Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 19, 1893, Image 2

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H" '"Ih'1'1""''""" "r'11 gSS
8 zz
yX fence.
Price for the
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name la signed as au evidence ol
good faith.
Did yon ever
Read about the S3
Man who
Hid his
Light under
A bushelf S3
Yes? well
That is like
Doiug business
Without advertising. S3
All the
Suite schemes
In the country
Will not acoompliah S3
Half ns much
As b Rood ad.
In a good, live,
Legitimate ncwBpnper, .2
One thnt
la rend
Bv the people,
And that owns S3
Its own
Soul; that
Ujei its apace
Like meruhnndiae, S3
Worth dollar
For dollar.
A ma robbery ie reported in Miohigan,
A train was held up and 875,000 taken.
Eahtkkn people ore begiuning to aee
the ubb of silver money as well as gold.
Rebel forces are viotoriotis in Bra-iil,
and will probably overthrow the present
Tub death of "Okanogan" Rmith is
announoed. He was one of Washing
ton's foremost pioneers.
Tiir excitement in the East now is the
opening of the Cherokee Btrip. Thou
sands ate rushing in to get homes.
Fkoplb np in this necko'-the-woods
looks upon Hon. W. It. Ellis aa the
proper .nan lo succeed himself as oon.
gresHmnn of the seoond distriot of
Oregon .
The Toi'tlund Telegram and the San
Francisco Examiner stiy ti at Clerelnud
has btoome a dictator, and both plainly
warn him agnast such a oourae. Both
papers are light-
Eahtekn BhipmeutB ot cattle are now
attracting Bome attention, aa it claimed
that the net results are better than
received from sales made in Portland or
on the bound.
(loi.D bullion to ihe amount of $105,
000 was found missing at the Phila
delphia mint recently. Au old employe
was ohaiged with the theft and family
admitted it, turning over the atoleu
lliil'oKis from below and also from
the E'tst confirm the general impression
that tunes are improving steadily. And
this is being brought about without
any repeal of the Sherman law. This
law should remain as it is until the
administration becomes willing that
something better for silver should take
it -t place.
John O. Li ce aud Sheriff Combs are
having quite a set-to. Mr. Luce was
arn'Htnl a few days ago and put in jail
it short time. This wtis brought about
by an article in ihe Issue, charging
Combs wilh being loo intimate with
some woman in the vicinity. Mr, Luce
is row out on S-'mO balds to await the
action of the nut grand jury,
Homk member) of the house are til
bUBteriu. agninst the lepeal of the
federal eleotiou lawa. These are com
posed of republicans, and administration
democrats who are afraid that the
calling up this measure while the repeal
of the Sherman is under consideration
will seriously aflVot the latter. Hut it
proves one thing that it is just as fair
(or the senate to filibuster against the
uncondilioiiHl repeal measure as for the
house to oppose legislation iu the same
Tub tieary law baa been annulled
without any effort having been made to
bring about its enforcement. It is
estimated (hat Chinese have taken 8H1Q,
1)00,000 out of this oonutry to seud to
China. There cau be nn good reason to
longer delay the onrtion of the law.
There is available over 850,000 for this
titirpnse, and let it be used, and by the
time it is gone congress probably will
have appropriated enough to take every
Obiuamati out of the oouutry, who has
Jio legal right to remain here.
160-jkCBS DBBDBD-160 t(dfl,riB80flf.,eroBi..d.uud.r
C7JND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of whicjh deeded land there are 140 acres not d farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deedtd li.n a U
ri t o'ij i :i , l . TT J. ,'
Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
whole, $1100 ; or without the timber cnlture claim, $800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch
Thb Salem Statesmm says that
Eastern Oregon people are talking John
C. Leasure for congress. First we
ever heard ol it. And while we think of
it, hadn't the Statesman better take a
little of its own advice and atteiid to
politics in its own district?
The convention of the Pan-American
Bimetallic Association, whiob bas beeu
called to meet at St. Louis, Mo., com
mencing Tuesday, Ootober 3, gives
promise of being a very largely attended
and important gathering of the advo
cates of bimetallism. Oregon will be
duly represented at this most important
oonvention. Governor Pennovhf has
jiiBt issued commissions to five of the
representative men of Oregon to be
present on that occasion. The gentle
men appointed are: Captain George H.
Moflett, editor Evening Telegram
Portland; Glen G. Holman, esq., at
torney, Portland; ex-Mayor Van B. De
Lusbmutt, capitalist, Portland; Hon. J.
