NtlTIOi: 10 ADVKHTIHEU8. KiiKKiloHlrhiK 1,11. in M .11 .if llt,iy a,, I". mint u..f tl,,.fr ........ ,., I ir change if saiif not later than Mnntl.ty evHfing for Tuesday's adiliuii.ur 'Ihursday cuumg for Fridays e,ll- NOTH'K. 1. The sum 1 fie coi.u Hue will be chained for "cards t thanks." "resolutions of respect," lists of weddlni! ,.n--jnta m:. do i nd obituary notices, (oilier in:, those tliee.iLt or shall himself give us a L.aUei of iui u:id notlcesol special meetings for uatever punxue 2. Notices of church and . i,,- i,... entertainments from which revenue la to l,o de rived, I be charged for at, the of five cents a line. These rules will be stiicuy adher ed to In every limtauce. Advertising rales reasonable and madeknowu upou application. We hold ewh and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will he published unless the writer s real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. I P. FISHER, NKWHl'AFER ADVEKTIS--1 i. ins; Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban ranclsco, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on Hie in his ofhee. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at ti a. in., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday. 'Hie cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. ,.,,. J. f. DELEVAN, Prop. W. A. Johnston, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore osmnt to build up Uepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. He pressed Ills lips upon her hand, She said 'twas out of place; Ho rectified the error And kissed her on the face, " Blie's a contradiction strange CupricioiiB, wayward, fond of change, As fickle as the wind that blows, And much man's patience tries. And yet she is, whene're she wills, As constant as th' eternal hills, And makes this scene of care below A bluoming paradise. Keub Sperry was up from lone yester day. J, ii. Tedrowe has got baok from his Gillinni county tour. J. N. Brown returned Wednesday evening from Salem, J . G. Young and son, E. L-, were seen ou our streets yesterday. Bob Gilmore came in lust .Wednesday evening irom ainnumeut. All oommittees on the Grand Lode are uara at worn. IJon t overlook Uepp ner. Etnil Vornz left Wednesday for a ten days, business trip over in Grant county. Julius Friedman, representing Esberjr, Bachmau & Co., wa.9 in town over Wed nesday night. Joe Keeuey, of Pendleton, came up on Wednesday evening's train on bis return from Portland. isa Brown and family will ere long leave for near Portland where they have leased a small ranch, E. G. Sperry returned the first of the week from Salem where he had been in attendance at the fair. Drop in and take a chanoe on Dick Neville's gun. It is a neat weapon and well worth competing for. C. M. Charlton departed Tuesday morning for u short visit with friends and relatives in the valley. Frank Wilmortb and Geo. Carriher returned Tuesday evening from a week's bunt out in the Blues. TJnole Nat Moliee, who has been on the sick list for several days past, is able to be up and around again. The difficulties attending the Monument-Canyon stage line have been re moved aud the line is in operation again. Miss Clara E. Hackeuey, daughter of A. Hackeuey, of John Day, died in Portland last Saturday, aged 14 years, 8 mouths and 23 days. W. 0. Brown was up from the Lexing ton country yesterday. Will returned recently from the Weston oouutry where he bad been at work in the harvest field. Heppuer people are getting interested in the success of the Grand Lodge meet ing, to be held here next month. We Lave our reputation to sustain and all will extend a wil ing band. Mrs. R. C. Wills is up from Reno, Nev. to visit her relatives here. In company with her mother, Mrs. E. G. Sperry, she oalled on the Gazette offioe last Tues day. She reports prosperity over at Reno. Joe Beck, of Hamilton, got baok from Chicago Tuesday evening, where he had gone with a shipment of sheep for J. E. Frisk of, Arlington. He reports good sales at Batisfaotnry prioes. Mr. Beok left for home Wednesday. The fir; companies and the hook and ladder company met in joint body last week and decided to lay floor, paper and fit up the engine room in the proper shape for holding dances and enter tainments in the future. The work is now well under way. Fossil Journal: D. F. Ball and family, who for the past six months have been running the Mountain House at Hepp ner, returned Monday to Fossil. They gave up the hotel on aooount of the flood having wrecked the furniture and rendered the building unsafe. E. O : Mark P. John left on Monday night's train for Heppner, where he will tomorrow lead to the altar a young lady of that city, Miss Mnggie Reft. Mark and bis bride are expected to arrive Thursday morning in Pendleton, where they will make their home. Martin Anderson, who has spent the summer looking after sbpep over in the Greenhorn country, returned to Hepp ner Tuesday. Martin says he en oountered considerable snow during the last week be was back in the monntains. While bringing the sheep out he braved the storm 48 hours without food or shelter. T. M.: Heppner is making expensive preparations for the entertainment of the members of the Grand Lodge, K. of P., whioh convenes in that city