Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 22, 1893, Image 2

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si 5 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded lnnd there e 140 acre. go. d farminc and tie balance A 1 pasture. 1 he deedid l..m . fc
JX. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
,1 ' 7 . ,.. ,i ,., o,.,,,u A trood rustler can pay
n,Wl ranch. 160 acres, boss wheat land, sen . j , uo UB6 for it.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
for it with fint crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner
- 1 -- e . l i.,r nii-tior 1 1 vhk in mo
Oive your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication, r.o
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name l signed as au evidence oi
good faith.
Did jou ever
Read about the
Man who
Hid hia
Light under
A bushel?
Yes? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
Bv the people,
Anil that owns
Its own
Soul; that
U.-ei its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollor.
Knoctino has been ahi lished in
Stewart favors international coinage
of silver for the Amerioas.
UnoauA yib now contracting for a
furthtr coinage of silver dollars.
Khuu, the defaulting Seattle treasurer,
has been apprehended at St Paul.
Tim Washington Urand Temple of
Pythian Sisters was organized at Walla
Walla this week.
Ik you can pay a dollar on your in
debtedness, do it, and it will go the
rounds and pay many more.
The repeal of the Sherman uot is not
necessary for the return of confidence.
That is uot the seat of the disease.
Tub rebels down in Brazil will, with
out doubt, overthrow the government.
They have surrendered Rio Janeiro.
Business is picking up and mills of
all descriptions are starting up in the
Eimt. The outlook is much brighter.
Paiit of the money taken by the
Michigan train robbers has been re
covered, and also several arrests made.
Oheuon has taken the World's Fair
award for the best collection of native
woods, and also lor the best collective
ixhibitof lish.
Wit. li. IIounbloweh has been ap
pointed to succeed Justice Blauoliford,
dcoeused, as associate justice of the U.
8. supreme oourt.
Dan Vookhkbs is making a poor
reooid as leuder of the unconditional
repeal forces in the senate. Ban is not
used to that kind of music.
TiiK boomers who rushed into the
Cherokee strip, ore more anxious to
get out than they were to get in, The
huuiau family forms a curious jungle.
Concjkkob is doing uothiug, nor oau
they do anything. The opponents of
unconditional repeal are making a
good light, and will never surrender.
Fhou lust Tuesday 5 p. m., to Wednes
day 5 p. m., the orthodox Jews the
world over oelebratod Yum Kippur, or
day of atonement. Nearly all our Jewish
residents obseived the fust.
Times are gradually gettiug better
over the country, but until the people
know positively that there will be uo
tariff tinkering will there boa oomplcto
return ot the former good da) a.
Tub. celebration of the centennial
anniversary of the laying of the capitol's
corner-stone occurred at Washington
on the 18th inet. It was attended with
ceremonies befitting the occassion.
Oheoom will be represented at St.
Louis, but Nebraska has declined to
be ollicially represented there. There is
no good reason fur this action, which
the voters will take note ol at the next
Mokkow oounty is less thau a year
behind in her indebtedness, aud there is
no good reason for her scrip to be lower
thau 95. But tihylook of Shakespeare
is " ! ' ' ! II J l.l.U. ,! if 1
present age, and bence it is difficult to
obtain 85 oents on the dollar.
Lieutenant Charles E. Nelson, of company A.
First Infantry, O. N. G killed In the sham bat
tle at Camp Comptou, while leading a charite.
Tribute by his friend the "Traveling man," of
the firm of Fleckenstein 4 Mayer, Portland, Or.,
with which Lieut. Nelson was assistant book
"Where Is Mr. Nelson, papa1.'
1 don't see him any more;
Why do you close the shutters?
Ah! there's crape upon the door.
"I just climbed his high chair, papa,
And took Hexter by the hand,
And he says, 'Don't bother, Monte,
You're too young to understand.'
"Why are you all so busy
That you can't attend to me?
Mr. Nelson didn't act so,
He always took me on his knee.
"And he'd tell me of his soldiers,
All about the mimic fight;
And arm nie with the duster,
Call me little soldier and say 'eyes right.'