K. Romig, capitalist, La Grande, and
Hon. J. K. Weatberford, attorney, of
Albany. There will be representative's
from every state and territory of the
Union, and also from all the states of
Central and South America and Mexico.
Governor Markham, of California,
has issued a proclamation calling the
attention of the people of the trans
Mississippi state and territories to the
Internutional Irrigation Congress which
is called to convene at Los Angeles,
October 10, 1893. The citizens of the
arid stutes are invited and urged to
send full delegations to the oongress
whiob promises to be the most notable
gathering of its kind ever held in this
The ruilronds have practioally made a
rate of one fare for the round trip from
the Missouri river, and a rate of a fare
and a third from points west of the
Missouri river.
The sessions of the congress will be
held iu the Grand Opera house, Los
Angeles, a handsome structure oentral-
ly located on Main street, near First
Headquarters for delegates will be at
the Hotel Holleubeok and Hotel Nadeau,
each only one block from the opera
bouse, both oommodious and elegant
in their appointments aud service; also
at the St. Elmo, a good family hotel,
only two blocks north of the opera
Several foreign governments will be
lepresented by delegates, and the inter
ior department will be represented by
Mr. F. H. Newell, U. S. topographer.
Opportunity for iuvestigatiug some of
the tinest irrigation systems to the world
will be afforded delegates to this con
gress. The Great American Desert, as
the arid Southwest ws formerly known,
is being rapidly transformed inlo the
richest portion of Ihe American republic
by the judicious oomhiuatiou of brains,
muuey, nud water. What bus been so
maguiticeiitly clone iu Southern Call7
f i ii i ii can be duplicated elsewhere
under similiar conditions.
Details of the congress can be secured
from C. D. Willard, Seorelary, 237
South Muiu street, I,oa Augeles, Cal.
bo ol yea knitw
That to have perfect health you must have
puie blood, and the best way to have pure
blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparill
the best blood nuritlor aud sirenuti
builder. It expels all taint ot scrofult,
sail rneum ami all other liumora, and ut
the same time builds up the whde
system and MVea nerve Btreuglh.
A disgraceful scene, and one which
was exceedingly painful to the relativeB
of the deceased, took place at the burial
of George Thomas, at the Catholic cem
etoiy iu Walla Walla on Wednesday
After the fmierul cortege bad rea ih
ed the graveyard aud when the remains
were about to be lowered lo their rest
ing place, a request was made by Uev
M. Floor, of St. Patrick's church, th.it
the remains should not bo interred on
eonseoi'iittd C.uliolio ground, .ivinir as
a reason for his request that deoeaaed
was not a member of the church, and
had not received the sacrament before
death. It is also learned that F it her
Flohr considered (leorg.t Tbonua' de.itli
aa a case of suicide, ami th.i', aa ho had
not received the aiorament, his body
could not be admitted to buri.d iu
Catholic cemeteries.
Upon the demand of Father Flohr. a
heart-reuding aceue took bIhcb
Joseph Thomas, a brother, stepped for
ward aud iu no nucertaiu tone atated
that bis brother should be buried be
side the remains of hia father, who had
received interment at the hands of the
Ciilholio church. To this the reverend
father objeoied in no less stremio,,.
terms. "I will die beaide the body of
my brother answered Joseph Thomas,
Define he shall be removed from thia
grave." Father Flohr. w ho had ord-r.
ed that the grave be filled and Ihe cere
One of the Best Pieces of Lar.d in Morrow Couniy.-
in Morrow county, cheap ami on
monies discontinued, proceeding to
throw one shovelful of earth into the
empty grave, at the same time stating
in efleot that he was not afraid to die
he was doing his duty. Hre influ
ential members of the church interfer
ed and expostulated with their pastor,
who at lastconBeuted to end the embar.
rassing scene by allowing the burial to
proceed. There were no ceremonies, as
at first annonnoed, however, and the
remains were quietly laid to rest with
out the usual benediction or religious
services. The Walla Walla Statesman
speaks of the iooident as au unfortunate
"How to Cure All Skin Diseases.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointmont."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, all emotions on the
face, bands, nose, &c, leaving the skin
clear, white and healtbly. Its great
healing and onrative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Ointment, sw 1 yr.
Expenditures of Slorrnw County, Names of
Claimants, Services Rendered, Me.