next month. If there is one thing that the county Beat of Morrow county under stands thoroughly it is entertainment of guests, and the Knights "will have a royal time at this inland city. , CTOFPEI RIVETED AND aociilenTfuT, tering the -VfcKY KAIR ward into f f instantly' Arlmg,on Rnonrd: J. Watermelon Kedington, of Puallnp Commerce fame. paused in Arlington this week just Buuiigu io take a train to li ppner, whither he went on business. Col, I,. hiiikIdii is mijfi. uuassuQjuia little man, but it won't do to fool with Dim any more than the business end of yellow-jacket, as some of the Heppner people round out when be was at the lit Itn of the only Heppner Gaza tp, Verily, the pen is mightier than the Rwnr,. E () : Michael Kenny, a stockman of Butter oreek, Morrow county, is in th city, lie reports plenty of hay and grass in that region but a depressing soaroity or more. Mr. Kenny is bere to look alter the Pilot Hook mail route He was a bondsman of the skipped stage driver, Ted Molntire, and is compelled to see that the mail is not delayed. He will remain until he makes some disposal ot the route. i ne wasco news truthfully says: now cau tne man who is alwavsaayins a bad word for tbe editor, expect the editor to waste space telling what good fellow that man is for bis town, what a good man he'd make for tbe office, and how much sooiety owes him; yet these fellows expect all of this aud redouble their virulence if they don't get it." afavette French and ohild. Millard French, Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mrs. R. E. French and Miss Mary Nelson, who had been sojourning at McDuffee springs for about three weeks, returned borne the lutter part of last week. All report a pleasant vacation. Kendrick Gazette: Rev. Edwin Pnlnier, late of Heppner, Oregon, ar rived in Kendrick Monday evening, and went to Lelatid to take charge of that circuit of the M. E. oburob, South. McAtce Bros., having reopened the Palace bar, kindly ask for a continu ance of their former patronage. This is by all odds the finest bar in Heppner. Tbe boys keep a good stock. Call on them. a. Don't overlook J. B. Tedrowe at the A r oiule when thirsty. Half and half and fresh beer always on tap. Also a tine stuck of liquors and oigars always on hand. Give Ted a call. Gid Hatt has purohased Hick Math ews' interest in the City Hotel barber shop. Shaves, shampoos, hair-outs, etc., dished up in the best of style. Baths for the millions. Green Mathews' the barber, is now lo cated next door to the furniture store on Main street. Shaves, shampoos, bair cuta aud tbe like aways on tap. Hood's Fills cure all liver ills. 25 Sent by mail on reoeipt of priee by C. I. Hood & Co, Apothecaries, Lowll, Mass. . L. L. Thompson, of Goldendale, Wash., is in tbe city. He oomes here with view of buying sheep, if he can get them at his figure. Elder Daly, of the Reorganized ohurch of Jesus Christ, who held services here the first of the week, is now preaoh ing out at Six Dollar. Al. Roberts, having tendered his re signation as recorder, the oounoil will fill the vaoanoy at the next regular meeting. The Gazette will take oounty sorip at face ou subscription, and pay balanoe of some in cash at highest market price. 7-60 Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should snbsoribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. The Heppner Oanyon stage Hue is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobaoco habit. See ad. Have you got any machinery's that out of repair? If so come in and get some metal and refit your boxing. J. W. Dawson returned yesterday afternoon from Condon, where be had been attendance at cirouit court. Mrs. Ike Earns returned last evening from Hillaboro, where she had been visiting relatives for Borne time. Theo. Danuer departed the first of ti'e week for Little Rook, Arkansas, where he will join bia family. Dallas Dampman came iu from the country last evening and is circulating among his Heppner friends. Miss Ellor Rhea returned Wednesday evening from a visit with relatives at Hillaboro. We will take wheat on subscription at 50 cents per bushel. Ben Parker is down from the mill today. Wedding Bblls. Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, at the residenoe of J. W. Morrow, ocourred the marriage of Miss Maggie Rea, daughter of G. W. Rea, an attorney of this city, and Mark P. John, a prominent business man of Pendleton, Judge Keithley ofHoiating. Tbe bride was dressed in navy bine cloth, trimmed in tan silk and brown velvet, and oarried a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The groom was dressed in conventional blaok. Mr. and Mrs, John left on Wednesday morning's train for Pendleton, where they will shortly go to house-keeping. The Gazette ex tends congratulations and wishes tbe couple a happy and prosperous li e. Will Ship East. From the East Oregonian we learn that H. G. Rand, a big cattle buyer, was in Baker City the other day on bis way to Pnneville, Crook county, where be purchased 4,000 bead of beef cattle for shipment East. He authorized an agent at Baker to buy as many beef steers as can be had at a price for three and fours from 820 to $25 delivered at a railroad point. Mr. Rand desires to start a train load