid. summer botton and tie special
ties iu the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
The Palaoe is the lending hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plouty
of light are provided for everyone, u
Iiorir. the inweler. is the man to fix up
your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business' a
ThomDson & Binns own the buss which
goes to and from tke Palace hotel, but
will oall lor parties desiring to go to tram
in any part of the city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Gilliam & Biabee are still doing busi
ness at the old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. Tbey invite in.
9pectionoi their mammotu stocir. or Hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc. a
Minor & Co.. the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
ohange. They oontinue to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold cheap. Cull .at Gazette
office for pBrtioulara and terms. tf.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
From the Troy (Kansas) Chief.
Some years aeo we were very much
subject to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; and now when wi feel any of the
symptoms that usually preceed that
aliment, such as siokness at the stomach,
diarrhoea, eto., we become scary. We
have found Chamberlain s Uolic onoiera
and Diarrhoea Kemedy the very thing to
straighten one out in snoh oases, und
always keep it about. We are not
writing this for a pay testimonial, out
to let our readers know what is a good
thing t!o keep bandy in the house. For
sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co.
is on exhibition at the Great World's
Fair. Tou ought to see it. This is the
month of months to visit the fair,
pleasant days, cool nights, delightful
traveling weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago
on the vestibuled limited trains of the
Chicago, Union Paoiflc & Northwest
Line. See your nearest Union Pacific
agent for rates or other information.
Administrator's Notice.
letters of administration on the estate of
David N. Hurdman, deceased, vere granted to
the undersigned on the 25th day of Hept. 1893,
by the county court of Morrow county.
AU persons having claims against said estate
are required to exhibit them to me for allow
ance, at Heppner, Morrowcounty,Oregon, with
in six months alter the date of this notice or
they shall be forever barred. Dated this 25th
day o( Sept. IsiW.
10ii-T6 A. Hood,
Dr. MUf KdUxU C., Xlkharl, Ind.
Diar 8.R3: For 20 yours I was troubled with
bcitrt dinease. Would frequently bare falling
traits and smothering at uikbt. Had to sit up or
pet out of bed to breathe. Had pain In my left
iltie and back moat of tbe time ; at but I become
dropsical. I was rery nervous and nearly worn
out. Ine least excitement would cause me to
with fluttering. For the last fifteen years I could
not bleep on my leftside or back until began taking
J rour Aew Ml art Cur. I bad not taken it very
oig until I felt much better, and I can now sleep
on eilbsr fide or back without tbe least discom
fort. 1 have no pain, amotherinR.drttpiy.no wind
on stomach or other disagreeable symptoms. I am
able to do all my own housework without any
trouble and consider myself cured.
Klkhart, Ind.. n8. Una. Emm Ratci.
It Is now four ream since I have taken nv
medicine. Am In better health than I have beea
in 40 yean, i nonestiy do- b
Ueve that Dr. Mile Xew f! I D K I)
Wwrt Cure snved my IKeWnUU
and made me a well woman. I am now 83 yean
Of aire, and am able to do a good day's work.
Ma; 29th, ISM. alas. uuJLa HatCbV
Sold on ft Positive Guarantee.
On. MILES' PILLS, 60 Doses25Ct,
For sale by T. W. Avers jr.,
per box.
Schenectady, N.Y.
BrockvUle, OnJ,
rnniVl 1 llfl HOIPH
crop raised ou it. Season for selling, owner
Wheat, bu 38
Fionr.bbl 3 75 4 00
Beeves, cowe & two-year-olds, owt. I 60
" three "17562110
Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 y 2 25
" stock 1 50 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50
Hogs, dressed 6 50 700
Wool 6 tt 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Egga, doz 16
Chickens, doz 2 00
Turkeys . .
Wheat, cwt 81 05 1 10
flour, bbl 3 00 0400
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a) 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 60 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 to) 12
Butter, B) 20 .25
EggB, doz 10 20
Chiokens, doz 5 00 6,00
Turkeys, lb 15 18
Wheat, owt $ 90 1 00
Flour, bbl , 3 00 0325
Beeves, o wt . . . '. . ; 1 75 (a) 2 75
" dressed. I.. 3 50 ( 6 00
Muttons, live sheared. . . 2 50 3 00
" dressed . i ..... . 5 "B 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed. 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter ' 15 30
Eggs, don 15 (a) 20
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00
Turkeys lb 12 (tf 14
It is unequalled for Houae, Barn, Fac
tory or Uut Buildings and costs bait
the price of shingles, tin or iron.
