ito , 'ar, uro le ehi.'f rding to an Irish , our era. 'uileuiv of s the fob i oath was ride: "Tho aelow us, the ing in a circle ' I do H"t fall, 4 fortresses the V of the earth, not shutter the fi frvm its blue ,?ip o r t'.ie brows f t.y viet ry in war. will I I. sel. , f'lil (!' . v.: J.: am. Vlu,;l" uWs is'H till I been btolcu by thi :turn for 5J!,fi50 a ' ' ,1 MOROCCO BODY, ;, .Kb ACHKOMATIC... 2f,8"5 OG ivDMC, FOUlt 1ILADED . 11,100 00 i'AHY TELESCOPE TOOTH 57,750 00 LEVEN COLOHB, for framing, 28,875 00 . i $173,256"o6 count im, nmoliK pnrticn who c!:W WEAR h TAt;s taken therefrom. . thin ronntjr as follows: V. 1 GOLD WATCH. i pTentpst. number of , :, 1 Oi'EUA ULAS.H. ...r, OPERA GLASSES. i ext (rroiitost number i to 1 POCKET ' Srt POCKET KNIVES. y .13 the next grentest -.will (it vi) to each 1 s-l'II PICK 1(0 TOOTH TICKS. ' i the next greatest ?-AVill give to emu I .1 100 PICTURES. ft for (Ills County, Sid. ;-e Jumiirv 1st, lftti, nor aft "Mr Fehrnr.ry 1st, ''iu-il plainly with Nnlneof Selnlei, Town, ;:age. All charges on packages must be Hies of Intrinsic value Minn .my other ilKKt, the rliihPHt. HS'EAlt HEAD la 'llavor from ny ollirrphitf tolmcro. It is the largest st'llerof any similar ;,rht the popular tnste enil pleasen the Sen Unit u TIN TA Is on every o tugs, uo mutter how small the O.MPANY, Miiidlhtown, Ohio. ' "ty will b: iu'jl;sliei'. In this , I834. '.ANDMARKS. luunes In the Town n Demolished. louses in London emolished. They 'unstan's church, arrowly escaped .,'reat fire of 1000, j its course of de is reaching" them, -.'turcsque old stmc 'Hit projections and 'a hitherto charmed ' ; et street wanderer, is bout the beginning of century. Both houses .veil, ut one time baker ug having a bakery in with the sign of "The V Tho house nearest to i's church has for nearly tries been cither a book or p, and many a celebrated and man of letters must have is veuerablo threshold. In a ,,'S nothing will be left to mark e of these houses, so full of mem ! tho distant past. "The old ehangcth, yielding place to new.'' 8 hope that tho new may be wor to stand where its predecessors have nearly four hundred years. WHAT AILED THE CAKE. idget Meant Well, Hut Her KOforti Were VimucooHiful. It is said that good cooks, like good mrses, arc "born, not made." In this opinion a lady who has recently strug gled with tho ignorance and stupidity of a servant who was "willin' and anx ious, ma'am," fully concurs, says the Youth's Companion. i "Now see what a nice loaf of cake you can make from this receipt, Bridget," Baid tho mistress one morning. "He member the things I have tolil you; there's no reason why you shouldn't have as light a loaf of cake as anybody." "Yes, ma'am," said Bridget, "I'll re member ivcrything, an' I'll warrant I'll be afther givin' you a foine loaf." But when the loaf was at last with drawn from the oven by the despairing Bridget, it presented anything but a light and well-baked aspect. "What Iver can be the matter with it?" groaned poor Bridget when she had summoned her mistress to inspect the uninviting panful. "Did you remember to put baking powder in the Hour, Bridget?" queried the lady. I "The bukin'-powder is in it all right, ma'ain," responded Bridget, "but niver a bit av Hour. I put in corn-starch, ma'am, in place ov the flour." j "Corn-starch!" gasped the mistress. I "Indade, yis, ma'am!" said Bridget. "You said you wanted tho cake very light, and it was yoursilf was tellin' me the other day how much lighter corn starch was than Hour, so 1 just put in I two ucaiiiu' cups av corn-starch, ma'ml" fOSCOPE. j V ' ; Instrument K . werod. vmeots of the r Compoet 'i es of . '" ..extraordinary ,.5ie use of thi J Ball describes the nt last got equal i - h, VTr i ' c !J8 of this celestial "wo days and ten yns of unif-irm his I about the second I decline of bright V.tar in a few hours ths of its bright- cs are visible to the . ave been known foi lobody knew how to ,-a. At last, Hds the , Vogcl has made the iystery: fe improved speetograph ,'gol, he determined on one Igol was rotrcaling at a enty-six miles a second, "eated his observations he Algol was ncrain moving ;.ame velocity, but this time hent was toward the earth in rom it. Now. it is impossible r to run along a straight line ,'rtain distance, stop, turn back, Retrace its movi-tuent. stop and , return. Such movement is sim ,rbiddcn by the laws of motion. .. there is no objection to the sup- ition that Algol is moving in a path ,hich is nearly M not exactly a circle. During the description of one neinicir cle Algol is coming toward n.i, '.vhile during the other semi-ircle it is going from us, and tints the observed facts of the movement are coneilii! ted with the laws of motion." But the results of the new astronomy in connection with Algol are not ex hausted yet. Such a movement as has been above