to tbe Eastern markets as soon as possible. Grand Army Meeting. On tbe last Saturday of this month, Sept. 30, tbe G. A. R. will hold a meeting bere at 1 p. m. for tbe purpose of taking in new members. Tbe oommander desires tbe presence of all wbo can possibly be bere at that time. Tbe Women's Relief Corps will also bold their regular meeting bere on the same date. 163-66 . r - QUAKANTttB. Arlmg.on Rnonrd: J. Watermelon . KedniKtun, of Puallup Commerce fame. WV SJ -T-"""(- jrX TllTlfiriTTAiTiriT .ss?s Fxvl ..Ol&-"' Him Mm. ADDRESS. SAN FRANCISCO, CAU I rafSfewJCT t jfl IT 'I 1L ii ii il i ii 1 1 I "jiIIliT' llSfflflioiS 1- Only First-Cla.. hotel in Heppner. fK D. i. Flanders J f3Vti M " I had Typhoid Fever Which left me with torpid liver and kidney trouble. I was a great sufferer. I took a bottle ot Hood's Rarsapartlla and was restored Hood'sSa; Cures to health and gained over four pounds lo weight It is the best blood purifier." D. M. Flanders, real estate agent, I'orUuid, Oregon. Hood's Pills cure constipation. Try a, box. II A VEVO U BA CKA CUE ? DR. GRANTS c5 CURES Diabetes, Bright 8 Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment in Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and ail Dis eases of the Kidneys, PKEl'AKHD BY O.W.R. Manufacturing Co,, PSSI&K?- For sale bv Hlntlnm .fnlinolnn Tim j f!o and T. W. Ayers, Jr. The Portland Exposition. The need of a relaxation from oare and a oertain amount of amusement is a well rec ognized want of human nature. When these can be oombined with instruction and education of a high order so much the better. Just such an opportunity will be afforded the people of the North west by the Great Portland Exposition ot 1893, commencing Sept. 27. All tbe departments, music, art, mechanics, manufactures, agrcultural and speo- taoular, have received due attention at the skilled and experienced hands of superintendent and secretary, E. W. Allen, and (he Exposition ot 1893 promises to surpass all preoeding ones. Liberati, tbe popular and renowned lead er will furnish the music The art gallery will be rioh with splendid works of great masters of the brush, palletti and easel, and Madame Girard's great pris matic fountain will lead the procession of attractive specialties, iuoluding aquariums, aviaries, glass spinning and weaving, potter wheel and many other instructive and amusing devices to ohallenge (he attention of visitors. Well Satisfied. The Drover's Journal, South Omaha, Neb., under date of September 15, has the following to say concerning an Oregon cattle raiser who has shipped to the Omaha market during the present season : "F. D. Mc Cully, one of Oregon's heavy oattle raisers, was at the yards yesterday with a train of cattle and went home one of tbe best satisfied men that has been seen around here in some time. He con cluded to try tbe best feeder market in tbe world with a shipment and results proved to him conclusively that all state ments in regard to South Omaffa as a superior market for western oattle were true, his cattle sellirg at from $3.10 to $3.30, with an average weight of 1100 pounds." Stamp Mill at Work. Ed. C. Allen, one of the proprietors of the Blaok Butte mine, made a business visit to Long Creek Monday. To an Eagle repor'er he stated that tbe mill, just recently ereoted on the propeity, was started that morning under tbe superin tendency of Wm. Burnbam, au old-time mill man, and everything worked as perfect as a olock. The stamps he said were dropped at the rate of ninety a minute and are doing exoellent work. It will not be long before gold bricks, the output of this mine, will find tbeir way to the mint, and eagles with the government stamp, iu return will enter into circulation in this county. Exciting Incident. On last Tuesday, Walter Cason, of HayBtack, fell in front of Minor & Co.'s store in a fit, badly bruising his face. It was probably brought about by temporary Illness. When attaoked Mr. Cason was talking to Frank Rogers, wbo could have saved him from falling bad he notioed him an instant sooner. Bit By a Doa. On last Tueslny, while trying to stop his dog from fighting down in front of J. W. Matlock's store, Jacob Bowers was badly bitten iu tbe the baud. TJnole Jake, however, does not antioipate anything serious. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.00 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan 4 Howard's. 4-tf. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has juBt looated in the Abraham si ok building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiything in bis line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. I4wtf Tbey increase appetite, purify the whole System aad act on tbe li vr, iiile Deans SmuU. - i ... i I.- i .... . ,, , ,. . , ..... . . , tmmmmmimmm Grilliam & I3isbee, ASSIGNEE'S SALE. HREAT DISCOUNT Oil ALL STOCK. Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liehtenthal & Co., at ' Cost for Cash Call and Secure a Good Bargain. Assignee. H. A. Thompson A. E. BInns THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. ' Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 ots. at O. O. -Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OPENS SEPTEMBER 27 1Q33 CLOSES OCTOBER 28 LIBEpTrgCELEBTED nyiilTY BID WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINATURE. THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. MADAMt GIRARD GYER'S Constructed at a cost ol $10,000 and throvl"f! a thousand Rots of water Iu all the colors of the rainbow will beautify Music Hull. rLurVR-GtE AOQUARIUMS: Containing fish of all varieties found in Oregon waters have been constructed at irreat expense. THE AET CS-wA-XiLEK-S- Will eontail a collection of paintings salected from the World's Fair. Among them Ellsburg's celebrated painting, Custer's Last Fight. To visit this great Exposition and .view its wonders in every department of Art and Science, will be next tiling to a visit to the World's Fair at Chicago. REDUCED RATES ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further information address 333, "7", A T ,T .tjitsT Superintendent and Secretary. I'i'hii yoillljr, liow In fim-,- 1 r !; !. c;i,' to nmiTY ;(ST 'PVO i)The tnai ried how to Ik; i. .;; in marriiifre; ( DAYS )Tho fond parent-how 10 1. .1.1! jiric liuliics; ( ONE )Tlie mother how t - have th'-m without jmin; (AGENT )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD )The curious how they "trowed" and wiiue to be ;( 42 COUKSF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT EVERY BODY OUGHT TO KNOW. READ P. H. T. )The healthy how to enjoy )The invalid how to get well again speedily ; )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 21 c.n). plates; 200 recipes; )Jledueed from 3.2" I" 1 .;0; ehvuhirs free. )Murray Hill IWk Ot... H'J 'A. Wth St., New Yorl Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANCHESTER. EXGIvANI) 1 W. .I'll Notict of Intention. I AND OFFICI AT THE DALLES, OREGON j Aug. 22, Notice Is hereby fiven that the following-named settler has filed notlrs o his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will ba made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppuer, Or., on Oct 3, 1893, via.: REUBEN BPERRY, of lone; Hd. App. No, 4H!i5 for the NE!4of8cc, 29, Tp. 1 N, R, 24 E. W. M, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cnitivation of said land, viz.: Ed. Holloway, of Douglas Oregon, Joh Long, it. i. Carle, and I'aul KeiUnun, all of lone Oregon. 107-167 Johm W. Lewis, Register, LEGAL BLANKS iieppneh, on PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN life and keep well j (AND HE ( SAVED ( $1,100 (IN ONE ( YEAR. (500,000 ( COPIES :.( SOLD. AT UK M 1QM K, in Tilt) VYOrQ Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Notice of Intention. LANDOr FICE AT THE DALLES, ORKCiON, Kept. M, IS'j.'i. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppuer, Or., on Nov. 1, lH'.Ki, viz: HKZKKIA1I D. WHITMAN, of lone; U.K. App. No. 39:12 for the 8W oi Sec. 12, Tp.2 8., It. 28 K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation, of, said land, viz.: ' J. M. Humblct, J. R. Ntinamakcr, George Utt, J. M. Kees, all of lone Oregon. li;i-17a Juiim W. Lewis., Register. THE PEOPLE OUR Not, only onoe, but again and again. -c.Ku. ouu buuu measure tor me least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds euBtom, makes ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. y INOR cfe CO 1,1 Change of TTTE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE ' " whioh we propose to oonduct in , , .... on bands at all times tbe oboioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. Shaw & Mccarty, a&-tt- Proorietors. The Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK & RTJHL, The- Enterprise Bakery anil Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keGpon band a full line of STAPLE AND FAJSTCY Ms and Provisions. A fnll line of oboioe Pies, Cokes and Bread ; in fact everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Thev will sell ohean fni rah. (lull .mi try them. "A DRUG IN THE MARKET." Tes, there are many of them. Some'verv trood. some bad. Bad drags are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pure drags are great helps, And these alone should be Used in compounding. We olaim to keep in slock The purest drugs made. To compound them skillfully, To prepare prescriptions quiokly. To charge for them reasonably. Who oan do better than this? PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. ASSISGNEE' SALE. QLOSING OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, the entire stock of general mer chandise in the store of Cox Bros., Hardman Bargains in all lines never before found. Call and learn prices. W; P. FELL, Assignee. I&lllia., Dawson Ss JLVyons, ATTORNEYS at law. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Oolleotors. , OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, : l 2. Bmldinir Wired for Elfdtric Lijfhta throughout. 3. Bust accommodations for tbe traveling public. 4- Courteous treatment assured tbe oouu try people. MKS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. AEE COMING WAY! They know that from as they always get Heppner, Oregon. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the mnt nntinfanfri, m .,.. wsu . .... j ujauuci, , , ,i( A CC U For the Cure cu Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Oazkttc office tor particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura cure. BW y. : : : OREGON. ML