"1'apa, was Mr. Nelson naughty?
Didn't he his duty do?
I hope you haven't locked him up,
As your papa did you."
Slowly down the father's cheek
A single teardrop ran,
With trembling hands he clasped hlin,
"Come here, my little soldier man.
"Nelson told you to be brave in battle,
To always face tho foe;
Are you brave to face great sorrow ?
Khali I tell y ou all I know?
"No! don't hold me, papa,
Let me like a soldier stand;
Just as my lieutenant placed me,
With tho duster in my hand,
"Hark! I hear the music,
Aud the soldier's martial tread.
Why do you look so solemn?
Is my good lieutenant dead?
"Let me 'break ranks,' papa.
Lift me high upon his chair;
Why are all the drums so mullled?
' See! his cotiin's ou the calBson there."
Slowly dropped the hand that pointed,
Brought the duster "to salute,"
Drew himself up straighter,
And for moments he was mute.
"Lift tho shutters, papa;
Take tho crape from off the door;
Let me keep the duster, papa."
lie will play at soldier man no more.
Thomas Murray Spencer.
State op Ohio City op Toledo, ss.
IjUCAS uounty. )
Fkank J. Chunky makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of iP.
Uiiknky & (Jo., doing business in the
Uity of Toledo, County and State afore
said, aud that said firm will pay the
tor each aud every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use ot Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 0th day of December,
A. D. 18811.
Notary Public
lull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
aud aots directly on the blood and
muoous surfaoes of the Bjatenj. Send
for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0,
tSSold by Druggists, 75 oents.
The number of pupils enrolled at the
xoue scnooi is 18,
Threshing is oontiuued this week, it
naviug been too damp during the past
lew days.
Home wheat is still being hauled Iu
tor storage at the lone warehouse
Little or none will be sold at present
The Sperry Bros, returned from un
above, where they have put iu their
lime nurvestiug.
Walter Cnson and family are spending
a snort vacation among relatives aud
Irieuds iu the John Day oouutry.
Special train passed here the other
day with uimy oar loads of stock.
Mr. and Mrs. Parson, of Ella, visited
our Sunday school yesterday. Call
uk a in.
The Wilson Bros, threshed for John
Cochran this week. Some wheat iu
sacks exposed during the raius may be
slightly damage 1.
Born To the wife of Fred Baleiger,
on Sept. loth, a li pound boy. All is
The lieitmann Bros, made auother
trip to the mountains for wood.
E. O. Sperry is stain residing iu the
Hoiirishiug city of Heppner.
Sept. 18, 18UJ.
A Kattle for Blood.
Is whut flood Sarsaparilla vigorously
tights, aud it is always victorious iu
expelling all the foul taints and giving
tho vital tluid the quality and quantity
of perfect health. It cures scrofula,
salt rheum, boils and all other troubles
caused by imrure blood.
From our Long creek Paper.
Wm. Crabtree will rommenoe a term
of sohool at Monument Monday.
Sid (ireen arrived Mondav (morning
from Heppner with freight for C. W.
Bob Shaw, a cattle buyer of Morrow
county, is in Grant county this week
buying beef cattle.
Moore, who robbed Allen, of Fox,
told last week where the missing 8800
was hidden, but a thorough searoh
failed to reveal it.
O. E. Farnavrorth, president of The
National Bank of Heppnar, and W. A.
Johnston, of the Minor A Co. mercan
tile firm, were in Grant county this
'" '.'. : Urr (Mirror rvot'.w"
M. 8. Keeney returned Sunday (from
Portland with Pin Ear and Miss Dud
ley. Unfortunately the pride of the
vai;ey, Pin Ear, returned quite lsmn in
one of bis bind lef-R, which will likely
prevent him from being run any more
this season.
"How to Cure All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cares
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
taoe, bands, nose, Sec, leaving the skin
dear, white aod healthly. Us great
heBliug and ouratiye powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask jour drug
gist for Swavue's Ointment. sw 1 yr.