proved admits of no other interpretationesave that there must be another mighty body in the immediate vicinity of Algol. "We have already seen reason to be lieve in the possibility of the, presence of such a companion for the demon star, simply from the fact of its varia bility. There cannot bo any longer a doubt that the mystery has been solved. Algol must be attended by a compan ion star, which, if not absolutely as de void of intrinsic light as tho earth or the moon, is nevertheless dark, relative ly to Algol. Once in each period of revolution this obscure body intrudes between the earth and Algol, cutting off a portion of the direct light from the star and thus producing the well known effect." But the new astronomy not only proves the existence of this unseen star; it measures and weighs it as well. "Here is an object," says Sir Robert Ball, "which we have never seen and apparently never can expect to see, but yet we have been able to weigh it, to measure it and to determine its move ments." HE WAS NO SWINE. He Wrn a Highwayman, to lie Sure; But , lie Was a Mufrimnlmoufl Oi.e. A well-known New York physician tells this story of his experience with a highwayman in a dark corner of the city not long ago. He was returning from a call on one of his patients down town late one night. Just as he ar rived at a particularly dark and lone some place a burly ruffian stepped from behind the corner of a building and greeted the doctor with: "(Jive me all the money you've got, and do it quick, too!" and the fellow significantly swung a heavy club which he held in his hand. The doctor is an active member of one of the big athletic clubs, and being somewhat belligerent by nature his j first thought was to resist the high- I wayman's demand. He looked the man over quickly, how ever, and his first res- , olution wavered when he saw the fel low's giant proportions. Then he hur riedly looked up and down the street. Not a soul was in sight. The street lamps on the two corners had been put out and he plainly saw that the rutlian had laid his plans well. The man watched the doctor making his observa tions and after he had finished he said again snivringly: "Well, you better give it up, and dc it blanked quick, too!" The doctor decided that tho cheapest way out of the scrape T.-ould be to givo up his money, so lie reached in his pocket and handed the highwayman a roll of bills containing about twenty dollars. The highwayman took it and coolly walked away and the physician started on his way home again. But after he hail gone a few steps he sud denly remembered that he did not have a cent with which to pay his carfare and his home was four or live, miles away. "Hello, there!" he called to the re treating figure. Strange to say the rubber stopped and the doctor told him the position in which he was. The highwayman reached in his pocket and pulling out o half-dollar he threw it to his victim. "I guess that'll do you," he said, a he went on his way, and tho doctor con tinued on his way home meditating that even highwaymen have at least a (Train of consideration for the feeling! of other people. A Million Kneiuts. A. friend in need is a fri"iiil indeed md not less than one million iieor.'e have found jimt such n friend in I) King's New Discovery fur onnHitmptiop coughs nnil colds. If yon have nev t used this great eoinjh medicine, one trml will convince you that ik Iiioh munii-i iui otirative powers iu -II discuses of throat, ohes-t slid limes, lvtch b.iltle ih tiuiinm teed to do all that in cbiitued or uvm-i will be refiMdeil. Trial hollies free ut Slociini iJohiinoii Drug Co. I.nige hot ties We and 31 IUI l.i'fi-lliiaileil Suvai-pa, The Fiji islanders and the Terra del Fuegans are both left-handed that is, they possess equal p.nvers with both hands. Stone-throwing from both hands is an accomplishment they learn from their earliest years, and one in which they arrive at a high degree of perfec tion. In times of war they throw the spear and other missiles with either hand with unerring aim. It is a strange fact that tho use of the right hand in stead of tho left has kept pace with the march of civilization. It has been found that the least intelligent of human kind, when describing a circle of any similar movement, always work from the right to tho left. A child will ilao work la this fashion. TIIE 310XTEZDIAS. People Who Have Somo Good Qualities But Many Bad Ones. BoMted II ..pltftltty of the Mexloane Purely Mythical Common i.nw J"i- rlagcft Very Common-Untrustworthy Poons. ! A. recent resident of the City of Mexico was in Kansas City a few days ago, and In a chat with a journal reporter ex ploded a great many of the romantic i i,i rhirnlrv and other biui - wi ------ Arcadian and idyllic characteristics oi the Mexicans. His opportunities iu, studying the people were unexcelled and he