G. G. Wickeon & Co. stationary
account, S 5 20
A. W. Worton, rood and bridge
acoount 20 00
MoFarland Mercantile Co., sta
tionary account, ... 600
Glass & Frudbome, county
reoord aooouut, 28 00
Minor & Co., court house and
jail acoount, 4 2f
A. Glisnn, pauper account, I 25
Hall & O'Donald, stationary
aooouut 3 50
Meston Dvgert Book Mfg. Co.,
record account 114 50
J. W. Dawaon, mileage, State ys. Spray,
disallowed 8 4 00
S. C. Stone, damage claim, $65.00,
continued for term.
Vawter Crawfurd, stationary )
account -0 45
White & McLaughlin, rond and
bridge account, ; 44 7!)
William Peulaud. pauper acct, 30 10
Glass & Pruduomme, stationary
and record ncoouiit, 89 90
Heury Pnlburg, pauper account, 19 75
Henry Palbnrg, pauper account, 5 50
Heppner Light & Wuter Co.,
court bouse and jail acoount, 5 00
Jess Lieunllerj, pauper account, 23 00
Gilliam & Bisbee, oourt house
and jail account, 5 50
Putterson Pub. Co. stationary
account, 27 35
Robert S.iyer, viewer, road app.
No. 128, S0.20, allowed 5 80
Robert Sayers, viewer, road app.
No. 130, 810 30, allowed 9 70
W. G. Scott, Snpr's.acot. $24.00,
allowed, 16 00
Simons & Son, court house and
j.iil account, 3 25
Robert L. Shaw, assessor's claim,
$7tt0.00, allowed, 680 00
Eugene Myers, insane account,
$7 25 allowed 5 00
N. Neilson, damage claim, 81.99
N. Neilson, damage claim, 8100
Isa Hrown, surveyor road No. I'M,
$12 lO.contiiiiied.
Isa Brown, Biirveyor road No. 129
S'-.OO, ooutinmd.
Isa Brown, surveyor road No. 130
19 17, ooutiuiied.
County of Moukow. j g a
I, J. W. Morrow, Cierk of Morrow
County , hereby certify to I be foregoing list
of expenditures of the couuty, with the
names ol respective olainiauta, the nrti
ol e or services for which piynieut is
made, together with those o mliuued,
rejected oriu part paid, istrueaudoorreot
as shown by the records of said county,
Wttueas my hand and Beal of the said
County Court, this 12th day of Sept., A
D.. 1893.
Qy) J. W. Morrow, County Clerk
By O. W. Welle, Deputy.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
From the Troy (Kaunas) Chief.
Some years aifo we were very muoh
sutijeot to severe spells of cholera mor
bus; aud uow when w feel any of the
symptoms that usually preceed that
aliment, such as sickness i t the stomach,
diarrhoea, etc , we become scary. We
have fouud Chamberlain's Colio Cholera
and Diarrluea Remedy the verv thing to
straighten one out iu such cases, and
always keep it ah ut. We are not
willing Una fur a pay testimonial, but
to let our r-ailera kuow wbnt is a good
thing to keep handy iu the house. For
sale by Sloeuin-Jobnson Ding Co
I have opened a first class restaurant
at the old Mallouk building called
Holton restaurant.
43-tf. Mns. O. W. Swaooabt.
One hundred dollars reward will he
paid for the arrest snd oonviotion of the
parties conuected with the robberv of
Frank Sloan and J. A. Thompson, near
Heppner, ou Monday Augiut, 21,1893.
Geo, Nobli.
156-tf. Bhariff of Morrow county.
easy terms.
further information call at oui office.
Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stock. Many special varieties
to offer both in fruits and ornamentals,
and ooitrolled only by us. We pay
commission or salary, give exclusive
territory and pay weekly. Write us at
once and secure ohoice of territory.
May Brotuebs, Nurserymen,
142-60 Rochester, N. Y.
I will have a band of bucks for sale
at my place, near Heppner Warehouse,
in this city, on Oct. 1st,, 1893. I will sell
grade bucks at prices ranging from $ to
87; Thoroughbreds $12. Don't fail to
ettend the sale.
03 tf Tom Morgan.
is on exhibition at the Great World's
Fair. You ought to see it. This is the
mouth of months to visit the fair,
pleasaut days, cool nights, delightful
traveling weather.
Maximum comfort enroute to Chicago
on the vestibuled limited trains of the
Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest
Line. See your nearest Union Paoifio
agent for rates or other information.