Strayed, last spring; a dark blown
mare, medium size, white spot on fore
head, branded (1) four on left shoulder;
inverled 44 (yr; and housetop J on left
hip. $5 will he paid for her return if
found in the vicinity and $1Q from a
A. W. Balsiqer,
lone, Oregon. 164 68 w.
Swing Around the Circle
Of the diseases to which it is adapted
with the best results, Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, a family medicine,
comprehensive iu its soope, has never
been thrust upon public utteution in the
guise of a universal panacea for boilil)
ills. ThiB claim, daily arrogated in the
columns of the daily press by the
proprietors of medicines far inferior to it
asspeoifies, has in a thousand instBnoes
disgusted the public iu advance by its
absurdity, and the prospects of other
remedies of superior qualities have b'en
haudoapped by the pretentions of their
worthless predecessors. But the Ameri
can peo pie know, because they have
verified the faot by the most trying tests,
that the Bitters possesses the virtues ol
a real speoifio in eases of malarial aud
liver disorder, constipation, nervous
rheumatic, stomach and kidney trouble.
What it does it does thoroughly, and
mainly for this reason it is indorsed and
reootnmended by hosts of respectable
medical men.
I have opened a first class restaurant
at the old Matlock building called
Holton restaurant.
43-tf. Mrs. G. W. Swagoart,
To all persons interested iu securing
time for purchase of railroad lands
please call at clerk's office and sign
petition to congress.
58-07 J. W. Moitnow.
I will have a band ot buoks for sale
at my place, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this city, on Oct. 1st, 1893. I will eell
grade buoks at prices ranging from $5 to
$7; Thoroughbreds $12. Don't fail to
attend the sale.
U3-tf Tom Morgan.
is over you can stay at home. Go to
Chicago now and see the most oom
plete and magnificent exhibition that
has ever been held. The vestibuled
limited trains of the Chicago, Union
Pacific & Northwestern line will take
you there with the least trouble and
changes. 63-6
Oue hundred dollars reward will be
paid for the arrest and oonviotion of the
parties connected with the robberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
Heppner, on Monday August, 21, 1893.
Geo. Noble.
15(-tf. Sheriff of Morrow county
Salesmen, to sell our ohoice aud hardy
nursery stock. Many special varieties
to offer both in fruits and ornamentals,
and oo itrolled only by us. We pay
commission or salary, give exolusive
territory and pay weekly. Write us at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
May BrioTHKH8, Nurserymen,
142-00 Rochester, N. Y.
is on exhibition at the Great World's
Fair. You ought to see it. This is the
month of months to visit the fair,
pleasant days, cool nights, delightful
traveling weather.
Maximum comfort eu route to Chicago
on the vestibuled limited trains of the
Chicago, Union Paoific & Northwest
Line. See your nearest Union Pacific
agent for rates or other information.
files! Piles! Itching Flies.
Symptoms Moisture ; intense and
stinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swaynk's
Ointment stops the itching aud bleeding
heals ulceration, and in most cases re
moves the tumors. At druggists, or by
mail, for 50 ceuts. Dr. Swayne & Son,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
ll county couit of Morrow countv will re
ceive Sealed bids for thn cnnitrio-Hmt ,,f a
bridge on Rhea creek at the crossing of road
No. 114, as per plans and specifications ou file
at the county clerk's ollice, said bids to be
opened Sept. '.V, l-.i3. at 1 p. ni. The court
reservei me rignt to reject any and all bide.
- it. c .., ..l ,
further information call at our office.
The Studebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam A Bisbee's. a
"Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains. a
M. Lichteo'bal & Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer botlon and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mar
ed attention. 8
The Palace ia the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix tip
your watch or clook. be keeps a full
Block of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
Thompson & Binusownthe buss which
goes to and from tbe Palace hotel, but
will call for parties desiring to go to trnm
in any part of tbe city. Leave orders
at City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee are still doing busi
ness at tbe old stand, reports to the
contrary notwithstanding. They invite in
spection oi their mammoth stock of hard
ware, wagons, impliments, etc a
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
lost any of their popularity by the
change. They continue to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money
Land For Sale. 480 sores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh and
will be sold oheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms. tf.