had little else to do. lie trav eled all over the country many times and studied the people w ith exceeding For over a year he Has ocen cou- nect'edwith the Mexican Central rail-' ti-n-r in nn imnortant caoaci.y. 1 onij speak for myself," said he, "but for one I failed to find Mexico the fairy land I had pictured to myself. There are lots of Americans tlicre wno aie ie- lighted with it and who would live l nowhere else, and it may be my fault that I do not like the place. But I h could not, even though I tried very hard to do so. as my business called me 11: there. In the first place, the nativo lower class Mexican hates an Ameri- ,m can. It is not very pleasant to have nn ugly-looking greaser growling out ,j 'gringo!' as he passes you or hurl at you the bitter curse 'tabronc!' j ' - "Some one has said that Mexico was ninety-five per cent, climate and five :J-. per cent. 'Quien sabe?' (who knows?) 1 have often thought that about fifty per 't- cent, of 'miana' (to-morrow) ought to n,y be thrown in. The Mexicans never do to-day what they can do to-morrow. ;;;; The boasted hospitality and chivalry of ,; ,: the lower classes are pure myths. The J,'; upper classes are splendid people, high- ' minded, hospitable and generous. But . the lower classes, the peons, are the op-1 posite. They say: 'My house is yours,' i but it is a lip phrase and they do not ,;; mean it. The plowing is done with , sticks and thrashing with horses and the reaping with sickles. America could sell agricultural implements in large numbers were it not for the duty. The only thing we would need from them is fruit and coffee. The prospects for reciprocity are therefore not very flat- It Uxtends Mneli lliBlier Than I Com tering, as they really do not sell us monly Supposed, enough fruits and coffee to offset the One would hardly think of looking to agricultural implements. the moon for information about the "It costs so much to get married in height of the earth s atmosphere. Yet Mexico that few of the lower classes it is in just that way that evidence has ever marry. The church does not rcc- recently been obtained that the atmos- ognize. state marriage and the state pliorc extends much higher than has j,. i ..,.;., ti, ,.i,,.,,i, ivmlillno- commonly been assumed. I uui;fluiaiJW.UK'i1"ij mi. t.ii.i.. ,.....t,. The consoouence is that common law marriages are the rule. There is little of what we call immorality in the sense of promiscuity. Tho police never take any notice of anything unless somebody makes a complaint. "It is unquestionably true that the peon is an unconscionable thief. Hotel men never buy more than enough for one meal. The servants would steal the surplus. Everybody in Mexico buys lottery tickets, and I have seen an old J . ..... ... lady selling tickets within the doors of the cathedral. An important step is be ing taken by President Diaz, who is a wide-awake and progressive man, who is bitterly hated by the clergy or priest hood. He is taxing the large land own ers or haciendcros, who own vast tracts of uncultivated land. The owner of those haciendas declare they will have to cultivate them or give them up. It is a question if the peons would have ambition to cultivate the land after it was turned over. A great mistake is made by foreigners in going tlicre in the winter, when the place is dry and dusty. They should go in the summer when the rains refresh the earth every day. Sharp showers fall during the rainy season, but the sun rises bright and pleasant every morning. As I said in the beginning Jlexico may do for some, but I prefer the United States and have come back to live here." PRICES IN MONTE CARLO. Remarkable Instance of the Extortion of Its Hotelkccpcrs. Frequent complaints have been made of late of the conscienceless extortion practiced upon foreigners by the hotcl keepero of the Riviera, who arc appar ently doing their best to kill the goose that has laid them so many golden eggs. An incident reported by the cor respondent of tho London Times at Nice seems to prove that it costs even more to die at Monte Carlo than it does to live there. It appears that a short time ago a well-known Englishman was taken ill and died of dropsy at one of the hotels, and his wife, who is a mem ber of the English nobility, decided to take the body to England for burial. Upon inquiring' as to the cost of this, she was informed that it would be nec essary to embalm the body, and that, with the railway charges for transport, the expense would amount to over foui hundred pounds. There were certain fixed charges made by the principality of Monaco, said the doctor and under taker, which must be paid, and this was the lowest possible estimate. This amount it must be remembered was ex clusive of hotel charges or doctors" fees for attendance upon the patient; it was simply for embalming, for the cost