63 6
To Serve Six Years. Noah Mulkey
wan brought to the penitentiary yester
day by Sheriff' Geo. Noble of Morrow
county. He was convicted of man
slaughter and was sentenced to six
years imprisonment. Salem Statesman.
To all persons interested iu securing
time for purchase of railroad lands
please call at clerk's office and sign
petition to congress.
58-67 J. W. Morrow.
is over you cau stay at home. Go to
Chicago now and see the most com
plete, and magnificent exhibition thai
has ever been held. The vestibuled
limited trains of the Chicago, Union
Pacific & Northwestern line will take
you there with the least trouble and
changes. 63-6
Notice of Intention.
J i Sept. 14, ;&y;t. Notice Is hereby given thai
the following-named settler has tiled notice ol
his Intention to make dual proof iu support ol
ma cuom, ana mat saui prooi wm oe made be
fore J. W. Morrow, Couuty Clerk, at Heppner,
(jr., ou Nov. 4, WM, viz:
of lone; 11. E. App. No. for the SW!i oi
Hoc. 12, Tp. 'JS., h. E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hia
continuous resiucuce upon ami cumvauou 01
said land, viz.:
J. M. Hamblet, J. R. Nunamaker, George
uu, j. m. nees, au ot lone uregon.
liiJ-173 John W. Lkwib, Register.
Notice of Intention.
J Hept. 14, leys. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named aetlle- has tiled notice
of her intention to make tinal proof iu support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County ulerk of Morrow County, at
tieppner, uregou, on wov. a. i.siw, viz.:
widow of Muai'S Cautwell, Deed., of Eight
Mile ua. App. r.o. r.iou lor the rvtja ol tec,
ii, Tp. 3 S. K. 21 E. W. M.
8he names the following witnesses to proveber
coiiunuous resilience upoii auu cultivation ol,
saiu lauu, viz.:
J. It. Jones, of Eight Mile. Oregon. I. R.
Esteb, of Gooseberry, Isaac Kulghten, oi Eight
uiie, ana jas. iiiaaeep, oi mgm line.
John W, Lewis.
103-173 Kegistcr.
Heart Failure.
The epitaph on many a tombstone ii
MlPnrl f iihirtf " nnml.. u,l.n ... -
i ' A,v w..uv, , n ucu nOHIU'
iider the immense strain which is put on
.1. . u r , ... -r
in. ii suuin organ, .marvelous us it is, beating
l'o(),i;t)0 limes and exerting a force equal to
5, IS 1,000 pounds daily, it has its limit its
endurance often is too severely tested. So
common are diseases of the heart though
alien for a considerable time without the
suspicions of the afflicted person being in
ihe least excited that it is stated that ons
person in four hoi a bad heart I Dr. Franklin
Miles, of Elkhar', Ind., has for years made
s special 8tudyofall diseases of the heart,
and his remarkable succesj has made his
nam ii fumiliar one in all parts of our land.
He lia.4 found the most common symptoms
cf heart disease to he pain,dittrett or tender
next in tliA ehent. hapl- innk k.-. i-f.
, .r.r...v,, UUWTM, t
thouller and arm, thortneu of breath, mother-
y u,mny, tic.
Mr. Genrire R. fimitV nt P. v..
Co., N. V, writes: "Dr. Miles' vn
Heart Curb hat narked wandtrfuUy on
mind and h,nlv i mh i. nnnj j. l
4 feci ten years jounorr and take more interest
a jiau Biionness oi oreath, palpi
tation, nain umlpr loft khnl.U. M...J
"round tht heart, 1 could not tlttp on iti rioht
... . x i.nvc lasea ur. juuef jVf
Heart Cur 7 Ln th ..-J l . .
(inn. Ithaamulemynmrlsfrmr'r. I wish
vou would print this, beennse I want all to
mow muni jjr. juuer Heart Cars has dona
for me."
14 For month mv T..
taUon, tmothenno spells, and was unable to
leep on her left side. She tried several
doctors without relief. Your Heart Curs
was recommended. After taking three
Mtles, she fully recovered her health.
Your medirinpar1nkt -i.: o .
.wmwoiiu, tain,
Chrhtman, Toledo, O.
ur. miles' New Cure for the Heart is told
of all dmreiftta nn iviIiIm - i -
K ?;', "fahlf ,fnivt, and dots eurt.
v- "ie JUecucai Co, Elkhart, Ind.
For tale by T. W. Aysri Jr.,
and sunr.iv ioxiiisi.