A Peculiar Maine Industry That Ilaa Its
Many of the Maine rural towns do not
support a professional barber. Men
early learn to shave themselves; and as
to hair-cutting, there is always
somebody in town, who, with
that neighborlincss for wiich
these communities are noted, is
ready to trim your locks for you with
all his heart and all his art. A writer
for the Belfast Aire, on an outing, re
cently fell in with one of these ama
teur barbers. and humorously described
his accoramod.'tting ways: "Soon I was
perched astride of a molasses hogshead
with a meal buff about my neck to pro
tect it from the fall of hair. I might
say the fall was gn at, or the possibil
ities of one, from the hogshead as I
squirmed about on it to have the light
strike'the head right so the gores would
be even. lie was no mean barber, for
he scorned to receive any recompense. I
wish all barbers were as charitable.
After our cutting n"rju:imtanee I saw
much of the barber. One time he was
on tho sfhoolliouse Lens cutting a
man's hair; tignia I saw him hard at
work on a man's head in the middle of
his vegetable patch. The farmer was
leaning against it Ivan-pole with his
hoe in his hand evidently making the
most of his luxurious ease. Anywhere
and everywhere ho happened to catch
his man the enterprising barber would
work. I was on tho shore one day
watching the fisherman at his salmon
nets. Shortly a small skit? went out
from a neighboring cove. In it was
the barber, who rowed out to where
the fisherman was anil was soon cutting
his hair.
4 Witness Whose Kvl.louee Was Entirely
The character of tho old Illinois
courts, in which Abraham Lincoln prac
ticed, was very primitive, says a writer
in the Century. In one case a livery
stable horse hud died soon after being
returned, and the person who hud hired
it was sued for damages. The question
turned largely upon the reputation of
the defendant as a hard rider. A wit
ness was called a long, lauk west
"How docs Mr. So-and-so usually
rule? asked tbe lawyer.
Without u gleam of intelligence, the
witness replied:
"A-straddlc, sir."
"Xo, no," said the lawyer; "I mean,
does he usuallv wall:, or trot, or gal
lop?" "Wal," s;iid the witness, apparently
searching in the dc-itlis of his memory
for facts, "when hevidesnwalkin' horse
he walks, when b" iv.'es a trottin' horse
he trots, and v. li 'ii hi' rides a gullopin'
horse ho gallops, wiien-"
The lawyer was airrry. "I want to
know what gait the defendant usually
takes, fast or slow.
"Wal," said the witness, "when his
company rides fast ho rides fast, and
when his company rides slow he rides
"I want to know, sir," the lawyer
Said, very much exasperated, and very
stern now, "how Mr. So-and-so rides
when he is alone."
"Wal," said the witness, more slowly
and meditatively than ever, "when he
was alone I wa n t along, and I don't
The laugh at the questioner ended th
W"AN Y LA D Yrun r
I coat ut K.0O, tad rubl
I Mrs) V M
-- 1 -
rubber shield for SO osmi I
rt pik untrrT. t. i.ons, wo
rl I e."""J k,if'' N" lo "
I I k from suilatn. rit.l. Uln,
Hut nd Book rm. C.U ir wilu.
w DH. H. h. nr-TTa
833 Ptn Street. St. Loch. Uo.
4 lost vitality Bust cm tw is Mats
ward wStvti;:; :::. ::..
Wheat, bu
Flour.bbl 3 75 4 00
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 50
tnree " 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 U 2 25
" stock 1 50 & 1 75
Flogs, ou foot, cwt 60
Hogs, dressed 6 50 7 00
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz 1"
Chickens, doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt 1 05 1 10
riour, bbl 3 00 fffl 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 W 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, cwt 4 50 5 25
Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 ae 12
Butter, tb 20(? 25
Eggs, doz 16 0 'W
Chickens, doz 5 00 6 00
Tnrkeye, lb 15 18
Wheat, owt 90 1 00
Flour, bbl 3 (10 3 25
Beeves, owt 1 75 ft? 2 75
' dressed 3 50 C6 6 00
Muttons, live sheared... 2 50 ft? 3 00
dressed 5 75 6 00
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14
Butter 5 30
Eggs, doz 15 (? 20
Chickens, doz 2 00 4 00
Turkevs lb... 12 (g 14
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac
tory or Uut riuildinga ana oosts nun
the price ot shingles, tin or iron.