It is ready for use and easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Khr'.Iv made witter tight and fire proof at small
expense. Wlrhdark red rnbberpalnton decayed
NhingleB, It tills the pores ana give a subfitun
tirtl roof (hut lusts for years. Curled or warped
shingles, it brings to their places and keepB
them. Thf genuine rubber paint requires no
heating ana no tar
wmmmm kUOWledfr
ed the beat paint, has heavy body. 1b easily
applied, expands by the contracts of cold, and
ntiver cracks. One coat eauala four of any
other. Buildings covered with felt can be
made water tiht at small expenBe. Write at
once for particulars.
Excelsior Paiut and Roofing Co.,
loo and 1.77 Duaue Street.
New York, N. Y
To Conftumptives
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after uttering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make
known to ins teiiow sunerers tne means oi cure.
To thope who desire It, he will cheerfully send
liree oi cnargei a copy oi me prescription UBea,
which they will find a sure cure for Consump
tion, ABthina, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
try his remedy, as It is Invaluable. Those desir
mg tne prescription, wnicn wju cost tnem notn
Inland may prove a blessing, will please ad
aresB. my, cdward a. wilkon,
1-t a w Brooklyn, New York
Notice Of intention.
j Hept. 14, 1893. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler hug tiled notice
of her Intention to make final proof in support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Murrow County, at
iieppner, uregon, on nov. .1, ia.(, viz.:
widow of Moses Cantwell, Deed., of Eight
sine ii a. a pp. io. wju ior uie ftttfc oi sec.
33. To. 3 8. K. 2 E. VY. M.
She names the following witnesKes to prove her
couuniHHiB ream en ire upon ami cultivation Olj
said land, viz.:
J. H. Jones, of Eight Mile. Oretron. 1. R.
Esteb, of Gooseberry, Isaac Kuighten, of Eight
wilt;, mm tto. uu.rtiJ, ui r.igm auie.
John V, Lewis,
103-173 Register.
Notice of intention.
I Sept. 14, Notice is hereby xlven that
the following-named settler ht" tiW-a notice nf
his Intention to make final proof in support of
mil c mi m, biiu tniti emu yiuui wu oe maae De
fore J. W.Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner
Or., on Nov, 4. 1S93, viz:
of lone; H. E. App. No. Swua for the SWV of
Sec. 12, Tp. 2 8., h. 23 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
J. M. Haniblet, J. R. Nunamaker, George
. n, f. .'i. ft cvs, an wt nine vntjymi.
103-W John W. Lewis, Register.
Notice of Assignee.
undersigned has this day been appointed
assignee of the firm of M. Lichtenthal & Co. and
all creditors who shall not exhibit their claim
within three months from the tlKte of publi
cation of this notice shall not participate in the
dividends until after pavmentin full of all
claims presented within said terra of three
months and allowed by the court. Dated at
Heppner, itregon, August 31st m6.
Frank Kei.looo Thomas Qi'aid
Attorney for Assignee, Assignee
Notice of Assignee.
li undersigned has this, the 1st day, of Sept
been appointed assignee of the firm of Cox Bros'
and all creditors who shall not exhibit their
claim within three months from the date of
pbltcation of this notice shall not participate
in the dividends until after pavment in full ot
claims presented within said term of three
months and allowed by the court Dated at
Hardman, Oregon.Septeraber 8th, 1893
Slui, Dawson di Lyons, W. p. Fell,
S-I-Q AllorueJ, for Assignee. Assignee.
Will sell on eaays t,,.-. A good
HUB JU wiv-
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian CoJ Liver Oil and I lypophosphites of Lime
and Soda lv.s had. such a hrge sale is because it is
"Almost as tahtaH: as milk;" but the best reason is
that it:; curaliv:. properties are unequalled. It cures
the coiifh stinplk--. rhe waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds
,;- the entire
Peon's Mb-iSi-? euros Coughs,
Colds, Concvirr.ptiott, Scrofula,
and all Amernic ;ind Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasling in
children. AI::iot sis palatable as
iiiilU. Urt only (iie ceniiine. Tro
parcd by Hcott & liowne, Chemists, Now
York. Suld by all Druggists.