of the coflin and its accessories and for transport to London. An appeal was made to Baron de Fariucourt, the gov ernor general of Monaco, who declared that no taxes whatever were levied upon foreigners, dead or alive, by the princi pality. The bill was reduced finally by nearly one-half, but the wdiole subject is to be brought to the attention of the British foreign oflieo. Valuable Ashes. Recently a very large concern which nas been manufacturing gold watch cases in Bond street, New York, for many years, decided to go out of busi ness. After all the other arrangements had been concluded the building was sold, the sellers reserving the right, however, to remove everything except the exterior walls. The inner walls and floors were taken out and burr.ed, and the ashes were carefully searched for gold dust and tilings. 1'iftee.i thousand dollars worth of gold is said to .a . e been recovered in this m; -.ner. Sulphuric Aolil anil Civilization. A famous scientific man has declared that tho measures of a nation's civili zation may be gauged by the amount of sulphuric acid it consumes, since this acid is an essential to the most skillful, spcody and economical methods in tho higher mechanical arts. Measured by this standard the civilization of the United States is the highest on earth. Inscriptions on mummy cloths with a material produced nuiy through the agency of sulphuric ueid arc taken as an evidence of the high civilization ex l isting iu ancient Egypt. i fit mm Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Picfe Headache and Constipation. 40 in each .ottle. Price 23c. For sale by druc.Tis'.s- rictnre "7. 17, 70" anil sample dose free. J. F. SMITH & TO., Proprietors, NEW YORll. THTl'SM DOLLARS A WEEK FOI1 LIFE. ; -e Is it Sunn lr Itraliiy People The l.ilr.l 111 Jim Out. hi r,l -f M fi inxhire Tin- C:Hi;ni nn ARrirnlturiiit Into h"!". n.f i ii li-lu rs l.itve (U-eiit- to present an !. :!! csvi' rcwupl linl for f heir Orr-ul Kiyhlh ,;i ' i i v l.!t, niri AilriK'tintiter the BUlnlmr of It'.l3. ,. Sf'v 1. 1 1 !""'! Intii., w rill en a. re, incut lupuy through nil lilt- reuur 8 "tiered Mew. !' w si Sil l UK A lil WAI'.a -Tlinse who lncomf . emi roml'ele free of chiirise All thilt i , , . , , j.t n, tt;e a f BlieetR of mn r nnil make all v ,.':- v i; ettn .nit i-.f 111- letterft in the three wopls, ilnSii ' , T , it, i in ti KMOR'tiiin,' anil Bemi them to iw, 1 j.'i S1! fm irmillM mili-eiilil inn to ei'.her 'I'lie .Hi..' ,i ,j.i;(i;i!i'r SI nr Til. Lllilim' llnllie Mllulliue. , ,i i- i in. 'ft ii n rioil-eal of the day. 'I-.. . i oi i In- invest linl will reeeive 3 imt wenk i H:..; Lml. tl,tMI in Hlil ; .riL S61K); 4th. li; i.i h, 'I' i M-l to W.nM's fair mill e n ilays ej ,. . tv-iiins, i ri'iitiB, linlie-' niifl nentH nohl nnil silver i i -i v.-r lea ei viees.ili mil r nir , amlnvi r Itl.oUU i. iVnioB in limn i.l i,'-i il,er Hie inoB valiilllile prize r-ilitreii h liny iiuliliKher. Send for print d list i's'-.i ' l'ur".!J.I, n'r nlwnlete words not romped. 2. , nint iiv lln'ii iillen. r tin ti tlieyaiiiieiir in the W.iil 's S.ilin,, 1,11111 lixpii-iliiin'-tlmt is. the riiMl'i," in" n..-liii:ee. lOi.ld not lie used, tieeaune . lint , me ' .1 ' in ihe tlnee wonlB, etli. 3 !iihiR es mi l pln. es l.iiiM il 4. No ehuree for pai-king iui" Imt till pri 'e iviimers m ill lie epeeleil 10 lielp '.s'T',.1 inn i iiliiti'in. r All list-e uliiinilig over imi n ,..- !. v il! rei eivr- i speeiat reunril. us. Tile liiilnuiiiK vell-kn'Wn pnllenien rate e.! to net ii piiii-'es an t ni'l -ce tl at the pri.eB iily swa'iteil - (' iiniti'il'iri Caleiitt, (I'riipi ie'or : . I i, Sleiiie.eisl. I'l-leil'iiion ji, ami Mr W. nil. i'lefliihnl 'limes l'linlitiR Coinpiiny, l,ete I mi VNTEH-We pay ?1 to f5 iter tiny sslary Inn IN. in n, women. I.iiv" anilnirln l rite lei pur -.r nit iiioiit-v leiiers. Aiiilnss, Aniti i.ll !' i u . 1 1,'s Ii. IVI.-1 iioronuii, ( anaiia. THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE. ia Observations of lunar eclipses made at the celebrated observatory Of Jjoru Eosse, in Ireland, have shown that the amount of heat received from the moon, which heat is, of course, merely reflect ed sun heat, just as moonlight is only reflected sunlight, begins perceptibly to diminish several minutes before the shadow of the earth reaches the moon. The inference is that the earth's at mosphere partially cuts off the sun's heat as it comes between the moon and , 1 11.. ...1 nlt.l tne sun ancao ox mo euo ui me mum earth, and calculations based upon the lengtli of time during which the loss of heat from the moon is felt before the eclipse begins indicate that our atmos phere reaches a height of at least one hundred and ninety miles. How different this is from the height usually stated may be seen by consult ing a popular school-book on physical geography, published within