It is ready fornseand easily
appliod by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Khr.Iv marie water tieht and fire Droof at small
expeiise. With dark red rubber paint on decayed
BlilliKieB, H mis me purt'8 mm given a buuhiuu
tial roof that lasts for years. Curled or warned
shingles, It brlnB to their places and keeps
them. The genuine rubber paint requires no
heating and uo tat
nv Trv nn rnrw poops it is ac-
ed the best paint, lmg heavy body, Is easily
aDDlled. exnandB by the contracts of eolu. and
never craeics. une coat equals lonr oi any
other. Buildings covered with felt can be
made water tight at small expense. Write at
once lor particulars.
Excelsior Paint and Roofing Co.,
15.) and 157 Duaae Street.
New York, N. Y
To Consumptives
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after Burl'ertng for sev
eral years with a severe lnng affection, and that
dread diBease Consumption, is anxious to make
Known to nis leoow snnerera tne means ol cure.
To those who desire It, he will cheerfully Bend
(iree oi cnargei a copy or tne prescription used,
which they will find aBure cure for Consump.
tlon, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopes all Bullcrers will
try nis remeoy, as it 18 invaluable. Those destr
lag tne prescription, which will cost them notli
lag, and may prove a blessing, will please ail
1-t a w Brooklyn, New York
Notice Of Intention.
LJ J'ept. 11, 189H. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notice
of her Intention to make final proof In Bupport
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at
m'pyuer, uregou, on nov. .1. iflyd, viz.:
widow of Moses Cantwell, Deed., of Eight
sine hq. a pp. ko. m lor tne kwm ol Bee
i, Tp. 3 8. R. !! E. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to proveher
rouunuous reiuuence upon ana cultivation of,
sutu tauo, viz. ;
J. 11. Jones, of Eight Mile. Oreeon. I R
Esteb, of Gooseberry, Isaac Heighten, of Eight
nine, anu Jan. iiisiteep, oi igni Mile.
John W, Lkwis,
tin-173 Register.
Notice Of intention.
1 J Aug. 2!, 1S1B. Notice Is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
nis claim, ana tnai saui prooi will D made be
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
of Eight Mile: Hd App. No. mi for the NEK
of See. 30, Tp. 3 S, R IS K. Vf. M.
ne names tne following witnesses to prove hli
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz.:
(i. D. Coats, of Eight Mile, John Jenkins, of
Heppher, Ed Ashbaugh, C. (3. Fuqua, both of
I.'hMAb John W. Liwis, Register.
For tale by Slocum-Johnston Drug
w. iuu x. . Aycra, 0 r.
What U the condition of your.t U lfr hair dry, har.h.
Mttlet Ioe, it .plit at th. .nd.7 JIa. it "" Wranct
J,oc. it fall out vhen combed or brushedt U it full cf dandruff t
Doc, your, calp itch? I. it dry or in a heat.d condition T If the,
are some of your .vmPtom. be am,d in time or you will b.eom.
i -Hn rtm nrrtfinction Is not an accident, but the result of aclenttflo re
?'nXl y eoomnfand refresh! In? Ton". By BtUnulatlug the Mlleles, .top.
r S tSS. U destroy, parotitic iecl., . fiU on and Ut, w
n n if, i
V : fi for i ' Ckj.
57 South Fifth Ave.,
Riillrlhii ill! fit
Are you all run clown? Scott's Emul
sion rS Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and i 1 ypophosphites of Lime and Soda
wili build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Scott's Emulsion cares Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children.
most an palatable as milk. Uctonly
the Kcnuliic. Prepared by Scott &
Bowne, Chemists, Now York. Sold by
all Druggists.