Weston, Umatilla
UITION FREE TO NOUMAL STUDENTS, and merely nominal in the pre
paratory and business departments. Graduates receive State Diplomas au
thorizing them to teaoh ia any o( Hie public
examination. Board and loduing, 3.50
alone, $2.2 i. Board and lodging iu private families, from 83.50 to $1.00 per week.
Good opportunities are offered in voonl and instrumental musio. All the depart
ments are thoroughly furnished with modern applianoea. For further information
apply to M. G. Royal, Tresident ot the Faoulty, or P. A. Worthington, Seo'y of
the Board of Regents.
la the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, DreBSlng, etc,
What to Ent,
How to Eat It,
Thlncs to Do,
Thinits to Avoid,
Perils of Hummer.
Influence of Plants,
Occupation for Invalids,
Alcohol as a Food and a
Supertluous Ilalr,
Kemovlnir Same.
How to Breathe,
uangers or jussing, nestorin me urowncu, i.uiiiukiuu!, mat-uses. Malarial Aliocilons,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
Ventilation, ncss, Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, Bolls, Barns, Chillblains, Cold Poet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers,
warts, v Hooping uougn, orms in unuuren. it wis.!, BAVJi DOCTORS' HILLS.
CSfAII new snliwribers and prompt renewals during the monthfof Aug. will bs J
presensed with a free copy of this as a premium.
lliiiT now l
1 I it'll lli'V.'
: ri; i
i i! inn i u'il I). w i in;
P. II. T.
!'h iuii! i;iri'i!i- jui'-v to ;,a'. t- j'l'izi- bnliicf. ;
) flic HiclluM' how t fcau: ilfin without pain ;
iTIio cliildlt's.s how to bu fruitful and multiulv:
)The curious how thev
jTlu? healthy how to enjoy life und keep well ; (AND HE
)lhe invalid how to pet well ajrain speedify;
)The imprudent how to rt'irti'm wasted energy.
who want knowledge that is of most worth
)Find it in Dr. Fooled "Plain Home Talk,"
)1,0(K) pap's, 200 riiits. i'A I'ol. plates; 200 recipes;
iiicil need Iron $.'!.:.!': circulars free.
).V, urra'
n,.fE?4i.nterest?f tt,osetoillg claims against the government to
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
ot the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends ereatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. uFuu.S'x"- 3,
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney!,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert m patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Esaminations, Prosecute Rejected Case,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
twil181? ?n.ijlventio? n hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
Su.7" .7 2escnPtl0t of the important features, and yoii will be at once
o.W. , , h6' bESt C0Urse- t0 Pursue- Models seldom necessary. If
otw Li nf"n8ng n your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 4.3 JOHN WEDDEREURN, Managing Attorney.
8" Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. -KM
Notice of Intention.
.. .A,',1?' '?"' lm- Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has Hied notiee o
his Intention to make rhml proof in support of
hn claim, and that said proof will be niatle be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or. , on Oct 3. mn, viz.: ii"'.
itj REl'BE.N 8PERRY,
. 'i"?RM,E. W-.lK fOTthe ISC,
He names the following witnesses loprovt his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land, viz. :
Ed. Hollowar, of Doiiftlas Oregon, Joh
Long 1. .1. carle, and Paul Beitinau, allot
lone Oregon.
157"167 John W. Lkwis, Register.
r K P p I niHLt ?n" i".Dd
1 1 L L . . ' nmvoui debilitr
and lost vital tr ui t. i.
County, Oregon.
schools ot the state without further
per week in Iouok .bailies' Home; Doaro.
Parasites of ths Skin, Care of Teeth,
Bathing Best Way, Aftor-Dlnner Naps,
Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco,
How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
IJow Much to Wear. To (let Kid of l.ie.
: ,;. in . I: oil" lo mum'
i V7"M,TTr
;i I .N 1 IV ,.'
i. i, ;i . in imtirmtfe:
"trowed" and eume to bo :( 49
( $1,100
i iiopiwa
-th St., New York.(
! )LD.
Notice of Intention.
Aug. a, 18IO. Notice la herebv giv-"
the following-named tettler has flled
his Intention to make final proof p
jiis claim, and that aaid proof wil
lore J. w. Morrow, County Cl -Or.,
on Sep. 30, WM.vli.: .
of Eight Mile; Hd
of Sec. 30, Tp, 3 s, B "
He name. Ik. V
cununiious res',
tinuous res
i land, viz,
. 1) Cnnt. I
. . "' f
ppher, Ed
Jh Mile.
j j as
p .