Deeded ranch, 1G0 acres. boBB wbe7ld7 Will sell W&tl
it with first crop raised on it. Korbod for selling, owner lives in the habt
Wheat, bu , 3jj
Fl,.nr hill 3 75 (ai 4 00
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds. owt. 1 50
three 2 002 25
Sheep, muttons, head 1 fU2
" atoek 1 50 1 75
Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 75
Hoga, dressed 6 50 i 700
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow Bale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz 1AM
Chickens, doz 2 00
Wheat, cwt $1 05 & 1 20
Flour, bbl 3 00 4(14 00
BeeveB, stall fed 4 50 (a? 5 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 (3 8 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 8 dp 16
Butter, ft) 20 f 25
Eggs, doz 16 20
Chickens, doz 5 00 600
Turkeys, B 15 yj 18
Wheat, cwt 90
Flour, bbl 3 00
Beeves, owt 1 75
" dressed 4 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 50
" dressed 6 75
Hogs, on foot 4 50
" dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6
1 00
3 40
(i? 2 75
(it 6 00
8 00
6 00
Butter 15
Eggs, doz 15
& 25
Di 16
4 00
Chickens, doz 2 00
I'urkeys lb.
for 84.30,
Schencciady, N.Y.
aid Hrni l.'-ii!e,0nJ.
It is unequalled for House, Barn, Fac
tory or U'-.t Buudinga and oosts naif
the price of shingles, tin or iron.
It is rendy for use and easily
applied by anyone.
Old -:- Shingle -:- Roofs
Easily made water tight and fire proof at small
expense. With dark red rubher palnton dei-aytd
shingles, it fills the pores and give a substan
tial roof that lasts for years. CuTled or warned
shingles, it brings to their places and keeps
them. Thp Rcnuine rubber paint requires no
iien. uug aim iiu bar
ON TTN OR rnfW pnnPH It is ac
miow tend
ed the best paint, has heavy bodv. Is easily
applied, expmids by the contracts o'f cold, and
never cracks. One coat eauals four of anv
other. Buildings covered with felt can be
made water tiKht at Biiiall expense. Write at
mice iur pnruciuarH.
Excelsior Paint aod Roofing Co.,
155 and 157 Duane Street. New York, N. Y,
To Consumptive
The undersigned having been restored to
neaun oy simple means, alter so llcring lor sev
eral vears with a severe Inn? afT'ei-tinn nm! t!t
dreail disease Consumption, is anxious to make
Known io ii is leuow suuerers tne means of cure,
t o those who desire It, he will cheerfully semi
Li .1 . a-1 a i.uy oi tne prescription used,
which they will find asure cure for Connunm.
Hon, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hones all sufferers will
iry nis reineuy, as it is invaluable. Thosedesir
lug the prescription, which w'll cost them noth
lug, and may prove a blessing, will please ad
dress. Rsv. Edwabd A. Wilson,
I t 1 w Brooklyn, New York.
Notice of Intention.
KJ 22' mri' Notl,e 1 hereby given thai
the following-named settler has Hied notice o
Ills Intention to make llnal proof in support ol
hlanlulm and lit., anM ...m ... T. 1 .
.v. imuui nm urn niaue De
tore J. W. Morrow, County (Jlerk, at Heppner,
" ?nei'ii pA.Kpi.N,2'tl;5'i torthe NEofSec
He name's tlie following witnesses toprovs his
id land, viz" UVVU ,UQ c""'
Ed. Hollow-ay, of Douglas Oregon, Joh
- - v...c, nuu raui neiiman, all
lone Oregon.
157-167 Johk W. Lbwis, Register,
Notice of Intention.
Ij Aug. a, ism. Notlre I, hereby given th.
the fo lowlng-named settler has tiled notlct of
n s Intention to make llnal proof In support of
L':.C ,im-' und tht ,ald Pro"' wl11 b inide bi
lore J. Vt. Morrow, couuty Clerk, at Hemmer
Or., on Sep. 30. lwt.vii.: v c . neppner,
of Eight Mile; Hd., App. No. 233for the NFu
of Sec. 30, Tp. 3 1, R 25 V W M 6 NE!4
n,ei th 'oOowlng witnesses to prove his
id land;'virI::ile'1CUp0n "d 'vUon ol!