a few years, iu which it is affirmed that be yond a height of forty miles the amount of air remaining would be too small to affect the sun's rays perceptibly in any way. So in the most unexpected, and some- .. iui nn,i;.,.. times wonderful, ways we are continu- ally learning something new about this time-worn globe on whose surface we dwell. ItCM-rviti'i I'l'iiise. We desire lo s iv to our citizen", that f r v-'or'-, vi e h.'tve been selling Dr. Kino's n " dipcovrv for consumption, Dr. Kit i V lieu- life pills, lluck'eti's nr c : ami electric bitters, and have nev I'-iied remedies' that sell as well, i r have (riven such universal satisf c Wo do not In sitnte to guarantee v-ry time, mid we siatid ready t' el the ( iiM'li'o'e price, if salistaeto y . i ilo iHiti follo'.v their use. These oii s linw Hon their great popnlnri iveiv .u their metits. Slocuni sih' D iil' Co. .Iv. "I I. mutter a little thought, i to the neat haril e, plumbing, etc., stock o , Odd Fellows' hull. He de if in both quality and price. J. : e g".ijt ri;i nieivbniidise estaldish iienf formerly owned by Collin & MiFar itii'l. li'i. inreiy changed hands, now be n;.' ntuior tite control and raiuiHgwtnent I' 1' i" XfoFarlmid Mercantile Company. t . i I , en!. tidies business at the old stund :tii a lai'tjei stock than ever. a Where? A; A'l'idiH'ieiicli'B. In addition to his dloriiig business, he has added a fine w of underwear of all kinds, Degligee l.r its, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand onic elegant patterns for suits. A. Vonibnnisiok. May street. Heppuer, Or. CITY FIT E2RVICE. Cs. i t'.io Moat and : c-.i t. V of Chicago i c vUh two - Y.'oi'ful hind i. .'Ivy arc con . " luse throw ' ui Unite, n.iive lire cstab l thy world 203 The C:1 ire : , i : itnift-.Hl 1 v. i nff 10 t ir; of Parish;::! .ishmont, V... I London h. Uons, and tr-:r The numlvr f ill desorip err; imti men. C j rrrxyy made by the 5rc engines urnl I of tho Mctri year was 32,795, rim Gr,b'C0 miles, .r.dirtf hose carts poli tan l.ri.";;Hle h;i,t ami the total distuixe these CgurcEi m t hv. Dr tho escapes, vl:L h i:ro run by hand. The Louden briado uses n(00G00( srallons of water yearly, that is, i g-al-ions ner inhabitant, or 8,500 gallons fur each fire. The New York brigade eonsumes 82, X)0,000 pallons yearly, that is, 25 gal lons per inhabitant, or 18,000 per fire. The most expensive brigade is that oi Boston, which cost Cs. 7d. per head oi xipulation to maintain; that of Lon Ion costs the least, rut. per head. 'h 3c?t iun:h syrup. Tatoa Goodl Cse I OMAHA, Kansas ( n y, St. Paul. AMI A I.l. I-OISII? SET, PP BED SBDTH Train lefivHH Heoimer. 10 h. hi. Arriver 6 20 ;i, m , daily except Sunday. tillniHn mefiwrn. Ctiiiinlxt !-41 eper. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Portland to Hun Kraneise' everv four days. Hckds TO AND KKOM uropc. For raten Ktnl Bfiienil liilurn.iitloli cttlt on llepnt Ticket Altent. J. C. M A11T UcpiHier. Oreyun. H. HUKLBt'RT. Ast Hem. 1'nBB. Agt. 2M Washington St., FlIHTl.AtiD. ORROON. :-of-:- EUGENE. Open Monday, Seuteraber 8th. rsr CLOSED THE MOST TEOS jieri'iis jetit in its h'Ntory. Wide nii'ge nf Htuilns. TlioMHiiili in iictiiii HnsitieH ciifNe inld 'd. 'In n fiee. Eiiir.ince f. e, $111. B uitd i imliiiL' hi reiiHiniiilile rule" m tin ..nut inn diitmitor and bi"rdinir bull ilie ci nn ii, "here ftnde. is will I' Vr pelnouiil fUlpeivisiiin. Ji.HN W. JnllNS 'N, (-81 Pieslllelit. Foot-rriiits on Mle Ptilli to lleiilth. tfvetyiiiie iHtilintr a doctor's tulviet uid tend one id Dr Foote's dime mpltlels on "Old Eyes," "Crimp," H u pi n re," "Phimosis," "Varicocele," bseiise of men, Disease of Women, mil atn Mi bent means of sel -cnie. M til Pub. Co, 129 Ea-t 28iu St., Ne I'mk. STOCK BRANDS. While you koeti your subscription ptiid up yet oan koep your brand in free of chftTKe. Ally ii. T. J.. lone. Or, Hnrees G(l on lefl boulder, cattle ninie on left hip, under bit on illht ear, uiiii upper bit on the left; range, Mor ow county. ArinBtronit, J. C. Alpine, Or. T with bar un ter o on left shoulder of horses; cuttle same pi left hip. Allison, 0. D EiKht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, ' I D on left hip anil horses same brand on right ihoulder. Huiie, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con-n-cteil on lint tlatik: cattle, sanje on loft. hip. JBartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses uiiiuiion i m on oiiiihi Biiumutti. iiunife in luo - i ,w county. Blenkumn, (too., Hfmiirmn, Or, flown, a tiny. ntilpft. nhuiiikjr; ciittiu unuie on riKht Hhoulder. hniiiiinter, J. W., HrtrrtmHri, Or. Cuttle hrand eci H on tefi Mp mid thih: spin in eacii oar. Brenner, Peter, Ikk upherry Oregon Iiuinflu branded P h on left, bhouliter. Cattlo same on Ilttrlty, M at C, Lomr t;rcek, Or On cattln, MAY connected on loft hip, ciop oft loft oar, un der half crop oil riht. Hordes, Hume brand on letft Htioulder. Karifio in Orant and Morrow county. tJioMimn, Jerry, Lena, Or. l!orss branded 7 rirht shoulder; cattlo H on thy lufi nirto. Lefl ear hn!f crop mid riyht ear upper iop. Harion, Wm., Kcppnor, Or. -ilorer, J Hon rifdit Udtdi, cattle, mime on i-jla hip; split in i.