Is the title of a very valuable book that glveB a great amount of Information of the Utmoat
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally
What to Eat, Influence of Plants,
llow toEatit, Occupation for Invalids,
Things to Do, Alcohol as a Food and a
ThlngB to Avoid, Medicine,
perns or Summer, Miperlluous Hair,
How to Breathe, Itemoving Same,
Dancers of Kissinir. ltestorlmr the Drowned.
Overheating Houses, preventing Neur-Sighted-
vcuLuauuu, jicas, iAuiiae,
IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, Boils, Burns, Chlllblains, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, DyBpepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, niccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Hnorlng, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Foet, Toothache, Ulcers.
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. .IT WILL SAVE DOCTORS' DILLS.
tWAU new snoscribera and prompt renewals rlurinc the month of Aug. will bo
preset) setl with a free copy of this ua a
Portland, Oregon. A.
Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free.
TT111 o1 -nritt. t, :4-.nt. t X1 . ....
it. i ?rti,VA,T?.i 1 , 1 V "1U5C aaS claims against the government l
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
Wittl tllC TTiow f,f n ti ; ' .... . ..
.. .... ... r""-t.iiuB luvcmuia ironi wonniess or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
rained rnimspi pvnfrt ,m niton. n.AA,;.n i 1 .
1, , i"i"
Obtain Patents in the United States
""",t,,l'n. '"a" special txammations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to-
Srether with fl hripf rlecorintmr, : 5 r ' -
ai4n.j . ,v r " miyuiutm icaiures, ana you win Dear. once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
. . """"lni5 on yur "gnts, or if you are charged with infringement by
matter. t0 us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
r.o. box 4M JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry. -
Notice of Intention.
.i n"'!1"'' No"" is hereby given that
the following named settler has riled notice of
h s Intention to make linnl proof In sniiiiort of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
loroJ. . Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner
Oregon, on Sep. 'JH, 1S'., viz.: ,r 1
juii.-s s. bkuwn
9,L"!",S,0"',H- No. 4M) lor the of
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz. :
P. O. Borg, Heppner, Oregon, J. T. Yount,
C. C. Boon, Tom Bamett, all of Lexington Or!
1M-1M John W. Lewis, Register.
Notice of Assignee.
undersigned has this day been appointed
assignee of the tirm of M. Lichtenthal A Co. and
all credi ors who shall not exhibit their claim
within three months from the dnte of publl
eatlon of this notice shall not participate in the
dividends until after payment in full of all
claim, presented within said term of three
months and allowed by the court. Dated at
Heppner. Oregon, August 31st lf.93.
Attorney lor Assignee, Assignee
New York. N. Y.
habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
Bathing - Best Way, After-Dlnner Naps,
Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobaeoo,
How to Avoid Them, (.'ore for Intemperance,
i.'lotnmg, v hat to Wear, Headache. Cause & Cure,
How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of Lice,
Contagious Diseases. Malarial AffopHnn.
How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
P. Armstrong, Principal.
- i iiuu mereiore are prepared to
and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In-
Notice of Intention.
ti ii"R,.',8t 16' 18'J;1' Notice is hereby given that
..... ,,..,, oaiueu seuier has hied notice oi
her Intention to make tinal proof In support of
",,iutvi .am proor win De maoe oc
lore i. V Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner,
Or., on Monday. October 2, 18l, viz.:
2 ;A4J?.m,?'H- E' No- 4787 r the WVS 8W
i4 N V, '4 of Sec. 15, Tp. 5 8. R. 25 E. W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove htr
i i "!u're'!lenc upon and cultivation et
said land, viz.:
D. H. Miller, Walter Bennett, C. H. Harm,
Ja1n'e' Hams, all ol Hardman Oregon.
1M"164 John W. Liwib Register.
Notice of Assignee.
undersigned has this, the 1st day, of Sept.
been appointed assignee of the firm of Cox Bror
and all creditors who shall not exhibit tbr
claim within three mouths from the datr
pb cation of this notice shall not partlcW
in the dividends until after payment Iu ,1
claims presented within said tenn. A k.
months aud allowed by the cou"
K? T. n.,.20i'rJtemD''' joni
6 .. Attorneys tor