(1. 1) Coats.'of Eight Mile, John Jenkins of
EUPhPM"etd A,hblUh' C'- Fuqua, both' of
156-lcs joH1, w Ltls Rtm
county con, t of Morrow county will re
br liee'on'Kh bU1' ?r h "onrucytlon 'of
So iu . r,a!"reek ai the "o"lng of road
at ' th. ',a,,,P,f,,.pIan', .a,ld "Pecllications on file
opened Sep '26 s " .TY''a Ti' t0 be
reserves the ri.h. SL " ' P- . ho court
.v ,.,Bt. uy riiu nu oilll.
im r. Jcuca Kkithlv,
11 County Judge,
One Small nito Dean every night fori
Week aruus Torpid Urera. sL. pir kwtui
x.m ""MuT 4niay
W FUB, QO j j
A re vou all run
sion rS Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and ii ypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds. Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Eiscascs.
Prevent! wasting1 in children. Al
most aa palatable as milk. Getonly
the genuine, prepared by Scott 4
Bowne, Chemists, New York.. Bold by
all Druggists.
Eastern Oregon
Weston, Dmntilia Oomity, Oregon.
TUITION FREE TO NOKMA.L STULEN IS, and msrely nominal in tnep
pnratory and biiflinesn departments. Gruiluatea reoeive State Diplomat
Ihorizing them to teaob in any of the public schools of the state without tm.
examination. Board aud lodging, .$3 50 per week in Young Liadies' Home; bu
alone, $2.2 i. Board and lodging iu private families, from $3 50 to $4.00 per i
Good opportunities are offered in vooal and instrumental music. All the dtp
ments are thoroughly furnished with modorn appliances. For further intormu
apply to M. O. Royal, President of the
the Board of Kegents.
Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a groat amount of Information of the lit
Importance to Everybody, conoerniug their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Bat,
How to Eat it,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
tl..r .n ann..,k.
TnflHannn nt Plnntn
Occupation for Invalids,
Alcohol as a Food and a
Superfluous Hair,
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned,
removing name,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted-
Ventilation, ness.
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, C
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of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain :"
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employine competent and 1
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, ill
entirely, upon, the care and skill of the attorney. -"Vuu B
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorat .
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we h'
tamed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct
terfcrences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Casei,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to ;
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
a.Ly"tuYu ?V,nvention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, I' -fdvked
l ? ,1'ef escnPt1011 f the important features, and you willbettjU,vr
n?w , he- best course t0 Purs"e- Models are seldom necessarji
o Ihtll 1 l"8ng 0n yur rigllts' or if yu are charged with infridgetne ?
matter. W t0 us for "liable OPINION before acting 0 ! ,
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorn'
9 Cut this out and send It with your Inquiry,
Notice of Intention.
I M AlltT Ifi 1 WW Writ!., f. 1. V. I 1 . '
ti,; f .wt ,i ."v i rv? . v
h Is Intention to ninke tiiml proof in support of
i u-' " " ".r'lD n!"1e he-
;; .....'.", ...luiiiv uierK at Heppner,
Oregon, on Sep. 2:i. 1M, vfz " '
of Lexington, II. E. No. 4:'fl lor the NEU nf
Sec. 12, Tp. 2 S., R. K. W. M. 01
Hp nnnifH thp fi!ln, .
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
V. o. Horjr, Heppner, Oregon, J. T. Vount
C. C. Roon, lorn Harnett, nil of Lexlneton Or!
w. L.K wim, Keicister.
Notice of Assignee.
-..Unee ot the ti f M L chtenthalACo and
w .hr .?"l"a,lrJL',othll'it theireki'ln
Heppner: iVrein! August Sw'' ttt
Attorney for Assignee. "
168-16K. '
down ? Scoffs Emul
Faculty, or P. A. Worthington, Seo'j
Pnrniltfii nf tho fllrln nn. n nini.
Bathing llcst Way, ' After-Dlnncr NaM,
Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effeota of Tobacco
How to Avoid Them, Cure for InteroiiereiM
Clothing, What, to Wear, Headache Caussaf
Contagious Dlscasos,
iiyw fliuoi ill wear, To Uet Kid of L1C0,
How to Avoid Thorn,
jiiiuanai AneoilODj,
Crouo to Prevent.
Notice of Inter !
J Aueust 15, WJ3. Notlcf
the following named sen
her intention to make fly 'f
her claim, and that sah' -f
fore J. W. Morrow, "
Or., on Mondav. octoa
of Hardman H. E
S'4 NWJi of Sec. Vti'
She names the t$?
. "iiuiiiiuuH res;tf
said land, vlz.df
. D. H. Mille.JJ
James Hams.jJ
been aijr
and fljjf
nbU JF
in V.M