-aeh ear. Hrown, len, Lexington, Or. Honaeft IB on the ritiiit hlille; uai lie Biurjo on riltWiip; ran'e, .Mor row county. brown, J. (!., Heppner. Or. Horses, circle ' with dot in cm ter on luft hip; entile, Rune. Brown, W.J., Lena. Orennn. Koines W bar over it, on the left uhouMer. Cattle Haine on left hip. iioyer, W. 0 Heppner, Or. Horfuii, box breiid u !:?,h hip cult le, SKino, with split in I'i'.h ear. Bor( P.O., tioppner, Or. Horses, V B on left shoulder; mitle. wunn on left hip. Brow nine. W. J., i'ox.Oi Cattle. J H eonnemed on left dide; erop on loft ear and two Hpiity and uiitifiie piece cut out on rih' oar; on horsieu snnie brand on thj left thih; llane in fc'oz vuilev, timnt county, ( aifnei Warren. Warner. ( Jr.-Horn brand ed O on jiirl.t biiiie; caitle (three bury) on ntfht ribe, urop and nplit in euch ear. Banyo ii. (irant and Morrow counties. Oain.E., ( aleh.ur.- l hornea on left stitio U With qnarier circle over il,o:i left shoulder and on left Htiffe on all coll n der ftye;iiH;oti left Hlnitdder only on all horsew over fi jiars. Ail ranyo in Grant euuntv, I'lio k, Vwn. 11., Lei a. Or. Horn WHC con nected, on left rhouhier: cattle Mime on riyht tiip. bm Morrow and Uniiitdla couutien. (.'Mo, Chu. U Vinwon or Lena, Or, llorsea H ( oil ri;;ht shoulder; cattlo tnmn on right, hip. HaiiL-e .Morrow and Umatilla omjntioH. Cecil, W in., Donwlah, Or.; hoien JC on lef whoi-.Mr; cii'tle tine on lefl hip, waddles on each jaw and two in the rifjht ear. Ciiili. H John hay. t if. Double cross on each hip on cattle, hwallow fork and under bit in tiidit car. split in lefl enr. Hure in (iraut ctimn. On shw-p, inverted A m'd Hpear poinr ou hlu.ulder. l,ar untrkoJ ewe, crop on luft ear punched upper bit in ripht. WetlmvB, crop in right and c.u.wr halt crop in h-f,, ear. All raiicn C(a)k, A. .(..liena.Or. JinrHeK.tflion riahf shoul Jei t aitle. sauieoii r ght hip: ear mark euimre top oti left and split m rilit. i Linin. ii. V t.unnihvihe, (Jr. -Horea. s& on I .i-lt Hill'". Coa lid. H., Harttman, Or.-(VtIr-, Cwht u cenler: hoihoh. CL on left Sip. I Cochran, U. Jioiiutijeut. Grant Co Or -I liuieh branded circle with bai beneath, oii lefi hnouioer; came same urnutl on both hipe, mark unoer lope both cart and dewlap. i hapin, IL, BanJuan, Or. Bon-ee branded . on right nip. Cattle branded the same DiuhHiN jli,o braided with three ,r V l.VV p;.lV ' H,llt on IcttHide. IJouKlahH, . M .(ii,liuwa.. Ur.-t It j. right hiih'.bwa luw-tork in each ear; horses, it D on left hip. DoukIhM). T., BouFflas, Tl) on the right M ino; cnttle same on right hip. fHme on left tup, time n ngtit ear. juiioii . at-ii. rlglit hhoillder. Heppner, Or. Diamond on tmety, ( . 8., Pardman, Or. HoTRPH llt-n.i,l..J eveisee Cviith laiilon left u;...., ,i ,eMtmeon ihi hip. barge in Alorn-w county. Meek JacSM.u, i eppner, Ol.-Morses. i uNuected ... right ..Milder; caitle. nauif on eft. ...i ' m mmfi. nine m riu , ni((i e, L. A., . hoiop Heppner. Or.-Cattle, LF on Jit illt MillilltT. - Kim oar unuer ou right H.iri.. . P. rle,it,nor.Or-H,,n,M, K on nulit Bh. in...; cHltlB. r mi nuht hip or thigli. lii'iich, Iiwii'km, II. j.puHr. ur.-Cattle branded iv r. Willi run over it. on lefl nidi); crop oft left .... ... is. p, Bi.iue uihi.a o.M uu hip. iTiiy, nwirj, Hoppnor, Or.-OAJ on left OUlll'.T. (jiliimn-Fri-tii'h, Laml and Livestock Co., Foe. 1, Dr. huimf, iiiH-luir S on left shoulder; Tent, ' " "mil-, i nine. NHme on pom hips u lliarkB. crop nil riulit unriuid nuderliil in left ' I" " in Uuhitiri. Grunt. rook Hiid Morrow countieB ii. i.uj. I'-iuiei. Kcho. lr Hor-ep hrinded h. M. with ii miinler ounle over it, on Utt stifle UnLyein '.Uirrow and Uuuitillaconntiei. lUiee. Iieo., LeiiH, Or, lirnuil i li connected Willi quarter circl' over it, on lelt ahouider. Hint! A. li., lluiKe, Or. latlle. roui.d-top K ; with quarter circle under it on the riKht hio I Kanfco in Morrow and U matilla ounntie.. Ilinton A Jenk. Humiltnn.Or1 on eiilwr hi.; crop iu rigiit mr Hurara, J ou right thigh. tUtnge Hamiiet. Wmrnff. Or h; on eaitle, on right hip and on left iide. Mallow fork m rigln Mu-Hiiil nlit in left- liantu li;i.Mick diMncl, .Morrow conmy. Hale, Miltou, Whkum. Or.-H'irwtt litandc! -O- (rirele with parallel tiu) ou Ifti Hhoulder. (Vttle sanmoo left hip ; ah-o largo circle ou left Bid" Ball Kdwin, Jobnlaj,Or. Cttle K Hon right hip; horn mw ou right shoulder. 1 aiig.wu Orant oonuli'. Howard, J L, allowuy. Or. noie, -f (on with bar alMiTH it) on right nhnuluer; cHttie tlln on leu tide. Kange iu Morrun uud Uuia tibacHunticf. ItuglM. fltt, Heppnor, tr. HoiHwi, pmdwi heart on the left utmuider. lUlig" Morrow i o. Hutisakr, H . Wugner, Or. -Uomett, H on left Hhil.iet;nn thi. Con left hip. llBiitifty, Albort, uregon iionea,A it rmuected. on loft shoulder; t atUe ou Urn left Iui), crop off loft ear. ilumphrevH, J 0l- Uardman, Or. iloei, U oa Bayes, J. Heppner. Or. HorBeB, wineislHWi on left Bhoulde- calile. namo on right hip. llustin, Li th tr. Ligtit Mile, Or. Horse H oa the left nhouniorand heart ou the left stitte (lat tleHHUieon left hip. Kanae in Mnrmw county. Ivy, Alfnil, ijoug Creek, Or H'attle 1 JJ on right hip, cropoft left cur and bit in right, llornea same brand ou loft vhoutder llauge n Grunt Junkiu, 8. RL Heppner, Or HorsoH, hortte triioe J ou iett tthoulder. Cattle, the aauis. llange on High I Mile. Johnson, telix Lena, Or. Horeeu, circle T on left stiiie; cattle, same on right hip, undr half crop in right and unlit in left war J-iikins, I) .,MU Vernou,Or. J on horaeaon irt Hhnulder: n cattle. J on left hip and two Hiuooth crops on both ears. Uangem fcoiaud Hear vail Ji Kenny, Alike, Heppner, Or. lLtreii biaurtMl KNV on lofl hip cattle wmie aim crop otl left Hiir; under nlope on tti right Ivirk, J. T Heppner. Or. HorBeB il on left tthouluer; oatllo, iiH on lelt hip. Ku k. J O, Heppner, Or. HorBeB. 17 on etUter rtank; cattle 11 ou right aide. Kirk, Jene, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left stoulder; cattle eauie on light side, nuderbit on right ear. Kuuiberland.W . tt.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L on cattte ou right and left nuieH, swadow fork in It ft ear and unuor mop in right ear. HorseaMuine biand on left shoulder. Itange in Orant couutv. Loften, SLepnen, I ox, Or. b Hon left hip ou cattle, crop and Bplit on right oar. Horses name brand on lefL shoulder, liaugo (jrant uountv. ijieiuilleu, John W., L-i - ' Or.-HorHes bramtod haii-ciicle J L connected ou lofL shoul der. Caitle, aaiut on let! hip. Kange. near Le inuton. , , , Leuhcy, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded Lam) &o i ictt sliou.der; ulUIi bame on left hip, wuale over r.yht ye, three sills in r.ght ear. Lord, Oooige, Heppner, Or. Horses Dranacti Unililu H coi.neuU omeUuies called a awing 11, on lelt slioulder. AUii'khuui, A. AH, llepjaier, or. t aiue large ftt on left wide, both aais cropped, and i-plit iu uo h. Horses M on left hip. Kange, Uark canjou. fliiuor, Oscar, iteppnor, ur-1 aiue, hi v on right hip, burse. M on lei I shoulder. ilolgan, O. iiepimer, ur-innserj, on tnii Miouid"! cattle same on ten nip. LilcCuinbur, das A, iLCliu, Or, lioraes, rl witn bar over ou right shouiiiec. iUorgaii. ihos., Heipuer, Or. Horbeii, circle 1 on lofi fchotiider ui.u lelt thigh; caLtle. u on i lgia Hugh, ,iiiu hi.'il. ONcar, lone, Or. Horses, j'7 on right hip, euun-, i(on right bide. .net iUien, ii. ti., limwiiMVlllo, Or, HorbOK, I iturt on men bi.ouiOer, catuu, lU on urn illctanj, U.tvui 11., i'-elio, Or. Imihes Oraiideil connected, on the lelt shoulder; cattlo bailie pit lup and bide. Melt nr, i'lank, loi Valley, (Jr. fll ule ahoe vi ith loc-coi k oil caUle on film aud under in mvh ear; hoihes Name biltud ou lelt etitle. lVlcHaiei, O. V., liainilloiJ, Or.-Oii Horben, b with hail circle unuer on u-U nhouloui;on atUf, Pair hi.ib ciuiiiecLuu on Lop on Ihu i-.glil, suic hanu in (nam I uiuili. a i ai.Auaiew, Lune jiock.Or, Hurheh A N cun nec-te(i on iel L tiiuuJuui . citLllu sauie on both hJpo, Aoidyto, h,., bil teiiou, Ur. liuibes, tuoie i ou letl lliij., ca. ue, oatue on lott hip. Oli vol, Joseph, t anjon Ciij, Or. A )i on cattle oil ittll hip; uu noises, baiiib ou iel I thigh, Uuuks iu (nant County uiivr, lJorii. Lexington, Or. 1' O on lefl ahou.'iUi. Oip, Herman, Pfairie City, Or. Ou cattle, O Li' coiiiiucLou ou loll hip; liorees on lott sulle and waine on nobO, Uunge in ii laiiL county. 'I'eareon, tiave, JliighL diiie. Or, Hoi'seb, ipiar tor circle blaeio on jell slioulder and il4 on toll nip. WiUiu, loi'K in iui; ear, right cioppeu. ii Mil lull tup, Ka;.g on Rlglit iHuc. Parker Oieaboii, Ha(uluaii,Oi Horsett IP on l li Hiiuuuiur. P. tier, iLii.e t, le3tington, Or.- Hor-eB biand e b (,L hi cunntcieuj oi. lelt shumder ; cattlo i- ino ou ngiiiiup. liauge, Jiori ow uuunU'. 1 ipei, J . 11,, .LiB&ing ion . .H, ijointtb, J L con neotyd oj iell sitouluer; cattle, stuuie u!i it-It hip. unuei oji m eacu uur. 1 ettib, A. O., ijue, Or,; horsoB ditimond P on - snouider, eauie, J ii j concijcteu, on tna iett hip, upper siuPo in lelt eur and slip in ihu tigni. 1 owell, Jotui X., Hhj ville, Or Horses, JP co'i. uec.ea on nai niiouloer. Cattle Oh, couin-ruttd uu jell lop, twu uuaer iiult crops, oiiw ou t-itc-n Urti-, waiue uuoei Uuoal. gem tyrant county. Jiooil, AUUlbW, JiaruUiUU, Or. lioibub, aiiUUI oro wan quarier-eircle over Hon lull sliilu. Uwniiiger, v-liris, imppzier, Or. Hoisos, O It ou Misiibuiuei. luce, Ouu, Haiduian, Or.; hon-eBl three panel worm lencu ou ieiL bnoulder; ca;tle, U A i on rigid ahoulur. ianyu near iiardmnu. llojse, Aaroii, Heppner, Or llcrst-s, plain V ou leli bJiouider; caiiie, aume branu leversed ou iiht hip and crop otl right eiir. Kange in lUor rov county, Kusii broe., Heppner, Or. Horsea brandi-d A un Hie right shouiuer; cattle, IX ou loe leit nip crop oil lelt tat una dowiap ou neen, liauye n, ftioirow and adjoining counties. Kunt, VViiliam, Kiugu, Ui. Uotbeo K oi, leli sliouiuor; cattlo, ii, ou lull hip, crop oil rigat ear, unueioit on iett eur. bneep, ii ou weather?., round crop ott ngh ear. Kange Oina llliaaua iUoiiow c lUnlies. l.euney, Anuiew, Lexington, Or. BorBei bmnaed AH ou right aiiuuiaer, veui uuui-u i circle over brand; catllc suum ou right hip, louige Aloriow uoum. Jiosv, Wm. B, um?i ville, Or Hli connbcuc' Wil li guariei circle ovor Lop on cattle on i igi,i nip ana ciop on; rigid ear auu split in leit. iiotoi- same Pranu on left shouiuer. Kangu iu Jlorrow luuni auu uuuauj counties. uecioi. ii. W., Heppuer, Or. Horses. JC ol letl shoulder. Came, you rigut lup. .Npicknall, J. VV., Ouosebeny, Or. HorMos biandeualou lelt hluaiiaer ; isnge in Jlotrow CUUUlj. batiiug, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded on lelt snouiUei; cuttle same on Ittl lap. awagan, ii. Luxiugion, Or. Horhes with uaoii unuer it uu lelt stille. cuttle H with uaun unuei' it on riyiu aip, crop wtl ngnt ear and wauuieu ou ngnt mnd leg. Kange in Aioriow, umtaiuunu uuiiiuua counties. bw.iggait, A. 1j.,Aliiouu. Ur. Horses branded 'i uu loii BliouiUor;ooinebuiue uu lelt hip. Cloi uli eai, wattle ou lelt Junu leg, OLiaigiu t K., Ueppuor, Or, Horsrjs shaded J b uu ie. bliuo; eauie j , -5 on lelt lap, swaiiow toitt. iu ilgh. eor. Uliueilil 111 leli. o-ipp. iaoe,., tieppuei, Or, liorsen, t) A P oti lelL mp; oatii. same uu iett hip. oiiiiKi.Junu, i'ux, ur. 1M, connected on liuibubon nyht lop; cattie, name OJJ llgIli lup, croi, wji ngiu t-ar unu unuej- bit in ieiteur. liaise iii urant. county. ouum Hios., CiObMUviile, Or. Horeea, bui.ded il. uu siiuuiaei; caiL.e, atneunmit stiuuiuer bHUUHb, James, Arlington, Or,; huv urandoU JbouluH snuuiuor; uauie the sumo, also uose wuuuie. Hange in Alonuw and Oiiuam coulibs. tolepheus, V . A., iuuduiHU, Or-; nurse 0.3 on riauibuhe; caiuohnzoutai L ou the ngnt side btoveuauii, iiih a. j., iippr, ur.-oauie, ou nam ui, ; swaiiow-ioiK in leu ear Owaggarl. O. W , Keppner, Ur.-Borie(!, H on U-ti Biiuuiut. ;caLtio, 4 on Iett nip. ppoiii, i!,. O., iieppner, Or. - i,attl W (J on leu mp, crop oil r1Unl ami umlerbu in left year, uewiup; iiurbs V c on lull shuuluer inuiupsun, J.A. iieppue.', Ur.-lloiseH, g on leu unuuuui-; eaiue. a uu ion shouiuer,B.A.,Ku.eipnse)Ol.-nwibBbl C-ou loft iuiiu-i i.. w.,Ueppi,m,Ur.-Sniull capital I Diiwuiuci, nolaOB; ciillle wiuie Willi oi.lil in boll, eal'e. lelt tup ii.imu.ii, u. n Jont)l Or.-llome. oraiiduj 111 conoBcleUuu lelt .ullo; sheep ,llL0 imiml, VaiHieipool, 11. 1.. Wa, orf-llumea 1J.V con. uecieu on iiKm Bhouiuericuitle, name oo n,j"t Wallindue, Wm.. iiepphor. Or. Homes, U L ou Uib toll Biioii.uer; cuille name on rlglit hip. ciop oil lelt our and rigm car lopped. Wiwoo, John y cjuioui ur uppuw. 0r. UolBeeOmiiuJoomuB left tllouinei, JllluKU JlOl'I'OW COUlllJ. ""r. W iii ieu.W K.Caleb.Or-Cattle W with quarter circle over H.oii lelt side, split in riKht ear. Horses same tiru"d on lelt Hhoulder. llarum in liraiilcouuly 1 h riBhi cilas A . Ueppner, Or. Cattl. branded S VV ou the right lap. square orop oil nnui ear auu split in leit. suieM VVuue, leur, Heppner. Jr.-HorseB biuuded ace ol spauos on leit shoulder and lelt hiu Cattle braudeo same on letl sloe aim leit hip VV ells, A. a., Heppuer, Ur.-Horses, 0"o ou lef l shoulder; call e same. Vvoiliuaer, John, John Uay C'it,Or-Ou horse. Unco puiuuei pars on leli shonlder; i on sheer counties "' brU,t Wouuvvard, John, Heppuer, (Jr. Horse, tip uoiuiecu'd on leli shomuer. VV aikins, Lishe, Heppuer, Or.-Horses branded Ct. cuiiiiecteo on lelt sulle. ""uiueu Wallace, I. harios, Portland, Or.-Cattle W mi rinhi 111181.01. mleft ear; horses. W on' riJht shoulaer. emu. same on left, shoulder. V hiiiier eriisM numuigtou, baker Co.. Or -Horses branded W b. conueepju on left shoulder Williams Vasco, Hamilton, Or.-Ouarter oir cle over three bars ou lefl tup, butS cattle aid horses. Kanire uraul county. Vullmms. J Creek. Or-horses, uu. r ter cn ie over three bars on lefl hip; caitle same ami .In in earn ear. ,, , ,,IK; ,,,., " on si,?;.,t;e;v';eppn";,e.r:7Mor6e"rani,in A A Walker Eliz.ib ,th 'i"so'i','"Harilmau Or -mile brauded r3 V c,,eoted) EW on left side h,;r.s same on riKbt .hoUlder. J. VV- alker s cati , same on lelt hip, hor.e same on , ell shoulder. An range in Jlotrow comity. T H orVtlfie rujh't fthwnTau.1